Simtel MSDOS 1996 September
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Simtel MSDOS Archive. August 1996. Walnut Creek CDROM.
Batch utils
path: \disc2\batchutl
Name Size Date Description
============ ======== ======== =======================
a_r10.zip 17424 10-28-94 Batch file mouse + ANSI screen control, v1.0
ansmat10.zip 75383 05-18-91 Write BAT files to change colors/function keys
aset10.zip 80283 05-04-93 Ricki's enhanced SET command
ask11c.zip 14953 03-08-94 Asks questions in BATch file, w/timeout, w/src
ask3.zip 16866 12-10-86 Timed Ask from BAT w/config. errorlevels
ask_bat.zip 15033 02-15-89 Timed response to Y/N prompts in .BAT files
askmep.zip 25014 07-01-92 Batch file utility to prompt for Y/N question
autornd4.zip 26035 08-10-94 Runs 1 of 99,999,999 batch files randomly
bat2ex15.zip 33895 08-09-91 Converts BAT files to EXE files
batch13.zip 125117 04-07-96 Comprehensive collection of Batch programs
batchart.zip 31788 04-28-88 A well written article on Batch files
batchsel.zip 8023 05-24-91 Do DOS cmd /w file selection from BATCH file
batcsh12.zip 33400 06-14-96 Converts DOS batch file to Unix C shell script
batdbg14.zip 110183 05-13-95 Debugger/editor for Batch files
bathints.zip 39863 01-04-89 Collection of hints on using BATch files
batkit54.zip 78506 09-08-93 BAT utils: kbd input, screen painting, more!
batmen.zip 29319 06-27-89 Scrollable menus/windows in DOS batch files
batmnu21.zip 34571 07-10-92 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows
batscrn.zip 20945 06-08-91 Full screen pop-up pause/answer for BAT files
batsec.zip 11510 03-02-92 Batch Secrets: Elementary color/key text info
batutil1.zip 191968 03-23-90 Manipulate environment/get input in BAT files
bav121.zip 166284 07-20-96 Search .BIN screens & extract current screen
bcsrce2.zip 126500 02-21-91 Wenham's BATCOM-compiled .BAT source code
bed11.zip 57051 12-07-85 Batch Editor, edit files in batch
bigecho1.zip 18402 04-04-95 Display 10-char msg in 8x8 block characters
blrmu21.zip 89061 05-16-96 40 miscellaneous batch utilities
bmenu54.zip 21388 02-11-90 Pop-up menu system for use in batch files
btchroom.zip 3935 12-14-90 Corrects COMMAND.COM problem w/MARK & RELEASE
callbat.zip 12170 12-20-92 CALL command emulator for DOS < version 3.3
catsig.zip 24608 10-24-91 Audible & visual alarm for ending a long batch
cdtect.zip 2380 04-04-88 Check for modem carrier detect in BAT files
cenvi211.zip 508061 02-23-96 CEnvi v2.11 Batch-Enhancer/Macro/C-Interpreter
check160.zip 21330 07-21-92 Cmdline util to report on system; errorlevels
chktd15.zip 12715 11-29-92 Check current time / date and set errorlevel
choice17.zip 42811 03-09-90 Ask multi-level questions in batch files
clrkey13.zip 10280 11-29-92 Clear 'n' keystrokes from keyboard buffer
cntdwn1.zip 5726 02-14-93 Countdown from n minutes, returning ERRORLEVEL
countfil.zip 5756 02-12-92 Execute specified command after 'n' executions
dat13c.zip 12269 03-08-94 Display date & time for logging, w/ASM source
dateinfo.zip 17001 06-07-93 Date reminder pgm for AUTOEXEC/Win3.1 startup
dates605.zip 73937 06-04-96 Warns you in advance of birthdays etc.
dexist10.zip 6065 05-13-95 Determines all logical drives on PC
do21.zip 41882 01-04-95 Powerful interactive batch utility - Freeware
domenu13.zip 5430 11-11-91 Adds window menus to any batch file
dpv12.zip 9806 12-06-90 BATutl: Search drive/path/volume return errlvl
dv_st200.zip 97697 12-31-94 String manipulation functions for batch files
ebl405.zip 50070 03-14-91 Extended Batch Language version 4.05
echsys10.zip 32048 09-24-89 ECHO/SET-like utils,include sundry system info
el.zip 2977 10-03-90 Set errorlevel to value on cmd line, w/C src
elf11.zip 137247 11-22-92 Set errorlevel in .BAT files w/ASM
enqr_25.zip 6601 05-19-94 Allows batch files to be interactive
envset10.zip 6922 08-25-89 Set an environment variable in batch files
envtime.zip 11829 12-31-92 Set DOS envir. variables based on system clock
errlvl13.zip 10177 11-29-92 Set the DOS errorlevel (return code)
every15.zip 10875 01-26-92 BATutil: Execute cmd if given time has passed
existdir.zip 5212 05-18-92 Check existence of files and subdirectories
exittime.zip 34404 05-09-89 Exit batch file at specified time
fdate91c.zip 76150 04-07-96 Date manipulation utility for batch files
fileage.zip 38078 05-03-95 Age of file in mins, hours, days as errorlevel
fortn605.zip 66926 06-04-96 Fine-tunes DOS FOR command w/options
funky.zip 6091 02-19-93 Batch file ask, input F1-F10 function key ans.
get24.zip 67315 11-02-91 BATch enhancer inputs from user, DOS, environ.
