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The AML Function Reference
This Function Reference documents all macro language Statements,
Builtin functions, and Library functions. Several editor Extension
functions are also documented. For a complete description of the
Aurora Macro Language (AML), see the Aurora Macro Language Reference.
For information on how to install, configure, and use Aurora, see the
Aurora Editor Users Guide.
To use the Function Reference within a macro: move the cursor to a
function name or statement keyword and press <shift f2>. You can use
<shift f2> in any document, including the Language Reference
(LANGUAGE.DOX) and the Function Quick Reference (QUICKFUN.DOX). You
can also navigate through this document by moving the cursor to the
'see also' keywords and pressing <shift f2>.
Copyright (C) 1995 by nuText Systems. All rights reserved worldwide.
No parts of this document may be copied in part or in whole, except as
provided in the License in the accompanying documentation.
This document is divided into two sections:
1. Language Statements
2. Functions (builtin functions and library functions)
Statements and functions are sorted alphabetically in each section.
Statements are indicated by the label [Statement], library functions
are indicates by [Lib], and extension functions are indicated by
[Ext]. Builtin functions are not labeled. Each library function also
displays the object where it is defined (i.e [Lib][edit]).
│ Language Statements │
break [Statement]
remarks: The 'break' statement will force an unconditional exit
from 'loop', 'repeat', and 'while' loops.
returns: nothing
see also: loop, repeat, while
example: loop
keycode = getkey
case keycode
when <esc> // <esc> exits the loop
say "you pressed " + (getkeyname keycode)
case [Statement]
format: case case_expr
when when_expr
when when_expr, when_expr, when_expr
end / endcase
The 'otherwise' clause is optional.
remarks: The 'case' statement evaluates 'case_expr', and then
evaluates each 'when' expression in order, until one is
found whose value is equal to the value of 'case_expr'.
If a matching 'when' expression is found, the expressions
associated with the 'when' statement are evaluated.
Multiple 'when' expressions (separated by commas) may be
specified within a single 'when' clause.
If no matching 'when' expressions are found, then the
'otherwise' clause (if present) is evaluated.
returns: The value of the last expression evaluated in the 'when'
or 'otherwise' clause.
see also: if, if?
example: case value
when 1
say "value is one"
when 3, 7
say "value is three or seven"
when "abc" + "d"
say "value is abcd"
say "value is " + value
value = case value
when 1 "one"
when 2 "two"
otherwise "undefined"
databuf [Statement]
format: databuf buffer
end / enddatabuf
remarks: This statement creates a new buffer and initializes the
buffer with data, or adds data to the end of an existing
buffer. 'buffer' specifies the bufferid. Each expression
listed within the databuf-end group becomes a separate
line in the buffer. At least one line is required.
This statement is generally used to define an 'inline'
data buffer in a macro, without requiring a separate file
to be loaded.
returns: nothing
see also: createbbuf, createbuf, destroybuf
example: databuf "abc" // bufferid 'abc'
"first line" // 1st line
x + 5 - y // 2rd line
y // 3th line
"a string" // 4th line
define [Statement]
format: define
end / enddefine
remarks: This statement defines a section of macro code which is
executed at compile-time. No object code is generated for
any expressions contained within the define-end group.
Any functions defined within the define-end group are
evaluated at compile time when called. Similarly, object
variables which are assigned values within the define-end
group are treated as constants when referenced outside
the define-end group.
returns: nothing
see also: forward, function, include, set, var
forward identifier [Statement]
remarks: This keyword defines the specified identifier as a
function name. If a function is called before it is
defined with the 'function' statement, the 'forward'
keyword must be used to inform the compiler that the
identifier is a function name.
returns: nothing
see also: function, key, var
function [Statement]
format: function functionname (arg1 arg2 ...)
end / endfunction
remarks: This statement defines a function in the current object
with the name 'functionname'. Expressions contained
within the function definition will be evaluated when the
function is called.
Function arguments can be referenced as variables within
the function by listing them within parentheses after the
function name. Note that arguments can also be referenced
with the 'arg' function (see the 'arg' function).
returns: nothing
see also: arg, forward, key
example: function hello (name)
say "Hello " + name + '!'
if [Statement]
format: if if_expr then
elseif elseif_expr then
end / endif
The 'elseif' and 'else' clauses are optional. The keyword
'then' is also optional, but may make the statement
easier to read.
remarks: The 'if' statement evaluates the expression 'if_expr'. If
the value is TRUE (not zero and not null), then the
expressions in the 'if' clause are evaluated. If the
value is not TRUE, then the expression 'elseif_expr' is
evaluated. If the value is TRUE, then the expressions in
the 'elseif' clause are evaluated, otherwise the
expressions in the 'else' clause (if present) are
evaluated. Multiple 'elseif' clauses may be specified.
returns: The value of the last expression evaluated in the 'if',
'elseif', or 'else' clauses.
see also: case, if?
if? if_expr then_expr else_expr [Statement]
remarks: The 'if?' statement is a shorter form of the 'if'
statement (see the 'if' statement'). The keywords 'then',
'elseif', and 'else' are not used. The expression
'else_expr' is optional.
The 'if?' statement is primarily intended for use within
expressions, where it may be more convenient than the
'if' statement.
returns: The value of 'then_expr' or 'else_expr'.
see also: case, if
example: string1 = if? a == 1 "a is one" "a is not one"
key [Statement]
format: key <key or event> (arg1 arg2 ...)
end / endkey
The 'end' keyword is not required if this statement is
followed by another 'key' or 'function' statement.
remarks: This statement defines an keyboard event handling
function in the current object with for the event name:
<key or event>. Expressions contained within the function
definition will be evaluated whenever the event is is
sent to the current object.
Function arguments can be referenced as variables within
the function by listing them within parentheses after the
function name. Note that arguments can also be referenced
with the 'arg' function (see the 'arg' function).
For all keyboard events generated by the editor except
<char>, a keycode is passed as the first argument. The
<char> event handling function is passed the ASCII
character entered as the first argument, and the keycode
as the second argument.
returns: nothing
see also: arg, forward, function
example: key <ctrl c> (keycode)
say "you pressed <ctrl c>, keycode=" + keycode
keyword keyword1, keyword2, ... [Statement]
remarks: This statement inserts 'keyword1', 'keyword2', etc. as
syntax highlighting keywords in the current (executing)
object. The keywords must be separated by commas.
Syntax highlighting keywords are stored as object
variables whose value is the keyword color. If the value
is null, then the keyword color defined in the 'syntax'
function is assumed. The 'keyword' statement always
assigns a value of null to the object variable.
returns: nothing
see also: setsyntax, syntax
example: see the configuration file SYNTAX.AML
include expression [Statement]
remarks: This statement includes the macro language file defined
by 'expression' at the current source code location.
The specified expression is always evaluated at compile
time. Any user-defined variables or functions referenced
within the expression must have been previously defined
within a 'define-end' group.
This statement will include both macro source (.AML)
files and compiled macro (.X) files.
returns: nothing
see also: define
example: include "d:\\macros.aml"
include drive + path + filename
loop [Statement]
format: loop
end / endloop
remarks: The 'loop' statement evaluates 'expressions' repeatedly
until a 'break' or 'return' statement is encountered.
returns: nothing
see also: break, repeat, return, while
menu [Statement]
format: menu menuname
item description1 expressions1
item description2 expressions2
end / endmenu
remarks: This statement creates a new menu buffer with the
bufferid 'menuname'.
'description1', 'description2', etc. are the text strings
associated with each item on the menu. Each description
may contain one ampersand character (&) indicating that
the character following it is to be highlighted.
'expressions1', 'expressions2', etc. are macro
expressions to be associated with the menu items. These
expressions can be retrieved and evaluated when a menu
item is selected (see the 'getmenu' function).
returns: The new menu bufferid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: asciibuf, createbbuf, destroybuf, loadbuf, menubar, popup
example: menu "Colors"
item "&Red" say "you selected red"
item "&Green" say "you selected green"
item "&Blue" say "you selected blue"
menubar [Statement]
format: menubar window bar[1-4]
item description1 expressions1
item description2 expressions2
end / endmenubar
remarks: This statement creates or changes a menu bar for a
window. If 'window' is null, then the current window is
'description1', 'description2', etc. are the text strings
associated with each item on the menu bar. Each
description may contain one ampersand character (&)
indicating that the character following it is to be
highlighted. If a pair of ampersand characters (&&) is
specified, the character is highlighted with the window
title bar control color.
'expressions1', 'expressions2', etc. are macro
expressions to be associated with the menu bar items.
These expressions can be retrieved and evaluated when a
menu bar item is selected (see the 'getmenubar'
Up to four menu bars can be defined for one window. 'bar'
specifies which of the four menu bars is being defined,
and can be one of the following values:
1 - the primary menu bar at the top of the window, under
the north title bar (if any)
2 - menu bar 2 directly underneath the primary menu bar
3 - menu bar 3 directly underneath menu bar 2
4 - menu bar 4 at the bottom of the window, above the
south title bar (if any)
If 'bar' is null, then 1 is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getmenubar, menu
example: menubar '' 1 // primary menu bar
item "&Red" say "you selected red"
item "&Green" say "you selected green"
item "&Blue" say "you selected blue"
object [Statement]
format: object objectname ( parent1 parent2 ... )
The inheritance list (parent1 parent2 ...) is optional.
remarks: This statement changes the current (executing) object to
'objectname'. If the object does not exist, then it is
If the inheritance path '(parent1 parent2 ...)' is
specified, then the object will inherit functions and
object variables from the objects 'parent1', 'parent2',
The 'object' statement can not be used within the scope
of the 'function' statement.
returns: nothing
see also: destroyobject, function, getcurrobj, inheritfrom,
inheritkeys, object?
example: object abc
// makes 'abc' the current object (and creates it
// if it doesn't exist)
object abc (def xyz)
// makes 'abc' the current object (and creates it
// if it doesn't exist). 'abc' will inherit
// code and data from objects 'def' and 'xyz'
ref variable [Statement]
remarks: The 'ref' keyword can be used to return more than one
value from a function.
When 'ref' is specified immediately before a local or
global variable in a function call, it indicates that the
variable is to be passed 'by reference' to the function.
If the variable is modified in the called function, it is
also modified where it was called.
returns: nothing
example: function modify (c d)
c = 13
d = 14
function callmod
a = 1
b = 2
modify ref a ref b
return a + b // returns 27
repeat [Statement]
format: repeat
until until_expr
remarks: The 'repeat' statement evaluates 'expressions' repeatedly
until the value of the expression 'until_expr' is TRUE
(not zero and not null). 'until_expr' is tested after the
first iteration of the loop. The 'break' or 'return'
statements can be used to force an exit from the loop.
returns: null
see also: break, loop, return, while
example: var i
repeat // counts from 0 to 9
say "i is " + i
delay 500
i = i + 1
until i == 10
return expression [Statement]
remarks: This statement returns the value of 'expression'
immediately and unconditionally to the calling function.
returns: the value of the specified expression.
example: return "The value is: 13" // returns a string
return 6 + 7 // returns 13
return // returns the null string
set variable expression [Statement]
remarks: Assigns the value of 'expression' to an object variable
in the current (executing) object. Leading underscores
are ignored.
returns: nothing
see also: function?, lookup, setobj, setx, setxfun, setxobj, unsetx
example: set Two 2
set _Two 2 // underscore is ignored
set number 1 + 2 + x - 4
set abc_string 'a' + b + 'c'
set "A variable" 2
setobj variable expression objexpression [Statement]
remarks: Assigns the value of 'expression' to an object variable
in the object defined by 'objexpression'. An object must
be specified
returns: nothing
see also: function?, lookup, set, setx, setxfun, setxobj, unsetx
example: setobj Two 2 "edit"
setobj Two 2 "ed" + "it"
setx varexpression expression [Statement]
remarks: Assigns the value of 'expression' to an object variable
defined by 'varexpression' in the current object.
returns: nothing
see also: function?, lookup, set, setobj, setxfun, setxobj, unsetx
example: setx "FourTeen" 14
setx "Four" + "Teen" 8 + 6 // assigns 14 to the object
// variable "FourTeen"
variable = "Fourteen" // assigns 14 to the object
setx variable 14 // variable "FourTeen"
setxfun funexpression expression objexpression [Statement]
remarks: Changes the function definition of the function
'funexpression' in the object 'objexpression' to the
macro source code in the string 'expression'. An object
must be specified.
This statement can be used to change the definition of a
function to macro source code which is not known at
returns: nothing
see also: function?, lookup, set, setobj, setx, setxobj, unsetx
example: setxfun "<ctrl d>" "beep 400 400" "edit"
// assigns the macro code 'beep 400 400' to <ctrl d>
// in the object 'edit'
setxobj varexpression expression objexpression [Statement]
remarks: Assigns the value of 'expression' to an object variable
defined by 'varexpression' in the object defined by
'objexpression'. An object must be specified.
returns: nothing
see also: function?, lookup, set, setobj, setx, setxfun, unsetx
example: setxobj "Four" + "Teen" 8 + 6 "edit"
// assigns 14 to the object variable 'Fourteen' in
// the object 'edit'
var identifier [Statement]
remarks: This keyword defines the specified identifier as a
variable name, and initializes it to zero when entering a
macro or function.
If a variable is referenced before it is assigned a value
(and not referenced in a function argument list), then
this keyword must be used to inform the compiler that the
specified identifier is a variable name.
returns: nothing
see also: forward
example: function count (b)
var a
while a < b do
a = a + 1
while [Statement]
format: while while_expr do
end / endwhile
The keyword 'do' is optional, but may make the statement
easier to read.
remarks: The 'while' statement evaluates 'expressions' repeatedly
while the expression 'while_expr' is TRUE (not zero and
not null). 'while_expr' is tested before the first
iteration of the loop. The 'break' or 'return' statements
can be used to force an exit from the loop.
returns: null
see also: break, loop, repeat, return
│ Functions │
about [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays an about box with the editor version, and the
date and time.
returns: The button pressed (Ok), or null if nothing was pressed.
see also: finddlg, repldlg, scandlg
addhistory historybuffer string [Lib][a]
remarks: Adds 'string' to the specified history buffer and makes
it the most recently used history string. The history
buffer is created if it does not exist.
returns: nothing
see also: askhistory, gethiststr, pophistory
example: addhistory "_load" "C:\\FILE.TXT"
// adds C:\FILE.TXT to the history buffer '_load'
addhistory "_find" "apples"
// adds 'apples' to the history buffer '_find'
addline string col row buffer
remarks: Inserts a new line containing the specified string into a
buffer. This function is almost identical to the
'insline' function, except that new lines are added to
the end of the buffer if 'row' is not specified (see
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: delline, insline, insabove, joinline, splitline
example: addline
// adds a new blank line to the end of the
// current buffer
addline "Last line"
// adds a new line with the text 'Last line'
// after the last line in the current buffer
adjustcol col window
remarks: Scrolls a window left or right relative to the position
of the cursor in the window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
This function does not move the cursor in the buffer. The
window is scrolled so that the cursor appears 'col' minus
1 columns from the left edge of the client area. If 'col'
is not specified, the window is scrolled to a position
that leaves the cursor in the vertical center of the
returns: nothing
see also: adjustrow
example: adjustcol
// attempts to scroll the window so that the cursor
// is vertically centered in the window.
adjustcol 3
// attempts to scroll the window so that the cursor
// is 3 columns from the left edge of the window
adjustrow row window
remarks: Scrolls a window up or down relative to the position of
the cursor in the window. If 'window' is not specified,
the current window is assumed.
This function does not move the cursor in the buffer. The
window is scrolled so that the cursor appears 'row' minus
1 lines from the top edge of the client area. If 'row' is
not specified, the window is scrolled to a position that
leaves the cursor in the horizontal center of the window.
returns: nothing
see also: adjustcol
example: adjustrow
// attempts to scroll the window so that the cursor
// is horizontally centered in the window.
adjustrow 3
// attempts to scroll the window so that the cursor
// is 3 rows from the top edge of the window
actualrow (+/-)lines row buffer
remarks: This function returns the actual line number which is the
apparent distance on the screen of 'lines' lines away
from the specified row. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed. If 'row'
is not specified, then the line at the cursor is assumed.
returns: A line number if successful, otherwise null.
see also: apparentrow, fold?, getfold
example: actualrow -5
// returns the line number which appears to be 5
// lines above the current line on the screen
apparentrow (+/-)lines row buffer
remarks: This function returns the apparent line number on the
screen which is the actual distance of 'lines' lines away
from the specified row. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed. If 'row'
is not specified, then the line at the cursor is assumed.
returns: A line number if successful, otherwise null.
see also: actualrow, fold?, getfold
example: apparentrow 5
// returns the apparent line number on the screen
// of the line 5 lines below the current line
arg n
remarks: Retrieves the 'nth' argument, or the number of arguments
passed to the currently executing function. If 'n' is
zero or not specified, then the number of arguments is
returned, otherwise the 'nth' argument is returned.
returns: A function argument or the number of function arguments.
see also: function, key
example: function abc
say (arg) + " args passed, first arg is: " + (arg 1)
abc 1 2 3 // displays: '3 args passed, first is: 1'
asciibuf buffer
remarks: This function creates a new buffer containing an ASCII
chart with 256 lines - one for each ASCII character. The
new buffer will become the current buffer. If 'buffer' is
null or not specified, a unique bufferid will be
Note: this function will not display the new buffer in a
window. The 'popup' or 'openbuf' library functions should
be used to display the buffer.
returns: The new bufferid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: asciibuf, createbbuf, destroybuf, loadbuf, menu, openbuf,
ask prompt history init title opt=[c12d] width [Ext][a]
remarks: Prompts the user to enter a string. The following
parameters may be specified:
prompt - the prompt displayed to the user
history - the history buffer to use in the prompt
init - the initial value to place in the prompt
title - the prompt title (dialog boxes only)
width - the prompt width (dialog boxes only)
The following 'prompt style' options may also be
c - command line prompt
1 - one-line box prompt
2 - two-line box prompt
d - dialog box prompt
If no options are specified, the value of 'PromptStyle'
in CONFIG.AML is used as the default prompt style.
If a history bufferid is specified and does not already
exist, then it is created. Note that entered strings are
not automatically added to the history buffer (the
'addhistory' function must be used).
returns: This function returns the string entered. If nothing is
entered and the <enter> key is pressed, then one blank
(ASCII 32) is returned. If the prompt is cancelled, then
null is returned.
see also: addhistory, askfile, okbox, popup, repldlg, scandlg,
example: ask "Enter a string"
// prompts for a string
ask "Enter a file name" "_load" "C:\\FILE.TXT"
// prompts for a string, initializing the prompt with
// C:\FILE.TXT. The "_load" history buffer is
// available within the prompt
ask "Enter a string" '' "initial string" "Enter" 'd' 20
// prompts for a string using a dialog box prompt of
// width 20 with the title 'Enter". The prompt
// is initialized with "initial string".
askbox refvalue prompt history init [Lib][a]
remarks: Prompts the user to enter a string in a 2-line box
prompt. The following parameters may be specified:
refvalue - the variable to hold the return string
prompt - the prompt displayed to the user
history - the history buffer to use in the prompt
init - the initial value to place in the prompt
If a history bufferid is specified and does not already
exist, then it is created. Note that entered strings are
not automatically added to the history buffer (the
'addhistory' function must be used).
returns: TRUE if a string was entered, or null if the prompt was
cancelled. The user string is returned in the variable
'refvalue' (passed by reference).
see also: addhistory, ask, askbox1, askline
example: var value
// prompt for a string
if askbox ref value "File name?" _load "FILE.TXT" then
// user string is returned in 'value'
msgbox "You entered " + value
askbox1 refvalue prompt history init [Lib][a]
remarks: Prompts the user to enter a string in a 1-line box
prompt. The parameters and return values are identical to
the 'askbox' function.
returns: see askbox.
see also: ask, askbox, askline
askfile filespec title sortoptions fmgroptions bufname [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays a file selection menu based on 'filespec'. The
following parameters can be specified:
title - the menu title
sortoptions - One of the following sort options can be
d - file date/time (descending)
e - file extension
n - file name
o - DOS default order
s - file size (descending)
If no options are specified, the setting
'FmgrSort' in CONFIG.AML is assumed.
fmgroptions - One of the following options can be
d - show subdirectories
h - show hidden & system files
k - show file sizes in 1k increments
1 - show directories first when sorting
by name
If no options are specified, the setting
'FmgrOpt' in CONFIG.AML is assumed.
bufname - A buffer name to be used for the menu. If a
buffer name is specified, the menu will
'remember' its window and cursor positions,
and associate them with the buffer name.
returns: The selected file or directory, or null if nothing was
see also: popup
example: askfile "C:\\*.*" "Select a file"
// displays a file selection menu for the C drive
askfile "C:\\*.*" "Select a file" 's' 'dk'
// displays a file selection menu for the C drive,
// sorted by file size. The menu will show
// subdirectories, and file sizes in 1k increments
askhistory [Lib][prompt]
remarks: Displays a history popup menu for the current prompt. If
a string is selected, it is entered automatically into
the prompt. This function is only for use within prompts.
returns: The string selected from the popup menu, or null if
nothing was selected or the history buffer does not
see also: pophistory
askline refvalue prompt history init [Lib][a]
remarks: Prompts the user to enter a string in a command-line
prompt. The parameters and return values are identical to
the 'askbox' function.
returns: see askbox.
see also: ask, askbox, askbox1
assignkey [Lib][mon]
remarks: Assigns the current scrap key macro to a key. The user is
prompted to enter the key. If the key macro is assigned,
the scrap macro is erased.
Note: key macros cannot be assigned to multi-keys with
this function.
returns: nothing
see also: assignkey, openkey, playing?, savekey, setting
base number newbase
remarks: Converts a decimal or hexadecimal number to a string
representing a number of any base from 2 to 36.
returns: a string representing the number in base 'newbase'.
see also: bin2hex, hex2bin
example: base 45 16 // returns "2D"
base 45 8 // returns "55"
base 45 2 // returns "101101"
beep frequency milliseconds
remarks: Beeps the PC speaker at the specified frequency (in Hz)
for the specified number of milliseconds. If
'milliseconds' is omitted, the speaker will sound
indefinitely until the next call to this function. If no
arguments are passed to this function, then the speaker
is turned off.
returns: nothing
see also: delay
example: beep 500 1000 // beeps at 500Hz for 1 second
beep 800 // beeps at 800Hz indefinitely
beep // turns sound off
begdesk [Lib][a]
remarks: Clears the current desktop and marks the beginning of a
series of window 'close' calls which add each closed
window to the current desktop. This would typically be
used for exiting the editor and saving all open windows
as the current desktop.
returns: nothing
see also: close, enddesk
bin2hex binarystring
remarks: Converts a binary string into a string representing its
hexadecimal value
returns: a hexadecimal string.
see also: hex2bin
example: bin2hex 'a' // returns "61"
bin2hex 'abc' // returns "616263"
bin2int binarystring
remarks: Converts 1, 2, or 4 byte binary strings into integers.
returns: an integer.
see also: char, char2, char4
example: bin2int 'a' // returns 97
bin2int 'ab' // returns 25185
bin2int 'abcd' // returns 1684234849
blink [0/1]
remarks: Enables (1) or disables (0) the video blink mode.
Disabling the video blink mode allows the brighter
background colors (128-255) to be used.
returns: nothing
see also: display
bootpath filename
remarks: Converts an unqualified or partially qualified filename
into a fully-qualified filename based on the editor
'bootpath' (the location of the main editor .EXE file).
returns: a fully qualified filename or directory specification.
see also: getbootpath, qualify
example: bootpath "KBD.AML"
// returns C:\AURORA\KBD.AML if 'C:\AURORA' is the
// editor bootpath
bufchanged? buffer
remarks: Tests if a buffer is modified by checking the buffer
'modified' flag. If 'buffer' is null or not specified,
the current buffer is assumed.
returns: non-zero if the buffer is modified, otherwise null.
see also: bufchanged?, bufferflag
buffer? buffer
remarks: Tests if a buffer exists. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, the current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if the buffer exists, otherwise null.
see also: trunc?
bufferflag opt=[cdmr-] buffer
remarks: Turns buffer flags on or off. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, the current buffer is assumed. The following
flags can be specified:
d - process 'dirty' or modified lines
m - buffer 'modified' flag
r - buffer read/only (protected) flag
- - turns off flags
If option '-' is specified, any other specified flags
will be turned off, otherwise all specified flags will be
turned on.
