Simtel MSDOS 1995 May
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File List
251 lines
64colors.zip 12528 900604 How to display all 64 EGA colors on VGA,w/Csrc
abmake14.zip 46980 890810 An improved 'make' utility w/source
actlib17.zip 87245 931025 General purpose libs w/source for C/C++ pgmers
advc11.zip 9881 870717 Thomas Hanlin's advanced 'C' routines. v.1.1
ansi_c.zip 10123 871130 Header file activates ANSI.SYS for C
apm.zip 59212 881009 Arbitrary Precision Math lib MS-C 5.x/TC/Unix
argtest.c 1490 850916 Tests function, getargs()
asyncpec.zip 4856 890503 Interrupt-driven async comm rtns for MSC 5.x
asynlib2.zip 18925 910321 ASYNC communications library callable from 'C'
b2obj11b.zip 65760 940612 ACA BIN2OBJ v1.10b: Binary to .OBJ converter
backlog.c 3914 880815 Get latest add to BACKUP.LOG from DOS backup/L
bestl232.zip 331632 940912 Extensive C programmer's library (FreeWare)
bituudec.c 7464 871224 MSDOS/VMS UUdecode fixes lost trailing spaces
bltc121.zip 233298 950109 Bullet for DOS C/C++ dBASE .DBF/b-tree toolkit
boss01.zip 143455 910114 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 1of4
boss02a.zip 235248 901230 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 2of4
boss02b.zip 265350 901230 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 3of4
boss03.zip 85787 910114 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms, 4of4
bplus11.zip 14828 890125 B-tree indexed file access in 'C', v1.1
bstrng11.zip 21915 950128 BASIC string functions for C and C++
btoa.zip 5063 890124 'C' source for binary-to-ascii convert pgm
c4window.zip 33622 870717 Window routines for 'C' programs
c60probs.zip 6960 900618 List of problems found with MS C v6.0
c_check.zip 14685 870717 C language syntax checker
c_eval.zip 22172 930423 C source to evaluate mathematical expressions
c_flow.zip 44126 870717 Display flow of 'C' programs
cacoph10.zip 8113 940420 PC speaker music library for Turbo C and C++
cbase102.zip 304780 910923 C routines for database applications, w/docs
cbooks.zip 9480 890630 List of currently available C language books
cc01.zip 3622 870717 'C' language functions and programs - 1 of 4
cc02.zip 66830 870717 'C' language functions and programs - 2 of 4
cc03.zip 84041 870717 'C' language functions and programs - 3 of 4
cc04.zip 80335 870717 'C' language functions and programs - 4 of 4
ccc1053a.zip 27763 891225 Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,1of3
ccc1053b.zip 223107 891225 Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,2of3
ccc1053c.zip 299809 891225 Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO systems,3of3
ccompile.zip 36267 870717 Small 'C' compiler
cdecl.zip 11854 871021 Decomposes 'C' language declarations
cenvid9.zip 235242 941130 CEnvi C script interpreter and batch enhancer
cephes22.zip 309232 921119 Mathematical function library in C language
cgazv5n3.zip 50042 910509 Code from the C Gazette - Spring 1991 issue
cl_7_bug.zip 20423 921010 Bug examples for Microsoft C-Compiler CL-7.00
clp_v11.zip 19734 891014 General purpose 'C' command line processor
clt167.zip 182572 940329 CLint v1.67: C source checking tool
cm100exe.zip 58551 911117 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (exe and samples), 1of4
cm100hlp.zip 123686 911117 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (QuickHelp), 2of4
cm100txt.zip 64439 911117 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (Help: text format), 3of4
cmake100.zip 1881 911117 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (description), 4of4
cnews001.zip 6582 880622 Issue #1 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews002.zip 5842 880622 Issue #2 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews003.zip 20941 880206 Issue #3 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews004.zip 43388 880222 Issue #4 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews005.zip 72182 880308 Issue #5 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews006.zip 28912 880410 Issue #6 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews007.zip 10221 880530 Issue #7 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews008.zip 58887 880614 Issue #8 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews009.zip 66535 880717 Issue #9 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews010.zip 50471 880815 Issue #10 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews011.zip 31342 880909 Issue #11 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews012.zip 13013 881031 'C' programming & compiler review #12
