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============================ PARSE-O-MATIC ============================
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| |
| |
| Importing Exporting Automated Editing |
| Text Extraction Data Conversion Table Lookup |
| Retabulation Info Weeding Selective Copying |
| Binary-File to Text Report Reformatting Wide-Text Folding |
| Auto-Batch Creation Comm-log Trimming Tab Replacement |
| Character Filtering Column Switching DBF Interpretation |
| De-uppercasing Name Properization And much more! |
| |
| "Parse-O-Matic is a wonderful time saver .... Each report that |
| I can convert from our ... accounting system saves our company |
| about 500 man hours per year" -- R. Brooker (a happy POM user) |
| |
Parse-O-Matic is Copyright (C) 1986, 1995 by:
Pinnacle Software, CP 386 Mount Royal, Quebec, Canada H3P 3C6
U.S. Office: Box 714 Airport Road, Swanton, Vermont 05488 USA
Support Line: (514) 345-9578
Free Files BBS: (514) 345-8654
Internet email: pinnacl@cam.org
World Wide Web: http://www.cam.org/~pinnacl
CompuServe: 70154,1577
| |
| |
| Input: Text (almost any format), Binary, Fixed-Length, DBF |
| Output: Text (flat, comma-delimited, paginated), Binary, Fixed-Length |
| |
Introduction . . . . . . . . What is Parse-O-Matic?
Why you need Parse-O-Matic -- an example
Parse-O-Matic to the rescue!
How it works
Fundamentals . . . . . . . . The Parse-O-Matic command
The POM file
Padding for clarity
A simple example
Quick Reference . . . . . . Command descriptions
Command formats
Input Parsing Commands . . . Set, If, Parse, Peel
Flow Control Commands . . . Begin, Else, End, Done, Nextfile, Halt,
Prologue, Epilogue
Output Commands . . . . . . Out, Outend, Outhdg, Pagelen
Filter Commands . . . . . . Minlen, Ignore, Accept, Readnext
Variable Modifiers . . . . . Trim, Pad, Change, Proper, Insert, Append
Calcluation Commands . . . . Calc, Calcreal
Input Preprocessors . . . . Split, Chop
Lookup Commands . . . . . . Lookup, Lookfile, Lookcols, Lookspec
Miscellaneous Commands . . . Trace, Log, Setlen, Sound
Terms and Techniques . . . . Values
Illegal characters
Line counters
Quiet mode
DBF Files
POM and wildcards
Operational Planning . . . . Unattended operation
Licensing . . . . . . . . . Trial license
Registered copy
Site and multi-copy licenses
Distribution license
Retail license
What is Parse-O-Matic?
Parse-O-Matic is a programmable file-parser. Simple enough for even a non-
programmer to master, it can help out in countless ways. Here are some of
the things Parse-O-Matic can do: Importing, Exporting, Automated Editing,
Text Extraction, Data Conversion, Table Lookup, Retabulation, Info Weeding,
Selective Copying, Binary-File to Text, Tab Replacement, Reformatting,
Wide-Text Folding, Auto-Batch Creation, Character Filtering, Column
Switching, DBF Interpretation, Report Generation, and more!
If you have a file you want to edit, manipulate, or change around, you may
find that Parse-O-Matic is just the tool you need. Parse-O-Matic is not,
however, an "automatic file converter". It will not, for example, convert
WordPerfect files to MS-Word format, or convert Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheets
DIRECTLY to Excel files (although you CAN use Parse-O-Matic as an
intermediary, by having it read reports from one program and convert them
to comma-delimited files which can be imported by the other program.)
Why You Need Parse-O-Matic -- An Example
There are plenty of programs out there that have valuable data locked away
inside them. How do you get that data OUT of one program and into another
Some programs provide a feature which "exports" a file into some kind of
generic format. Perhaps the most popular of these formats is known as a
"comma-delimited file", which is a text file in which each data field is
separated by a comma. Character strings -- which might themselves contain
commas -- are surrounded by double quotes. So a few lines from a
comma-delimited file might look something like this (an export from a
hypothetical database of people who owe your company money):
| "JONES","FRED","1234 GREEN AVENUE", "KANSAS CITY", "MO",293.64 |
| "SMITH","JOHN","2343 OAK STREET","NEW YORK","NY",22.50 |
Unfortunately, not all programs export or import data in this format.
Even more frustrating is a program that exports data in a format that is
ALMOST what you need!
If that's the case, you might decide to spend a few hours in a text editor,
modifying the export file so that the other program can understand it. Or
you might write a program to do the editing for you. Both solutions are
An even more challenging problem arises when a program which has no export
capability does have the ability to "print" reports to a file. You can
write a program to read these files and convert them to something you can
use, but this can be a LOT of work!
Parse-O-Matic to the Rescue!
Parse-O-Matic is a utility that reads text, fixed-record-length and DBF
("DBase") files, interprets the data, and outputs the result to a text,
fixed-length or binary file. It can help you "boil down" reports into
their essential data. You can also use it to convert NEARLY compatible
import files, or generate printable reports.
How It Works
You need three things:
1) The Parse-O-Matic program
2) A Parse-O-Matic "POM" file (to tell Parse-O-Matic what to do)
3) The input file
The input file is usually a report from another program, a fixed record
length data file, or a DBF ("DBase") file. We've provided several examples
of typical input files. For example, the file XMPDAT02.TXT comes from the
AccPac accounting software. AccPac is a great program, but its export
capabilities leave something to be desired. Parse-O-Matic can help!
To see detailed demonstrations of how these files can be parsed, enter
START at the DOS prompt, then select TUTORIAL.
This documentation assumes that you are an experienced computer user. If
you have trouble, you might ask a programmer to help you -- POM file
creation is a little like programming!
The Parse-O-Matic Command
The basic format of the Parse-O-Matic command line is:
POM pom-file input-file output-file
Here is an example, as you would type it at the DOS command line:
For a more formal description of the command line, start up POM by typing
this command at the DOS prompt:
The POM File
The POM file is a text file with a .POM extension. The following
conventions are used when interpreting the POM file:
- Null lines and lines starting with a semi-colon (comments) are ignored.
- A POM file may contain up to 750 lines of specifications.
Comment lines do not count in this total.
A POM file contains no "loops" (to use the programming term). Each line of
the input file is processed by the entire POM file. If you'd like this
expressed in terms of programming languages, here's what POM does:
| START: If there's nothing left in the input file, go to QUIT. |
| Read a line from the input file |
| Do everything in the POM file |
| Go to START |
| QUIT: Tell the user you're finished! |
Padding for Clarity
Spaces and tabs between the words and variables in a POM file line are
generally ignored (except in the case of the "output picture" of the OUT
and OUTEND commands). You can use spaces to make your POM files easier to
Additionally, in any line in the POM file, the following terms are ignored:
Finally, the equals ("=") character is ignored if it is found in a place
where no comparison is taking place. This will be demonstrated below.
You can use these techniques to make your POM files easier to read. For
example, the IF command can be written in several ways:
Very terse: IF PRICE = "0.00" BONUS "0.00" "1.00"
Padded with spaces: IF PRICE = "0.00" BONUS "0.00" "1.00"
Fully padded: IF PRICE = "0.00" THEN BONUS = "0.00" ELSE "1.00"
In the last example, the first equals sign ("=") is a "comparator". (For
details about comparators, see the section entitled "Comparators".) The
second equals sign is not really required, but it does make the line easier
to understand.
A Simple Example
Let's say you have a text file called NAMES.TXT that looks like this:
: :
Column 1 Column 12
Now let's say you want to switch the columns, so that the first name
appears first. Your first step is to create a file using a text editor.
The file would look like this:
SET last = $FLINE[ 1 10]
SET first = $FLINE[12 17]
PAD first "R" " " "10"
OUTEND |{first} {last}
The first two lines will tell Parse-O-Matic to extract text from each input
line. For the first line of the input file, the variable named 'last'
will be given the value "WILLIAMS ". You will notice there are two spaces
at the end. That is because we take every character from position 1 to
position 10 -- which in this case includes two spaces.
The PAD line adds enough spaces on the right side of the variable named
'first' to make sure that it is 10 characters long. The OUTEND command
sends the two variables to the output file.
Save the file with the name TEST.POM and exit your text editor. At the DOS
prompt, enter this command:
This will run the POM file (TEST.POM) on every line of the input file
(NAMES.TXT) and place the output in the file OUTPUT.TXT, which will then
look like this:
: :
Column 1 Column 12
Of course, for such a simple task, it would be easier to switch the columns
yourself, using a text editor. But when you are dealing with large amounts
of data, and want to guard against typing errors, Parse-O-Matic can save
you a lot of time, effort and risk. It also lets you automate editing
operations that you perform frequently.