The following option can also be specified:
c - clear all 'dirty' or modified lines
returns: nothing
see also: bufchanged?, bufferflag?, lineflag, lineflag?
example: bufferflag "-m" // turn off the buffer-modified flag
bufferflag "c" // clear all modified lines
bufferflag "r" // make current buffer read/only
bufferflag? opt=[dmr] buffer
remarks: Tests if buffer flags are on. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, the current buffer is assumed. The following
flags can be specified:
d - process 'dirty' or modified lines
m - buffer 'modified' flag
r - buffer read/only (protected) flag
returns: non-zero if any of the specified buffer flags are ON,
otherwise null.
see also: bufchanged?, bufferflag
example: bufferflag? "m" // returns non-zero if the current
// buffer has been modified
button title x y width height [Lib][a]
remarks: Adds a button window control to the current dialog box.
The button window becomes the current window. The
following parameters may be specified:
title - the button title
x - the button x-position in the dialog box
y - the button y-position in the dialog box
width - the button width (if not specified, the button
is sized to accomodate the title)
height - the button heigth (if not specified, the button
height is 1)
returns: The button window id.
see also: field, dialog, groupbox, listbox, whenenter
example: dialog "Test Dialog Box" 40 5 // create a dialog box
button "O&k" 18 2 8 // add a button
getdialog // display the dialog box
button? buttonmask
remarks: Tests if the specified mouse button(s) are currently
pressed down. 'buttonmask' can be any combination of the
following values OR'ed together (bitwise):
01h - left button is down
02h - right button is down
04h - center button is down
If 'buttonmask' is not specified, then 07h is assumed.
returns: Non-zero if the specified button keys are down, otherwise
example: button? // test if any mouse buttons are down
button? 2 // test if the right mouse button is down
call funexpression arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Calls a function in the current object whose name is the
value of 'funexpression', passing the arguments 'arg1',
'arg2', etc.
returns: The return value of 'funexpression'.
see also: eval, pass, send, sendobject
example: call "beep" 400 400
call "be" + "ep" 400 400
cascade [Lib][win]
remarks: Cascades all non-minimized windows on the screen.
returns: nothing
see also: splitwin, tile
caseblock opt=[lu] mark
remarks: Changes the case of marked text. If 'mark' is not
specified, then the default markid is assumed.
Any combination of the following options may be specified:
l - change text to lower case
u - change text to upper case
If options 'l' and 'u' are both specified, the case of
each character in the mark is toggled. If no options are
specified, then 'u' is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: flipcase, locase, upcase
char number1 number2 ...
remarks: Converts its numeric arguments to 1 byte character
strings whose ASCII value is the numeric argument.
returns: The concatenated string of all arguments converted to 1
byte strings.
see also: bin2int, char2, char4
example: char 97 // returns "a"
char 65 66 67 // returns "ABC"
char2 number1 number2 ...
remarks: Converts its numeric arguments to 2 byte binary character
returns: The concatenated string of all arguments converted to 2
byte strings.
see also: bin2int, char, char4
example: char2 6261h // returns "ab"
char4 number1 number2 ...
remarks: Converts its numeric arguments to 4 byte binary character
returns: The concatenated string of all arguments converted to 4
byte strings.
see also: bin2int, char, char2
example: char4 64636261h // returns "abcd"
chgfileattr filename attributes=[ahrs]
remarks: Changes the attributes of the file 'filename'. Any of the
following attributes can be specified:
a - archive
h - hidden
r - read-only
s - system
null - no attributes
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero.
see also: fileattr?
example: chgfileattr "C:\\FILE.TXT" "r"
// makes C:\\FILE.TXT a read-only file
close opt=[s] [Lib][win,edit_fmgr,prompt] [Ext][edit]
remarks: Closes the current window. If the buffer in the window is
not displayed in any other windows, the buffer is also
destroyed. If option 's' is specified and the window is
an edit window, the file is saved.
returns: nothing
see also: open, save, setname
example: close
// closes the current window
close 's'
// saves the current buffer and closes the current
// window
closefile handle
remarks: Closes a file handle opened with 'openfile'.
returns: nothing
see also: filepos, openfile, readfile, writefile
closefold opt=[s] row buffer
remarks: Closes the open fold spanning the specified row. If
'buffer' is null or not specified, then the current
buffer is assumed. If 'row' is not specified, then the
line at the cursor is assumed. If option 's' is
specified, all open subfolds within the fold are also
returns: the number of folds closed
see also: createfold, destroyfold, foldblock, getfold, openfold
example: closefold
// closes the open fold spanning the current line in
// the current buffer, leaving any subfolds open
remarks: Deactivates the mouse driver and removes the mouse
pointer from the screen. When this function is called,
mouse events will no longer be processed by the event
returns: nothing
see also: openmouse
col col buffer
remarks: Moves the cursor to the specified column, but does not
change the row. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the
current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: gotopos, row
example: col 1
// moves the cursor to column 1 of the current line
// in the current buffer
col getlinelen + 1
// moves the cursor one column past the end of the
// current line in the current buffer
colorcursor color cursor
remarks: Changes the color of a cursor to the attribute 'color'.
If 'cursor' is not specified, the current 'cursor' in the
current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcolor, getcurrcurs, setcolor
example: colorcursor 95
// changes the color of the current cursor to
// white on magenta
colormark color mark
remarks: Changes the mark color to the attribute 'color'. If this
function is not used, the window mark color is assumed.
This function allows individual marks to have different
colors. If 'mark' is not specified, the default markid is
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcolor, setcolor
example: colormark 95
// changes the color of the current mark to
// white on magenta
compilemacro sourcefile destfile
remarks: Compiles the macro source file 'sourcefile' and places
the compiled macro object code in the file 'destfile'.
Compiler error information can be retrieved with the
'geterror' function.
returns: Null if the compilation was successful, otherwise one of
the following compiler error codes:
1001 - can't open file
1002, 1003 - read error
1004 - not an executable macro file
1031 - write error
1032 - can't open compiler output file
1101 - no closing quote
1102 - no closing bracket
1103 - invalid symbol
1104 - invalid key or event
1301 - no terminator
1302 - unexpected end of source
1303 - no closing parenthesis
1310 - unexpected argument
1311 - unexpected terminator
1312 - unexpected function
1313 - unexpected operator
1318 - invalid number
1319 - identifier not defined (the identifier name
can be retrieved with the 'geterror' function,
using option 's')
1320 - bad assignment
1330 - bad when clause
1336 - improperly placed break
1337 - invalid reference
1501 - can't open include file (the include file name
can be retrieved with the 'geterror' function,
option 's')
1502 - include level exceeded
1503 - can't include compiled file in expression
1504 - include must be at top level
1505 - define can't be nested
1506 - function must be at top level
1507 - can't redefine builtin function
1508 - duplicated function argument
1509 - object statement not permitted
1701 - too many variables
1702 - too many function arguments
1703 - function or expression too large
1704, 1705 - internal stack overflow
1706 - out of symbol space
1707 - internal stack overflow
any other code - fatal compilation error
see also: eval, geterror, includemacro, runmacro
example: compilemacro "c:\\aurora\\macro\\utility.aml"
concat string1 string2 ...
remarks: Concatenates all of its arguments.
Note: the concatenation operator (+) may also be used to
concatenate strings.
returns: the concatenated string of all the arguments.
see also: copystr
example: concat "Red" "Green" "Blue" // returns "RedGreenBlue"
copyblock mark buffer col row
remarks: Copies marked text after the position 'col','row' in the
specified buffer. The text is inserted at the new
position and the mark is also moved to the new position.
If 'mark' is not specified, the default markid is
assumed. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the
current buffer is assumed. If 'col' and 'row' are not
specified, the current cursor position is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: copyblockover, moveblock
copyblockover mark buffer col row
remarks: Copies marked text to 'col','row' in the specified
buffer. The text is overlaid at the new position (not
inserted) and the mark is moved to the new location.
If 'mark' is not specified, the default markid is
assumed. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the
current buffer is assumed. If 'col' and 'row' are not
specified, the current cursor position is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: copyblock, moveblock
copyfile sourcefile destfile opt=[au]
remarks: Copies the file 'sourcefile' to 'destfile'. Any of the
following options can be specified:
a - append the sourcefile to the destination file
u - update the destination file date/time
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero.
see also: deletefile, renamefile
copymark oldmark newmark
remarks: Creates a new mark with the markid 'newmark' by making a
copy of 'oldmark'. If 'newmark' is not specified, a
unique markid will be assigned.
The new mark will reside in the same buffer as 'oldmark'
and have the same size and type. The new mark becomes the
current mark for the buffer.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: markchar, markcolumn, markline, markstream
example: copymark '*' 'T' // create a temporary copy of a mark
destroymark 'T' // destroy the temporary mark
copystr string count
remarks: Concatenates a string with itself for 'count' number of
returns: the argument string copied 'count' times.
see also: concat, pad, sizeof
example: copystr "Red" 4 // returns "RedRedRedRed"
copywin [Lib][edit]
remarks: Copies the current edit window. The new edit window will
display the same file in memory as the original window.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: splitwin
createbuf buffer line1 line2 ...
remarks: This function creates a new buffer with the specified
bufferid. If the bufferid is already in use, this
function will fail. If 'buffer' is null or not specified,
a unique bufferid will be assigned. The new buffer will
become the current buffer.
Initial lines can be placed in the buffer with the
arguments 'line1', 'line2', etc. If no lines are
specified, one blank line is assumed.
Note: this function will not display the new buffer in a
window. The 'openbuf' library function should be used to
display the buffer.
returns: The new bufferid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: asciibuf, buffer?, createbbuf, destroybuf, loadbuf, menu,
example: createbuf // creates a new buffer and returns a
// unique bufferid
createbuf "abc" // creates new buffer with the
// bufferid "abc"
createbuf '' // creates a new buffer with 2 lines
"First Line" // and returns a unique bufferid
"Second Line"
createbbuf buffer line1 line2 ...
remarks: This function creates a new binary buffer with the
bufferid 'buffer'. By default, when a binary buffer is
saved, line delimiter characters are not appended to the
end of each line.
This function is almost identical to the 'createbuf'
function, except that a binary buffer is created (see
returns: The new bufferid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: asciibuf, buffer?, createbuf, destroybuf, loadbuf, menu
createdir path
remarks: Creates a new directory specified by 'path'. Only one
directory in the path can be created at a time.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero.
see also: locatefile
createfold opt=[c] row buffer
remarks: Creates a one-line text fold. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed. If 'row'
is not specified, then the line at the cursor is assumed.
If option 'c' is specified, the fold is created 'closed',
otherwise the fold is created 'open'.
returns: non-zero if successful, otherwise null.
see also: closefold, destroyfold, foldblock, foldline, getfold,
example: createfold
// creates an open fold on the current line in
// the current buffer
createwindow window
remarks: Creates a new window. If 'window' is null or not
specified, a unique windowid will be assigned. The new
window will become the current window.
The new window will be sized to cover the entire physical
screen and will not have any borders or frame controls.
To add frame controls to the window, see the 'setframe'
function. To change the border size and style, see the
'setborder' function.
The window event object will be set to the current
(executing) object. To change the window event object,
see the 'setwinobj' function.
This function can be used to create simple video output
windows, or windows that display buffers.
returns: The new windowid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: destroywindow, setwinobj, window?
example: createwindow // create a new window
setframe "b" // add borders
setborder "1i" // set the border style
setcolor 0 127 // set border color
setcolor 5 112 // set text color
settitle "Hello World!" // set window title
sizewindow 6 5 72 20 "ad" // size the window
setshadow 2 1 // add shadows to the window
currbook bookmark
remarks: Makes the specified bookmark the current bookmark by
moving it to the top of the bookmark list in the current
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcurrbook
currbuf buffer
remarks: Makes the specified buffer the current buffer by moving
it to the top of the buffer list.
returns: nothing
see also: getcurrbuf, gotobuf
currcursor cursor
remarks: Makes the specified cursor the current cursor by moving
it to the top of the cursor list in the current buffer.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcurrcurs
currdesk [Lib][a]
remarks: Sets the 'current' desktop to the current window layout
on the screen. The current desktop can be restored later
with the 'restoredesk' function, or saved to a file with
the 'savedesk' function.
returns: nothing
see also: begdesk, enddesk, opendesk, openhistory, restoredesk,
currmark mark
remarks: Makes the specified mark the current mark by moving it to
the top of the mark list in the current buffer. Marks at
the top of the mark list have higher priority when
displayed on the screen.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcurrmark
currpath path
remarks: Changes the current DOS path to 'path' for the disk drive
specified in 'path'.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero.
see also: getcurrpath
example: currpath "d:\\abc"
// changes the current path for the D drive to 'abc'
currwin window [Lib][a]
remarks: Brings the specified window to the top of the screen and
makes it the current window.
returns: nothing
see also: getcurrwin
cursor? cursor
remarks: Tests if a cursor exists. If 'cursor' is null or not
specified, then the current cursor for the current buffer
is assumed.
returns: TRUE if the cursor exists, otherwise null.
see also: destroycursor, setcursor
cursorsize overtop overbot instop insbot
remarks: Sets the physical cursor size for insert and overstrike
modes in windows which display a buffer. 'overtop' and
'overbot' specify the cursor top and bottom in overstrike
mode. 'instop' and 'insbot' specify the cursor top and
bottom in insert mode.
The cursor top and bottom must be numbers from 0 to 99
and indicate the distance of the top and bottom of the
cursor from the top of the character cell, on a scale of
0 to 99.
returns: nothing
see also: hidecursor, showcursor
defext filename extension [Ext][a]
remarks: Appends the default extension 'extension' to the
specified filename if the filename has no extension.
returns: a filename with the default extension.
see also: forceext
example: defext "file" "doc" // returns 'file.doc'
defext "file.txt" "doc" // returns 'file.txt'
defext "file." "doc" // returns 'file.'
delay milliseconds
remarks: Suspends execution of the editor for the specified number
of milliseconds.
returns: nothing
see also: beep, exec, halt
example: delay 1000 // delay for 1 second
delchar count col row buffer
remarks: Deletes text on a line in a buffer. If 'buffer' is null
or not specified, then the current buffer is assumed.
The text at the specified 'col' and 'row' are deleted. If
'col' are 'row' are not specified, the text at the cursor
is deleted. 'count' specifies the number of characters to
delete. If 'count' is not specified, 1 is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: instext, ovltext, text
example: delchar
// deletes the character at the cursor in the
// current buffer
delchar 4
// deletes 4 characters at the cursor in the
// current buffer
delchar 1 5 20 "abc"
// deletes the character at column 5, line 20
// in the buffer "abc"
deleteblock mark
remarks: Deletes marked text and destroys the mark. If 'mark' is
not specified, the default markid is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: copyblock
deletefile filename
remarks: Deletes the specified filename. 'filename' may also
specify an empty directory.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: copyfile, renamefile
deletewin [Lib][a]
remarks: Deletes the current window. For edit windows, the buffer
in the window is not destroyed.
returns: nothing
see also: close
delline count row buffer
remarks: Deletes a line or lines in a buffer. If 'buffer' is null
or not specified, the current buffer is assumed.
If 'row' is specified, lines are deleted starting with
'row', otherwise lines are deleted at the cursor. 'count'
specifies the number of lines to delete. If 'count' is
not specified, 1 is assumed.
returns: the line number of the line deleted if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: addline, insabove, insline, joinline, splitline
example: delline
// deletes the line at cursor in the current buffer
delline 4
// deletes the line at cursor and 3 lines below
// it in the current buffer
delline 1 1 "abc"
// deletes the first line in the buffer "abc"
if delline > getrow then
// deletes the current line and tests if it was the
// last line
destroybook bookmark
remarks: Destroys a bookmark created with the 'setbook' function.
If 'bookmark' is not specified, the current bookmark is
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: setbook
destroybuf buffer
remarks: Destroys a buffer, If 'buffer' is null or not specified,
then the current buffer is destroyed. All windows,
cursors, bookmarks, and marks associated with the buffer
will also be destroyed. The previous buffer in the buffer
list will become the current buffer.
returns: nothing
see also: createbbuf, createbuf, loadbuf
destroycursor cursor
remarks: Destroys the specified cursor, and any window in which
the cursor is displayed. If 'cursor' is not specified,
then the current cursor in the current buffer is
destroyed. If the buffer contains more than one cursor,
the next cursor in the cursor list will become the
current cursor.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcurswin, setcursor
destroyfold opt=[s] row buffer
remarks: Destroys a closed fold. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed. If 'row'
is not specified, then the line at the cursor is assumed.
If option 's' is specified, all closed subfolds within
the fold are also destroyed.
returns: the number of folds destroyed
see also: closefold, createfold, foldblock, foldline, getfold,
example: destroyfold
// destroys the closed fold at the current line in the
// current buffer, leaving subfolds intact
destroymark mark
remarks: Destroys a mark created with the markline, markcolumn,
markchar, markstream, or copymark functions. The text
within the mark is not affected. If 'mark' is not
specified, the default markid is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: copymark, markchar, markcolumn, markline, markstream
destroyobject object
remarks: Flags the specified object to be destroyed. The object
will actually be destroyed the next time the editor is
idle. If 'object' is not specified, then the current
object is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: object, object?, runmacro, stayresident
destroytimer timerid
remarks: Stops and destroys the timer identified by 'timerid'.
This function will destroy both interval and alarm
returns: nothing
see also: setalarm, settimer, timer?
destroywindow window
remarks: Destroys a window and removes it from the screen. If
'window' is null or not specified, then the current
window is destroyed. Any child windows of 'window' are
also destroyed. The previous window in the window list
will become the current window.
returns: nothing
see also: createwindow, window?
dialog title width height opt=[cp] object [Lib][a]
remarks: Creates a main dialog box window to which dialog box
controls may be added. The new dialog box becomes the
current window and the 'current' dialog box. The
following parameters may be specified:
title - the dialog box title
width - the dialog box width
height - the dialog box height
object - the name of an object to be notified when
dialog box events occur
The following options may also be specified:
c - center the dialog box title (if this option is not
specified, the title is left-justified)
p - remember the dialog box position after closing (if
this option is not specified, the dialog box will
be centered)
returns: The dialog box window id.
see also: button, field, getdialog, groupbox, listbox, showdialog
example: dialog "Test Dialog Box" 40 5 // create a dialog box
getdialog // display the dialog box
dir? filespec [Lib][a]
remarks: Tests if 'filespec' specifies a directory.
returns: TRUE if filespec specifies a directory, otherwise null.
example: dir? "file.txt" // returns null
dir? "*.txt" // returns true
dir? "c:" // returns true
remarks: This function reads the next event from the event queue
and 'dispatches' it by calling a user-defined event
handling function associated with the event. If no events
are on the queue, this function waits for an event to
appear on the queue.
returns: TRUE if the 'endprocess' function was not called in the
user event-handling function, otherwise null.
see also: endprocess, process
display opt=[f]
remarks: Updates the display. Any windows, buffers, and marks, and
cursors which have been modified are redrawn.
Specifying option 'f' forces the entire display to be
redrawn (the background, all windows, etc.), even if
nothing has been modified within the editor. This can be
used to restore the display after another program,
utility, or DOS command has overwritten it.
returns: TRUE if the display was updated, otherwise null.
see also: setdisplay
down rows buffer
remarks: Moves the cursor downward. 'rows' specifies the number of
lines to move. If 'rows' is not specified, 1 is assumed.
If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the current buffer
is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: left, right, up
example: down // moves the cursor down 1 row
down 5 // moves the cursor down 5 rows
enddesk [Lib][a]
remarks: Marks the end of a series of window 'close' calls which
add the closed window to the current desktop.
returns: nothing
see also: begdesk
remarks: Posts a special internal 'quit' event to the event queue.
When the editor processes this event, the current editor
'process' is terminated, and the editor returns to the
previous process (or to DOS if there is no previous
process). The internal 'quit' event forces the 'dispatch'
function to return null, and the 'process' function call
to return.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: dispatch, process
eotstring titleid window
remarks: Sets the end-of-text line for a window which displays a
buffer to a window title previously set with the
'settitle' function. If 'window' is not specified, the
current window is assumed.
'titleid' specifies which one of the 5 window titles
should be used. The title should be hidden with settitle
option 'z' (see 'settitle').
If 'titleid' is not specified, then the 'end-of-text line
is removed. If 'titleid' is -1, then the end-of-text line
defaults to: "≡≡≡≡≡≡ End of Text ≡≡≡≡≡≡".
returns: nothing
see also: gettitle, settitle
example: eotstring
// removes the end-of-text line in the current window
eotstring -1
// sets the end-of-text line to
// '≡≡≡≡≡≡ End of Text ≡≡≡≡≡≡'
erasekey opt=[a] [Lib][a]
remarks: Erases the current scrap key macro. If option 'a' is
specified, all current key macros are erased.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: openkey, playkey, savekey, setting
eval string object
remarks: Compiles and evaluates a macro language source code
string in the specified object. If 'object' is not
specified, the current object is assumed. This function
can also evaluate compiled expressions.
Note that local and global variables defined outside of
the scope of the eval string are not accessible from
within the 'eval' function.
returns: The result of evaluating the macro source string. The
'geterror' function can also be called to return an error
code. The error code is zero if the string compiled
see also: compilemacro, geterror, includemacro, runmacro
example: eval "beep 700 300" // beeps the speaker
a = 40
x = eval '3 + ' + a [1] // x is '7'
remarks: Test if one or more events are currently in the event
queue, including keyboard, mouse, and user-defined
returns: TRUE if an event is in the queue, otherwise null.
see also: geteventcount, keyhit?, shiftkey?
eventobject object
remarks: Changes the current event object to the specified object.
The current event object is where events are dispatched
by the editor. If 'object' is not specified, the current
(executing) object is assumed.
Note: if a window has been associated with an event
object via the 'setwinobj' function, the current event
object is automatically changed to the window object when
the window becomes the current window.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: geteventobj, setwinobj
exec program opt=[chk]
remarks: Executes a DOS program. Any of the following options may
be specified:
c - clears the screen before executing
h - displays the header "Type EXIT to return" after
executing the program
k - prompts the user with a keypress to return to the
Since DOS 'PATH' is not searched, 'program' should be
fully qualified or reside in the current directory. If
the path of the program is not known, the function
'locatefile' can be used to search the DOS path.
returns: the DOS errorlevel
see also: delay, halt, locatefile
extendmark col row mark
remarks: Extends a mark to the position defined by 'col','row'. If
'col' and 'row' are not specified then the current cursor
position is assumed. If 'mark' is not specified, the
default markid is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: markchar, markcolumn, markline, markstream, stopmark
fdobrk [Lib][fmgr]
remarks: Breaks out of the current 'fdomark' call.
returns: nothing
see also: fdomark
fdomark function arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Calls the specified function once for each marked file in
the current file manager window. If no files are marked,
the function is called only once for the file or
directory at the current line in the file manager. The
function is called in the current event object.
The fully qualified file name and the arguments 'arg1',
'arg2', etc. are passed to the function in following
filename arg1 arg2 ...
returns: nothing
see also: fdobrk, fmark, fmark?
example: fdomark "chgfileattr" attribute
// calls the function 'chgfileattr' (passing the value
// of the variable 'attribute') in the current event
// object for all marked files in the current
// file manager window
field title x y width initvalue history [Lib][a]
remarks: Adds an edit field window control to the current dialog
box. The edit field window becomes the current window.
The following parameters may be specified:
title - the edit field title or prompt. If the last
character of the title is '>', the title will
be displayed to the left of the edit field,
otherwise the title will be displayed above
the edit field.
x - the edit field x-position in the dialog box
y - the edit field y-position in the dialog box
width - the edit field width
initvalue - the initial value (if any) to be placed in
the edit field
history - the history buffer (if any) to be associated
with the edit field
returns: The edit field window id.
see also: button, dialog, groupbox, listbox, whenenter
example: dialog "Test Dialog Box" 40 5
// create a dialog box
field "Enter string: " 18 2 8 "inital value"
// add an edit field control
// display the dialog box
fileattr? filename attributes=[adhrsv]
remarks: Tests if 'filename' has the specified file attributes.