cnews013.zip 39034 881229 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #13
cnews014.zip 64162 890223 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #14
cnews015.zip 25619 890706 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #15
cnews016.zip 70184 890730 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #16
cnews017.zip 17603 890930 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #17
cnews018.zip 40733 891229 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #18
cnews019.zip 30982 900805 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #19
commasm.zip 7795 880714 Info for programming MS-DOS COMM ports
conio.zip 8587 870717 Direct console I/O ASM routines for MicrosoftC
cp14.zip 28051 920320 C code outliner (DDJ8808, tweaked for BC++2.0)
crc_c.zip 5133 870729 CRC routines for C
crnchr22.zip 72748 930414 C Libs - FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Regr.etc
crobots.zip 50781 870717 Game for 'C' programmers. Make own robots
csourc.zip 39219 870717 Turbo-C source file manager
csr30_1.zip 84508 880713 CSpotRun 'C' func lib, hdrs & examples, 1of3
csr30_2.zip 103867 880713 CSpotRun 'C' func lib, precompiled libs, 2of3
csr30_3.zip 57264 880713 CSpotRun 'C' func lib, documentation, 3of3
csubrtns.zip 3971 870717 C Subroutines #2
ctask22d.zip 323809 930704 Multitasking kernel in C w/ASM & C source
ctell.zip 12573 870717 Translates C declarations into English
ctools10.zip 63224 920407 Generic data structures in C (lists, hashtabs)
ctopas.zip 6090 891206 Converts 'C' source to Pascal source (simple)
ctrl_c.c 13820 880906 Intercept Ctrl C's
ctutorde.zip 914311 940426 C language tutorial, style, and quiz program
cug236.zip 86626 870717 Highly portable utilities from C Users' Group
curpos.asm 798 830915 Cursor positioning for C
cwd.c 4816 880815 Change working directory for C
cxl52_1.zip 161790 900217 Window/menu/mouse C func lib, docs/utils, 1of2
cxl52_2.zip 189295 900217 Window/menu/mouse C func lib, libraries, 2of2
cxlhderr.zip 3278 891107 C source for critical error handler with CXL
cxt230.zip 312725 940912 C Exploration Tools: C source analysis
dbreak.zip 4502 910213 Disable CTL-C/CTL-BREAK/CTL-ALT-DEL. C source
debugc.zip 2638 870717 #include level printf() debugging
delete.c 4497 870730 Delete a file
dflat15.zip 141160 921115 Dflat: SAA-compatible windowing LIB w/C source
dflat386.zip 173937 941005 Update to DFLAT windowing system for 386 & up
dirlib.c 13157 890101 Unix 'dirlib' package ported to MS-C
dlc_tsr.zip 6911 870717 TSR interface for Datalight C
dmake38e.zip 155329 920125 'make' util for MS-DOS C programmers. EXE/doc
dmake38s.zip 642149 920128 C src: 'make' util for MS-DOS & Unix SysV/BSD
dxlib50.zip 250853 950313 DOS Extender Library for Protected Mode DOS
emsif24a.zip 68181 930627 EMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]
encom100.zip 128888 920709 EnCom v1.00: C async lib - supports 16550
encom_td.zip 54516 920709 Sample terminal pgm using EnCom1.0 C async lib
fe1.zip 69259 920207 Bitmap editor for Zortech C++'s FlashGraph Lib
fft142.zip 98054 910607 Fast Fourier transforms, with C source
filtr21s.zip 6728 940615 Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term check
fortify.zip 23417 950205 C/C++ memory tracker and protector, R1.0
gdir.c 9211 860613 Enhanced DIR w/attributes, hidden/system files
gencsrc.zip 93222 871121 Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (1 of 2)
genctxt.zip 109291 871121 Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (2 of 2)
getargs.c 4183 850916 Get cmd line args
getargs.doc 5177 850916 Doc for GETARGS.C
getargs.h 391 850916 Part of GETARGS.C
getf.zip 37019 881120 Locate 'C' source file w/particular function
gifsave.zip 14092 920926 C source to save GIF images
glob.zip 2923 880211 Change wildcard filespec to list of files
gnuctags.zip 12913 891121 Microsoft C 5.1 port of GNU [ce]tags
graph.zip 10907 870722 ASM CGA/EGA graphics routines for MS C (4.0)
gymake12.zip 38268 881119 Make utility for MS-DOS w/C source v1.2
