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Short: v1.18a Personal Communicator (MUI) Needs AMarquee.lib
Uploader: hparting@hem.passagen.se (Håkan Parting)
Author: hparting@hem.passagen.se (Håkan Parting)
Type: comm/net
Version: 1.18a
Requires: comm/net/AMarquee1.48.lha, dev/mui/MCC_NList0.75.lha
This version is for MC68020 and higher. A MC68000 version may be found
at http://amicomsys.tibb.at
AmiComSys is a AMarquee client program which you use to communicate with
other people on a tcp/ip-net - e.g Internet. At the same time it make it
easier to find people's IP-addresses and homepages.
Now you can say Hi! to your friends on the net, or just see if they are
You can:
* send text messages
* send chat requests
* send WEB-requests.
* transfer files.
* have a public chat
* have a private chat.
Future updates will include more.
Please put it in your Online-script or wbstartup drawer and enjoy ...
AmiComSys requires amarquee.library v.47+ in LIBS:. Get it from
the AMarquee-package - aminet:comm/net/AMarqueeX.xx.lha
and Magic User Interface (MUI) version 3.8 or higher
and NList.mcc by Gilles Masson, available at Aminet:dev/mui/MCC_NList0_75.lha
and BetterString.mcc by Allan Odgaard. Included in the archive
(MUI/libs/BetterString.mcc). Does only work with Kickstart 3.0+. Normal
MUI-string-gadget is used under Kickstart 2.0
optionally you may also use NewString.mcc by Rüdiger Sopp. (found in
the Ibrowse-archive)
or Textinput.mcc by Oliver Wagner (found at ftp://ftp.vapor.com/misc/textinput_13.xx.lzx)
(kickstart 3.0+)
Note that the above only apply if your friends is using AmiComSys,
and have an Amiga. ( An IBM-PC-version of AMarquee.library would
be nice, or better a java class :-))
* Send text messages.
* Includes a client list, which shows people which have logged in.
* Send WEB- or Chat-requests.
* Uses Magic User Interface (MUI).
* A message history buffer, which saves all the received messages.
* Logging
* Arexx interface
* File transmission.
* Public chat (HotLine)
* Private chat (PChat)
* Friendsbook.
* TAB- and ':'-nickname-expansion in chat-fields.
* Every window is iconifiable separately from the MUI-application.
* Send WWW, FTP, IRC -addresses to your WEB-browser, FTP-client respective
* Optional string-gadget class. Choose from Betterstring.mcc, Newstring.cc
and Textinput.mcc
* Show all/Show only frinds/Highlight friends.
History changes:
1.18a (17.04.1998)
BUGFIX: If you used Textinput.mcc as string gadget there was actually a
limit of about 46 characters in the PChat and HotLine.
That limit is now removed.
Kickstart v37 users now use Newstring.mcc or string.mui. Textinput.mcc
can't be used.
A couple of freemem with the wrong length (guru #80000005).
Thanks to all who reported this bug! (wonder why it never happened
on my Amiga ...)
Removed a null pointer access when noone was selected in the
client list and you tried to send a message or requesting version
Fixed incompatibility with A4000.
Thanks to Håkan Magnusson and Steven Lyon for helping me finding
the cause.
The AmiComSysRegister and AmiComSysMakekey liked to crash your
amiga (stack overflow) :(
Fixed 68000 incompatibility in PChat and HotLine. You can now chat
with people with this kind of processor without causing
his/her computer to crash.
The Betterstring.mcc now works with 68000 CPU.
NEW: To make it possible to use MUI-windows for the message requesters
in future you have to set the MUI-iconification at startup to off.
AmiComSys has it's own iconification-facility at the program
settings page, the program tab - Iconification group.
"No GUI at startup" is the same as MUI-prefs system-settings -
Iconify at start up. You can also decide if an icon should appear on
the Workbench and/or an AppMenu should be added to the Workbench
tools menu when AmiComSys is in iconified state.
The MUI-iconify button which can be showed in the upper right corner
of each window iconize just the window which you pressed the button in.
Then there are a menu item in AmiComSys Project menu - Iconify application:
It will use the MUI settings for Iconification and hides the whole application,
i.e. all windows.
The ToolType CX_POPUP now works again. (CX_POPUP=YES opens the main
window at startup.)
1.18 (12.04.1998)
BUGFIX: Message requester: The light gray background fill entered the string
gadget's domain.
Reported by Allan Odgaard. Thanks!
Message History: Texts with new lines were truncated.
Information box in upper part of main window: Stopped working, due to
server software update. It also crashed if the server had crashed :(
NEW: Added MUIA_String_AdvanceOnCR to all the string gadgets, so return now
behaves like TAB.
If you forget to send a text you have entered into the text field in the
message requester AmiComSys will notify you.
Removed limit of message length in HotLine and Private Chat (PChat).
(If you are using Newstring.mcc as textfield gadget there is a limit of 500
Added smart activate, which means that the message requesters don't steal the
current focus while you are using the keyboard. The time since the last key
press and when it is okey to open in active state is settable in the window
settings page - Message requester tab (Activate delay).
Above sugguested by Allan Odgaard. Thanks!
Empty messages are not sent anymore.
Changed string-class settings, so you have to set it again. Betterstring.mcc
is now default for the 68020+/WB3.0+ version.
If the default public screen is to small for the message requester a new screen
will open.
The message requester handles new lines in a better way. It is now also able to
show text in bold, italic and underlined style. Also added justification (left,
right and center). Notice that you currently cannot send such a message ...
You can now choose if the email entered into the settings should be showed to
the public, in the personal settings (Public).
Added a banned user setting on the network-settings-page, due to popular demand.
Insert nick names or real names of people who harass you or you don't want to
talk with.
The old banned users setting for registered users was removed. The Autosave-
history feature is now registered users only.
Removed Topic text field from the PChat-windows.
Made the Client Info requester a MUI-window. To send the home page to your
browser you now have to press the http://domainname button.
This program is ShareWare.
Version 1.18a-MUI (13.04.98)
Copyright 1997-1998 Håkan Parting