Any combination of the following attributes can be
a - archive
d - directory
h - hidden
r - read only
s - system
v - volume
returns: Non-zero if any of the specified attributes are present,
otherwise null.
see also: chgfileattr
example: if fileattr? "C:\\FILE.TXT" 'r' then // test for
say "Read Only!" // read-only file
else // before saving
savebuf "C:\\FILE.TXT"
filelist [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays a popup menu of buffers which have not been
'hidden'. Selecting a buffer will make it the current
buffer and display it in the current edit window. The
buffer previously displayed in the edit window will not
be destroyed.
returns: the bufferid selected, or null if nothing was selected.
see also: hidebuf, nextfile, prevfile
filepos handle position opt=[ace]
remarks: Changes the current position in the open file specified
by 'handle'. The new position depends on the value of
'position', the current position, and the options
specified. One of the following options may be specified:
a - 'position' is an absolute position in the file (1
is the first position)
c - 'position' is an offset from the current position
e - 'position' is an offset from the end of the file.
If no options are specified, then 'a' is assumed.
returns: The new absolute position in the file (1 is the first
position) if successful, otherwise null.
see also: closefile, openfile, readfile, writefile
fillblock string mark
remarks: Fills a mark with the specified string. If 'mark' is not
specified, the default markid is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: copystr
fillrect length height char col row
remarks: Fills a rectangular area in the current video window with
the specified character. 'length' and 'height' specify
the dimensions of the rectangular area. 'col' and 'row'
specify the upper left corner of the rectangle. If 'col'
and 'row' are not specified, the current cursor position
is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: gotoscreen, hilite, writeline, writestr
example: xd = getcoord 'x1'
yd = getcoord 'y1'
hilite xd yd (getcolor text_color) 1 1
fillrect xd yd ' ' 1 1
// clear the current video window (fill with blanks)
find searchstring opt=[abfgilnorswx*[~] mark buffer
remarks: Searches for the specified search string in a buffer,
mark, or line. If 'buffer' is not specified, the current
buffer is assumed.
Various combinations of the following search options may
be specified:
a - find all occurrences
b - limit the search to the specified mark
f - search for closed text folds
g - start the search from the beginning or end of the
buffer, mark, or line
i - ignore case during the search
l - limit the search to the current line
n - prevent the cursor position from being updated
o - search for open text folds
r - search in reverse towards the beginning of the
buffer, rather than towards the end of the buffer
s - skip closed text folds
w - search for 'whole words' only
x - check for regular expression characters in the
search string (see 'Regular Expression Searching').
* - force the search to begin at the current cursor
position instead of the next character position
[ - search for the first character also found in the
search string. Character ranges can be specified
(a-zA-Z, etc.)
~ - search for the first character not found in the
search string. Character ranges can be specified
(a-zA-Z, etc.)
If the string is found, and options 'a' and 'n' are not
specified, then the cursor is moved to the beginning of
the matched string, otherwise the cursor does not move.
returns: If option 'a' is specified, the number of occurrences
found is returned, otherwise the length of the matched
string is returned. If nothing is found, then null is
see also: replace, search
example: find "apples"
// searches for the string 'apples' (case sensitive)
// starting at one char to the right of the cursor
// and searching toward the end of the buffer
find "apples" "*ir"
// searches for 'apples' (case insensitive) starting at
// the cursor position and searching toward the
// beginning of the buffer
find "apples" "bgw"
// searches for 'apples' (whole words only), limiting
// the search to the current mark and starting from
// the beginning of the mark
find "{apples}|{oranges}" "agx"
// returns the total number of occurrences of the
// strings 'apples' and 'oranges' (using regular
// expressions) in the current buffer. The cursor is
// not moved.
find "a-zA-Z" "[gl"
// Moves the cursor to the first alphabetic character
// in the current line
find "^ *$" "agx"
// Counts the number of blank lines in the current
// buffer using regular expressions
findbuf buffername
remarks: Finds the first buffer in the buffer list with the
specified buffer name. A buffer name can be associated
with a buffer by using the 'setbufname' function. For
most ordinary editing buffers, the buffer name is usually
a fully qualified file name.
returns: The first bufferid with specified name if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getcurrbuf, getprevbuf, setbufname
example: findbuf "C:\\FILE.TXT"
// returns the bufferid of the buffer with the
// name C:\FILE.TXT
finddlg [Lib][edit]
remarks: Displays a find dialog box.
returns: the search multi-string (searchstring/options) to be used
when searching, or null if nothing is specified.
see also: about, repldlg, scandlg
flipcase string
remarks: Toggles the case of each character in the string.
returns: the 'flipcased' string.
see also: locase, upcase
example: flipcase "Oranges" // returns "oRANGES"
fmark opt=[amu] [Lib][fmgr]
remarks: Marks or unmarks files in the current file manager
window. The following options can be specified:
a - unmarks all files when specified with option 'u',
otherwise all files are marked.
m - marks the file or directory at the cursor. If
option 'a' is specified, all files are marked.
u - unmarks the file or directory at the cursor. If
option 'a' is specified, all files and directories
are unmarked.
If no options are specified, 'm' is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: fdobrk, fdomark, fmark?
example: fmark
// mark the file or directory at the cursor
fmark "ma"
// mark all files
fmark "ua"
// unmark all files and directories
fmark? [Lib][fmgr]
remarks: Tests if any files or directories are marked in the
current file manager window.
returns: Non-zero if a file or directory is marked, otherwise
see also: fdobrk, fdomark, fmark?
fold? opt=[contbsl] row buffer
remarks: This function is a synonym for the 'getfold' function.
Calling this function with no arguments is useful for
testing whether or not a closed fold exists on the
current line in the current buffer.
returns: see the 'getfold' function.
see also: getfold
foldblock opt=[cdkos] mark
remarks: Manipulates folds within a mark. If 'mark' is not
specified, the default markid is assumed. The following
options may be specified:
c - Closes open folds in the mark. If option 's' is
also specified, all subfolds are also closed.
d - Destroys folds in the mark. The following options
may also be specified:
s - destroys subfolds
c - destroys closed folds
o - destroys open folds
If option 'd' is specified and options 'o' or 'c'
are not specified, then 'dco' is assumed.
k - Creates a fold spanning the mark. If option 'o' is
also specified, then the fold is created 'open',
otherwise the fold is created 'closed'.
o - Opens closed folds in the mark. If option 's' is
also specified, all subfolds are also opened.
If no options are specified, then 'k' is assumed.
returns: the number of folds opened, closed, or destroyed.
see also: actualrow, apparentrow, closefold, createfold,
destroyfold, fold?, getfold, openfold
example: foldblock
// creates a new closed fold spanning the default mark
foldblock 'ds'
// destroys all open and closed folds and subfolds
// in the default mark
foldblock 'o'
// opens all top level closed folds in the default mark
foldblock 'cs'
// closes all open folds and subfolds in the default
// mark
foldline opt=[u] [Ext][edit]
remarks: Folds or unfolds the current line in the current buffer.
If option 'u' is specified, the line is unfolded,
otherwise the line is folded.
returns: nothing
see also: actualrow, apparentrow, closefold, createfold,
destroyfold, fold?, foldblock, getfold, openfold
forceext filename extension [Ext][a]
remarks: Forces a filename to have the specified extension.
returns: a filename with the specified extension.
see also: defext
example: forceext "file" "doc" // returns 'file.doc'
forceext "file.txt" "doc" // returns 'file.doc'
formatblock leftmarg rightmarg opt=[kjr] mark
remarks: Reformats marked text. If 'mark' is not specified, the
default markid is assumed.
For column marks, the text is reformatted to fit between
the left and right edges of the mark. For all other
marks, the text is reformatted to fit between 'leftmarg'
and 'rightmarg'.
Any combination of the following options may be
j - the text is both left and right justified (blanks
are inserted to pad text to the right margin)
k - attempts to preserve spaces during the reformat
r - maintains the indenting relationship between the
first and second line of the text
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: justblock
example: formatblock 5 50 "kr"
// reformats the text within a line mark to fit between
// columns 5 and 50, preserving spaces and
// maintaining the relationship between the first
// and second lines in the mark.
frame? components window
remarks: Tests if the specified window frame components are
present. If 'window' is not specified, the current window
is assumed. See the 'setframe' function for a list of
window component options.
returns: Non-zero if any of the specified components are present.
see also: setframe
example: frame? "bn"
// returns non-zero if the current window has a
// border or a north title bar
fscanstr [Lib][fmgr]
remarks: Returns the scan string (if any) used to generate the
current file manager window.
returns: a scan search string in multi-string format
see also: ftype?
fsort opt=[ednos] [Lib][a]
remarks: Sorts files and directories in the current file manager
window. One of the following options can be specified:
d - sorts by date and time (descending order)
e - sorts by file extension
n - sorts by file name
o - arrange in the DOS default order
s - sorts by file size (descending order)
If no options are specified, 'o' is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: askfile
example: fsort 'n' // sort by file name
fsort 's' // sort by size (descending)
ftype? opt=[is] [Lib][fmgr]
remarks: Tests the current file manager window 'type'. One of the
following options can be specified:
i - an 'include file' picklist
s - generated by the 'file scanning' process
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also fscanstr
example: if ftype 's' then // is this a scan window?
function? funexpression objexpression
remarks: Tests for the existence of a function defined by
'funexpression' in the object defined by 'objexpression'.
If 'objexpression' is not specified, then the current
object is assumed. The inheritance hierarchy of the
specified object may also be searched for the function.
returns: Non-zero if the function exists, otherwise null.
see also: lookup, set, setobj, setx, setxfun, setxobj, unsetx
example: function? "function?"
// returns non-zero
function? "markword" "edit"
// tests if the 'markword' function is accessible
// from within the object 'edit'
fup [Lib][fmgr]
remarks: Reloads the current file manager window with the parent
directory of the currently displayed directory.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: open, reopen
getattr x y
remarks: Gets the color at the specified x,y position in the
current video output window. If x or y are not specified,
the current video cursor position is assumed.
returns: the color at x,y
see also: fillrect, getstr, getx, gety, gotoxy, gotoscreen,
hilite, writeline, writestr
getbinarylen buffer
remarks: Gets the binary line length that was used to load a
binary buffer. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then
the current buffer is assumed. This function can also be
used to test if a buffer is a binary buffer.
returns: The binary line length associated with a buffer.
see also: createbbuf, insertbuf, loadbuf
getbookbuf bookmark
remarks: Retrieves the buffer associated with a bookmark. If
'bookmark' is not specified, the current 'bookmark' in
the current buffer is assumed.
returns: The bufferid associated with the bookmark if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getcurrbook
remarks: Retrieves the editor 'boot' path. The boot path is the
location of the editor .EXE file currently executing.
returns: The boot path.
see also: bootpath, setbootpath
getborder opt=[xyt] window
remarks: Retrieves information about a window border. If 'window'
is not specified, the current window is assumed. One of
the following options can be specified:
x - returns the width of the left and right borders
y - returns the width of the top and bottom borders
t - returns the border type, See the 'setborder'
function for a description of border types.
returns: Information based on the options specified.
see also: setborder
remarks: Gets the bottommost window on the screen.
returns: the windowid of the bottommost window on the screen
see also: getcurrwin
getbufname buffer
remarks: Retrieves the descriptive name associated with a buffer.
If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the current
buffer is assumed.
A buffer name can be associated with a buffer by using
the 'setbufname' function. For most ordinary editing
buffers, the buffer name is usually a fully qualified
file name.
returns: The descriptive name associated with a buffer.
see also: findbuf, setbufname
getchar col row buffer
remarks: Retrieves the character at the specified column and row
in the buffer 'buffer'. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed. If 'col'
and 'row' are not specified, then the character at the
cursor is retrieved. If the column is beyond the end of a
line, null is returned.
returns: A one-character string if successful, otherwise null.
see also: gettext
example: getchar
// returns the character at the cursor in the
// current buffer
getchar 3 5
// returns the character at column 3, line 5 in the
// current buffer
getchar 1 1 "abc"
// returns the first character in the buffer "abc"
getchild window opt=[bt]
remarks: Gets a child window for a window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed. The following
options may be specified:
b - returns the bottommost child window
t - returns the topmost child window
returns: the windowid of the topmost or bottommost child window if
successful, otherwise null.
see also: getparent, setnextwin, setparent, setprevwin
getcol buffer
remarks: Gets the column position of the cursor. If 'buffer is
null or not specified, the current buffer is assumed.
returns: The current cursor column position.
see also: getrow
getcolor component window
remarks: Gets the color of a window component. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed. See the
'setcolor' function for 'component' values.
returns: the color of the specified window component.
see also: setcolor
example: getcolor 5
// returns the text color of the current window
getcolor 6
// returns the mark color of the current window
getcoord opt=[ltrb1xyd] window
remarks: Retrieves the coordinates and dimensions of a window. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
The following options may be specified:
l - returns the virtual left edge of the window
t - returns the virtual top edge of the window
r - returns the virtual right edge of the window
b - returns the virtual bottom edge of the window
x - returns the window width (the width of the client
area if option '1' is specified)
y - returns the window height (the height of the client
area if option '1' is specified)
d - returns the height or width of the 'visible'
portion of the window on the screen, when used with
the 'x' or 'y' options above
0 - returns a main window coordinate
1 - returns a client window coordinate. If not
specified, main window coordinates are assumed.
returns: Information based on the options specified.
see also: movewindow, sizewindow
example: getcoord "l"
// return the virtual coordinate of the left edge of
// the current window
getcoord "1xd"
// returns the visible width of the current window
// client area on the screen
getcurrbook buffer
remarks: Retrieves the current bookmark for the specified buffer.
If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the current buffer
is assumed.
returns: The current bookmarkid for a buffer.
see also: currbook
remarks: Gets the current buffer at the top of the buffer list.
returns: The current bufferid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: findbuf, getprevbuf, gotobuf
getcurrcurs buffer
remarks: Retrieves the current cursorid for the specified buffer.
If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the current buffer
is assumed.
returns: The current cursorid for a buffer.
see also: currcursor, destroycursor, setcursor
getcurrmark buffer
remarks: Retrieves the current markid for the specified buffer. If
'buffer' is null or not specified, the current buffer is
returns: The current markid for a buffer.
see also: currmark
remarks: Gets the current (executing) object where this function
is called.
returns: The current object.
see also: object
getcurrpath drive
remarks: Retrieves the current path for the specified disk drive.
If 'drive' is not specified, the current drive is
assumed. If a drive is specified, it must be specified
with a colon: 'C:', 'D:', etc.
returns: The current fully qualified path for the specified drive.
see also: currpath
getcurrwin opt=[c]
remarks: Gets the current (topmost) window on the screen. If no
options are specified, the topmost non-child window is
returned. If option 'c' is specified, the topmost window
is returned, whether or not the window is a child window.
returns: the current windowid
see also: getbotwin, gotowindow
getcursbuf cursor
remarks: Retrieves the buffer associated with a cursor. If
'cursor' is not specified, the current 'cursor' in the
current buffer is assumed.
returns: The bufferid associated with the cursor if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getcurrbook
getcurswin cursor
remarks: Retrieves the windowid, if any, associated with a cursor.
If 'cursor' is not specified, the current 'cursor' in the
current buffer is assumed.
returns: The windowid associated with a cursor if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getwincurs
remarks: Gets the current date in the format set by the
'international' function.
returns: The current date.
see also: getrawtime, gettime, international
getdialog ref1 ref2 ... [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays the current dialog box as a 'modal' dialog box
(any existing windows on the screen cannot be placed on
top of a modal dialog box). This function does not return
until the dialog box has been closed.
The current dialog box control values are returned in the
variables (ref1, ref2, etc.) passed by reference to this
function. The order of the return values is the same
order in which the dialog box controls were defined.
The following values are returned for each control:
button - null
field - the contents of the edit field
group - the checked items in the group box, in
'initvalue' format (see the 'groupbox'
listbox - the line at the cursor within the list box
returns: The title of the button pressed to close the window. If
<enter> is pressed then 'Ok' is returned. If <esc> is
pressed, then null is returned.
If the 'close' function is called from within a dialog
box event-handling function (defined with 'whenenter' or
'whenselect'), then the first argument passed to 'close'
is returned.
Dialog box control values are also returned in variables
passed by reference to this function.
see also: dialog, showdialog, whenenter, whenselect
example: dialog "Test Dialog Box" 40 17
field "Enter string1: " 18 2 8
field "Enter string2: " 18 4 8
var field1
var field2
// display the dialog box, and get return values
if (getdialog ref field1 ref field2) == 'Ok' then
getdisk opt=[cfmnv] drive
remarks: Retrieves information about the specified disk drive. If
a drive is not specified, the current drive is assumed.
The following options can be specified:
c - returns the total drive capacity
f - returns the free space on the drive
m - returns a string composed of all available disk
drive letters. If option 'n' is also specified,
each drive letter is followed by '2' if a network
drive or '1' if not a network drive
v - returns the volume name for the drive
returns: Information based on the specified options.
see also: getcurrpath
example: getdisk 'f'
// returns the free space on the current drive
getdisk 'v' "c:"
// returns the volume name for drive C
getenv environvariable
remarks: Gets the value of the specified environment variable.
'environvariable' must be in upper case.
returns: The value of an environment variable if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getos
example: getenv "PATH" // returns the DOS 'PATH' string
geterror opt=[cfkls]
remarks: Retrieves error information after compiling macro source
code with the 'compilemacro' or 'eval' functions, or
executing macros with the 'runmacro' and 'includemacro'
functions. One of the following options can be specified:
c - error code (zero if successful)
f - source filename where the error occurred
k - column in the source file where the error occurred
l - line in the source file where the error occurred
s - an error information string. The string contents
depend on the error code (see the 'compilemacro'
function for additional information).
If no options are specified, 'c' is assumed.
returns: Information based on the options specified.
see also: compilemacro, eval, includemacro, runmacro
remarks: Gets the number of real physical events (keyboard and
mouse) which have occurred in the current editing
returns: The number of real events.
see also: event?, keyhit?, shiftkey?
remarks: Gets the current event object. The current event object
is where events are dispatched by the editor.
returns: The current event objectid.
see also: eventobject
remarks: Gets the name of the currently executing editor .EXE
file, without path information or the .EXE extension.
returns: The editor .EXE name.
see also: getversion getos
getffile [Lib][fmgr]
remarks: Gets the fully qualified file or directory name on the
current line in the current file manager window.
returns: a fully qualified file or directory name.
see also: openf
getfold opt=[contbsl] row buffer
remarks: Returns information about a fold at the specified row in
a buffer. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the
current buffer is assumed. If 'row' is not specified,
then the line at the cursor is assumed. The following
options may be specified:
l - Returns the line number of the top or bottom row in
an open fold. The following options may also be
t - returns the top line number
b - returns the bottom line number
If options 't' and 'b' are not specified, then 't'
is assumed.
n - Returns the total number of folds in the buffer
('row' is ignored). The following options may be
c - returns the total number of closed folds
o - returns the total number of open folds
If options 'c' and 'o' are not specified, then 'co'
(both open and closed folds) is assumed.
s - returns the number of lines in the closed fold at
the specified row.
If none of the above options are specified, then the
following options may be used to test whether or not the
current line is on a fold boundary:
c - returns true if the specified row is on the top or
bottom line of a closed fold.
o - returns true if the specified row is on the top or
bottom line of an open fold.
t - returns true if the specified row is on the top
line of a fold.
b - returns true if the specified row is on the bottom
line of a fold.
If no options are specified, then 'ct' is assumed.
returns: Information based on the options specified.
see also: actualrow, apparentrow, closefold, createfold,
destroyfold, fold?, foldblock, openfold
example: getfold
// returns true if a closed fold exists at the cursor
// in the current buffer
getfold 'ot'
// returns true if the cursor is on the top line of
// an open fold
getfold 'ns'
// returns the total number of closed folds in the
// current buffer
getfold 's'
// returns the number of lines in the closed fold at
// the cursor in the current buffer
gethistname [Lib]
remarks: Gets the history bufferid for the current prompt. This
function is only for use within prompts.
returns: the history bufferid for the current prompt.
see also: addhistory, askhistory, gethiststr, pophistory
gethiststr historybuffer [Lib][a]
remarks: Gets the most recently used (or added) string for the
specified history buffer.
returns: the most recently used history string.
see also: addhistory, askhistory, pophistory
example: addhistory "_find" "apples"
say (gethiststr "_find") // displays 'apples'
getkey opt=[ds]
remarks: Waits for a key to be entered, bypassing the editor event
queue. The display is updated if needed. The following
options may be specified:
d - disable updating of the display
s - include scancodes for non-function (typeable) keys
returns: A keycode for the key pressed.
see also: getkeycode, getkeyname
example: say "you pressed keycode: " + getkey
getkeycode keyname
remarks: Gets the key code for the specified key name.
returns: a key code
see also: getkeyname
example: say "The keycode for <ctrl b> is: " +
(getkeycode "<ctrl b>")
getkeyname keycode
remarks: Gets the key name for the specified key code.
returns: a key name
see also: getkeycode
example: say "You pressed the key: " + (getkeyname (getkey))
getlinebeg row buffer
remarks: Gets the column of the first non-blank character in a
line. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the
current buffer is assumed. If 'row' is not specified,
then the line at the cursor is assumed.
returns: The column of the first non-blank character, otherwise
see also: getlinelen
example: getlinebeg
// returns the first non-blank column of the current
// line in the current buffer
getlinelen 1
// returns the first non-blank column of the first
// line in the current buffer
getlinebeg 5 "abc"
// returns the first non-blank column of line 5 in
// buffer "abc"
getlinelen row buffer
remarks: Gets the length of a line. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed. If 'row'
is not specified, then the line at the cursor is assumed.
returns: For non-binary buffers, the position of the last
non-blank character in the line is returned. For binary
buffers, the position of the last character in the line
is returned.
see also: getbinarylen, getlinebeg
example: getlinelen
// returns the length of the line at the cursor in
// the current buffer
getlinelen 1
// returns the length of the first line in the
// current buffer
getlinelen 5 "abc"
// returns the length of line 5 in the buffer "abc"
getlines buffer
remarks: Gets the total number of lines in a buffer. If 'buffer'
is null or not specified, then the current buffer is
assumed. A buffer will always have at least one line.
returns: The number of lines in a buffer.
getloadinfo opt=[dfst]
remarks: Obtains information about the file or directory which was
loaded by the most recent 'loadbuf' or 'insertbuf'
function call. One of the following options can be
d - return the number of subdirectories for a directory
f - return the number of files for a directory load
s - return total size of all files for a directory load
t - return the load type: 0 for files, 1 for
returns: Information based on the options specified.
see also: insertbuf, loadbuf
getmarkbot mark
remarks: Gets the bottommost line of a mark. If 'mark' is not
specified, the default markid is assumed.
returns: The bottommost line of the mark if successful, otherwise
see also: getmarkleft, getmarkright, getmarktop
getmarkbuf mark
remarks: Retrieves the buffer associated with a mark. If 'mark' is
not specified, the default markid is assumed.
returns: The bufferid of the buffer associated with the mark
if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcurrmark
getmarkcols mark
remarks: Gets the width of a mark. For line marks, 16001 is
returned. For column, character, and stream marks, the
end column minus the start column plus 1 is returned. If
'mark' is not specified, the default markid is assumed.
returns: The mark width if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getmarkrows
getmarkleft mark
remarks: Gets the leftmost column of a mark. For line marks, zero
is returned. For character and stream marks, the starting
column of the mark is returned. If 'mark' is not
specified, the default markid is assumed.
returns: The leftmost column of the mark if successful, otherwise
see also: getmarkbot, getmarkright, getmarktop
getmarkright mark
remarks: Gets the rightmost column of a mark. For line marks,
16001 is returned. For character and stream marks, the
ending column of the mark is returned. If 'mark' is not
specified, the default markid is assumed.
returns: The rightmost column of the mark if successful, otherwise
see also: getmarkbot, getmarkleft, getmarktop
getmarkrows mark
remarks: Gets the mark height (the number of lines spanned by the
mark). If 'mark' is not specified, the default markid is
returns: The mark height if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getmarkcols
getmarktop mark
remarks: Gets the topmost line of a mark. If 'mark' is not
specified, the default markid is assumed.
returns: The topmost line of the mark if successful, otherwise
see also: getmarkbot, getmarkleft, getmarkright
getmarktype mark
remarks: Gets the mark type (column, line, character, or stream).
