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Digital Sound Interface Kit (DSIK)
Version 2.00
-- Reference Guide --
Copyright (c) 1993-95 by Carlos Hasan. All Rights Reserved.
This file provides information about all the procedures and functions used
to work with the sound system.
1. Procedures and Functions:
Function: Soundcard autodetection routine.
Prototype: int dAutoDetect(SoundCard *SC)
Parameters: SC - soundcard structure
Returns: Return zero on success.
Description: This routine will try to detect a soundcard. It uses safe
detection routines based on environment variables and
system calls to soundcard drivers.
This routine can't detect all the supported soundcards,
so is highly recommended to use the SETUP.EXE utility and
the dLoadSetup routine to get the soundcard parameters.
See Also: dLoadSetup, dInit.
Function: Deinitializes the sound system.
Prototype: int dDone(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: Returns zero on success.
Description: This routine will deinitialize the sound system, must be
called before leaving from your program.
See Also: dInit.
Function: Deinitializes the timer services.
Prototype: void dDoneTimer(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: None.
Description: Shutdown the timer services routines, must be called before
exiting from your program.
See Also: dInitTimer.
Function: Releases memory used by a module.
Prototype: void dFreeModule(DSM *MusicPtr)
Parameters: MusicPtr - module address
Returns: None.
Description: Routine used to release all the memory used by a module.
You cannot call this function while the sound system is
playing the module.
See Also: dLoadModule.
Function: Releases memory used by a sample.
Prototype: void dFreeSample(Sample *SampPtr)
Parameters: SampPtr - sample structure
Returns: None.
Description: Used to release the memory used by a sample. You cannot
release a sample while it's being played by the system.
See Also: dLoadSample, dImportSample.
Function: Returns the current driver capabilities bit flags.
Prototype: int dGetDriverFlags(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: Driver capabilities flags.
Description: This routine returns the capabilities bit flags of the
current active sound driver. The following constants are
Constant Value Description
AF_8BITS 0x00 8-bits per sample
AF_16BITS 0x01 16-bits per sample
AF_MONO 0x00 mono output mode
AF_STEREO 0x02 stereo output mode
AF_NODRAM 0x00 samples stored in system memory
AF_DRAM 0x04 samples stored in soundcard memory
For example, if you want to know if the current driver
is playing in 16-bit mode:
if (dGetDriverFlags() & AF_16BITS)
printf("16-bit output mode.\n");
However, drivers that support 16-bit and/or stereo output
mode can be forced to use 8-bit and/or mono output mode.
This function will return the output mode currently used
by the sound system.
See Also: dInit, dDone.
Function: Return the driver structure for a given driver identifier.
Prototype: Driver *dGetDriverStruc(int DriverId)
Parameters: DriverId - driver identifier value
Returns: Driver structure address or NULL if not found.
Description: Returns the driver structure address for a specified driver
identifier. The following driver identifiers are defined:
Constant Description
ID_NONE No sound
ID_SB Sound Blaster
ID_SB201 Sound Blaster 2.01
ID_SBPRO Sound Blaster Pro
ID_SB16 Sound Blaster 16
ID_PAS Pro Audio Spectrum
ID_PASPLUS Pro Audio Spectrum+
ID_PAS16 Pro Audio Spectrum 16
ID_WSS Windows Sound System
ID_GUS Gravis UltraSound
It will return NULL if the driver does not exists. Note
that the sound system only knows the drivers that were
already registered using dRegisterDriver.
See Also: dRegisterDriver, dRegisterDrivers.
Function: Returns the music player status.
Prototype: int dGetMusicStatus(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: PS_PLAYING - music is being played
PS_STOPPED - music is stopped
PS_PAUSED - music is paused
Description: Returns the current state of the music player.
See Also: dPlayMusic, dStopMusic, dPauseMusic, dResumeMusic.
Function: Returns the internal music structure.
Prototype: MHdr *dGetMusicStruc(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: Music structure address.
Description: Returns the address of an static structure used by the
sound system to play the current music module. You can
use this structure to synchronize your program with
the music and/or sound effects.
Important: If you are using the ID_NONE sound driver, the music player
will be inactive and the music structure won't be updated.
