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- From: w8sdz@SimTel.Coast.NET (Keith Petersen)
- Subject: Quick reference list of SimTel's msdos directories (950321)
- Quick reference list of SimTel, the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm),
- /SimTel/msdos/x directories as of Mar. 21, 1995 (where 'x' is one of the
- names below):
- 4dos deskaccs hamradio novell stunnpc
- ada deskjet handicap oberon surfmodl
- ai deskpub hebrew oemacs swap
- animate desqview hercules offline sysinfo
- archiver dirutil hypertxt opus sysutil
- arcutil disasm iconlang packet tagbbs
- asm_mag diskutil info paging taxes
- asmutil djgpp infonet pascal teaching
- astrnomy dv_x install pathutil telegard
- at editor io_util pcboard telix
- autocad educatin irit pcmag tex
- awk eel jdrbbs pctech textutil
- bakernws ega ka9q pctecniq tiff
- basic electric keyboard pcvrmag tsrutil
- batutil ems_prof lan perl turbo_c
- bbs emulator langtutr pgmutil turbobas
- bbsdoor engineer laser pibterm turbopas
- bbslist entertn legal pktdrvr turbovis
- bible envutil linguist plot ubasic
- binedit execomp litratur postscrp uemacs
- biology ezycom logo printer uucp
- bootutil falken lotus123 procomm ventura
- borland fido mac prodigy vga
- c filedocs mapping projmgr virus
- cad fileutil math qbasic visbasic
- calculat finance mathcopr qedit viscii
- catalog flowchrt memutil qemm voice
- cdrom food menu qmodem voicmail
- celerity formgen mfg qtrdeck vpssoft
- chemstry forth microsft ramdisk waffle
- citadel fortran misclang rbbs_pc weather
- clipper fossil modem recreatn wildcat
- clock freemacs modula2 rip wordperf
- cms_tape genealgy mormon satelite worldmap
- compress geogrphy mouse science wpj_mag
- cpluspls geology msjournl screen wwiv
- cron geos1x music security x_10
- crossasm geos2x naplps simulatn xlisp
- database geosnews ncsatlnt sound xwindows
- dbase gif netpage sports zip
- dbms_mag gnuish network spredsht zmodem
- ddjmag graph neurlnet sprint zoo
- decode graphics nfs starter
- demacs gtsmusic notabene statstic
- See /SimTel/msdos/filedocs/aareadme.txt for details on file directories
- and descriptions.
- For security reasons SimTel, the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm),
- is located on a host that is not accessible by anonymous ftp users, however
- its files are available by anonymous ftp in directories /SimTel/msdos and
- /SimTel/win3 from the primary mirror site OAK.Oakland.Edu (
- located in Rochester, Michigan, and from the secondary mirror sites:
- St. Louis, MO: wuarchive.wustl.edu (
- /systems/ibmpc/simtel/msdos
- /systems/ibmpc/simtel/win3
- Norman, OK: ftp.uoknor.edu (
- /mirrors/SimTel/msdos
- /mirrors/SimTel/win3
- Corvallis, OR: ftp.orst.edu (
- /pub/mirrors/simtel/msdos
- /pub/mirrors/simtel/win3
- Australia: archie.au (
- /micros/pc/SimTel/msdos
- /micros/pc/SimTel/win3
- England: micros.hensa.ac.uk (
- /mirrors/simtel/msdos
- /mirrors/simtel/win3
- England: src.doc.ic.ac.uk (
- /pub/packages/simtel
- /pub/packages/simtel-win3
- Finland: ftp.funet.fi (
- /pub/mirrors/oak.oakland.edu/Simtel/msdos
- /pub/mirrors/oak.oakland.edu/Simtel/win3
- France: ftp.ibp.fr (
- /pub/pc/SimTel/msdos
- /pub/pc/SimTel/win3
- Germany: ftp.uni-paderborn.de (
- /SimTel/msdos
- /SimTel/win3
- Hong Kong: ftp.cs.cuhk.hk (
- /pub/simtel/msdos
- /pub/simtel/win3
- Israel: ftp.technion.ac.il (
- /pub/unsupported/simtel/msdos
- /pub/unsupported/simtel/win3
- Netherlands: ftp.nic.surfnet.nl (
- /mirror-archive/software/simtel-msdos
- /mirror-archive/software/simtel-win3
- Poland: ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl (
- /pub/mirror/simtel/msdos
- /pub/mirror/simtel/win3
- South Africa: ftp.sun.ac.za (
- /pub/simtel/msdos
- /pub/simtel/win3
- Sweden: ftp.sunet.se (
- /pub/pc/mirror/SimTel/msdos
- /pub/pc/mirror/SimTel/win3
- Switzerland: ftp.switch.ch (
- /mirror/simtel/msdos
- /mirror/simtel/win3
- Taiwan: NCTUCCCA.edu.tw (
- /PC/simtel
- /PC/windows/simtel
- Thailand: ftp.nectec.or.th (
- /pub/mirrors/SimTel/msdos
- /pub/mirrors/SimTel/win3
- Turkey: ftp.metu.edu.tr (
- /pub/mirrors/simtel/msdos
- /pub/mirrors/simtel/win3
- There are other sites (more than 55, and growing) that mirror SimTel's
- collections. Many serve only their own country or region and do not
- wish to receive International traffic. At their request they are not
- listed above.
- SimTel files may obtained by e-mail from various ftp-mail servers
- or through the BITNET/EARN file servers. For details send e-mail
- to listserv@SimTel.Coast.NET with this command in the body of the
- message: get simtel-mailserver.info
- World Wide Web (WWW) users can access SimTel files via these URLs:
- http://www.acs.oakland.edu/oak/SimTel-msdos.html
- http://www.acs.oakland.edu/oak/SimTel-win3.html
- Gopher users can access SimTel files via these URLs:
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/SimTel/msdos
- ftp://oak.oakland.edu/SimTel/win3
- CD-ROM copies of the entire collection are available from Coast to
- Coast Telecommunications, Inc., 5850 Dixie Highway Clarkston, MI
- 48346, U.S.A., telephone (800) 536-3373 or (810) 623-6700, or FAX
- (810) 623-1469. A WWW Forms Interface for ordering CD-ROMs -
- http://www.coast.net/SimTel/ - is also available. This CD-ROM
- set includes the entire collection, which is not true of CD-ROMs
- offered by some other vendors. For information send e-mail to
- cdrom@Mail.Coast.NET. To order send e-mail to order@Mail.Coast.NET.
- Quarterly update subscriptions are available at a substantial discount.
- Dealer inquiries are welcome. Purchases of this CD-ROM set from Coast
- to Coast will provide direct support to SimTel.
- Keith
- --
- Keith Petersen
- General Manager of SimTel, the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm)
- Internet: w8sdz@SimTel.Coast.NET or w8sdz@Vela.ACS.Oakland.Edu
- Uucp: uunet!simtel.coast.net!w8sdz BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND