Simtel MSDOS 1995 October
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Text File
606 lines
File: /SimTel/msdos/filedocs/uploads.jan Created: Feb. 5, 1995
NOTE: This file is also available in comma-delimited format as sim9501.idx
MS-DOS files uploaded to SimTel, The Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm)
during the month of January 1995
NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII
Filename Type Length Date Description
Directory SimTel/msdos/4dos/
4file320.zip B 108618 950112 File manager, annotator, launcher, archiver
Directory SimTel/msdos/archiver/
act-20.zip B 23838 950116 Archive Comparision Table, v2.0
actest02.zip B 8582 950131 Archive Comparison Test - Feb. 1995 Issue
Directory SimTel/msdos/astrnomy/
nbodyd16.zip B 137990 950125 Point and click Nbody gravitational simulation
satsat2.zip B 78093 950101 Displays relative positions of Saturn's moons
Directory SimTel/msdos/bakernws/
news9412.zip B 569732 950114 Baker's PC press releases - Dec 1994
Directory SimTel/msdos/basic/
bltp108a.zip B 154238 950106 Bullet for PowerBASIC 3 .DBF/b-tree toolkit
bltq121.zip B 197995 950109 Bullet for QB45/BASIC7/VBDOS DBF/btree toolkit
Directory SimTel/msdos/batutil/
dates501.zip B 66010 950112 Warns you in advance of birthdays, etc.
dv_st200.zip B 97645 950125 String manipulation functions for batch files
mn_st101.zip B 29521 950125 Set unique file names for batch processing
Directory SimTel/msdos/bbs/
fs_st310.zip B 109669 950127 Free Speech BBS v3.10 - uses AI techniques
rab20.zip B 34509 950109 Remote Access 2.0 RAFILE/GENFBASE replacement
rfa310.zip B 254191 950122 Fidonet-style BBS netmail robot. Executes cmds
sa_st409.zip B 508820 950124 Sapphire, the Zero-Maintenance BBS
Directory SimTel/msdos/bbsdoor/
mpcg30.zip B 99413 950118 City Guides: Restaurant/club database BBS door
Directory SimTel/msdos/bbslist/
usbbs129.zip B 139763 950129 USBBS National BBS List for February 1995
usbup103.zip B 72347 950120 USBBS list remote updater for BBS SysOps
Directory SimTel/msdos/bootutil/
now-then.zip B 14109 950118 Runs programs every so-many days,no nag screen
tlmp1_1a.zip B 73259 950127 Set up events to run daily,fast,and convenent
Directory SimTel/msdos/borland/
hgc32_12.zip B 29316 950131 Hercules VIDEO.DLL for Borland's TD32.EXE
Directory SimTel/msdos/c/
bltc121.zip B 233298 950109 Bullet for DOS C/C++ dBASE .DBF/b-tree toolkit
pctime12.zip B 65298 950131 Millisecond resolution timing(GCC/MSC/TC srcs)
pmw113.zip B 57056 950114 DOS/4GW replacement for Watcom C/C++
pmw114.zip B 59000 950128 DOS/4GW replacement for Watcom C/C++
recio212.zip B 162944 950131 C library reads/writes files as records/fields
Directory SimTel/msdos/calculat/
clc171.zip B 57164 950127 Command Line Scientific Calculator w/ graphs
vpcalc23.zip B 109365 950129 Variable Precision floating decimal calculator
Directory SimTel/msdos/catalog/
archiv21.zip B 425372 950109 Disk cataloguer,TV interface,many search opt.
flmas350.zip B 113097 950129 Small and fast floppy/hard disk cataloger
Directory SimTel/msdos/cdrom/
cdm32.zip B 97542 950107 Full featured DOS-based CD player for CDROMs
Directory SimTel/msdos/clipper/
rbarlb12.zip B 18850 950127 Clipper Library with Progress Bar functions
rbcklb1d.zip B 62039 950127 Clipper library w/ Compressed Backup functions
rcmplb31.zip B 55184 950127 Clipper file & string compression library
Directory SimTel/msdos/cpluspls/
cslib15d.zip B 694736 950111 C++ database system for Borland C++ 3.1
knowhow4.zip B 587840 950125 Borland C++ SDK, DOS, source codes. GUI + more
newmat08.zip B 144235 950120 C++ lib - classes and functions for matrices
Directory SimTel/msdos/database/
dbm110.zip B 293772 950131 General database manager with a business mind
eclips10.zip B 323759 950124 ECLIPSE v1.0: Integrated accounting package
inv31z.zip B 441846 950116 The Invoice Store: Invoicing and Point of Sale
mlist160.zip B 227261 950118 Master*List v1.60: Multipurpose database mgr.