See Also: None.
Function: Return the voice's relative playing position.
Prototype: long dGetVoicePos(int Voice)
Parameters: Voice - voice number (0-31)
Returns: Relative playing position.
Description: This function returns the playing position of the sample
that is being played on the specified voice.
For soundcards that do not use onboard memory to store
samples, you can use this routine to implement your own
double-buffering sound player (it is useful if you want
to play huge sample files).
See Also: dPlayVoice, dStopVoice, dSetVoiceFreq, dSetVoiceVolume,
dSetVoiceBalance, dGetVoiceStatus.
Function: Return the current status of a specified voice.
Prototype: int dGetVoiceStatus(int Voice)
Parameters: Voice - voice number (0-31)
Returns: PS_PLAYING - sample is being played
PS_STOPPED - sample is stopped
Description: Return the status of the voice. Notice that voices playing
looped samples will never stop. However, you can stop those
voices using dStopVoice.
See Also: dPlayVoice, dStopVoice, dSetVoiceFreq, dSetVoiceVolume,
dSetVoiceBalance, dGetVoicePos.
Function: Imports music module files.
Prototype: DSM *dImportModule(char *Filename, int Form)
Parameters: Filename - full path of the music module
Form - music module format
Returns: Music module structure address or NULL if error.
Description: Used to import music modules. The following music module
formats are supported:
Constant Description
FORM_DSM RIFF/DSMF module files
FORM_MOD Protracker/FastTracker modules
FORM_S3M Scream Tracker 3.0 modules
FORM_MTM Multitracker 1.0 modules
FORM_669 Composer 669 modules
FORM_STM Scream Tracker 2.0 modules
If something went wrong, the function returns NULL and
the global variable dError is set with the error type.
Is highly recommended to use dLoadModule and RIFF/DSMF
module files in your programs. The M2DSM.EXE program used
to convert other module formats will remove most of the
problems that other formats may have.
See Also: dLoadModule.
Function: Imports music module files.
Prototype: DSM *dImportModuleFile(int Handle, long Length, int Form)
Parameters: Handle - DOS file handle
Length - module file length
Form - module file format
Returns: Music module structure address or NULL if error.
Description: Used to import music modules. It is near equivalent to
dImportModule but it uses a DOS file handle to load the
module file. Useful when module files are stored into
a single resource file.
See Also: dLoadModule, dImportModule.
Function: Imports sample files.
Prototype: Sample *dImportSample(char *Filename, int Form)
Parameters: Filename - full path of the sample file
Form - sample file format
Returns: Sample structure address or NULL if error.
Description: Used to import sample files. The format parameter specifies
the sample file format:
Constant Description
FORM_WAV Microsoft RIFF/WAVE sample files
FORM_VOC Creative Labs VOICE sample files
FORM_IFF Amiga IFF/8SVX sample files
FORM_RAW 8-bit signed RAW sample files
If something went wrong, the function returns NULL and
the global variable dError is set with the error type.
See Also: dLoadSample.
Function: Imports sample files.
Prototype: Sample *dImportSampleFile(int Handle, long Length, int Form)
Parameters: Handle - DOS file handle
Length - sample file length
Form - sample file format
Returns: Sample structure address or NULL if error.
Description: Used to import sample files. It is near equivalent to
dImportSsample but it uses a DOS file handle to load the
sample file. Useful when sample files are stored into
a single resource file.
See Also: dLoadSample, dImportSample.
Function: Initializes the sound system.
Prototype: int dInit(SoundCard *SC)
Parameters: SC - soundcard structure
Returns: Returns zero on success.
Description: Initializes the sound system using the soundcard's hardware
parameters specified in the structure. You must call dDone
before exiting from your program to deinitialize the sound
See Also: dDone, dRegisterDrivers.
Function: Initializes the timer services.
Prototype: void dInitTimer(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: None.
Description: Initializes the timer interrupt services. You must call
the dDoneTimer to deinitialize the timer services before
leaving from your program.
See Also: dDoneTimer.
Function: Load a dynamic-link audio driver from disk.
