Amiga Format CD 29
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323 lines
; $VER: Installer script 1.0 for DEU (13.04.98) © Sitsofe Wheeler
(set #deu-docs
(cat "\nWhere would you like to install the DEU documentation?"))
(set #deu-demo "\nInstall demo wads?")
(set #deu-nodemo
(cat "\nDue to space constraints, the demo wads and tutorial are in a"
" seperate archive. This archive is available from"
" <http://www.aber.ac.uk/~img4>."))
(set #deu-demo-help
(cat "\nDEU comes with some demomstration wads which you can look at"
" to help you understand how particular things are built. These"
" wads total about 600K in size."))
(set #deu-dir
(cat "Where do you wish to install DEU? "
"The directory 'DEU' will be created if it is not there. If a"
" copy of DEU is found it will be updated."))
(set #deu-fpu "Which version of DEU do you wish to install?")
(set #deu-fpu-help
(cat "\nIf your computer has an FPU (Floating Point Unit) then"
" installing the FPU version should yeild a slight speed increase."
" If you are not sure whether your computer has an FPU then install"
" the 68000 version."))
(set #deu-ini-update
(cat "\nDo you want to replace the existing DEU.ini?"))
(set #deu-nofpu
(cat "\nThe FPU version of DEU was not found in the archive. The 68000"
" version will be installed instead."))
(set #deu-tutor"\nInstall tutorial?")
(set #deu-tutor-help
(cat "\nThe tutorial is a sort of step-by-step instruction booklet to"
" creating a level from scratch. There is a documentation file along"
" with wads which the documentation refers to. It also contains"
" useful information on texture alignment."))
(set #deu-update
(cat "\nA copy of DEU has been found. Would you like to update it?"))
(set #deu-noupdate "\nDEU was not updated.")
(set #deu-wad
(cat "\nPlease select a main wad."))
(set #deu-wad-help
(cat "\nA main wad is a wad Doom uses to load all the original"
" textures etc. It can be recognised by checking if the first few"
" characters of the file are 'IWAD' (without the quotes).\n\n"
"The following are the most common main wads:\n"
" doom1.wad\n"
" doom.wad\n"
" doom2.wad\n"
" doomu.wad\n\n"
"It is worth noting that if you are using the shareware nain wad"
" (doom1.wad) you will be unable to save any wads you make with"
" DEU."))
(set #deu-nowad1
(cat "\nSorry, DEU will not work without a main wad.\n\nInstallation"
" Aborted."))
(set #deu-wad-warning2
(cat "\nYou will not be able to save your wads because you are using"
" the shareware wad. If you would like to save your wads BUY Doom."))
(set #deu-screen
(cat "\nPlease select a screenmode."))
(set #deu-screen-help
(cat "\nIf you are not sure which screenmode you want to use take a look"
" screenmode prefs. If the screenmode you would like to use is not"
" available, alter the deu.ini when the installation is finished."
" The selectable screen sizes are all 640x480."))
(set #deu-finished
(cat "\nInstallation successful.\n\n"
"The latest version of DEU can be found at"
" http://www.aber.ac.uk/~img4"
"\n\nHave a nice Doom!"))