If 'mark' is not specified, the default markid is
returns: A one-byte string indicating the mark type:
l - line mark
k - column mark
c - character mark
s - stream mark
see also: markchar, markcolumn, markline, markstream
remarks: Gets the default markid.
returns: the default markid.
see also: usemark
getmenu opt=[hwnxym] row menubuffer
remarks: Retrieves information about a menu buffer created with
the 'menu' keyword. 'menubuffer' specifies the name of
the menu. If 'menubuffer' is null or not specified, then
the current buffer is assumed. If 'row' is not specified,
then the line at the cursor is assumed.
One of the following options can be specified.
h - return the menu highlight column for the row
m - return TRUE if the buffer is a menu buffer
n - return the menu item description text
w - return the menu width
y - return the cursor row at last menu exit
x - return the menu item compiled macro code (if any)
returns: Information based on the options specified.
see also: menu
getmenubar opt=[cfnosw] menubar[1-4] item window
remarks: Retrieves information about a menu bar. If 'window' is
not specified, the current window is assumed.
'menubar' (1-4) specifies one of the 4 possible menu bars
for a window. If 'menubar' is not specified, 1 is assumed
(the primary menu bar).
'item' is an integer specifying the relative position of
a menu bar item from the beginning of the menu bar. If
'item' is not specified, the current highlighted menu bar
item is assumed.
The following options may be specified:
c - returns the highlighted character for a menu bar
f - returns the menu bar item function string
n - returns the total number of menu bar items
o - returns the offset (in columns) of the menu bar
item description text from the beginning of the
menu bar
s - returns the menu bar item description text
w - returns the menu bar width (for west menus only)
If no options are specified, the current highlighted
menu bar item is returned.
returns: Information based on the options specified
see also: hilitebar, menubar
example: getmenubar
// returns the currently highlighted item on the
// primary menu bar (tests if an item is highlighted)
getmenubar 'n' 2
// returns the total number of menu bar items for
// menu bar 2
getmenubar 's' '' 3
// returns the description for the third menu bar item
// on the primary menu bar
getmousex opt=[e]
remarks: Gets the virtual X coordinate of the mouse pointer. If
option 'e' is specified, the X coordinate where the last
mouse event occurred is returned.
returns: the mouse virtual X coordinate
see also: getmousex, mousepos
getmousey opt=[e]
remarks: Gets the virtual Y coordinate of the mouse pointer. If
option 'e' is specified, the Y coordinate where the last
mouse event occurred is returned.
returns: the mouse virtual Y coordinate
see also: getmousey, mousepos
getnextwin window opt=[z]
remarks: Gets the window after 'window' the window list. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
If option 'z' is specified, any window may be returned,
otherwise only a window at the same child-level as
'window' is returned.
returns: the windowid of the next window if successful, otherwise
see also: getchild, getprevwin
getos opt=[vm]
remarks: Gets the operating system name or the operating system
version. One of the following options may be specified:
v - return the major OS version number
m - return the minor OS version number
If no options are specified, the operation system name
'DOS' is returned.
returns: The operating system name or version.
see also: getversion
getpalette position
remarks: Retrieves a color attribute from a 100-byte user-defined
palette area defined with the 'setpalette' function. If
no position is specified, the entire palette area is
returned. The editor library code (LIB.X) expects color
attributes to be in the positions defined in COLOR.AML.
returns: a numeric color attribute, or the 100-byte palette.
see also: setpalatte
getparent window
remarks: Gets the parent window of a window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: the windowid of the parent window if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getchild, setparent
getprevbook bookmark
remarks: Gets the bookmark preceding 'bookmark' in the bookmark
list for the current buffer. If 'bookmark' is not
specified, the current 'bookmark' in the current buffer
is assumed.
returns: The bookmarkid of the previous bookmark if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: currbook
getprevbuf buffer
remarks: Gets the buffer before 'buffer' in the buffer list. If
'buffer' is null or not specified, then the current
buffer is assumed.
returns: The previous bufferid, or null if no previous buffer
see also: findbuf, getcurrbuf
example: buffer = getcurrbuf // cycles through existing
while buffer do // buffers
buffer = getprevbuf buffer
getprevcurs cursor
remarks: Gets the cursor before 'cursor' in the cursor list for
the current buffer. If 'cursor' is not specified, the
current 'cursor' in the current buffer is assumed.
returns: The cursorid of the previous cursor if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: currcursor
getprevmark mark
remarks: Gets the mark preceding 'mark' in the mark list for the
current buffer. If 'mark' is not specified, the default
markid is assumed.
returns: The markid of the previous mark if successful, otherwise
see also: currmark
getprevwin window opt=[z]
remarks: Gets the window before 'window' the window list. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
If option 'z' is specified, any window may be returned,
otherwise only a window at the same child-level as
'window' is returned.
returns: the windowid of the previous window if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getchild, getnextwin
remarks: Gets the current date and time in a 17 character string.
The format of the string is as follows:
YYYY = year
MM = month [1-12]
DD = day [1-31]
W = day of the week [0-6, 0=sunday]
hh = hour [0-23]
mm = minutes [0-59]
ss = seconds [0-59]
uu = hundredths of a second [0-99]
returns: The current date and time in raw format.
see also: getdate, gettime
getregion virtualX virtualY window
remarks: Returns an integer code identifying the region of a
window containing the virtual screen coordinate
'virtualX', 'virtualY'. If 'window' is not specified, the
current window is assumed. If 'virtualX' and 'virtualY'
are not specified, the current mouse position is assumed.
This function is useful for determining where a mouse
click occurred.
The following table shows the integer codes and the
corresponding window regions:
code region
──── ──────
0 'virtualX', 'virtualY' is not in the window
1 client area
2 north border
3 east border
4 south border
5 west border
6 northwest border corner
7 northeast border corner
8 southeast border corner
9 southwest border corner
11 north title bar
12 south title bar
13 west title
14 east title
19 vertical & horizontal scroll bar intersection
21 vertical scroll bar up arrow
22 vertical scroll bar down arrow
23 vertical scroll bar page-up bar
24 vertical scroll bar page-down bar
25 vertical scroll bar thumb
31 horizontal scroll bar left arrow
32 horizontal scroll bar right arrow
33 horizontal scroll bar page-left bar
34 horizontal scroll bar page-right bar
35 horizontal scroll bar thumb
51 - 100 window title bar controls from left to right
101 - 200 primary menu bar items from left to right
201 - 300 menu bar 2 items from left to right
301 - 400 menu bar 3 items from left to right
401 - 500 menu bar 4 items from left to right
501 - 600 menu bar 5 items from top to bottom
returns: a window region code.
example: function <lbutton> // determine where a left mouse
case getregion // button click occurred
when 1 ... // client area?
when 11 ... // north title bar?
getrow buffer
remarks: Gets the current line number of the cursor. If 'buffer'
is null or not specified, the current buffer is assumed.
returns: The current line number of the cursor.
see also: getcol, getlines
getsettings [Lib][mon]
remarks: Gets the current window settings as they appear on the
edit window title bar. See the 'setting' command for a
description of window settings.
returns: a string containing the current window settings.
see also: setting, setting?
getstr length x y
remarks: Gets a string of the specified length at the specified
x,y position in the current video output window. If x or
y are not specified, the current video cursor position is
returns: the string at x,y
see also: fillrect, getattr, getx, gety, gotoxy, gotoscreen,
hilite, writeline, writestr
gettext col length row buffer
remarks: Retrieves text within a line in the specified buffer. If
'buffer' is null or not specified, then the current
buffer is assumed. If 'row' is not specified, then the
line at the cursor is assumed. If 'col' is not specified,
then column 1 is assumed. If 'length' is not specified,
then the length from the specified column to the end of
the line is assumed. If 'col' is beyond the end of the
line, then null is returned.
returns: A copy of a line (or portion of the line) if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getchar
example: gettext
// returns the line at the cursor in the current buffer
gettext 3
// returns the portion of the current line from
// column 3 to the end of the line
gettext 3 5
// returns 5 characters at column 3, on the current line
// in the current buffer
gettext 3 5 20 "abc"
// returns 5 characters at column 3, line 20 in the
// buffer "abc"
gettitle titleid[1-5] window opt=[h]
remarks: Gets a window title string for a window. If 'window' is
not specified, the current window is assumed. 'titleid'
specifies which window title to retrieve. If 'titleid' is
zero, then 1 is assumed (the primary title).
If option 'h' is specified, then this function returns
the highlighted position within the title string.
returns: a window title string.
see also: settitle
example: gettitle
// returns title 1 for the current window
gettitle 3 "abc"
// returns title 3 for window "abc"
remarks: Gets the current time in the format set by the
'international' function.
returns: The current time.
see also: getdate, getrawtime
remarks: Gets the current version of the editor.
returns: The current version (major and minor) of the editor as a
see also: getexe, getos
remarks: Gets the virtual coordinate of the bottommost row of the
physical screen.
returns: the bottom edge of the physical screen.
see also: getvidleft, getvidright, getvidrows, getvidtop
remarks: Gets the number of columns on the screen.
returns: the number of columns on the screen.
see also: getvidleft, getvidright, getvidrows
remarks: Gets the virtual coordinate of the leftmost column of the
physical screen.
returns: the left edge of the physical screen.
see also: getvidbot, getvidcols, getvidright, getvidtop
remarks: Gets the virtual coordinate of the rightmost column of
the physical screen.
returns: the right edge of the physical screen.
see also: getvidbot, getvidcols, getvidleft, getvidtop
remarks: Gets the number of rows on the screen.
returns: the number of rows on the screen.
see also: getvidbot, getvidcols, getvidtop
remarks: Gets the virtual coordinate of the topmost row of the
physical screen.
returns: the top edge of the physical screen.
see also: getvidbot, getvidleft, getvidright, getvidrows
getviewbot window
remarks: Gets the line number of the bottommost visible row in a
window. If 'window' is not specified, the current window
is assumed.
returns: the bottommost visible row in a window.
see also: getviewleft, getviewright, getviewtop
getviewcols window
remarks: Gets the number of visible columns in a window. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: the number of visible columns.
see also: getviewleft, getviewright, getviewrows
getviewleft window
remarks: Gets the leftmost column in a window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: the leftmost column in a window.
see also: getviewbot, getviewright, getviewtop
getviewright window
remarks: Gets the rightmost visible column in a window. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: the rightmost visible column in a window.
see also: getviewbot, getviewleft, getviewtop
getviewrows window
remarks: Gets the number of visible rows in a window. If 'window'
is not specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: the number of visible rows.
see also: getviewbot, getviewcols, getviewtop
getviewtop window
remarks: Gets the line number of the topmost row in a window. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: the topmost row in a window.
see also: getviewbot, getviewleft, getviewright
getwinbuf window
remarks: Gets the buffer associated with a window. If 'window' is
not specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: the bufferid associated with the window is successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getwincurs, setwincurs
getwincount window
remarks: Gets the number of windows on the screen. If 'window' is
specified, this function returns the number of child
windows attached to 'window'.
returns: the number of windows on the screen, or the number of
child windows attached to a window.
see also: getchild, setparent
getwinctrl n window
remarks: Gets the 'nth' title bar control for a window. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: a one-character title bar control
see also: setwinctrl
getwincurs window
remarks: Gets the cursor associated with a window. If 'window' is
not specified, the current window is assumed. Only
cursors associated with a buffer are returned.
returns: the cursorid of the window cursor if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: getwinbuf, setwincurs
getwinobj window
remarks: Gets the event object associated with a window. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: the window event object.
see also: setwinobj
getwinscr virtualX virtualY window
remarks: Translates a virtual x,y coordinate in a scroll bar to a
column or row in a window. If 'window' is not specified,
the current window is assumed. This function can be used
to translate a mouse pointer position in a scroll bar to
a position in a window.
returns: A window column if virtualX, virtualY lies within a
horizontal scroll bar, or a window row if virtualX,
virtualY lies within a vertical scroll bar, otherwise
see also: getviewbot, getviewleft, getviewright, getviewtop
remarks: Gets the cursor column in the current video window. This
function is ignored for windows which contain a buffer.
returns: the cursor column in the current video window
see also: fillrect, getattr, getstr, gety, gotoxy, gotoscreen,
hilite, writeline, writestr
remarks: Gets the cursor row in the current video window. This
function is ignored for windows which contain a buffer.
returns: the cursor row in the current video window
see also: fillrect, getattr, getstr, getx, gotoxy, gotoscreen,
hilite, writeline, writestr
gotobar item [Lib][edit_fmgr]
remarks: Activates the specified menu bar item from the primary
menu bar. 'item' specifies the menu bar item or the menu
bar description text.
returns: nothing
see also: getmenubar, gotobar2, menubar
example: gotobar 1 // highlights the 'File' menu bar item
gotobar "File" // highlights the 'File' menu bar item
gotobar2 item [Lib][edit_fmgr]
remarks: Activates the specified menu bar item on the toolbar of
an edit window, or the drive bar of a file manager
window. 'item' specifies the menu bar item or the menu
bar description text.
returns: nothing
see also: getmenubar, gotobar, menubar
gotobook bookmark
remarks: Moves the cursor to a bookmark. Only the current cursor
in the buffer associated with the bookmark is moved. If
'bookmark' is not specified, the current 'bookmark' in
the current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcurrbook, setbook
gotobuf buffer
remarks: Makes the specified buffer the current buffer. If
'buffer' is not specified, the buffer at the top of the
buffer list becomes the current buffer.
Unlike the 'currbuf' function, the position of the buffer
in the buffer list is not changed.
returns: The previous current buffer if successful, otherwise null.
see also: currbuf, findbuf, getcurrbuf
example: oldbuffer = gotobuf 'abc'
// switch to buffer 'abc'
gotobuf oldbuffer
// switch back to the old buffer
gotomatch char-pairs [Lib][a]
remarks: Finds the matching character for a character specified in
returns: Non-zero if found, otherwise null.
example: gotomatch "(){}[]<>"
gotomenu pulldown [Lib][edit_fmgr]
remarks: Displays the specified pulldown menu from the primary
menu bar. 'pulldown' specifies the menu bar item or menu
bar item description for the pulldown menu.
returns: nothing
see also: getmenu, menu, submenu
example: gotomenu 1 // displays the 'File' pulldown menu
gotomenu "File"
gotopos col row buffer
remarks: Moves the cursor to the specified column and row. If
'buffer' is null or not specified, the current buffer is
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: col row movepos
example: gotopos 1 1
// moves the cursor to column one of the first line
remarks: Changes all video functions to operate immediately on the
actual physical screen. The physical screen becomes the
current window for all builtin video functions. Column 1
and row 1 are located at the upper left corner of the
screen. This function can be used to perform custom
drawing of the display.
returns: nothing
see also: fillrect, getattr, getstr, getx, gety, gotowindow,
gotoxy, hilite, writeline, writestr
gotowindow window
remarks: Makes the specified window the current window. If
'window' is not specified, the topmost window on the
screen becomes the current window.
Note that this function does not change the ordering of
windows on the screen. It changes the 'current' or
default window referenced in builtin window functions.
returns: The previous current window if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcurrwin, gotoscreen
gotoxy col row
remarks: Moves the cursor to the specified column and row in the
current video window. This function is ignored for
windows which contain a buffer.
returns: nothing
see also: fillrect, getattr, getstr, getx, gety, gotoscreen,
hilite, writeline, writestr
groupbox title x y buffer width initvalue valuemap [Lib][a]
remarks: Adds a group box window control to the current dialog
box. The group box window becomes the current window. The
group box may contain check boxes or radio buttons. The
following parameters may be specified:
title - the group box title
x - the group box x-position in the dialog box
y - the group box y-position in the dialog box
buffer - the menu buffer to display in the group box
width - the group box width (if not specified, the
title width or widest menu item width is
used, whichever is widest)
initvalue - the values (if any) used to intialize the
group box. Initial values are entered as a
string of one-character codes, with each
character representing a checked menu item
from a string of possible choices specified
by the 'valuemap' argument. If 'initvalue' is
not specified, the first menu item is
valuemap - a string of possible choices of one-character
codes for 'initvalue', which each character
representing a menu item. The first character
in the string represents the first menu item,
the second character represents the second
menu item, and so on.
A group box menu item is a check box if the characters
'[ ]' are the the first 4 characters in the menu item.
The menu item is a radio button if the characters ' ( )'
are the the first 4 characters in the menu item.
returns: The group box window id.
see also: button, dialog, field, listbox, setgroupbox, whenenter,
example: dialog "Test Dialog Box" 40 8
// create a dialog box
groupbox 'Group Box:' 22 2
( menu ''
item " [ ] &Apples"
item " [ ] &Oranges"
item " [ ] &Melons"
item " [ ] &Bananas"
end ) 15 'am' 'aomb'
// add a group box containing check boxes, initially
// checking the first and third menu items
// display the dialog box
remarks: Terminates the execution of the editor immediately and
returns: nothing
see also: delay, exec
hex2bin hexstring
remarks: Converts a hexadecimal string, composed of only the
characters 0-9 and A-F, to a binary string.
returns: a binary string.
see also: bin2hex
example: hex2bin "61" // returns 'a'
hex2bin "616263" // returns 'abc'
hidebuf buffer
remarks: Hides a buffer from the 'getprevbuf' function. If
'buffer' is null or not specified, then the current
buffer is assumed. This function can used to prevent
temporary or internal buffers from being displayed on
editor buffer lists.
returns: nothing
see also: getprevbuf
remarks: Hides the physical cursor in the current window. If the
current window contains a buffer, the effects of this
function are temporary and will disappear the next time
the display is updated.
returns: nothing
see also: showcursor
remarks: Hides the mouse pointer.
returns: nothing
see also: showmouse
hidewindow window
remarks: Hides a window temporarily. If 'window' is null or not
specified, then the current window is assumed. The window
will be shown again the next time the display is updated.
returns: nothing
see also: showwindow
hilite length height color col row
remarks: Highlights a rectangular area in the current window with
the specified color attribute. 'length' and 'height'
specify the dimensions of the highlighted rectangle.
'col' and 'row' specify the upper left corner of the
rectangle. If 'col' and 'row' are not specified, the
current cursor position is assumed.
If the current window displays a buffer, the effects of
this function are temporary and will disappear the next
time the display is updated.
If the current window does not display a buffer and the
'height' is 1, the current cursor position is moved to
the right of the highlighted area.
returns: nothing
see also: fillrect, getattr, getstr, getx, gety, gotoscreen,
gotoxy, writeline, writestr
example: hilite 6 1 95
// highlights a word at the cursor of length 6
// with the color 'white on magenta'
hilitebar menubar[1-4] item window
remarks: Highlights or un-highlights a menu bar item in a window.
There can only be one highlighted item per menu bar. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
'menubar' specifies one of the 4 available menu bars in
the window. If 'menubar' is not specified, 1 is assumed
(the primary menu bar).
'item' indicates the relative position of the menu bar
item from the beginning of the menu bar (1 for the first
item, 2 for the second item, and so on).
If 'item' is null or zero, then the highlight is removed
from any currently highlighted item in the menu bar.
returns: If successful, the offset (in character positions) of the
specified menu bar item from the beginning of the menu
bar, otherwise null.
see also: getmenubar, menubar
example: hilitebar
// removes the highlight from the primary menu bar
hilitebar 2 5
// highlights item 5 on menu bar 2
icompare string1 string2 ...
remarks: Tests if 'string1' is equal to any of the following
arguments, ignoring case.
returns: TRUE if the comparison succeeds, otherwise null.
see also: flipcase, locase, upcase
example: icompare "apples" "Apples" // returns TRUE
icompare "apples" "oranges" // returns null
includemacro filename arg2 arg3 ...
remarks: Loads the compiled macro code in the file 'filename' and
executes it in the current event object. The 'filename'
is passed to the macro as the first argument, followed by
the optional arguments 'arg2', 'arg3', etc.
returns: The return value from executing the macro.
see also: compilemacro, eval, runmacro
example: includemacro "C:\\AURORA\\MACRO\\MYMACRO.X"
inheritfrom objexpression1 objexpression2 ...
remarks: Sets the inheritance path of the current object to the
specified objects. After this function is called, the
current object will inherit functions and object
variables from the objects specified by objexpression1,
objexpression2, etc.
returns: nothing
see also: inheritkeys, object, objtype?
example: inheritfrom "win"
// the current object now inherits functions and
// object variables from the object 'win'
inheritkeys [0/1] object
remarks: Enables (1) or disables (0) the inheritance of keyboard
events for the specified object. If 'object' is not
specified, then the current object is assumed. When an
object is initially created, keyboard inheritance is
returns: nothing
see also: inheritfrom, object, objtype?
inmark? col row buffer
remarks: Tests if the specified column and row position lies
within a mark. If 'col' and 'row' are not specified, then
the current cursor position is assumed. If 'buffer' is
not specified, the current buffer is assumed.
returns: The topmost markid containing 'col','row', otherwise
see also: mark?
example: if inmark? then // if cursor is within a mark
deleteblock // then delete the mark text
else // otherwise..
delchar // delete the char at the cursor
insabove string col row buffer
remarks: Inserts a new line containing the specified string into a
buffer. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the
current buffer is assumed.
If 'row' is specified, the new line is inserted before
the specified row, otherwise the new line is inserted
before the line at the cursor. If 'col' is specified, the
string is placed at the specified column, otherwise the
string is placed at column 1.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: addline, delline, insline, joinline, splitline
example: insabove
// inserts a new line above the line at the cursor
// in the current buffer
insabove "New line" 1 6
// inserts a new line with the text " New line"
// above line 6 in the current buffer
insabove "New line" 1 1 "abc"
// inserts a new line with the text "New line"
// above line 1 in the buffer "abc"
insert? buffer
remarks: Tests if the cursor is in insert or overstrike mode. If
'buffer' is null or not specified, the current buffer is
returns: TRUE if the cursor is in insert mode, otherwise null.
see also: setcursor, writetext
insertbuf filespec buffer delim/binlen opt=[bdfhkx] trunc comment
remarks: Inserts a file or directory into an existing buffer. If
'buffer' is null or not specified, the current buffer is
The file is inserted after the line 'linenumber'. If
'linenumber' is not specified, then the file is loaded
after the current cursor position in the buffer.
All other arguments and options are identical to the
'loadbuf' function (see the 'loadbuf' function).
returns: The bufferid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: asciibuf, createbbuf, createbuf, destroybuf, getloadinfo,
loadbuf, menu
example: insertbuf "c:\\file.txt"
// loads "c:\file.txt" into the current buffer after
// the current line in the buffer
insertbuf "c:\\file.txt" "abc" 32 'b' '' '' 1000
// loads "c:\file.txt" with a binary line length
// of 32, and inserts it after line 1000 of the
// buffer "abc"
insline string col row buffer
remarks: Inserts a new line containing the specified string into a
buffer. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the
current buffer is assumed.
If 'row' is specified, the new line is inserted after the
specified row, otherwise the new line is inserted after
the line at the cursor. If 'col' is specified, the string
is placed at the specified column, otherwise the string
is placed at column 1.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: addline, delline, insabove, joinline, splitline
example: insline
// inserts a new line after the line at the cursor
// in the current buffer
insline "New line" 1 (getlines)
// inserts a new line with the text "New line"
// after the last line in the current buffer
insline "New line" 1 1 "abc"
// inserts a new line with the text "New line"
// after line 1 in the buffer "abc"
instext string col row buffer
remarks: Inserts the specified string into a buffer at the
specified row and column. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, the current buffer is assumed. If 'col' and
'row' are not specified, then the string is inserted at
the current cursor position.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: delchar, ovltext
example: instext "some text"
// inserts 'some text' at the cursor in the current
// buffer
instext "some text" 2 20
// inserts 'some text' at column 2, line 20 in the
// current buffer
instext "some text" 1 1 "abc"
// inserts 'some text' at column 1, line 1 in the
// buffer 'abc'
international dateformat dateseparator timeformat timeseparator
remarks: Defines international system settings. The following
settings can be specified:
dateformat - The date format to use [0-2]:
0 = mmddyy
1 = ddmmyy
2 = yymmdd
dateseparator - The character used to separate
days, months, and years
timeformat - The time format to use [0-3]:
0 = 12hr
1 = 24hr
2 = 12hr with seconds
3 = 24hr with seconds
timeseparator - The character used to separate
hours, minutes, and seconds
thousandsseparator - The character used to separate
thousands-groups in large numbers
returns: nothing
see also: getdate, gettime, thousands
joinline col row buffer
remarks: Joins two lines into one line in a buffer. If 'buffer' is
null or not specified, then the current buffer is
'row' specifies the first of two lines to be joined, and
'col' specifies the column in the first line where the
second line is to be appended. If 'col' is less than or
equal to the length of the first line, then the second
line is appended to the end of the first line.