Prototype: Driver *dLoadDriver(SoundCard *SC)
Parameters: SC - soundcard structure
Returns: Audio driver address or NULL if error.
Description: This routine is used to load dynamic-link audio drivers
from disk. You must use dRegisterDriver to register the
dynamic-link audio driver.
You should not reference any of the static-link drivers
in your programs, and you shouldn't use dRegisterDrivers
to install the static-link audio drivers.
Here is an example to initialize the sound system using
dynamic-link audio drivers:
the above lines will initialize the sound system. You
can use the MKDRV.BAT batch file to build the audio
driver files (ie. SB.DRV, PAS.DRV, WSS.DRV, etc).
See Also: dRegisterDriver, dRegisterDrivers.
Function: Load a RIFF/DSMF music module file.
Prototype: DSM *dLoadModule(char *Filename)
Parameters: Filename - full path of the music module
Returns: Module structure address of NULL if error.
Description: Used to load RIFF/DSMF modules. If an error occurs while
loading the module, this function will return NULL and the
global variable dError will be set to one of the following
error values:
Constant Description
ERR_FORMAT Invalid file format
ERR_NOFILE File does not exist
ERR_FILEIO Error reading the module file
ERR_NOMEM Not enough system memory
ERR_NODRAM Not enough soundcard memory
You can use the M2DSM.EXE program to convert other module
formats to RIFF/DSMF music module files. Also, you can
convert other modules formats from your programs, using
the built-in import routines.
If your program needs to use a lot of samples, you can
pack all those samples into a big module file. You will
need a tracker/composer to do it.
See Also: dFreeModule, dImportModule, dLoadModuleFile.
Function: Load a RIFF/DSMF music module file.
Prototype: DSM *dLoadModuleFile(int Handle, dword Length)
Parameters: Handle - DOS file handle
Length - module file length
Returns: Module structure address of NULL if error.
Description: Used to load RIFF/DSMF modules. It is near equivalent
to the dLoadModule routine. It is useful to load music
modules from your own resource data files.
See Also: dFreeModule, dImportModule, dLoadModule.
Function: Load RIFF/WAVE sample files.
Prototype: Sample *dLoadSample(char *Filename)
Parameters: Filename - full path of sample file
Returns: Sample structure address or NULL if error.
Description: This function load RIFF/WAVE sample files. You can use
import routines to load other formatted sample files.
If something went wrong, the function returns NULL and
the global variable dError is set with the error type.
See Also: dFreeSample, dImportSample, dLoadSampleFile.
Function: Load RIFF/WAVE sample files.
Prototype: Sample *dLoadSampleFile(int Handle, dword Length)
Parameters: Handle - DOS file handle
Length - sample file length
Returns: Sample structure address or NULL if error.
Description: Routine used to load RIFF/WAVE samples. It is similar
to the dLoadSample routine. It is useful to load samples
from your own resource data files.
See Also: dFreeSample, dImportSample, dLoadSample.
Function: Allocates and uploads samples to the soundcard memory.
Prototype: long dMemAlloc(Sample *SampPtr)
Parameters: SampPtr - sample structure address
Returns: Sample address in the soundcard memory or NULL if error.
Description: This routine allocates and upload samples to the soundcard
memory (when applicable). You should not use this routine
directly from your programs.
See Also: dMemFree, dMemAvail.
Function: Returns the amount of free memory in the soundcard.
Prototype: long dMemAvail(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: Amount of free memory or zero if the soundcard does
not have onboard memory.
Description: Return the amount of free soundcard memory. You may use
this routine to verify if the user has enough memory on
his soundcard to upload your samples.
See Also: dMemAlloc, dMemFree.
Function: Releases memory allocated by dMemAlloc.
Prototype: void dMemFree(Sample *SampPtr)
Parameters: SampPtr - sample structure address
Returns: None.
Description: Used internally to release a block of memory allocated
in the soundcard memory (when applicable). You should
not use this routine directly from your programs.
See Also: dMemAlloc, dMemAvail, dLoadSample, dFreeSample.
Function: Pauses the current music module.
Prototype: int dPauseMusic(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: Return zero on success.
Description: Pauses the current music module. You must call dResumeMusic
to continue playing the current module.
