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User Manual for PopHelp Version 1.0
0. About PopHelp
1. Operating Environment
2. Examples
3. Define Help
4. Trigger Help
5. Save and Load HIF Files
6. Other Operations(Install, Setup, Modify, Clear)
7. Future Development
8. Known Problems
0. About PopHelp
PopHelp is a program to add arbitrary help information into any application under
MS Windows, without touching that application's code.
PopHelp works independently of the target application, requires no knowledge of
programming skills to use, and can easily operate in the background, thus creating an
operating environment where every application can have a customized on-line help system.
The help information defined can be text, multimedia playback(via MCI drivers), arbitrary
program execution, menu popup[1], or WinHelp files[1].
PopHelp can add help to any window, or to any rectangle area within a window.
PopHelp allows various triggering mechanism to be defined, including mouse button or key
pressing, timers, application status[2], etc.
The popup help window's text font, color, window size, position, and styles[2],
can all be customized.
Registration is A$40, US$30, and will be genuinely appreciated:
Guang Yang, PO Box 591, Blacktown, NSW, Australia 2148
Fax/Phone: 61(Country Code) 02(Area Code) 622 2605
Phone: 61(Country Code) 02(Area Code) 622 0061
Mobile: 61(Country Code) 019 903 193
Internet: guang@mailhost.world.net
Any suggestions warmly welcome.
1. Operating Environment
Any MS-Windows 3.1, 3.11, WFW 3.11, Windows 95 environment.
You need these files that come with PopHelp:
pophelp.wri (this file in MS Write format):optional
pophelp.txt (this file in plain ASCII format):optional
hotkeyhk.dll (Copyright 1995 Robert Marshlan)
vhkd.386 (Copyright 1995 Robert Marshlan)
msvideo.dll (from Microsoft, freely distributable)
Optional Help Information Files:
msvc1_5.hif for MS Visual C++ 1.5 IDE
apptool.hif for MS Visual C++ 1.5 Application Studio
pbrush.hif for PaintBrush
vb3_0.hif for MS Visual Basic 3.0 Professional Edition
The vhkd.386 can be installed into the [386Enh] section of MS
Windows' system.ini file as device=[path]\vhkd.386, but PopHelp can
run without this VxD, in which case any hot key definition for PopHelp
will not work if the input focus is in a DOS box or other non-system VM.
PopHelp can be run without parameters, or be followed by a group
of PopHelp-Generated *.HIF(Help Information File) file names. If *.HIF
file list is supplied, each one must contain its full path(non-existing
path/file will be ignored), and the content of them will be interpreted
by PopHelp at start-up. Note if any of the command-line *.HIF file
indicates HIDE or ICONIZE(see Setup Menu section below), the
PopHelp 's main window will be hidden or iconized initially.
When PopHelp is run without parameter, if the MS Windows' WIN.INI
file has a section like this:
initHIFFiles=[path1]\file1.hif [path2]\file2.hif ... [pathn]\filen.hif,
then PopHelp will load all the HIF files assigned to initHIFFiles entry,
just like they were put onto the command line.
2. Examples
2.1 Define a Popup Help for Paintbrush's Drawing Width Window
1.When both PaintBrush and PopHelp programs are running, click
the Select Target Window tool bar button(the button with an arrow)
of the PopHelp program, now various windows moved over by the
cursor will have their frames color-inverted and the window's
information(handle, module, title, etc) displayed in PopHelp's client area.
2. Move the cursor over the PaintBrush's Drawing Width window(under the
drawing tool window) and click the mouse to select it as the target window,
a dialog titled "Define Features for Window(0xXXXX)" pops up over
PopHelp's main window.
3. In the box titled "Help Content" on the "Define Features for
Window(0xXXXX)" dialog, type Drawing Width (or whatever help text),
then click the Edit button, a dialog titled "Help Features" appears, click
"Window ID Details" button on this dialog, another dialog titled
"Window Identification Details" appears.
4. On the "Window Identification Details" dialog, check the check-box "Identified by Window Class", then click OK
5. Click OK on dialog Help Features, then click OK on dialog
"Define Features for Window(0xXXXX)".
Now move cursor over the drawing width window inside the PaintBrush,
a help window containing "Drawing Width "(or whatever help text you
typed in Step 3 above) pops up: a Popup Help is defined.
2.2 Define Rectangle Popup Helps for Paintbrush's Drawing Tools Window
1. Same as "1" in 2.1 above
2. Move the cursor over the PaintBrush's Tool Window(at the left end of the
client window) and click the mouse to select it as the target window,
dialog "Define Features for Window(0xXXXX)" pops up. Click the "Edit" button on this dialog.
3. In the newly appeared dialog "Help Features", check the
"To New Rectangle" check-box, then click button Window ID Details.
4. On the newly appeared "Window Identification Details" dialog, check the
check-box "Identified by Window Class", then click OK.
5. In the "Help Features" dialog, click button "Rect Details", check all
four check-boxes in the newly appeared dialog "Rectangle Details", then
click OK of "Rectangle Details" dialog.
6. Back in the "Define Features for Window(0xXXXX)" dialog, type
"Scissors Tool: define a free-form cut-out", then move cursor into the
"Help Features" dialog, click OK there.
