DP Tool Club 21
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What is AVScan:
AVScan is a scanner that scans for more than 4200 virus signatures,
not including the other special identification methods it uses!
These methods are used to detect polymorphic viruses, such as MtE,
TpE, NED, Tremor, Girafe, Uruguay to name but a few. These viruses
are marked with (encr.) or (encrypted).
The purpose of this release of AVScan on CompuServe is to receive
some feedback on possible false positives and its network features.
The last version of AVScan on CIS was nine months old, but
AVScan is updated monthly in Germany (and weekly by BBS!) and we will
release future versions if time permits.
We've added a long list of exciting network features, such as
broadcasting, server logout, date-file and so on. More
features are under construction, but it seems that not all
possibilites of NetWare are published by Novell :-).
/? gives a complete list of command line parameters.
2.09 Added new signatures
2.08 Added new signatures
2.07 Added new signatures, added more information into log, changed
references of "SUPERVISOR" to "Receipient of Broadcasts"
2.06 Added new signatures, expanded cleared memory area when exiting,
/QNV will "silence" AVScan, AVScan will beep only if virus found
2.05 Added new signatures,
/DMF for new 1.68MB disk format
/VFM to display custom text if virus found
2.04a Added check for RO-flag when XO-attribute is in place, fixed bug
of deleting saved full log in daily-log-mode
2.04 Added new signatures
2.03b Added new PKLite found in QEMM For Games
2.03a Added new switch /APL to ignore network drives, NMXssss,eeee to
exclude a specific memory area from scanning, \\UNC names
2.03 Added new signatures
2.02 Added new signatures
2.01 Added new signatures
2.00 Added new signatures
1.99 Added new signatures, fixed problem with /DY-switch and drive spec.
1.98 Added new signature, fixed errors within READ.ME and the one-line
help. /Ax paramter now doesn't turn on global subdirectory scanning
for other additional path identifier issued (e.g. C:\ /AH)
1.97 Added new signatures
1.96 Added new signatures
1.95a Added new signatures, drive letter with colon only now checks
whole drive specified, added signature at the end of report
1.95 Added new signatures
1.94 Added new signature
1.93 Added new signature
1.92 Fixed a false positive with Vienna-582
1.91 Added new signatures
1.90 Added new signature
1.89 Added new signature
1.88 Added new signature, fixed HLT on OS/2 and QEMM
1.87a Fixed bug in destroyed-check
1.87 Added new signatures
1.86a Fixed bug in an auxiliary program, added display of boot drive
1.86 Added new signatures
1.85a Changed the way of physical access of
boot sector and master boot sector
1.85 Added new signatures
1.84a Changed the way of physical access of
boot sector and master boot sector
1.84 Added new signatures
1.83 Added new signatures
1.82 Added new signatures
1.81 Added new signatures
1.80 Added new signatures
1.79 Added new signatures, fixed loop in Desperado routine
1.78 Added new signatures, CMOS drive settings are checked
1.77 Added new signatures
1.76 Added new signatures
1.75 Added new signatures
1.74 Added new signatures, fixed a bug in PSMPC and added two new
new parameters regarding warnings
1.73 Added new signatures
1.72 Added new signatures
1.71 Added new signatures
1.70 Added new signatures, fixed MPC-unknown
1.69 Added new signatures, fixed a bug with an additional copy of virus
message in turbo mode
1.68 Added new signatures
1.67 Added new signatures
1.66 Added new signatures
1.65 Added new signatures
1.64 Added new signatures
1.63 Added new signatures
1.62 Added new signatures
1.61 Removed one signature, fixed bug with /DY
1.60 Added new signature, fixed internal bug with /XE switch
1.59 Added new signature
1.58 Added new signatures
1.57 Added new signatures, cosmetic changes, command line will now
be also included for start of daily-log-file
1.56a Fixed bug with header and OS/2 2.1
1.56 Added new signatures
1.55 Changed signatures, made 'check inside compressed files' default,
added scanning of eXecute-only files on NW with VLMs (prelim.)
1.54 Added new signatures
1.53 Added new signatures
1.52 Added new signatures
1.51a Fixed bug with memory below 510K when called with /I
1.51 Added new signatures
1.50 Added new signatures
1.49a Fixed error with trace beyond physical end of file
1.49 Added new signatures, new switch for Vesselin Bontchev: /MNF
/MNF means "Manual NO FILES". Corrected 'Too old'-date.
Added PAUSE display if PAUSE key is pressed
Display of \ | / - during overwrite of files
1.48 Added new signatures, fixed a bug with CTRL-C checking
1.47a Cosmetic changes of screen output during MBR scan
1.47 Added new signatures
1.46 Added new signatures
1.45 Added new signatures
1.44 Added new signatures
1.43 Added new signatures
1.42 Added new signatures
1.41a Changed restrictive check of .EXE-file headers regarding Windows
OS/2, Bound and Windows NT files
1.41 Added new signatures
fixed date of "too old message" and some typos
/nscrn option added
1.40 Added new signatures
XMS usage fully implemented
Flagging of immunized files added - who used it anyway?
1.39 Added new signatures, first use of XMS
1.38 Added new signatures
1.37 Added new signatures
1.36a Fixed with bug with no physical floppy drives in system
1.36 Added new signatures
1.35 Fixed false alarm with the Piter signature
1.34 Added new signatures
1.33 Added new signatures
1.32 Added new signatures
1.31 Added new signatures
1.30 Added new signatures
1.29 Added new boot sector signatures and refined the ones used
for CRUNCHER. Run-time errors will display some code now.