See Also: dStopMusic, dResumeMusic.
Function: Start playing a music module.
Prototype: int dPlayMusic(DSM *MusicPtr)
Parameters: MusicPtr - module structure address
Returns: Return zero on success.
Description: This routine will start playing a music module. You must
have enough active voices to play the music module.
You can use the dPlayPatterns routine to play sequences
or chunks of the music module.
See Also: dStopMusic, dPauseMusic, dResumeMusic, dSetupVoices.
Function: Start playing a sequence of music patterns.
Prototype: int dPlayPatterns(DSM *MusicPtr, int OrderPos, int OrderEnd)
Parameters: MusicPtr - module structure address
OrderPos - starting order position (0-127)
OrderEnd - ending order position (0-127)
Returns: Return zero on success.
Description: This routine will start playing a sequence of patterns. You
must specify the starting and ending positions of the order
list to be played.
The order list is an array of pattern numbers used to play
the music patterns in a specified order or sequence. You
can play chunks of the song using this routine.
For example, you can use a single module to save multiple
sequences of music and/or sound effects.
See Also: dStopMusic, dPauseMusic, dResumeMusic, dSetupVoices.
Function: Start playing a sample.
Prototype: void dPlayVoice(int Voice, Sample *SampPtr)
Parameters: Voice - voice number (0-31)
SampPtr - sample structure
Returns: None.
Description: This routine is used to start playing a sample. You should
only use sound effect channels to play samples.
See Also: dStopVoice, dSetVoiceFreq, dSetVoiceVolume, dSetVoiceBalance,
dGetVoicePos, dGetVoiceStatus.
Function: Updates the sound system output audio buffer.
Prototype: void dPoll(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: None.
Description: This routine is used to update the output audio buffer
and to poll your soundcard hardware. Must be called at
least 50 times per second.
You can use the timer interrupt services to call this
routine periodically. If your program does not calls
this routine enough times per second, the output audio
will sound like a broken record.
See Also: dInitTimer, dDoneTimer, dStartTimer, dStopTimer.
Function: Registers a lowlevel sound driver.
Prototype: void dRegisterDriver(Driver *DriverPtr)
Parameters: DriverPtr - lowlevel driver structure
Returns: None.
Description: This routine is used to register new lowlevel sound drivers
into the sound system. You must register all the drivers
you want to use for playback. The sound system only knows
registered sound drivers.
See Also: dRegisterDrivers, dGetDriverStruc, dInit.
Function: Registers all the static-link sound drivers.
Prototype: void dRegisterDrivers(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: None.
Description: This function will register all the static-link drivers. It
uses the dRegisterDriver function to register every driver.
If you want to use dynamic-link audio drivers, you should
use dLoadDriver and dRegisterDriver to load and register
the dynamic-link audio drivers.
See Also: dRegisterDriver, dLoadDriver.
Function: Resumes playing the current music module.
Prototype: int dResumeMusic(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: Return zero on success.
Description: Resumes playing the current music module.
See Also: dStopMusic, dPauseMusic.
Function: Set the music global volume.
Prototype: void dSetMusicVolume(int Volume)
Parameters: Volume - master volume (0-255)
Returns: None.
Description: Used to change the global volume of the music. This routine
does not changes the volume of the sound effect channels.
See Also: dSetSoundVolume, dSetupVoices.
Function: Set the sound effects global volume.
Prototype: void dSetSoundVolume(int Volume)
Parameters: Volume - sound effects volume (0-255)
Returns: None.
Description: Used to change the global volume of the sound effects. This
routine does not changes the volume of the music.
See Also: dSetMusicVolume, dSetupVoices.
Function: Changes the timer interrupt speed.
Prototype: void dSetTimerSpeed(int Speed)
Parameters: Speed - timer speed in ticks
Returns: None.
Description: This routine is used to change the speed of your timer
interrupt service. The speed parameter is given in ticks.
You can use the following formula to translate frequencies
in hertz to ticks:
Ticks = 1193182 / Hertz
For example, if your timer service must be called 70 times
per second:
Notice, that the old BIOS timer interrupt is always called
at 18.2 hertz no matter the speed of your timer.
