PC/CD Review 40
Text File
804 lines
welcome/using_apollo #1, from apollo_support, 459 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:15
TITLE: Using Apollo
This topic will teach you the basics of how to use Apollo and
We will explain what the various main Apollo windows are, what
they do and how to use them. We will then discuss how to use
Apollo to connect to Delphi, in order to download, read and reply
to forum messages and mail.
Finally we will detail how to download files and Database lists
from Delphi.
Hit the ENTER key or the spacebar now to go onto the next topic.
welcome/using_apollo #2, from apollo_support, 574 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:17
TITLE: Navigation Keys
Before you can learn about Apollo in detail you need to know the
navigation keys (so that you can read the rest of the tutorial)
1) The PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys scroll the message text of the
Current Message (this one). 2) The ENTER Key marks the current
message as read and moves you on to the next unread message.
There are lots of other keys that do lots of other things, but for
now this is enough to get you going - please don't press other
keys as you may find their effects confusing.
So hit the ENTER key to move onto the next message.
welcome/using_apollo #3, from apollo_support, 415 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:18
TITLE: Apollo'Windows
There are 3 really important windows you will be using in Apollo,
everything else is subordinate to the use of these windows.
These three windows are:-
1) The Reading Window (this window)
2) The MessageBase Window
3) The Database Manager Window
Further messages will explain exactly what these windows are, what
they do and how you use them.
Press ENTER to move onto the next message.
welcome/using_apollo #4, from apollo_support, 1741 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:20
Comment to 3
The Reading Window
This is the window you are looking at now. It is the window you
will probably spend most of your time looking at. It is split
into 2 sections divided by an status/information bar (which shows
information about the current message). The upper section is
called the Thread pane, The lower section is called the Message
Thread pane
The upper pane shows the OVERALL structure of the messages in this
topic. It shows the flags of the message, the message ID (the
number section), the author of the message, and finally the
subject of the message.
The Flags section (leftmost) shows the "properties" of the
message, we will explain these later.
The next section is the Numbers section, this shows the numbers of
the messages as well as showing their relationship to each other,
the little lines linking one message to another show that some
messages are replies to others. (this message is a reply to
message #3)
The last two sections are From and Subject. These show the name of
the author of the message and it's subject (or the first line for
Using the mouse you can change the proportions of the screen
assigned to each of these sections by placing it on the header
area between two sections and dragging.
Message pane
The lower pane is the Message section. This shows the text of the
currently selected message in the threading pane. (The currently
selected message is the highlit one - currently it should be
message #4).
Using the mouse you can change the proportions of the screen
assigned between the threading and message pane by placing it on
the thick black line at the top of middle information bar and
OK time to press ENTER to move on to the next message.
welcome/using_apollo #5, from apollo_support, 1640 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:24
Comment to 4
The MessageBase Window
This is the "master" window used for managing and navigating
around your messagebase as a whole. (what's a messagebase? I hear
you ask. It's a jargon term meaning "local database of messages").
It presents an outline, hiearchial view of the various services,
forums and topics that you have information from locally. The
little thread in this window lines shows what belongs to what.
To reach this window press the / key (slash key) or from the menus
select Actions, MessageBase.
The various buttons of this window allow you to do various things
to your message base as well as navigate around it:-
Read allows you to select which topic to read next
Resign allows you to hide or delete a topic
Register allows you to "unhide" a topic
Signature allows you to assign a signature for that topic
Prune allows you to discard old messages from topics (this feature
is disabled in the evaluation version)
Options allows you to mark the topic in various ways
Favourites allows you to select some topics to be favourite places
and be available from one click on the toolbar
This window is a multiselect window. This means that you can
select several topics and "do" the same thing to all of them. In
addition the actions also affect all items which are below the
selected item in the hierarchy. So, for example, setting a
Signature for a Forum would also set that signature for all the
topics in that Forum.
Currently you are in the LOCAL service (service names have icons
beside them), WELCOME forum (forum names are shown in bold),
USING_APOLLO topic (normally written as
welcome/using_apollo #6, from apollo_support, 560 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:25
Comment to 5
The Database Manager Window
Delphi databases are where files are stored on Delphi and are
available for download.
This is the window that is used for maniplating the Delphi
Database lists offline. It allows you to view the ones you have
collected (or refresh them - if appropriate).
This window is accessed by pressing the L key or selecting
Actions, DataBase Management from the menus.
