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Kingswood Software Development Tools AS02
as02 - assembler for M6800/6801/6802/6803 microprocessors.
as02 [-cdghilnopqstvwxz] file
This documentation is for as02 [1.08].
Copyright 1990-1994, Frank A. Vorstenbosch, Kingswood Software.
AS02 is an assembler for the Motorola 6800/6801/6802 and 6803
microprocessors. It reads input from an ASCII text file, assembles
this into memory, and then writes a listing and a binary or hex file.
AS02 is case sensitive, not only does it differentiate between the
labels XYZ and xyz, but it also requires all (pseudo) instruction and
register names to be lower case. This way, the listing is the most
readable. Option -i can be used to make the assembler case insensitive.
Alternatively, the included TOLOWER program can be used to convert
sources to lower case.
As02 recognizes the following options:
-c Show number of cycles per instruction in listing. This
decreases the number of columns available for listing by 5.
The number of cycles is printed between brackets [ and ].
Define a label before the first source line is read. If
no name is specified, DEBUG is defined. The label is
EQUated to be 1.
-g Generate source-level debug information file. This file
can then be used in in-system debugging or a software
Specify height of page for listing. This option determines
the number of lines per printed page. Each page has a header
and is terminated by a form-feed character. The special
case -h0 indicates an infinite page length. In this case,
page breaks are only inserted between the two passes and
the symbol table (if present).
-i Ignore case in opcodes. In this way, the assembler does not
differentiate between 'add' and 'ADD', for example. Labels
are still case sensitive.
-l Generate pass 2 listing.
Listing file name. The listing file is used for pass 1 and
pass 2 listing, for the symbol table (printed between the
two passes), and some statistics. When neither -p nor -t
is specified, and -l<filename> is given, then the assembler
automatically generates a pass 2 listing. When -p or -t is
specified, an additional -l should be given is a pass 2
listing is required. The filename - can be used to direct
the listing to standard output.
-l Generate pass 2 listing.
-n Disable optimizations. When this option is specified no
optimizations will be done, even when the OPT pseudo-
instruction is used in the source code.
Specify binary or s-records output file name. The assembler
automatically adds ".bin" for binary output or ".s19" for
s-records output when no extension is given.
-p Generate pass 1 listing. This may be used to examine any
optimizations/bugs generated in pass 2.
-q Quiet mode. No running line counter is displayed on standard
error output.
-s Write s-records instead of binary file. The s-records file
contains data for (only) the used memory; the binary file
begins at the lowest used address, and continues up to the
highest used address; filling unused memory between these
two addresses with either $ff or $00.
-s2 Write intel-hex file instead of binary file. The intel-hex
file contains data for (only) the used memory.
-t Generate symbol table. The symbol table is listed between
passes one and two, displaying the name, hexadecimal and
decimal value of each label, using 4-digit hexadecimal
numbers where possible, otherwise 8-digit numbers. The
decimal value is followed by an asterisk if the label is
redefinable (defined using SET instead of EQU).
-v Verbose mode. More information is displayed on standard
Specify column width. Normally, the listing is printed using
79 columns for output to a 80-column screen or printer. If
the -w option is given without a number following it, then
the listing will be 131 columns wide, otherwise it will be
the number of colulmns specified (between 60 and 200).
-x Use 6801/6803 extensions. These two CPUs have several
additional instructions and improve slightly on execution
times. When this option is not specified the assembler
rejects the 6801/6803 extensions.
-z Fill unused memory with zeros. Normally when a binary file
is generated, unused bytes between the lowest and highest
used addresses are filled with $ff, the unprogrammed state
of EPROMs. If this is not wanted, the -z option can be used
to initialize this memory to $00. With s-records, unused
memory is not output to the file, and this option forces the
creation of an S9 (start address) record instead, even if no
start address is specified in the file with the END pseudo-
Commandline options can be catenated, but no other option can follow
one that may have a parameter. Thus:
is correct (specifying symbol table and pass 2 listing), but
is not.
It is possible to discard any of the the output files by specifying
the name 'nul'.
