Simtel MSDOS 1995 May
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Assembly Source File
107 lines
;* NOTE: FIXDSK.ASM modified 12/22/85 by C. Washburn to use INT 40H instead of
; 13H, and to restore contents of AH when retrying. INT 40H change was based
; the notion that NOTHING should get in the Fixed Disk INT 13H code path if
; at all possible! INT 40H is the relocated address of the BIOS Diskette code,
; after the Fixed Disk Controller ROM installs itself, and is only and exclu-
; sively for Floppy I/O.
;FIXDSK.ASM - corrects floppy disk timeout problem on speeded-up AT.
;MODIFIED 12/22/85 by C. Washburn, to use INT 40 instead of INT 13
;(the relocated diskette code when a fixed disk is present), and to
;restore the entry code in AH when retrying.
;Indicated Modifications are (C)Copyright 1985 Clyde Washburn,
;and are placed in the Public Domain.
;Create FIXDSK.COM as follows:
;Then place FIXDSK.COM in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
; (C)Copyright 1985 Michael J. Markowitz
; Department of Mathematical Sciences
; Loyola University of Chicago
; Chicago, IL 60626
; (312) 508-3567
;This program may be freely copied and used for noncommercial purposes.
;Under no circumstances may a fee be charged for its distribution nor
;may it be included in any commercial hardware or software package
;without the written consent of the owner.
TIME_OUT equ 80h
vectors segment at 0h
org 40h * 4 ;CW - 40h was 13h
int_40h label dword ;CW - ditto
int_40h_ip dw ? ;CW - ditto
int_40h_cs dw ? ;CW - ditto
vectors ends
code segment
assume cs:code
org 100h
start: jmp init
ah_cont db ? ;CW - save AH entry contents here
old_int_40h label dword ;CW - 40h was 13h
old_int_ip dw ?
old_int_cs dw ?
ret_addr label dword
ret_addr_ip dw ?
ret_addr_cs dw ?
flags dw ?
main proc far
mov cs:ah_cont,ah ;CW - save AH for possible reuse
pushf ;simulate original disk interrupt
call old_int_40h ;CW - 40h was 13h
pushf ; and save returned flags
pop flags
jnc fin ;if no error, return to caller
cmp ah,TIME_OUT ;is it a timeout error?
jne fin ; if no, return to caller
pushf ; if yes, try one more time
mov ah,cs:ah_cont ;CW - restore AH for retry
call old_int_40h ;CW - 40h was 13h
fin: pop ret_addr_ip ;simulate an INTR
pop ret_addr_cs
add sp,2
push flags ;return flags from first ROM
popf ; BIOS call
jmp ret_addr
main endp
init proc
assume ds:vectors ;establish addressability of
mov ax,vectors ; interrupt vectors
mov ds,ax
mov ax,int_40h_ip ;save old disk interrupt vector
mov old_int_ip,ax ;(line above) CW - 40h was 13h
mov ax,int_40h_cs ;CW - 40h was 13h
mov old_int_cs,ax
mov int_40h_ip,offset main ;replace with dword ;CW - 40h was 13h
mov int_40h_cs,cs ; pointer to fixdsk ;CW - ditto
mov dx,offset init
int 27h ;terminate leaving main resident
init endp
db 'INT 40H VERSION OF 12/22/85' ;CW - internal Modification ID
code ends
end start