RequestFile >env:nl2zorig TITLE "Full path of drawer of archive?" DRAWERSONLY NOICONS DRAWER "$nl2zo" ;Saves the location of the archive in the environment variable 'orig', with the default path as that of the last archive if converting more
skip end
if NOT EXISTS $nl2zorig
RequestChoice >nil: "! Error !" "PATH does not exist!" "Try again"
skip Path BACK
echo >env:nl2zo $nl2zorig ;Get rid of quotation marks, and also create default path for next archive if converting more
list >env:nl2zosz env:nl2zo LFORMAT=%L ;Get size of path name
if $nl2zosz EQ 1 ;Full path not selected
RequestChoice > NIL: "! Error !" "Choose FULL path!*n(i.e. start with DEVICE listing)" "Try again"
skip Path BACK
lab File
RequestFile >env:nl2zldfl TITLE "Chose file to convert" POSITIVE Convert ACCEPTPATTERN #?.(lha|lzx|lzh) DRAWER $nl2zorig ; $nl2zldfl now contains the complete path and filename of the archive
skip More
if NOT EXISTS $nl2zldfl
RequestChoice >nil: "! Error !" "FILE does not exist!" "Try again"
skip File BACK
lab Tilde
search env:nl2zldfl ~ >nil:
if $RC EQ 0
RequestChoice >nil: "! Error !" "Filename contains a tilde (~)*n*nPlease rename the file without a tilde*n*nSee docs for details" "Okay"
skip end
echo >env:nl2zl $nl2zldfl ;Get rid of quotation marks
list >env:nl2zlsz env:nl2zl LFORMAT=%L ;Get size of file name
list >env:nl2zbnm1 $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%S ;Strips the path of the archive to give only the filename with suffix
list >env:nl2zbnm $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%M ;Removes .lzx, .lha or .lzh suffix from filename
list >env:nl2zsuf $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%E ;Gives suffix only
if $nl2zsuf NOT EQ lha ;If file doesn't have .lha suffix
if $nl2zsuf NOT EQ lzx ;If file doesn't have .lzx suffix
if $nl2zsuf NOT EQ lzh ;If file doesn't have .lzh suffix (which is de-archived by LhA)
RequestChoice "! Error !" "File is NOT an LhA or LZX archive!" "Choose again!"
if $nl2zsuf EQ lha
echo LZX >env:nl2znsuf ;Gives the type of file to convert to in a requester later
echo LhA >env:nl2zsuf
if $nl2zsuf EQ lzx
echo LhA >env:nl2znsuf
echo LZX >env:nl2zsuf ;Makes it look better in the requester
if $nl2zsuf EQ lzh
echo LZX >env:nl2znsuf
echo LZH >env:nl2zsuf
lab Temp
RequestChoice >env:nl2zdrw "Default directory" "Where should I store temporary files? A*ntemporary drawer called 'L2Z' will be*ncreated in your selected destination, and*nRAM: will be checked for space if chosen" "RAM:" "Other" "Cancel"
if $nl2zdrw EQ 1 ;If the left button (i.e. RAM:) is chosen
echo "RAM:" >env:nl2zdrw1
lab Other
if $nl2zdrw EQ 2 ;If "Other" is chosen
RequestFile >env:nl2zdrw1 TITLE "Where should 'L2Z' be made?" DRAWERSONLY NOICONS POSITIVE Create DRAWER "$nl2zd"
skip More
echo >env:nl2zd $nl2zdrw1 ;Get rid of quotation marks
list >env:nl2zdsz env:nl2zd LFORMAT=%L ;Get size of path name
if $nl2zdsz EQ 1 ;Full path not selected
RequestChoice > NIL: "! Error !" "Choose FULL path!*n(i.e. start with DEVICE listing)" "Try again"
skip Other BACK
if NOT EXISTS $nl2zdrw1
RequestChoice "! Error !" "PATH does not exist!" "Choose again!"