The assembler recognizes most C-language expressions. The operators
are listed here in order of precedence, highest first:
() braces to group subexpressions
* $ current location counter
unary + - ! ~ unary + (no-operation), negation, logical NOT,
binary NOT
* / % multiplication, division, modulo
+ - addition, subtraction
<< >> shift left, shift right
< > <= >= comparison for greater/less than
= != comparison for equality (== can be used for =)
& binary AND
^ binary XOR
| binary OR
&& logical AND
|| logical OR
The logical NOT (!) evaluates to zero if the parameter is nonzero,
and vice versa. The binary NOT (~) complements all the bits in its
parameter. Logical AND (&&) and OR (||) operators evaluate to one
if both resp. at least one argument is nonzero. These two operators
evaluate both arguments, unlike the C-language versions.
Note: the asterisk is both used as the multiplication operator, and
as symbol for the current location. The assembler determines from
the context which is which. Thus:
is a valid expression, evaluating to five times the current location
counter, and:
is too, evaluating to the current location counter divided by two, to
which two is added. In the same way, the % sign is both used as the
modulo operator and the prefix for binary numbers.
Numbers can be specified in any number base between 2 and 36.
Decimal numbers can be used without a prefix, hexadecimal numbers
can be prefixed by $, octal numbers by @, and binary numbers by %.
Other number bases can be used by using the following format:
where the base is the number base to use (must be specified in
decimal), and number is the value. Thus:
1000 - decimal number, value 10*10*10=1000
%1000 - binary number, value 2*2*2=8
@1000 - octal number, value 8*8*8=512
$1000 - hexadecimal number, value 16*16*16=4096
2#1000 - binary number, value 2*2*2=8
4#1000 - base-4 number, value 4*4*4=64
7#1000 - base-7 number, value 7*7*7=343
36#1000 - base-36 number, value 36*36*36=444528
For number bases greater than 10, additional digits are represented
by letters, starting from A. Both lower and upper case letters can
be used.
11#aa = 120
16#ff = 255
25#oo = 624
36#zz = 1295
align <expression>
Align fills zero or more bytes with zeros until the new address
modulo <expression> equals zero. If the expression is not present,
align fills zero or one bytes with zeros until the new address
is even.
Example 1:
align 256 ; continue assembly on the
; next 256-byte page
Example 2:
align ; make sure table begins
Table dw 1,2,3 ; on an even address
Put all following data in the bss segment. Only data pseudo-instructions
can be used in the bss segment, and these only increment the location
counter. It is up to the programmer to initialize the bss segment. The
bss segment is especially meaningful in a ROM based system where
variables must be placed in RAM, and RAM is not automatically initialized.
The assembler internally maintains three separate location counters,
one for the code segment, one for the data segment and one for the
uninitialized data segment. The user is responsible for not overlapping
the segments by setting appropriate origins. The code, data and bss
pseudo-instructions can be used to interleave code and data in the source
listing, while separating the three in the generated program. The
assembler starts with the code segment if none is specified.
org $f000 ; Assuming 4 kbyte code ROM
data ; with 2 kbyte program and
org $f800 ; 2 kbyte initialized data
org 0 ; bss segment is in RAM
Buffer ds 100
Begin ldx #Table
lda ,x
Table db 1,2,3
MyFunc ldx #Table
Put all following assembled instructions and data in the code segment.
Put all following assembled instructions and data in the data segment.
db <bytelist>
Define bytes. The bytes may be specified as expressions or strings,
and are placed in the current (code or data) segment. This pseudo
instruction is similar to the Motorola-defined fcb and fcc pseudo-
Message db 7,"Error",13,10,0
ds <expression>
Define zero or more bytes empty space. The specified number of
bytes are filled with zeros. This pseudo-instruction is identical
to the Motorola-defined pseudo-instruction rmb.
ds 100 ; reserve 100 bytes here
dw <wordlist>
Define words. The words are placed in the current (code or data)
segment. This pseudo-instruction is identical to the Motorola-
defined fcw and fdb pseudo-instructions.