7. Now the PopHelp's client window displays prompt: Click to Select the 1st Point for the New Target Rectangle, click the top-left corner of the left
scissor's rectangle, another prompt appears in the PopHelp's client window:
Click to Select the 2nd Point for the Target Rectangle. Clicking the
bottom-right corner of the left scissors' rectangle in the PainBrush, new prompt
appears inside PopHelp: Rectangle (*,*) (*,*) Selected OK.
Now whenever you move cursor over the left scissors' rectangle in the Paintbrush
program, help dialog "Scissors Tool: define a free-form cut-out" shows up,
even if you have resized the PaintBrush's main window(therefore resized the
drawing tool window), this pop-up help still appears as the mouse cursor moves
into its resized rectangle.
3. Define Help
Choosing "Select Window" menu item under File menu, or click the
Arrow toolbar button, PopHelp will enter selecting target window
mode(Arrow toolbar button disabled, Cross toolbar button enabled),
any window under the cursor will have its rectangle outline color-
inverted, the PopHelp 's client area will show that window's information
like handle, title, module, class, etc. Clicking left mouse button over a
target window, selecting target window mode will be cancelled(Arrow
button enabled, Cross button disabled), and the Define Features for
Window(see below) dialog appears.
Choosing "Stop Select" menu item under File menu, or click the
Cross toolbar button will also cancel the selecting target window mode.
3.1 Define Features for Window Dialog
This dialog allows user to define new or modify existing members of the
selected target window database. The Combo box titled "Select
Already Defined Windows" lists all existing target windows, and the
"Help Content" edit box lists the help information defined for the current
target window(the one showing in the Combo box's Edit area).
Edit button: brings up Help Heatures dialog
Copy button: copy the current target window 's help features to
the end of the database
Delete button: Delete the current target window from database
OK button: Confirm the new or modified target window feature
Cancel button: Cancel adding new target window, but cannot cancel
already modified help features
3.2 Help Heatures Dialog
This dialog defines or changes target window's help features.
Window ID Details button:
This brings up Window Identification Details dialog.
When user moves mouse cursor over any window, PopHelp searches
its selected target window database. The conditions defined in the
Window Identification Details dialog are used to test if the window
under the cursor meet these conditions. If the window does meet all the
defined Identification Conditions, its help window will pop up.
Please note the Window Class is most likely been used(check box checked)
to identify a target window, except in some cases where a target window's
class name is not fixed.
Background Color, Text Color, Text Font buttons:
Brings up dialogs to define the help information text's color and font.
Apply to Window, To New Rectangle, To Old Rectangle boxes:
Only one of these check boxes will be checked at a time, indicating the
help information defined will apply to a window, a new rectangle inside the
target window, or an already defined old rectangle.
Rectangle Details button:
When Apply to New Rectangle or To Old Rectangle is checked,
this button brings up the Rectangle Details dialog, which defines if
the target rectangle's start position will be scaled along X or Y axis,
or the target rectangle's Width or Height will be scaled, when the target
rectangle's parent window changes size. Currently the scaling ratio
is always according to the ratio recorded at the time the definition is taking
place. An example is in the pbrush.hif file, the drawing tool window(of
class "pbTool") has defined 18 rectangles, all of them have the four check
boxes in Rectangle Details dialog checked, this is why when pbrush.hif is
loaded, no matter how you scale the PaintBrush's main window(therefore
changing the drawing tool window's size), as the cursor moves over any of
the 18 rectangles in its drawing tool window, they will always correctly
popup the context sensitive help information.
Trigger Details button:
This brings up Trigger Details dialog, that defines how the help info.
for a target window or for all the target rectangles inside a target window
will be triggered, i.e., when the cursor is over the target window or target
rectangle, all the trigger conditions (if defined) must be satisfied before
the help information window pops up.
Multiple trigger conditions can be defined at the same time.
Note if a "Key Down" trigger is defined, to make the help info. window
pop up by pressing the trigger key(s), the mouse cursor must be moving
over the target window/rectangle, and the input focus must be already at
the target window.
Size/Pos. Details button:
This activates the Size/Pos. Details dialog to define the help information
window's size and postion, when it is shown. All size and position values are
in screen co-ordinates.
If the Size Fixed box is checked, the help info window's size will be the
Width and Height values defined on that line.
If the Size Prop. box is checked, the help info. window's width will be
proportional to the target window's width at the ratio defined inside
the width edit, the help info. window's heigth will be proportional to the
target window's height at the ratio defined inside the height edit.
If neither Size Fixed nor Size Prop. is checked, the help info window's
size defaults to approximately 104 X 57 pixels.
The rest of the controls define help info window's starting position:
If the position needs to be variable relative to the target window's position
(default to at the target window's X Centre, Y Bottom), the boxes inside the
Pos. Variable group can be used, else the Pos. Fixed box can be
checked to make the starting position relative to the actual screen's origin
(0, 0) position.
Content Details button:
This pops up the Help Content Details dialog, which defines the content
inside the help information window to be text, or MCI file playback(*.avi for
video, *.wav for sound, *.bmp for bitmap), or executing another program.