getday10.zip 9361 12-04-93 Put day of the week into DOS envir. variable
getk002.zip 22838 04-05-96 GET KEY .02: Symbolic implementation of CHOICE
getkey11.zip 11696 12-06-93 GetKey v1.01 batch file keypress utility
grade12.zip 16303 06-03-96 Set errorlevel depending on file size, w/asm
hit.zip 16350 05-26-88 Graphic alternative to DOS's PAUSE-Color reqd.
hmrhm11b.zip 10689 12-21-90 Returns to start DIR in batch files
holdit10.zip 6910 05-04-93 Like DOS' PAUSE w/timeout & errorcode w/srcTP
int11.zip 6526 03-23-92 Execute DOS/BIOS interrupts from command line
jumpext.zip 13020 06-20-89 Extended batch file decision maker
keychk11.zip 7189 06-28-93 Control batch file decision making from keybd
keystf.zip 839 02-20-89 BAT util: Stuffs characters into kbd buffer
makemenu.zip 85802 05-07-89 Construct MENU Batch files automatically
makmnu18.zip 24581 11-29-92 Self maintaining menu utility
menu0891.zip 16519 08-05-91 Creates batch files which present nested menus
mfwrite.zip 10511 10-24-90 Write cmd strings to console w/escape interp.
microbat.zip 13292 01-19-91 MicroMacroBat, extends functionality of BATs
mn_st101.zip 29573 12-31-94 Set unique file names for batch processing
ms_ask.zip 3227 10-05-92 Ask user for input in a batch file. w/ASM src
mtwdo218.zip 148383 08-04-95 MTWIN v2.18: INI - GRP file manager DOS
nfty50.zip 95553 05-22-96 Nifty Fifty: 50 DOS utilities for batch files
pbatch12.zip 85863 07-15-94 Batch Enhancer: Menus, Mouse, Hotkeys, Colors
pua12.zip 25868 02-29-96 Set of small batch files, some w/special reqs.
puados12.zip 23467 04-06-96 PUADOS v1.2: Set of batch files for DOS
pwrbt14j.zip 138677 05-25-91 PowerBatch: Compiles batch-like files to EXE
rambat1.zip 5584 03-21-92 Use RAM for Batch files, save hard disk space
rand_100.zip 21220 08-02-94 Randomly selects a file from a wildcard
rap101.zip 215384 05-07-92 RAP v1.01: Powerful Batch programming language
rbatch14.zip 292282 07-15-96 RUN BATCH RUN: Guide to creating batch files
reset23.zip 9957 11-29-92 Presses the reset button and/or CTRL+ALT+DEL
returnto.zip 2310 04-05-93 .BAT files for auto-return to starting drv/dir
ring14d.zip 14047 03-08-94 Ring console bell, optionally on error, w/src
ronset25.zip 60517 08-17-90 Multi-function batch enhancer by Ron Bemis
runat10.zip 9512 08-24-91 Run command against each file in a given list
sask135.zip 12828 04-25-92 Asks question in BAT file, returns errorlevel
savpth13.zip 12534 11-29-92 Save current path setting to a batch file
savscr27.zip 13727 11-29-92 Save/restore current text screen contents
scrtyp13.zip 12492 11-29-92 Return screen type in use
secbat.zip 69527 08-17-92 The Secrets of Batch files: Color and macros
select01.zip 9540 10-28-93 Pass a file as a parameter from a BATch menu
setenv13.zip 21779 09-26-89 Set environment variables from .BAT file
sfbudocs.zip 69770 01-01-91 Silicon Frog Batch Utilities v1.0, 1 of 3
sfbupgms.zip 263728 01-01-91 Silicon Frog Batch Utilities v1.0, 2 of 3
sfbushow.zip 203790 01-01-91 Silicon Frog Batch Utilities v1.0, 3 of 3
sleep25.zip 11952 11-29-92 Sleep for specified period
sparkl41.zip 114547 06-17-96 19 Batch file options PLUS batch file creator
sprbat3b.zip 33516 04-30-90 Winchester Computer Systems SuperBat utilities
sputils.zip 97114 02-26-91 Batch & screen-save utilities w/mouse input
sstuff31.zip 308282 04-22-96 Steenburgh's Stuff batch utilities v3.10
stackey3.zip 111271 03-24-90 Place keystrokes in keyboard buffer -- BAT aid
stfkey15.zip 12448 11-29-92 Stuff keys into the keyboard buffer. Non-TSR
strings2.zip 74265 11-24-92 Adds 70 string handling functions to BAT files
sw_42a.zip 54056 06-17-93 SW v4.2: BATCH file enhancement utility
tbt324.zip 51078 04-07-96 TurboBAT: Compiles DOS batch file to .COM file
tcha103.zip 113670 07-20-96 Execute two programs in sequence
test.zip 14445 04-14-94 Unix-like expression test utility, w/C src
testif.zip 11774 10-28-90 Controls batch files through error codes
timestmp.zip 55515 01-15-90 Display current date & time on standard output
toadfr12.zip 3834 04-25-91 Return disk free space as ERRORLEVEL
tsbat49.zip 125089 05-29-96 Collection of useful batch files by Timo Salmi
ubu_100.zip 53321 03-16-96 UniNova Batch Utilities Freeware bundle
unicda15.zip 10292 10-23-93 Check if specified drive is ready
unirdw15.zip 10941 07-27-94 Return DOS errorlevel based on day of week
vc10.zip 5023 05-19-91 VolumeChecker: Batch utility checks disk label
vidtyp14.zip 25899 02-25-90 Set environment variable to video display type
waiter.zip 9272 03-03-93 Batutl: Counts down, allowing user to bail out
what150.zip 9998 09-23-90 Set DOS environment to show system information
xecho11.zip 8510 05-01-90 For batch files: A smart echo with options
xset421.zip 155738 04-05-96 Put ANYTHING in a variable of current envir.