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603 lines
; NetPar Client Installation Script
; NetPar Client © MikeySoft 1997-98 "When Mikey Goes Soft"
(transcript "NetPar Installation")
; Welcome to Netpar Installation
(set @default-dest "DEVS:")
(welcome "Please read the AmigaGuide Documentation concerning "
"installation of this product. NetPar now supports the "
"prt_42.50 printer package as well as the original "
"parallel.device replacement. This version of NetPar is NOT "
"compatible with the current NetPar Server or TestPar programs.\n\n")
;Choosing which Action the user wishes to take
(set Action
(prompt "NetPar Client © MikeySoft 1997-98\n"
"\"When Mikey Goes Soft\"\n"
"What Action do you want to take?\n"
"(Note: Please read AmigaGuide Docs\nabout installation first!)")
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "Change Installed Settings"
"Install Normal NetPar (parallel.device)"
"Install PRT_42.50 NetPar (netpar.device)"
"Remove NetPar Installation")
(default 0)
; These are the possible Action modes. They
; are defined to make reading the installation
; script easy.
(set Settings 0)
(set NetPar 1)
(set PRT4250 2)
(set Remove 3)
(debug "User Action" Action)
; Checking to See if NetPar Client has already been installed
(set FinalAction 0)
(set #OldPar "DEVS:orig_parallel.device")
(if (exists #OldPar (noreq))
(if (= Action NetPar)
(set FinalAction 1)
; Debug or Not Debug
(set Mode 0)
; Debug no longer used. Mode still set by default
(if (OR (= Action NetPar)(= Action PRT4250))
(if (= Mode 0)
(if (patmatch "68060" (database "cpu"))
(set #WhatCPU 3)
(if (patmatch "68040" (database "cpu"))
(set #WhatCPU 2)
(if (patmatch "68030" (database "cpu"))
(set #WhatCPU 1)
(if (patmatch "68020" (database "cpu"))
(set #WhatCPU 1)
(set #WhatCPU 0)
(if (OR (= Action NetPar) (= Action PRT4250 ))
(if (= Mode 0)
(set #MyCPU
(prompt "Which version of the NetPar Client do you \n"
"want to install?\n\n")
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "68000|68010" "68020|68030" "68040" "68060")
(default #WhatCPU)
; NetPar Installation setup
(if (= Action NetPar)
(if (= Mode 0)
(if (= #MyCPU 3)
(set #NewSource "parallel.device.060")
(set #NewSource2 "NetParSpool.060")
(if (= #MyCPU 2)
(set #NewSource "parallel.device.040")
(set #NewSource2 "NetParSpool.040")
(if (= #MyCPU 1)
(set #NewSource "parallel.device.020")
(set #NewSource2 "NetParSpool.020")
(set #NewSource "parallel.device.000")
(set #NewSource2 "NetParSpool.000")
; NetPar Prt_42.50 Installation setup
(if (= Action PRT4250)
(if (= Mode 0)
(if (= #MyCPU 3)
(set #NewSource "NetPar.device.060")
(set #NewSource2 "NetParSpool.060")
(if (= #MyCPU 2)
(set #NewSource "NetPar.device.040")
(set #NewSource2 "NetParSpool.040")
(if (= #MyCPU 1)
(set #NewSource "NetPar.device.020")
(set #NewSource2 "NetParSpool.020")
(set #NewSource "NetPar.device.000")
(set #NewSource2 "NetParSpool.000")
; Start the install
(if (= Action NetPar)
;Is it a New install?
(if (= FinalAction 0)
(if (not(exists #OldPar (noreq)))
(run "rename devs:parallel.device devs:orig_parallel.device"
(prompt "Renaming DEVS:Parallel.Device into DEVS:Orig_Parallel.Device. "
"NetPar Client will replace your Original Parallel.device. If "
"this step is skipped, the installation will not work."
"\n\nNOTE: This Install Script comes with a \"Remove\" option which will "
"restore your computer to it\'s original settings.")
(help @run-help)
; Copy the normal NetPar.Device
(if (= Action NetPar)
(if (exists #OldPar (noreq))
; Do the Actual Copy
(prompt "Copying NetPar Client into DEVS:")
(help @copylib-help)
(source #NewSource)
(dest "DEVS:")
(newname "parallel.device")
; Copy the PRT_42.50 NetPar.Device
(if (= Action PRT4250 )
; Do the Actual Copy
(prompt "Copying NetPar Client into DEVS:")
(help @copylib-help)
(source #NewSource)
(dest "DEVS:")
(newname "netpar.device")
; Copy the NetParSpool
(if (OR (= Action NetPar) (= Action PRT4250 ))
(if (OR (exists #OldPar (noreq)) (= Action PRT4250 ))
; Do the Actual Copy
(prompt "Copying NetPar Spooler into DEVS:")
(help @copylib-help)
(source #NewSource2)
(dest "DEVS:")
(newname "NetParSpool")
;(if (NOT (exists "ENV:NetPar/PrinterHOST" (noreq)))
; ; Finally the Machine used message
; (if (= Action 0)
; (if (exists #OldPar (noreq))
; (set HostName
; (askstring
; (prompt "What is the name of the host machine that you "
; "want to print to? The installer script will "
; "create a environment variable called NetPar/PrinterHOST "
; "to store this information. You can manually "
; "reset this variable later by using the setenv "
; "AmigaDOS command.")