Command Descriptions
For ease of learning, this manual's detailed explanations of the commands
are grouped by related functions, in the following order:
SET Assigns a value to a variable
IF Conditionally assigns a value to a variable
PARSE Obtains a variable found between delimiters in free-form data
PEEL Works like PARSE, but removes the "found" text from the data
BEGIN Defines the conditions for processing the code block
ELSE Defines the start of code to be processed if the BEGIN fails
END Marks the end of a BEGIN/END or BEGIN/ELSE/END code block
DONE Reads the next input line and starts at the top of the POM file
NEXTFILE Skips the current input file and proceeds to the next one
HALT Terminates all processing if a given condition exists
PROLOGUE Defines code block to run before input lines are processed
EPILOGUE Defines code block to run after input lines are processed
OUT Sends text and variables to the output file
OUTEND Like OUT but adds a new line at the end (Carriage Return/Linefeed)
OUTHDG Sets up title lines to appear at the top of a report or each page
PAGELEN Sets the page length for a report
MINLEN Sets the minimum length required for an input line to be processed
IGNORE Ignores an input line that meets the specified condition
ACCEPT Accepts an input line that meets the specified condition
READNEXT Moves to next input line but retains your place in the POM file
TRIM Removes a character from the left, right or all of a variable
PAD Centers, or left/right-justifies variable to a specified width
CHANGE Replaces all occurances of a string in a variable
PROPER Properizes a variable (e.g. "JOHN SMITH" becomes "John Smith")
INSERT Inserts a string on the left or right, or at a "found" position
APPEND Concatenates several variables into one variable
CALC Performs arithmetic functions on integer values
CALCREAL Performs arithmetic functions on decimal values
SPLIT Breaks up a wide text file (more than 255 characters)
CHOP Breaks up a fixed-record-length file
LOOKUP Looks up a word in another file and returns a corresponding value
LOOKFILE Specifies the file that the LOOKUP command will use (see also /L)
LOOKCOLS Specifies the format of the look-up file
LOOKSPEC Controls the behaviour of the LOOKUP command
TRACE Traces a variable (results saved in the text file POM.TRC)
LOG Adds a line to the processing log
SETLEN Sets a variable according to the length of a value
SOUND Makes a noise or sets the noise generated by error messages
Command Formats
The following conventions are used in the table:
"var" means a variable that is being set.
"c" means a comparator (if omitted, defaults to "equals")
"value" means a variable whose value is being read.
Square brackets [like this] indicate optional items.
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
ACCEPT value c value ACCEPT $FLINE[1 3] = "YES"
APPEND var value value [value [value]] APPEND name first last
BEGIN value c value BEGIN linecntr < "3"
CALCREAL var value operation value CALCREAL salary hours "*" rate
CALC var value oepration value CALC total total "+" sold
CHANGE var value value CHANGE date "/" "-"
CHOP from to [,from to] [...] CHOP 1 250, 251 300
DONE [value c value] DONE $FLINE = "End Data"
HALT value c value value [value] HALT x = y "Item repeated"
IF value c value var value [value] IF x = "Y" THEN z = "N"
IGNORE value c value IGNORE price = "0.00"
INSERT var spec value INSERT price "L" "$"
LOG value c value value LOG x = y "Item repeated"
LOOKCOLS value value value value LOOKCOLS "1" "3" "8" "255"
LOOKSPEC value value value LOOKSPEC "Y" "N" "N"
LOOKUP var value LOOKUP phonenum "FRED JONES"
MINLEN value [value] MINLEN "15"
NEXTFILE [value c value] NEXTFILE $FLINE = "End File"
OUT [value c value] |output-picture OUT z = "X" |{price}
OUTEND [value c value] |output-picture OUTEND z = "X" |{$FLINE}
PAD var spec character len PAD sernum "L" "0" "10"
PAGELEN value [value] PAGELEN "66" "N"
PARSE var value from to [control] PARSE x $FLINE "2*(" "3*)"
PEEL var var from to [control] PEEL x $FLINE "2*(" "3*)"
PROPER var [methods [exceptions-file]] PROPER custname "I" "XY.PEF"
READNEXT [value c value] READNEXT $FLINE[1 5] = "NOTE:"
SET var value SET name $FLINE[20 26]
SETLEN var value SETLEN length custname
SPLIT from to [,from to] [...] SPLIT 1 250, 251 300
TRACE var TRACE price
TRIM var spec character TRIM price "R" "$"
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
The commands are explained in detail in the following section. A summary
of the commands and default settings appear in the comments at the
beginning of the file EXAMPL04.POM. You can copy these comments into your
own POM file as a convenient quick reference.
The SET Command
FORMAT: SET var1 value1
SET assigns a value to a variable. The usual reason to do this is to set a
variable from the input line (represented by the variable $FLINE) prior to
cleaning it up with TRIM. For example, if the input line looked like this:
JOHN SMITH 555-1234 322 Westchester Lane Architect
| | | | |
Column 1 Col 12 Col 22 Col 33 Col 57
then we could extract the last name from the input line with these two POM
SET NAME = $FLINE[12 21] (Sets the variable from the input line)
TRIM NAME "R" " " (Trims any spaces on the right side)
SET would first set the variable NAME to this value: "SMITH "
After the TRIM, the variable NAME would have the value: "SMITH"
You will also use SET if you plan to include a substring of $FLINE in the
output, since the OUT and OUTEND commands do not recognize substrings after
the "|" marker, only complete variables.
The IF Command
FORMAT: IF value1 [comparator] value2 var1 value3 [value4]
NOTE: For an explanation of comparators, see the section "Comparators".
In the following explanation, we will demonstrate the command
using only the "equals" ("=") comparator.
If value1 equals value2, var1 is set to value3. Otherwise, it is set to
value4 (if value4 is missing, nothing is done, and var1 is not changed).
Here's an example of the IF command...
IF EARNING = "0.00" THEN BONUS = "0.00" ELSE "1.00"
This obtains the value between columns 20 and 26, then checks if it equals
"0.00". If it does, the variable BONUS is set to 0.00. If not, BONUS is
set to "1.00". The "THEN" and "ELSE" are "padding" and can be omitted.
The PARSE and PEEL Commands
FORMAT: PARSE var1 value1 from to [control]
PEEL var1 var2 from to [control]
NOTE: PARSE is a very powerful command. As a result, the explanation
is somewhat complex. If you are reading this manual for the
first time, you may wish to skip this part for now, and come
back to it later.
The PARSE command is used for extracting information from an input line
that does not have its data in precise columns. Consider the following
input file:
Mouse Gazelle Mouse Elephant
Dog Giraffe Elk Mongoose
Monkey Snake Caribou Trout
| | | |
Column 1 Col 11 Col 21 Col 31
Extracting data that is arranged in tidy columns is simple -- all you need
is the SET command. However, you will need a more powerful command if the
data is in "free-form", like this:
The PARSE command lets you extract the "Nth" item. For example, to extract
the third item in each line in the free-form example above, you could use
this command:
PARSE xyz $FLINE "2*," "3*,"
This means "set the variable xyz by looking in $FLINE (the line just read
from the input file) and taking everything between the second comma and the
third comma". For the three lines in the sample input file, the variable
xyz is set to Mouse, then Elk, then Caribou.
In the "From" specification (i.e. the "2*," part of the command):
2 means "the second occurance"
* is a delimiter to mark the end of the occurance number
, is the text you are looking for
Both the "From" and "To" specifications use this format.
Incidentally, the text you are looking for can be more than a single
character -- it can be up to 80 characters long. Let's say the input file
looks like this:
You can extract the third item in each line with this command:
PARSE xyz $FLINE "2*:::" "3*:::"
___ ______ _ ___ _ ___
| | | | | |
Variable to set | | | | |
The value to parse | | | "To" text being sought
"From" occurance number | "To" occurance number
"From" text being sought
This command sets the variable xyz to Mouse, then Elk, then Caribou.
The PARSE command is particularly useful for extracting information from
comma-delimited files. Here is an example of a comma-delimited file:
You can extract all the fields with this series of commands (note the use
of doubled-up quotes to represent a single quotation mark -- see the
section "Delimiters" for details):
PARSE field1 $FLINE "1*""" "2*"""
PARSE field2 $FLINE "3*""" "4*"""
PARSE field3 $FLINE "5*""" "6*"""
PARSE field4 $FLINE "7*""" "8*"""
For the first line of the sample input file, field1 is set to Mouse, field2
is set to Gazelle, and so on.
The occurance number is not always needed. Here are some variations of
the "From" specification that you might find helpful:
"" = Start from the first character in the value being parsed
"XYZ" = Start from the first "XYZ" found in the value being parsed
Similar variations can be used with the "To" specification:
"" = End with the last character in the value being parsed
"XYZ" = End with the first "XYZ" found in the value being parsed
The occurance number must be between 1 and 255. The following lines are
not valid PARSE commands:
PARSE xyz $FLINE "0*," "1*," (uses 0)
PARSE xyz $FLINE "1*," "256*," (uses 256)
The occurance number is always be followed by a "*" so you can search for a
number. Consider the following example (the meaning of which would be
unclear without the "*" delimiter):
PARSE xyz "XXX2YYY2ZZZ2" "1*2" "2*2"
This sets xyz to the text occuring between the first "2" and the second
"2". In other words, xyz is set to "YYY".
If PARSE does not find the search text, or if the "To" text occurs before
the "From" text, the variable will be set to a null (""). Here are several
PARSE abc "ABCDEFGHIJ" "1*K" "1*J" (There is no "K")
PARSE abc "ABCDEFGHIJ" "1*A" "1*X" (There is no "X")
PARSE abc "ABCDEFGHIJ" "1*J" "1*A" ("J" comes after "A")
The PARSE command has an optional "control" parameter, which tells PARSE
whether to include or exclude the text that was found. By default (as
shown in all of the preceding examples), the found text is excluded.