ldb Function ; number of function
ldx #JumpTable
ldx ,x
jmp ,x ; jump to function
JumpTable dw Function0
dw Function1
dw Function2
The else pseudo-instruction can be used for if-then-else
constructions. It must be placed between an if and an endif
instruction. For an example, see the if pseudo-instruction.
end <expression>
The end pseudo-instruction is optional, and need not be used. If
it is used, its optional operand specifies the staring address of
the program. This address is displayed when the program is
assembled, and is also placed in the s-record output file.
end Start
The endif pseudo-instruction must be used to close an if-endif
or if-else-endif construction. For an example, see the if
<label> equ <expression>
The equ (equate) pseudo-instruction sets the specified label to
the value of the expression. The label may not already exist.
Some programmers choose to use only upper-case identifiers for
labels defined in this way to differentiate them from addresses.
ESCAPE equ 27
fcb <bytelist>
Define bytes (form constant byte). The bytes may be specified
only as expressions, and are placed in the current (code or data)
segment. This pseudo-instruction was originally defined
by Motorola and is similar to the db pseudo-instruction.
Message fcb 7
fcc "Error"
fcb 13,10,0
fcc <string>
Define bytes (form constant character). The bytes may be
specified only as a string, and are placed in the current (code or
data) segment. This pseudo-instruction was originally defined
by Motorola and is similar to the db pseudo-instruction.
fcw <wordlist>
Define words (form constant word). The words are placed in the
current (code or data) segment. This pseudo instruction is
identical to the fdb and dw pseudo-instructions.
fdb <wordlist>
Define words (form double byte). The words are placed in the
current (code or data) segment. This pseudo instruction is
identical to the fcw and dw pseudo-instructions.
if <expression>
The if pseudo-instruction can be used in conjunction with the
endif and possibly the else pseudo-instructions to selectively
enable and disable pieces of code in the source. If the expression
given evaluates to zero, then the following code up to the matching
else or endif is not included in the assembly. If the expression
is nonzero, then the following code is included, but any code
between the matching else and endif is not.
if COUNT=2 | COUNT=4
asla ; shift left for counts
if COUNT=4 ; of 2 and 4
ldb #COUNT ; otherwise use slow
jsr Multiply ; multiply subroutine
include <string>
The named file is included in the assembly at this point. After
it has been read, assembly continues with the next line of the
current file. Include files may be nested.
include "defines.i"
Enable generation of the listing in the list-file. If the listing
has been disabled twice, it must be enabled twice before it is
generated. When no -p or -l option has been specified on the
command line, this pseudo-instruction has no effect.
Disable generation of the listing in the list-file.
Disable optimizations. If the -n option has been specified on the
command line, this pseudo-instruction has no effect.
nop <expression>
No operation. When the optional expression is not present, this
is simply the nop instruction of the processor. When the
expression is present, the specified number of nop instructions
are inserted.
nop 10
Enable optimizations. If the -n option has been specified on the
command line, this pseudo-instruction has no effect.
When optimization is enabled, the assembler tries to use the
shortest and fastest instructions possible which have the effect
the user wants. It may replace any extended-address instruction
by zero-page instructions. It replaces jumps with branches or
jumps to zero page and zero-offset indexed instructions by no-offset
indexed instructions. The effects of optimizations is clearly visible
if both a pass one and a pass two listing is generated.
org <expression>
The org (origin) pseudo-instruction specifies the next address to
be used for assembly. When no origin has been specified, the
assembler uses the value 0. The assembler maintains three separate
location counters: one for the code segment, one for the data
segment, and one for the bss segment. See the code and pseudo-
instruction for more information.
page <expression>
When the optional expression is not present, the assembly listing
is continued on the next page. When the expression is present,
the listing is continued on the next page only if the specified
number of lines do not fit on the current page.
rmb <expression>
Define zero or more bytes empty space. The specified number of
bytes are filled with zeros. This pseudo-instruction is identical
to the pseudo-instruction ds.
<label> set <expression>
<label> = <expression>
The set pseudo-instruction sets the specified label to the value
of the expression. The label may or may not already exist.