; (help @askstring-help)
; )
; )
; )
; )
;Adding the NetPar directories to env: and envarc:
(if (<= Action PRT4250)
(if (NOT (exists "ENV:NetPar" (noreq)))
(run "makedir ENV:NetPar"
(prompt "Making Directory")
(if (<= Action PRT4250)
(if (NOT (exists "ENVARC:NetPar" (noreq)))
(run "makedir ENVARC:NetPar"
(prompt "Making Directory")
;Adding the PrinterHOST
;(if (= Action 0)
; (if (exists #OldPar (noreq))
; (run "setenv NetPar/PrinterHOST" HostName
; (prompt "Making PrinterHOST")
; )
; )
;(if (NOT (exists "ENV:NetPar/PrinterNAME" (noreq)))
; ; PrinterName
; (if (= Action 0)
; (if (exists #OldPar (noreq))
; (set PrintName
; (askstring
; (prompt "What is the name of the printer that you "
; "want to print to? The installer script will "
; "create a environment variable called NetPar/PrinterNAME "
; "to store this information. You can manually "
; "reset this variable later by using the setenv "
; "AmigaDOS command.")
; (help @askstring-help)
; (default "lp")
; )
; )
; )
; )
;Adding the HOSTPrinter
;(if (= Action 0)
; (if (exists #OldPar (noreq))
; (run "setenv NetPar/PrinterNAME" PrintName
; (prompt "Making PrinterNAME")
; )
; )
(if (NOT (exists "ENV:NetPar/SpoolDir" (noreq)))
; Spool Directory
(if (<= Action PRT4250 )
(set SpoolDir
(prompt "Where do you want to spool in printed files "
"to? An additional directory will NOT be created. "
"The information will be stored in ENV:NetPar/SpoolDir "
"You can manually reset the variable later by using "
"the setenv AmigaDOS command.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default "T:")
;Adding the SpoolDir
(if (<= Action PRT4250)
(if (exists "ENV:NetPar" (noreq))
(run "setenv NetPar/SpoolDir" SpoolDir
(prompt "Making SpoolDir")
; Port Settings for Server Name and Printer Name...Go Here
; Force NetPar into a Settings mode if it appears
; as if this is the first time the program has
; been installed
(set DoSetting 0)
(if (OR (= Action NetPar) (= Action PRT4250))
(if (NOT (exists "ENV:NetPar/0/PrinterHOST" (noreq)))
(set DoSetting 1)
(if (= Action Settings)
(set DoSetting 1)
(if (= DoSetting 1)
; Getting ready to loop
(set DoAgain 1)
(set Unit 0)
(while (= DoAgain 1)
; So Now on with the PrinterHost
(set HostName "")
(if (exists ("ENV:NetPar/%ld/PrinterHOST" Unit))
(set HostName (getenv ("NetPar/%ld/PrinterHOST" Unit)))
(set HostName
(prompt ("Setting up Hostname for Unit #%ld\n\nWhat is the name of the host machine that you want to print to?\nCan also be the IP Address of a Network Ready Printer.\n\n"
(help @askstring-help)
(default ("%s" HostName))
; Now comes PrinterName
(set PrinterName "lp")
(if (exists ("ENV:NetPar/%ld/PrinterNAME" Unit))
(set PrinterName (getenv ("NetPar/%ld/PrinterNAME" Unit)))
(set PrinterName
(prompt ("Setting up Printer Name for Unit #%ld\n\nWhat is the name of the printer connected to\n\"%s\"\n\nUse \"lp\" for Network Ready Printers.\n\n"
Unit HostName))
(help @askstring-help)
(default ("%s" PrinterName))
; Time to place these values into ENV:
(if (NOT (exists ("ENV:NetPar/%ld" Unit)))
(run ("makedir ENV:NetPar/%ld" Unit)
(prompt "Making Unit Directory")
(if (exists ("ENV:NetPar/%ld" Unit))
(run ("setenv NetPar/%ld/PrinterHOST \"%s\"" Unit HostName)
(prompt "Storing Hostname")
(run ("setenv NetPar/%ld/PrinterNAME \"%s\"" Unit PrinterName)
(prompt "Storing Printer name")
; Time to test for PrinterPorts
(if (AND (exists "DEVS:netpar.device") (exists "DEVS:PrinterPorts"))
; Forcfully copy the default icon
(prompt "Setting up PRT 42.50 Printer Port Icon")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "prt_42.50_icon/NetPar.info")
(dest "DEVS:PrinterPorts")
(newname ("NetPar %ld.info" Unit))
(optional "force")
; Now set the Unit Number in the icon
(prompt "Setting up PRT 42.50 Printer Port Icon")
(help @tooltype-help)
(dest ("DEVS:PrinterPorts/NetPar %ld" Unit))
(settooltype "UNIT" ( "%ld" Unit))
; See if we need to loop again. First loop is automatic.
