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C/C++ Source or Header
385 lines
* Digital Sound Interface Kit (DSIK)
* Version 2.00
* by Carlos Hasan
* Filename: audio.h
* Version: Revision 1.1
* Language: WATCOM C
* Environment: IBM PC (DOS/4GW)
* Description: Audio Interface header file.
* Revision History:
* ----------------
* Revision 1.1 94/11/05 12:13:39 chv
* Added function to return the amount of free soundcard memory
* Revision 1.0 94/09/25 15:28:25 chv
* Initial revision
#ifndef __AUDIO_H
#define __AUDIO_H
/* Misc defines */
#define MAXVOICES 32
#define MAXTRACKS 16
#define MAXSAMPLES 256
#define MAXORDERS 128
#define MINPERIOD 28
#define MAXPERIOD 6848
#define MIDCPERIOD 428
#define MIDCFREQ 8363
/* Soundcards ID values */
#define ID_NONE 0
#define ID_SB 1
#define ID_SB201 2
#define ID_SBPRO 3
#define ID_SB16 4
#define ID_PAS 5
#define ID_PASPLUS 6
#define ID_PAS16 7
#define ID_WSS 8
#define ID_GUS 9
#define ID_DEBUG 255
/* Soundcards capabilities bit flags */
#define AF_8BITS 0x00
#define AF_16BITS 0x01
#define AF_MONO 0x00
#define AF_STEREO 0x02
#define AF_NODRAM 0x00
#define AF_DRAM 0x04
/* Stereo panning values */
#define PAN_LEFT 0x00
#define PAN_MIDDLE 0x40
#define PAN_RIGHT 0x80
#define PAN_SURROUND 0xA4
/* Internal lowlevel audio messages bitflags */
#define AM_SAMPLE 0x01
#define AM_KEYON 0x02
#define AM_KEYOFF 0x04
#define AM_VOLUME 0x08
#define AM_BALANCE 0x10
#define AM_SETCTL 0x20
#define AM_GETCTL 0x40
#define AM_PAUSE 0x80
/* Music playing status values */
#define PS_STOPPED 0
#define PS_PLAYING 1
#define PS_PAUSED 2
/* Music pattern break modes */
#define PB_NONE 0
#define PB_BREAK 1
#define PB_JUMP 2
#define PB_HOLD 3
#define PB_TRACE 4
/* RIFF/DSMF block identifier values */
#define ID_RIFF 0x46464952L
#define ID_DSMF 0x464D5344L
#define ID_SONG 0x474E4F53L
#define ID_INST 0x54534E49L
#define ID_PATT 0x54544150L
/* RIFF/WAVE block identifier values */
#define ID_WAVE 0x45564157L
#define ID_FMT 0x20746D66L
#define ID_DATA 0x61746164L
/* RIFF/DSMF INST digital samples bit flags */
#define SF_LOOPED 0x01
#define SF_UNSIGNED 0x00
#define SF_SIGNED 0x02
#define SF_8BITS 0x00
#define SF_16BITS 0x04
#define SF_DELTA 0x40
#define SF_LIBRARY 0x80
/* RIFF/WAVE sample format */
#define WAVE_FMT_PCM 1
/* Error values */
#define ERR_OK 0
#define ERR_FORMAT 1
#define ERR_NOFILE 2
#define ERR_FILEIO 3
#define ERR_NOMEM 4
#define ERR_NODRAM 5
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* General typedefs */
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef unsigned short word;
typedef unsigned long dword;
/* Internal lowlevel audio drivers structure */
typedef struct {
dword Magic;
dword Next;
byte ID;
byte Modes;
char Name[32];
word Port;
byte IrqLine;
byte DmaChannel;
word MinRate;
word MaxRate;
word BufferLength;
void *ProcTablePtr;
void *DriverPtr;
word *ParmTablePtr;
} Driver;
/* Internal soundcards configuration structure */
typedef struct {
byte ID;
byte Modes;
word Port;
byte IrqLine;
byte DmaChannel;
word SampleRate;
char DriverName[16];
} SoundCard;
/* RIFF file and block headers structures */
typedef struct {
dword ID;
dword Length;
dword Type;
} RiffHeader;
typedef struct {
dword ID;
dword Length;
} RiffBlock;
/* RIFF/WAVE fmt block structure */
typedef struct {
word Format;
word Channels;
dword SampleRate;
dword BytesPerSecond;
word BlockAlign;
word BitsPerSample;
} WaveFmt;
/* RIFF/DSMF SONG block structure */
typedef struct {
char ModuleName[28];
word FileVersion;
word Flags;
word OrderPos;
word ReStart;
word NumOrders;
word NumSamples;
word NumPatterns;
word NumTracks;
byte GlobalVolume;
byte MasterVolume;
byte InitTempo;
byte InitBPM;
byte ChanMap[MAXTRACKS];
byte Orders[MAXORDERS];
} Song;
/* RIFF/DSMF INST block structure */
typedef struct {
char FileName[13];
word Flags;
byte Volume;
dword Length;
dword LoopStart;
dword LoopEnd;
void *DataPtr;
word Rate;
word Voice;
char SampleName[28];
} Sample;
/* RIFF/DSMF PATT block structure */
typedef struct {
word Length;
byte Data[1];
} Pattern;
/* Internal RIFF/DSMF music module structure */
typedef struct {
Song Header;
Sample **Samples;
Pattern **Patterns;
} DSM;
/* Internal music structures */
typedef struct {
byte Note; /* note index */
byte Sample; /* sample number */
byte Volume; /* volume level */
byte Balance; /* balance */
word Effect; /* Protracker command */
word Rate; /* middle-C finetune frequency */
byte VUMeter; /* volume unit meter */
byte Flags; /* audio message bitflags */
byte Reserved[38];
} MTrk;
typedef struct {
dword MusicVolume; /* music volume */