handles2.zip 22458 920408 Get >20 handles in TC (also DJGPP). Docs & src
hgraphic.zip 7873 880416 Hercules graphics routines for MS Quick C
hsort.c 5196 850806 General purpose heapsort for C
ibmcom.zip 9340 890430 Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C
ibmcur.c 3331 840624 C & ASM fast screen write, save, and restore
ibmcur.doc 1756 840624 Short description of functions in IBMCUR.C
imc9101.zip 5158 910118 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Jan. 1991
imc9102.zip 4786 910125 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Feb. 1991
imc9103.zip 6571 910305 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, March 1991
imc9104.zip 6947 910305 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, April 1991
imc9106.zip 10007 910509 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, June 1991
indents.zip 59913 930531 Indent C & C++, (vanilla) C source code
indentx.zip 42039 930531 Indent & format C & C++ source. DOS exe & docs
inparser.zip 7258 870717 Extracts tokens from an input string
input.c 5958 860504 Place batch input in environment
input.doc 3817 860504 Examples of usage of INPUT.C
int24_c2.zip 3449 900417 C routine intercepts Abort/Retry/Ignore prompt
intercep.asm 6441 870705 Prevent printing ^C with signal() in MS-C
jazdoc.zip 26030 870717 Documentation for JAZLIB.ZIP
jazlib.zip 144437 870717 C utility library with source (w/C)
jpl_c.zip 127394 880806 JPL library of portable C routines
julcal10.zip 20586 921222 C language sources for Julian date programs
julin105.zip 33977 930821 Source in C for calendar date calculations
jzchkdsk.zip 19960 870717 Better CHKDSK program
kafsrt20.zip 112245 930615 Complete file system and sort pkg for C pgmers
kbdhandl.zip 9026 930802 Multiple keypress INT 9 keyboard handler w/src
kernel.zip 16230 870717 Multitasking kernel from DDJournal, w/ASM src
kh_date.zip 33156 940914 C/C++ library - routines for date calculations
lex.zip 92743 870717 DeSmet C source for PD version of Unix LEX
lingua13.zip 44231 940313 Easy multi-language support for C programs
lpc052.zip 52349 940417 LPC-Parcor-Cepstrum code gen. for C programers
lzpip102.zip 67793 940722 Compressed/deflated file access library
maek.c 18185 850825 Public domain MAKE
maek.doc 2237 850825 DOC file for MAEK.C
make.c 27616 840628 Public domain MAKE
make.h 1635 840629 Header file for MAKE.C public domain MAKE
make_pd.zip 31604 870717 Public domain MAKE
makedep.zip 15924 940929 Dependency generator for MAKE, with C source
match110.zip 19447 910313 Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src
math.c 12636 840323 Double precision math rtns for Lattice or MS-C
math.h 1720 840323 Header file for MATH.C
matrixc.zip 11269 940219 C source for matrix algebra and 3D line shapes
matrx042.zip 40833 940416 Small Matrix Toolbox v0.42 for C programmers
mc302emb.zip 215546 940318 MICRO-C Embedded Control kit - Test-drive vers
mc302pc1.zip 195128 940318 MICRO-C PC 'C' compiler v3.02
mc302pc2.zip 277010 940318 MICRO-C PC Example programs
mcomm600.zip 166249 941003 Interrupt-driven async LIB for MS-C/Turbo-C/BC
mfile.asm 3058 880129 Allows more than 20 files open at once in MS-C
mfile.c 1148 910719 Allows more than 20 files open at once in MS-C
millisec.zip 37879 911202 MSC/asm src for millisecond resolution timing
mkutil20.zip 206939 940823 SciTech Software Makefile utilities
mot2intl.c 1488 890609 Convert Motorola S-record hex to Intel hex
ms_prof.zip 7548 890911 Execution profiling for Microsoft C / Quick C
msc.c 3825 880815 Program to pass arguments from a file to CL
mschrt3.zip 53849 900724 High resolution timer toolbox for MSC 5.1
msec_12.zip 8627 911212 High-definition millisec timer v1.2 (C,ASM)
mv.c 74522 860908 UNIX-like, moves and renames files
mv.doc 10010 860911 Documentation for MV.C
ndmake45.zip 92311 931008 Kneller's Unix-like MAKE for DOS C programmers
netclb30.zip 198254 950219 C library for calling Novell Netware APIs
njsdk30.zip 189051 940215 NJSDK: Chinese C lib. software development kit
odoors41.zip 424830 930226 C library for creating professional BBS doors
pc_8250.zip 43700 910207 Serial port rtns. & VT100 emul. (C src only)
pcc12c.zip 176332 890621 Personal C compiler. Fully functional, C WARE
pcl4c34.zip 71705 930117 Asynchronous communications library for C
