|--------- NAME OF PERFORMER -----| |------------------ ADDRESS OF PERFORMER ------------------| |--------------- ADDRESS OF AGENT ----------------| |PHONE NUMBER | |-------------------------- DESCRIPTION OF ACT ----------------------------| |---------- RECOMMENDATIONS ----------|
Amaze-o the Magician 23 Vanishing Lane, Montreal, Quebec, Canada William Maurice, 321 Geaux, Paris, France 514-555-1212 Makes things vanish, including a dozen whales Best for sea-side resorts
Sparky the Wonder Dog 314 Mystic Crescent, Mars, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Agent not known 412-555-2828 Zen dog act For audiences with firm grip on reality
Guido the Equilibriator 52B Caesar Ave, Naples, Italy Same (his mom) 39-81-01893 Balances, on his nose, items from the four food groups ("a balanced diet") Very educational
Trevor Finebody 10 Chippin Dale, Beaverhead, Montana, U.S.A. Moe Vezhalaine, 10 Chippin D'Ail, Paris, France 406-555-1000 Explains anatomy in an unusual way For women (or curious men)
Ballisto the Magnificent 88 Krupp, Hanover, Germany Bang & Olaf & Sons, 72 Stereostrasse, Germany 49-511-87431 Human cannonball type act, using a giant model of a pocket slingshot Not appropriate for indoor exhibition
The Inscrutable Randy 1000 Gellernabber, Haifa, Israel Astral Bellevue Projectionists 972-4-34567 Causes spoons to lie completely inert by thought control alone Supplies his own props