If 'row' and 'col' are not specified, the current cursor
position is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: delline, insabove, insline, splitline
example: joinline
// joins the line below the cursor to the current line
// at the cursor position in the current buffer
joinline 1
// appends the line below the cursor to the current line
// in the current buffer
joinstr delimit+quote string1 string2 ...
remarks: This function joins any number of strings together into
an editor 'multistring'. This differs from normal string
concatenation in the following ways:
- The delimiter character 'delimit' is inserted between
the component strings.
- The character 'quote' is inserted before any
occurrences of the 'delimit' character or the 'quote'
character in the resulting string.
If the 'delimit' or 'quote' character are not specified,
then the default delimiter character is a slash (/) and
the default quote character is a backquote (`).
returns: a multistring
see also: splitstr
example: joinstr '' "abc" "def" "xyz" // returns "abc/def/xyz"
joinstr '' "abc" "d/ef" "xyz" // returns "abc/d`/ef/xyz"
joinstr "|\\" "abc" "x|yz" // returns "abc|x\|yz"
justblock opt=[clr] mark leftmarg rightmarg
remarks: Left justifies, right justifies, or centers marked text.
If 'mark' is not specified, the default markid is
For column marks, the text is justified to fit between
the left and right edges of the mark. For all other
marks, the text is justified to fit between 'leftmarg'
and 'rightmarg'.
One of the following options may be specified:
c - center the text
l - left justify the text
r - right justify the text
If no options are specified, then 'l' is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: formatblock
kbdoptions opt=[egw]
remarks: Sets various keyboard options. Any of the following
options may be specified:
e - enable enhanced keyboard keys
g - enable unshifted grey keypad function keys
(<grey*>, <grey->, <grey+>)
w - enable shifted white keypad function keys
(<shift del>, <shift ins>, <shift end>, etc.)
returns: nothing
remarks: Test if non-shift key has been pressed.
returns: TRUE if a key has been pressed and not processed,
otherwise null.
see also: event?, shiftkey?
lastpos buffer
remarks: Moves the cursor to the last cursor position. If 'buffer'
is null or not specified, the current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: gotopos
left cols buffer
remarks: Moves the cursor to the left. 'cols' specifies the number
of columns to move. If 'cols' is not specified, 1 is
assumed. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the
current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: down, right, up
example: left // moves the cursor left 1 column
left 5 // moves the cursor left 5 columns
lineflag opt=[m-] row buffer
remarks: Turns line flags ON or OFF. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, the current buffer is assumed. If 'row' is not
specified, the line at the cursor is assumed. The
following flags can be specified:
m - line 'dirty' or modified flag
- - turns off flags
If option '-' is specified, any other specified flags
will be turned off, otherwise all specified flags will be
turned on.
returns: nothing
see also: bufferflag, bufferflag?, lineflag?
example: lineflag "-m"
// turns off the modified flag for the current buffer
lineflag? opt=[m] row buffer
remarks: Tests if line flags are ON. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, the current buffer is assumed. If 'row' is not
specified, the line at the cursor is assumed. The
following flags can be specified:
m - line 'dirty' or modified flag
returns: non-zero if any of the specified line flags are ON,
otherwise null.
see also: bufferflag, bufferflag?, lineflag
listbox title x y buffer width height [Lib][a]
remarks: Adds a list box window control to the current dialog box.
The listbox window becomes the current window. A list box
displays a buffer in scrollable window, allowing a line
to be selected from the buffer. The following parameters
may be specified:
title - the list box title
x - the list box x-position in the dialog box
y - the list box y-position in the dialog box
buffer - the buffer to display in the list box
width - the list box width (if not specified, the
title width is used)
height - the list box height (if not specified, the
number of lines in the buffer is used)
returns: The group box window id.
see also: button, dialog, field, groupbox, whenenter, whenselect
example: dialog "Test Dialog Box" 40 17
// create a dialog box
listbox "&Listbox:" 3 2 (loadbuf "C:\\*.*") 16 12
// add a list box displaying a directory of drive C
// display the dialog box
loadbuf filespec buffer delim/binlen opt=[bdhkx1] trunc comment
remarks: Loads the specified file or directory into a new buffer.
If 'buffer' is null or not specified, a unique bufferid
will be assigned. The new buffer will become the current
The buffer name of the new buffer will automatically be
set to 'filespec'. The 'setbufname' function is generally
not required (see 'setbufname').
The following options may be specified:
b - loads the file in binary mode. The third argument
specifies the binary line length.
d - includes subdirectories when loading directories
h - includes hidden/system files when loading
k - shows file sizes in 1k increments when loading
x - disables conversion of fold comments to folds
1 - sorts subdirectories first when loading directories
If option 'b' is specified, the file is loaded in binary
mode and the third argument specifies a fixed binary line
length. If the third argument is not specified, the
default binary line length is 64.
If option 'b' is not specified, the third argument
specifies a 1 or 2 byte line delimiter string to use. If
the third argument is not specified, a line delimiter of
0D0Ah (CR/LF) is assumed.
The argument 'trunc' specifies the length at which lines
are truncated. If 'trunc' is zero or not specified, the
editor maximum (16000) is assumed.
The argument 'comment' specifies the fold comment string
to look for when converting fold comments to text folds
during the loading process. Specifying option 'x'
disables the conversion.
Note: this function will not display the new buffer in a
window. The 'openbuf' or 'popup' library functions should
be used to display the buffer.
returns: The new bufferid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: asciibuf, createbbuf, createbuf, destroybuf, getloadinfo,
insertbuf, menu, popup, setbufname
example: loadbuf "c:\\file.txt"
// loads 'c:\file.txt' into a new buffer (using line
// delimiter CR/LF) and returns a unique bufferid
loadbuf "c:\\file.txt" "abc"
// loads 'c:\file.txt' into a new buffer with the
// bufferid 'abc'
loadbuf "c:\\file.txt" '' (hex2bin "0A")
// loads 'c:\file.txt' into a new buffer using line
// delimiter '0A' (LF) and returns a unique bufferid
loadbuf "c:\\file.txt" '' 25 'b'
// loads 'c:\file.txt' into a new binary buffer with
// a fixed line length of 25 and returns a unique
// bufferid
locase string
remarks: Converts a string to lowercase.
returns: the string in lowercase.
see also: upcase flipcase
example: locase "PEACHES" // returns "peaches"
locatefile filename path opt=[d]
remarks: Searches a path for a filename. 'path' can be a sequence
of paths separated by semicolons (;) (as specified in the
DOS 'PATH' environment string).
If option 'd' is specified, then 'filename' must be a
directory and the path is searched for directories only.
This function returns the fully qualified filename or
directory if found, otherwise it returns null.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: createdir, scanfile
example: locatefile "FILE.TXT" "C:\\"
// returns C:\FILE.TXT, if FILE.TXT is found in C:\
locatefile "FILE.TXT" (getenv "PATH")
// returns FILE.TXT (fully qualified), if FILE.TXT is
// found in the DOS PATH
locatefile "MACROS" "D:\\AURORA" 'd'
// returns D:\MACROS\AURORA, if MACROS is a directory
// in D:\AURORA
lookup varexpression objexpression opt=[e]
remarks: Gets the value of an object variable defined by
'varexpression' in the object defined by 'objexpression'.
If 'objexpression' is not specified, the current object
is assumed. If option 'e' is specified, then this
function only tests for the existence of the object
returns: If option 'e' is not specified, this function returns the
value of an object variable. If option 'e' is specified,
this function returns non-zero if the object variable
exists, otherwise it returns null.
see also: function?, set, setobj, setx, setxfun, setxobj, unsetx
example: lookup "VidCols"
lookup "Vid" + "Cols" "prf"
lookup variable
// returns the value of an object variable whose
// name is the value of 'variable'
mark? mark
remarks: Tests if a mark exists. If 'mark' is not specified, then
the default markid is assumed.
returns: TRUE if the mark exists, otherwise null.
see also: inmark?
markchar startcol endcol toprow botrow mark buffer
remarks: Creates, extends, or modifies a character mark. A
character mark designates a stream of one or more
characters in a buffer. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, the current buffer is assumed. If 'mark' is
not specified, the default markid is assumed.
If the mark does not exist then a new mark is created. If
the mark already exists and is not located in the
specified buffer, then it is moved there.
The mark will be sized to span from 'startcol','toprow'
to 'endcol','botrow'. If none of these are specified,
then the cursor line and column are assumed and the mark
is left 'open' (moving the cursor resizes the mark). If
the mark was already open, then it is closed.
returns: The markid of the new mark if created, otherwise null.
see also: destroymark, extendmark, markcolumn, markline,
markstream, stopmark
example: markchar
// marks the character at the cursor using the default
// markid and leaves the mark 'open'.
markcolumn leftcol rightcol toprow botrow mark buffer
remarks: Creates, extends, or modifies a rectangular column mark.
If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the current
buffer is assumed. If 'mark' is not specified, the
default markid is assumed.
If the mark does not exist then a new mark is created. If
the mark already exists and is not located in the
specified buffer, then it is moved there.
The mark will be sized to span from 'leftcol','toprow' to
'rightcol','botrow'. If none of these are specified, then
the cursor line and column are assumed and the mark is
left 'open' (moving the cursor resizes the mark). If the
mark was already open, then it is closed.
returns: The markid of the new mark if created, otherwise null.
see also: destroymark, extendmark, markchar, markline, markstream,
example: markcolumn
// marks the character at the cursor using the default
// markid and leaves the mark 'open'.
markcolumn 1 1 1 (getlines)
// marks the first column of the entire buffer using
// the default markid
markline toprow botrow mark buffer
remarks: Creates, extends, or modifies a line mark. If 'buffer' is
null or not specified, then the current buffer is
assumed. If 'mark' is not specified, the default markid
is assumed.
If the mark does not exist then a new mark is created. If
the mark already exists and is not located in the
specified buffer, then it is moved there.
The mark will be sized to span from 'toprow' to 'botrow'.
If 'toprow' and 'botrow' are not specified, then the line
at the cursor is assumed and the mark is left 'open'
(moving the cursor resizes the mark). If the mark was
already open, then it is closed.
returns: The markid of the new mark if created, otherwise null.
see also: destroymark, extendmark, markchar, markcolumn,
markstream, stopmark
example: markline
// marks the current line in the current buffer using
// the default markid, and leaves the mark 'open'
markline 1 (getlines)
// marks the entire buffer using the default markid
markline '' '' 'T'
// marks the current line using the markid 'T'
markstream startcol endcol toprow botrow mark buffer
remarks: Creates, extends, or modifies a stream mark. A stream
mark designates a stream of zero or more characters in a
buffer and does not include 'endcol' on the row 'botrow'.
If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the current
buffer is assumed. If 'mark' is not specified, the
default markid is assumed.
If the mark does not exist then a new mark is created. If
the mark already exists and is not located in the
specified buffer, then it is moved there.
The mark will be sized to span from 'startcol','toprow'
to 'endcol','botrow'. If none of these are specified,
then the cursor line and column are assumed and the mark
is left 'open' (moving the cursor resizes the mark). If
the mark was already open, then it is closed.
returns: The markid of the new mark if created, otherwise null.
see also: destroymark, extendmark, markchar, markcolumn, markline,
example: markstream
// opens a stream mark at the cursor position with the
// default markid. Characters will not be marked
// until the cursor is moved.
max? window [Lib][a]
remarks: Tests if a window is maximized. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: TRUE if the window is maximized, otherwise null.
see also: min?
maxems size
remarks: Specifies the maximum amount of EMS memory the editor may
use, in 1K increments. If -1 is specified, the maximum
available EMS will be used. All available XMS memory will
be used before EMS memory is used.
Note: this function may only be called once during an
edit session. An EMS driver must be installed before EMS
memory can be used.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero.
see also: maxxms, memoptions, swapfiles
maximize window [Lib][a]
remarks: Maximizes the specified window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: max?, min?, minimize, restore
maxxms size-in-K
remarks: Specifies the maximum amount of XMS memory the editor may
use, in 1K increments. If -1 is specified, the maximum
available XMS will be used.
Note: this function may only be called once during an
edit session. An XMS driver must be installed before XMS
memory can be used.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero.
see also: maxems, memoptions, swapfiles
memoptions opt=[o]
remarks: Specifies memory usage options. The following options may
be specified:
o - allows large files to left open after loading (this
can increase performance when loading large files).
returns: nothing
see also: maxems, maxxms, swapfiles
min? window [Lib][a]
remarks: Tests if a window is minimized. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: TRUE if the window is minimized, otherwise null.
see also: max?
minimize window [Lib][a]
remarks: Minimizes the specified window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: max?, maximize, min?, restore
remarks: Tests if the editor is operating in monochrome mode.
returns: TRUE if the editor is in monochrome mode, otherwise null.
mousepos virtualX virtualY
remarks: Moves the mouse pointer to the specified virtual X and
virtual Y coordinates on the screen.
returns: nothing
see also: getmousex, getmousey, openmouse
example: mousepos 16000 16000
// moves the mouse pointer to the upper left
// of the virtual screen at startup
mousepos 15999 + getvidcols 15999 + getvidrows
// moves the mouse pointer to the lower right
// of the virtual screen at startup
mousesense horz vert doublespeed
remarks: Changes the mouse sensitivity by setting the horizontal
mickey-to-pixel and vertical mickey-to-pixel ratios, and
by setting the double speed threshold. The default mouse
sensitivity after calling 'openmouse' are:
Horz mickey-to-pixel ratio: 8
Vert mickey-to-pixel ratio: 16
Double speed threshold: 64
Lower numbers for these parameters result in increased
returns: nothing
see also: openmouse
example: mousesense 5 12 50 // more sensitive mouse
moveblock mark buffer col row
remarks: Moves marked text after the specified column and row
position in the specified buffer. The text is inserted at
the new position and the mark is moved to the new
If 'mark' is not specified, the default markid is
assumed. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the
current buffer is assumed. If 'col' and 'row' are not
specified, the current cursor position is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: copyblock, copyblockover
movepos (+/-)cols (+/-)rows buffer
remarks: Moves the cursor a relative number of columns and rows
away from the current position. If 'buffer' is null or
not specified, the current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: col, down, gotopos, left, right, row, up
example: movepos 2 3
// moves the cursor right 2 columns and down 3 rows
movewindow x y opt=[acdrswz1] window relativewindow
remarks: Changes the position of a window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed. 'x' and 'y'
specify the new window coordinates. See the 'sizewindow'
function for a description of the coordinates and
available options.
This call is nearly identical to the 'sizewindow'
function, except that only the position of the window can
be changed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcoord, sizewindow
msgbox message title opt=[b] [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays the specified message in a popup window with an
'Ok' button. If a title is not specified, 'Message' is
assumed. If option 'b' is specified, the PC speaker
returns: nothing
see also: okbox, say, shortbox, yncbox
example: msgbox "Hello World"
nextfile [Lib][edit]
remarks: Makes the next buffer in the buffer list the current
buffer, and displays it in the current edit window. The
buffer previously displayed in the edit window will not
be destroyed.
returns: nothing
see also: filelist, prevfile
nexthist [Lib][prompt]
remarks: Displays the next history string in a prompt. This
function is only for use within prompts.
returns: nothing
see also: gethistname, prevhist
nextwindow [Lib][win]
remarks: Switches the focus to the next window on the screen.
returns: nothing
see also: prevwindow
object? object
remarks: Tests if an object exists. If 'object' is not specified,
then the current object is assumed.
returns: TRUE if the object exists, otherwise null.
see also: destroyobject, object, objtype?
objtype? parentobj object
remarks: Tests if the object 'parentobj' is located in the
inheritance path of the specified object. If 'object' is
not specified, the current object is assumed.
returns: TRUE if 'parentobj' is a parent object of 'object',
otherwise null.
see also: inheritfrom, object, object?, wintype?
okbox message title [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays the specified message in a popup window with
'Ok' and 'Cancel' buttons. If a title is not specified,
'Message' is assumed.
returns: The name of the button pressed (Ok or Cancel), or null if
no button was pressed.
see also: msgbox, say, shortbox, yncbox
example: if (okbox "Delete the file?" "Delete") == 'Ok' then
onalarm [Lib]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library code (LIB.X) when sounding the PC speaker to call
attention to a message. This function can be used to
customize the alarm sound. 'onalarm' is called directly
in the current event object and is not passed any
returns: none required
example: function onalarm
// customized alarm sound
beep 950 30
beep 750 30
onclose [Lib]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library code (LIB.X) when a file or file manager window
is closed and removed from memory.
'onclose' is called directly in the current event object
and is not passed any parameters.
returns: none required
see also: onfocus, onopen, onsave
example: see the configuration file EXT.AML
oncomment filename comment1 comment2 [Lib][a]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library (LIB.X) and extension code (EXT.AML) to return
the language comments associated with a filename.
'oncomment' is called directly in the current event
object and is passed the filename as the first argument.
'comment1' and 'comment2' are passed by reference and
should be modified within 'oncomment' to return comment
returns: comment1 and comment2 (by reference)
example: see EXT.AML.
oncompiling filename linenumber
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
(A.EXE) while a macro language source file is being
compiled, and can be used to show progress during macro
'oncompiling' is called directly in the current event
object and is passed the name of the file being compiled
and the line number of the last line compiled. After the
file is compiled, 'oncompiling' is called again with no
returns: none required
see also: onloading, onprinting, onsaving
example: see the configuration file EXT.AML
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
(A.EXE) immediately after a window client area is updated
(the 'd' window flag must be turned on - see the
'windowflag' function). This function can be used to
perform custom drawing or highlighting of the window
client area.
'ondraw' is called directly in the window event object
with no arguments. Before calling this function, the
editor sets the current window, current event object, and
current buffer to those values associated with the window
being drawn.
returns: none required
see also: onstatus, windowflag
onentry dosarg1 dosarg2 ... [Lib]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library code (LIB.X) after the default macro file A.X is
loaded and executed.
This function is typically used to perform a variety of
editor initialization tasks, load DOS command line
files, and process user-defined command line options.
'onentry' is queued for execution (not called directly),
and executes in the current event object. Any arguments
passed to A.EXE on the DOS command line are also passed
to 'onentry'.
returns: none required
see also: onexit
example: see the configuration file EXT.AML
onexit [Lib]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library code (LIB.X) when an edit session is ended and
control is returned to DOS. This function is typically
used to perform a variety of final-exit cleanup tasks.
'onexit' is called directly in the current event object
and is not passed any parameters.
returns: none required
see also: onentry
example: see the configuration file EXT.AML
onfocus [Lib]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library code (LIB.X) after the focus is switched to
another file or file manager window. 'onfocus' is called
directly in the current event object and is not passed
any parameters.
returns: none required
see also: onclose, onkillfocus, onopen, onsave
onfound stringlength [Ext][edit]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library (LIB.X) and extension code (EXT.AML) when a
string is found in the current buffer. Typically, this
function is used to change the window view and/or
highlight the string found.
'onfound' is called directly in the current event object
and is passed the length of the string.
returns: none required
see also: onhotkey
example: function onfound (length)
// highlights the string found with the color
// white on magenta
hilite length 1 95
onhotkey character [Ext][edit]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library (LIB.X) and extension code (EXT.AML) when a when
a hotkey is entered from the file manager or a file
picklist. Typically, this function is used to jump to a
file beginning with the hotkey character
'onhotkey' is called directly in the current event object
and is passed the hotkey character.
returns: none required
see also: onfound
onkillfocus [Lib]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor library
code (LIB.X) when a window is about to lose the focus.
'onkillfocus' is called directly in the current event
object and is not passed any parameters.
returns: none required
see also: onfocus
onloading linenumber
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
(A.EXE) as a file is being loaded, and can be used to
show progress when loading a file.
'onloading' is called directly in the current event
object and is passed the line number of the last line
loaded. After the file is loaded, 'onloading' is called
again with no arguments.
returns: none required
see also: oncompiling, onprinting, onsaving
example: see the configuration file EXT.AML
onopen options [Lib]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library code (LIB.X) whenever a new file or file manager
window is opened. This function is only called once when
the file is initially opened, or when the file manager
window is initially created (not when switching to other
files or windows).
This function can be used to perform a variety of
initialization tasks on the newly opened file, such as
turning on settings based on file extension, altering the
position in the file, checking for tab expansion, etc.
'onopen' is called directly in the current event object
after the file or directory is loaded and before the
window is displayed. The open options used to open the
window are passed to 'onopen'.
returns: none required
see also: onclose, onfocus, onsave
onprinting linenumber
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
(A.EXE) as a file is being printed, and can be used to
show progress when printing a file.
'onprinting' is called directly in the current event
object and is passed the line number of the last line
printed. After the file is printed, 'onprinting' is
called again with no arguments.
returns: none required
see also: oncompiling, onloading, onsaving
example: see the configuration file EXT.AML
onsave filename [Ext][edit]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
extension code (EXT.AML) immediately before a file is
saved. 'onsave' is called directly in the current event
object. The name of the file being saved is passed to
returns: none required
see also: onclose, onopen
onsaving linenumber
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
(A.EXE) as a file is being saved, and can be used to show
progress when saving a file.
'onsaving' is called directly in the current event object
and is passed the line number of the last line saved.
After the file is saved, 'onsaving' is called again with
no arguments.
returns: none required
see also: oncompiling, onloading, onprinting
example: see the configuration file EXT.AML
onscanning filename position [Lib]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library code (LIB.X) as files are being scanned for a
string, and can be used to show progress during the scan.
'onscanning' is called directly in the current event
object before each file is scanned, and is passed the
file name as the first argument. If the string is found
in the file, 'onscanning' is called again with the same
file name as the first argument, and a second argument
which is the position (in bytes) in the file where the
string was found. After all files are scanning,
'onscanning' is called again with no arguments.
returns: none required
see also: scanfiles
example: see the configuration file EXT.AML.
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
(A.EXE) immediately before an edit window status line is
updated (the 's' window flag must be turned on - see the
'windowflag' function). The user-defined return value of
'onstatus' will become the actual status line, allowing
the status line to be customized.
'onstatus' is called directly in the window event object
with no arguments. Before calling this function, the
editor sets the current window, current event object, and
current buffer to those values associated with the window
being drawn.
returns: The new user-defined status line
see also: ondraw, windowflag
onsyntax filename [Lib][a]
remarks: This user-defined function is called by the editor
library (LIB.X) and extension code (EXT.AML) to return
the syntax highlighting object associated with a
'onsyntax' is called directly in the current event object
and is passed the filename. 'onsyntax' should return the
syntax highlighting object associated with the filename.
returns: a syntax highlighting object.
example: see SYNTAX.AML.
open filespec opt=[bcefilhnprvz] [Lib][a]
remarks: Opens the specified file or directory. If a file is
specified, then an edit window is opened, otherwise a
file manager window is opened. If nothing is specified,
then the directory '*.*' is assumed.