(set DoAgain
(prompt ("NetPar Client © MikeySoft 1997-98\n\"When Mikey Goes Soft\"\n\nWhat is next?\n\n( Next Unit : %ld )\n\n"
(+ Unit 1)))
(help @askchoice-help)
(choices "Done Installing Ports"
"Configure Next Port")
(default 0)
; Add one to Unit
(set Unit (+ Unit 1))
; Saving settings to ENVARC:
(if (<= Action PRT4250)
(if (exists "ENV:NetPar" (noreq))
(run "copy ENV:NetPar ENVARC:NetPar all quiet"
(prompt "Backing Up Settings")
;Warning message if user decides to not allow parallel.device rename...
(if (= Action NetPar)
(if (not (exists #OldPar (noreq)))
(message "\ns s unable to rename current parallel.device to orig_parallel.device. "
"Installation was NOT Complete!"
; Now to check on a removal
(if (= Action Remove)
(if (exists #OldPar (noreq))
(if (exists "DEVS:parallel.device" (noreq))
(delete "DEVS:parallel.device"
(prompt "Deleting old NetPar Client Installation")
(optional "force")
(if (= Action Remove)
(if (exists "DEVS:NetParSpool" (noreq))
(delete "DEVS:NetParSpool"
(prompt "Deleting old NetPar Client Installation")
(optional "force")
(if (= Action Remove)
(if (exists "DEVS:netpar.device" (noreq))
(delete "DEVS:netpar.device"
(prompt "Deleting old NetPar Client Installation")
(optional "force")
(if (= Action Remove)
(if (exists #OldPar (noreq))
(rename #OldPar "DEVS:parallel.device"
(prompt "Returning the original parallel.device")
(if (= Action Remove)
(if (exists "ENV:NetPar" (noreq))
(run "delete ENV:NetPar all quiet"
(prompt "Removing NetPar")
(if (= Action Remove)
(if (exists "ENVARC:NetPar" (noreq))
(run "delete ENVARC:NetPar all quiet"
(prompt "Removing NetPar")
(if (= Action Remove)
(if (exists "DEVS:PrinterPorts" (noreq))
(run "delete DEVS:PrinterPorts/NetPar#? quiet"
(prompt "Removing NetPar")
; Cleaning up old NetPar setups.
(if (exists "ENV:PrintHOST" (noreq))
(delete "ENV:PrintHOST"
(prompt "Removing PrintHOST")
(optional "force")
(if (exists "ENVARC:PrintHOST" (noreq))
(delete "ENVARC:PrintHOST"
(prompt "Removing PrintHOST")
(optional "force")
(if (exists "ENV:HOSTPrinter" (noreq))
(delete "ENV:HOSTPrinter"
(prompt "Removing HOSTPrinter")
(optional "force")
(if (exists "ENVARC:HOSTPrinter" (noreq))
(delete "ENVARC:HOSTPrinter"
(prompt "Removing HOSTPrinter")
(optional "force")
;Cleaning up some Beta Versions of Netpar
(if (exists "ENV:NetPar/PrinterHOST" (noreq))
(delete "ENV:NetPar/PrinterHOST"
(prompt "Removing old PrinterHOST")
(optional "force")
(if (exists "ENVARC:NetPar/PrinterHOST" (noreq))
(delete "ENVARC:NetPar/PrinterHOST"
(prompt "Removing old PrinterHOST")
(optional "force")
(if (exists "ENV:NetPar/PrinterNAME" (noreq))
(delete "ENV:NetPar/PrinterNAME"
(prompt "Removing old PrinterNAME")
(optional "force")
(if (exists "ENVARC:NetPar/PrinterNAME" (noreq))
(delete "ENVARC:NetPar/PrinterNAME"
(prompt "Removing old PrinterNAME")
(optional "force")