pcpilot.zip 55188 900115 C programmer's TSR utility, with source
pcsound.zip 247397 910521 Plays many types of digitized sound files
pctime12.zip 65444 950130 Millisecond resolution timing(GCC/MSC/TC srcs)
pcw_c.zip 345526 911230 PC Windows: C menu/window library w/full src
pmlite10.zip 57216 940823 DOS Extender indep. Protected Mode pgming API
pmw116.zip 73617 950217 DOS/4GW replacement for Watcom C/C++
ppc.zip 11844 880918 'Pretty Printer' for 'C' language sources
prf.zip 35517 881125 Profiler for Microsoft 'C' programs
profil.zip 13547 890905 C language EXE program profiler (source only)
proto217.zip 119557 920616 C and C++ incremental prototypes extractor
qsort.c 5065 850806 Quick Sort in C
quikc21.zip 77162 890706 Quick screen utilities v2.1 for Turbo C & MS C
r250.zip 4282 921014 Portable C src: Pseudo-random number generator
random_c.zip 4744 900529 C lang random number generator,one of the best
reboot.c 995 900218 How to do a warm or cold boot in 'C' language
recio212.zip 162982 950130 C library reads/writes files as records/fields
redirect.c 2790 890427 Feed line to shell w/stdin/stdout/stderr redir
reslb201.zip 24874 871101 Function library for Turbo-C to make TSRs
rootpath.c 3263 860726 Convt pathname arg to root-based connical form
scale.cq 5248 850925 Calc scaling parms for plotting, axes w/labels
scsidrvr.zip 10693 890210 'C' source for SCSI disk drivers
shar.c 672 850707 Concatenate text files like Unix 'shar'
shar.doc 1154 850707 Part of SHAR.C
sine.c 6336 860601 Sine functions in 'C'
sleep.zip 3104 871208 Millisecond-resolution delay function for 'C'
smake155.zip 29956 930615 Make utility for most compilers/linkers
smooth11.zip 44436 910610 'Lowness' and 'split linear' data smoothers
snip9503.zip 586012 950314 ~1.6 Mb of free C source/info, 35% PC-specific
snpd9503.zip 236502 950314 Updates snip9404.zip to snip9503.zip (cf.)
speaker.c 516 830915 'C' language routines to output sound to spkr
spline29.zip 65851 921112 Interpolate using splines under tension
spwno413.zip 107412 921213 Disk/EMS/EXT/INT15-swapping spawn() replacemnt
steph1b0.zip 315318 941117 C libraries for DOS text mode user interface
swap300.zip 89104 901005 C routines allow swap of app to disk, XMS, EMS
system.zip 5315 920524 C src for system() w/redirection & exit status
t2c.zip 103273 871201 Microsoft's Turbo Pascal to C translator
tabx.c 3660 900224 Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs
tags.c 74214 860712 TAGS file system for C and Epsilon
teach_c.zip 84076 870717 VG C tutor, great display format, w/ quizzes
teglc.zip 346130 900630 Graphical windowing toolkit demo (TC/MSC)
testdir.zip 2824 890110 Directory checkout (optional)
tgasave.zip 11368 931029 C source to save Truecolor Targa (TGA) images
thread.zip 33280 870717 C Reference guide
timestmp.c 3200 860121 Time & date routines for C86 and Lattice-C
timestmp.h 1084 860121 Header file for TIMESTMP.C
tools4c.zip 88445 870816 Shareware windowing package for C programmers
tsr_asm.zip 15333 880805 C-callable assembler routines to go TSR
tsrc.zip 9974 880405 TSRs in C, source code from Computer Language
u16pc.zip 9349 881208 'C' language source for 'uncompress' for PC
undoc_cl.swi 3164 870709 Undocumented C compiler switches (MS-C 4.0)
units.zip 7926 871103 Powerful unit conversion program
unixclib.asm 10283 851014 Unix/C functions in MASM for DeSmet C
update.c 18545 890826 Copy new/altered files, with confirmation
uw210.zip 186336 920212 UltraWin version 2.10 windowing C library
uwdemos.zip 86603 930101 Sample programs, etc., with UltraWin C lib
uwfonted.zip 55110 911012 Font Editor/samples for UltraWin C library
uwshadow.zip 14752 920306 How to: Shadowed windows with UltraWin C lib
weekday.c 1562 890511 Computes weekday for date w/Zeller Congruence
wildf113.zip 25613 910508 Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C src
wr_prot.c 1221 900215 Check to see if a drive is write protected
xmsif15.zip 63962 930516 XMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]
xmslb17.zip 19544 910902 XMS library for Turbo/Borland C/C++, w/source
xrf.zip 30661 870717 C crossref lister w/Computer Innovations C src
zglob10.zip 2744 920922 *argv[] wildcard file expansion, Zortech C
ztimer20.zip 65502 940823 Microsecond accuracy timer for C, C++, ASM