The following open options may be specified:
b - opens the file in binary mode. The binary line length
can be specified after the option 'b'. For example,
open "file.ext" "b20"
In the example above, a file is opened with a
binary line length of 20. If a binary line length
is not specified, the 'BinaryLength' configuration
variable in CONFIG.AML is assumed.
c - cascades the window with other windows when loading.
e - loads the file into the current edit window. The
previous buffer in the window is not destroyed.
f - opens the window in 'full-screen' mode (maximized,
with all the borders visible).
i - inserts the file at the cursor in the current edit
window. If a directory is specified, then the user
is prompted to select a file.
l - specifies the line in the file where the cursor
should be placed after loading. The line number is
specified after the option 'l'. For example:
open "file.ext" "l541"
In the example above, a file is opened and the
cursor is placed on line 541.
h - tiles the window horizontally with other windows on
the screen when loading.
n - minimizes the window when loading.
p - ignores history (the last window and cursor
position) when loading the file or directory. This
temporarily overrides the 'SavePosition'
configuration setting in CONFIG.AML
r - replaces the file in the current window with the
new file. The previous buffer in the window is
v - tiles the window vertically with other windows
on the screen when loading.
z - maximizes the window when loading.
returns: the bufferid of the file or directory if successful,
otherwise null.
see also: close, openbuf, opennew, reopen, save, setname
example: open "C:\\FILE.TXT"
// opens the file C:\FILE.TXT
open "C:\\FILE.TXT" "pz"
// opens the file C:\FILE.TXT in a maximized window,
// ignoring history
open "D:\\*.TXT" 'f'
// opens a full-screen file manager window displaying
// all files with the extension ".TXT" in the root
// directory of the D drive.
open "C:\\FILE.TXT" "el23"
// opens the file C:\FILE.TXT and displays it in the
// current edit window. The cursor is placed on
// line 23.
openbuf buffer opt=[ceflhnprvz] [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays an existing buffer in a new edit window. Any
open options except 'b' and 'i' may be specified. See the
'open' function for a description of open options.
This function allows buffers to be created and
manipulated within the editor before being displayed in a
The buffer should previously have been assigned a buffer
name (a fully qualified file name). If the buffer was
created with the 'loadbuf' function, the buffer name will
have automatically been set to the file name where the
buffer was loaded, otherwise the 'setbufname' function
should be used to assign a buffer name.
returns: nothing
see also: close, createbbuf, createbuf, loadbuf, open, opennew,
reopen, save, setname
example: openbuf (loadbuf "C:\\FILE.TXT") 'z'
// load C:\FILE.TXT and display it in a maximized
// window
buffer = createbuf // create a new buffer
if buffer then
setbufname "C:\\FILE.TXT" // set the buffer name
openbuf buffer // display the buffer
opendesk filename [Lib][a]
remarks: Loads a previously saved desktop from the specified
filename and makes it the current desktop. The desktop
does not become visible until the 'restoredesk' function
is called.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero
see also: begdesk, currdesk, enddesk, restoredesk, savedesk
openf file opt=[bcefilhnprvz1q] [Lib][fmgr]
remarks: Opens a file with the specified options from the current
file manager window. This call is a low level call
intended for use within the file manager.
See the 'open' function for a description of the
available options. In addition to the options supported
by the 'open' function, the following options are also
1 - opens only the file or directory on the current
line, even if multiple files are marked.
q - closes the file manager window when loading.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: fdomark, open
openfile filename opt=[rwc]
remarks: Opens the specified file for reading and/or writing. The
following options can be specified:
c - create a new file or truncate the file if it
already exists
r - open the file for reading
w - open the file for writing
If no options are specified, 'r' is assumed.
returns: A file handle if successful, otherwise -1.
see also: closefile, filepos, readfile, writefile
openhistory filename [Lib][a]
remarks: Opens the specified history file and replaces all
existing history buffers with the history in the file.
The current desktop is also replaced with the desktop
saved in the history file.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise null.
see also: savehistory
openfold opt=[s] row buffer
remarks: Opens a closed fold. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed. If 'row'
is not specified, then the line at the cursor is assumed.
If option 's' is specified, all closed subfolds within
the fold are also opened.
returns: the number of folds opened
see also: closefold, createfold, destroyfold, foldblock, getfold
example: openfold
// opens the closed fold at the current line in the
// current buffer, leaving any subfolds closed
openkey filename [Lib][a]
remarks: Opens a key macro file saved with the 'savekey' function.
If there is a name conflict with any currently defined
key macros, the key macros in the opened file will
replace the current key macros.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: savekey
opennew filename opt=[ceflhnprvz] [Ext][a]
remarks: Creates a new buffer and displays it in an edit window.
If 'filename' is not specified, the name "NEW.TXT" is
assumed. See the 'open' function for a description of
valid open options.
returns: nothing
see also: close, open, openbuf, reopen, save, setname
example: opennew "NEW.C"
openmouse opt=[dr]
remarks Initializes the mouse. If successful, the mouse pointer
is displayed at the center of the screen and the event
queue will process mouse events. For this function to
return successfully, a mouse driver such as MOUSE.COM or
MOUSE.SYS must be installed before the editor is started.
Any combination of the following options can be
d - hides the mouse pointer when a key is pressed. The
mouse pointer is re-displayed when the mouse is
used again.
r - reverses the mouse buttons
returns: TRUE is successful, otherwise null
see also: closemouse
ovltext string col row buffer
remarks: This function overlays a string onto a buffer at the
specified row and column. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed. If 'col'
and 'row' are not specified, then the current cursor
position is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: delchar, instext
example: ovltext "some text"
// overlays "some text" at the cursor in the current
// buffer
ovltext "some text" 2 20
// overlays "some text" at column 2, line 20 in the
// current buffer
ovltext "some text" 1 1 "abc"
// overlays "some text" at column 1, line 1 in the
// buffer "abc"
pad string field opt=[lr] padstring
remarks: Left or right justifies the specified string within a
field of length 'field'. One of the following options may
be specified:
l - left justifies the string
r - right justifies the string
If no options are specified, then 'r' is assumed.
'padstring' is the string used to pad unused positions in
the field. If 'padstring' is not specified, then blanks
are assumed.
returns: A padded left or right justified string.
see also: copystr, sizeof
example: pad 123 7 // returns " 123"
pad 123 7 'l' // returns "123 "
pad 123 7 'r' '.' // returns "....123"
pagedown (+/-)lines window
remarks: Scrolls the text in a window down one page, plus or minus
the specified number of lines. The default page size is
the number of visible rows on the screen minus one row.
The cursor is moved by the same amount that the text
If 'window' is not specified, the current window is
assumed. The value of 'lines' is added to the page size.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: pageup
example: pagedown
// scrolls down one page
pagedown 1
// scrolls down one page and one line
pagedown -(getviewrows / 2)
// scrolls down one half page
pageup (+/-)lines window
remarks: Scrolls the text in a window up one page, plus or minus
the specified number of lines. The default page size is
the number of visible rows on the screen minus one row.
The cursor is moved by the same amount that the text
If 'window' is not specified, the current window is
assumed. The value of 'lines' is added to the page size.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: pagedown
example: pageup
// scrolls up one page
pageup 1
// scrolls up one page and one line
pageup -(getviewrows / 2)
// scrolls up one half page
pan (+/-)cols (+/-)rows
remarks: Pans to a new relative location on the virtual screen by
changing the mapping of the physical video device (the
screen) to the virtual video device. 'cols' and 'rows'
specify the relative distance in screen columns and rows
from the current position.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null
see also: panto
example: pan 2 -2 // pans right 2 columns and up 2 rows
pankey [Lib][win]
remarks: Pans through the virtual screen by using the cursor keys.
returns: nothing
see also: sizekey
panto virtualX virtualY
remarks: Pans to a new absolute location on the virtual screen by
changing the mapping of the physical video device (the
screen) to the virtual video device. 'virtualX' and
'virtualY' specify an absolute X,Y coordinate on the
virtual screen where the upper left corner of the
physical screen is to be located.
The virtual video device is 64000 x 64000 characters.
When the editor is initially invoked, physical screen is
placed at 16000,16000 in the virtual screen.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null
see also: panto
example: panto 8000 10000 // pans to column 8000, row 10000
parse searchstr string opt=[irwx] ref1 ref2 ...
remarks: Parses substrings (or substring positions) within a
string into local or global variables. This function can
be very convenient for parsing almost any string with
only one function call. See the 'pos' function for a
description of valid search options.
If search option 'x' (regular expressions) is specified,
and 'tagged' patterns (enclosed within the {} grouping
operators) are specified in the search string, any tagged
patterns found are returned in the variables (ref1, ref2,
etc.) passed by reference to this function.
If search option 'x' is not specified (or tagged patterns
are not specified) the positions of successive
occurrences of 'searchstr' within 'string' are returned
in the variables (ref1, ref2, etc.) passed by reference
to this function.
returns: The position in the string where the first occurrence of
'searchstr' is found. Substrings (or substring positions)
are returned in variables passed by reference to this
see also: pos, poschar, posnot, sub
example: parse "{[0-9]#}.*{[0-9]#}.*{[0-9]#}" str 'x'
ref a ref b ref c
// parses 'str', and places the first three numbers
// found in variables a, b, and c.
str = "bacdaae"
parse "a" str '' ref x ref y ref z
// after this function call: x=2, y=5, z=6
pass arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Calls the current executing function in the parent
object(s) of the current (executing) object, passing the
arguments 'arg1', 'arg2', etc.
This function can be used to intercept an event or
function call for pre-processing or post-processing.
returns: The return value from the function call.
see also: call, eval, passprev, send, sendobject
example: function <lbutton>
// pre-processing
pass // pass control to <lbutton> in a parent object
// post-processing
passprev arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Calls the current executing function in the 'preempted'
object (if any) of the current object, passing the
arguments 'arg1', 'arg2', etc. In all other respects,
this function is identical to the 'pass' function.
A 'preempted' object is an object which has been
temporarily overridden by an object with the same name,
defined from within an external macro executed with the
'runmacro' function.
Individual functions are temporarily replaced or
'preempted' from within the macro by simply redefining
the functions in an object with the same name as the
object to be overridden. This allows detailed, temporary
modifications to be made to an existing object, without
adding new objects to the object hierarchy. The
modifications will disappear when the macro is finished
This function allows you to access an older overridden or
'preempted' function from within the newer overriding or
'preempting' function.
returns: The return value from the function call.
see also: call, eval, pass, send, sendobject
peek address length
remarks: Gets the portion of DOS memory specified by 'address' and
'length'. The specified address must be an absolute
32-bit address, not a segmented address. The maximum
length is 16000.
returns: a string representing a copy of the specified DOS memory
see also: poke
example: peek 0 100 // returns the first 100 bytes of memory
playkey keyname [Lib][mon]
remarks: Plays the key macro assigned to the specified key. If
'keyname' is not specified, the current scrap key macro
is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: assignkey, openkey, playing?, savekey, setting
example: playkey
// plays the current scrap key macro
playkey "<ctrl b>"
// plays the key macro assigned to <ctrl b>
playing? keyname
remarks: Tests if a key macro is currently playing. If 'keyname'
is not specified, the current scrap key macro is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: assignkey, openkey, playkey, savekey, setting
poke address string
remarks: Copies a string to the specified DOS memory address.
'address' must be an absolute 32-bit address, not a
segmented address. Obviously, this function should be
used with care.
returns: nothing
see also: peek
popcursor buffer opt=[ad]
remarks: If no options are specified, this function pops a
position from the internal cursor stack, and moves the
cursor to the popped position. The popped position must
have been placed on the stack with the 'pushcursor'
function. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the
current buffer is assumed.
Any combination of the following options may be specified:
a - pops all positions from the cursor stack
d - don't move the cursor to the popped position
returns: nothing
see also: pushcursor
pophistory historybuffer title [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays a history popup menu for the specified history
buffer, with an optional menu title.
returns: The string selected from the popup menu. Returns null if
nothing was selected or the history buffer does not
see also: askhistory
example: pophistory "_load"
// displays a popup menu for the "_load" history buffer
pophistory "_load" "Select a File"
// displays a popup menu for the "_load" history buffer
// with the title 'Select a File'
popup menuname title menuwidth menuheight [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays the popup menu 'menuname'. 'menuname' can be the
name of a menu defined with the 'menu' statement, or a
bufferid. The following parameters can also be specified:
title - the popup window title.
menuwidth - the menu width. If none is specified, and
the menu was defined with the 'menu'
function, the length of the longest line
determines the menu width.
menuheight - the menu height. If none is specified, the
lesser of the screen rows or the menu rows
is assumed.
If the menu or buffer has been named with 'setbufname',
it will remember the previous window and cursor position
each time it is displayed.
returns: For popup menus defined with the 'menu' statement, the
macro expression associated with the menu item is
evaluated and the result is returned. If no macro
expression is associated with menu item or the menu was
not defined with the 'menu' statement, then the menu item
description line is returned. If no item was selected
from the menu, then the null string is returned.
see also: askfile, getmenu, menu
example: popup "files" "Select a File"
// displays the popup menu 'files' with the title
// 'Select a File'
popup "files" '' 25 10
// displays the popup menu 'files' with no title and
// a width of 25 columns and a height of 10 rows
pos searchstr string opt=[irwx]
remarks: Searches for the specified search string within 'string'.
Any of the following search options may be specified:
i - ignore case
r - search in reverse from the end of the string
w - whole words only
x - use regular expressions (see 'Regular Expression
returns: The position in 'string' where the first occurrence of
the search string is found, or zero if nothing is found.
see also: parse, poschar, posnot, sub
example: pos 'p' "apples" // returns 2
pos 'p' "apples" 'r' // returns 3
pos 'ES' "apples" 'i' // returns 5
poschar charclass string opt=[r]
remarks: Searches for the first character in 'string' which is
found in 'charclass'. Character ranges such as 'a-z' or
'A-Z' can be specified. If option 'r' is specified, the
search proceeds from the end of string to the beginning
of the string.
returns: The position in the string where the first character was
found, or zero if not found.
see also: parse, pos, posnot, sub
example: poschar "abc" "123b5a78" // returns 4
poschar "abc" "123b5a78" 'r' // returns 6
poschar "apples" "oranges" // returns 3
poschar "c-f" "oranges" // returns 6
posnot charclass string opt=[r]
remarks: Searches for the first character in 'string' which is not
found in 'charclass'. Character ranges such as 'a-z' or
'A-Z' can be specified. If option 'r' is specified, the
search proceeds from the end of string to the beginning
of the string.
returns: The position in the string where the first character not
in 'charclass' was found, or zero if not found.
see also: parse, pos, poschar, sub
example: posnot "abc" "abc123ab" // returns 4
posnot "abc" "abc123ab" 'r' // returns 6
posnot "oranges" "apples" // returns 2
posnot "a-r" "oranges" // returns 7
prevfile [Lib][edit]
remarks: Makes the previous buffer in the buffer list the current
buffer, and displays it in the current edit window. The
buffer previously displayed in the edit window will not
be destroyed.
returns: nothing
see also: filelist, nextfile
prevhist [Lib][prompt]
remarks: Displays the previous history string in a prompt. This
function is only for use within prompts.
returns: nothing
see also: gethistname, nexthist
prevwindow [Lib][win]
remarks: Switches the focus to the previous window on the screen.
returns: nothing
see also: nextwindow
printblock device header mark
remarks: Prints marked text. The text is printed using the printer
settings specified with the 'printformat' function. If
'mark' is not specified, the default markid is assumed.
All other arguments are identical to the 'printbuf'
function (see 'printbuf').
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: printbuf, printformat
printbuf device header buffer
remarks: Prints a buffer. The text is printed using the printer
settings specified with the 'printformat' function. If
'buffer' is null or not specified, then the current
buffer is assumed.
'header' specifies a string to place on the header and/or
footer of each page. Print headers and/or footers must be
enabled with the 'printformat' function (see the
'printformat' function).
'device' is the printer device to use. Filenames or
device names such as 'prn', 'lpt1', 'lpt2', etc. can be
specified. If 'device' is null or not specified, then
'prn' is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: printblock, printformat
example: printbuf
// prints the current buffer to the device 'prn'
printbuf "c:\\print.txt"
// prints the current buffer to the file 'c:\\print.txt'
printbuf "lpt1" "Inventory" "abc"
// prints the buffer 'abc' to the device 'prn' using
// the header/footer 'Inventory'
printformat printer opt=[efhlps] pagesize leftmarg topmarg rightmarg
bottommarg linespace copies
remarks: Changes the current printer settings. The following
printer settings can be specified:
printer - reserved for future use
pagesize - specifies the lines per page of printed
output. This includes the top margin and the
bottom margin. After the specified lines per
page have been printed, a formfeed character
(ASCII 12) will be sent to the printer and a
new page will be started.
If 'pagesize' is zero, printing will be
continuous (no formfeed characters will be
sent to the printer) and 'topmarg',
'bottommarg', and the option 'p' will be
linespace - specifies the number of lines to advance
after printing each line of output. A value
of 1 generates single-spaced output, 2
generates double-spaced output, and so on.
copies - specifies the number of copies to print.
topmarg - specifies the number of blank lines to
precede printed output at the top of each
page. This value is included in 'pagesize'.
'topmarg' is ignored if 'pagesize' is zero.
bottommarg - specifies the number of blank lines to
follow printed output at the bottom of each
page. This value is included in 'pagesize'.
'bottommarg' is ignored if 'pagesize' is
leftmarg - specifies the number of blank columns to
precede the printed output on each line.
rightmarg - specifies the column position at which to
truncate each printed line. This column
position is relative to column zero of the
printed output, not the file being printed.
If zero is specified, lines are not
Any of the following print options can also be specified:
h - prints a header at the top of each page. The header
is specified in the 'printbuf' or 'printblock'
functions when printing. This option is ignored if
'pagesize' is zero.
f - prints a footer at the bottom of each page. The
footer is specified in the 'printbuf' or 'printblock'
functions when printing. This option is ignored if
'pagesize' is zero.
s - adds a separator line after the header line and
before the footer line.
p - prints a right justified page number on the header
and footer lines. If neither a header or footer was
specified, a blank header line is assumed. This
option is ignored if 'pagesize' is zero.
l - prints a line number at the beginning of each line.
e - sends a formfeed character to the printer when
printing is completed.
returns: nothing
see also: printblock, printbuf
remarks: Creates an editor subprocess by invoking the editor
recursively. This function does not return until the
'endprocess' function is called. The effect of this
function is equivalent to the following loop:
while dispatch do
returns: nothing
see also: dispatch, endprocess
remarks: Removes all events from the event queue.
returns: nothing
see also: queue, queueobject, sizequeue
pushcursor buffer
remarks: Saves the cursor position on an internal cursor stack
which is unique for each buffer. If 'buffer' is null or
not specified, the current buffer is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: popcursor
qualify filename filespec
remarks: Converts an unqualified or partially qualified filename
into a fully-qualified filename, including drive and
directory. 'filespec' is used as the 'template' for the
qualification. If 'filespec' is not specified, the
current drive and path are assumed.
returns: a fully qualified filename or directory specification.
see also: bootpath, getbootpath
example: qualify "file.txt"
// returns C:\FILE.TXT if C:\ is the current path
qualify "file.txt" "e:\\doc"
// returns E:\DOC\FILE.TXT
queue function arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Queues a function call for later execution. The specified
function and arguments 'arg1', 'arg2', etc. are placed on
on the event queue. When the editor is idle, it will read
the event queue and attempt to call the function in the
current event object.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: purgequeue, queueobject, sizequeue
example: queue "abc" 1 2 4
// queues the function call 'abc 1 2 4' for later
// execution in the current event object
queuekey keycode1 keycode2 ...
remarks: Pushes the specified keycodes onto the editor event queue
for later execution.
returns: nothing
see also: getkey, getkeycode, sendkey
example: keycode = getkey // gets a keycode...
queuekey keycode // and queues it for execution
queueobject object function arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Queues a function call for later execution in a specific
object. The specified object, function, and arguments
'arg1', 'arg2', etc. are placed on the event queue. When
the editor is idle, it will read the event queue and
attempt to call the function in the specified object.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: purgequeue, queue, sizequeue
example: queueobject "edit" "abc" 1 2 4
// queues the function call 'abc 1 2 4' for later
// execution in the object 'edit'
rand seed
remarks: Generates a random number between 0 and 2147483647. The
random number generator can be initialized by specifying
a random number 'seed'.
Note: the editor library initializes the random number
generator with a value based on the current time when the
editor is started.
returns: a random number.
example: rand 12345 // initializes the random number generator
rand mod 100 // returns a random number between 0 and 99
readfile handle length
remarks: Reads 'length' characters from the current position in
the open file specified by 'handle'. 'length' may not
exceed 16000. The current position in the file is
advanced by the amount of characters read.
returns: The data read from the file if successful, otherwise
null. The number of characters actually read from the
file can be determined by using the 'sizeof' function on
the returned string.
see also: closefile, filepos, openfile, writefile
example: handle = openfile "C:\\FILE.TXT" // reads the first
if handle <> -1 then // 100 bytes of
str = readfile handle 100 // C:\FILE.TXT into
closefile handle // the variable 'str'
redo buffer
remarks: Reverses the changes made by the last 'undo' function
call for a specific buffer. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: undo, undobegin, undocursor, undoend
renamefile filename newfilename
remarks: Renames the the specified filename to 'newfilename'. A
directory can also be renamed to another directory on the
same drive.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: copyfile, deletefile
reopen filename [Ext][edit_fmgr]
remarks: Reloads the current window with the specified file or
directory. If 'filename' is not specified, the buffer
name of the current buffer is assumed. The previous file
or directory is destroyed.
returns: nothing
see also: close, open, openbuf, opennew, save, setname
example: reopen
// refreshes the current file from disk
reopen "C:\\FILE.TXT"
// loads C:\FILE.TXT into the current window,
// destroying the existing buffer in the window
replace searchstr replacestr opt=[abfgilnorswx*[~] mark buffer
remarks: Searches for the specified search string within a buffer,
mark, or line, and replaces it with 'replstr'. If
'buffer' is not specified, the current buffer is assumed.
See the 'find' function for a list of available search
If option 'a' is specified, all occurrences of the
'searchstr' found will be replaced with 'replacestr'. If
option 'a' is not specified, then only the first
occurrence of the search string is replaced.
If the string is found and neither of the search options
'a' or 'n' are specified, then the cursor is moved to the
beginning of the found string, otherwise the cursor does
not move.
returns: If option 'a' is specified, the number of replacements
made is returned, otherwise the length of the replaced
string is returned. If nothing is found, then null is
see also: find, search
example: replace "apples" "oranges"
// replaces the next occurrence of 'apples' with
// 'oranges' in the current buffer, starting at one
// character after the cursor position
replace "apples" "oranges" "ag"
// replaces all occurrences of 'apples' with 'oranges'
// in the current buffer and returns the number of
// occurrences. The cursor is not moved.
repldlg [Lib][edit]
remarks: Displays a find and replace dialog box.
returns: the search and replace multi-string (searchstr /
replacestr / options) to be used for the searching and
replacing, or null if nothing is specified
see also: about, finddlg, scandlg
restore window [Lib][a]
remarks: Restores the specified window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: max?, maximize, min?, minimize
restoredesk [Lib][a]
remarks: Removes all existing windows on the screen and makes the
current desktop visible. The current desktop is set by
the 'opendesk', 'currdesk', and 'openhistory' functions.
The 'begdesk' and 'enddesk' functions also change the
current desktop.
returns: nothing
see also: begdesk, currdesk, enddesk, opendesk, openhistory,
example: opendesk "C:\\DESKTOP.DSK"
// loads the previously saved desktop in C:\DESKTOP.DSK
// and makes it the current desktop
// makes the current desktop visible
right cols buffer
remarks: Moves the cursor to the right. 'cols' specifies the
number of columns to move. If 'cols' is not specified, 1
is assumed. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the
current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: down, left, up
example: right // moves the cursor right 1 column
right 5 // moves the cursor right 5 columns
rollcol (+/-)cols window
remarks: Scrolls the text in a window left or right, relative to
the current position. If 'window' is not specified, the
current window is assumed. The cursor is moved by the
same amount that the text scrolls.
'cols' specifies the number of columns to scroll.
Positive numbers scroll right and negative numbers scroll
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: rollrow
example: rollcol 4 // scrolls right 4 columns
rollcol -1 // scrolls left 1 column
rollrow rows window
remarks: Scrolls the text in window up or down, relative to the
current position. If 'window' is not specified, the
current window is assumed. The cursor is moved by the
same amount that the text scrolls.
'rows' specifies the number of lines to scroll. Positive
numbers scroll down and negative numbers scroll up.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: rollcol
example: rollrow 4 // scrolls down 4 rows
rollrow -1 // scrolls up 1 row
row row buffer
remarks: Moves the cursor to the specified row, but does not
change the column. If 'buffer' is null or not specified,
the current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: col, gotopos
example: row 1
// moves the cursor to line 1 in the current buffer
row (getlines)
// moves the cursor to the last line in the current
// buffer
runmacro filename arg2 arg3 ...
remarks: Runs the compiled macro code in the specified filename.
