Simtel MSDOS 1995 October
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384 lines
Simtel MSDOS Archive. November 1995. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Directory maintenance utility
path: \disc2\dirutil
Name Size Date Description
============ ======== ======== =========================
0del_v1.zip 10945 08-17-89 Deletes zero length files, version 1.01
1dir0110.zip 56450 03-07-95 OneDIR Pro 1.10 Powerful color DIR w/many
| opts
5dosd3.zip 42489 07-22-91 Replacement for DOS 5.0 directory utility
acd233.zip 53079 09-26-94 ChDir FAST; more features than LCD/NCD & FREE
adtutl10.zip 118811 09-21-92 8 utils: CUT,DD,DELDIR,SEARCH,WC,XUPDATE,
| etc.
attach.zip 8823 08-08-88 Attach aliases to subdirectories
attr220.zip 4532 05-06-94 Interactive file/directory attribute changer
audit.zip 3656 02-28-88 Lists ALL suspicious and hidden files
a_ren301.zip 8605 10-02-91 Rename dirs; move files across dirs w/o copy
bm_rm.zip 42145 11-12-91 Unix-like RM; remove files and/or dir
| subtrees
bob110.zip 2157 12-11-94 BOB v1.10: Enhanced directory lister
ca13.zip 10804 10-21-89 Enhanced change attribute command, subdirs
| too
cadate.zip 10906 05-27-89 Allows user to change MS-DOS file dates
ccd110.zip 42253 01-25-93 Quickly change directories (for NT and DOS)
ccd20.zip 7387 05-22-92 CCD v2.0: An enhanced CD (chdir) for DOS
cdd.zip 5935 10-11-87 Change drive and directory with one command
cde10.zip 9524 05-17-91 Version of MSDOS ChDir that sets errorlevel
cdh50.zip 14672 12-23-93 Change Directory with History utility, v5.0
cdir100.zip 32487 07-22-95 Displays wasted disk space due to FAT
| clusters
cdir130.zip 15331 02-11-89 Create commented disk directories
cdto.zip 1558 10-07-87 Ward Christensen: Find file, then CD there
cdx.zip 15641 03-25-91 CD Extended: Search for dir and optionally CD
chainsaw.zip 14438 03-30-94 Remove entire directory tree (with C source)
chatt.zip 9794 07-21-87 Change File Attributes - full screen - easy
chd12.zip 10523 04-02-88 Enhanced directory changing utility
chunt1.zip 11617 10-07-88 Find files based on string w/in filename v1.0
clrv311.zip 104460 04-22-95 Color View v3.11: Fast colorful DIR
| replacemnt
cmtd_d19.zip 39598 11-17-88 Dir w/comments & copy/print/view/ren/etc v1.9
cops407.zip 64014 07-27-94 Copies files modified since given date
copydate.zip 1518 06-30-94 COPYDATE v1.2: Copy file date and time stamp
csap423.zip 35112 07-21-95 Sorts disk directory, removes deleted entries
cudup21.zip 87789 09-15-91 Finds duplicate files, even in archives
dab140.zip 21662 01-02-94 Delete All But v1.4: Exclude files to delete
daba10.zip 6802 04-17-90 Delete all files but ZIP/ARC/LZH/GIF
dass20.zip 19834 11-17-91 Lists directories in color, configurable
dc11.zip 61463 10-15-91 Directory Control: Improved ver. PCMag's
dcolor.zip 7359 01-20-95 Color-coded directory lister for DOS
dcpdir62.zip 65421 02-23-91 D.Crokett's sorted and double directory pgms
dd107.zip 16410 08-11-89 Sorted directory utility with many options
ddel200.zip 9750 09-28-95 DIRDEL v2.00 - deletes non-empty directories
ddir0789.zip 5903 05-24-89 Sorted dir down 2 columns, paginated, 07/89
ddir100.zip 57104 12-13-94 Scrollable directory display and file manager
del21.zip 6085 09-08-88 Prompted file delete
deldir11.zip 15520 05-19-92 Safe recursive directory and file removal pgm
deldup23.zip 11867 03-01-89 Delete files already in another subdirectory
delupto.zip 13721 09-28-92 Deletes files older than a given date
delx.zip 8613 10-14-88 Delete all except, the way that people think!
