Simtel MSDOS 1995 May
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Simtel MSDOS Archive CDROM, May 1995. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Information files
path: \disc1\info
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- ------------------------
401bugs.zip 3,766 06-05-91 2 bugs found in MSDOS 4.01, with test programs
640xtmod.zip 2,701 07-17-87 Put 640K on an IBM 256K motherboard
896k_mem.txt 9,654 12-12-88 Expand IBM PC-XT motherboard memory to 896K
addhelp.zip 9,287 06-18-91 Change or add to the DOS 5.0 help file
alsnutt1.zip 1,664 12-30-90 Big Al's Norton util tech tips, vol 1 num 1
altmpx35.zip 5,759 09-12-92 Alternate multiplex interrupt spec, v3.5
amirel.zip 22,635 10-18-89 Info on AMI BIOS releases, some technical info
arctst03.zip 209,151 07-10-94 Compares 47 archiver/compressor/storage utils
asp8601.zip 429,680 02-01-95 Association of ShareWare Professionals catalog
author33.zip 38,394 02-26-95 List of MS-DOS PD & SW author e-mail addresses
bbsapp3d.zip 24,612 12-15-93 Application package for ASP BBS membership
bbstip12.zip 5,971 08-10-92 Effective Shareware distribution via the BBS
bestpr42.zip 20,453 03-15-95 Timo's choice of 42 best MS-DOS SW and PD pgms
bgi13a.zip 97,100 02-11-94 Beginner's Guide to the Internet, Rel. 1.3a
biosdos.zip 25,461 08-13-87 List of BIOS error codes and what they mean
bkache56.zip 191,371 12-04-92 Tutorial discusses back pain relief
borl_at.zip 2,360 07-11-91 Borland buys Ashton Tate: Press Release
ccworld1.zip 387,446 04-16-93 Friendly 1992 World Fact Book reader. 1of2
ccworld2.zip 357,695 04-16-93 Friendly 1992 World Fact Book reader. 2of2
chap32.zip 16,646 07-15-89 Brief summary of copyright laws
cnd7301.zip 73,308 01-03-94 ASP ShareWare authors quick-lookup catalog
com1234.zip 1,957 11-17-91 Mod will allow you to use all four COM ports
com3com4.txt 5,361 02-01-91 Notes on using COMM ports 3 and 4
conctty.inf 2,302 06-10-89 Cable info: using another PC as the console
config.zip 13,817 07-17-87 How to setup CONFIG.SYS & AUTOEXEC.BAT
copro16a.zip 74,995 09-25-94 Article on numeric coprocessors for PCs
cpucmp14.zip 13,120 06-14-93 Perf. comparison 386DX/38600DX/486DLC/RapidCAD
cuser26a.zip 151,073 06-12-91 Cyclopedia for users, authors/distributors 1/2
cuser26b.zip 245,413 06-12-91 Cyclopedia for users, authors/distributors 2/2
dateroll.fix 11,062 09-16-88 How to fix the DOS date roll-over problem
db25_36c.zip 1,104 06-21-90 DB-25 to 36 pin Centronics adapter diagram
dcc9224.zip 144,937 10-03-92 List of over 1,000 computer clubs nationwide
ddpat33.zip 721 07-26-87 Patches for DoubleDOS PC-DOS 3.3
devdriv.zip 4,077 07-17-87 Tutorial on DOS device drivers
dhamp.c 6,077 05-09-88 The dhampstone benchmark
dhry0217.zip 19,853 05-10-90 Dhrystone benchmark as of 17 Feb 86
diagtxt.zip 10,409 07-17-87 PC error diagnosis and memory error list
disk_art.zip 22,952 06-09-89 Articles discussing disks by Steve Gibson
disney95.zip 213,135 03-12-95 Disney 1995 1.0 electronic information guide
dos32v4.zip 4,767 07-17-87 Patches to MS-DOS version 3.2
dos33hlp.zip 73,793 12-22-87 Help for DOS commands -- Pop up or stand alone
dos33pat.zip 1,775 07-17-87 Patch for DOS 3.30 - IBM supplied file
dos3bugs.zip 4,465 07-17-87 Bug reports for DOS 3.0
dos3src.zip 8,917 07-17-87 ASMGEN .SEQ files for DOS/BIOS disassembly
dos400un.zip 2,582 11-12-88 Undocumented commands in PC-DOS 4.00 and 4.01
dos401.zip 9,970 09-23-88 More errors/fixes for new version of PC-DOS
dos40dsk.zip 2,389 03-30-90 DOS 4.0 large file support tech explanation
dos41pat.zip 8,596 01-09-90 MS/PC-DOS version 4.01 patches through 12/89
dos4note.zip 1,537 08-29-88 Tips and tricks for DOS4