Using this window you can collect the various Database lists you
are interested in. You can then browse them offline and decide
which files you wish to download.
welcome/using_apollo #7, from apollo_support, 249 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:27
TITLE: The Apollo Structure
Apollo structures the messages it keeps according to
this hierarchy:-
Service -> Forum -> Topic -> Thread -> Message
The comments to this message explain what each of these various
elements are in some detail.
welcome/using_apollo #8, from apollo_support, 1052 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:29
Comment to 7
Apollo functionality is divided up amongst the services that it
supports. This version of Apollo has two services in it, the
Delphi service and the Local Service.
The Delphi service contains the normal Delphi messages and Delphi
areas. You can look on it as a "mirror" of the action on Delphi
itself. This is what we deal with most of the time.
The Local service is kept for material which only exists on your
machine. The local service is the place where you copy interesting
information that you intend to keep (winnowing the wheat from the
chaff, so to speak).
The registered version of Apollo comes equipped to handle another
service, DelNews.
The DelNews service is UseNet via Delphi. Usenet is a kind of
conferencing system that stretches over all the world and is
carried by much of the internet, but it is very different from
Delphi itself. For instance, it doesn't have the databases or the
member features of Delphi. It is to make these differences clear
that these elements are are implimented as different services.
welcome/using_apollo #9, from apollo_support, 796 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:31
Comment to 8
A forum is a discussion area where participants interested in a
particular subject can exchange electronic messages with each
other. Delphi manages the message exchange so that all
participants can read all the messages, and Apollo presents the
Delphi messages to you in a way that makes it easy to see how the
messages relate to each other.
Each forum has a name, which generally expresses the purpose of
that forum. As far as Apollo is concerned, the name of the forum
is the same as the string of letters you would type at the main
Delphi prompt to get to the forum.
Examples might include US!Software, Download_City, Times,
Wavey_Davey (note that spaces in forum names are replaced by
You can see a list of forums by selecting Service, View Service
welcome/using_apollo #10, from apollo_support, 1086 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:33
Comment to 9
A forum is made up of one or more topics. Topics subdivide the
overall subject material of the forum to make it easier for you to
pick and choose the areas of particular interest, find the message
that you remember reading last week, and so on. For instance, the
WAVEY_DAVEY conference might have the following topics
Some topics may be set aside for special purposes. For example, a
forum may be divided into a free-for-all discussion topic, a bugs
reporting topic, a wishlist topic and an announcement topic. It
is considered good manners to post your message/question/comment
etc in the correct topic.
A forum can have quite a lot of topics, up to 16. In practice,
most forums will have two or three, with the busiest having
perhaps as many as ten. Topics can be created and deleted during
the lifetime of the forum, as the interests and activities of the
participants and forum manager dictate.
The topic name that you are in is written in Apollo terms as
SERVICE:FORUM/TOPIC. Currently you are in
welcome/using_apollo #11, from apollo_support, 863 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:34
Comment to 10
A thread is a set of messages which indirectly or directly comment
on a head (or root) message.
When someone has something new to say in a topic (e.g. a new
problem in delphi_apollo/problems, or a new advert in
camden/for_sale) the Add command from the Actions menu is used to
post this as a new message at the start of a thread.
Then, when someone comments on this message, using the Reply
command from the Actions menu (or the Reply icon), the replied
message is linked to the first one in the thread. Further replies
can be linked to the root or branches of the growing thread,
wherever the reply best fits the discussion (well - wherever the
person makes the reply).
So threads keep together the flow of discussion on the original
message. The indentation and lines in the Thread pane show how the
messages fit together in the discussion.
welcome/using_apollo #12, from apollo_support, 857 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:36
Comment to 11
A message is a single posting by one person. It may be a new
message (also called a root message or an add), or a comment to
another message (also called a reply). If the latter, it is linked
with the other messages in a thread, as shown by the the lines.
All messages are identified by the conference/topic, message
number, the ID of the poster, and the date and time. This
information is shown in the grey bar that seperates the threading
and message panes.
To recap on the structure, you are now reading message #12.
in "The Apollo Structure" thread, of the welcome topic,
in the using_apollo conference, on the local service.
To go on with the tutorial, do NOT press the enter key. Instead,
press the left arrow key and then the down arrow key to get to the
next message in the tutorial. We will explain what happens in a
welcome/using_apollo #13, from apollo_support, 2834 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:46
TITLE: Collapsing and Expanding Threads
Where did all the messages go when you hit the left arrow key?