derase.zip 13297 02-01-89 Pgm to unerase files
df.zip 17878 09-07-88 Graphic display of disk free space E.Trujillo
df100.zip 5058 08-08-91 Display free disk space, even on joined
| drives
df202.zip 22510 08-25-91 DF 2.02: Stacker/JOIN-aware disk freespace
| utl
df460.zip 222051 01-03-93 Directory Freedom v4.60: Directory Manager
dfl340.zip 215141 03-14-94 Duplicate File Locator 3.40 scans archives
| too
dfs097.zip 16304 03-06-92 Delete/find/calc. size of files/directory
| tree
df_join2.zip 13066 05-04-90 Display free disk space, even on joined
| drives
df_ml.zip 23852 10-18-94 Display free disk space, even on joined
| drives
df_uz.zip 12687 07-25-89 Displays disk free space for all drives,
| w/src
di11.zip 40140 04-02-88 Extended directory lister v1.1 w/C source
dir2file.zip 6468 01-09-88 Creates ASCII file of directory
dirclean.zip 15153 10-19-92 Deletes directory trees containing files
dircmp10.zip 9879 10-17-92 Compares files in two directory structures
dirco507.zip 116413 07-31-95 Updates files based on source directory
dircp100.zip 26553 07-18-94 Compare two directory listings, display diffs
dire30.zip 11319 04-15-90 Replaces DOS DIR command. Displays more info
dired306.zip 75520 02-29-92 'DirEdit' v3.06; Edit/sort DOS directories
dirhide1.zip 5019 07-19-91 Hide/unhide directories for security
dirm13.zip 21861 11-02-90 Faster directory lister than DOS DIR command
dirno120.zip 15606 09-05-90 Create commented dir listings, from PC Mag.
dirord.zip 19272 05-30-89 Position directory entries to desired order
dirr.zip 65993 07-17-87 List current directory for any version of DOS
dirs100.zip 44644 04-03-94 Directory/file manager copy,move,del,etc. VGA
dirsiz11.zip 13268 04-07-91 Display total size of files in a directory
dirstack.zip 24345 03-03-93 Batch file push/pop directory stack commands
dirsts21.zip 90394 08-23-94 Pie-chart display of disk space usage by dir
dirto505.zip 129484 05-27-95 Directory lister and totaller
dirutils.zip 18907 12-14-87 Misc directory-related utilities
diskfr55.zip 6217 03-04-89 Displays total disk space available on PC
diskor10.zip 80851 09-22-94 DiskOrganizer v1.0: Directory logger &
| browser
disp102.zip 205626 04-08-92 DIS Plus: Configurable directory viewer
djm_size.zip 6806 08-07-89 DIR filter displays total space used by files
dlinks10.zip 12005 11-02-94 Provides aliases for DOS directories
dlxdr271.zip 46380 07-31-95 DIR w/Sort Ffind Hidden Wasted ZIP Hebrew
| 3Col
dmav12.zip 26522 01-08-95 Directory Maven v1.2: Change dir utility
dosdir21.zip 26445 06-24-94 Portable MSDOS/UNIX/VMS directory API w/C src
dosmap21.zip 7152 11-15-94 Unix->DOS directory/file name transform
| [perl]
down211.zip 8317 11-12-87 Enhanced replacement for CHDIR command
drip200.zip 10455 07-15-92 TSR to store and retrieve current path
ds421b.zip 179048 04-25-92 Directory Scanner 4.21b: DOS disk/file
| manager
dskparm.zip 26656 12-26-87 Find disk parameters - May '86 PC Tech
| Journal
dta12.zip 6735 10-16-88 Directory Tree Atributes, DIR/TREE
| replacement
du113.zip 27790 04-12-92 Unix-like du (disk usage), many options,
| w/src
duh13.zip 39674 05-01-89 Deletes files that exist in ARC, ZIP, PAK,
du_pv.zip 6490 08-05-89 Displays dir tree and disk usage, w/A86 src
dx_264.zip 125270 06-06-91 Directory eXtended v2.64 super dir & file
| util
d_097a.zip 13769 04-18-91 Fancy color coded directory listing utility
edir150.zip 38306 07-31-95 Directory lister that recognizes files
ejchmd12.zip 7411 12-21-91 Edward Jajko's change file attributes program
elim10.zip 4819 11-24-90 Delete file DOS can't see, like spaces in
| name
exd110.zip 20834 07-01-91 Exdel v1.10: Replacement for DOS DEL command