dos5bug1.zip 4,433 07-01-91 Program demonstates, documents bug in DOS 5.0
dos5pats.doc 3,737 07-11-91 Patches for DOS5 COMMAND.COM echo off/envsize
dosfv203.zip 50,352 01-13-95 comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ from Usenet
dosimp10.zip 281,544 08-12-91 New DOS 5.0 tutorial, for new and oldtimers
dosmnual.zip 11,140 07-17-87 DOS manual for beginners. Printable
dosref33.zip 289,307 01-20-94 List of interrupts, memory locations, IO ports
dostips.zip 12,947 12-14-87 Helpful hints on some DOS functions
dostips1.zip 67,398 07-17-87 DOS tips from various magazines - part 1 of 6
dostips2.zip 59,853 07-17-87 DOS tips from various magazines - part 2 of 6
dostips3.zip 46,462 07-17-87 DOS tips from various magazines - part 3 of 6
dostips4.zip 60,511 07-17-87 DOS tips from various magazines - part 4 of 6
dostips5.zip 62,319 10-18-87 DOS tips from various magazines - part 5 of 6
dostips6.zip 45,070 07-17-87 DOS tips from various magazines - part 6 of 6
dostrain.zip 155,698 09-07-88 MS-DOS class notes, tests
dostutor.zip 101,971 07-17-87 Learn MS-DOS - an interactive tutorial
dpbu.zip 27,066 12-11-88 Dalton Porter benchmark utility
drdostip.zip 69,779 01-02-92 DR DOS 6.0 Tech Tips (1/2/92) from DRI BBS
drivparm.fix 864 08-16-89 Trick to make PC-DOS 3.3 recognize DRIVPARM
drivparm.zip 2,450 05-28-88 Undocumented CONFIG.SYS 'DRIVPARM' parameter
dsptch.zip 8,328 06-12-89 Patches MS-DOS 4.0 & 4.1 to fix bug
dtarev1.zip 18,150 01-18-89 Review of SpinRite & Disk Technician Advanced
emailadr.zip 21,766 08-29-93 Baker's PC Industry E-mail address listing
emailgui.zip 7,282 01-05-91 How to send E-Mail from one network to another
ext_ram.zip 5,567 05-17-89 Good discusion of extended vs expanded RAM
faqc9502.zip 90,665 02-25-95 Frequently Asked Questions of comp.compression
fpotest.zip 23,059 05-09-92 Tests speed of floating pt. operations devices
ftp2uk23.inf 71,087 04-27-92 Pulling files from Internet to JANET
ftp2uk23.zip 10,896 04-10-92 Unix scripts (2) for JANET FT-RELAY
ftp_list.zip 352,567 04-06-95 List of FTP sites providing Anonymous FTP
ftpgrep.zip 1,159 04-19-94 Perl script: Search ftp-list w/regular expr.
gameport.inf 3,330 05-19-90 How to: read game port, schematic, hookup info
geozone4.zip 5,524 08-30-94 Internet address two-letter country codes list
glos2.zip 73,683 02-26-90 Glossary of Telecomputing terms
glosry51.zip 321,455 01-01-93 Microcomputer terminology glossary 5.1. 930101
h9305crc.zip 1,089 05-09-93 CRCs for The Hack Report for May, 1993
hack92fa.zip 52,540 12-05-92 The Hack Report - 1992 Full Archive Edition
hack9401.zip 49,480 01-30-94 The Hack Report for January, 1994
help201.zip 91,852 04-19-88 Pop-up help for MS-DOS
helppc21.inf 6,121 05-09-91 Description of HELPPC21.ZIP
helppc21.zip 283,904 04-15-91 Extensive PC Programmer's information database
helpsb.zip 294,518 09-19-89 VMS-style help pgm for DOS 3.x, 4.x, and OS/2
hhgdinet.zip 21,183 06-06-89 Text: HitchHiker's Guide to the Internet
hof0692.zip 40,246 06-19-92 HOF Freeware Hall of Fame, June, 1992
i_groups.zip 323,870 01-28-95 List of Internet Interest Group mailing lists
ibm0509.zip 27,060 05-09-89 IBM announcements and application notes, May89
ibmerrs.zip 2,422 07-17-87 Listing of 'IBM' error codes and their meaning
info_pc.zip 196,518 08-22-90 Index of all Info-IBMPC issues before Aug 1990
inter45a.zip 361,623 03-26-95 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 1of3
inter45b.zip 360,593 03-26-95 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 2of3
inter45c.zip 360,198 03-26-95 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 3of3
inter45d.zip 50,920 03-25-95 Util/conversion progs for interrupt list
inter45e.zip 356,726 03-25-95 WinHelp version of The Interrupt List v45, 1/3
