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Homegrown Software
Moonbases Demo Release 1.0b
(c) James Marshall 1997-1998
Copyright Notice
This is a beta demo release of Moonbases. All code, graphics and sound
effects are copyright James Marshall, and remain the sole property of
James Marshall, except for all music and in-game speech, which is copyright
Stuart Radforth, and the Survivor image, which is copyright Eric Schwartz.
This demo is freeware, and may be freely distributed providing all files
are distributed together and unaltered. Permission is NOT given to use any
of the demo files for any purpose other than playing the Moonbases demo.
System Requirements
Workbench 3.0+ AGA Amiga 2MB CHIP RAM, 1MB FAST RAM or better
Installing the Demo
Copy the Moonbases directory on to your hard drive (probably necessary to
play in high resolution mode), or play direct from the cover-CD (magazine
demos only). Hard drive installation requires 4MB free space.
Uninstalling Moonbases
To remove the Moonbases demo from your hard-disk, double click the
Moonbases_uninstall icon. This deleted the Moonbases preferences files from
ENV: and ENVARC: You can then delete the Moonbases directory as normal.
Setting Preferences
Run Moonbases_prefs.exe to change the game settings for screen size and
resolution, and the game language (English or German).
Running the Demo
The demo is run from the command line or via its Workbench icon. Enter the
Moonbases directory. The executable is called Moonbases.exe
NOTE: it is recommended to boot your computer with no startup-sequence if
playing in high resolution mode (hold down both mouse buttons during booting,
then click the "Boot with no startup-sequence" button.
Current Functionality
This demo of Moonbases allows access to the following features of the
finished game:
* 2 mission single player campaign
The Save Game option has been disabled. Also if you have the reduced demo
version (for magazine coverdisks) you won't be able to use the high
resolution mode.
Not included in this demo, but included in the final game, are the following:
* 20 single player missions, divided into 2 campaigns
* 2 player games via serial cable or modem
* Plug-in campaign system to allow easy addition of extra mission sets
* Map-editor and documentation to produce 2-player maps, or entire campaigns
NOTE: From the Main Menu, Mission Briefing, and Main Game Display, you can
take screenshots by pressing * (PrtSc) on the numeric keypad.
>Main Menu
The main menu allows you access to previously saved games (click on the
name of the save game you want to reload), start a new game (click on the
"New Game" button), or quit the game (click on the "Quit" button).
>Mission Briefing
To speed up the briefing, press any key. When the briefing is finished and
you are ready to play, press any key to commence.
>Save Game Screen
Accessed from the Toolbar on the Main Game Display, click on the save slot
you wish to save your current position in. Type in the new name, and press
enter when done. Clicking on the cancel button at any stage will abort the
save and return you to the Main Game Display.
>Main Game Display
The Main Game Display gives you a window onto the battlefield, and a
Toolbar for controlling your forces (described below). You can move your
viewing window about by moving the mouse pointer to the edges of the screen,
which will cause the window to scroll in that direction. Units are selected
with the right mouse button, and given orders with the left mouse button.
Multiple units can be selected by dragging the mouse with left button
pressed, to create a selection box. More units can be added to those already
selected by holding down the left shift key and selecting additional units
as above. Selecting an already selected unit while the shift key is held
down will de-select it. Units can be assigned into groups by selecting as
many as desired, holding down the left Ctrl key, and pressing one of the
function keys F1 to F10. Pressing the same function key again on its own
will reselect the group. Holding down the left Alt key and pressing the
function key will cycle through the members of the group, centering the
window on each in turn.
Units can be given orders to move to a location, or attack an enemy unit.
Certain types as vehicle such as the Mine Layer and Mobile Mining Rig can be
given other orders (see Vehicle Characteristics). Units can also be ordered
to move to a location using the Toolbar (see Toolbar Layout)
>Toolbar Layout
The Toolbar allows the player to view the overall tactical situation of the
battle, construct buildings and vehicles, sell and repairs buildings, and
monitor power levels in the base.