If you call this function with a speed of zero, then your
timer will be synchronized with the VGA vertical retrace.
See Also: dStartTimer, dStopTimer.
Function: Changes the balance or pan position of a voice.
Prototype: void dSetVoiceBalance(int Voice, int Balance)
Parameters: Voice - voice number (0-31)
Balance - balance (0-128)
Returns: None.
Description: Changes the balance of a specified voice. It only works
for stereo soundcards. Also, you can choose to use stereo
surround using the PAN_SURROUND value. You should only
change the balance for sound effect channels.
The following constants are defined to be used with this
Constant Value Description
PAN_LEFT 0x00 left balance
PAN_RIGHT 0x80 right balance
PAN_MIDDLE 0x40 middle balance
PAN_SURROUND 0xA4 stereo surround
You can interpolate these values to do smooth pannings.
Notice that the stereo surround does not work for GUS
See Also: dPlayVoice, dStopVoice, dSetVoiceFreq, dSetVoiceVolume,
dGetVoicePos, dGetVoiceStatus.
Function: Changes the playback frequency for a specified voice.
Prototype: void dSetVoiceFreq(int Voice, int Freq)
Parameters: Voice - voice number (0-31)
Freq - frequency (in hertz)
Returns: None.
Description: Changes the playback frequency of a voice. You should
only change the frequencies of sound effect channels.
See Also: dPlayVoice, dStopVoice, dSetVoiceVolume, dSetVoiceBalance,
dGetVoicePos, dGetVoiceStatus.
Function: Changes the volume for a specified voice.
Prototype: void dSetVoiceVolume(int Voice, int Volume)
Parameters: Voice - voice number (0-31)
Volume - volume level (0-64)
Returns: None.
Description: Changes the volume for a specified voice. Notice that the
volume level goes from 0 to 64. The real volume will be
computed using the global volume level. You should only
change the volume of sound effect channels.
See Also: dPlayVoice, dStopVoice, dSetVoiceFreq, dSetVoiceBalance,
dGetVoicePos, dGetVoiceStatus.
Function: Setup the amount of active voices.
Prototype: void dSetupVoices(int NumVoices, int MasterVolume)
Parameters: NumVoices - number of active voices (1-32)
MasterVolume - master volume (16-255)
Returns: None.
Description: The sound system supports 32 digital sound channels. This
routine is used to set the number of active voices that
your program need to play music and/or sound effects.
You should always use the minimum amount of active voices
possible to improve the sound quality and to reduce the
amount of CPU time required by the sound system.
The master volume (or amplification factor) is used in
8-bit output modes to boost the sound making it much
more dynamic. The recommended value for this parameter
is given by the following formula:
MasterVolume = Min(255,768/NumVoices)
The voices or channels are numbered from 0 to 31. When
you start playing a music module the sound system uses
the first N voices to play the music, where N is the
number of tracks of the music module.
If you want to play sounds and music simultanemously,
you need to open more channels. You should not use the
channels reserved for music to play your sounds.
For example, if you are playing a 4-track music module
and you need 2 channels for sound effects, you must have
at least 6 active voices. The first voices 0-3 are used
to play music, and voices 4-5 are used for sounds.
Important: When you are going to change the amount of active voices,
be sure to turn off the music and all the sound effect
channels before calling this routine.
See Also: dSetMusicVolume, dSetSoundVolume, dPlayMusic.
Function: Install a new timer service routine.
Prototype: void dStartTimer(void (*Timer)(void), int Speed)
Parameters: Timer - timer handler address
Speed - timer speed in ticks
Returns: None.
Description: This routine will install your own handler to be called
at a specified frequency. Usually you will need to use
this routine to call dPoll enough times per second.
See Also: dSetTimerSpeed, dStopTimer.
Function: Stop playing the current music module.
Prototype: void dStopMusic(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: None.
Description: Stop playing the current music module.
See Also: dPlayMusic, dPauseMusic, dResumeMusic.
Function: Deinstall the current timer handler.
Prototype: void dStopTimer(void)
Parameters: None.
Returns: None.
Description: This routine will deinstall the current timer handler.
See Also: dStartTimer.
