rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "What follows is a demonstration of CatStr vs VB String concatenation times for a 32k string. Only 32k strings are demonstrated because VB can not handle larger strings.")
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "")
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "When the demonstration is complete, take a look at the code below to see how it works.")
HintMsg CHandle, "CatStr Example Code"
DestroyCatString CHandle
End Sub
' Note: The use of CatStrAddLine in this sub is purely
' for demonstration purposes.
Sub biCopy_Click ()
Dim CHandle As Integer
Dim rc As Integer
CHandle = CreateNewCatString(4096)
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "Examine the Code in the Code Window below.")
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "")
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "The Code in the Code Window demonstrates how to use the CopyFile function.")
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "")
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "The new file is located in the same directory.")
' Example use of the FindString() and CatStr Objects
Sub biFind_Click ()
Dim CHandle As Integer
Dim rc As Integer
CHandle = CreateNewCatString(4096)
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "You are about to see a demonstration of how FindString performs against InStr. FindString works best with large strings and medium size targets (more than 3 characters).")
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "")
rc = CatStrAddLine(CHandle, "After the dialog boxes have shown you how it performs, check out the code in the code window.")
HintMsg CHandle, "FindString vs InStr Example Code"