However, if you want to include the found text, you can add "I" at the end
of the PARSE command, as in this example:
PARSE xyz "aXcaYcaZc" "2*a" "2*c" "I"
This sets the variable xyz to "aYc". You can also set the control
specification to "X" (meaning "exclude"), although since this is the
default setting for PARSE, it really isn't necessary. Here is an example:
PARSE xyz "a1ca2ca3c" "2*a" "2*c" "X"
This sets the variable xyz to "2".
There is one exception to the behaviour of the control setting. If you
use the null ("") specification for "From" or "To", the "found" value
(the first character for "From", or the last character for "To") will
always be included. Here is an example:
PARSE xyz "ABCABCABC" "" "2*C"
This sets the variable xyz to "ABCAB". The "From" value (i.e. the first
character) is not excluded. However, when PARSE finds the "To" value (i.e.
the second occurance of the letter C) it is excluded. If you want to
include the second "C", you should write the command this way:
PARSE xyz "ABCABCABC" "" "2*C" "I"
The following two commands accomplish the same thing:
PARSE xyz "ABCD" "" ""
SET xyz "ABCD"
They are equivalent because the PARSE command means "Set the variable xyz
with everything between (and including) the first and last character".
The reason that PARSE treats the null ("") specification differently may
not be immediately obvious, since the examples given here are very simple,
and not representative of "real world" applications. However, in day-to-day
usage, you will frequently find it helpful to be able to specify a command
that says, "Give me everything from the beginning of the line to just
before such-and-such".
Here is a command that means "Give me everything from just after the dollar
sign, to the end of the line":
PARSE xyz "I'd like to have $250.00" "1*$" ""
This sets xyz to "250.00". If you want to include the dollar sign, write
the command this way:
PARSE xyz "I'd like to have $250.00" "1*$" "" "I"
For more examples of the PARSE command, see the demonstrations provided
with Parse-O-Matic (type START at the DOS prompt, then select TUTORIAL).
The PEEL command works just like PARSE, but after setting var1, it REMOVES
the parsed value (including the delimiters) from var2. When you are
breaking up a complex line into fields, this can simplify matters
considerably, because the line gradually becomes less complex.
Here is a simple example. Let's say you have an input file containing a
single line:
If you run this POM file against the input file:
PEEL x $FLINE "" "/" <--- Strips out the AA, removes the /
PEEL x $FLINE "" "/" <--- Strips out the BB, removes the /
PEEL x $FLINE "" "/" <--- Strips out the CC, removes the /
then the output file will look like this:
What is happening is that $FLINE is gradually being stripped of the text
that is being found. After the first PEEL, $FLINE contains "BB/CC/DD",
and so on. After the final PEEL, $FLINE only contains "DD".
The "I" and "X" control parameters behave the same way as they do in the
PARSE command. Take note, however, that the starting and ending characters
are always removed, along with the "found" text, regardless of the control
parameter. The control parameter only affects the first variable (x in the
example above), not the second ($FLINE in the example).
The BEGIN, ELSE and END Commands
The format for the BEGIN and END commands is as follows:
BEGIN value1 [comparator] value2
Dependant code
NOTE: For an explanation of comparators, see the section "Comparators".
In the following explanation, we will demonstrate the command
using only the "equals" ("=") comparator.
If value1 equals value2, then the dependant code (the POM lines between
the BEGIN and the END) are executed. If value1 does not equal value2,
then the dependant code is skipped.
It is traditional in programming to indent code that appears in blocks
such as Parse-O-Matic's BEGIN/END technique. This makes the logic of
the program easier to understand. For example:
BEGIN datatype = "Employee"
SET phone = $FLINE[ 1 10]
SET address = $FLINE[12 31]
BEGIN/END blocks can be nested. That is to say, you can have BEGIN/END
blocks inside other BEGIN/END blocks. Here is an example, with arrows
to indicate the levels of each BEGIN/END block...
BEGIN datatype = "Employee" <---------------------
SET phone = $FLINE[ 1 10] |
SET address = $FLINE[12 31] |
SET areacode = phone[1 3] | First
BEGIN areacode = "514" <------- Second | Level
SET local = "Y" | Level | Block
SET tax = "Y" <------- Block |
END <---------------------
In this case, the "inner" block (starting with BEGIN areacode = "514") is
reached only if the "outer" block (BEGIN datatype = "Employee") is true.
If the outer block is false, the inner block is ignored.
A nested BEGIN/END block must always be completely inside the outer block.
Study the following (incorrect) example:
BEGIN datatype = "Employee" <----
SET phone = $FLINE[ 1 10] | First
SET areacode = phone[1 3] | Level
BEGIN areacode = "514" <--- | Block?
SET local = "Y" | |
END | <----
SET tax = "Y" |
END <--- Second Level Block?
Parse-O-Matic does not pay attention to the indenting -- it is only a
tradition we use to make the file easier to read. The code will be
understood this way:
BEGIN datatype = "Employee" <---------------------
SET phone = $FLINE[ 1 10] | First
SET areacode = phone[1 3] | Level
BEGIN areacode = "514" <--- Second | Block
SET local = "Y" | Level |
END <--- Block |
SET tax = "Y" |
END <---------------------
You can nest BEGIN/END blocks up to 25 deep -- although it is unlikely you
will ever need that much nesting. Here is an example of code that uses
nesting up to three deep:
BEGIN datatype = "Dog" <----------------------------------
SET breed = $FLINE[1 10] | First
BEGIN breed = "Collie" <----------------------- | Level
SET noise = "Woof" | Second | Block
BEGIN name = "Spot" <------ Third | Level |
SET attitude = "Friendly" | Level | Block |
END <------ Block | |
END <----------------------- |
BEGIN breed = "Other" <----------------------- Another |
SET noise = "Arf" | Second |
SET attitude = "Unknown" | Level |
END <----------------------- Block |
END <----------------------------------
Once again, the indentation is for clarity only and does not affect the
way the POM file runs. However, you will find that it makes your POM
file much easier to understand.
The ELSE command tells Parse-O-Matic to execute the following block of code
(up until the END command) if the corresponding BEGIN comparison is NOT
NOTE: The ELSE command should not be confused with the ELSE used to pad
the IF statement (e.g. IF $FLINE[1] = "3" THEN x = "Y" ELSE "N"). In
the IF command, the ELSE is included to make the statement easier to
understand, and can be omitted (e.g. IF $FLINE[1] "3" x "Y" "N").
The format of a BEGIN/ELSE/END block is as follows:
BEGIN value1 [comparator] value2
Code that is run if the comparison is true
Code that is run if the comparison is false
Here is an example:
SET x = "This is John"
SET x = "This is not John"
If you are using several levels of nesting, you should indent your code to
show the relationship of the various BEGIN, ELSE and END statements. Here
is an example:
BEGIN datatype = "Dog" <----------------------------------
SET breed = $FLINE[1 10] | First
BEGIN breed = "Collie" <----------------------- | Level
SET noise = "Woof" | Second | Block
BEGIN name = "Spot" <------ Third | Level |
SET attitude = "Friendly" | Level | Block |
END <------ Block | |
ELSE | |
SET noise = "Arf" | |
SET attitude = "Unknown" | |
END <----------------------- |
END <----------------------------------
The ELSE is at "Level 2". This is because there are three BEGINs ahead of
it, but only one END (3 - 1 = 2). Here are two helpful rule to remember:
- A POM file will always contain the same number of BEGINs and ENDs
- The number of ELSEs can never exceed the number of BEGINs
The DONE Command
FORMAT: DONE [value comparator value]
NOTE: For an explanation of comparators, see the section "Comparators".
In the following explanation, we will demonstrate the command
using only the "equals" ("=") comparator.
The DONE command will discontinue processing the POM file and proceed to
the next input line, whereupon the POM file will restart at the top.
The DONE command is most useful when you have a long series of BEGIN/END
blocks which make a related comparison. For example:
SET salesrep = $FLINE[11 50]
SET region = $FLINE[ 1 2]
BEGIN region = "US"
OUTEND |Sales representative for U.S.A.: {salesrep}
BEGIN region = "CN"
OUTEND |Sales representative for Canada: {salesrep}
BEGIN region = "EU"
OUTEND |Sales representative for Europe: {salesrep}
As you can see, if one of the BEGIN comparisons is true, all of the
following ones will inevitably be false. Rather than processing all the
others, you can use the DONE command to bail out and get ready for the
next input line.
The DONE command provides two benefits:
- It can speed up processing slightly
- It makes full traces easier to understand
For an explanation of traces, see the section entitled "Tracing".
Unless you use a comparison (explained later), the DONE command is useful
only inside BEGIN/ELSE/END blocks. If you write a POM file like this:
SET custnum = $FLINE[ 1 10]
SET custname = $FLINE[11 50]
OUTEND |{custname} {custnum}
the OUTEND statement will NEVER be reached.
Here is how you specify a comparison for the DONE command:
DONE $FLINE = "End of Data"
This discontinues the POM file, and proceeds to the next input line, if the
current input line ($FLINE) is "End of Data".
The NEXTFILE Command
FORMAT: NEXTFILE [value comparator value]
NOTE: For an explanation of comparators, see the section "Comparators".
In the following explanation, we will demonstrate the command
using only the "equals" ("=") comparator.
The NEXTFILE command is useful when you process multiple input files (see
"POM and Wildcards"). It discontinues processing the current input file
and proceeds to the next one. The POM file restarts from the top.
Here is an example, which we will call TEST.POM:
BEGIN $FLINE = "End of Data"
OUTEND |{numlines} lines of data printed
SET numlines = ""
SET numlines = numlines+
Let's say you have three text files: DATA1.XYZ, DATA2.XYZ and DATA3.XYZ.
