Amiga Format CD 28
C/C++ Source or Header
323 lines
#ifndef SESSION_H
#define SESSION_H
#include <clib/AMarquee_protos.h>
#include <pragmas/AMarquee_pragmas.h>
#include <libraries/AMarquee.h>
// class name: Session
// requires: amarquee.library v47+ (you must OpenLibrary() this BEFORE using this class!)
// This class is a C++ wrapper for the AMarquee client API.
// Everything here should be pretty self-explanatory, as
// almost every method in this class has a one-to-one
// correspondence with a similarly named amarquee.library
// C function.
// See amarquee.guide/Using AMarquee/API for a description
// of what all the methods do.
// NOTE: I haven't run-tested this code, as I don't have
// a C++ compiler for my Amiga. It does compile on
// other systems (with the C back-end stubbed out), though,
// and it's simple enough that I don't expect any problems
// with it. Please email me if you find any!
// (jfriesne@ucsd.edu)
// This exception is thrown by the constructor if the QNewSession()
// call fails (e.g. out of memory or the TCP connection failed)
class SessionCreationFailedException
SessionCreationFailedException() {}
~SessionCreationFailedException() {}
// err, nothing to store here!
// NOTE: Don't forget to OpenLibrary("amarquee.library", 47L) before
// instantiating any Sessions! (and of course be sure to
// CloseLibrary(AMarqueeBase) before you exit...)
class Session {
// Pseudo-constructor methods: These can be used as an
// alternative to the "real" constructor below, if you don't want
// to worry about catching SessionCreationFailedExceptions.
// Each method will return a either valid Session object, which
// the calling code is then responsible for deleting, or NULL
// to indicate failure.
static inline Session * newSession(const char * hostName, LONG port, const char * progName) throw();
static inline Session * newSessionAsync(const char * hostName, LONG port, const char * progName) throw();
static inline Session * newHostSession(const char * hostName, LONG & port, const char * progName) throw();
static inline Session * newServerSession(const char * whichHosts, const char * whichProgNames) throw();
// Constructor: If you want to use a Real Constructor, here's one.
// This constructor calls either QNewSession() or QNewSessionAsync(),
// depending on the (async) parameter.
// If the internal QNewSession() call fails, a SessionCreationFailedException will be thrown.
inline Session(const char * hostName, LONG port, const char * progName, BOOL async = FALSE) throw(SessionCreationFailedException);
// Destructor: You MUST delete every Session you create, or it's crash city!
inline ~Session() throw();
// Accessor: Wait() on this MsgPort for QMessages
inline struct MsgPort * getMsgPort() const throw();
// Operations: Each of these queues up a transaction.
// Each returns a positive ID number on success, or 0L on failure.
inline LONG getOp(const char * wildpath, LONG maxBytes=-1L) throw();
inline LONG setOp(const char * path, const void * buffer, ULONG bufferLength) throw();
inline LONG subscribeOp(const char * wildpath, LONG maxBytes=-1L) throw();
inline LONG clearSubscriptionsOp(LONG which=0L) throw();
inline LONG getAndSubscribeOp(const char * wildpath, LONG maxBytes=-1L) throw();
inline LONG streamOp(const char * path, const void * buffer, ULONG bufferLength) throw();
inline LONG messageOp(const char * hosts, const void * buffer, ULONG bufferLength) throw();
inline LONG renameOp(const char * path, const char * label) throw();
inline LONG deleteOp(const char * wildpath) throw();
inline LONG pingOp() throw();
inline LONG infoOp() throw();
inline LONG debugOp(const char * string) throw();
inline LONG setAccessOp(const char * newAccess) throw();
inline LONG setMessageAccessOp(const char * newAccess, LONG maxBytes=-1L) throw();
inline LONG requestPrivilegesOp(ULONG privBits) throw();
inline LONG releasePrivilegesOp(ULONG privBits) throw();
inline LONG killClientsOp(const char * hosts) throw();
inline LONG setParameterOp(const char * paramName, const char * newValue) throw();
inline LONG getParameterOp(const char * paramName) throw();
inline LONG sysMessageOp(const char * hosts, const char * message) throw();
// Call this when you've queued all your transactions.
// It sends them on their merry way.
inline LONG go(ULONG flags=0L) throw();
// Call this function to free QMessage's you received
// from this->getMsgPort()->GetMsg()
inline void freeQMessage(struct QMessage * qmsg) throw();
// These return the approximate current status of outgoing queue.