Instead of seeing the first lines of all the messages in the 'The
Apollo Structure' thread, we can now only see the original message
Look at the left of the line. It's different from the other
messages, There there is a folder icon (it looks like a tabbed
separator for the 3x5 cards people used to use before computers).
This one, unlike the others is closed, this shows that the thread
is "collapsed". The unread marker (the little yellow postbox with
a letter in it) has changed to a red postbox, this indicates that
there are some messages in the collapsed thread that are unread.
Try pressing the up arrow key until it the Apollo Structure thread
is highlighted, then try expanding and collapsing the thread a few
times with the -> and <- keys (left and right arrow). Look at what
happens to the folder and mailbox icons. Then return here (with
the down arrow key).
The folder icon changed to look like a cross between a file card
separator and an open filing wallet taken out of a filing cabinet.
- The open version shows that this is the original message of the
thread which we can see in its entirety.
- The closed version shows that there is a collapsed thread we can
- Three dots (...) shows that we have lost the original to the
- While no icon at the left, like the one headed 'The Apollo
Tutorial Topic' shows that there have been no comments to the
Expanding the threads helps you read every message in a topic.
Collapse the threads if you wish to skim a conference, dipping
into occasional threads of interest. You can set the way threads
appear when you start reading a topic, from the View menu. If
'View Threads' is ticked, all threads are expanded; if 'View Roots
only' is ticked, then all the threads are collapsed, showing only
the original subjects (until you expand one of them). View
chronological shows you the messages in message number order.
You can collapse or expand a thread by double clicking on the
folder icon. This is an alternative to using the left and right
arrow keys.
The left and right arrows will do more than collapse the thread,
they also collapse and expand the topics as well, in an expanded
thread the first left arrow collapses the thread. the next left
arrow collapses the whole topic by moving you into the messagebase
window, positioning you on the topic in there. The next left
arrow collapses the topics of a forum down into its parent forum
(only the bold forum name showing). The next left arrow collapses
all the forums of the service down into the service itself. The
right arrow will move you back out one step at a time.
Now press the down arrow key to read the next message.
welcome/using_apollo #14, from apollo_support, 3099 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:49
TITLE: Read and Unread Messages
Apollo keeps track of which messages you have read and which are
still unread. This is quite useful (in fact essential) in topics
you read every day.
If you look at the Thread pane (the upper bit), you will see some
messages have an icon next to them which looks something like a
letter half-way into a letter box. This is not an invitation for
burglars - it's merely Apollo's way of saying that it thinks you
haven't read the message.
So if this is the first time you have done the tutorial, all the
messages below this one should have the unread message icon next
to them. Whereas the 'The Apollo Tutorial Topic' message has no
icon next to it. You've already read it.
So why do some of the messages you've read have the letterbox icon
next to them? Well, it's because Apollo cannot follow your eyes,
or tell the difference between a message you have passed over and
one you have finished with. You have to tell it you have read a
message. One way - the most common way is by hitting the Enter
key. So when you hit the Enter key after reading the 'The Apollo
Tutorial Topic' message, Apollo marked it as read, and then jumped
to the next unread message.
There are other ways to tell Apollo you have read a message. Try
this. With the up arrow key, move to the 'Collapsing and expanding
threads' message. Press the space bar. Then down arrow back to
this message.
Pressing the space bar marks a message or thread as read. PowWow
then jumps to the next thread containing an unread message. The
'Conference Structure' thread contains an unread message. Use the
arrow keys to go up, expand the thread, find the message, collapse
the thread and come back here.
Back at last! You see, it was the message about 'Messages' that
was still unread. Since you left it using the arrow keys, you
haven't told Apollo you have finished with it. Do that now. Use
the up arrow key to highlight the 'Conference structure' thread,
then press the space bar. You should end up reading this message
In general, you use the Enter and space bar keys to work through a
topic systematically, reading new messages. When you just want to
get a quick look at a few messages in a topic you don't normally
read, it is usually easier to use the arrow keys, and not bother
about marking messages as read. You also use the arrow keys to
look again at messages you have already read.
Occasionally, you mark as read a message you really want to go
back and look at again. You can mark it as unread again by
highlighting the message and pressing U. Do that now to the
'Collapsing and expanding threads' message, then press the space
bar to mark it as read again.