fd203.zip 25633 03-09-89 Locate duplicate files, tag/delete/view/print
fdate12a.zip 30471 01-11-90 Flexibly rename files to their dates
fdate2.zip 6229 05-22-92 Set selected file date and/or time
fdf_1_01.zip 91637 04-29-92 Find duplicate files utility
fesub100.zip 37825 10-11-92 Searches for empty subdirectories
ff211.zip 13689 01-04-90 Where-is file finder for multiple/large
| drives
fff51.zip 242644 09-08-95 Derr's FileFinder 4.6, performs fuzzy search
ffff360.zip 52289 06-12-91 Free Fast File Find, supports many archives
ffind133.zip 7122 04-19-89 Find file on disk, in LZH, ZIP, PAK, ARC
| files
ffind14e.zip 8480 08-31-90 Smart file-finder for large HD/network drives
ff_revu.zip 2239 03-09-90 Kay Rigg's review of 17 'find file' programs
fhid22.zip 6663 07-14-88 Make files 'invisible' (kinda)
fh_dz32.zip 21688 12-19-94 DZ shows subdirs with sizes in a bar chart
fichici.zip 8816 07-08-93 Checks for files matching current system date
fileattr.zip 10766 02-13-88 Set file attributes, hide, R/O, ARCH
filel20.zip 30487 11-25-91 VM/CMS-like FILELIST shell program for MS-DOS
filemv06.zip 6747 04-06-93 Fast and safe file move tool
filmatch.zip 14758 09-03-91 Find differences between two lists of files
filup503.zip 51244 03-25-95 Copy updated files based on a control list
find21.zip 14863 08-13-88 Trisoft's fast file finder v2.1 w/Del & Sort
find221.zip 31674 08-08-92 Gavin's fast file finder for DOS 3 and higher
finda29.zip 17321 01-01-90 Finds anything. Multiple search methods w/GUI
findfi36.zip 17792 12-01-92 Find file/s and change to directory if req'd
findfil2.zip 23821 12-16-90 Locate files on disk, w/Unix sh type
| wildcards
findit10.zip 12622 06-17-92 Fast utility to locate various file formats
findup39.zip 29115 10-30-88 List duplicate files on multiple disks
fl.zip 23358 08-12-89 Fast file locator with Turbo C v2 source
fls047.zip 5668 01-29-94 Unix-ish alternative DIR cmd, requires 386+
free16.zip 24202 02-17-89 Kapustein's free-disk reporter, v1.6
free19.zip 8833 05-03-91 Displays available & total space on all
| drives
ft100.zip 8214 08-08-91 Shows each file type & disk space it occupies
fw_ls2.zip 28739 04-07-91 Unix-like ls directory lister for DOS & OS/2
g.zip 15981 04-19-89 'CD' replacement. Jump easily between subdirs
g280.zip 6332 05-25-91 Go any directory, any drive, Fast! v2.80
gcdv3.zip 12158 09-27-94 Changes drive as well as directory. + more
gcd_100.zip 20889 12-18-90 Fast graphical change directory, cursor/mouse
gd350.zip 14104 05-24-94 Quickly move to another directory
glob11.zip 9108 05-30-88 Make DOS cmds 'global'
go.zip 10104 11-03-87 Change current directory using mnemonic
go54.zip 47125 11-06-90 7-in-1 DOS util. Fast file finder w/options
godirv10.zip 7956 06-10-95 Chdir across drives and uses CDPATH as in csh
go_3_0.zip 40248 03-27-91 Enhanced cd w/name completion & dir utilities
go_v_10.zip 14785 03-07-94 NCD-like dir. utility with no external files
g_21.zip 15299 04-14-94 Change directories, display mem use, TSRs,
| etc
hhd327.zip 8489 05-06-94 Howard Harvey's directory lister, many
| options
hhff303.zip 5277 05-06-94 Harvey's directory file finder, many options
honto211.zip 31028 01-21-95 Colored directory lister with much extra info
hotdir73.zip 74155 06-08-93 HotDIR Plus 7.3-Color sorted directory
| utility
icd220.zip 4149 08-11-93 Instant Change Directory (auto-updating)
incdos20.zip 107462 02-20-95 Virtuosi's set of added DOS-type commands
| v2.0
jadu13.zip 82870 10-30-89 Just Another Directory Utility
jb_du13.zip 8663 04-10-89 Displays disk space usage
jcd124.zip 17018 06-14-89 Enhanced change directory program
jdir11.zip 7993 01-16-90 4 across alphabetic directory lister
| w/attrib.