skip Other BACK
if $nl2zdrw EQ 0 ;If "Cancel" is chosen
skip More
lab Memchk ;This labels the following section as "Memchk" so the script can skip to this point from anywhere in the script if it encounters the line "skip Memchk"
set nl2zmemsz `avail flush total` ;Saves the result from "avail flush total" (try it in a shell - it gets the total size of available memory) as ENV:nl2zmemsz
cd $nl2zorig ;CD's to the directory of the original archive
list >env:nl2zflsz $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%L ;Gets size of original archive
eval >env:nl2zflmem $nl2zflsz * 4 ;Multiplies the archive size by 4
if NOT $nl2zmemsz VAL GT $nl2zflmem ;If your available memory size is less than 4 times the size of the original archive (LZX often decompresses to 3-4 times the size of the archive)
if $nl2zdrw1 EQ "RAM:" ;and RAM: has been chosen to store temporary files
RequestChoice >env:nl2znomem "! Insufficient Memory!" "There may be insufficient memory to store temporary files in RAM:*n(may need at least $nl2zflmem bytes)" "Choose other path" "Continue anyway" "Cancel"
if $nl2znomem EQ 0 ;"Cancel"
skip More
if $nl2znomem EQ 1 ;"Other"
skip Temp back
if $nl2znomem EQ 2 ;"Continue"
skip MkTemp
if $nl2zdrw1 EQ "Ram Disk:" ;If user clicks on RAM: in file requester
RequestChoice >env:nl2znomem "! Insufficient Memory!" "There may be insufficient memory to store temporary files in RAM:*n(may need at least $nl2zflmem bytes)" "Choose other path" "Continue anyway" "Cancel"
if $nl2znomem EQ 0 ;"Cancel"
skip More
if $nl2znomem EQ 1 ;"Other"
skip Temp back
if $nl2znomem EQ 2 ;"Continue"
skip MkTemp
lab MkTemp
cd $nl2zdrw1
if NOT EXISTS l2z ;This creates a temporary drawer in which to de-archive the files in the archive
makedir > NIL: l2z
else ;Drawer is emptied if it is already there
delete l2z/#? FORCE QUIET
lab extra
echo "*e[0 p" ;This clears the display (the output CLI)
RequestChoice >env:nl2zext "Convert $nl2zl to . . ." "Do you want to convert to the other*nfiletype or to the smallest archive?*n*nConvert from $nl2zsuf to:" "$nl2znsuf" "Smallest" "Cancel"
if WARN ;If 'Cancel' is selected
skip beg BACK ;This skips back to the section labelled 'Beg', at the beginning
if $nl2zext EQ 2 ;If the user wants to make the smallest archive
skip Conv ;This skips forward to the section labelled 'Conv'
if $nl2zext EQ 1 ;If the user wants to convert to the other format - original format is found and is intelligently converted to the other
if $nl2zsuf EQ lha ;Means it is an LhA archive
lab L ;Label 'L' so the script can skip straight here if told to
cd $nl2zdrw1
cd l2z
$nl2zwlzx x -a -F -x $nl2zldfl ;As the LZX keyfile is now available, the ability to de-archive LhA files is possible, and also much quicker
if $RC EQ 20 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'More'
skip More ;RC stands for Return Code - the number returned by LhA if the operation fails
$nl2zwlzx -r -e -3 -X -F a -Qf $nl2zbnm #?
if $RC EQ 50 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'More'
skip More
list >env:nl2zold $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%L ;Gets the size of the original archive
list >env:nl2znew $nl2zbnm.lzx LFORMAT=%L ;Gets the size of the new archive
eval >env:nl2zdiff $nl2zold - $nl2znew ;Subtracts the size of the new from the original
eval >env:nl2zdiff1 $nl2znew - $nl2zold ;Subtracts the size of the original from the new
delete $nl2zldfl QUIET ;Original archive is deleted
copy $nl2zbnm.lzx TO $nl2zorig QUIET ;New archive is copied in place of the original
if $nl2zold GT $nl2znew VAL ;Original archive is larger than the new one, so the original is deleted and replaced by the (smaller) new one
RequestChoice > NIL: "! Operation Successful !" "$nl2zo$nl2zbnm.lzx*n now replaces*n$nl2zl*n and is $nl2zdiff bytes smaller!" "Nice one!"
RequestChoice > NIL: "! Operation Successful !" "$nl2zo$nl2zbnm.lzx*n now replaces*n$nl2zl*n and is $nl2zdiff1 bytes larger" "Okay"
else ;"If that fails, try this..." - i.e. means it is NOT an LhA archive
if $nl2zsuf EQ lzh ;It is an LZH archive (processed by LhA)
skip L BACK
cd $nl2zdrw1 ;If this line is reached, it is an LZX archive
cd l2z
$nl2zwlzx x -a -F -x $nl2zldfl ;LZX extracts the original archive to temporary drawer 'l2z'
if $RC EQ 50 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'More'
skip More
$nl2zwlha -2 -a -r -F -y -M -e -x a $nl2zbnm #? ;LhA archives everything in 'l2z' and saves it as the original name with .lha suffix
if $RC EQ 20 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'More'
skip More
list >env:nl2zold $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%L
list >env:nl2znew $nl2zbnm.lha LFORMAT=%L
eval >env:nl2zdiff $nl2zold - $nl2znew
eval >env:nl2zdiff1 $nl2znew - $nl2zold
delete $nl2zldfl QUIET ;Original archive is deleted
copy $nl2zbnm.lha TO $nl2zorig QUIET ;New archive is copied in place of the original
if $nl2zold GT $nl2znew VAL
RequestChoice > NIL: "! Operation Successful !" "$nl2zo$nl2zbnm.lha*n now replaces*n$nl2zl*n and is $nl2zdiff bytes smaller!" "Nice one!"