// Note that they aren't thread safe, so the results you get may
// be inaccurate.
inline ULONG getNumQueuedPackets() const throw();
inline ULONG getNumQueuedBytes() const throw();
// Returns an ASCII description of the passed-in error code.
static inline const char * getErrorName(LONG error) throw();
/* Introduced for v1.47, to support sharing QSessions between threads */
inline BOOL detachSession(ULONG flags=0L) throw();
inline BOOL reattachSession(ULONG flags=0L) throw();
inline Session(struct QSession *) throw(); // for our private use
// Purposely unimplemented and inaccessible
Session(const Session &); // disallow copy constructor
Session& operator =(const Session &); // disallow assignment
struct QSession * session;
// CODE IMPLEMENTATION: You shouldn't need to look below this line!
inline Session::Session(struct QSession * s) throw()
session = s;
inline Session * Session::newSession(const char * hostName, LONG port, const char * progName) throw()
struct QSession * s = QNewSession((char *)hostName, port, (char *)progName);
return(s ? new Session(s) : NULL);
inline Session * Session::newSessionAsync(const char * hostName, LONG port, const char * progName) throw()
struct QSession * s = QNewSessionAsync((char *) hostName, port, (char *)progName);
return(s ? new Session(s) : NULL);
inline Session * Session::newHostSession(const char * hostName, LONG & port, const char * progName) throw()
struct QSession * s = QNewHostSession((char *) hostName, &port, (char *) progName);
return(s ? new Session(s) : NULL);
inline Session * Session::newServerSession(const char * whichHosts, const char * whichProgNames) throw()
struct QSession * s = QNewServerSession((char *) whichHosts, (char *) whichProgNames);
return(s ? new Session(s) : NULL);
inline Session::Session(const char * h, LONG p, const char * n, BOOL a) throw(SessionCreationFailedException)
session = a ? QNewSessionAsync((char *)h,p,(char *)n) : QNewSession((char *)h,p,(char *)n);
if (session == NULL)
SessionCreationFailedException ex;
inline Session::~Session() throw()
inline struct MsgPort * Session::getMsgPort() const throw()
inline LONG Session::getOp(const char * wildpath, LONG maxBytes) throw()
return(QGetOp(session, (char *)wildpath, maxBytes));
inline LONG Session::setOp(const char * path, const void * buffer, ULONG bufferLength) throw()
return(QSetOp(session, (char *)path, (void *)buffer, bufferLength));
inline LONG Session::subscribeOp(const char * wildpath, LONG maxBytes) throw()
return(QSubscribeOp(session, (char *)wildpath, maxBytes));
inline LONG Session::clearSubscriptionsOp(LONG which) throw()
return(QClearSubscriptionsOp(session, which));
inline LONG Session::getAndSubscribeOp(const char * wildpath, LONG maxBytes) throw()
return(QGetAndSubscribeOp(session, (char *)wildpath, maxBytes));
inline LONG Session::streamOp(const char * path, const void * buffer, ULONG bufferLength) throw()
return(QStreamOp(session, (char *)path, (void *)buffer, bufferLength));
inline LONG Session::messageOp(const char * hosts, const void * buffer, ULONG bufferLength) throw()
return(QMessageOp(session, (char *)hosts, (void *)buffer, bufferLength));
inline LONG Session::renameOp(const char * path, const char * label) throw()
return(QRenameOp(session, (char *)path, (char *)label));
inline LONG Session::deleteOp(const char * wildpath) throw()
return(QDeleteOp(session, (char *)wildpath));
inline LONG Session::pingOp() throw()
inline LONG Session::infoOp() throw()
inline LONG Session::debugOp(const char * string) throw()
return(QDebugOp(session, (char *)string));
inline LONG Session::setAccessOp(const char * newAccess) throw()
return(QSetAccessOp(session, (char *)newAccess));
inline LONG Session::setMessageAccessOp(const char * newAccess, LONG maxBytes) throw()
return(QSetMessageAccessOp(session, (char *)newAccess, maxBytes));
inline LONG Session::requestPrivilegesOp(ULONG privBits) throw()
return(QRequestPrivilegesOp(session, privBits));
inline LONG Session::releasePrivilegesOp(ULONG privBits) throw()
return(QReleasePrivilegesOp(session, privBits));
inline LONG Session::killClientsOp(const char * hosts) throw()
return(QKillClientsOp(session, (char *)hosts));
inline LONG Session::setParameterOp(const char * paramName, const char * newValue) throw()
return(QSetParameterOp(session, (char *)paramName, (char *)newValue));
inline LONG Session::getParameterOp(const char * paramName) throw()
return(QGetParameterOp(session, (char *)paramName));
inline LONG Session::sysMessageOp(const char * hosts, const char * message) throw()
return(QSysMessageOp(session, (char *)hosts, (char *)message));
inline LONG Session::go(ULONG flags) throw()
return(QGo(session, flags));
inline void Session::freeQMessage(struct QMessage * qmsg) throw()
FreeQMessage(session, qmsg);
inline ULONG Session::getNumQueuedPackets() const throw()
inline ULONG Session::getNumQueuedBytes() const throw()
inline const char * Session::getErrorName(LONG error) throw()
inline BOOL Session::detachSession(ULONG flags) throw()
return(QDetachSession(session, flags));
inline BOOL Session::reattachSession(ULONG flags) throw()
return(QReattachSession(session, flags));
#endif /* SESSION_H */