1.28a Increased retry count to handle different disk formats
properly when in /M mode
1.28 New signatures added
1.27 New signatures for boot sector viruses added, this includes
Invisible man and Quox II
1.26 Signature for CRUNCHER and other viruses added
1.25 New virus signatures added
1.24a Scrambling of a temporary work buffer added due to LZExe
1.24 New virus signatures added
False alarm with inhouse developed cobol programs
fixed. Scan string was ZK 900 (A)
1.23 New virus signature added (same emergency)
1.22 Two new bs-viruses added (emergency-on customer demand)
1.21 Signature for DAME added
1.20 New virus signatures added, mostly polymorphic
1.19 New virus signatures added
Fixed discrepancy in the file and directory count between
the logfile and screen display
1.18b False alarms with two PC-Magazine utilities fixed. LOCK.COM
and UNLOCK.COM were flagged as containing MtE-unencrypted.
1.18a Fixed a bug which stopped AVScan from scanning subdirectories
on diskettes when in manual mode (/M)
1.18 New virus signatures added
Usually all programs from Central Point (CPAV and MSAV) do NOT
cipher their scan strings (either memory and program file) which
makes it easy to patch these programs. False positives are
likely to occur. We've had an enormus outbreak of Tremor in
Germany during the last four months. Did you know that Tremor
specifically switches the resident part of CPAV and/or MSAV OFF!
If you receive an virus alert in memory, please check that you are
NOT running CPAV or MSAV: common messages are Vienna-634 or Youth-
Older versions of this program did not decrypt their scan
strings properly. Delete it and replace it with a newer version.
Ikarus Antivirus Utilities Advanced Edition
Warning!, Signature of Eddie-2 (B) found in RMV.VDB
Path name: D:\AV\VUAE\RMV.VDB
Time: 01:51:50, Date: 27.03.1992, Size: 14690, Attr: R- H- S- A-
Cure: Ask developer for encrypted scan strings within their programs
Microcomm's Virex-PC
Warning!, Signature of Fellow found in VIREXPRO.COM
Time: 00:00:00, Date: 20.08.1991, Size: 48984, Attr: R- H- S- A-
CURE: Ask developer for encrypted scan strings within their programs
Warning!, Signature of 570 found in VIRX.EXE
Virus-Cure Cure.Exe
Warning!, Signature of 1210 found in CURE.EXE
Time: 08:50:34, Date: 04.02.1991, Size: 55737, Attr: R- H- S- A-
CURE: Ask developer for encrypted scan strings within their programs
Mc Affee's Pro Scan:
Warning!, Signature of Slow #2 found in PRO-SCAN.EXE
Time: 11:17:30, Date: 06.08.1991, Size: 75189, Attr: R- H- S- A-
CURE: Ask developer for encrypted scan strings within their programs
Certus Novi (now Symantec)
Warning!, Signature of Den Zuk #1 found in NOVI.OVL
Path name: D:\AV\NOVI\NOVI.OVL
Time: 01:01:00, Date: 01.09.1991, Size: 32859, Attr: R- H- S- A-
CURE: Ask developer for encrypted scan strings within their programs
Old Datacrime-Scanner in CompuServe:
Warning!, Signature of Datacrime-1168 found in DC89SCAN.EXE
Time: 06:42:18, Date: 07.10.1989, Size: 18209, Attr: R- H- S- A+
CURE: Ask developer for encrypted scan strings within their programs
Parson Technology Virucide.Exe
Warning! Signature of Destructor #2 found in VIRICIDE.EXE
Warning! Signature of AIDS-II (C) found in VIRICIDE.EXE
Warning! Signature of 1210 found in VIRICIDE.EXE
Warning! Signature of ItaVir #2 found in VIRICIDE.EXE
Warning! Signature of Nomenclatura #3 found in VIRICIDE.EXE
CURE: Ask developer for encrypted scan strings within their programs
Note: AVScan may also detect Devil's Dance within VIRUCIDE.EXE
Got a nice review in Virus Bulletin 1/93. However, they found
some other programs, which AVScan 'flags' as infected:
Virex-PC V.2.3
Vi-Spy Version 10
Viruscure-Plus Version 2.41
Support for AVScan is provided on an as is basis if time
permits. Since we make our living out of AntiVir IV, our comercial
virus remover (not a simple deleter!), you can reach us ONLY at:
CompuServe 71310,3143
InterNet 71310.3143@compuserve.com
Fax ++49 7542 52510
AVScan is based on the algorithm behind AntiVir IV, which scans
for viruses in destroyed or damaged files. Some viruses do not
infect all kind of files quite easily. They usually have big
problems on certain files.
Scanning and removing viruses on infected files is usually quite
easy (advertisment: we can do it), even for encrypting viruses.
The problems are damaged files where the virus overwrote parts of
the host file. We take this seriously and built a scanning
version into AntiVir IV. This special feature enables the user
to scan for virus identities or signatures in damaged files.
This algorithm is the engine within AVScan and used within
AntiVir IV. AntiVir IV is a German product and available in
German only. Please don't ask about an English version - new
viruses keep us busy to implement new recovering methods
than to build an English version. I'm sorry about that. This
version of AVScan is supposed NOT to work on systems equipped
with German versions of DOS - while the German version of AVScan
does. Users inside Germany should get a licensed version.
We're thinking of bringing AVScan to North America. Ideas
welcome. You can contact us:
Attn: Tjark Auerbach
Olgastrasse 4
D-88069 Tettnang
West Germany
Tel ++49 7542 93040
Fax ++49 7542 52510
CompuServe 71310,3143
InterNet 71310.3143@compuserve.com
AntiVir(R)IV and AVScan are copyright H+BEDV GmbH, All Rights Reserved