DP Tool Club 25
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File List
120 lines
CONTENTS 7/18/95
1. Packing checklist
2. TTW Programs Available
3. Distribution Sites & Vendor Info
The ZIP file should contain the following files:
programname.EXE - Main program
programname.DOC - Doc for main program
associated program files - may include .MOD files, .BAT files
REGISTER.EXE - Easy Registration program
TTWLICEN.EXE - License info and distribution policies
TTW.LST - This file
README.1ST - Latest info about TTW and products
VENDOR.DOC - updated license information, browsable
VENDINFO.DIZ - for some special BBS types
PLEASE.TXT - please register your shareware.
»Check out TTW's other awesome products:
ASKPREZ ask the president and he'll answer. Random.
CALENdoor BBS door utility to print and d/l calendars.
LOGCAT finds a string & deletes line from WildCat! Activity logs
NUMBDOOR guess a number with SMALLER or HIGHER prompts + TIME gambl.
SHELLS The popular ancient game of shuffling shells.
SoundOut! Announces caller and gives a message
TIMEVaULT Time door with gambling and fun
UPSTATS! Displays a status to callers during u/ls [UPDISP]
[All the above except TimeVault are under $10!]
AIDRIVE! Artificial Intelligence Driving with a changing plot
BATUTIL A wide variety of utilities that can be used w/ batch files.
CALCULAT! pop up calculator not TSR
CODEIT! Decodes messages by replacement of letters
DEG2RAD Converts Degree measure to radians
DFORMAT Formats a disk AND plays MODS
EARTEST! Professional Hearing tester
ECHOXY! Outputs a string of text at a certain X Y location
Great for batch files
EDITPATH User-friendly editor for modifying your DOS path
FASTCALC rewritten version of Calculat!. Calculator in window.
* FASTEDIT easy to use editor w/ Clipboard features - BESTSELLER!
GRADFIND for STUDENTS, keep track/calculate class grade
GRAPHIT! graphing sin, cos, tan, etc. functions
MAILLIST Easy-to-use mailling list generator
MATHTOOLs Does extended math functions like LOG, LN, etc.
MINIEDIT Fast small editor
PLAYMOD Plays MODs in background of DOS or Windows
PRTEST Prints out test taking forms (i.e., SCANTRON) numbered for
general use. Can take tests at keyboard. Use for self-
READDEL Deletes files in a list created with /B.
RENAME! like DOS 6 Copy command: prompts for overwrite and extended
ROMAN! Decodes those mysterious XIV symbols known as Roman numerals
RMDIR! Quiet remove dir erasure utility
SCREENSV Enchanting VGA Windows or DOS screen saver
SPELRITE Spell Checker for use w/ FastEdit or another editor -110000
word dictionary
SPKPLAY PC Speaker and SoundBlaster MOD Player
TIMESPEE TimeSpeech times your speeches and lets you take notes to
correct it later. Accurate timing, up to 99 hours!
TRANSCRP for STUDENTS, keep track of class grades to figure out
cumulative GPA, # of credits and more.
WIPEOUT Permanently delete a file from your disk according to DOD
standard [WIPEDEL]
WORKING! Rotating slash as pause prompt
More on the way!
For an up-to-date list of programs available, contact TTW. For all the trial
versions of the programs above, send a high density disk with a self-addressed
stamped envelope [0.32] IN an envelope to TTW with your request.
If you are a vendor and would like to receive our programs, contact us and
we will send you a disk at no charge!
Here is a list of all BBS sites which carry our products and where all updates
are posted. To be added to this list, contact us and we'll send you all the
latest versions of our products. We will keep sending you the latest versions
if we receive registrations from your customers. CD-ROM distributors should
also contact us. Use REGISTER to send a comment that you want to be a
distributor or write a letter.
To contact us via EMAIL send a message to TTW INCORP in the main conference
of the below BBSes or thru the Internet at TTW@UCLA.EDU:
Approximate response time: 6 days. No Orders.
BBSs which carry our updates and we can be contacted on:
Cookie Jar (714) 997-0350
Midnight Mission (714) 848-6808 * Freq
BBSs which carry our products (may not be current)
Pacific Isle (916) 371-5342
The Irvine "X"Change BBS(714) 552-0589
CD-ROM Vendors (may not be current)
EMS Professional Shareware
Nightowl (v.9, v.10, +)
Ziff-Davis Products