1^h_test^11/08/1995^Testware^Products from Testware Publishing^Database^WINDOWS
2^bkeeper^12/06/96^Brother's Keeper^Family Tree program^Genealogy^TESTWARE DOS FAMILY TREE
2^chartist^31/10/96^Chartist^Comprehensive flow and org charting for Windows 3.1^Charts^TESTWARE WINDOWS BUSINESS GRAPHICS
2^editpart^28/10/96^EditPartner for Windows^Windows 3 or '95 Notepad replacement text editor^Utilities^TESTWARE WINDOWS TEXT WINDOWS95
2^envision^01/05/95^EnVision Publisher^Fantastic DOS Desktop Publisher program^DeskTop Publishing^TESTWARE GRAPHICS DTP
2^fsp^31/10/96^FontSpec Pro 7.2^The most advanced Windows font manager available^Utilities^TESTWARE WINDOWS FONTS TRUETYPE WINDOWS95
2^geoclock^12/06/96^GeoClock v7.2^Sunlight clock for DOS^Geography^TESTWARE DOS CLOCK MAPS
2^out_home^21/01/96^I'm Out - Personal Version^The screen saver that actually works for you!^Utilities^TESTWARE WINDOWS SCREEN SAVER HOME MESSAGES
2^out_bus^21/01/96^I'm Out - Business Version^The screen saver that actually works for you!^Utilities^TESTWARE WINDOWS SCREEN SAVER BUSINESS MESSAGES
2^mast_off^31/10/96^Master Office^UK Accounts, Database and MailMerge^Accounts^TESTWARE WINDOWS ACCOUNTS DATABASE BUSINESS MAILMERGE LABELS MERGE
2^monkey^25/01/94^Monkey Business^Interactive Story for children^Education^TESTWARE DOS CHILDREN STORY
2^home_mm^31/10/96^Multimedia Home Database - Windows^Windows Multimedia software for use in your home^Home^TESTWARE WINDOWS CATALOGUE MULTIMEDIA DATABASE HOME
2^neobook^12/06/96^NeoBook Pro v2.1h^Authoring for multimedia newsletters, books, catalogues^Multimedia^TESTWARE DOS PRESENTATIONS NEOSOFT MULTIMEDIA
2^neodraw^31/10/96^NeoDraw^Vector-based drawing application for Win 3 or 95^Graphics^TESTWARE WINDOWS WINDOWS95 DRAWING NEOSOFT GRAPHICS
2^neopaint^12/06/96^NeoPaint v3.2a^A complete image editing/paint program for DOS!^Graphics^TESTWARE DOS PAINTING NEOSOFT GRAPHICS
2^neoshow^12/06/96^NeoShow Pro v2.6f^Combines PCX, BMP & VOC files into presentations^Multimedia^TESTWARE DOS PRESENTATIONS NEOSOFT MULTIMEDIA
2^nsicon^31/10/96^NeoSoft Icon Editor v1.1a^Brilliant Windows icon editor^Utilities^TESTWARE WINDOWS WINDOWS95 ICONS GRAPHICS
2^nsview^23/01/96^NeoSoft Viewer^Viewer/launcher for EXE,ASCII,AVI,WAV,images & ZIP/LZH^Utilities^TESTWARE WINDOWS WINDOWS95 FILES
2^books_mm^31/10/96^Organise Your Books - Windows^Catalogue and organise books and magazines^Home^TESTWARE WINDOWS CATALOGUE MULTIMEDIA DATABASE BOOKS
2^mus_mm^31/10/96^Organise Your CD's, Albums & Tapes - Windows^Catalogue music: CDs, LPs, tapes, 45s, 78s, etc.^Home^TESTWARE WINDOWS CATALOGUE MULTIMEDIA DATABASE MUSIC
2^vid_mm^31/10/96^Organise Your Video Tapes - Windows^Catalogue movies, TV shows, and family videos^Home^TESTWARE WINDOWS CATALOGUE MULTIMEDIA DATABASE VIDEOS
2^pc_bar^21/01/96^PC Bartender^Organize drink recipes^Home^TESTWARE WINDOWS DRINKS RECIPIES COCKTAILS DATABASE
2^pcpub^01/11/96^PC Publish^Easily create Electronic Publications^Multimedia^TESTWARE WINDOWS WINDOWS95 PRESENTATIONS MULTIMEDIA
2^phantom^12/06/96^PhantomScreen v1.3a^DOS-based screen saver^Utilities^TESTWARE DOS SCREEN SAVER NEOSOFT
2^play^21/01/96^Play 'N' Learn^Early educational activities for young^Education^TESTWARE WINDOWS PLAY LEARN CHILDREN GAMES
2^pal^01/05/95^Punter's Pal^UK Horse Racing analysis^Hobbies^TESTWARE DOS HORSE RACING GAMBLING
2^qmmail^23/01/96^QM Mailbox^E-Mail for Windows^Utilities^TESTWARE WINDOWS WINDOWS95 OS/2 E-MAIL
2^qm4win^31/10/96^QuikMenu 4 Windows^Brilliant new desktop for Windows from Neosoft^Utilities^TESTWARE WINDOWS WINDOWS95 DESKTOP MENU NEOSOFT
2^quikmenu^12/06/96^QuikMenu III v3.1d^An icon-based graphical menu and desktop for DOS^Utilities^TESTWARE DOS MENU DESKTOP NEOSOFT
2^spell^28/10/96^ShareSpell for Windows^ASCII Spell checker for Windows3 or Win '95^Utilities^TESTWARE WINDOWS TEXT WINDOWS95
2^super6^12/06/96^SuperShow 6^Create MultiMedia presentations^Multimedia^TESTWARE DOS PRESENTATIONS PCX MULTIMEDIA
2^where^25/01/94^Where's That Mouse^Interactive Story for children^Education^TESTWARE DOS CHILDREN STORY