Don't worry if you forget these keystrokes, most of them have menu
equivalents (on the Actions menu), or icons (we will talk about
configuring the toolbar later). There are even menu items and
actions to mark every message in a topic as read, or even every
message on Apollo as read. These are useful if you have been away
for a while, and don't want to read through a lot of messages.
welcome/using_apollo #15, from apollo_support, 1350 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:51
TITLE: Joining Delphi Forums
Apollo allows you to join various of the Conferences and Forums on
Delphi, and the will look just like this one after you have pulled
some messages down from them.
So how do you join a Delphi forum?
First bring up the list of Delphi forums (Service menu, view
Service Forums), select one that seems interesting to you and then
select the Join button. (The Apollo Forum, listed near the top is
an excellent one to join). This brings up a dialog asking you to
supply a name that will be used on that forum (some forums let you
have a nickname that is different from your real Delphi logon
There is also a checkbox on this dialog that specified last 50
messages only. If you check this then your Delphi message pointer
will be set to collect only the last 50 messages, otherwise it
will be set to the first message in the forum. If it's left
unchecked then you will get all the messages in the forum - this
can be several megabytes in size!!!
Now this has put that action in the queue for processing, but
nothing has happened yet. You can close the view service forums
window down. When you next connect to Delphi, Apollo will go and
retrieve information about the various topics available for that
forum. It still hasn't pulled any messages down. The next
message discusses that.
welcome/using_apollo #16, from apollo_support, 1616 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:54
TITLE: Collecting Messages from Delphi
Collecting Messages From Delphi
OK. Now you've joined some (maybe one, mayb more) forums. How do
you actually collect the messages from those forums?
What you need to do is to tell Apollo what bits of the forum to
collect. To do this select the Admin menu, and then Topics to
Collect. This brings up a Topics to Collect dialog. The lefthand
side of the dialog (a listbox) contains the names of the various
forums that Apollo now knows about (if you haven't joined anything
yet this will still be blank).
If you select one of the forum names in the listbox, the righthand
side updates to show the various topics that are available for
that forum. You can choose to collect messages on a topic by topic
basis. Do this for each forum - until you are happy with what you
will collect. Then save this set using the save button (call it
default.sel). Close this dialog using the OK button.
Now next time you connect to Delphi (Ctrl+T then Connect), you
will have some messages collected. Apollo will get the messages
in the sections you have indicated, get offline and then build up
its messagebase structures for you to browse and reply to.
(Power Tip : What you have created is a "selection" file, you can
have many different selection files for different purposes - you
can have one that just collects from one important forum, for use
during the day at peak time, one for all forums for use after 6pm,
one to go to various entertainment forums etc. Using the Topics to
Collect dialog, you can swap between these, setting Apollo to use
the active one).
welcome/using_apollo #17, from apollo_support, 1649 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 17:58
TITLE: Starting a Thread - Adding a Message
Suppose you want to say something new in a topic. Then you should
start a new thread. To do this from the menus you should select
Actions, Add. (or select the single speech balloon icon on the
toolbar or just press the A key - there are usually several ways
of doing any given action within Apollo)
Add posts a message into the current topic as the start of a new
thread. You should use Add instead of Reply when you wish to start
a conversation on a new subject, as opposed to 'joining in' to an
existing discussion. If you use Add when you meant to Reply, the
discussion will go all over the place, and it will be hard for
others to follow it.
Once you begin an Add, the Apollow message editor will open. You
will be asked for name of the person to send the message to, and
the subject of the message. (Remember that everyone in the forum
can read the message though - if you want to send the message
privately then you should use Email).
You can address the message to anyone you want, but if in doubt
then ALL, SYSOP or WIZOP are good "general" identities to sent the
message to. After addressing the message press the TAB key to
move yourself to the subject field and type in a meaningful
subject. Then press the TAB key once more to shift into the body
area of the message editor, where you can type in what you want.
The normal windows shortcuts are supported in the message editor,
as well as a few of the old wordstar commands (such as delete
line). In addition clicking on the message editor window with the
RIGHT mouse button will bring up a context sensitive menu.
welcome/using_apollo #18, from apollo_support, 621 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:01
Comment to 17
Replying to a message
This is a Reply to message #17
Use this method to keep continuing discussion on a subject in one
place. Use Add to start new threads.
Making a Reply is easy. Browse the messages until you are looking
at the message you want to reply to. Then select from the menus
Actions, Reply (or press the R key, or click on the Reply Icon (it
looks like a pair of speech balloons one blue, one red). Up will
pop the message editor, into which you can type your comment.