The last line of each file says "End of Data". You could copy all three
files to the file OUTPUT.TXT with this command:
This would copy the data from each file, but when it gets to the line
reading "End of Data", it records the number of lines of data that were
printed. Any lines after the "End of Data" line are skipped, because of
the NEXTFILE command.
The NEXTFILE command can specify a comparison. Here is an example:
NEXTFILE $FLINE = "End of Data"
Assuming the same input files (DATA1.XYZ etc.), and using the same POM
command as last time, this POM file would simply copy up to (but not
including" the line that reads "End of Data" in each input file.
The HALT Command
FORMAT: HALT value1 comparison value2 value3 [value4]
The HALT command will terminate Parse-O-Matic processing if the comparison
is true. For example:
HALT sales = "0" "Zero sales!"
If the variable named sales is "0", Parse-O-Matic will display an error
box reading "Zero sales!" and terminate after you've pressed a key (or
sixty seconds goes by). A copy of the message is also placed in the
processing log POMLOG.TXT (see "Logging").
When a HALT condition occurs, Parse-O-Matic terminates with a DOS error
level of 100. You can specify a different value, using value4. This is
useful if you are calling Parse-O-Matic from a batch file and want to
handle different errors in different ways.
You can set value4 to any number between 100 and 199. Consider these
HALT sales = "0" "Zero sales" "150"
HALT sales[1] = "-" "Negative sales" "160"
This terminates the program with an error level of 150 if sales are zero.
If the first character of sales is a minus sign, Parse-O-Matic terminates
with an error level of 160.
When coding batch files, remember that the IF ERRORLEVEL command is
considered "True" if the error is the specified value or higher. This
means you should always test the higher value first. See your DOS manual
for details.
The PROLOGUE Command
The format for PROLOGUE (used in conjunction with the END command) is as
Dependant code
The dependant code is run before the first line of the input file is read.
You can use this to set up some useful variables, or set up a heading --
anything you only want to do once per file, at the very start.
Here is an example of the PROLOGUE command:
SET both = "B"
SET space = " "
SET firstname = $FLINE[ 1 10]
SET lastname = $FLINE[15 25]
TRIM firstname both space
TRIM lastname both space
OUTEND |{firstname} {lastname}
When the input file is first opened, the PROLOGUE section sets the
variables "both" and "space". Once they're set, you don't have to change
them (since you're just using them to make the code easier to read). Thus,
it makes sense to set them only at the beginning of processing and not
bother setting them each time the POM file is executed (i.e. each time an
input line is read).
If you are working with multiple files (see "POM and Wildcards"), the
PROLOGUE is run for each input file. If you want to run some code for
the first file only, you can set a "flag", as in this example:
BEGIN firstfile = ""
SET firstfile = "N"
OUTEND |First file only
OUTEND |Subsequent files
If you run this POM file on several files at once, using wildcards, the
first line of the output file will contain the words "First file only",
since the variable "firstfile" has not yet been assigned a value. On
subsequent files, the variable will have the value "N", so the following
lines of the output file will read "Subsequent files".
The EPILOGUE Command
The format for EPILOGUE (used in conjunction with the END command) is as
Dependant code
The dependant code is run after the last line of the input file is read
and the POM file is executed to process it. In other words, once all the
input data is finished, the POM file runs one last time -- but only the
code in the EPILOGUE section.
You can use this to output final results. Let's say your input file looks
like this:
Wildebeest food 325 $ 9.99
Horse cologne 13 $ 3.25
Moose alarm 210 $ 5.95
: : : : : (Column positions)
1 18 27 33 41
You can find out the total number of units sold (of all types) with the
following POM file:
CALC units = units "+" $FLINE[18 27]
OUTEND |Total units sold = {units}
This POM file adds up the number of units sold. The only output is the
single line generated by the OUTEND in the EPILOGUE.
If you are processing multiple files (see "POM and Wildcards"), the
EPILOGUE is run after each input file is finished.
The OUT and OUTEND Commands
FORMAT: OUT[END] [value1 [comparator] value2] |output-picture
NOTE: For an explanation of comparators, see the section "Comparators".
In the following explanation, we will demonstrate the command
using only the "equals" ("=") comparator.
The OUT command generates output without an end-of-line (i.e. carriage
return and linefeed characters). The OUTEND command generates output and
also adds an end-of-line.
When value1 equals value2, a line is sent to the output file, according to
the output picture. Within the output picture, all text is taken literally
(i.e. " is taken to mean literally that -- a quotation mark character).
The only exception to this is variable names, which are identified by the
{ and } characters. For example, a POM file that contained the following
single line:
OUTEND "X" = "X" |{$FLINE}
would simply output every line from the input file (not very useful!).
The "X" = "X" part of the command is the comparison which controls when
output occurs. In the example above, both values being compared are the
same, so output will always occur.
You can not use substrings after the "|" marker. Thus, the following line
is NOT legal: OUTEND $FLINE[1 3] = "IBM" |{$FLINE[1 15]}
The correct way to code this is as follows:
This outputs the first 15 characters of any line that contains the letters
"IBM" in the first three positions.
The OUTHDG and PAGELEN Commands
FORMAT: PAGELEN value1 [value2]
OUTHDG is used to place text headers in your output. For example, if you
were parsing data to create an employee report, you might use OUTHDG like
SET NAME = $FLINE[10 28]
OUTHDG "----- ------------------- ------------"
The value following the OUTHDG command is sent to the output file only
once. That is to say, after an OUTHDG sends a value to the output file,
subsequent encounters with that OUTHDG command are ignored -- unless the
PAGELEN command is used.
The PAGELEN command specifies the length of the output page. Lines from
both OUTHDG and OUTEND are counted. The default value for page length is
zero, which means that the output is a single page of infinite length. As
such, OUTHDG headings appear only the first time they are encountered.
If you specify a page length greater than zero, OUTHDG headings become
re-enabled once the specified number of output lines have been generated.
A typical value is as follows:
This is an ideal page length for most laser printers. Dot matrix printers
typically use a page length of 66.
Parse-O-Matic inserts a "form feed" (ASCII 12) character between pages.
You can turn this off, however, by specifying the page length this way:
PAGELEN "66" "N"
The "N" specification means, "No, don't use form feeds". Another
acceptable value is "Y", meaning "Yes, use form feeds", but since this is
the default, you do not have to specify it.
The MINLEN Command
FORMAT: MINLEN value1 [value2]
DEFAULTS: value2 = "0"
MINLEN specifies the minimum length a line must be to be considered for
parsing. If you omit the MINLEN command, the minimum length is assumed to
be 1. That is to say, all lines 1 character or longer will be processed
and shorter lines (null lines in other words) will be ignored.
MINLEN is useful for ignoring brief information lines that clutter up a
report that you are parsing. For example, in the sample file EXAMPL02.POM,
the MINLEN command is set to 85 to ensure that all lines shorter than 85
characters long will be ignored. This simplifies the coding considerably.
The longest allowable input line is 255 characters, unless you use the
SPLIT or CHOP command (described later).
The optional setting value2 specifies the minimum length for a READNEXT
command. If omitted, this value is assumed to be "0", meaning that
READNEXT will, by default, read null lines. If you set value2 to "1",
READNEXT will keep reading until it finds an input line of 1 or more
characters, or hits the end of file.
The IGNORE Command
FORMAT: IGNORE value1 [comparator] value2
NOTE: For an explanation of comparators, see the section "Comparators".
In the following explanation, we will demonstrate the command
using only the "equals" ("=") comparator.
When value1 contains value2, the input line is ignored and all further
processing on the input line stops. The usual format of this command is as
in this example:
IGNORE $FLINE[3 9] = "Date"
This skips any input line that contains the word "Date" between columns 3
and 9 ($FLINE is the line just read from the input file).
The ACCEPT Command
FORMAT: ACCEPT value1 [comparator] value2
NOTE: For an explanation of comparators, see the section "Comparators".
In the following explanation, we will demonstrate the command
using only the "equals" ("=") comparator.
The ACCEPT command accepts the input line if value1 contains value2. For
example, if the entire POM file read as follows:
ACCEPT $FLINE[15 17] = "YES"
OUTEND "X" = "X" |{$FLINE}
then any input line that contains "YES" starting in column 15 is sent to
the output file. All other lines are ignored.
CLUSTERED ACCEPTS: Sometimes you have to check more than one value to see
if the input line is valid. You do this by using "clustered ACCEPTs",
which are several ACCEPT commands in a row.
Briefly stated, if you have several ACCEPTs in a row ("clustered"), they
are all processed to determine if the input line is acceptable or not. If
even one ACCEPT matches up, the line is accepted. To express this in more
When value1 contains value2, the line is accepted, and processing of the
POM file continues for that input line, even if the immediately following
ACCEPTs do NOT produce a match. After all, we've already got a match!
If value1 does NOT contain value2, Parse-O-Matic looks at the next commmand
in the POM file. If it is not another ACCEPT, the input line is ignored.
If it is another ACCEPT, maybe it will product a match -- so Parse-O-Matic
moves to that command.
The following POM file uses clustered ACCEPTs to accept any line that
contains the name "FRED" or "MARY" between columns 5 and 8, or contains the
word "MEMBER" between columns 20 and 25.