The macro code is loaded into a temporary object which is
descended from the current event object. The macro code
is then executed in the temporary object and is passed
the 'filename' followed by the optional arguments 'arg2',
'arg3', etc.
Normally, when the macro is finished executing, the
temporary object is destroyed and the macro is discarded.
However, if the 'stayresident' function is called from
within the macro, the macro will remain resident until
the temporary object created by 'runmacro' is explicitly
destroyed with the 'destroyobject' function.
returns: The return value from executing the macro.
see also: compilemacro, destroyobject, eval, includemacro,
example: runmacro "c:\\aurora\\macro\\mymacro.x"
save filename [Ext][edit]
remarks: Saves the current buffer to the specified filename. If a
filename is not specified, the buffer name of the current
buffer is assumed. If the backup setting in the current
window is ON, the file is backed-up before saving.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero.
see also: close, open, setname, setting, setting?
example: save
// saves the current buffer to the file name specified
// by the name of the buffer
save "C:\SAVE.TXT"
// saves the current buffer to C:\SAVE.TXT
saveblock filename opt=[abetxz] mark delimiter filedelim comment1
remarks: Saves marked text to the specified filename. If 'mark' is
not specified, the default markid is assumed.
All other arguments and options are identical to the
'savebuf' function (see 'savebuf').
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: loadbuf, savebuf
savebuf filename opt=[abetxz] buffer delimiter filedlm comment1
remarks: Saves a buffer to the specified filename. If 'buffer' is
null or not specified, then the current buffer is
The following options may be specified:
a - appends to end of the file when saving
b - saves the file in binary mode, with no line
e - entabs the buffer while saving. The tabwidth is
specified after the 'e' option - for example: 'e8'.
t - trims trailing blanks from each line
x - disables conversion of folds to fold comments
z - appends ctrl-z (ASCII 26) to the end of the file
when saving
'delimiter' specifies a 1 or 2 byte line delimiter string
to be appended to the end of each line in the saved file.
If 'delimiter' is null or not specified, then the line
delimiter specified when loading the file is assumed. If
the buffer was not loaded but created new, then a line
delimiter of 0D0Ah (CR/LF) is assumed.
'filedlm' specifies an alternate 1 byte file delimiter to
save at the end of the file.
'comment1' and 'comment2' specify the opening and closing
comment strings to be used when converting text folds to
fold comments during the saving process. Specifying
option 'x' disables the saving of folds as fold comments.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: createbbuf, createbuf, destroybuf, loadbuf, saveblock
example: savebuf "c:\\file.txt"
// saves the current buffer to the file 'c:\file.txt',
// and overwrites any previous data in the file.
// The file is saved with CR/LF line delimiters.
savebuf "c:\\file.txt" 'b' "abc"
// saves the buffer 'abc' to 'c:\file.txt' in binary
// mode, with no line delimiters
savebuf "c:\\file.txt" 't' '' (hex2bin "0A") (char 0)
// saves the current buffer to 'c:\file.txt' and
// trims trailing blanks from each line. The file
// is saved with '0A' (LF) line delimiters and a
// file delimiter of ASCII 0.
savedesk filename [Lib][a]
remarks: Saves the current desktop to the specified filename. The
current desktop is set by the 'opendesk', 'currdesk', and
'openhistory' functions. The 'begdesk' and 'enddesk'
functions also change the current desktop.
returns: TRUE is successful, otherwise null.
see also: begdesk, currdesk, enddesk, opendesk, restoredesk
example: currdesk
// set current desktop to the current window layout
savedesk "C:\\DESKTOP.DSK"
// save the current desktop to C:\DESKTOP.DSK
savehistory filename [Lib][a]
remarks: Saves all existing history buffers and the current
desktop to the specified filename.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: openhistory
savekey filename [Lib][a]
remarks: Saves all current key macros to the specified filename.
The key macros can be reloaded later with the 'openkey'
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: openkey
saveobject object filename
remarks: Saves an object to the specified filename as executable
macro code. If 'object' is not specified, then the
current object is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: includemacro, runmacro
say message opt=[b]
remarks: Displays the specified message at the location of the
primary title (title 1) of the current window. If option
'b' is specified, the PC speaker beeps. The message is
cleared the next time the display is updated.
returns: nothing
see also: msgbox, okbox, shortbox, yncbox
example: say "Hello World"
scandlg [Lib][edit_fmgr]
remarks: Displays a file scan dialog box.
returns: the scan multi-string (searchstr / filespec / options) to
be used for the scan, or null if nothing is specified
see also: about, finddlg, repldlg
scanfile filename searchstr opt=[iwx] delimiter
remarks: Scans the specified filename for the string 'searchstr'.
'delimiter' specifies the line delimiter used to separate
lines in the file. If 'delimiter' is not specified, then
CR/LF (0D0Ah) is assumed.
Any of the following options may be specified:
i - ignores case during the scan
w - scans for whole words only
x - checks for regular expression chars in the search
string (see 'Regular Expression Searching')
returns: The absolute position in the file where the search string
was found (starting with 1), or zero if not found. If the
scan was interrupted by <ctrl break>, then -1 is
see also: find, replace
example: scanfile "C:\\FILE.TXT" "apples" "i"
// returns the first position in C:\FILE.TXT where
// 'apples' is found (ignoring case), or zero if
// not found
scanfiles filespec searchstr opt=[iwx] [Lib][a]
remarks: Scans multiple files specified by 'filespec' for the
specified search string. A file manager window is
displayed listing all files in which the string was
found. When a file is opened from the file manager
window, the cursor is positioned at the first occurrence
of the search string. The 'findlast' function can be used
to find other occurrences.
Any of the following search options can be specified:
i - ignore case during the search
w - search for whole words only
x - check for regular expression chars in the search
string (see 'Regular Expression Searching')
returns: The number of files in which the search string is found,
or null if the search string is not found, or -2 if the
filespec is not found.
see also: findlast, search
example: scanfiles "D:\\*.TXT" "apples" "iw"
// scans all files with the extension .TXT in the
// root directory of the D drive for the string
// 'apples', ignoring case, whole words only.
scrollcol column window
remarks: Scrolls the text in window so that 'column' is the
leftmost column in the window. The cursor is moved by the
same amount that the text scrolls. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: scrollrow
example: scrollcol 4
// scrolls the current window so that the leftmost
// column in the window is 4. The cursor moves
// accordingly.
scrollrow row window
remarks: Scrolls the text in window so that 'row' is the topmost
line in the window. The cursor is moved by the same
amount that the text scrolls. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: scrollcol
example: scrollrow 4
// scrolls the current window so that the topmost
// line in the window is 4. The cursor moves
// accordingly.
search searchstr/replstr/options reverse repeat [Ext][a]
remarks: Searches for the specified search string in the current
buffer, and optionally replaces it with 'replstr'. This
function provides a higher level interface to the 'find'
and 'replace' builtin functions.
The parameters 'searchstr/replstr/options' are entered
together as one argument in multi-string format (see the
'joinstr' and 'splitstr' functions).
If no search options are explicitly specified, the
configuration variables 'SearchOpt' and 'ReplaceOpt' are
assumed. See the 'find' function for a description of
valid search options.
If 'replstr' is specified and option 'a' (replace all) is
not specified, the editor will prompt for each
If 'reverse' is 'r', then the search proceeds in the
reverse direction from the direction specified in the
search options.
If 'repeat' is TRUE, then search option 'g' (global
search) will be ignored if specified.
returns: The same values as the 'find' and 'replace' builtin
functions, depending on the action performed (find or
replace) and the search options specified (see the 'find'
and 'replace' functions).
see also: find, findlast, joinstr, replace, scanfiles,
example: search "apples"
// searches for the string 'apples' (case sensitive)
// starting at one char to the right of the cursor
// and searching toward the end of the buffer
search "apples/ir*"
// searches for 'apples' (case insensitive) starting at
// the cursor position and searching toward the
// beginning of the buffer
search "app'/les/bgw"
// searches for 'app/les' (whole words only), limiting
// the search to the current mark and starting from
// the beginning of the mark
search "apples/oranges/ag"
// replaces all occurrences of 'apples' with 'oranges'
// in the current buffer and returns the number of
// occurrences. The cursor is not moved.
send funexpression arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Calls a function in the current event object whose name
is the value of 'funexpression', passing the optional
arguments 'arg1', 'arg2', etc.
returns: The return value from calling the specified function.
see also: call, eval, pass, sendkey, sendobject
example: send <ctrl b> // simulates <ctrl b>
send '<' + "ctrl b" + '>' // simulates <ctrl b>
sendkey keycode1 keycode2 ...
remarks: Executes the specified keycodes immediately and
returns: nothing
see also: getkey, getkeycode, queuekey, send, sendobject
example: keycode = getkey // gets a keycode...
sendkey keycode // and executes it immediately
sendobject objexpression funexpression arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Calls a function in the object 'objexpression' whose name
is the value of 'funexpression', passing the optional
arguments 'arg1', 'arg2', etc.
returns: The return value from calling the specified function.
see also: call, eval, pass, send, sendkey
example: sendobject "edit" <ctrl b>
sendobject "edit" '<' + "ctrl b" + '>'
setalarm timerid year mon day dayofweek hour min second object
function arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Sets a timer to call 'function' automatically at the
specified date and time. If '-1' is specified for for any
of the date or time parameters, the timer will call the
function for any value of that parameter (the parameter
becomes a 'wildcard').
If -1 is specified for any of the arguments, the timer is
a 'repeating' timer and is not destroyed, otherwise the
timer is automatically destroyed after the function call.
The function is called in the specified object, passing
the optional arguments 'arg1', 'arg2', etc. If 'object'
is not specified, the current event object is assumed.
'timerid' uniquely identifies the timer. If a timerid is
not specified, a unique timerid is generated. A maximum
of 16 timerid's may be active at one time.
returns: The timerid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: destroytimer, setrepeat, settimer, timer?
example setalarm "xyz" // timerid 'xyz'
-1 // any year
-1 // any month
-1 // any day
-1 // any day of the week
22 // 10 o'clock at night
0 // zero minutes
0 // zero seconds
'' // send to current event object
"abc" // function 'abc'
// the above example sets timer 'xyz' to call the function
// 'abc' at 10 o'clock every night in the current event
// object
setbook bookmark buffer
remarks: Creates a new bookmark or modifies an existing bookmark.
The bookmark is placed at the current cursor position in
the specified buffer. If the buffer is null or not
specified, the current buffer is assumed.
returns: The bookmarkid if a bookmark is created, or TRUE if an
existing bookmark is modified, otherwise null.
see also: destroybook
example: setbook 'A'
// places bookmark "A" at the cursor position
setbootpath path
remarks: Changes the editor 'boot' path for the current session.
returns: nothing
see also: bootpath, getbootpath
setborder opt=[ios012345] xd yd cornerX cornerY bchr1 bchr2 window
remarks: Changes the border style of a window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed. Note that the
window must first be configured to allow borders by
calling the 'setframe' function.
The following parameters can be specified:
xd - left and right border thickness
yd - top and bottom border thickness
cornerX - amount or horz overlap on the border corners
cornerY - amount or vert overlap on the border corners
bchr1 - border fill character
bchr2 - border corner fill character
The following options can also be specified:
i - inward 3D effect
o - outward 3D effect
s - attempts to change the size of other parts of the
window to accommodate the new border style, without
changing the overall size of the window.
0 - use 'expanded' borders (the default)
For the following options, the 'xd', 'yd', 'cornerX', and
'cornerY', 'bchr1', and 'bchr2' parameters are ignored,
and the horizontal and vertical border thickness is
always 1:
1 - single line
2 - double horizontal
3 - double vertical
4 - double line
5 - solid
6 - blank
Specifying no options or parameters removes any existing
returns: nothing
see also: getborder, setframe, setshadow
example: setborder
// removes the border
setborder "1i"
// sets the border style to a single-line border with
// an inward 3D effect
setborder '0' 2 2 3 3
// sets the border style to an 'expanded' border with
// border width 2 and corner size 3
setbufname name buffer
remarks: Associates a descriptive name with a buffer. If 'buffer'
is null or not specified, then the current buffer is
The buffer name is used by editor library functions to
identify the current buffer, and is usually a fully
qualified file name.
Note: the 'loadbuf' function will automatically set the
buffer name to the file name where the buffer was loaded
('setbufname' is not required).
returns: nothing
see also: getbufname
setcolor component color window
remarks: Changes the color attribute of a window component. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
The following values can be specified for 'component':
0 - border
1 - border corners
2 - north and east titles
3 - south and west titles
4 - title bar controls
5 - text
6 - marks
7 - scroll bars
8 - menus
9 - menu character highlight
10 - menu disable
11 - menu bar highlight
12 - end-of-text line
13 - border highlight color
14 - folds
15 - modified lines
16 - modified line at the cursor
17 - open fold begin
18 - open fold end
returns: nothing
see also: getcolor
example: setcolor 5 95
// sets the window text color to white on magenta
setcolor 6 32
// sets the mark default color to black on green
setcursor opt=[rhiv+-] cursor buffer
remarks: Creates a new cursor or changes the state of an existing
cursor. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the
current buffer is assumed. If 'cursor' is not specified,
the current cursor is assumed.
If 'cursor' refers to an existing cursor, it is modified
according to the options specified, otherwise a new
cursor is created. If a new cursor is created, it becomes
the current cursor.
Any of the following options may be specified:
i - cursor is in insert mode
h - cursor is hidden
v - blinking hardware cursor indicates position
- - turns off any specified options
+ - turns on any specified options
returns: The cursorid if a cursor is created, or TRUE if an
existing cursor is modified successfully, otherwise null.
see also: cursor?, destroycursor
setdisplay [-1/0/1]
remarks: Enables (1) or disables (0) updating of the display. Note
that any operations involving window sizing, movement, or
reordering will still update the display, even if the
display is disabled with this function.
If -1 is specified, the display is 'validated' and the
next screen update will be skipped. This allows you to
draw on the text in an Edit or File Manager window,
leaving your changes visible until the following screen
returns: nothing
see also: display
example: setdisplay OFF // disable display for faster execution
playkey // play the scrap key macro
setdisplay ON // enable the display
writestr "Hello" // write 'Hello' in an edit window
setdisplay -1 // allow it to remain visible
setdraw opt=[01234] window [Lib][a]
remarks: Changes the line drawing style for an edit window. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
One of the following options can be specified:
0 - single lines
1 - double horizontal lines
2 - double vertical lines
3 - double horizontal and vertical lines
4 - eraser
returns: nothing
see also: setting
example: setdraw 3
// sets the line drawing style to double horizontal
// and vertical lines
setframe opt=[bwneshvm2345z>+-] window westwidth eastwidth
remarks: Adds or removes window frame components. If 'window' is
not specified, the current window is assumed.
Any of the following options can be specified:
+ - add specified components to the window
- - remove specified components from the window
(if neither '+' or '-' are specified, then the window
frame components are replaced)
b - border
e - east title bar
h - horizontal scroll bar
m - primary menu bar
n - north title bar
s - south title bar
v - vertical scroll bar
w - west title bar
z - south title controls
2 - menu bar 2 (north)
3 - menu bar 3 (north)
4 - menu bar 4 (south)
5 - menu bar 5 (west)
> - place north title bar in the window border
(for bordertype > 0)
< - place south title bar in the window border
(for bordertype > 0)
Specifying no options will remove all window frame
The following parameters can also be specified:
westwidth - the width of the west title, if present
eastwidth - the width of the east title, if present
returns: nothing
see also: frame?, setborder, setshadow
example: setframe
// removes all frame components from the current window
setframe "bn"
// replaces the current window frame components with
// a border and a north title bar
setframe "+s"
// adds a south title bar to the current window
setgroupbox initvalue valuemap window [Lib][a]
remarks: Re-initializes the checked/unchecked state of check boxes
and radio buttons in a group box, after the group box has
already been created. If 'window' (the group box window
id) is not specified, the current window is assumed. See
the 'group' function for a description of 'initvalue' and
returns: nothing
see also: dialog, group, whenenter, whenselect
setname filename [Lib][edit]
remarks: Changes the buffer name in the current edit window to the
specified filename. The primary window title (title 1) is
also changed.
returns: 1 if successful, -1 if the filename is invalid, or -2 if
the filename is already loaded.
see also: close, open, save, setbufname, settitle
setnextwin nextwindow window
remarks: Changes the order of windows on the screen by placing
'nextwindow' on top of 'window'. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getnextwin, getprevwin, setprevwin
setpalette position charstring
remarks: Fills a 100-byte user-defined color palette area with
'charstring', starting at the specified position in the
palette. The editor library code (LIB.X) expects color
attributes to be in the positions defined in COLOR.AML.
returns: nothing
see also: getpalatte
example: see COLOR.AML
setparent parent window
remarks: Makes 'parent' the parent window of 'window'. If 'window'
is not specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getparent
setprevwin prevwindow window
remarks: Changes the order of windows on the screen by placing
'window' on top of 'prevwindow'. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getnextwin, getprevwin, setnextwin
setrepeat timerid milliseconds object function arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Sets a timer to call 'function' automatically at regular
intervals. 'milliseconds' specifies the time interval in
milliseconds. The first function call will occur after
the specified time interval has expired (not after the
'setrepeat' call).
The function is called in the specified object, passing
the optional arguments 'arg1', 'arg2', etc. If 'object'
is not specified, the current event object is assumed.
'timerid' uniquely identifies the timer. If a timerid is
not specified, a unique timerid is generated. A maximum
of 16 timerid's may be active at one time.
returns: The timerid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: destroytimer, setalarm, settimer, timer?
example: setrepeat "xyz" 1000 '' "abc"
// sets timerid 'xyz' to call the function 'abc' every
// second in the current event object
setrepeat "t1" 0 '' "idle"
// sets timerid 't1' to call the function 'idle'
// repeatedly in the current event object whenever
// the editor is idle
setshadow right bottom window
remarks: Adds or removes window shadows. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
'bottom' and 'right' specify the shadow thickness on the
bottom and right borders. If 'bottom' and 'right' are
zero or null, the shadow is removed.
returns: nothing
see also: setborder, setframe, setshadow2
example: setshadow
// removes any shadows from the current window
setshadow 2 1
// sets the shadow thickness to 2 on the right border
// and 1 on the bottom border
setshadow2 color window
remarks: Adds or removes a one-half width shadow. If 'window' is
not specified, the current window is assumed. 'color'
specifies the shadow color.
This function is intended for use with stationary windows
on a blank background (such as dialog box controls).
returns: nothing
see also: setshadow
setsyntax [0/1] object window
remarks: Enables (1) or disables (0) syntax highlighting for a
window. If 'window' is not specified, the current window
is assumed. Specifying 'object' will change the syntax
highlighting object associated with the window.
returns: nothing
see also: keyword, setsyntax
settimer timerid milliseconds object function arg1 arg2 ...
remarks: Sets a timer to call 'function' automatically after a
specified time interval. 'milliseconds' specifies the
time interval in milliseconds. The timer is automatically
destroyed when the function is called.
The function is called in the specified object, passing
the optional arguments 'arg1', 'arg2', etc. If 'object'
is not specified, the current event object is assumed.
'timerid' uniquely identifies the timer. If a timerid is
not specified, a unique timerid is generated. A maximum
of 16 timerid's may be active at one time.
returns: The timerid if successful, otherwise null.
see also: destroytimer, setalarm, setrepeat, timer?
example: settimer "xyz" 1000 '' "abc"
// sets timerid 'xyz' to call the function 'abc' one
// second later in the current event object
setting settings [0/1/2/-1] [Lib][edit]
remarks: Changes or toggles the specified window settings. Any
combination of the following settings may be specified:
a - Autoindent
b - Backup
d - Draw Mode
i - Insert Mode
l - Live Word Wrap
m - Match Character
s - Smart tabs
t - Translate
u - Undo enabled
v - Variable tabs
w - Word Wrap (standard)
x - Syntax Highlighting
After the 'settings' parameter, one of the following
values can be specified:
0 - turns specified settings OFF
1 - turns specified settings ON
-1 - toggles specified settings
2 - sets specified settings to default values
returns: nothing
see also: getsettings, setting?
example: settings "abu" 1
// turns ON autoindent, backup, and undo
settings "xd" 0
// turns OFF syntax highlighting and drawmode
settings "w" -1
// toggles word wrap
setting? settings [Lib][mon]
remarks: Tests if any of the specified window settings are ON. See
the 'setting' command for a description of window
returns: Non-zero if one of the specified settings is ON,
otherwise null.
see also: getsettings, setting
example: setting? "lw"
// tests if word wrap or live word wrap are ON
settitle string opt=[nsewlcrdxh1z] titleid[1-5] window
remarks: Changes a window title. If 'window' is null or not
specified, then the current window is assumed.
Each window can have up to 5 titles. 'titleid' (1-5)
specifies which window title to change. If the 'titleid'
is null or not specified, then 1 (the primary title) is
Any combination of the following options can be
e - places the title on east title bar
n - places the title on north title bar
s - places the title on south title bar
w - places the title on west title bar
l - left justifies the title
c - centers the title
r - right justifies the title
d - redraws the window title immediately after this
function call
x - sets the title to the 'default status line'. The
status line displays information about the buffer
(if any) displayed in the window.
h - checks for the highlight character "&". Specifying
"&" before a character in the title indicates that
the character is to be highlighted.
1 - the title is not padded with spaces. Normally the
title is padded with one space if it is left or
right justified.
z - hides the title. This can be used to associate a
string with a window by storing it as a hidden
window title. This option must also be used to
specify a title for the end-of-text line (see the
'eotstring' function).
If no options are specified, and the title has not been
previously set, the options 'nl1' are assumed. If the
title has been previously set, then the options of the
previous title are assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: eotstring, gettitle
example: settitle "Hello World"
// sets window title 1 to 'Hello World'
settitle "Hello World" "cs" 3
// sets window title 3 to 'Hello World' and
// centers it on the south title bar
setvideo cols rows color fillstring
remarks: Changes the video mode and/or sets the background color
attribute and background fill string. Either operation
can be done separately or simultaneously.
When changing the video mode, 'cols' must be 40 or 80 and
'rows' must be 12, 14, 21, 25, 28, 43, or 50. If 'cols'
or 'rows' are zero or null, the video mode is not
Specifying either 'color' or 'fillstring' changes the
video background. If 'color' is not specified, black (0)
is assumed. If 'fillstring' is not specified, blanks are
assumed. The maximum size of 'fillstring' is 50
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: videomode
setwinctrl controlstring rightcontrol window
remarks: Changes the one-character title bar controls for a
window. If 'window' is not specified, the current window
is assumed. Controls are normally placed on the north
title bar unless south title bar controls are specified
with the 'setframe' function.
'controlstring' is a string of the one-character title
bar controls to appear on the title bar from left to
By default, controls are left justified on the title bar.
If specified, 'rightcontrol' defines the character
position in 'controlstring' of the first right justified
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getwinctrl
example: setwinctrl ""
// places one left justified control () on the
// title bar
setwinctrl "≡" 2
// places 3 controls on the title bar. (≡) is
// left justified, () and () are right justified
setwincurs cursor window
remarks: Attaches a cursor to a window and associates a buffer
with a window. If 'window' is not specified, the current
window is assumed. When a cursor is attached to a window,
the window will display the buffer associated with the
If 'cursor' is null or not specified, then the cursor is
detached from the window and the window will no longer
display a buffer.
Only one cursor may be associated with a window at one
time. Windows that do not display a buffer do not need to
use this call.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getwincurs
setwinobj object window
remarks: Sets the window event object associated with a window. If
'window' is not specified, the current window is assumed.
This function also changes the current event object to
Whenever a window becomes the current window, the current
event object is set to the window event object. This
allows an object 'class' to be associated with an
individual window.
returns: nothing
see also: eventobject, getwinobj
example: setwinobj "edit"
// sets the event object for the current window to
// 'edit', and also changes the current event object
// to 'edit'
shiftblock (+/-)cols mark fillchar
remarks: Shifts marked text to the left or to the right. If 'mark'
is not specified, the default markid is assumed.
'cols' specifies the number of columns to shift. Positive
values shift text to the right and negative values shift
text to the left.