(There is no need to address the reply to anyone - Apollo does
that automatically). When you are happy with your comment press
welcome/using_apollo #19, from apollo_support, 899 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:02
TITLE: Electronic Mail
What we have been discussing so far has been Forum "stuff". This
is public; many people can see what you are doing/saying. Email
(Electronic Mail) is private. This is the crucial difference
between the two.
Computer conferencing is the electronic analogue of the
noticeboard, meeting, seminar, magazine and the newspaper letters
column. Most things we do in groups are better supported in
conferences - either general conferences open to all interested in
the subject, or closed conferences for a group.
Electronic mail is analogous to individual letters, telephone
calls, memos or FAXes. Use it when you want to contact named
individuals. The electronic form is quicker, automatically
identified and dated, and can be processed in a computer after you
receive it.
So how does Apollo handle your Email? The following messages
discuss this in a bit more detail.
welcome/using_apollo #20, from apollo_support, 520 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:05
Comment to 19
Your incoming Delphi mail messages from other users are posted
into a 'dummy' forum called Mail and into a topic called Messages.
There is no need to join to the Mail forum: you will be joined
to it automatically as soon as mail is sent to you (or is sent by
You can reply to mail, mark mail as read or unread and perform
similar functions with it as you can forum messages, You do all
these things in exactly the same way as you did for forum
messages, using the same keyboard (or icon or menu) shortcuts.
welcome/using_apollo #21, from apollo_support, 769 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:06
Comment to 20
Sending Mail - Replying to Messages
A common use of mail is to send personal replies to forum messages
(or other email messages). To do this just view the message you
want to send mail to and then select from the menus Mail, Send
Mail (or press the M key or select the mail icon (a letter).
This brings up the mail message editor. Select the Originate
button and the nickname of the recipient will be placed in the To:
field. Then you just need to click in the various other fields
(or Tab into them) and type in a subject, a message, and
(optionally) who the message is to be copied to (the CC: field).
Note : You do not need to CC a message back you yourself - Apollo
automatically makes a copy of it for you and as an author of the
message puts in "YOU".
welcome/using_apollo #22, from apollo_support, 692 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:07
Comment to 20
Sending mail - new messages
You can send messages to anyone whose electronic nickname you know
- you don't have to wait until they post or mail you a message.
Just click on the Mail icon (or if using the menus Mail, Send
Mail, or press the M key) and the Message Editor will appear. You
can type in the subject, message and Ccs as before (don't forget,
you don't need to copy to yourself).
If you want to send Email to someone NOT on Delphi, but on the
Internet then you need to type in their full internet address.
(You don't need the normal Delphi prefix (%IN) or to surround the
name with quotes, Apollo works out that it's going to a non-Delphi
person and handles that for you.)
welcome/using_apollo #23, from apollo_support, 594 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:08
Comment to 20
Sending Mail - The Address Book
Apollo has a powerful address book where you can store frequently
used Email addresses. From the mail editor, select the To button
(or on the menus Mail, Address Book, or Ctrl+B) to bring up the
address book.
Using this you can insert To or CC addresses easily. The
Addressbook has a whole host of other functions. Just look at the
buttons - most of it's features are pretty obvious. The address
book as supplied is shipped with some useful addresses in there,
such as UKSERVICES,so that it is easy for you to communicate with
Delphi if you need to.
welcome/using_apollo #24, from apollo_support, 150 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:09
Comment to 20
Mailing multiple recipients
Simply put all their nicknames in the To: field, separated by
semicolons. You can do the same in the CC: field as well.
welcome/using_apollo #25, from apollo_support, 644 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:09
Comment to 19
Sending Binary Files By Email
You can send binary files to other Delphi users very easily.
You start off by addressing an email message to the person you
want to send the file to and then select the Attatch File button.
You will then be prompted to select a file to send to the person.
That's it.
Next time you connect the file will be sent to the person, along
with notification that the file has been sent.