SET NAME = $FLINE[5 8] (Set the variable)
ACCEPT $FLINE[20 25] = "MEMBER" (Look for MEMBER)
OUTEND "X" = "X" |{$FLINE} (Output the line if we get this far)
The following example will NOT work, however:
OUTEND "X" = "X" |{$FLINE}
It will not work because the ACCEPTs are not clustered; if the first ACCEPT
fails, the input line is rejected as soon as the SET command is
encountered. The next two ACCEPTs are not reached in such case.
The READNEXT Command
FORMAT: READNEXT [value comparator value]
NOTE: For an explanation of comparators, see the section "Comparators".
In the following explanation, we will demonstrate the command
using only the "equals" ("=") comparator.
The READNEXT command gets the next line of the input file (in other words,
it replaces the current $FLINE), while maintaining your place in the POM
file. This is helpful if you know for certain what the next line will
contain. Here is an example:
SET note = ""
SET customer = $FLINE[1 20]
BEGIN $FLINE ^ "See note below"
SET note = $FLINE[1 20]
OUTEND |{customer} {note}
If the input line contains the words "See note below", Parse-O-Matic will
read the next line of the input file (replacing the current $FLINE), thus
obtaining the comment about the customer.
By default, READNEXT can read null lines from the input file. If you want
to ignore null lines, you can use an optional parameter of the MINLEN
command to specify a minimum length for the READNEXT command. For details,
see "The MINLEN Command".
When you do a READNEXT, there is no way to return to the previous line of
the input file. If you need it for other work, you should save a copy:
SET note = ""
SET customer = $FLINE[1 20]
SET saveline = $FLINE
BEGIN $FLINE ^ "See note below"
SET note = $FLINE[1 20]
SET custnum = saveline[22 25]
OUTEND |{custnum} {customer} {note}
The example above is not very efficient; it would make more sense to
extract custnum BEFORE you use READNEXT. However, in some instances you may
find it more convenient to save $FLINE before doing a READNEXT.
READNEXT can make a comparison. This is useful for skipping extraneous
lines of input. For example:
This obtains the next input line if the current input line starts with
The TRIM Command
FORMAT: TRIM var1 spec1 character
TRIM removes characters from var1. This is usually used to remove blanks.
spec1 can be: A=All B=Both ends L=Left side only R = Right side only
For example:
This removes all commas from the variable "PRICE", and removes the leading
dollar sign. Thus:
If the input contains the string: "$25,783"
The first TRIM changes it to: "$25783"
The second TRIM changes it to: "25783"
The PAD Command
FORMAT: PAD var1 spec1 character len
PAD makes var1 a specified length, padded with a specified character.
spec1 is "L", "R", or "C" (Left, Right or Center)
character is the character used to pad the string
len is the desired string length
For example, if the variable ABC is set to "1234" ...
PAD ABC "L" "0" "7" left-pads it 7 characters wide with zeros ("0001234")
PAD ABC "R" " " "5" right-pads it 5 characters wide with spaces ("1234 ")
PAD ABC "C" "*" "8" centers it, 8 wide, with asterisks ("**1234**")
If the length is less than the length of the string, it is unchanged. For
example, if you set variable XYZ to "PINNACLE", then
PAD XYZ "R" " " "3"
leaves the string as-is ("PINNACLE").
Thus, PAD can not be used to shorten a string. If it is your intention to
make XYZ 3 letters long, you can use the SET command:
SET XYZ = XYZ[1 3]
The CHANGE Command
FORMAT: CHANGE var1 value1 value2
The CHANGE command replaces ALL occurances of value1 with value2. This is
more powerful than TRIM, but is not as efficient. Here is an example of
the CHANGE command in action:
SET DATE = $FLINE[31 38]
CHANGE DATE "/" "--"
If the SET command assigns DATE the value: "93/10/15"
Then the CHANGE command converts it to: "93--10--15"
The PROPER Command
FORMAT: PROPER var1 [methods [exceptions-file]]
The PROPER command converts uppercase text (LIKE THIS) to mixed-case text
(Like This). This is useful when you have a list of names of people and
addresses. You can also use PROPER to change text that has been typed
in uppercase into normal text, with capital letters at the beginning of
The simplest way to convert a variable is as follows:
If CustName contains "JOHN SMITH", it will be changed to "John Smith".
The conversion routine is fairly intelligent. For example, if it is
converting the words "JAGUAR XJS", it can tell that XJS is not a word
(since it does not contain any vowels) and so the the end result will
be "Jaguar XJS". Other "strange-looking" items such as serial numbers
can often be recognized by the PROPER command, and left untouched.
Nevertheless, it is impossible to handle all situations, so the PROPER
command supports a "Properization Exceptions File" (known as a PEF file).
A PEF file lists unusual combinations of letters (typically abbreviations,
such as Dr.). The Parse-O-Matic package includes a file named GENERIC.PEF,
which you may find helpful. You can view it with the SEE program provided
with Parse-O-Matic.
A PEF file is prepared with a text editor and contains one "exception" per
line. Null or blank lines, or lines that start with a semicolon, are
ignored. The longest word that can be specified is 255 characters.
Spaces are permitted, but leading and trailing spaces and tabs are ignored.
To use the PEF file in your PROPER command, place the file name after the
variable name and method setting. For example:
The "W" is the method setting (explained later). "GENERIC.PEF" is the name
of the PEF file. When Parse-O-Matic looks for the PEF file, it looks first
in the current directory. If it can not find it there, it looks in the
directory where POM.EXE is located. You can, if you wish, specify a
complete path to the file, as in this example:
If you don't need an exceptions file, you should not use it, since it slows
down processing somewhat. Needless to say, the more items you have in the
PEF file, the more it slows down processing.
The method setting allows you to specify what PROPER does. There are
several kinds of controls, as follows:
------ -----------
I Intelligent determination of non-words
S Upcase the first character of each sentence
U Upcase the first alphanumeric character of the line
W Upcase the first letter of each word
The default method setting is "IW", so if you omit the method setting, or
specify a null setting (e.g. PROPER CustName "" "XYZ.PEF"), PROPER will
upcase non-words, and the first letter of each word.
NOTE: If you specify a PEF file, you must also specify a method setting,
even if it is null. The line PROPER "GENERIC.PEF" would not be understood
by Parse-O-Matic. The correct format would be: PROPER "" "GENERIC.PEF"
The examples provided with Parse-O-Matic demonstrate some ways you can use
the PROPER command. To see the examples, enter START at the DOS prompt,
then select TUTORIAL.
The INSERT Command
FORMAT: INSERT var1 spec1 value1
The INSERT command inserts text on the left or right of var1, or at a
"found text" position.
spec1 is "L" or "R" (Left or Right) or a find-string (e.g. "@HELLO")
value1 is the value to be inserted
For example, if the variable ABC is set to "Parse-O-Matic", then
INSERT ABC "L" "Register " sets ABC to "Register Parse-O-Matic"
INSERT ABC "R" " is super" sets set ABC to "Parse-O-Matic is super"
You can use a find-string to insert text at the first occurance of the text
you specify. For example:
INSERT ABC "@-O-Matic" "!" sets ABC to "Parse!-O-Matic"
If the find-string is not found, nothing is done.
For an alternative to INSERT, see the APPEND command.
The APPEND Command
FORMAT: APPEND var1 value1 value2 [value3 [value4]]
The APPEND command concatenates (adds together) two or more values and
places the result in var1. For example:
APPEND xyz "AB" "CD" "EF" "GHIJ"
This command sets the variable xyz to "ABCDEFGHIJ".
The third and fourth values (value3 and value4 in the FORMAT shown above)
are optional. Thus, you can use APPEND with only two values. For example:
SET x1 = "AB"
SET x2 = "CD"
APPEND x3 x1 x2
This sets the variable x3 to "ABCD". You can concatenate a maximum of four
values with a single APPEND command. If you require additional concaten-
ations, you can use more APPEND commands:
APPEND myvar "ABC" "DEF" "GHI" "JKL"
APPEND myvar myvar "MNO" "PQR"
The first line sets the variable myvar to "ABCDEFGHIJKL". The second line
set myvar to its previous value, plus "MNOPQR", so that its final value is
NOTE: No variable can hold more than 255 characters.
The CALC Command
FORMAT: CALC var1 value1 operation value2
The CALC command performs an integer arithmetic operation on the two values
and assigns the answer to var1.
Integer arithmetic refers to whole numbers. 1, 10 and 10000 are integers,
while 2.0, 3.14159 and 98.5 are not.
Let's say your input file looks like this:
Dog collar 15 $ 3.00
Cat collar 25 $ 2.50
Cat caller 3 $ 7.25
Birdie num-nums 1,305 $ 6.25
End of Data
: : : : :
: : : : : (Column positions)
1 18 27 33 41
You can find out the total number of units sold (of all types) with the
following POM file:
IGNORE $FLINE[1 7] = "-------"
BEGIN $FLINE = "End of Data"
OUTEND |Total units sold = {units}
CALC units = units "+" $FLINE[18 27]
As you can see from the example, all spaces and commas are stripped from
the number. Tab characters (ASCII 09) are also stripped.
You will also notice that CALC can not be used for the prices, since they
are not integer data. To add up the prices, you must use the CALCREAL
command (described later).
Note in particular that the operation ("+" in this case) is in quotes. If
you omit the quotes, Parse-O-Matic will report an error.