RequestChoice > NIL: "! Operation Successful !" "$nl2zo$nl2zbnm.lha*n now replaces*n$nl2zl*n and is $nl2zdiff1 bytes larger" "Okay"
skip More
lab Conv ;This part until 'lab More' converts the archive to either LhA or LZX, and saves whichever is smaller
if $nl2zsuf EQ lha ;Means it is an LhA archive
lab L2
cd $nl2zdrw1
cd l2z
$nl2zwlzx x -a -F -x $nl2zldfl ;As the LZX keyfile is now available, the ability to de-archive LhA files is possible, and also much quicker
if $RC EQ 20 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'More'
skip More ;RC stands for Return Code - the number returned by LhA if the operation fails
$nl2zwlzx -r -e -3 -X -F a -Qf $nl2zbnm #? ;If not aborted, file is archived
if $RC EQ 50 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'More'
skip More
else ;Means it is not an LhA archive
if $nl2zsuf EQ lzh ;Means it is an LZH archive
skip L2 BACK
cd $nl2zdrw1 ;If this line is reached, it is an LZX archive
cd l2z
$nl2zwlzx x -a -F -x $nl2zldfl
if $RC EQ 50 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'More'
skip More
$nl2zwlha -2 -a -r -F -y -M -e -x a $nl2zbnm #? ;If not aborted, file is archived
if $RC EQ 20 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'More'
skip More
list >env:nl2zold $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%L ;Gets the size of the original archive
list >env:nl2znew $nl2zbnm.(lzx|lha) LFORMAT=%L ;Gets the size of the new archive
eval >env:nl2zdiff $nl2zold - $nl2znew ;Subtracts the size of the new from the original
eval >env:nl2zdiff1 $nl2znew - $nl2zold ;Subtracts the size of the original from the new
if $nl2zold GT $nl2znew VAL ;Original archive is larger than the new one, so the original is deleted and replaced by the smaller new one
delete $nl2zldfl QUIET
copy $nl2zbnm.(lzx|lha) TO $nl2zorig QUIET
list >env:nl2zarc $nl2zo$nl2zbnm.(lzx|lha) LFORMAT=%S%S ;Gets name of new archive
echo >env:nl2zarc1 $nl2zarc ;Removes quotation marks
RequestChoice > NIL: "! $nl2zarc1 used !" "Using the new archive because it's $nl2zdiff bytes smaller!" "Nice one!"
else ;Original archive is smaller than the new one, so the smaller original one is kept
RequestChoice > NIL: " $nl2zl used" "Using the original archive because it's $nl2zdiff1 bytes smaller!" "Okay" ;The difference in file sizes is cleverly given
cd $nl2zdrw1
delete l2z ALL QUIET FORCE
lab More
echo "*e[1;1H*eJ"
RequestChoice >env:nl2zano "Other archives?" "Do you want to convert another archive?" "Yes" "No"
if $nl2zano EQ 0
skip end
skip beg back
lab end
echo "*e[1;1H*eJ" ;This clears the output window
echo "*n*n*n *e[1;32m Thank you for using"
echo " *e[33m LhA *e[0m*e[3;1m2 *e[0m*e[2mLZX" ;All the *e[... parts do is change the colour/style of the text - known as ANSI - see "v2.2" in "Program History" in the .guide
echo "*n*n*n"
if EXISTS env:nl2zdrw1
cd $nl2zdrw1
if EXISTS l2z ;If a temporary drawer was created to store files temporarily...
delete l2z ALL QUIET FORCE ;...delete all the temporary files
c:list >nil: ENV:nl2z#? TO T:l2ztmp LFORMAT "delete %S%S >NIL:" ;This generates a list of all the environment variables used and deletes them
execute T:l2ztmp >nil: ;The variables are actually deleted by this line
delete T:l2ztmp >nil: ;The new script generated is deleted here. Now everything LhA2LZX created during its running has been disposed of.