Simtel MSDOS 1995 May
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File List
42 lines
abc10201.zip 197335 900807 Interactive programming language interpreter
aisnobol.txt 5750 871217 Description of files in AISNOBOL.ARC
aisnobol.zip 185592 871116 SNOBOL language for MSDOS
algebra.zip 17744 870717 Algebra pgms for use with PD PROLOG v1.9
c__0190a.zip 452634 940307 SPHINX C-- compiler ver 0.190a with examples
cl6bi386.zip 593700 930928 Caml Light (ML compiler). Binaries for 386 PCs
cl6bi86.zip 396794 930928 Caml Light (ML compiler). Binaries for all PCs
cl6doc.zip 142088 931120 Caml Light (ML compiler). Documentation (text)
cl6docdv.zip 228424 931120 Caml Light (ML compiler). Documentation (DVI)
cl6docps.zip 360398 931120 Caml Light (ML compiler). Doc. (PostScript)
cl6sr386.zip 351354 930926 Caml Light (ML compiler). Sources for 386 PCs
cl6sr86.zip 192265 930928 Caml Light (ML compiler). Sources for all PCs
cobol650.zip 185184 901012 ANSI Standard 74-85 Cobol v6.50 for PC
complex.zip 43779 910731 STSC APL fcns for cmplx math, polynomials, & c
euphor12.zip 409250 940709 Euphoria Programming Language v1.2
iapl111.zip 149838 890403 ISO/ANSI/BSI-conforming APL interpreter v1.11
jorf21_1.zip 342730 931007 Jorf OOP application programing language. 1of3
jorf21_2.zip 307130 930705 Jorf OOP application programing language. 2of3
jorf21_3.zip 360117 931002 Jorf OOP application programing language. 3of3
lxt130.zip 165762 940912 LISP Exploration Tools, Source Analysis
max130.zip 118988 881212 Lisp-like programming language interpreter
pclisp30.zip 145012 900202 PC-LISP interpreter v3.0
pcpil44b.zip 365271 940301 PC/PILOT v4.4b: CAI authoring language for DOS
pilot.zip 22462 870717 Pilot interpreter w/C/exe
prolog19.zip 133545 870717 PD Prolog 19 - nice AI type program
pxsc.zip 704627 910319 PASCAL--XSC to C compiler for Microsoft C6.0
pxscdm22.zip 729354 920901 PASCAL-XSC demo v2.02 for BORLAND C++ 2.0
ratapl.zip 172641 891007 Rationalized APL\PC v T1.4, by Andreas Werder
runpli1a.zip 105083 890426 PL/I-like language Interpreter, w/MSC5.0 src
saplpc_a.zip 159700 880321 Sharp Assoc. APL interpreter -- 1 of 2
saplpc_b.zip 177703 880402 Sharp Assoc. APL interpreter -- 2 of 2
sc88.zip 84946 880513 Small-C version 2 updated by BYTE mzine
scbench.zip 28253 880405 New BYTE benchmarks -- compile using SC88
shwtxt16.zip 168964 950322 SHOWTEXT Prog.Lang.v1.6: Color text games etc.
stv3_dos.zip 223517 911012 Little Smalltalk interp. v3 compiled for DOS
tipi2a.zip 113747 941127 Structured, extensible BASIC/Forth hybrid lang
turgra.zip 66915 900211 Turtle graphics interpreter. Req. VGA/DOS 3+
vsnbl220.zip 251117 911101 Vanilla SNOBOL4, PD vers. 2.20 of the language
vsnobol4.txt 5837 871217 Description of VSNOBOL4.ARC - Vanilla SNOBOL4
vsnobol4.zip 231430 871204 Vanilla SNOBOL4, PD version of the language
wisplng3.zip 84310 910119 WISP v3.0: Text-oriented interpreter w/editor