Some programmers choose to use only upper-case identifiers for
labels defined in this way to differentiate them from addresses.
struct <name>
struct <name>,<expression>
The struct (structure) pseudo-instruction can be used to define
data structures in memory more easily.
The name of the structure is set to the total size of the structure;
if the expression is present, the starting offset is the value of
the expression in stead of zero.
Between the struct and end struct pseudo-instructions the following
pseudo-instructions can be used: db, dw, ds, label, align.
Within structures these pseudo-instructions take a slightly different
format than normally:
db <name> element is one byte
dw <name> element is two bytes
ds <name>,<expression> element is the specified number of bytes
ds <expression> skip the specified number of bytes
label <name> element is zero bytes, i.e. set the name
to the current structure offset
align <expression> skip until (offset%expression)=0
align skip until offset is even
struct ListNode,4
dw LN_Next
dw LN_Previous
db LN_Type
label LN_Simple ; size of structure so far
align 8
ds LN_Data,10
end struct
This is identical to:
LN_Next equ 4 ;\
LN_Previous equ 6 ; offset of structure elements
LN_Type equ 8 ;/
LN_Simple equ 10 ; size of structure so far
LN_Data equ 16 ; offset of structure element
ListNode equ 26 ; size of structure
title <string>
The title pseudo-instruction sets the title to be used in the
header of each listing page. The string should be no longer than
80 characters.
title "DIS02 : A disassembler for a 6802 CPU"
The assembler allows all 6800/6801/6802/6803 addressing modes.
List of available modes:
offset,x (where offset is between 0 and 255)
aba abx adca adcb adda addb addd align anda andb asl asla aslb asld
asr asra asrb bcc bcs beq bge bgt bhi bhs bita bitb ble blo bls blt bmi
bne bpl bra brn bsr bss bvc bvs cba clc cli clr clra clrb clv cmpa cmpb
code com coma comb cpx daa data db dd dec deca decb des dex disable ds
dw else enable end endif eora eorb equ fcb fcc fcw fdb if inc inca incb
include ins inx jmp jsr lda ldaa ldab ldad ldb ldd lds ldx list lsl
lsla lslb lsld lsr lsra lsrb lsrd mul neg nega negb nolist noopt nop
opt ora oraa orab orb org page psha pshb pshx pula pulb pulx rmb rol
rola rolb ror rora rorb rti rts sba sbca sbcb sec sei set sev sta staa
stab stad stb stc std sti struct sts stv stx suba subb subd swi tab
tap tba title tpa tst tsta tstb tsx txs wai
Of these instructions, the following are (more or less) synonymous,
and can be used interchangably.
disable - sei
enable - cli
lda - ldaa
ldb - ldab
ldd - ldad
nop 6 - nop nop nop ....
ora - oraa
orb - orab
sta - staa
stb - stab
std - stad
stc - sec
sti - sei
stv - sev
xora - eora
xorb - eorb
And pseudo-instructions:
db - fcb, fcc
dw - fcw, fdb
ds - rmb
= - set
struct - lots of EQUs
! != # % & && ( ) * + ++ , - -- / <
<< <= = > >= >> [ ] ^ | || ~ x
<file>.a02 - source file.
<file>.asm - source file -- alternative.
<file>.lst - List file.
<file>.s19 - Motorola S-records output file.
<file>.hex - Intel hex output file.
<file>.bin - Binary output file.
No provision for linking other pre-assembled modules is made.
As02 returns one of the following values:
0 - Source file assembled without errors.
1 - Incorrect parameter specified on the commandline.
2 - Unable to open input or output file.
3 - Assembly gave errors.
4 - No memory could be allocated.
Help message if only parameter is a question mark, or if an
illegal option has been specified.
This is copyrighted software, but may be distributed freely as long
as this document accompanies the assembler, and no copyright messages
are removed. You are explicitly NOT allowed to sell this software
for anything more than a reasonable copying fee, say US$5.
To contact the author:
Frank A. Vorstenbosch
Kingswood Software
P.O. Box 85800 Phone: +31-(70)-355 5241
2508CM The Hague BBS: +31-(70)-355 8674
Netherlands Email: falstaff@xs4all.nl