jsdown2.zip 11239 12-04-88 CD substitute
kdr234.zip 11571 02-13-93 Killdir: Erase the contents of any directory
kill.zip 7807 11-17-92 Removes a dir and all its files and subdir's
kill11.zip 9927 08-20-90 Find filenames system-wide, prompt for delete
kill150.zip 19319 08-26-92 Recursive directory removal with many options
kill1_1.zip 2644 01-10-95 Delete a directory, its files &
| subdirectories
killdir.zip 12862 08-20-90 Delete subdirectory and all files within
ks_ls.zip 19702 10-18-88 4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir for DOS, w/TC1.5
| src
k_locate.zip 6992 11-05-89 File locator for searching drives
l.zip 15412 03-13-89 Directory lister with many options
l11.zip 43516 05-19-93 Ricki's powerful DIR replacement
l3_0.zip 18507 03-27-88 TopView-aware fast directory lister
lastdr23.zip 1902 05-22-88 Save last drive/directory in environment
lc10.zip 10813 04-23-90 Sorted directory lister similar to Unix 'ls'
lcd_40b.zip 34278 08-25-91 Ledbetter's ''Led's Change Directory'', v4.0B
lf34.zip 23902 03-09-92 Find files on any drive/optionally execute
| cmd
ls26.zip 23747 12-01-92 List file directories with many many options
ls_color.zip 21289 05-19-95 Color coded directory lister like UNIX 'ls'
ls_n_df.zip 13111 11-02-90 Unix-like ls/df - show dir contents/disk
| usage
masdir54.zip 96663 04-21-91 Directory sort program by date/extention/size
mastrd38.zip 14751 04-09-91 MASTERdIR: Sorted dir lister w/many options
ma_rm14.zip 12795 10-21-89 Extended delete command, removes subdirs too
ma_touch.zip 10037 11-23-88 Adjust file time and date
mcd.zip 3802 09-08-94 Make a subdirectory, then CD to it
mdel13.zip 11501 02-13-94 MDEL v1.3: Delete matching files, except some
mdir400.zip 34097 08-19-94 Change directories/run pgms in DOS with mouse
mdir_v10.zip 24048 03-25-95 Mike's Directory Fast: Sorted directory
| lister
mds_rm.zip 15049 11-09-88 Unix-like 'rm' clone with C source
mh_du12.zip 29801 01-24-93 File and directory utility, GUI interface
mh_mv102.zip 13937 06-19-91 UNIX-like file and directory move utility
move11.zip 12668 11-10-87 Move Command that DOS Forgot!
move111.zip 37831 08-10-90 Move files between directories and/or drives
move201.zip 4009 05-26-88 Moves files around on disk -- small, fast
move453.zip 13491 07-05-89 Move files from one drive/directory to
| another
mv200.zip 16505 06-12-89 Move files from one drive/directory to
| another
mycd.zip 5726 02-15-89 Unix-like change directory program
namezap.zip 24094 09-04-95 Directory and file renamer
ndelv00.zip 12611 04-13-91 Delete all files in current dir except a list
ndir177.zip 56885 02-12-92 Configurable Multi-color sorted dir lister
new17.zip 21335 02-18-89 Locates files by date
newchdir.zip 5347 11-19-88 Directory changer, recognizes abbreviations
nfd104.zip 11203 11-25-87 Change date/time on one or multiple DOS files
nuke111.zip 11280 03-09-89 Totally delete disk data, no chance to
| recover
obslt10.zip 7807 07-05-92 Recursive delete files older than selected
| age
odel12.zip 26680 10-10-91 Makes room on drive by deleting oldest
| file(s)
oz111.zip 87813 09-19-92 Multiple-version undelete + HD Protection
pattr15.zip 24127 11-06-90 Set DOS file attribs with wildcards.
| Patriquin
pdel44.zip 65060 05-01-92 File delete utility, extra features over DOS
pik110.zip 38046 09-17-90 Pick files from directory for ZIP, COPY, etc.