rm35dp23.zip B 328784 950127 RequestMANAGER v3.5, DataPerfect
rms32b.zip B 603190 950121 Annotated DOS menu biblio/reference system
sm35dp23.zip B 320743 950114 ServiceMANAGER dispatch syst. Req. DataPerfect
Directory SimTel/msdos/deskaccs/
sp_st133.zip B 259603 950124 Save money on long distance phone calls
timfly16.zip B 234119 950107 Automatic pop-up date reminder - FreeWare v1.6
timflyc6.zip B 234327 950107 Canadian version of auto date reminder - Free
wuk31.zip B 628688 950116 Organizes and prints names, phones, and dates
Directory SimTel/msdos/desqview/
bbsctrl.zip B 17586 950118 BBS watchdog for DESQview, DESQview/X
Directory SimTel/msdos/dirutil/
dcolor.zip B 7223 950120 Color-coded directory lister for DOS
dirco501.zip B 100299 950112 Updates files based on source directory
dirto501.zip B 131633 950112 Directory lister and totaller
dlxdr250.zip B 23263 950121 Sorted DIR, 3 col, hid files, Hebrew & more
dmav12.zip B 26522 950108 Directory Maven v1.2: Change dir utility
edir136.zip B 36598 950104 Directory lister that recognizes files
honto211.zip B 31028 950121 Colored directory lister with much extra info
qff62.zip B 21013 950124 Quick File Find v6.2: Enhanced file finder
Directory SimTel/msdos/disasm/
dis86227.zip B 71757 950127 Disassembler for 8086, 80286, 80386 programs
Directory SimTel/msdos/diskutil/
aspiid10.zip B 37782 950126 Inquire your SCSI ASPI driver for information
clone210.zip B 19471 950117 CLONE 2.10: Single pass floppy disk duplicator
dcfr004.zip B 18110 950102 Extracts files from DCF imagefiles, UNZIP-like
dkcare20.zip B 39275 950125 Run Defrag, Chkdsk, ScanDisk via menu options
ei20.zip B 216296 950111 Easy Install v2.0: Installation disk maker
fill501.zip B 83388 950112 Stuffs as many files as possible on disk
Directory SimTel/msdos/djgpp/
bccgrx12.zip B 231990 950120 BCC to GRX library for djgpp
bnu252bn.zip B 1004073 950120 binutils-2.5.2 binaries (gas, ld, strip, etc)
bnu252dc.zip B 286160 950120 binutils-2.5.2 sources (gas, ld, strip, etc)
bnu252s1.zip B 1197736 950120 binutils-2.5.2 sources 1/4 (gas,ld,strip,etc)
bnu252s2.zip B 1198534 950120 binutils-2.5.2 sources 2/4 (gas,ld,strip,etc)
bnu252s3.zip B 1199060 950120 binutils-2.5.2 sources 3/4 (gas,ld,strip,etc)
bnu252s4.zip B 228663 950120 binutils-2.5.2 sources 4/4 (gas,ld,strip,etc)
dj112m3.doc A 1491 950120 djgpp's 1.12.maint3 update, documentation
dj112m3.zip B 168908 950120 djgpp's 1.12.maint3 update, files
dj112m4.doc A 970 950131 djgpp's 1.12.maint4 update, documentation
gas_read.me A 108 950131 Where to find the GNU assembler (was bnu*.zip)
gcc263bn.zip B 628956 950131 gcc-2.6.3 binaries (gcc, cc1, cpp) for djgpp
gcc263dc.zip B 853230 950120 gcc-2.6.3 documentation for djgpp
gcc263rm.zip B 116182 950120 gcc-2.6.3 gcc.exe built with tcc, for djgpp
gcc263s1.zip B 1090346 950120 gcc-2.6.3 sources 1/6 for djgpp
gcc263s2.zip B 1198618 950120 gcc-2.6.3 sources 2/6 for djgpp
gcc263s3.zip B 1194931 950120 gcc-2.6.3 sources 3/6 for djgpp
gcc263s4.zip B 1198470 950120 gcc-2.6.3 sources 4/6 for djgpp
gcc263s5.zip B 1174090 950120 gcc-2.6.3 sources 5/6 for djgpp
gcc263s6.zip B 877969 950120 gcc-2.6.3 sources 6/6 for djgpp
gpp263.zip B 681632 950120 gcc-2.6.3 cc1plus.exe (C++ compiler) for djgpp
ldbg100.zip B 233923 950118 Ladybug v1.00: djgpp full screen debugger
ldbg10dc.zip B 8515 950118 Document for Ladybug v1.00 (ldbg100.zip)
lgp262bn.zip B 434328 950120 libg++-2.6.2 binaries (C++ lib/inc) for djgpp
lgp262dc.zip B 179593 950120 libg++-2.6.2 documentation for djgpp