'fillchar' is the character to use when filling empty
spaces created by shifting to the right. If 'fillchar' is
not specified, blanks (ASCII 32) are assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: delchar, instext
example: shiftblock -1
// shifts the text in default markid one space to the
// left
shiftblock 1 '' '>'
// shifts the text in the default markid one space to
// the right, filling empty spaces with '>'
shiftkey? shiftstate
remarks: Tests if the specified shift key(s) are currently pressed
down. 'shiftstate' can be any combination of the
following values OR'ed together bitwise:
01h - right shift key down 10h - scroll lock ON
02h - left shift key down 20h - num lock ON
04h - ctrl key down 40h - caps lock ON
08h - alt key down 80h - insert ON
If shiftstate is not specified, then a value of 03h
(right and left shift keys) is assumed.
returns: Non-zero if the specified shift keys are down, otherwise
see also: event?, keyhit?
example: shiftkey?
// tests if the left or right shift keys are pressed
shiftkey? 12h
// tests if the <ctrl> or <alt> keys are pressed
shortbox message title opt=[b] [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays the specified message in a popup window without
an 'Ok' button. If a title is not specified, 'Message' is
assumed. If option 'b' is specified, the PC speaker
returns: nothing
see also: msgbox, okbox, say, yncbox
example: shortbox "This is a message with a beep!" 'b'
showcursor top bottom
remarks: Shows the physical cursor in the current window. If the
current window contains a buffer, the effects of
this function are temporary and may disappear the next
time the display is updated.
If 'top' and 'bottom' are specified, the physical cursor
size is changed. 'top' and 'bottom' indicate the distance
of the top and bottom of the cursor from the top of the
character cell, on a scale of 0 to 99.
returns: nothing
see also: hidecursor
example: showcursor 0 99
// sets the cursor size to fill the entire char cell
showcursor 50 99
// sets the cursor size to fill the bottom half of
// the character cell
showdialog [Lib][a]
remarks: Tags the current dialog box as a 'modeless' dialog box.
The dialog box will function as an independent window on
the desktop (existing windows on the screen can be placed
on top of a modeless dialog box). This function returns
immediately, without actually displaying the dialog box.
The 'whenenter' and 'whenselect' functions can be used to
process events from dialog box controls.
returns: nothing
see also: dialog, getdialog, whenenter, whenselect
example: dialog "Test Dialog Box" 40 8
button "O&k" 17 2 8
// tag the dialog box as modeless
remarks: Temporarily displays the screen as it appeared in DOS
immediately before the editor was started. Pressing any
key or mouse button will restore the editor screen.
returns: nothing
see also: display
remarks: Shows the mouse pointer.
returns: nothing
see also: hidemouse
showwindow window
remarks: Re-displays a window that was previously hidden with the
'hidewindow' function. If 'window' is null or not
specified, then the current window is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: hidewindow
sizekey [Lib][win]
remarks: Resizes the current window using the cursor keys.
returns: nothing
see also: pankey, sizewin
sizeof string
remarks: Gets the size of a string in bytes.
returns: the number of characters in the string.
see also: copystr, pad
example: sizeof "apples" // returns 6
sizeof '' // returns 0
sizeof "ab" + "bc" // returns 4
sizeof 50 + 51 // returns 3
sizequeue size
remarks: Removes all events from the event queue and changes the
event queue size to 'size' events. Values of 5 through
200 may be specified. The default queue size is 20 when
the editor is started.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero.
see also: dispatch, process
sizewin l t r b reps opt=[acdrswz1] window [Lib][win]
remarks: Resizes the specified window. If 'window' is not
specified, the current window is assumed.
This function is nearly identical to the 'sizewindow'
builtin function, except that the window title bar
controls are set properly after resizing, and 'reps'
(sizing repetitions) can be specified.
returns: nothing
see also: movewindow, sizewindow
sizewindow l t r b opt=[acdrswz1] window relativewindow
remarks: Changes the size and position of a window. If 'window' is
not specified, the current window is assumed. When a
window is resized, all parts of the window are redrawn
'l', 't', 'r', and 'b' specify the new window
coordinates. The following options can be specified:
a - The coordinates are absolute and are relative to an
'origin'. The location of the origin depends on which
of the following options are also specified:
d - the origin is located at the top left corner of
the physical screen
w - the origin is located at the top left corner of
the window 'relativewindow'
1 - the origin is located at the top left corner of
the client area of the window 'relativewindow'
z - the origin is located at the virtual coordinates
If option 'a' is specified and none of the above
options are specified, then 'd' is assumed.
r - the coordinates are relative to another rectangle on
the screen. 'l', 't', 'r', and 'b' specify relative
offsets from the left, top, right, and bottom edges
of the rectangle. The location of the rectangle
depends on which of the following options are also
d - the rectangle is the physical screen
w - the rectangle is the main window area of the
window 'relativewindow'
1 - the rectangle is the client area of the window
z - the rectangle is the main window area of the
window being resized (relative to itself, in
other words)
If option 'r' is specified and none of the above
options are specified, then 'z' is assumed.
c - the coordinates specify the size of the client area
of the window being sized, not the entire window.
s - scrolls the window to keep the cursor visible, if
If no options are specified, options 'rz' are assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcoord, movewindow
example: sizewindow -1 -1 1 1
// expands the current window size by 1 in all four
// directions
sizewindow 0 0 0 0 "rd"
// sizes the current window to fill the entire screen
// with all the borders visible
sizewindow 6 5 72 20 "ad"
// sizes the current window relative to the upper
// left corner of the screen
sizewindow 6 5 72 20 "a1" '' "abc"
// sizes the current window relative to the upper
// left corner of the client area of window 'abc'
sortblock opt=[di] mark
remarks: Sorts marked lines. If 'mark' is not specified, the
default markid is assumed.
For column marks, the text between the left and right
edges of the mark is used as the sort key. For all other
marks, the entire line is used as the sort key. In either
case, all lines spanned by the mark are sorted, not just
the text within the mark.
One of the following options may be specified:
d - sort in descending order
i - ignore case when sorting
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
speaker [0/1]
remarks: Enables (1) or disables (0) sound from the PC speaker.
returns: nothing
see also: beep
splitline col row buffer
remarks: Splits one line into two lines in a buffer. If 'buffer'
is null or not specified, then the current buffer is
'row' specifies which line is to be split and 'col'
specifies the column where the split is to occur. If
'row' and 'col' are not specified, the current cursor
position is assumed.
All characters after, and including the specified column
are moved to column 1 in a new line after the line to be
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: delline, insabove, insline, joinline
example: splitline
// splits the current line at the cursor in the
// current buffer
splitline 10
// splits the current line at column 10
splitstr delimit+quote multistring ref1 ref2 ...
remarks: Splits an editor 'multistring' (created by the 'joinstr'
function) into individual strings. The 'delimit' and
'quote' characters are used as delimiters and literal
quoting characters to separate the string (see 'joinstr'
If 'delimit' and 'quote' are not specified, then the
default delimiter character is a slash (/) and the
default quote character is a backquote (`).
'ref1', 'ref2', etc. refer to variables passed by
reference which are to contain the resulting component
strings (see the 'ref' keyword).
returns: This function returns the number of component strings in
the multistring. The actual component strings are
returned in variables passed by reference to this
see also: joinstr, ref
example: splitstr '' "abc/def/xyz" ref a ref b ref c
// returns 'abc' in a, 'def' in b, and 'xyz' in c.
// the entire function call returns '3'
splitstr "|\\" "abc|x\|yz" ref a ref b
// returns 'abc' in a, and 'x|yz' in b.
// the entire function call returns '2'
splitwin opt=[hv] [Lib][edit]
remarks: Splits the current edit window. The following options may
be specified:
h - favor horizontal splits
v - favor vertical splits
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: copywin
remarks: Forces the currently executing macro (invoked by the
runmacro function) to remain resident within the editor
after the macro is finished executing. Any functions,
object variables, or global variables defined in the
macro will also remain resident.
The macro will remain resident until the temporary object
created by 'runmacro' is explicitly destroyed with the
'destroyobject' function.
returns: nothing
see also: destroyobject, runmacro
stopmark mark
remarks: Closes an 'open' mark created with the markline,
markcolumn, markchar, or markstream functions. This stops
the automatic extension of the mark when the cursor is
moved. If 'mark' is not specified, the default markid is
returns: nothing
see also: extendmark, markchar, markcolumn, markline, markstream
example: markline // marks the current line
stopmark // stop cursor extension of the mark
sub searchstr replacestr string opt=[irwx]
remarks: Replaces all occurrences of 'searchstr' found in 'string'
with 'replacestr'. Any of the following search options
may be specified:
i - ignore case
r - search in reverse from the end of the string
w - whole words only
x - use regular expressions (see 'Regular Expression
Specifying a null replace string will remove all
occurrences of 'searchstr' within 'string'.
returns: The new string resulting from the substitution of
'replacestr' for all occurrences of the search string.
see also: pos, poschar, posnot
example: sub 'p' '112' "apples" // returns 'a112112les'
sub 'es' 'y' "apples" // returns 'apply'
sub 'PL' '' "apples" 'i' // returns 'apes'
submenu menuname [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays the specified menu as a submenu. This function
is only intended for use within a pulldown menu.
returns: nothing
see also: getmenu, gotomenu, menu
swapfiles swapfile1 swapfile2 swapfile3
remarks: Defines swap files for the editor to use in low memory
situations. If available, EMS and XMS memory will always
be used before the swap files are created.
'swapfile2' will only be used when there is no room on
the drive containing 'swapfile1', and 'swapfile3' will
only be used when there is no room on the drive
containing 'swapfile2'. All swap files should be on
different drives.
Note: this function may only be called once during an
edit session.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: maxems, maxxms, memoptions
syntax opt=[bcin] symbols stringchars stringlit numeric
eolcom1 startcol1 eolcom2 startcol2 opencom1 closecom1
opencom2 closecom2 backscan keywordcolor symbolcolor
stringcolor numericcolor eolcomment1color
eolcomment2color comment1color comment2color
remarks: Defines a syntax highlighting template for the current
(executing) object. A syntax highlighting template can be
customized to highlight the source code of almost any
programming language, or even text files.
Any of the following syntax highlighting options can be
b - highlighting shows through marked blocks
c - disable highlighting on the line at the cursor
f - use only the foreground portion of the specified
colors, and use the existing background color of
the window
i - ignore keyword case
n - automatically highlight numbers
The following parameters can also be specified:
symbols - defines a set of one-character language
symbols to be highlighted. A maximum of 40
symbols can be specified.
stringchars - defines up to 3 one-character string
symbols used to enclose highlighted
character strings.
stringlit - the character used to indicate a literal
character in a character string.
numeric - the character (if any) used to indicate a
numeric value.
eolcom1 - single line comment symbol 1 (10 char max)
startcol1 - the required start column for 'eolcom1'.
If not specified, all columns are checked.
eolcom2 - single line comment symbol 2 (10 char max)
startcol2 - the required start column for 'eolcom2'.
If not specified, all columns all checked.
opencom1 - the start symbol for multiline comment 1
(10 char max)
closecom1 - the end symbol for multiline comment 1
(10 char max)
opencom2 - the start symbol for multiline comment 2
(10 char max)
closecom2 - the end symbol for multiline comment 2
(10 char max)
backscan - the number of lines to scan backwards to
check if a multiline comment is in effect
(400 line max)
The following syntax highlighting colors may also be
If option 'f' is specified, and the window foreground
color is equal to the foreground portion (lower 4 bits)
of any of the above colors, then the background portions
(upper 4 bits) of these colors are used as alternate
foreground colors. This allows you to change the window
color without having to change the syntax highlighting
color definitions.
returns: nothing
see also: keyword, setsyntax
example: see the configuration file SYNTAX.AML
tabblock (+/-)tabwidth[1-64] mark
remarks: Entabs or detabs marked text. If 'mark' is not specified,
the default markid is assumed.
'tabwidth' specifies the tab width to use. If 'tabwidth'
is not specified, then 8 is assumed.
If 'tabwidth' is positive, then tab characters (ASCII 9)
are converted into spaces (detab). Tab characters within
single or double quotes are ignored.
If 'tabwidth' is negative, then spaces are converted into
tab characters (entab). Spaces occurring after a single
or double quote on a line will not be entabbed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
thousands number
remarks: Converts a number into a thousands-separated string. The
'international' function determines what thousands
separator character is used.
returns: a thousands-separated string.
see also: international
example: thousands 12345678 // returns '12,345,678'
tile opt=[hv] [Lib][win]
remarks: Tiles all non-minimized windows on the screen. The
following options may be specified:
h - favor horizontal tiling
v - favor vertical tiling
returns: nothing
see also: cascade, splitwin
tilewindow opt=[hvlb] splitnum limit window
remarks: Tiles windows on the screen, or 'splits' a window into
tiles. If 'window' is not specified, the current window
is assumed.
'limit' specifies the maximum number of tiles. If 'limit'
is null or zero, then all windows are tiled.
'splitnum' specifies the maximum number of tiles that can
be oriented in one direction before the next tile is
oriented in a perpendicular direction. If 'splitnum' is
null or zero, 2 is assumed.
The following options can be specified:
b - reverses the tiling order by starting with the
bottom window on the screen
h - favors horizontal splits
l - tile only the specified window and any other
windows which display the same buffer
v - favors vertical splits
If no options are specified, then 'h' is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: getcoord, movewindow, sizewindow
example: tilewindow
// tiles all windows horizontally on the screen
tilewindow 'lv'
// vertically tiles any windows which display
// the same buffer as the current window
timer? timerid
remarks: Tests if the specified timer is active.
returns: TRUE if timerid is active, otherwise null.
see also: destroytimer, setalarm, settimer
toolbar [Lib][edit]
remarks: Toggles the display of a toolbar on the current edit
window. The toolbar is defined in MENU.AML.
returns: nothing
see also: togglestyle
touchfile filename
remarks: Changes the last-modified date and time for the specified
file to the current date and time.
returns: Non-zero if successful, otherwise zero.
see also: chgfileattr, copyfile
trackmouse [Lib][a]
remarks: Moves the cursor to the mouse pointer in the current
returns: nothing
see also: getmousex, getmousey, mousepos, virtocol, virtorow
trunc? buffer
remarks: Tests if the specified buffer has been truncated when
loaded. Truncation can occur if <ctrl break> was pressed
while loading the file. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, the current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if the buffer was truncated, otherwise null.
see also: buffer?
undo buffer
remarks: Reverses the changes made by the last undoable function
(or group of functions marked with undobegin - undoend)
for a specific buffer. If 'buffer' is null or not
specified, then the current buffer is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: redo, undobegin, undoend
remarks: Marks the beginning of a group of function calls which
are considered to be one 'undoable/redoable' editing
operation. The group is terminated by a matching
'undoend' function. 'undobegin' and 'undoend' pairs may
be nested.
Undo/redo information for all undoable function calls
within this group is saved as one undoable operation on
the undo/redo stack for each operation's buffer. The
follow types of editing functions are undoable:
- functions which modify buffers
- functions which create or modify marks
- functions which create or modify text folds
The current cursor position, window size, and window
view, are also saved on the undo/redo stack.
When the 'undo' or 'redo' functions are called, all
undoable editing operations within the group are 'undone'
together at one time.
returns: nothing
see also: redo, undo, undocursor, undoend
example: undobegin // groups 3 editing operations
delline // together as one undoable
writetext "some text" // operation
insline "new line"
undocursor buffer
remarks: Saves the current window size, window view, and cursor
position on the undo/redo stack as one undoable
operation. If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the
current buffer is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: redo, undo, undobegin, undoend
remarks: Marks the end of a group of undoable/redoable function
calls started with the 'undobegin' function (see
'undobegin' above).
returns: nothing
see also: redo, undo, undobegin
undosize size buffer
remarks: Sets the undo/redo stack size for a buffer to 'size'
editing operations. If 'buffer' is null or not specified,
the current buffer is assumed. Setting the undo/redo
stack size to zero disables undo/redo for the specified
The stack size determines the maximum number of undoable
editing operations (single or group) that will be saved
for each buffer. When an undoable operation is performed
and the size limit is exceeded, the undo information for
the least-recently performed operation is discarded.
When a buffer is initially created, the undo/redo stack
size is set to zero (undo is disabled). Whenever the
undo/redo stack size is changed with this function, all
previous undo/redo information for the buffer is erased.
returns: nothing
see also: redo, undo, undobegin, undoend
example: undosize
// disables undo for the current buffer
undosize 200
// deletes the current undo stack and sets the undo
// stack size for the current buffer to 200
// editing operations
unsetx varexpression objexpression
remarks: Destroys the object variable defined by 'varexpression'
in the specified object. If 'objexpression' is not
specified, then the current object is assumed.
returns: nothing
see also: function?, lookup, set, setobj, setx, setxfun, setxobj
example: unsetx "TempVar"
unsetx "Temp" + "Var" "edit"
up rows buffer
remarks: Moves the cursor upward. 'rows' specifies the number of
lines to move. If 'rows' is not specified, 1 is assumed.
If 'buffer' is null or not specified, the current buffer
is assumed.
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: down, left, right
example: up // moves the cursor up 1 row
up 5 // moves the cursor up 5 rows
upcase string
remarks: Converts a string to uppercase.
returns: the string in uppercase.
see also: flipcase, locase
example: upcase "peaches" // returns "PEACHES"
usemark mark
remarks: Sets the default markid to 'mark'. If 'mark' is not
specified, the markid '*' is assumed. When the editor is
started, the default markid is '*'.
returns: The previous default markid.
see also: getmarkuse
example: oldid = usemark 'T'
// set the default markid to 'T'
usemark oldid
// always restore the default markid
videoborder color
remarks: Changes the video overscan border color to the specified
returns: nothing
videomode cols rows [Lib][a]
remarks: Changes the current video mode to 'cols' x 'rows'. 'cols'
must be 40 or 80 and 'rows' must be 12, 14, 21, 25, 28,
43, or 50.
returns: nothing
see also: setvideo
example: videomode 80 28 // change the video mode to 80 x 28
videomode 80 50 // change the video mode to 80 x 50
virtocol virtualX window
remarks: Converts a virtual screen X-coordinate to a column in a
window. If 'window' is not specified, the current window
is assumed. If 'virtualX' is not specified, the current
mouse pointer position is assumed.
returns: the window column.
see also: virtorow
example: say (virtocol)
// displays the column in the current window where
// the mouse pointer is located
virtorow virtualY window
remarks: Converts a virtual screen Y-coordinate to a row in a
window. If 'window' is not specified, the current window
is assumed. If 'virtualY' is not specified, the current
mouse pointer position is assumed.
returns: the window row.
see also: virtocol
example: say (virtorow)
// displays the row in the current window where
// the mouse pointer is located
whenenter functionname [Lib][a]
remarks: Defines an event-handling function to be called by the
most recently defined dialog box control, when the
control has the focus and the <enter> key (or equivalent)
is pressed. The control 'id' (a number indicating the
order in which the control was defined) is passed to the
event-handling function.
returns: nothing
see also: dialog, getdialog, showdialog, whenselect
example: dialog "Test Dialog Box" 40 8
button "&Test" 17 4 8
whenenter "testbutton"
// beep when the 'Test' button is pressed
function testbutton (id)
msgbox "You pressed control #" + id
whenselect functionname [Lib][a]
remarks: Defines an event-handling function to be called by the
most recently defined group box or list box control, when
an item is selected within the control (without pressing
<enter> or the equivalent). The control 'id' (a number
indicating the order in which the control was defined) is
passed to the event-handling function.
returns: nothing
see also: dialog, getdialog, showdialog, whenenter
example: dialog "Test Dialog Box" 40 8
groupbox 'Radio Buttons: ' 10 2
( menu ''
item " ( ) Beep at &200hz"
item " ( ) Beep at &400hz"
item " ( ) Beep at &600hz"
end )
whenselect "radio"
function radio (id)
beep getrow * 200 500
window? window
remarks: Tests if a window exists. If 'window' is not specified,
the current window is assumed.
returns: TRUE if the window exists, otherwise null.
see also: frame?, wintype?
windowflag opt=[ds-] window
remarks: Turns window flags on or off. If 'window' is null or not
specified, the current window is assumed. The following
flags can be specified:
d - flags the window to call the function 'ondraw' in
the window event object after the window client
area is updated. This allows custom drawing or
highlighting of the window client area to be
s - flags the window to call the function 'onstatus' in
the window event object before the status line is
updated (edit windows only). The user-defined
return value of 'onstatus' will become the actual
status line, allowing the status line to be
- - turns off flags
If option '-' is specified, any other specified flags
will be turned off, otherwise all specified flags will be
turned on.
returns: nothing
see also: ondraw, onstatus
winlist [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays a list of open windows. If a window is selected,
it becomes the current window.
returns: nothing
see also: currwin
wintype? object window
remarks: Tests if the specified object is located in the
inheritance path of the window event object. If 'window'
is not specified, the current window is assumed.
returns: TRUE if 'object' is located in the inheritance path of
the window event object, otherwise null.
see also: objtype?
example: wintype? "edit_fmgr"
// tests if the object 'edit_fmgr' is located in the
// inheritance path of the window (tests if the
// window is a fmgr window or an edit window)
write string [Ext][edit,prompt]
remarks: Enters a string into the current buffer at the cursor
position, and moves the cursor to the end of the string.
If the cursor is in insert mode, the string is inserted
into the text, otherwise the string is overlaid onto the
This function is similar to the 'writetext' function.
However, the 'write' function provides support for the
following window settings:
- Live Word Wrap
- MatchCharacter
- Standard Word Wrap
- Translate
returns: nothing
see also: instext, ovltext, writetext
example: write "some text"
writefile handle string opt=[k]
remarks: Writes the specified string at the current position in the
open file specified by 'handle'. The current position in
the file is advanced by the number of characters written.
If option 'k' is specified, the file date and time are
not modified.
returns: The number of characters written if successful, otherwise
see also: closefile, filepos, openfile, readfile
writeline string color col row
remarks: Displays the specified string in the current window using
the color attribute 'color'. If 'col' and 'row' are not
specified, the current cursor position is assumed. If
'color' is not specified, the window 'text' color is
assumed (see 'setcolor').
The current cursor position is moved to column one of the
next row. If the cursor was on the last row in the
window, the window contents are scrolled up by one line.
If the current window contains a buffer, the effects of
this function (except for cursor movement) are temporary
and will disappear the next time the display is updated.
returns: nothing
see also: fillrect, getattr, getstr, getx, gety, gotoscreen,
gotoxy, hilite, writestr
example: writeline "some text"
// writes the string 'some text' at the cursor and
// moves the cursor to the next line
writeline "some text" 95
// writes the string 'some text' at the cursor with the
// color white on magenta, and moves the cursor to
// the next line
writestr string color col row
remarks: Displays the specified string in the current window using
the color attribute 'color'. If 'col' and 'row' are not
specified, the current cursor position is assumed. If
'color' is not specified, the window 'text' color is
assumed (see 'setcolor').
The current cursor position is moved one column past the
end of the string.
If the current window contains a buffer, the effects of
this function (except for cursor movement) are temporary
and will disappear the next time the display is updated.
returns: nothing
see also: fillrect, getattr, getstr, getx, gety, gotoscreen,
gotoxy, hilite, writeline
example: writestr "some text"
// writes the string 'some text' at the cursor
writestr "some text" 95
// writes the string 'some text' at the cursor with the
// color white on magenta
writetext string col row buffer
remarks: Enters a string into a buffer at the specified row and
column, and moves the cursor to the end of the string. If
the cursor is in insert mode, then the text is inserted,
otherwise the text is overlaid.
If 'buffer' is null or not specified, then the current
buffer is assumed. If 'col' and 'row' are not specified,
then the string is inserted at the current cursor
returns: TRUE if successful, otherwise null.
see also: delchar, ovltext
example: writetext "some text"
// writes 'some text' at the cursor in the current
// buffer
writetext "some text" 2 20
// writes 'some text' at column 2, line 20 in the
// current buffer
writetext "some text" 1 1 "abc"
// writes 'some text' at column 1, line 1 in the
// buffer "abc"
yncbox message title [Lib][a]
remarks: Displays the specified message in a popup window with
'Yes', 'No', and 'Cancel' buttons. If a title is not
specified, 'Message' is assumed.
returns: The name of the button pressed (Yes, No, or Cancel), or
null if no button was pressed.
see also: msgbox, okbox, say, shortbox
example: yncbox "Replace the string?" "Replace"