inter45z.zip 13,399 03-26-95 HC3?/HCP phrases file for Interrupt List 45
inthlp10.zip 55,032 11-11-94 Interrupt Helper viewer for interrupt list
intshare.zip 7,370 08-06-91 Info on software interrupt-sharing protocol
intwin45.zip3,280,037 03-27-95 WINHELP hypertext transcr. of Interr. List 45
ip_hook.zip 34,716 03-27-91 Information on hooking up a PC to the Internet
jarg300a.zip 479,102 07-28-93 Jargon-File 3.0.0 (Hacker's Dictionary), ASCII
jarg300n.zip 534,145 03-03-94 Jargon-File 3.0.0 (Hacker's Dictionary), NG
laptut58.zip 251,964 12-06-92 Laptop Tutorial, tips/tricks for laptop users
legal11.zip 122,050 08-18-90 Collection of 150+ legal forms, with index
limems41.zip 80,143 11-12-87 Updated LIM EMS 4.0 documentation
maxcat.zip 458,644 09-10-93 Catalog of over 600 ShareWare programs
mf2.zip 3,008 12-16-90 TSR shows program's memory usage while running
mkdata.zip 61,571 09-14-94 1000 Internet email,telnet,ftp,gopher,WWW,URLs
moder47.zip 23,940 02-26-95 List of MS-DOS FTP sites and their moderators
modwks20.zip 143,515 01-07-95 Modem Workshop v2.0: Modem book on disk
mrdos231.zip 160,776 01-06-90 DOS tutorial, beginner to hard disk, text/quiz
ms_os.zip 2,281 09-27-90 Microsoft and other support phone numbers
multijoy.zip 152,220 03-25-94 Info: Connect 6 digital joysticks to LPT port
murphys.zip 3,626 07-17-87 Murphy's Law, as applied to Computing!
nal004.zip 38,759 04-20-93 User Interface for CC May's INet BBS list,4/93
nal006.zip 42,285 07-26-93 Not Another (Internet) List interface, 8/93
neatchip.zip 12,406 02-21-90 Describes Chips and Technologies' NEAT chipset
netw92pr.zip 366,915 04-30-92 NetWORLD 1992 Boston press releases (text ref)
newlaw.zip 3,962 10-02-90 New copyright legislation, shareware problems
nfpark20.zip 84,851 03-11-95 Info. about parks in Newfoundland (Canada)
nglim10.zip 8,205 07-09-90 Norton Guides for LIMSIM. Installation guide
nulcable.zip 4,192 01-19-91 How to make serial/parallel null modem cables
online19.zip 337,297 01-29-95 'The Online World' - online resources handbook
online20.zip 383,753 04-05-95
packftp.zip 460,947 12-23-94 Anonymous FTP Sitelist conversion program
pc1hrdsk.add 4,533 03-27-88 How to add a hard disk to the PC1 computer
pccdemo.zip 591,802 12-20-93 PC Complete disk magazine, issues 1 and 2
pcfans.zip 30,977 05-31-93 Network survey & summaries of keeping PCs cool
pchlp201.zip 53,971 02-26-92 TSR online help program for MS-DOS
pcierrat.zip 10,948 01-22-92 Errata/notes for PC Interrupts by Brown & Kyle
pcl57.zip 325,317 01-04-93 PC-Learn 5.7: Computer/MS-DOS tutorial system
pcm105.zip 31,675 06-19-91 PostCode Master: Power On Self Test codes
pcxt640k.zip 3,868 07-17-87 PC-XT 64/256K to 640K system board upgrade
pegdoc.zip 2,076 06-07-94 Text intro to Internet guide model
pegrtf.zip 240,230 06-03-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (RTF)
pegtxt.zip 44,420 06-01-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (DOS text)
pegw2x.zip 192,980 06-03-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (MWord 2x)
pegw51.zip 175,835 06-03-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (WP 5.1)
pegw6.zip 135,282 06-01-94 Org-specific Internet guide model (MWord 6)
pins.zip 2,454 07-17-87 Text shows RS232C & parallel pins layout
pklite.wrn 2,855 10-06-90 Message from PKWare about bogus PKLite
popadbug.zip 1,100 10-31-90 Tests for bug in some 386 processors
probdesc.zip 189,808 07-07-92 Info about 386/486 external cache flaws
proguide.zip 119,455 04-25-91 Programmer's Guide: Tips on writing Shareware
ps2_ref.zip 18,140 06-21-89 Reference manual for IBM PS/2 configurations
qhcompil.zip 47,466 04-30-88 Quick Help compiler - makes help screens