lgp262sr.zip B 492475 950120 libg++-2.6.2 sources for djgpp
objc263.zip B 605857 950120 gcc-2.6.3 Objective-C compiler/lib/inc (djgpp)
readme.1st A 9302 950123 djgpp's installation instructions, 1.12
Directory SimTel/msdos/dv_x/
xpulse1.zip B 41485 950123 XPulse: Shows the CPU overhead in DESQview/X
Directory SimTel/msdos/editor/
aurora2.zip B 441401 950131 Superb editor, 1 GIG capacity, Syntax Coloring
dddos13.zip B 279427 950119 DingDang Chinese word processor for DOS
ew9.zip B 751710 950111 Easy Word v9.0: Word Processor
sv32c.zip B 44345 950125 Powerful programming editor, new w/ undo/redo
tsetdd.zip B 441038 950106 SemWare Editor v2.0 Demo/Test-Drive (German)
tstse11.zip B 31852 950115 SAL macro sources to extend The SemWare Editor
Directory SimTel/msdos/educatin/
educat13.zip B 156040 950126 Multichoice testing system. Inc. sample tests
radcarbn.zip B 75342 950117 Radiocarbon dating from a Biblical viewpoint
smvga100.zip B 621528 950129 VGA multimedia kit for kids, parents, schools
worldint.zip B 21881 950121 Interactive interface to CIA World Factbook
Directory SimTel/msdos/emulator/
z80-303.zip B 225705 950104 Virtually complete ZX Spectrum 48/128 emulator
zsim241.zip B 356121 950116 Z80 emulator + CP/M-80 BIOS to run CP/M
Directory SimTel/msdos/falken/
900s1770.zip B 40807 950127 900 service module V1.7 for Falken BBS 7.05
btfalk6.zip B 259580 950104 BinkleyTerm v2.50.6 for Falken BBS v7.05
cbv17c.zip B 57865 950127 Callback Verifier V1.7c for Falken BBS
cert16.zip B 70273 950127 Certificate Door V1.6 for Falken BBS
confalk.zip B 106415 950104 Confmail v4.00.1 for Falken BBS v7.05
ech19f70.zip B 296216 950127 EchoReader V1.9f for Falken BBS V7.05
falscan.zip B 56482 950104 Falken v7.05 Squish Exporter v1.00 (beta)
fbday44.zip B 21781 950127 Birthday/Chess/Backgammon Logon for Falken BBS
fdia300g.zip B 108896 950127 Dialout V3.00g for Falken 7.05
fqwk217q.zip B 176729 950127 QWK/REP Door V2.17q for Falken BBS
west_dv6.zip B 31443 950104 EWestern Tlcf. developers kit - Falken v7.05
wst21bn.zip B 183401 950127 Falken 7.05 Western TLCF V2.1b add-on
Directory SimTel/msdos/filedocs/
copyrite.txt A 4591 950128 SimTel collection compilation copyright info
dirlist.txt A 11684 950128 Descriptions of all SimTel msdos directories
download.inf A 4302 950128 List of systems that offer SimTel files by FTP
mirror.txt A 1573 950128 Requirements for becoming a SimTel mirror site
mirrors.inf A 5239 950128 FTP sites mirroring SimTel, Garbo and ULowell
quickref.lst A 7210 950128 Quick reference list to SimTel's MSDOS dirs
sim9412.idx A 28094 950117 Comma-delimited list of December 1994 uploads
simcvt3.awk A 1021 950101 Awk script converts simibm.idx to simibm.lst
simindex.zip B 346471 950205 Comma-delim list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
simlist.zip B 336879 950205 Text format list of all MSDOS files w/descrip.
upload.inf A 2982 950129 How to upload programs to SimTel
uploads.dec A 28207 950117 List of uploads to SimTel for December 1994
Directory SimTel/msdos/fileutil/
cc_st201.zip B 97985 950123 Change comma-delimited data to column format
ccopy105.zip B 62479 950110 Advanced file copier. Free space check & more
egress2c.zip B 109141 950112 DOS file manager with Graphic User Interface
fmav22.zip B 49640 950108 File Maven: File mgr/null-modem xfer utility
mknews20.zip B 20401 950125 Turn files into news (sequentially numbered)
msort112.zip B 47721 950128 MSORT v1.12: Powerful text file sorting pkg.
