DP Tool Club 22
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BASIC Source File
215 lines
'CALC1.BAS - calculator
'Requires Liberty BASIC version 1.0 or better
'no main window
menu #calc, "&About Calc", "Calc &Info", [info]
button #calc, " 0 ", [button0], LL, 5, -12
button #calc, " . ", [buttonPoint], LL, 40, -12
button #calc, " = ", [buttonEquals], LL, 75, -12
button #calc, "CLR", [buttonClear], LL, 110, -12
button #calc, " 1 ", [button1], LL, 5, 16
button #calc, " 2 ", [button2], LL, 40, 16
button #calc, " 3 ", [button3], LL, 75, 16
button #calc, " / ", [buttonDivide], LL, 110, 16
button #calc, " 4 ", [button4], LL, 5, 44
button #calc, " 5 ", [button5], LL, 40, 44
button #calc, " 6 ", [button6], LL, 75, 44
button #calc, " X ", [buttonMultiply], LL, 110, 44
button #calc, " 7 ", [button7], LL, 5, 72
button #calc, " 8 ", [button8], LL, 40, 72
button #calc, " 9 ", [button9], LL, 75, 72
button #calc, " - ", [buttonSubtract], LL, 110, 72
button #calc, " + ", [buttonAdd], LL, 110, 100
WindowWidth = 150
WindowHeight = 280
open "Calculator" for graphics_nsb_nf as #calc
print #calc, "font helv 9 24"
' set display$ up as two spaces
display$ = "? "
' set up a shortcut for printing the entry line only
blanks$ = "\" + chr$(13) + chr$(13) + chr$(13) + chr$(13) + " "
[mainLoop] ' wait for a button to be pressed
input r$
goto [mainLoop]
[display] ' update the entire display
buffer$ = chr$(13)
for i = 6 to 2 step -2
buffer$ = buffer$ + " " + word$(lines$, i - 1) + " " + word$(lines$, i) + " " + chr$(13)
next i
print #calc, "cls"
print #calc, "\" + buffer$ + " "
gosub [displayEntry]
print #calc, "flush"
[displayEntry] ' display the current entry line only
print #calc, "place 0 0"
print #calc, blanks$ + display$
print #calc, "flush"
[button0] ' 0 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "0"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button1] ' 1 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "1"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button2] ' 2 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "2"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button3] ' 3 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "3"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button4] ' 4 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "4"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button5] ' 5 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "5"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button6] ' 6 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "6"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button7] ' 7 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "7"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button8] ' 8 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "8"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[button9] ' 9 was pressed
display$ = display$ + "9"
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonPoint] ' the decimal point button was pressed
' only allow one decimal point per entry
if instr(display$, ".") > 0 then [mainLoop]
display$ = display$ + "."
gosub [displayEntry]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonClear] ' the CLR button was pressed, clear the entry
display$ = "? "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonAdd] ' the + button was pressed
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "+ " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "+ "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonSubtract] ' the - button was pressed
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "- " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "- "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonMultiply] ' the X button was pressed
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "X " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "X "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "/ " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "/ "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
[buttonEquals] ' the = button was pressed
if len(display$) = 2 then display$ = "= " : gosub [displayEntry] : goto [mainLoop]
gosub [resolvePending]
display$ = "? "
gosub [display]
goto [mainLoop]
'take the bottom-most two items and perform the appropriate
'operation (if any)
first = val(word$(lines$, 2))
second = val(word$(display$, 2))
op$ = left$(display$, 1)
lines$ = display$ + " " + lines$
if op$ = "+" then lines$ = "= " + str$(first + second) + " " + lines$ : return
if op$ = "-" then lines$ = "= " + str$(first - second) + " " + lines$ : return
if op$ = "X" then lines$ = "= " + str$(first * second) + " " + lines$ : return
if op$ = "/" then lines$ = "= " + str$(first / second) + " " + lines$ : return
if op$ = "=" or op$ = "?" then lines$ = "= " + str$(second) + " " + lines$ : return
notice "About Calc" + chr$(13) + "Calc, a Liberty BASIC Application"
goto [mainLoop]