The following operations can be performed with CALC:
--------- -----------
"+" value1 plus value2
"-" value1 minus value2
"*" value1 times value2
"/" value1 divided by value2 (remainder ignored)
"HIGHEST" the larger number (value1 or value2)
"LOWEST" the smaller number (value1 or value2)
CALC can handle numbers between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
The CALCREAL Command
FORMAT: CALCREAL var1 value1 operation value2 [fixed-decimals]
CALCREAL works the same way as CALC, except that it handles decimal
numbers. Using the sample data given in the previous section, you could
write the following POM file:
IGNORE $FLINE[1 7] = "-------"
BEGIN $FLINE = "End of Data"
OUTEND |Total units sold = {units}
OUTEND |Total value sold = {value}
CALC units = units "+" $FLINE[18 27]
CALCREAL value = value "+" $FLINE[33 41]
CALCREAL can handle values +/- 99,999,999,999, but its accuracy decreases
when you are dealing with large numbers, as follows:
Accurate to 1 decimal place between +/- 9,999,999,999
Accurate to 2 decimal places between +/- 999,999,999
Accurate to 3 decimal places between +/- 99,999,999
Accurate to 4 decimal places between +/- 9,999,999
Accurate to 5 decimal places between +/- 999,999
You can specify a fixed number of decimal positions in the answer by using
the optional "fixed-decimals" value. For example:
SET z = "3.14159"
CALCREAL x = z "+" "0" "2" This sets x to "3.14"
CALCREAL x = z "+" "0" "4" This sets x to "3.1415"
You will notice, in the second example, that no "rounding" takes place.
The number is simply truncated at the requested decimal position.
If you do not use the optional fixed-decimal value, calculations are in
"floating point". That is to say, the answer will have as many decimal
places as necessary. (Bear in mind the accuracy restrictions mentioned
The SPLIT Command
FORMAT: SPLIT from-position to-position [,from-pos'n to-pos'n] [...]
The maximum length of an input line from a text file is 255 characters. If
your input file is wider than that, you must break up the file into
manageable chunks, using the SPLIT command. This command lets you specify
the way in which each input line is broken up so that it will look like
several SEPARATE lines.
For example, if your input lines were up to 300 characters wide, you could
SPLIT 1 255, 256 300
This breaks up each line as if it was two lines. (If some of the lines are
less than 256 characters, they will still be treated as two lines, although
the second line will be null (i.e. empty).)
You can specify up to 100 splits (use multiple SPLIT commands if
necessary). With SPLIT, Parse-O-Matic can handle input records of up to
32767 characters.
The best way of handling SPLIT or CHOPped files is to use a combination of
$SPLIT (explained in more detail later) and BEGIN/END. For example:
SPLIT 1 250, 251 300
SET a = $FLINE[ 1 10]
SET b = $FLINE[11 20]
SET x = $FLINE[ 1 10]
SET y = $FLINE[11 20]
OUTEND |{a} {b} {x} {y}
This outputs the data which appears (in the input file) in columns 1-10,
11-20, 251-260 and 261-280.
The CHOP Command
FORMAT: CHOP from-position to-position [,from-pos'n to-pos'n] [...]
The CHOP command works the same way as the SPLIT command, with one
exception: it informs Parse-O-Matic that the input is a fixed-record-
length file. In other words, it means that the input records are
distinguished by having a particular (and exact) length, rather than being
separated by end-of-line characters (Carriage Return, Linefeed) as is the
case for a standard text file.
Thus, if you have an input file containing fixed-length records, each of
which is 200 characters wide, you could specify it like this:
CHOP 1 200
If the input record is more than 255 characters, you must break it up into
smaller chunks. For example, if the input record was 300 characters wide,
you could break it up like this:
CHOP 1 250, 251 300
By using CHOP, Parse-O-Matic can handle input records up to 32767
characters wide. You can use the $SPLIT variable to manage your use of
CHOP. See the example in the section describing the SPLIT command.
The LOOKUP Command
FORMAT: LOOKUP var1 value1
The LOOKUP command will search for value1 in a text file (the name of which
is specified either by the LOOKFILE command or the /L startup parameter).
When POM finds it, it sets var1 to another value found on the same line.
Let us suppose you created a text file, named NAMES.TBL, like this:
R. REAGAN Ronald Reagan
D. EISENHOWER Dwight Eisenhower
G. BUSH George Bush
: :
Column 1 Column 18
This file can be used to look up a name, as in this POM file:
LOOKCOLS "1" "17" "18" "34"
SET oldname = $FLINE[21 37]
TRIM oldname "R" " "
LOOKUP newname = oldname
OUTEND |{oldname} {newname}
The LOOKFILE command specifies the name of the look-up file. The LOOKCOLS
command specifies the starting and end columns for both the "text-to-look-
for" field (known as the key field) and the "text-to-replace-with" field
(known as the data field).
The LOOKUP command will look for oldname in NAMES.TBL. If oldname is set
to "G. BUSH", LOOKUP sets newname to "George Bush". If, however, oldname
is set to "G. WASHINGTON", which doesn't appear in NAMES.TBL, newname
is set to "" (that is to say, an empty string).
There is no limit to the number of lines that you can put in a look-up
file. However, the more lines there are, the longer it will take to
process (because there is more to search). The maximum length of a line
in a look-up file is 255 characters.
In the look-up file, null (empty) lines are ignored. You can also include
comments in the file by starting the line with a semi-colon:
; Some of the Presidents of the United States
R. REAGAN Ronald Reagan
D. EISENHOWER Dwight Eisenhower
G. BUSH George Bush
The LOOKUP command can be used for more than just names, of course. You
could use it to look up prices, phone numbers, addresses and so on.
The LOOKFILE Command
The LOOKFILE command specifies the name of the look-up file for the next
LOOKUP command. This lets you use several look-up files in one POM file.
For example:
SET name = $FLINE[1 20]
; Look up full name
LOOKCOLS "1" "25" "30" "50"
LOOKUP fullname = name
; Look up phone number
LOOKCOLS "1" "25" "30" "40"
LOOKUP phone = name
; Output result
OUTEND |{name} {fullname} {newname}
If you only have one look-up file, you may omit the LOOKFILE command and
specify the file name on the command line, using the /L parameter. For
example, you could write a POM file like this:
SET name = $FLINE[1 20]
; Look up full name
LOOKCOLS "1" "25" "30" "50"
LOOKUP fullname = name
; Output result
OUTEND |{name} {fullname}
Your POM command could then look like this:
This technique allows you to use several different look-up files with the
same POM file, simply by changing the command line.
When Parse-O-Matic looks for a look-up file, it first checks to see if you
have specified an explicit directory (e.g. C:\MYDIR\NAME.TBL). In such
case, Parse-O-Matic will try to open that file, and fail if it is not able
to do so (usually because the file is missing). If you have not specified
an explicit directory (e.g. NAME.TBL), Parse-O-Matic looks first in the
current (logged) directory. If the file is not there, it looks in Parse-
O-Matic's home directory (i.e. the directory where POM.EXE is located).
If the file is not there, Parse-O-Matic searches the directories specified
by the DOS PATH (consult your DOS manual's explanation of the PATH command
for details).
The longest line allowed in a look-up file is 255 characters long.
The LOOKCOLS Command
FORMAT: LOOKCOLS value1 value2 value3 value4
The LOOKCOLS command specifies the starting and ending columns for the
key and data fields in a look-up file (see the explanation of the LOOKUP
command for an overview of look-up files).
value1 specifies the starting column for the key field
value2 specified the ending column for the key field
value3 specifies the starting column for the data field
value4 specified the ending column for the data field
You can specify a null value to indicate "same as last time". For example:
SET name = $FLINE[1 20]
LOOKCOLS "1" "25" "30" "50"
LOOKUP fullname = name
LOOKCOLS "" "" "" "40"
LOOKUP phonenum = name
OUTEND |{name} {fullname} {phonenum}
The second LOOKCOLS command uses the same numbers for the first three
values that the first LOOKCOLS command used.
If you do not specify a LOOKCOLS command, the default values are:
Key Field: Starting column = 1
Ending column = 10
Data Field: Starting column = 12
Ending column = 255
This is equivalent to LOOKCOLS "1" "10" "12" "255".
The LOOKSPEC Command
FORMAT: LOOKSPEC value1 value2 value3
The LOOKSPEC command configures the way the next LOOKUP command will work.
value1 = Trim ("Y" or "N" -- default "Y")
value2 = Sorted ("Y" or "N" -- default "N")
value3 = Case-sensitive ("Y" or "N" -- default "N")
The Trim setting specifies whether or not the data field should have spaces
stripped off both ends.
The Sorted setting specifies whether or not the look-up file is sorted by
the key field. A sorted file is much faster than an unsorted file. This
is especially noticeable if you have a large look-up file and a lot of
input to process.
The Case-sensitive setting specifies whether or not LOOKUP should distin-
guish between upper and lower case when searching. The default setting is
"N" (No), so that LOOKUP would find "John Smith", even if it appeared in
the look-up file as "JOHN SMITH". It is usually safest to set Case-
sensitivity to "N", but if you set it to "Y", searching is slightly faster.
You can specify a null value to indicate "same as last time". For example:
SET name = $FLINE[1 20]
LOOKCOLS "1" "25" "30" "50"
LOOKUP fullname = name
LOOKCOLS "" "" "60" "70"
LOOKSPEC "N" "" ""
LOOKUP phonenum = name
OUTEND |{name} {fullname} {phonenum}
The second LOOKSPEC command uses the same settings for Sorted and Case-
sensitivity as the first one, but specifies a different Trim setting.