pa_st270.zip B 162910 950123 Programmable file parser (text, DBF, etc.)
user300.zip B 11219 950118 Protects EXE and COM files with a password
Directory SimTel/msdos/finance/
ccmath11.zip B 143579 950116 Teaches credit card financing tricks and traps
creditfi.zip B 468171 950123 Complete credit repair kit animated slide show
mbnk16.zip B 357270 950120 MONEY & BANKS v1.6: Personal Banking Manager
zilch118.zip B 209486 950116 Zilch v1.18: Rapid debt repayment program
Directory SimTel/msdos/food/
monolayr.zip B 4692 950117 Food dehydration Monolayer calculator. (WKS)
Directory SimTel/msdos/fortran/
setgui1.zip B 6654 950115 Graphical User Interface (GUI) library for DOS
Directory SimTel/msdos/gnuish/
emx1928b.zip B 1419833 950125 Modified GNU emacs version 19.28, binaries
emx1928l.zip B 1398206 950125 Modified GNU emacs, Lisp support files
emx1928s.zip B 1110876 950125 Modified GNU emacs, source for this version
Directory SimTel/msdos/graphics/
2l8pe113.zip B 52881 950109 TooLate fill-pattern editor 1.13 for C coders
colorlif.zip B 23466 950109 Colorlife: Fractal-type graphics drawing
gds31f.zip B 379871 950116 Graphics file viewer, converter, cataloger
grafx420.zip B 43074 950109 Screen captures for DOS and Microsoft Windows
hotkey21.zip B 219974 950125 HOTKEY v2.1: Editor of PCX images
jmedia10.zip B 382664 950106 Creates graphic presentations and RIP menus
netpic10.zip B 211738 950105 GIF => self-displaying 7-bit ASCII email prgrm
nview140.zip B 469508 950111 Graphics Viewer/Slideshow/Catalog for SuperVGA
pcx2ccs.txt A 6573 950114 Description of pcx2ccs.zip
pcx2ccs.zip B 360985 950114 Convert PCXs to Counted Cross Stitch charts
svgacc23.zip B 224051 950121 SVGA Grafix lib for MS compat. C/C++ compilers
svgapb23.zip B 182551 950121 SVGA graphics library for SP Power BASIC 3.x
svgapv23.zip B 188153 950121 SVGA graphics library for MS PDS & MS VBDOS
svgaqb23.zip B 187113 950121 SVGA graphics library for MS QuickBASIC 4.x
vector21.zip B 178466 950125 Vector v2.1: Vector graphics editor
Directory SimTel/msdos/hamradio/
kd9jq_95.zip B 427292 950131 Preamp & triode amp design, 4 utility pgms
qloge204.zip B 152214 950131 Log+Terminal integrated SpotDxCapture and more
swfax1.zip B 11863 950131 Shortwave weather facsimile reception program
swlit115.zip B 532233 950131 SWL: Shortwave logger, report writer, + more
wxfax2_3.zip B 133301 950125 Weather facsimile stations database
Directory SimTel/msdos/handicap/
ecmnu310.zip B 18309 950102 Speech-friendly DOS menu program
Directory SimTel/msdos/hercules/
st200i.zip B 337438 950123 Stingray Installation Diskette release 2.00
st200w.zip B 525944 950123 Stingray Windows Drivers Diskette release 2.00
tv110i.zip B 508989 950123 Graphite Terminator 64 Installation Disk 1.10
tv110w.zip B 456649 950123 Graphite Terminator Windows Drivers Disk 1.10
Directory SimTel/msdos/hypertxt/
ds152g-1.zip B 243669 950117 DriveSafe GUI learner driver handbook (1 of 2)
ds152g-2.zip B 716664 950117 DriveSafe GUI learner driver handbook (2 of 2)
ds152t-1.zip B 159230 950117 DriveSafe TXT learner driver handbook (1 of 2)
ds152t-2.zip B 691617 950117 DriveSafe TXT learner driver handbook (2 of 2)
Directory SimTel/msdos/info/
8sgathtx.zip B 270912 950126 Seagate tech support's disk ref (needs HHV20)
9seagate.zip B 353207 950126 Specs for ALL Seagate drives from Seagate BBS
asp8502.zip B 515455 950114 Association of ShareWare Professionals catalog
dosfv203.zip B 50352 950115 comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ from Usenet
faqc9501.zip B 90467 950119 Frequently Asked Questions of comp.compression
ftp-list.zip B 323317 950127 List of FTP sites providing Anonymous FTP