On the left of the toolbar is the minimap, which shows the battlefield
overview, and can be used to refocus the main view by right clicking on an
area of the minimap. Selected units can also be given destinations on the
minimap by left clicking on it.
Next to the minimap are the buttons for repairing (spanner) and selling
(dollar sign) buildings. Select a building and left click one of these
buttons. Right clicking the repair button will stop repairs to the selected
Above these buttons is the funds indicator, showing the level of funds
available to the player.
To the right of the funds indicator are the buttons for saving the game
(disk icon), re-stating the briefing (question mark icon), and restarting
the mission (exclamation mark icon).
In the middle of the toolbar are two rows of buttons, the top row for
constructing buildings (from left to right, Satellite Uplink Centre,
Geological Survey Centre, Vehicle Construction Centre, Solar Array), the
bottom row for constructing vehicles (from left to right, Recon Buggy,
Recon Hovercraft, Light Buggy, Light Hovertank, Heavy Buggy, Heavy Hovertank
, Mine Sweeper, Mine Layer).
To the right of the toolbar are three status bars. The top bar indicates
vehicle construction progress, the middle bar indicates building
construction progress, the bottom bar indicates power levels (green=power
surplus, red=power deficit). The power scale is logarithmic.
The toolbar also provides message windows for two player games.
Building Characteristics
* Moonbase : allows construction of other buildings while sufficient funds
are available, and generates power
* Satellite Uplink Centre : allow uplink to geo-synchronous spy satellite,
providing full battlefield overview while sufficient power is available
* Geological Survey Centre : reveals the location of mineral deposits in the
area. Only works if sufficient power if available
* Vehicle Construction Centre : allows construction of vehicles while
sufficient power and funds are available. Multiple Centres can be built to
speed production. New vehicles appear at the primary Centre (designated by
a red 'P' on the Centre's status indicator). To designate a Centre as the
primary Centre, select, then left click on the Centre. Vehicle Construction
Centres can also repair damaged vehicles if sufficient power and funds are
available (order the damaged unit onto the Centre's construction pad), and
Mine Layers if sufficient power and funds are available (order the Mine
Layer onto the Centre's construction pad)
* Solar Arrays : generate power
Vehicle Characteristics
* Recon Buggy : fast, maneuverable, lightly armed and armoured reconnaisance
* Recon Hovercraft : faster and more maneuverable than the Recon Buggy, but
with lighter armour and armament. The Recon Hovercraft can pass through
* Light Buggy : a slower, less maneuverable version of the Recon Buggy, with
superior armament and armour
* Light Hovertank : a slower, less maneuverable version of the Recon
Hovercraft, with superior armament and armour. The Light Hovertank can also
pass through minefields
* Heavy Buggy : a very slow, un-maneuverable version of the Light Buggy,
with heavy armament and armour
* Heavy Hovertank : faster and more maneuverable than the Heavy Buggy, with
marginally inferior armament and armour. The Heavy Hovertank can also pass
through minefields
*Mine Layer : an unarmed Heavy Hovertank, which carries 5 mine payloads for
fortifying positions. To lay a mine, select the Mine Layer and left click
on it when stationary
*Mine Sweeper : an unarmed Recon Buggy, which can de-activate mines. To do
this simply order the Mine Sweeper to move onto a mine
*Mobile Mining Rig : a heavily constructed vehicle which can move to the
location of resources, and be deployed to mine those resources. Resources
are revealed by the Geological Survey Centre. Mobile Mining Rigs are
deployed by selecting, sending to the resource location, then once there
left clicking again on the rig. Rigs can only be deployed when a Geological
Survey Centre is built, and there is sufficient power to run it.
About Moonbases
Moonbases is developed by Homegrown Software and published by Verkosoft
Homegrown Software: email - homegrown@eclipse.co.uk
web - http://www.eclipse.co.uk/homegrown
Verkosoft: email - VKS@verkosoft.de
web - http://www.verkosoft.de
address - Verkosoft GbR.
Steinbecker Str. 81g
21244 Buchholz
phone - (0049) 4181-8892
fax - (0049) 4181-97868
We hope you enjoy playing the Moonbases demo!