Function: Stop playing a sample.
Prototype: void dStopVoice(int Voice)
Parameters: Voice - voice number (0-31)
Returns: None.
Description: This routine is used to stop playing a sample. You should
only stop samples that are being played on sound effect
See Also: dPlayVoice, dSetVoiceFreq, dSetVoiceVolume, dSetVoiceBalance,
dGetVoicePos, dGetVoiceStatus.
2. Structures:
Driver structure
Function: Lowlevel sound driver structure.
Declaration: typedef struct {
dword Magic;
dword Next;
byte ID;
byte Modes;
char Name[32];
word Port;
byte IrqLine;
byte DmaChannel;
word MinRate;
word MaxRate;
word BufferLength;
void *ProcTablePtr;
void *DriverPtr;
word *ParmTablePtr;
} Driver;
Description: This structure holds all the information related to any
lowlevel sound driver. This structure is used to register
sound drivers.
Fields: ID - sound driver identifier
Modes - sound driver capabilities
Name - sound driver long name
Port - default base I/O port address
IrqLine - default IRQ interrupt line
DmaChannel - default DMA output channel
MinRate - minimum sample rate
MaxRate - maximum sample rate
ParmTablePtr - list of Port/IRQ/DMA parameters
Here is the list of driver identifiers:
Constant Description
ID_NONE No Sound
ID_SB Sound Blaster
ID_SB201 Sound Blaster 2.01
ID_SBPRO Sound Blaster Pro
ID_SB16 Sound Blaster 16
ID_PAS Pro Audio Spectrum
ID_PASPLUS Pro Audio Spectrum+
ID_PAS16 Pro Audio Spectrum 16
ID_WSS Windows Sound System
ID_GUS Gravis UltraSound
The sound driver capabilities bit flags are:
Constant Description
AF_8BITS 8-bits per sample
AF_16BITS 16-bits per sample
AF_MONO mono output mode
AF_STEREO stereo output mode
AF_NODRAM samples stored in system memory
AF_DRAM samples stored in soundcard memory
See Also: dRegisterDriver, dGetDriverStruc.
DSM structure
Function: Module information structure.
Declaration: typedef struct {
Song Header;
Sample **Samples;
Pattern **Patterns;
} DSM;
Description: This structure is used to hold all the information related
to a music module file. It includes a header with global
information about the module, the main music sequence, and
a list of instruments and patterns structures.
See Also: Song, Sample, Pattern structures.
MHdr structure
Function: Internal music player structure.
Declaration: typedef struct {
dword MusicVolume;
dword SoundVolume;
byte NumTracks;
byte NumVoices;
byte OrderPos;
byte OrderLen;
byte ReStart;
byte PattNum;
byte PattRow;
byte BreakFlag;
byte Tempo;
byte TempoCount;
byte BPM;
byte SyncMark;
byte Status;
byte DriverStatus;
void *PattPtr;
DSM *SongPtr;
} MHdr;
Description: The music player uses this structure while playing a music
module file. It holds all the information required to keep
track of the song while it's being played.
Fields: MusicVolume - current music volume
SoundVolume - current sound effects volume
Tracks - array of track structures
NumTracks - number of active tracks
NumVoices - number of active voices
OrderPos - current order positionm
OrderLen - order list length
ReStart - restart order position
PattNum - current pattern number
PattRow - current pattern row
BreakFlag - break pattern flags
Tempo - current tempo value
TempoCount - tempo counter
BPM - current BPM value
SyncMark - last sync mark seen
Status - music player status
DriverStatus - sound driver status
MTrk structure
Function: Internal playback music track information.
Declaration: typedef struct {
byte Note;
byte Sample;
byte Volume;
byte Balance;
word Effect;
word Rate;
byte VUMeter;
byte Flags;
byte Reserved[38];
} MTrk;
Description: This structure is used by the music player to keep track
of every track of the music.
Fields: Note - note number (1=C-0,96=B-7)
Sample - sample number
Volume - volume level
Balance - stereo balance
Effect - protracker command
Rate - middle-c frequency
VUMeter - volume unit meter
The balance is any value between PAN_LEFT and PAN_RIGHT,
or the special value PAN_SURROUND for stereo surround.