i-groups.zip B 323730 950128 List of Internet Interest Group mailing lists
inter44a.zip B 362121 950115 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 1of3
inter44b.zip B 361944 950115 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 2of3
inter44c.zip B 345011 950115 Comprehensive list of interrupt calls, 3of3
inter44d.zip B 353829 950115 Util/conversion progs for interrupt list
inter44z.zip B 13509 950115 HC3?/HCP phrases file for Interrupt List 44
inthlp10.zip B 55032 950115 Interrupt Helper viewer for interrupt list
intwin44.zip B 3147034 950116 WINHELP hypertext transcr. of Interr. List 44
moder46.zip B 23076 950128 List of MS-DOS FTP sites and their moderators
modwks20.zip B 143515 950109 Modem Workshop v2.0: Modem book on disk
online19.zip B 337297 950129 'The Online World' - online resources handbook
packftp.zip B 460806 950109 Anonymous FTP Sitelist conversion program
rwint_41.zip B 2217947 950111 Programmer's DOS Interrupt Reference Hypertext
theref43.zip B 191674 950126 Technical list of HDs,controllers,cables,mfgrs
tsfaqp22.zip B 76123 950128 Common Turbo Pascal questions & Timo's answers
upd8502.zip B 32863 950114 Association of ShareWare Professionals updates
ww_stnv4.zip B 201037 950126 Who's Who In ShareWare (people and companies)
Directory SimTel/msdos/infonet/
inet0.zip B 14256 950118 Info.Net: Internet Magazine, premier issue #0
lrninet2.zip B 127081 950120 Internet tutorial: Skills by simulation
Directory SimTel/msdos/install/
go_st230.zip B 203026 950125 DOS install program - good for neophyte users
vset12.zip B 71915 950114 Visible::Setup v1.2: Installation utility
Directory SimTel/msdos/io_util/
ctsspu22.zip B 152235 950106 COM port & modem setup & diagnostic utilities
Directory SimTel/msdos/jdrbbs/
commie03.zip B 40153 950107 Commie r.03: GIP-able terminal program
gip_02.zip B 68103 950107 GIP r.02 - Graphics Interchange Protocol specs
jdrbbs10.zip B 1348710 950107 JDR_BBS: Juggernaut r.10 BBS program, 1/2
jdrexa10.zip B 959469 950107 JDR_BBS: Juggernaut r.10 BBS program, 2/2
jdrnew10.zip B 50191 950107 JDR_BBS: Features/what's new/ansi demo
makemsgs.zip B 23984 950107 JDR_BBS: Quickly make lots of msg areas
Directory SimTel/msdos/keyboard/
toddy612.zip B 37028 950117 TODDY v6.12: Command line editor for DOS
wced19c.zip B 47325 950112 CED with tcsh filename-completion and aliases
Directory SimTel/msdos/lan/
dosrifs.zip B 78039 950109 Remote disk sharing over a serial line
jeeves10.zip B 63379 950127 Independent LAN print server for networked PCs
Directory SimTel/msdos/langtutr/
gi-adres.zip B 1203011 950101 10,000 addresses of German institutions
gi-dland.zip B 519521 950101 More facts about Deutschland (Germany)
gi-lehrw.zip B 541612 950101 List of teaching materials of German
gi-zerti.zip B 277094 950101 Basic vocabulary German (Zertifikat DaF)
Directory SimTel/msdos/math/
alged21.zip B 87889 950127 Edit/solve symbolic math, ez menus,w/src, FREE
Directory SimTel/msdos/mathcopr/
q87_371.zip B 114035 950107 Math Accelerator and Emulator, from QuickWare
Directory SimTel/msdos/menu/
em62.zip B 160967 950111 Easy Menu v6.2: Hard disk menu
ezmenu38.zip B 392743 950118 EZ-Menu v3.8: PC Automation/Security/Organizer
gaze10ur.zip B 144760 950102 Graphical menu menu program for DOS
glance30.zip B 75787 950102 Graphical menu menu program for DOS
hdacc168.zip B 96005 950114 DOS menu w/mouse & cache ctrl; CRT saver +more
hdms32.zip B 184982 950109 Attractive & easy to use Menu. Fully featured
menu165.zip B 39143 950118 Easy to use&customize menu, NO mem usage,mouse
Directory SimTel/msdos/misclang/
shwtxt14.zip B 150957 950121 ShowText Prog.Lang.v1.4 color text games etc.