pmove20.zip 22490 09-23-87 File move/delete between subdirs and disks
pppd301.zip 12415 05-23-93 Push-Pop DOS path string & current drive:\dir
prune10.zip 33977 05-23-90 Mefford's DIR tree pruning & grafting utility
ps52b.zip 103966 07-06-92 PSearch 5.2b, find file fast, by name or text
ptouch2.zip 14413 05-04-88 Patriquen's change date/time utility
purgtre1.zip 10536 10-07-88 Recursive delete of files in subdirectories
push.zip 9180 12-12-91 Save/restore drive/dir/envir. via .BAT file
pushpop.zip 19733 02-25-93 Save current drive/dir for later return
push_pop.zip 24031 07-25-90 Directory stack manipulation programs, w/src
putcwd.zip 5986 03-27-88 Puts present dir name in environment variable
pwd.zip 5473 07-08-89 Displays working directory on all drives
pwd_c.zip 9215 08-21-90 Displays working dir on all drives, w/MSC src
qcd11.zip 13542 06-02-95 Jump around your directory-tree to change
| path
qdel033.zip 14061 11-11-93 Kill dir tree FAST! Options, statistics, fun
qdups15.zip 29513 01-09-88 Nice utility for cleaning out dupes
qf300.zip 20812 05-22-89 Quick Find v3.00 find files, even in archives
qff63.zip 27683 03-01-95 Quick File Find v6.3: Enhanced file finder
qff64.zip 28045 07-04-95 Quick File Find v6.4: Enhanced file finder
q_20.zip 19341 08-13-95 Quicker alternative to MS-DOS CD command
rcd24.zip 37743 07-05-95 Change disk and directory, fast, easy
rcdel262.zip 24119 08-29-94 Delete directory trees. Faster than deltree
rcdir101.zip 75072 11-04-94 Colorful DIR command, also views ZIP/ARJ/LZH
rdir153.zip 72080 07-22-95 Relative DIRectory Size. Disk usage Pie Chart
ren2date.zip 2533 09-09-94 Renames last four characters of a file to
rendir10.zip 8181 06-27-94 Freeware utility to RENname DIRectories
retain11.zip 10861 02-10-93 Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, 8 levels, no TSR
retain20.zip 15490 01-11-94 Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, 7 levels, no TSR
retain30.zip 13220 11-18-94 Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, no limits, no
rfind10.zip 24561 04-14-95 RFind: Neat little file finder and processor
rfm310.zip 114566 09-18-94 Rob's mouse driven File Manager, requires VGA
rh_ls.zip 21535 01-09-92 4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir, with MSC5.1 source
rm11_yg.zip 5184 07-11-89 Like Unix 'rm', delete files, recursive, safe
rmx.zip 7584 01-04-88 Unix-like 'rm' file delete program
rmyg13.zip 5565 07-04-92 Joseph Gil's tiny Unix-like file removal
| util.
rm_hs.zip 13315 02-17-89 File/directory deletion program with source
rm_om.zip 21778 10-25-91 Unix-style file/directory deleter, w/C source
rm_t130.zip 17031 05-31-94 Removes protected files including directories
rndat20e.zip 5644 12-19-91 Rename file to unique name based on date/time
rn_dr22.zip 17721 01-18-88 Enhanced PC-Mag utils DR and RN
rtn89nov.zip 4195 11-24-89 Return to original directory after CD
| elswhere
run102.zip 20505 10-01-89 Repeat actions for selected files in
| directory
samedat1.zip 4563 10-18-92 Copy date/time stamp from one file to another
samedate.zip 1896 04-27-92 Copy time/date stamp from one file to another
satrib14.zip 12280 12-01-92 Modify any attributes
savdir25.zip 12817 12-01-92 Save current directory to a batch file
sd62.zip 85470 06-02-89 Sorted directory - versatile - ZIP/ARC too
sdel210.zip 18454 12-01-92 Delete any files including in sub-direcories
sdir40.zip 9123 05-14-88 Sorted directory display
sdl32.zip 12170 08-16-88 Sorted Directory Lister with many options
secret3.zip 7982 10-24-92 MD,CD,RD hidden directories v1.3 w/ASM src
seek202.zip 17303 08-05-94 Fast file-find w/grep-like string srch option
sf33.zip 67142 03-30-89 Search for files by subtree. Like DIR
sfcombo.zip 47786 03-12-95 Finds files easily on one or many drives
shhrm010.zip 12673 05-25-94 Unix-like rm-command (delete) with recursion
shwhch10.zip 10496 05-25-94 Locates executables in PATH (like Unix which)
since.zip 8159 05-24-91 DIR of files since today or since certain
| date