(set #config1
(cat "#\n"
"# Default DEU config file\n#\n"
"# Everything has been commented out, so this file does nothing.\n"
"# But you can customize it to suit your needs.\n\n"
"# Name of the main wad file.\n"))
(set #config2
(cat "# Name of the patch wads you want to load.\n"
"#file = raphael.wad\n"
"#file = brendon.wad\n\n"
"# Set this if you want debugging on by default.\n"
"#debug = true\n\n"
"# Set this if you want to swap the mouse buttons by default.\n"
"#swapbuttons = true\n\n"
"# Use this to control the the noises.\n"
"#quiet = true\n"
"#quieter = true\n\n"
"# Set this if you think you are a brain.\n"
"#expert = true\n\n"
"# Change the Screen mode (Amiga). Must be either decimal or 8 character hex.\n"))
(set #config3
(cat "screenwidth = 640\n"
"screenheight = 480\n\n"
"# Set this if you have an old mouse driver and you don't see the cursor.\n"
"#fakecursor = true\n\n"
"# Use this to hide the info bar (displayed by default).\n"
"#infobar = false\n\n"
"# Set this if you don't want to unselect all previously selected objects when\n"
"# you use the selection box (Shift-MouseButton1, Shift-M).\n"
"#addselbox = true\n\n"
"# Uncomment this if you don't like to have the object 0 selected when you\n"
"# switch from one editing mode to another.\n"
"#select0 = false\n\n"
"# If you are an expert in Binary Space Partitioning algorithms and you want\n"
"# to tweak the Nodes builder, then you can use the following parameter.\n"
"#splitfactor = 8\n\n"
"# Default textures and preferences. You may want to change those values...\n"
"#walltexture = BROWNHUG\n"
"#uppertexture = REDWALL1\n"
"#lowertexture = COMPBLUE\n"
"#ceiltexture = F_SKY1\n"
"#floortexture = FLAT20\n"
"#ceilheight = 256\n"
"#floorheight = 0\n\n"
"# This has something to do with the funny message displayed when DEU starts...\n"
"#reminder1 = false\n"))
(set doom-def-dir (getenv "DOOMHOME"))
(complete 0)
(set deu-wad
(default (tackon doom-def-dir "doom.wad"))
(prompt #deu-wad)
(help #deu-wad-help)
(if (<> (exists deu-wad) 1)
(abort #deu-nowad1)
;Warn user if they do not have a registered wad...
(if (< (getsize deu-wad) 5000000)
(message #deu-wad-warning2)
(set dest_dir
(default doom-def-dir)
(prompt #deu-dir)
(help @askdir-help)
;Ask user whether they wish to install FPU DEU
(set deu-ver
(choices "68000" "68000+FPU")
(default 0)
(prompt #deu-fpu)
(help #deu-fpu-help)
(if (= (exists ("DEU_FPU")) 0)
(if (= deu-ver 1)
(message (#deu-nofpu))
(set deu-ver 0)
;Check if deu directory already exists
(set deu-update 2)
(if (exists (tackon dest_dir "DEU"))
(set deu-update
(askbool (prompt #deu-update)
(help #deu-update)
(makedir (tackon dest_dir "DEU"))
(if (= 0 deu-update)
(exit #deu-noupdate (quiet))
(if (<> 1 (exists(tackon dest_dir "DEU")))
(set dest_dir (tackon dest_dir "DEU"))
(copyfiles (source "/deu")
(dest dest_dir)
(pattern "(deu.guide|deu.txt|readme.1st|wad_auth.txt)")
(complete 25)
(select deu-ver
(copyfiles (source "DEU")
(dest dest_dir)
(copyfiles (source "DEU_FPU")
(newname "DEU")
(dest dest_dir)
(copyfiles (source "DEU_go") (dest dest_dir))
(copyfiles (source "deumwb.info") (newname "DEU_go.info") (dest dest_dir))
(complete 50)
;Check to see whether the archive contains demo and tutor files
(if (exists("demo"))
(set deu-demo
(prompt #deu-demo)
(help #deu-demo-help)
(if deu-demo
(copyfiles (source "demo")
(dest (tackon dest_dir "demo"))
(complete 70)
(set deu-tutor
(prompt #deu-tutor)
(help #deu-tutor-help)
(if deu-tutor
(copyfiles (source "tutor")
(dest (tackon dest_dir "tutor"))
(message #deu-nodemo)
(complete 80)
;Does the user which to replace an existing deu.ini file?
(set deu-new-ini 1)
(if (= 1 deu-update)
(set deu-new-ini
(askbool (prompt #deu-ini-update)
(help #deu-ini-update)
(if (= 0 deu-new-ini)
(complete 100)
(exit #deu-finished (quiet))
(set deu-screen
(choices "PAL:High Res Laced" "NTSC:High Res Laced" "Cybervision64")
(default 0)
(prompt #deu-screen)
(help #deu-screen-help)
(set #configA (cat "main = "deu-wad"\n\n"))
(select deu-screen
(set #configB (cat "# PAL: High Res Laced\nscreenmode = 0x00029004\n\n"))
(set #configB (cat "# NTSC: High Res Laced\nscreenmode = 0x00019004\n\n"))
(set #configB (cat "# Cybervision64\nscreenmode = 0x40120001\n\n"))
;Make deu.ini file
(prompt #deu-screen)
(dest (tackon dest_dir "deu.ini"))
(append #config1 #configA #config2 #configB #config3)
(complete 100)
(exit #deu-finished (quiet))