qhelp.zip 24,528 04-30-88 User definable popup help program
qhelp135.zip 8,370 07-17-87 User definable popup help program
ques40.zip 7,541 08-25-88 Questions and answers of new PC-DOS 4.0
quikhelp.zip 100,737 07-20-88 Create & compile own help screens
ramems.zip 1,173 08-31-88 Critique - Expanded Memory Simulator
rbhelp31.zip 80,609 03-16-91 Online help for MSDOS commands, including 4.01
rbng44.zip 1,202,962 02-04-95 Ralf Brown's Interrupt List 44 (NG Format)
readback.zip 5,570 12-04-91 Reads back all its args. Diagnostic. w/C src
redirect.zip 9,736 08-18-90 Advanced DOS tips on rerouting, piping, edlin
relative.zip 2,441 12-01-87 Graphs relative speed of CPU
res211_1.zip 733,070 09-22-92 Monitor repair database v2.11. ShareWare, 1/2
res211_2.zip 713,049 02-21-95 Monitor repair database v2.11. ShareWare, 2/2
romdates.zip 875 11-22-89 List of IBM BIOS ROM dates
rs232exp.zip 16,998 07-27-89 Helps solve RS-232 comm interfacing problems
rs232gid.zip 8,225 10-20-89 A Practical Guide to RS-232 Interfacing
rstutor.zip 106,245 11-05-88 Tutor for communications, serial interface
rwint_41.zip2,218,093 01-10-95 Programmer's DOS Interrupt Reference Hypertext
sat13asc.zip 62,316 04-11-94 Internet Guide for VAX/VMS systems, ASCII vers
sat13ps.zip 153,507 03-30-94 Internet Guide for VAX/VMS systems, PostScript
sat13wp.zip 90,130 04-17-95 Internet Guide for VAX/VMS systems, WP version
saucs1.zip 42,016 02-24-94 Shareware Author & User Case Study
sharebk1.zip 293,179 10-15-92 The ShareWare Book - First Edition <ASP>
sp120.zip 239,036 11-24-92 SmartPhone: International phone/geography ref.
stactec.zip 42,731 03-11-92 Stacker Technical Notes #0-30
sut56.zip 48,958 07-06-92 Tutorial on how to use and enjoy Shareware
swedish.std 1,620 08-24-91 Information on Swedish VDU radiation standards
theref43.zip 191,820 05-01-94 Technical list of HDs,controllers,cables,mfgrs
tips0792.zip 8,850 07-01-92 TIPS: QEMM, DESQview, LANtastic, RBBS-PC, etc.
tsfaqn42.zip 93,165 03-15-95 Questions from UseNet and Timo's answers
tsfaqp23.zip 77,854 03-15-95 Common Turbo Pascal questions & Timo's answers
tsqlpc10.zip 12,054 10-02-89 Info on home computer <--> PC file transfer
tutdos1.zip 140,533 11-14-89 Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 1 of 4
tutdos2.zip 118,123 11-09-89 Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 2 of 4
tutdos3.zip 114,997 11-13-89 Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 3 of 4
tutdos4.zip 86,264 11-12-89 Interactive MS-DOS tutorial, 4 of 4
tutor44.zip 237,036 04-28-88 Tutor System for DOS
tutorii.zip 150,651 12-01-91 DOS 5.0 TUTOR ver 2.0
undocdos.zip 18,627 04-02-91 Errata for the book UNDOCUMENTED DOS - 910309
upd8601.zip 38,233 02-01-95 Association of ShareWare Professionals updates
useful35.zip 27,488 05-08-94 Useful MS-DOS programs at SimTel and Garbo
uspsinfo.zip 160,360 11-21-91 USPS explains addressing, rates & automation
vendor26.zip 333,115 01-06-94 Computer vendors Phone/Fax/BBS/Tech support #
vl920803.zip 229,060 08-06-92 VendorList 92.08.03: Lists about 3800 vendors
warmcold.inf 693 02-11-89 How to do warm or cold boot from software
wraplugs.zip 1,246 02-08-90 How: Make wrap plugs to diagnose LPT/COM ports
ww_stnv4.zip 201,037 01-01-95 Who's Who In ShareWare (people and companies)
wwis9310.zip 66,281 10-01-93 Directory of ShareWare people/companies Oct93
xfdisk.zip 54,511 08-29-91 Tutorial and useage of FDISK to best advantage
xhlst122.zip 9,467 09-21-92 Show XMS handles, HMA space above DOS and more
xt_640k.upd 7,053 03-27-88 Expand XT's RAM to 640Kb
xwindows.inf 30,672 11-20-91 Where to get commercial X-Windows for MS-DOS
zen10ps.zip 153,726 03-06-92 Zen & the Art of the Internet, ed 1, PS file