Directory SimTel/msdos/modem/
autont31.zip B 306796 950116 Automates Internet SHELL account usage - Fast
ca_st101.zip B 23809 950124 Detect carrier, even on non-standard COM-ports
comdog1.zip B 32353 950107 Sniffs out modems & shows port numbers - Free
cs_v100.zip B 250162 950123 ComShare: Network modem-sharing utility
ezyd21.zip B 36735 950107 Command-line dialer for unattended pager calls
mo_st210.zip B 61145 950124 Automate modem operations in batch or programs
rbcom346.zip B 120809 950129 DESQview-aware comm prog w/ ANSI/AVATAR/etc.
rts14.zip B 3327 950115 RTS ctrl prevents CRC errors during downloads
Directory SimTel/msdos/music/
nofretv1.zip B 666242 950131 Guitar chord instruction
Directory SimTel/msdos/neurlnet/
nndt110.zip B 817464 950127 Feedforward and recurrent neural net tool
Directory SimTel/msdos/notabene/
ibidg12.zip B 17712 950129 Utility for using NB 4.x + Ibid more safely
nborbis1.zip B 30193 950129 Fixes index and maintain bugs in NB 4.2/Orbis
Directory SimTel/msdos/novell/
blogin2.zip B 454489 950106 Visual shell for Novell's login.exe
dmlogn70.zip B 46930 950123 DMlogin Utility v7.0d: Net order/security
dosmnu70.zip B 451871 950123 Menu system for Novell, other nets, standalone
dosque31.zip B 44329 950123 DOSque v3.1, Powerful/Easy Network Job Queuing
grpin100.zip B 103939 950104 GrpInfo v1.00: Novell group/user info utility
ipxstart.zip B 57773 950109 Basic IPX programming information and examples
lanlk133.zip B 298038 950106 Software meter system for Novell networks
netalk15.zip B 27596 950126 Unix-like Talk command for Novell
once13.zip B 22670 950119 Run program once in 'n' days; unique log files
qview224.zip B 335784 950106 Netware Queue manager views multiple queues
Directory SimTel/msdos/offline/
qrep13.zip B 29309 950123 QRep v1.3: QWK automated message generator
qwktalk4.zip B 572921 950123 Talking offline reader READS you mail to you
tagx095.zip B 69731 950111 Tag-X Pro v0.95 Wide Beta patch upgrade
tgp-158.zip B 206473 950102 Taggie-Punch v1.58: Tagline manager
yarn_078.zip B 566019 950119 Store/read USENET news and mail (SOUP format)
yes-016b.zip B 334468 950129 Yarn Editor Shell: Signature selection + more
Directory SimTel/msdos/pcboard/
kbalarm.zip B 4336 950112 Sends alarm when selected users logon to BBS
Directory SimTel/msdos/pgmutil/
facd12.zip B 69514 950114 Facade v1.2: PCX splashscreen display
irun11.zip B 73643 950120 Image::Runner v1.1: PCX display util. for apps
mdf130.zip B 150833 950122 MDiff: Produce and apply patches (DOS/OS2)
Directory SimTel/msdos/pktdrvr/
stlnt100.zip B 62240 950104 STelnet 1.00:Telnet client for the serial port
Directory SimTel/msdos/postscrp/
psprnt22.zip B 163964 950104 PSPrint v2.2: Text-to-PostScript converter
Directory SimTel/msdos/projmgr/
prtr1_2.zip B 474341 950129 Tracks problem reports in a network database
Directory SimTel/msdos/qbasic/
qbgps240.zip B 96647 950120 Genl.Purp.Sub. Library for QB4.5 (.QLB form)
zv25.zip B 49572 950127 QuickBasic source code of archive viewer
Directory SimTel/msdos/qmodem/
qm46td-1.zip B 381432 950119 Qmodem SST 4.60 Test Drive comm program (1/2)
qm46td-2.zip B 383838 950119 Qmodem SST 4.60 Test Drive comm program (2/2)
Directory SimTel/msdos/rip/
ripspy.zip B 119739 950114 RIPspy v1.01: RIPscrip graphics file viewer
Directory SimTel/msdos/science/
rocket20.zip B 25603 950131 Model rocket altitude calculator. Version 2.0
