The vote cast for President Wilson, 8,563,750, was the largest in the history of the United States. It shows an increase of 2,267,000 over the vote cast for him in 1912. Mr. Hughes also polled 400,000 more votes than the largest previous record for Presidential aspirants - 678,908 obtained by Mr. Taft in 1908, and 556,000 more votes than those cast in 1912 for both Mr. Taft and Mr. Roosevelt.
The election of Miss Jeanette Rankin as member of Congress for Montana now seems assured. She is a small, slight woman of 37, a graduate of the University of Montana, who makes her own clothes and claims to be a first-rate cook. She is known as "a thoroughly good fellow," and says she is fully conscious of her deep responsibility as the first woman ever to sit in Congress.