The TRACE Command
The TRACE command is an alternative to standard tracing (see "Tracing", in
the "Terms and Techniques" section).
When you include a TRACE command in your POM file, Parse-O-Matic will
create a text file, named POM.TRC, and use it to keep a detailed record of
POM's processing. Here is an example of the TRACE command:
This traces the variable named "PRICE". After processing, the file POM.TRC
will show everything that happened, and give the value of PRICE at the
TRACE line.
NOTE: Since trace files are so detailed, they can be very large. If you
are trying to debug a POM file using TRACE, it is a good idea to use a
small input file.
The LOG Command
FORMAT: LOG value1 [comparator] value2 message
If the comparison is true, adds the message to the processing log
(POMLOG.TXT). For details about the processing log, see the section
Here is an example of the LOG command:
SET emplnumb = $FLINE[ 1 9]
SET sales = $FLINE[10 20]
TRIM sales "B" " "
LOG sales = "0" "WARNING! Zero sales for employee number:"
LOG sales = "0" emplnumb
This adds two warning lines to the processing log if the sales figures is
The logging feature lets you run Parse-O-Matic unattended, then come back
later to review (via the processing log) any exceptional conditions. For
some additional comments on logging, see "Unattended Operation".
The SETLEN Command
FORMAT: SETLEN var1 value1
SETLEN sets var1 to the length of value1. For example:
SET x = "ABCD"
This sets variable y to "4".
One handy application for SETLEN is to underline text. For example:
SET name = $FLINE[1 15]
TRIM name "B" " "
SETLEN nlen name
SET uline = ""
PAD uline "L" "-" nlen
OUTEND |{name}
OUTEND |{uline}
If the input line contains the name "JOHN SMITH", the output would be:
For another example of underlining, see "POM and Wildcards".
The SOUND Command
The SOUND command performs two functions:
1) It makes a noise, or ...
2) It sets the noise made when an error occurs
The SOUND command has a repetoire of nine distinctive noises:
These sounds are useful for alerting you to unusual situations. Let's say
you wanted to be warned if one of the fields in a file comes up blank. You
could write the code this way:
BEGIN lastname = ""
SET lastname = "?"
Case is not important; the following commands are all equivalent:
SOUND "Whoop"
SOUND "whoop"
You can listen to any given sound by using the LISTEN command at the DOS
prompt. To hear what TRILL sounds like, enter this command:
LISTEN trill
By default, Parse-O-Matic error messages will alert you by playing the
ERROR sound. To hear this sound, enter the following command at the DOS
LISTEN error
If you find this noise annoying, you can replace it with one of the other
sounds by using the special ERRMSG specification of the SOUND command. For
example, to replace the ERROR sound with the BUZZ sound, place this line
at the top of your POM file:
If you don't want any sound made when an error occurs, use this command:
The ERRMSG specification will only affect errors generated during the
actual running of the POM file. If an error is encountered while
Parse-O-Matic is compiling, it will use the ERROR sound when it reports the
A value can be specified in the following ways:
"text" A literal text string
#number A single ASCII character (e.g. #32 = Space)
#number#number... Several ASCII characters (e.g. #32#32 = 2 Spaces)
VARNAME The name of a variable
VARNAME[start end] A substring of a variable
VARNAME[start] A single character
VARNAME+ Incremented variable (see explanation below)
Variable names can be up to 12 characters long. There is no distinction
between upper and lower case in the variable name. A POM file can contain
about 1000 variables and literals.
The # character is used to specify a literal text string of one or more
characters. Follow each # with the decimal value of the ASCII character
you want. Here are some useful values:
#10 = Line Feed #12 = Form Feed #13 = Carriage Return
Parse-O-Matic predefines several variables. They are:
$FLINE = The line just read from the file (max. length 255 chars)
$FLUPC = The line just read from the file, in uppercase
$BRL = The { character (used in OUT)
$BRR = The } character (used in OUT)
$COMMAND = The current POM command line (see "POM and Wildcards")
$SPLIT = The CHOP or SPLIT number you are currently processing
$TAB = The tab character (Hex $09; ASCII 09)
Since $FLINE has a maximum length of 255 characters, you will have to use
the SPLIT or CHOP command if your input file is wider than that. The
$SPLIT variable reports which segment you are processing. For example,
if you had this command...
CHOP 1 255, 256 380
then $SPLIT would be set to "1" when it was processing columns 1 to 255,
and it would be set to "2" when it was processing columns 256 to 380.
If you need to specify a quotation mark, use "". For example:
IGNORE $FLINE = "He said ""Hello"" to me."
This ignores any line containing: He said "Hello" to me.
Illegal Characters
No command can contain these ASCII characters:
--- ------- --------------------
$00 0 NULL
$0A 10 LF (Linefeed)
$0D 13 CR (Carriage Return)
Of course, LF and CR do appear at the end of each line, in a text file.
Several POM command decide what to do by comparing two values. For example:
IF $FLINE[1 3] = "XYZ" THEN x = "3" ELSE "4"
In this example, if the first three characters of $FLINE are "XYZ", the
variable x is set to "3", otherwise it is set to "4". The first equals
sign ("=") is a "comparator", because it defines how two values will be
compared. The second equals sign is not a comparator; it is simply
padding, which makes the line easier to understand (see the section
"Padding for Clarity" for details).
Parse-O-Matic allows the following comparators:
---------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------------
<> Does not equal IF name <> "Fred" THEN z = "This is not Fred"
= Equals IF numeral = "IV" THEN x = "4"
> More than IF x > "4" THEN z = "x is more than four"
>= More than or equal IF x >= "4" THEN z = "x is four or more"
< Less than IF x < "4" THEN z = "x is less than four"
<= Less then or equal IF x <= "4" THEN z = "x is four or less"
^ Contains IF x ^ "4" THEN z = "x contains a four"
~ Does not contain IF X ~ "4" THEN z = "x doesn't contain four"
LONGER Length is longer IF x LONGER y THEN z = "x is longer than y"
SHORTER Length is shorter IF x SHORTER y THEN z = "x is shorter than y"
SAMELEN Length is the same IF x SAMELEN y THEN z = "Same length as y"
Whenever a comparator is required, but is omitted, it is assumed to be
"equals". Thus, the following lines are equivalent:
IF x y z "3" "4" (This is very terse, but it works)
IF x y THEN z = "3" ELSE "4" (The "equals" comparator is omitted)
IF x = y THEN z = "3" ELSE "4" (This is a lot easier to read)
Comparators work on numeric and alphabetic data. Here are some samples:
"ABC" <> "ABCD" "3" <> "4"
"ABC" <= "ABCD" "3" <= "4"
"ABC" < "ABCD" "3" < "4"
"ABC" >= "ABC" "ABC" <> "CDE"
"ABC" <= "ABC" "ABC" <= "CDE"
"ABC" = "ABC" "ABC" < "CDE"
Comparing Numbers
Comparators perform "literal" comparisons. That is to say, they compare
text (ASCII) values. This can lead to some confusion if you expect numbers
to be compared according to their ordinal value. For example, this doesn't
work as you might expect at first glance:
SET count = count+
BEGIN Count >= "2"
OUTEND x = x |{count}
You might expect this POM file to output any number greater than or equal
to "2", but in fact, you will get a different result, because comparisons
are literal (text) comparisons. In the example above, "2" to "9" are
greater or equal to "2", but "10" (which starts with "1") is less, as is
evident when you sort several numbers alphabetically:
As you can see, the values 1, 10, 11 and 15 come before "2" when sorted
If you want to compare numbers, you have to ensure that the numbers are the
same length by left-padding them with zeros:
SET count = count+
PAD count "L" "0" "5" <--- This turns 123 into 00123
BEGIN count >= "00002"
TRIM count "L" "0"
OUTEND |{count}
This will work successfully with all values from 00001 to 99999. Taking
the same numbers we considered earlier, and sorting them after padding,
they appear in this order:
Thus, with the padding, all numbers greater than or equal to two will be
Upgrading from Earlier Versions
IF YOU USED PARSE-O-MATIC PRIOR TO VERSION 3.00: Because the comparator
defaults to "equals" if it is omitted, POM files created before version
3.00 will continue to function normally -- with two notable exceptions.
In older versions, the IGNORE and ACCEPT commands defaulted to "contains".
If you have POM files that were created for older versions, you should
check your IGNORE and ACCEPT commands to ensure that they are doing what
you want them to.
You can add "1" to a variable in a SET statement. For example:
SET x = "3"
SET x = x+
After the second statement, x would have the value "4".
Only numeric incrementing is supported. Attempting to increment another
type of variable will result in an error.
- Incrementing "1" gives you "2"
- Incrementing "9" gives you "10"
The first time a variable is referenced, it has a null value (unless you
SET it yourself). If you increment a null variable, it will be changed
from "" (i.e. null) to "1".
Line Counters
If your input record is divided over several lines (due to its original
format or perhaps because you used the SPLIT or CHOP command), it is
helpful to set up a line counter. The following example extracts the first
six characters of the second line of input records that span three lines
(designated lines 0, 1 & 2):
IF LineCntr = "1" THEN MyField = $FLINE[1 6]
OUTEND LineCntr = "1" |{MyField}
IF LineCntr = "2" THEN LineCntr = "" ELSE LineCntr+
For an alternative to line counters, see "The READNEXT Command".