vpan100.zip B 158101 950124 C++ library to create lab.instrumentation GUI
Directory SimTel/msdos/screen/
alist100.zip B 17613 950129 Fast ANSI file/text viewer
aplus401.zip B 379012 950120 ANSIPLUS: Enhanced console driver for SVGA/VGA
savior.zip B 41975 950120 Screen saver w/configurable modules & passwd
warp230.zip B 9924 950117 WARP v2.30: Small & fast ANSI.SYS replacement
Directory SimTel/msdos/security/
ho_st120.zip B 82407 950127 Burglar alarm that requires no extra hardware
pgs099g.zip B 71187 950110 PGP Shell v0.99g: Professional shell for PGP
Directory SimTel/msdos/simulatn/
impact21.zip B 73548 950127 2d polygon collision simul, graphics animation
Directory SimTel/msdos/sound/
bmstr62.zip B 291631 950107 Blaster Master: VOC/WAV/SND sound file editor
dtmf_d.zip B 41102 950117 Decodes DTMF tones stored in sound file. DEMO
dtmf_rtd.zip B 79579 950117 Real time DTMF decoders using a SB card. DEMO
karaok25.zip B 200551 950123 Karaoke-like module player for SB/PAS; VGA/386
mp5utils.zip B 264086 950123 Miscellaneous utilities for SoundBlasters; 386
s2k0105a.zip B 1252382 950120 Ensoniq SoundScape drivers v1.20.03, Disk #1
s2k0105b.zip B 1325290 950120 Ensoniq SoundScape drivers v1.20.03, Disk #2
sndst202.zip B 49671 950114 Gets/Puts/Edits states of some soundcards
xtracker.zip B 269277 950118 32-Chnl SoundTracker for SB,SB_16,SB_AWE32,GUS
Directory SimTel/msdos/sports/
golftrn3.zip B 302709 950128 Golf tournament organizer
Directory SimTel/msdos/spredsht/
convr501.zip B 80233 950112 Convert dBase, ASCII-delim, fixed, 1-2-3
Directory SimTel/msdos/starter/
quickref.lst A 7210 950128 Quick reference list to SimTel's MSDOS dirs
Directory SimTel/msdos/statstic/
basp4dos.zip B 1927581 950129 The Bonn Archaeological Statistics Package 4.5
normix21.zip B 386393 950111 Cluster analysis of multi-normal mixtures
Directory SimTel/msdos/sysinfo/
agsi101e.zip B 303120 950126 agSI v1.0.1: System Information tool
meg36.zip B 128951 950110 Color graphs %disk free/system info. Pie & 3-D
Directory SimTel/msdos/sysutil/
almdn102.zip B 52837 950127 Alarm v1.02: TSR popup clock and multi alarms
cpuinf11.zip B 16171 950102 Displays information about CPU (incl. bugs)
fo_st200.zip B 51280 950125 Process/backup files based on age (new/oldest)
gx_st101.zip B 43078 950126 Macro alternative to DOS CD command
se_st310.zip B 132954 950127 SEE v3.10: Macro-capable file viewer/printer
sl-cut11.zip B 13910 950127 Deletes characters from standard-input
tsutlc21.zip B 101379 950115 Timo's utils dirf,dirinfo,doubles,hidden,split
Directory SimTel/msdos/taxes/
mf4v3r.zip B 277571 950114 Analyze Joint vs Separate income tax returns
ot4v1r.zip B 302941 950114 Prepares IRS Form 1040 plus Schedules A, B, D
Directory SimTel/msdos/teaching/
testadd1.zip B 26994 950129 Gives test totals & percents from page totals
Directory SimTel/msdos/tex/
jrtex12a.zip B 11562 950120 Install info: new EMTEX, HPLJ, & PstScpt on PC
Directory SimTel/msdos/textutil/
autotxt1.zip B 118561 950112 Creates stand-alone EXEs from text/ASCII files
bfind501.zip B 62422 950112 Boolean FIND command (BFIND BEGIN & END)
chang501.zip B 75902 950112 Change strings in text files
jorj9411.zip B 648342 950109 Pop-Up English dictionary and spell checker
mulco501.zip B 90895 950112 Multicolumn text with headers, dBase supported
pagin501.zip B 147807 950112 Paginates text (headers, indexes, sorting...)
