Simtel MSDOS 1995 October
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98 lines
1713prot.zip Sample PROTO.DEF file for RBBS. Supports PUMA
174_asm.zip RBBS-PC v17.4 source code - Assembler + OBJs
174_bas.zip RBBS-PC v17.4 BASIC source code
174_doc.zip RBBS-PC v17.4 documentation
174_exe.zip RBBS-PC v17.4 executable and install
174_ext.zip RBBS-PC v17.4 external file transf. protocols
174_smf.zip Small RBBS-PC.EXE v17.4 - less error reporting
174_txt.zip RBBS-PC v17.4 txt files (help, bulletins, etc)
174_utl.zip RBBS-PC v17.4 utilities (RECONFIG & MU-PURGE)
175b220c.zip RBBS-PC v17.5wb - CONFIG.EXE, editable help
175b220m.zip RBBS-PC v17.5wb - RBBS-PC.EXE for 386+ mathco
175b220s.zip RBBS-PC v17.5wb - Source code for PDS7/VBDOS
175b220t.zip RBBS-PC v17.5wb - Documentation & samples
175b220u.zip RBBS-PC v17.5wb - Utils to assist in updating
175b220x.zip RBBS-PC v17.5wb - RBBS-PC.EXE for XT's and up
auto11a.zip Automatically upgrade RBBS-PC callers, v1.1a
bc_ntke1.zip Merges for RBBS-PC 17.4 to turn off Turbo keys
bi2_node.zip Info for using Bimodem on a multi-node RBBS
bilink15.zip Install BIMODEM on RBBS using doors
bipatch2.zip Docs on installing BIMODEM v1.20 into RBBS-PC
bled22.zip Batch-oriented line editor. Input from files
bm0406_a.zip BusiMod mods package for RBBS-PC v17.4, 1of3
bm0406_b.zip BusiMod mods package for RBBS-PC v17.4, 2of3
bm0406_c.zip BusiMod mods package for RBBS-PC v17.4, 3of3
calllog.zip Delete oldest part of RBBS callers log
calprn.zip Automatically prune RBBS callers file by date
cdcp9501.zip Precompiled 286+ mathco non-overlay version
cdcv9501.zip Precompiled 286+ mathco overlay version
cdev9501.zip Precompiled 286+ nomath overlay version
cdex9501.zip Precompiled 286+ nomath non-overlay version
cdor9501.zip Cellar Door mods for RBBS 17.4 (PDS7/VBDOS)
cdsp9501.zip Supplemental programs for Cellar Door
chtdr403.zip The Chat DOOR v. 4.03
cnvdir.zip Convert directories to FMS in RBBS
ddov10.zip DDOV 1.0: Delete duplicate files RBBS-PC util.
dirchk2.zip Check RBBS FMS directory against DOS directory
dirmake.zip Sysop's directory maker for RBBS-PC v17.xx
dlmst251.zip DLMASTER: RBBS download file listing utility
dvrbbs2.zip Recommended DESQview settings for RBBS-PC
farcl21b.zip FARCL 2.1b: RBBS Fms ARChive Listing utility
fixmsg13.zip Repair RBBS-PC message bases, version 1.3
fmv120.zip Verify filenames/sizes in RBBS FMS directories
gc101_1.zip Conference/mail door for RBBS systems (1 of 3)
gc101_2.zip Conference/mail door for RBBS systems (2 of 3)
gc101_3.zip Conference/mail door for RBBS systems (3 of 3)
gc_desc.zip Describes GC101 conference/mail door for RBBS
hjkfms13.zip RBBS FMS directory utility from Holland
hyperhow.zip Setting up HyperProtocol with RBBS-PC
lastusr.zip Creates simple log of RBBS-PC callers
listmsg2.zip List/print RBBS-PC message base while in DOS
lstcal13.zip Display RBBS caller log several ways
mapl1223.zip Maple merges for enhancing RBBS-PC 17.4
master30.zip Make catagorized list of Master.dir
mfix433.zip MAILFIX v4.33 Message base maint. utility
mmgr136a.zip Mail Manager v1.36a: QWK mail door for RBBS-PC
mnt_300.zip RBBSMNT v3.0: Util. for RBBS msg & user files
mplus361.zip MMGR +Plus+ v3.61 QWK mail door: RBBS/Fido
msgtos2b.zip MsgToss: FidoNet mail processor for RBBS-PC
mv_line.zip Move lines between BBS directory files (w/C)
my_rip05.zip Icons and Rip files for RBBS-PC ver. 17.5
nosn190a.zip NoSnail+ v1.90a Fidonet netmail utility
nstdirq2.zip How to use non standard IRQ lines with RBBS
nullmodm.zip How to test RBBS-PC using a null modem cable
peekr174.zip Merge for RBBS-PC to use PEEKER with ANSI
proedit.zip RBBS PROTO.DEF editor, sort, add, etc.
pu173.zip Cvt RBBS USERS log to ASCII & comma delimited
qb4nrbbs.zip Notes on compiling RBBS with Quick Basic 4
qes30.zip Summarizes results of RBBS-PC questionaires
r386_100.zip RBBSMail/386 v1.00: Fidonet mail processor
rbbs_dv2.zip Tips and hints for using RBBS under DESQview
rbbs_fms.zip RBBS FMS utility to view MASTER.DIR
rbbs_lan.zip How: Multiple nodes of RBBS under LANtastic
rbbs_tut.zip On-line tutorial for RBBS-PC v17.3
rbbsdoor.zip RBBS Door preprocessor
rbbspuma.zip Add PUMA protocol to RBBS-PC Proto.Def
rbbtic39.zip RBBTIC v3.9: Process TIC files into RBBS's FMS
rbtch241.zip RBatch 2.41: RBBS-PC batch uploading interface
rchat300.zip Chat between RBBS-PC 17.3a nodes without doors
rdorsys1.zip RBBS DoorSys v1.01: dorinfox.def -> door.sys
reg_rbbs.zip OFFICIAL registration form for RBBS-PC
rfix0312.zip Merges as of 03/12/93 for RBBS-PC 17.4 bugs
rfms20.zip Displays RBBS-PC FMS directory from DOS
rhrh100.zip RBBS-PC Hack Report Helper v1.00
rmail182.zip RBBSMail v18.2: FidoNet mail tosser/scanner
rudmu20b.zip RUDMU v2.0: RBBS upload directory maint util
s3desq.zip Example files for running RBBS under DESQview
sfmsl_30.zip RBBS FMS lister makes sorted list of BBS files
sortfms3.zip Sort new uploads to their RBBS-PC directories
sx503r1.zip AgX v5.03: maildoor for RBBS v17.x
testdir9.zip Compares RBBS-PC directory against disk files
textdoor.zip BBS door to read files in an ARC File
ticrb115.zip TicToss for RBBS v1.15, TIC processor
tlp_ufe2.zip RBBS-PC user file editor and batch modifier
tutorial.zip RBBS-PC v17.3 Online Tutorial
usr_ed16.zip USERS file editor for RBBS 17-1A through 17-3
usrchk17.zip User call back verification util. for RBBS-PC
wuw16.zip Who uploaded what? - Utility for RBBS sysops