When Execute Program is selected, the SW_: Combo box can be used
to set visibility flag of the program at start up. The options are the same as
in the ShowWindow() SKD call's parameter nCmdShow.
Style Details button:
This brings up Help Style dialog, which currently allows only
Manual Dismiss to be defined. By default, the help infomation window
will disappear when the mouse cursor is moved out of the target window
or target rectangle. When Manual Dismiss style is on, the help info
window will not dismiss itself as the mouse is moving out of the target
window: it will disappear only by pressing the Escape or Enter key
(when focus is in help info window). Note pressing these keys will not
dismiss the help info window if the Manual Dismiss style is off.
Delete Old Rect button:
When (Apply help info) To Old Rectangle box is checked, pressing
this button will delete the current old rectangle as being displayed in
the Combo box to the right of the To Old Rectangle check box.
OK button and Keep Old Rect box:
Normally, when (Apply help info) To New Rectangle or To Old Rectangle
box is checked, pressing OK of the Help Features dialog needs to be
followed by selecting or re-selecting the target rectangle: clicking the
mouse inside the target window twice to indicate the two diagonal points
bounding the rectangle. Each clicking is prompted by some messages in the
PopHelp main window's client area, and is followed by a simple beep
indicating the clicking has successfully recorded that point.
When To Old Rectangle box and Keep Old Rect box are both checked,
clicking OK will make PopHelp to use the old rectangle's current
co-ordinates, therefore no redefiniton for that old rectangle is needed.
4. Trigger Help
When the target window database is not empty, moving mouse cursor
over any defined target window/target rectangle will cause PopHelp
to examine the database members against the window under the cursor.
If all triggering conditions are met for any one window/rectangle in the
database, the help information window will pop up.
Moving mouse out of the target window/rectangle will dismiss the help info
window, except when the Manual Dismiss has been set for that target window.
5. Save and Load HIF Files
The currently defined target window database can be saved into disk file
by selecting Save or Save As... menu item. If the database is empty, the
save will generate an HIF file indicating empty database.
Loading HIF file causes PopHelp to fill the database with the data from
one or more HIF files:
Load: Clear current database and load a new HIF file having the name
as show on the PopHelp's main window title bar
Load From:Clear current database, load one or more HIF file
(can do multiple file selection)
Load on Top From: Without clearing current database, load one more
HIF file on top of the current database content.
if the newly loaded file contains target window having
same module name and class name as any existing
target window, the window from the new file will not
be added into database.
6. Other Operations under File Menu(Install, Setup, Modify, Clear)
The Install menu selection will pop up the
Install PopHelp into Windows dialog:
On entry, the HIF Files listbox contains all the files assigned to the
initHIFFiles entry of the [PopHelp] section in win.ini file.
Add File/Delete File button allows you to add/delete HIF files
into/from the listbox.
Install button will put the HIF file names in the listbox into the
initHIFFiles entry. If the HIF file listbox has no file, the initHIFFiles
entry will equal NULL.
Setup Menu Item:
The Saved HIF Features allows user to define if PopHelp
will be ReadOnly, Iconized or Hidden at the next loading of the
HIF file. On the otherhand, the Hot Key To Show/Hide PopHelp
Window will take effect immediately once you change the hot key
and hit OK button.
ReadOnly HIF file will not permit changes on that HIF file's content.
All the Yes Features and Hot Keys defined in this dialog will overwrite
the previously defined same feature/hot key. For example, if hif1.hif
defines hot key Ctrl+F2 and hif2.hif defines ReadOnly, Hide and hot
key Alt+H, then loading both hif1.hif and hif2.hif will make the
PopHelp's database ReadOnly, main window initially hidden,
and hot key Alt+H can toggle the main window to show or hide.
Modify Menu Item allows user modify any existing
target window or rectangle's help features. Once selected, the
Define Features for Window dialog will appear. See section 3.1
for details.
Clear Menu Item will clear current database.
7. Future Development
7.1 Allow the help content to be invoking WinHelp SKD call with all parameters
specified by the user
7.2 Allow the help content to be a user-definable pop-up menu
7.3 Provide function call entries for other applications to dynamically
manipulate PopHelp's behaviour at run-time
7.4 Improve the memory management mechanism to allow unlimited text
for each target window/rectangle.
7.5 Provide a PopHelp definition language to define arbitrary triggering
methods and arbitrary target window identification methods.
7.6 Draw a Windows Tree inside PopHelp's main window to show all live
windows in the system, so that target windows can be easily picked up
from the tree.
7.7 Port PopHelp to Win32 environment as true 32-bit application.
7.8 Add WinHelp on-line help system for PopHelp.
8. Known Problems
8.1 Target Window Identification is not perfect, and probably can never be,
due to lacking a unique and sustainable mechanism under MS Windows to
identify an arbitrary window.
8.2 If Two Ajacent Rectangles Overlap, Their Help Info Window Will
Show up Alternatively, therefore it is recommended the users make
sure no target rectangles in the same target window overlap so that
the constant poping up of more than one help info window won't happen.
[1]. Not available in version 1.0
[2]. Choices are limited in version 1.0