By setting the DOS variable POM to ALL, you can generate a trace file,
named POM.TRC. This is helpful if you have trouble understanding why your
file isn't being parsed properly. But be sure to test it with a SMALL
input file; the trace is quite detailed, and it can easily generate a huge
output file.
To save space, you can specify a particular list of variables to be traced,
rather than tracing everything. For example, to trace only the variable
PRICE, enter this DOS command:
To trace several variables, separate the variable names by slashes, as in
this example:
This traces the three variables PRICE, BONUS and NAME.
Every time Parse-O-Matic runs, it creates a "processing log". This is a
text file named POMLOG.TXT, which is placed in Parse-O-Matic's home
directory. (For example, if POM.EXE is located in C:\POM, the file will
be C:\POM\POMLOG.TXT even if you run POM from another directory.) If the
file POMLOG.TXT already exists, it is renamed to POMLOG.BAK.
The processing log file POMLOG.TXT contains a report of what happened
during the last run of Parse-O-Matic. Usually, the file will be quite
short and look something like this:
DATE: JAN 01 1995
17:50:10 TEST.TXT opened for processing
17:50:14 TEST.TXT processing completed
The first line gives the DOS command line, while the second gives the
date. Subsequent lines give the time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) and a
progress or error message.
If you encounter an error during processing, the text of the warning
message is saved in the processing log. It might look something like this:
DATE: JAN 01 1995
17:50:10 TEST.TXT opened for processing
17:50:10 Execution error in line number 3 of POM file TEST.POM
17:50:11 Required parameter is missing in OUT
If you process multiple input files, POMLOG.TXT might look something
like this:
DATE: JAN 01 1995
14:21:27 DATA01.TXT opened for processing
14:21:28 DATA01.TXT processing completed
14:21:28 DATA02.TXT opened for processing
14:21:28 DATA02.TXT processing completed
14:21:28 DATA03.TXT opened for processing
14:21:28 DATA03.TXT processing completed
If for some reason the processing log can not be created, Parse-O-Matic
will continue to run; it will not terminate. For some additional comments
on logging, see "Unattended Operation".
Quiet Mode
Sometimes you don't want the user to see the Parse-O-Matic processing
screen. In such cases, you can use the "Quiet Mode" switch (/Q) on the
command line. For example:
The /Q switch suppresses the display of the processing screen. The only
time a user will see anything is if there is a problem (for example: the
input file was not found).
DbF Files
If Parse-O-Matic notices that the input file is a "DBase" file (i.e. it has
a DBF extension -- for example: MYFILE.DBF), it will change the way it
processes the data. For instance, the variable $FLINE is not defined.
Rather, each of the fields in the database are pre-parsed. Thus, if you
have a DBF file containing three fields (EMPNUM, NAME, PHONE), your entire
POM file might look like this:
The DELETED variable is created automatically for each record. If it is
set to "Y", it means the record has been deleted from the database and is
probably not valid. In most cases, you will want to ignore such records.
If you do not know what the field names are, you can obtain the list with
the following POM file:
Afterwards, when you inspect the trace file (POM.TRC), you will see a
summary of all the fields. Since there are no output commands (e.g. OUTEND
and OUTHDG), the output file will be empty.
NOTE: Parse-O-Matic does not currently support DBF "Memo" fields.
POM and Wildcards
You can process multiple input files with the same POM file by specifying a
DOS "wildcard" at the DOS command prompt. All output is then directed to
the same output file. For example:
This runs XYZ POM.file on each file in the current directory with a TXT
extension and sends all output to the file OUTPUT.TXT.
The POM file can determine which file it is reading by using the predefined
variable $COMMAND, which contains the current POM command line.
Consider the following scenario:
- You have installed POM.EXE in the directory path C:\UTILITY\POM
- The current directory contains ABC.POM, MARK.TXT, MARY.TXT and JOHN.TXT
- You enter the command POM ABC *.DAT OUT.TXT
Parse-O-Matic runs ABC.POM against the three TXT files. On the first input
file, $COMMAND will look like this:
On the next two input files, it looks like this:
Note that the file OUT.TXT is NOT processed, even though it has a TXT
extension. POM will always avoid processing the output file.
Let's say you wanted to concatenate both MARK.TXT and MARY.TXT, and put the
file name at the top. You could do it with this POM file, named ABC.POM:
SET cmd = $COMMAND <--- Get the command line
BEGIN cmd <> lastcmd <--- Has it changed?
PARSE fname cmd "2* " "3* " <--- Extract the input file name
SETLEN flen fname <--- Get length of input file name
SET uline = "" <--- Initialize underline
PAD uline "L" "-" flen <--- Set underline
OUTEND lastcmd <> "" | <--- Output a linefeed unless this
OUTEND lastcmd <> "" | <--- is the first file
OUTEND |{fname} <--- Output the file name
OUTEND |{uline} <--- Output the underline
OUTEND | <--- Output a linefeed
SET lastcmd = $COMMAND <--- Remember this command line
END <--- End of code block
OUTEND |{$FLINE} <--- Output a line from the input
You could then process MARK.TXT and MARY.TXT with this command line:
This processes any file starting with an "M" that has a TXT extension.
Another way to run the command is as follows:
This processes any four-letter TXT file that starts with "M".
For more information about DOS wildcards, consult your DOS manual.
Unattended Operation
Several features have been built in to Parse-O-Matic to enable "unattended
operation". That means that you can design applications that run
themselves while you are not there. There are two reasons why you might
want to do this:
- You can run long processing jobs just before leaving work at night
- Parse-O-Matic is useful, but it isn't very interesting to watch!
There are several features which facilitate unattended operation:
- The SOUND command can alert you if something unusual happens
- All error messages (which say "Press spacebar to continue")
will "time-out" (i.e. continue) after about a minute
- The processing log (see "Logging") can be used to check processing
Let's say you wanted to concatenate (add together) several enormous text
files. You could start with the following POM file (named ADD.POM):
BEGIN cmd <> lastcmd
SET lastcmd = cmd
You could then enter the command POM ADD.POM *.TXT ALL.TXT and walk away.
Whenever a new file is started, you'll hear a beep. When you come back,
you can check the file POMLOG.TXT (which will be located in the same
directory as POM.EXE). It might look something like this:
DATE: JAN 01 1995
16:39:12 JOHN.TXT opened for processing
16:45:28 JOHN.TXT processing completed
16:45:29 MARY.TXT opened for processing
16:52:10 MARY.TXT processing completed
16:52:11 FRED.TXT opened for processing
17:03:33 FRED.TXT processing completed
If you are processing multiple files, and each one uses a different POM
file (and hence requires a separate run of Parse-O-Matic) you can write
your batch file so that it renames the log files. This lets you review
each log file later. For example:
When processing is complete, the files JOHN.LOG, MARY.LOG and FRED.LOG
will be available in the directory C:\POM for your inspection.
Here is a slightly more sophisticated version of the batch file:
The IF ERRORLEVEL lines jump to the end of the batch file if Parse-O-Matic
generates an error of 1 or higher. When coding batch files, remember that
the IF ERRORLEVEL command is considered "True" if the error is the
specified value or higher. This means you should always test the higher
value first. See your DOS manual for details.
Most of the techniques described in this manual are demonstrated by the
examples provided with the standard Parse-O-Matic package. To see these
examples, switch to your Parse-O-Matic directory, type START at the DOS
prompt, then select TUTORIAL.
This product is available in several forms:
TRIAL LICENSE: If you have a "test-drive" evaluation copy, you will see a
"Registration Reminder Screen" when you start up the program. You are
entitled to evaluate this program at no cost for 3 months. If you continue
to use it after that, you are required to purchase a registered copy (see
REGISTERED: When you register an evaluation copy of this product, you will
receive the latest version, plus an unlocking code that will let you
register any new evaluation versions that we release for a period of two
years (six years for deluxe registration). The file OPTIONS.DOC explains
the various payment methods available. A registered copy provides you with
a single-user license.
SITE/MULTI-COPY LICENSES: If you plan to run 15 or more copies of this
program simultaneously (on a network or on separate computers), you can
obtain quantity pricing. See the order form (file ORDER.FRM) for details.
DISTRIBUTION LICENSE: The distribution license ($750) allows you to use an
unlimited number of copies of a specially personalized copy. You may
include it in a commercial package as a utility. The only restriction is
that you may not distribute this document (i.e. the user manual) or its
essential content. With this safeguard, we avoid placing ourselves in
competition with you; the program must be used to support a product rather
than being a main selling feature.
RETAIL LICENSE: You can sell complete, registered copies of this product,
complete with documentation, in return for royalties. The terms depend on
volume and advance payments. The license is $100 plus the following royalty
Non-exclusive, prepayment for 1,000 copies ------------------- $1.00/copy
Non-exclusive, prepayment for 5,000 copies ------------------- $0.50/copy
Non-exclusive, prepayment for 10,000 copies ------------------- $0.30/copy
Non-exclusive, prepayment for 25,000 copies ------------------- $0.20/copy
Non-English exclusive, 10,000 copy prepayment ----------------- $0.50/copy
Non-English exclusive, 25,000 copy prepayment ----------------- $0.35/copy
In the above rate schedule, packaging, product duplication and support are
the responsibility of the retailer. If you wish to obtain a retail
license, please contact us to request the contract appropriate to your