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File List | 1995-04-17 | 4.4 KB | 81 lines |
- Simtel MSDOS Archive CDROM, May 1995. Walnut Creek CDROM.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- SimTel indexes & utilities
- path: \disc1\filedocs
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- aareadme.txt Information about the files in this directory
- autftp13.zip Auto download files from SIMDIR using NCSA FTP
- cdrom.inf Where to obtain SimTel files on CD-ROM
- cnvsim10.zip Convert SimTel SIMIBM.IDX to Paradox4 format
- copyrite.txt SimTel collection compilation copyright info
- copyrite.why Why the SimTel collection is copyrighted
- dirlist.txt Descriptions of all SimTel msdos directories
- download.inf List of systems that offer SimTel files by FTP
- fildif.zip Compare two copies of SimTel's FILES.IDX
- get20.zip Unix script to FTP files from any MS-DOS site
- grep.sim Script to view SIMIBM.IDX on Unix systems
- idx2dat2.zip Makes AutoFTP/BatchFTP scripts from SIMIBM.IDX
- mailserv.inf List of e-mail servers offering SimTel files
- mirror.txt Requirements for becoming a SimTel mirror site
- mirrors.inf FTP sites mirroring SimTel, Garbo and ULowell
- msrch10a.zip Performs Mega fast searches of SIMIBM.IDX file
- oakftp06.zip Unix script to auto-ftp MS-DOS files from OAK
- quickref.lst Quick reference list to SimTel's MSDOS dirs
- s2html12.zip Unix script converts SimTel file index to HTML
- sgrep13.zip SimTel index fast lookup utility. w/C src
- shidx10.zip Searches SIMIBM.LST/other indexes for keywords
- sim9409.idx Comma-delimited list of September 1994 uploads
- sim9410.idx Comma-delimited list of October 1994 uploads
- sim9411.idx Comma-delimited list of November 1994 uploads
- sim9412.idx Comma-delimited list of December 1994 uploads
- sim9501.idx Comma-delimited list of January 1995 uploads
- sim9502.idx Comma-delimited list of February 1995 uploads
- sim_pdox.zip Paradox converter/reader for SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvax.bas VAX/VMS BASIC V3.3 pgm to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt.bas BASIC program to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt.c Unix C program to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt.exc VM/CMS REXX program to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt.sps VAX/VMS SPS program to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt.zip Compiled BASIC program to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt2.bas BASIC program to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt2.c Unix C program to search and print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt2.exc VM/CMS REXX program to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt3.awk Awk script converts simibm.idx to simibm.lst
- simcvt3.for VAX/VMS FORTRAN program to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simcvt3.zip SimTel .IDX conversion util for Turbo C
- simcvt_c.zip Compiled C pgm for MSDOS to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simdes10.zip Convert SIMIBM.IDX to 4DOS DESCRIPT.ION files
- simdif.doc Documentation for SIMDIF.FOR Fortran program
- simdif.for Make SimTel additions/changes/deletions rept
- simdir22.zip Display the SimTel file list (SIMIBM.IDX)
- simdisp.awk AWK script displays SIMIBM.IDX in outline form
- simdisp.doc How to use SIMDISP.AWK
- simdisp.pl Perl script to print SIMIBM.IDX
- simerg10.zip Alphabetically merges sim????.idx 2 simibm.idx
- simflt10.zip Extract dirs from SIMIBM.IDX,write to new file
- simgrep2.prl Perl script:search SIMIBM.LST w/directory/date
- simgrep2.sh sh script: search SIMIBM.LST w/nice output
- simibm.db3 How to use SIMIBM.IDX with dBASEIII
- simibm.hdr SIMIBM.IDX header file for PC-File+ use
- simibm.inf Information on record structure of SIMIBM.IDX
- simifl28.zip Make SIMIBM.IDX a readable AND grep-able file
- simindex.zip Comma-delim list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
- simlist.zip Text format list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
- simlst1.zip Quick and easy SimTel file lookup program
- simraz13.zip Shorten/rearrange SimTel indices, w/TP src
- simsch14.zip Scan/print SimTel SIMIBM.IDX from Windows 3.x
- simsrch2.c Search through SIMIBM.IDX. TC2/VMS/ANSI C src
- simsrt10.zip Search SIMIBM.LST index with dir/string/date
- simvw25.zip WIN31: Search/browse/view SimTel's SIMIBM.IDX
- simvwdll.zip WIN31: SDV modules/libraries for non-upgraders
- simx13.zip Perl script:Search SIMIBM.IDX. NFS mount aware
- upload.inf How to upload programs to SimTel
- uploads.dec List of uploads to SimTel for December 1994
- uploads.feb List of uploads to SimTel for February 1995
- uploads.jan List of uploads to SimTel for January 1995
- uploads.nov List of uploads to SimTel for November 1994
- uploads.oct List of uploads to SimTel for October 1994
- uploads.sep List of uploads to SimTel for September 1994
- wasim_a1.zip Searches '00_index.txt' files. Small & Useful
- wsim21.zip WIN3: SimTel, CICA, etc index search program