Labels:bulletin board | plant | reckoner | shelf | tree | vegetarianism OCR: Simtel for MSDOS Simtel Registration Please take moment to fill out and return this card or call us As a registered Usage Instructions: customer you will receive notices about updates and announcements on new VIEW Program products We value you as a customer and encourage comments or suggestions MSDOS: The To use this dise under MSDOS. first change drives to your CDROM drive. Then type VIEW in the First Name: Last Name: root directory of the CDROM drive and press ENTER The VIEW program will display listing Street: the disc's subdirectories and their descriptions Use the cursor (arrow) keys to move the highlight har up and down the screen, and press ENTER to change into any of the subdirectories. The VIFW City State, Zip, Country: program will then display list of files within that particula ...