DP Tool Club 24
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::.─---.----./~\--.---- :::::::::::::::::::
::│ ├-┤ | | . │ -- :::::::C O R E:::::
::| | ` | |__| ── ::::P R O U D L Y::
::\____│.__.|__|::.____/:: P R E S E N T S:
You start off at the guard house. Give the guard your pass
Go down the path and enter the Captains room (the door with 001 on it)
He'll put you in jail
Pick up the spring on the bed
Pick up the light bulb
Point to the crates in the door a few times
Somebody brings some food
Point to the exposed wires
Use the switch
Point to the crates in the door again
The Captain will get electrocuted
Point to the captain thats stuck to the bowl
Use the key on the door
Now to get the Captain to talk
Go to the screen where there's a big brick wall standing in the ground
Use the spring on the solid ground in front of the wall
Then jump on the spring to get the shovel
Get the delicate plant beside the wall
Go into the bar and get the bread crumbs on the table
Go into the Captains room again and use the delicate plant on him
He'll drop a knife, Get it
Go to the screen with the tent in it, Use the knife on the fence
Then use the shovel on the mysterious object, Get the kaleidoscope
Go to the guard house
Give the kaleidoscope to the guard
He'll give you the Soldier News
Point to the guards waist and get the grenade
Go back to the Captains room
Use the Soldier News on him
He'll tell you the password
Go talk to the barman
He'll give you a mug
Go back to the Captains room
Use the grenade with the rope
Use the rope and grenade on the desk drawer
Now point to the drawers and get the sleeping pills
Use the sleeping pills with the bread crumbs
Go to the screen with the mud pit
Climb the pole, You'll fall in the mud, When your in the mud,
Use the mug on the mud
Use the drugged food on the pole
Get the drugged bird
Go to the bar
Use the bird on the radio
Use the mug of mud on the mug on the bar
Talk to the barman again, and he'll drink the mud
Enter the store room
Point to the blinking hole in one of the barrels
Now your at the lake
Go to the mansion
Talk to the guard, He'll give you a piece of candy
Search around the guards feet and you'll find a wrapper
Go around the mansion
Get the small rock that laying on the ground by one of the walls
Lift up one of the wild plants by the wall and get the patatoe
When you go back, you'll see the guard taking a drink, interrupt him
He should drop the bottle, get it
Go back to the shore
Go to the forest
Talk to the squirell a few times
He'll eventually throw the nut to the ground
Go into the house
Use the candy in the heart shaped hole in the cabinet
Pick up the chainsaw
Pick up the rotten cheeze on the shelf
Use the wrapper on the candy
Goto the village, and then to grandma's house
Give the wrapped candy to the girl
She should give you a ribbon
Exit the house
Go down the path to the field
Get the rake
Get the needle in the second haystack
Get the sickle
Go talk to the boy by grandpa's house
Open the car door
Get the comb and then pull the lever, The trunk should open
Look in the trunk
You'll get a toolbox, point to it twice, there should be 2 things in there
Enter grandpa's house
Search the drawers
Exit the house
Use the spanner on the basketball net
Grandpa will take the kid and leave
Enter grandpa's house again
Get the fan and the gun
Go back to the lake and use the sickle on the well
Go to the village and then to the field
Kick the chicken, and get the feather
Use the shotgun on the crows
Get the fins and Mask from the scarecrow
Use the hankerchief on the mouse hole, then use the cheeze on the mouse
The mouse should get stuck, get the hankerchief with the mouse in it
Goto the cave and use the sickle on the bush
Use the carjack on the rock outside of the cave, get the bone
Enter the cave
Use the mouse on the hole
Use the small rock on the hole
Use the glue on the hole
The mouse should push out a gold nugget, Get it
Goto the mansion
Use the bottle with the chainsaw
Use the chainsaw on the branch on the treee with the hole in it
Get the branch
Goto the lake
Goto into the boat and get the broken paddle
Use the broken paddle with the branch
Now use the paddle with the boat
When on the island get the flowers
Use the boat again
Use the mask with the flippers and go for a swim
Go to grandma's house in the village
Give one of the flowers to both Anne and grandma
Get the feather duster
Goto the forest
Use the ribbon with the rake
Use the rake on the grass, Then pick up the nut
Enter the cabin
Use the feather duster on the fireplace
Use the feather duster on the patatoe
Go back to grandma's house
Use the nut on the imitation fruit
Exit house, and give the dog the bone
Open the valve behind the dog, then shut it again, then open it once more
Go down the hole
Use the switch by the ladder and get the shovel
Go back up the stairs
Use the fan on the laundry by the door, then go tell grandma that
her laundry is dry, then get the rope
Goto the mansion
Give the gold to the guard (now you get an interlude)
go around the mansion and use the apple on the hedgehog
You get a pinecone
Use the shovel on the same screen as the hedgehog (another interlude)
Go to the next screen
Use the patatoe on the hole in the tree
Climb the tree (another interlude)
Use the needle with the cone and then with the feather to get a dart
Go to the meadow and use the dart on the bee's nest.
That's it.. The game has stumped me..
I hope it's helped a bit..
Written and typed out by: The Question