sldir210.zip 23357 12-01-92 Select directory via a menu
smove151.zip 17757 11-16-92 A very FAST multiple file moving utility
snif134.zip 36183 03-16-92 C. Declerck's fast multiple drive file finder
ssearch4.zip 57587 01-26-91 Super Search v1.4: Fast file finder
st330e.zip 20126 11-05-94 STREE v3.30: Displays the size of directories
struzfda.zip 15367 12-04-92 Struz's file and directory attribute utility
subdir.zip 8911 11-30-94 Executes a command in all subdirectories
subdir20.zip 7890 01-26-89 Change subdirectories with a single character
supdir11.zip 45016 08-31-95 DIR lister w/ include/exclude masks, DB
| output
sweep221.zip 9253 12-02-87 Menu-driven file handler
sync10.zip 34565 06-07-95 Synchronizes one directory tree with another
syncdir.zip 41838 07-15-95 Synchronize files in two directory trees
sz15.zip 13530 10-21-89 Number of bytes & space of files/directories
tdattr10.zip 16334 09-22-94 Enhanced replacement for DOS ATTRIB command
tdir92.zip 41107 03-05-92 TreeDir jump to directories from a menu,
| w/ASM
tf77.zip 13306 02-18-89 TurboFind - fast 'whereis' file find utility
tfind215.zip 15203 09-05-91 ThunderFind: Fast file finding utility
tk_ls.zip 16293 01-14-89 Unix-like ls dir. lister for MS-DOS w/src
| v1.0
to40b.zip 33147 10-14-90 Fast dir switcher, abbreviated subdir names
toadadel.zip 9545 05-26-91 Delete files older than specified nr of
| months
todir22.zip 29664 03-08-95 Jump directly to any subdirectory on any
| drive
tomar90.zip 3980 03-24-90 Improved CD - change directory without \'s
tools.zip 57588 09-23-87 Unix-like utility programs for PC, w/C source
touch.zip 12850 09-27-87 Change the Date/Time shown on any program
tppdr101.zip 14788 09-08-93 Push/pop dir pgm that uses the DOS
| environment
tpzdr124.zip 16994 03-15-94 ZapDir: Directory tree killer for MSDOS/DRDOS
trak10.zip 19579 03-25-95 TrackDir v1.0: Directory navigation tracker
treedupl.zip 68907 07-17-87 Find and display duplicate file names
treesz02.zip 10956 07-29-93 Graphic tree display of dir/path/disk sizes
trunk120.zip 13734 09-10-88 Recursive directory lister
ttfind3b.zip 55289 01-17-89 TriSoft Technologies fast FileFind
twoutils.zip 30787 10-16-89 Enhanced DIR (ls) and DELETE, Unix-like
ua_go320.zip 26068 08-11-95 Fast change directory utility
ug.zip 80427 10-23-87 DOS path & subdirectory utility
unera13.zip 7181 06-05-89 Recover erased files from disk, improved
up100.zip 7471 11-11-87 Move towards root in directory tree w/prompt
vadcd180.zip 14685 03-15-93 Vadol Change Directory: Easy CD, quick access
vcd10.zip 15767 12-26-88 Visual Change Directory
volume11.zip 6527 07-19-88 Name/rename disk volume
walkdir.zip 11143 12-18-92 Walk through directory structure & print info
what24.zip 35531 07-21-88 Add commentary to directory, ver. 2.4
whch20gt.zip 19452 08-02-90 Theall's scan PATH for executable programs
whch21gr.zip 32644 07-29-93 Clone of Unix 'which': locate commands in
| path
where12.zip 11895 10-24-93 Where is a file in PATH or other env.
| variable
whereis.zip 21889 05-14-88 Finds any file on drive and uses wildcards
whereis3.zip 7645 06-07-89 Whereis file locator across multiple disks
which_bw.zip 10201 09-23-88 Weissman's search dirs for specified file
which_mc.zip 7833 04-27-88 Cohen's fast WHEREIS for commands in PATH
whiz8706.zip 16782 07-06-88 Behman's fast file finder
wild15.zip 4170 07-25-89 Improve MS-DOS wildcard handling, v1.5
wiper.zip 16480 10-11-91 Remove a whole directory subtree in DOS &
| OS/2
with10.zip 6445 08-15-92 Executes a command on randomly selected files
wiz33.zip 77025 07-05-95 Fast, multidisk, many options file finder
wpr026.zip 16892 06-02-95 Recursive directory deleter
xk420e.zip 14971 11-05-94 XKILL v4.20: Enhanced file deleting
ycom10.zip 9565 08-29-94 Run applications using English commands
zap101.zip 2758 07-31-95 Delete multiple files from more than one dir
zapdir40.zip 23576 06-05-91 Remove entire branches of directory tree
zdir20.zip 60196 03-04-92 Fast sorted dir replacement with many options