The Effect fields holds one of the following standard
Protracker commands:
Command Description
0xy arpeggio
1xx portamento up
2xx portamento down
3xx tone portamento
4xy vibrato
5xx tone portamento and volume slide
6xx vibrato and volume slide
7xy tremolo
8xx set fine pan position
9xx sample offset
Axy volume slide
Bxx jump position
Cxx set volume
Dxx break pattern
E0x set filter
E1x fine portamento up
E2x fine portamento down
E3x glissando control
E4x vibrato control
E5x set finetune
E6x pattern loop
E7x tremolo control
E8x set pan position
E9x retrig note
EAx fine volume up
EBx fine volume down
ECx note cut
EDx note delay
EEx pattern delay
EFx invert loop
Fxx set speed/tempo
Some of the above commands are not suppported in the
current version of the sound system.
See Also; dGetMusicStruc, MHdr structure.
Pattern structure
Function: Pattern sheet information.
Declaration: typedef struct {
word Length;
byte Data[1];
} Pattern;
Description: Used to store music patterns.
See Also: DSM structure.
RIFF structures
Function: RIFF file header and block structures.
Declarations: typedef struct {
dword ID;
dword Length;
dword Type;
} RiffHeader;
typedef struct {
dword ID;
dword Length;
} RiffBlock;
Description: These structures are used to parse RIFF files. The sound
system module and sample file formats are RIFF-based.
See Also: DSM, Song, Sample, Pattern structures.
Sample structure
Function: Sample information structure.
Declaration: typedef struct {
char FileName[13];
word Flags;
byte Volume;
dword Length;
dword LoopStart;
dword LoopEnd;
void *DataPtr;
word Rate;
word Voice;
char SampleName[28];
} Sample;
Description: This structure holds all the information related to a sample
or instrument. All the samples and/or instruments are loaded
in memory using this structure.
Fields: FileName - DOS file name
Flags - sample bit flags
Volume - default volume
Length - sample length
LoopStart - loop start point
LoopEnd - loop end point
DataPtr - data address
Rate - middle-C frequency
SampleName - sample name
The flags are used only when the module is loaded in memory.
These are the bit flags you can use:
Constant Description
SF_8BITS 8-bits per sample
SF_16BITS 16-bits per sample
SF_UNSIGNED unsigned samples
SF_SIGNED signed samples
SF_LOOPED forward looping enabled
SF_DELTA delta packed samples
Notice that 16-bit samples are not supported in the current
version of the sound system.
See Also: dLoadSample, dImportSample, DSM structure.
Song structure
Function: Song information structure.
Declaration: typedef struct {
char ModuleName[28];
word FileVersion;
word Flags;
word OrderPos;
word ReStart;
word NumOrders;
word NumSamples;
word NumPatterns;
word NumTracks;
byte GlobalVolume;
byte MasterVolume;
byte InitTempo;
byte InitBPM;
byte ChanMap[MAXTRACKS];
byte Orders[MAXORDERS];
} Song;
Description: This structure is used to hold information about the module
file (number of samples, patterns, sequence list, etc).
Fields: ModuleName - song or module name
OrderPos - starting order position
ReStart - restart order position
NumOrders - number of orders
NumSamples - number of samples
NumPatterns - number of patterns
NumTracks - number of tracks
GlobalVolume - default global volume
MasterVolume - default master volume
InitTempo - initial tempo value
InitBPM - initial BPM value
ChanMap - tracks default balances
Orders - order list
This structure is used within a DSM module structure.
See Also: DSM, Sample, Pattern structures.
SoundCard structure
Function: Soundcard configuration structure.
Declaration: typedef struct {
byte ID;
byte Modes;
word Port;
byte IrqLine;
byte DmaChannel;
word SampleRate;
char DriverName[16];
} SoundCard;
Description: This structure holds the current soundcard's configuration,
it's used to initialize the sound system.
Fields: ID - soundcard identifier
Modes - output mode bit flags
Port - base I/O port address
IrqLine - IRQ interrupt line
DmaChannel - DMA output channel
SampleRate - sample rate
See Also: dInit.