dword SoundVolume; /* sound effects volume */
MTrk Tracks[MAXVOICES]; /* track structures */
byte NumTracks; /* number of active tracks */
byte NumVoices; /* number of active voices */
byte OrderPos; /* order position */
byte OrderLen; /* order length */
byte ReStart; /* restart position */
byte PattNum; /* pattern number */
byte PattRow; /* pattern row */
byte BreakFlag; /* break pattern mode */
byte Tempo; /* tempo */
byte TempoCount; /* tempo counter */
byte BPM; /* beats per minute */
byte SyncMark; /* synchronization mark */
byte Status; /* music status */
byte DriverStatus; /* audio driver status */
void *PattPtr; /* internal pattern pointer */
DSM *SongPtr; /* module pointer */
} MHdr;
/* External lowlevel audio drivers */
extern Driver SBDriver;
extern Driver PASDriver;
extern Driver WSSDriver;
extern Driver GUSDriver;
#define dRegisterDrivers() { \
dRegisterDriver(&SBDriver); dRegisterDriver(&PASDriver); \
dRegisterDriver(&WSSDriver); dRegisterDriver(&GUSDriver); }
/* Global error variable */
extern int dError;
extern char *dErrorMsg[];
/* Audio interface API prototypes */
void dRegisterDriver(Driver *DriverPtr);
Driver *dGetDriverStruc(int DriverId);
int dGetDriverFlags(void);
int dInit(SoundCard *SC);
int dDone(void);
void dPoll(void);
void dSetupVoices(int NumVoices, int MasterVolume);
long dMemAlloc(Sample *SampPtr);
void dMemFree(Sample *SampPtr);
long dMemAvail(void);
void dSetMusicVolume(int Volume);
void dSetSoundVolume(int Volume);
int dPlayMusic(DSM *MusicPtr);
int dPlayPatterns(DSM *MusicPtr, int OrderPos, int OrderEnd);
void dStopMusic(void);
int dPauseMusic(void);
int dResumeMusic(void);
int dGetMusicStatus(void);
MHdr *dGetMusicStruc(void);
void dPlayVoice(int Voice, Sample *SampPtr);
void dStopVoice(int Voice);
void dSetVoiceFreq(int Voice, int Freq);
void dSetVoiceVolume(int Voice, int Volume);
void dSetVoiceBalance(int Voice, int Balance);
long dGetVoicePos(int Voice);
int dGetVoiceStatus(int Voice);
int dAutoDetect(SoundCard *SC);
DSM *dLoadModule(char *Filename);
void dFreeModule(DSM *MusicPtr);
Sample *dLoadSample(char *Filename);
void dFreeSample(Sample *SampPtr);
DSM *dLoadModuleFile(int Handle, long Length);
Sample *dLoadSampleFile(int Handle, long Length);
int dLoadSetup(SoundCard *SC, char *Filename);
int dSaveSetup(SoundCard *SC, char *Filename);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/* Register calling conventions used by the API routines */
#pragma aux dRegisterDriver "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dGetDriverStruc "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dGetDriverFlags "_*" parm [];
#pragma aux dInit "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dDone "_*" parm [];
#pragma aux dPoll "_*" parm [];
#pragma aux dSetupVoices "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma aux dMemAlloc "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma aux dMemFree "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dMemAvail "_*" parm [];
#pragma aux dSetMusicVolume "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dSetSoundVolume "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dPlayMusic "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dPlayPatterns "_*" parm [eax] [edx] [ebx];
#pragma aux dStopMusic "_*" parm [];
#pragma aux dPauseMusic "_*" parm [];
#pragma aux dResumeMusic "_*" parm [];
#pragma aux dGetMusicStatus "_*" parm [];
#pragma aux dGetMusicStruc "_*" parm [];
#pragma aux dPlayVoice "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma aux dStopVoice "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dSetVoiceFreq "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma aux dSetVoiceVolume "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma aux dSetVoiceBalance "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma aux dGetVoicePos "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dGetVoiceStatus "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dAutoDetect "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dLoadModule "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dFreeModule "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dLoadSample "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dFreeSample "_*" parm [eax];
#pragma aux dLoadModuleFile "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma aux dLoadSampleFile "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma aux dLoadSetup "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma aux dSaveSetup "_*" parm [eax] [edx];
#pragma library (audio);