ppd.zip B 19286 950127 Create WWW pages without knowledge of HTML
rdansi11.zip B 5731 950118 ANSI and ASCII file viewer
Directory SimTel/msdos/tsrutil/
ej-tsr.zip B 3270 950108 Removes TSRs. Tiny program with source
Directory SimTel/msdos/turbopas/
pmdkt110.zip B 201188 950107 Borland Pascal Debug Kit v1.10b by NederWare
tpreboot.zip B 1481 950117 Turbo Pascal unit for rebooting computer
xlibp202.zip B 353035 950127 BP/TP unit for tweaked VGA modes/DPMI/386
Directory SimTel/msdos/virus/
adinf931.zip B 172302 950122 Anti-virus for MS-DOS working on a BIOS level
bull-216.zip B 19681 950120 F-PROT 2.16 Update Bulletin in ASCII
f_def482.zip B 7132 950114 File Defender Plus: File protection driver
fp-216.zip B 536165 950120 Version 2.16 of the F-PROT anti-virus program
scn-214e.zip B 362890 950118 VirusScan V2.1.4 scans/cleans viruses
snr9501.zip B 24719 950102 The Scanner anti-virus newsletter, Jan95 issue
tbav631.zip B 276798 950109 Thunderbyte anti-virus pgm (complete) v6.31
tbavw631.zip B 205286 950109 TBAV anti-virus for Windows v6.31
tbavx631.zip B 90272 950109 TBAV anti-virus - processor optimized versions
vsh-214e.zip B 492489 950118 VShield V2.1.4 antivirus TSR (V214 data)
whatsnew.214 A 8790 950118 Errata for VirusScan & VShield 2.1.4
wsc-214e.zip B 543301 950118 VirusScan V2.1.4 for MS-Windows (V214 data)
Directory SimTel/msdos/voice/
vm110.zip B 135546 950129 Text-to-speech player and phoneme recorder
Directory SimTel/msdos/waffle/
rnr123.zip B 209716 950108 Threaded newsreader+mail agent, with TP src
Directory SimTel/msdos/wwiv/
netdel.zip B 36392 950114 NetDel 1.00: WWIV network message/mail deleter
Directory SimTel/msdos/zip/
zipcvt29.zip B 12576 950114 Converts ZIPS to 2.04 maximum compression
For security reasons SimTel, the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm),
is located on a host that is not accessible by anonymous ftp users, however
its files are available by anonymous ftp in directories /SimTel/msdos and
/SimTel/win3 from the primary mirror site OAK.Oakland.Edu (
located in Rochester, Michigan, and from the secondary mirror sites:
St. Louis, MO: wuarchive.wustl.edu (
Corvallis, OR: archive.orst.edu (
Australia: archie.au (
England: micros.hensa.ac.uk (
England: src.doc.ic.ac.uk (
Finland: ftp.funet.fi (
France: ftp.ibp.fr (
Germany: ftp.uni-paderborn.de (
Hong Kong: ftp.cs.cuhk.hk (
Israel: ftp.technion.ac.il (
Netherlands: ftp.nic.surfnet.nl (
Poland: ftp.cyf-kr.edu.pl (
South Africa: ftp.sun.ac.za (
Sweden: ftp.sunet.se (
Switzerland: ftp.switch.ch (
Taiwan: NCTUCCCA.edu.tw (
Thailand: ftp.nectec.or.th (
There are other sites (more than 50, and growing) that mirror SimTel's
collections. Many serve only their own country or region and do not
wish to receive International traffic. At their request they are not
listed above.
SimTel files may obtained by e-mail from various ftp-mail servers
or through the BITNET/EARN file servers. For details send e-mail
to listserv@SimTel.Coast.NET with this command in the body of the
message: get simtel-mailserver.info
World Wide Web (WWW) users may access the collections via these URLs:
Gopher users can access the collection through Gopher.Oakland.Edu.
CD-ROM copies of the MS-DOS collection are available from Coast to
Coast Telecommunications, Inc., 5850 Dixie Highway Clarkston, MI
48346, U.S.A., telephone (800) 536-3373 or (810) 623-6700, or FAX
(810) 623-1469. A WWW Forms Interface for ordering CD-ROMs -
http://www.coast.net/SimTel/ - is also available. This CD-ROM
set includes the entire collection, which is not true of CD-ROMs
offered by some other vendors. For information send e-mail to
cdrom@Mail.Coast.NET. To order send e-mail to order@Mail.Coast.NET.
Quarterly update subscriptions are available at a substantial discount.
Dealer inquiries are welcome. Purchases of this CD-ROM set from Coast
to Coast will provide direct support to SimTel.
Keith Petersen
General Manager of SimTel, the Coast to Coast Software Repository (tm)
Internet: w8sdz@SimTel.Coast.NET or w8sdz@Vela.ACS.Oakland.Edu
Uucp: uunet!simtel.coast.net!w8sdz BITNET: w8sdz@OAKLAND