You cannot use this function to send binary files to people who
are not on Delphi. You will have to uuencode or mime-encode the
file to do that (the resultant "text" file should be included in
the body of a mail message).
welcome/using_apollo #26, from apollo_support, 418 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:10
TITLE: Databases and Downloading Files
Each Topic on Delphi has an associated Database, and these
Databases store files. There are many thousands of files that can
be downloaded and it can be bewildering to decide what to
Using Apollo, you can download the list of files in the database
of a particular topic. You can then browse this list offline and
download those files that are of interest to you.
welcome/using_apollo #27, from apollo_support, 520 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:12
Comment to 26
Collecting Database Lists
To collect a database list first bring up the Database Manager
window (Actions, Database Manager or press L or click on its icon
- a filing cabinet), make sure that the ALL radio button is
selected. Then select the topics you want to collect the database
lists for and click Collect. The next time you connect to Delphi,
Apollo will collect the database lists you requested.
(Tip : If you select the forum names then Apollo will collect the
database lists for all topics of that forum)
welcome/using_apollo #28, from apollo_support, 666 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:14
Comment to 27
Downloading Files from Collected Database Lists
To do this you must first display the Database Manager window (see
previous message for how to do this). Then select the Database you
wish to view and click on the view button. The database list for
that topic will then be displayed. You can now browse through this
list and select files that you want to be downloaded, (by clicking
on the file and then clicking on download.)
Next time you connect the files will be downloaded to your
download directory. (The download directory is probably
c:\apollo\delphi\%down but to check where it is, look under Admin,
Comms Settings, Options Tab, Download Directory)
welcome/using_apollo #29, from apollo_support, 256 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:14
Comment to 26
Downloading a Known File
If you know the name of a file then there is a shortcut to
download it. Simply read the topic whose associated database has
the file in it and then select Actions, Download File. Type the
name into the dialog box and click OK.
welcome/using_apollo #30, from apollo_support, 1010 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:16
TITLE: Searching for Messages
Apollo has some powerful features to allow you to search for
messages in your message base.
There are two search features - Find and Search Forums. There are
various options that can be set for the "find" features displayed
on the dialog.
Find does a search for the supplied text in the current topic (the
one in the Reading Window), jumping you to the next message that
contains the search text.
Search does a search for the supplied text across multiple forums
and topics as selected in the MessageBase window. Search
"Bookmarks" the successful hits. After the search is over, use
Bookmark, List Set... to display a dialog that you can use to
navigate to each of the successfully "Searched" messages. You can
even Search the Bookmarked messages - to narrow down a search.)
(Bookmarks are a bit of an advanced feature but this is the
easiest way to use them - you have 10 sets of Bookmarks, one of
which is active and all bookmark events use the current set).
welcome/using_apollo #31, from apollo_support, 458 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:17
TITLE: Connecting to Delphi
OK so how do you connect to Delphi?
Admin, Connect, Connect, (or Ctrl+T or the telephone icon) then
sit back and watch what happens while Apollo connects to Delphi,
posts your messages and mail, reads new messages and mail and
collects various other items that you have requested (database
lists, files, Times extracts, billing details etc). Then Apollo
gets offline and integrates that information into your Message
welcome/using_apollo #32, from apollo_support, 605 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:18
Comment to 31
Types of Connections
Apollo has 4 types of connections
"Connect" which does everything then logs off.
"Actions Only" which is faster than Connect as it does not collect
forum messages but does everything else and then logs off (good
for use in the day-time to keep up on mail but avoiding a lot of
time online).
"Manual" logs you on to Delphi (inserting your name and password)
and leaves you there to do whatever you want - no automatic
control at all.
"Set Options" Used for uploading the Apollo default options to
make Delphi and Apollo co-operate with each other in the best
possible way.
welcome/using_apollo #33, from apollo_support, 1184 chars, Thu, 08 Dec 94 18:20
Comment to 30
What are Bookmarks?
Each user has 10 sets of active bookmarks, and each set of
bookmarks can be named as you wish and can contain a vast number
of messages (32,000 approximately). Bookmarks are a way for you
to track and mark related bits of disparate information across the
various topics, forums and services in your MessageBase.
Bookmarks give you a virtual topic across topics.
To bookmark a particular message hit the B key, (this toggles the
message between Bookmarked or unBookmarked)
You may define a set called "interesting info" and when you come
across anything that appears to be interesting and that you will
want to refer to later, just bookmark that message.
What can you do with Bookmarks?
Well you can mark all the messages in a bookmark set as read,
unread, keep, delete or ignore using the command on the Bookmark
Menu. Some dialogs, such as the Print or SaveAs dialog will also
work on the current bookmark set. You can also browse through the
unread bookmarks using Shift+Enter which takes you to the next
bookmarked message.
Bookmarks are a very powerful feature, and using them well gives
you a great deal of control over the MessageBase.