Simtel MSDOS 1996 September
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Text File
6,518 lines
Info about the Simtel archive
path: \00_info
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
aareadme.txt 4900 06-16-96 Information about the files in this directory
cdrom.txt 1239 07-16-96 How to obtain Simtel.Net collections on
cnvsim10.zip 81516 05-24-93 Convert Simtel index to Paradox4 format
copyrite.txt 2767 07-08-96 Info about Simtel.Net's compilation copyright
dirs.txt 7759 07-16-96 List of dirs in this collection
ftpmail.txt 3520 07-08-96 How to get Simtel.Net files by e-mail
get12.zip 2708 06-07-93 Unix script to FTP files from any MS-DOS site
grep.sim 1747 12-03-90 Script to view Simtel index on Unix systems
idx2dat.c 7747 03-11-91 Make AutoFTP/BatchFTP script from Simtel
indexes.txt 1637 07-08-96 How to search and display Simtel.Net's
mirror.txt 1976 07-08-96 How to become a Simtel.Net mirror site
mirrors.txt 6458 07-17-96 List of Simtel.Net authorized mirror sites
ms_news.txt 1758 07-08-96 How to receive Simtel.Net upload
quickref.txt 2697 07-16-96 Quick reference list: Dirs in this collection
s2html12.zip 3127 07-14-94 Unix script converts Simtel.Net index to HTML
sgrep13.zip 9805 03-27-92 Simtel.Net index fast lookup utility. w/C src
sim_pdox.zip 8009 05-15-90 Paradox converter/reader for Simtel index
sim_vw10.zip 571905 08-31-93 WIN3: Util to browse/search Simtel index
simcvax.bas 7963 02-25-96 VAX/VMS BASIC V3.3 pgm prints Simtel index
simcvt.awk 753 02-25-96 AWK script to print Simtel index
simcvt.c 2945 02-25-96 Unix C program to print Simtel index
simcvt.exc 3476 02-25-96 VM/CMS REXX program to print Simtel index
simcvt2.c 7151 02-25-96 Unix C program to search/print Simtel index
simcvt2.exc 3871 02-25-96 VM/CMS REXX program to print Simtel index
simcvt3.for 4110 02-25-96 VAX/VMS FORTRAN program to print Simtel index
simcvt3.zip 26596 05-16-91 Simtel .IDX conversion util for Turbo C
simcvt_c.zip 8944 02-26-90 Compiled C pgm for MSDOS to print Simtel
simdir22.zip 22636 10-16-92 Search & display the Simtel.Net file list
simdisp.awk 1263 12-05-90 AWK script displays Simtel index, outline
simdisp.doc 292 01-13-90 How to use SIMDISP.AWK
simdisp.pl 2137 02-25-96 Perl script to print Simtel.Net index
simdos_i.zip 300433 07-24-96 Comma-delim list of all MSDOS files
simdos_l.zip 291349 07-24-96 Text format list of all MSDOS files
simflt10.zip 14890 01-02-92 Extract dirs from Simtel index to new file
simgrep.sh 1846 02-25-96 sh script: search Simtel list w/nice output
simi2url.sh 1100 05-10-96 Unix shell script to cvt simms.idx to ftp URL
simifl28.zip 18487 09-07-93 Make SIMMS.IDX a readable AND grep-able file
simlst1.zip 130432 04-29-93 Quick and easy Simtel.Net file lookup program
simms.db3 559 03-10-96 How to use Simtel.Net index files w/dBASEIII
simms.hdr 817 03-04-96 Simtel.Net index header file for PC-File+ use
simms.inf 179 03-10-96 Info on record structure of Simtel .IDX files
simraz13.zip 14590 12-17-89 Shorten/rearrange Simtel.Net indices, w/TP
simsch14.zip 118957 11-10-93 Scan/print SimTel.Net .IDX files from Win3.x
simserch.c 8512 02-25-96 Search through Simtel index. TC-2.0/VMS-C src
upload.txt 3033 07-16-96 How to upload programs to Simtel.Net
wsim21.zip 79411 05-25-94 WIN3: Simtel.Net, CICA, etc index search
Info and utils for beginners
path: \00_start
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
arce40g.com 5223 04-12-91 V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program
arce40g.doc 9909 04-12-91 V.Buerg's fast ARC extraction program - docs
nusq110.com 2176 01-31-86 File unsqueezer, used with SQPC
nusq110.doc 19627 08-31-86 Documentation for NUSQ110.COM
pk361.exe 119598 07-31-88 Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK
sharewre.txt 1689 03-03-96 Explains how ShareWare works (must read!)
sqdate.doc 10351 02-14-86 Time stamping in SQ, NUSQ, etc.
sqpc129.doc 4074 08-31-86 Doc for SQPC12A.COM file squeeze utility
sqpc12a.com 2944 01-31-86 File SQueeze utility (compresses files)
squeeze.txt 12292 08-23-85 Discription of the Squeeze/Unsqueeze program
tarread.exe 14928 08-19-87 Read Unix TAR files on a PC
transgid.txt 27694 04-22-90 Short guide to networking & file transmission
undigest.c 8194 07-10-96 Break down newsletter digests to individ.
unz520x.exe 159324 05-14-96 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.20: Free zipfile extractor
uucat.c 2641 02-24-96 Combines multi-part uuencoded messsages
uucat.msg 1207 02-24-96 Author's note on how to use uucat.c
uudecode.bas 5660 02-24-96 Creates small and very fast UUdecode program
uudecode.c 5575 02-24-96 C source for uudecoder
uudecode.com 1158 03-11-96 Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary
uudecode.dbg 4222 03-11-91 DEBUG script to produce UUDECODE.COM
uudecode.doc 2018 02-24-96 Instructions on how to use UUDECODE.BAS/COM
uudecode.pas 5940 12-12-86 Convert ASCII uuencoded files back to binary
uudecode.tp5 5602 05-08-90 Simple uudecode in Turbo Pascal v5.0
uuencode.bas 4976 02-24-96 Creates small and very fast UUencode program
uuencode.c 4376 02-24-96 C source for uuencoder
uuencode.com 997 03-11-96 Convert binary files to ASCII
uuencode.pas 5158 12-12-86 Convert binary file to ASCII (Turbo Pascal)
uuencode.tp5 5521 05-08-90 Simple uuencode in Turbo Pascal v5.0
xxdecode.bas 4435 02-24-96 Creates small and very fast XXdecode program
xxdecode.c 7789 02-24-96 XXdecode for MS-DOS/Unix/VMCMS (C source)
xxdecode.com 851 06-11-93 Convert ASCII xxencoded files back to binary
xxdecode.doc 2018 02-24-96 Instructions on how to use XXDECODE.BAS
xxdecode.txt 18166 11-27-89 Simple DEBUG bootstrap script for XXdecode
xxencode.bas 4844 02-24-96 Creates small and very fast XXencode program
xxencode.c 3430 02-24-96 XXencode for MS-DOS/Unix/VMCMS (C source)
xxinstal.bat 88916 03-15-90 BAT file to bootstrap
Ada programming language
path: \disc2\ada
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
ada_lrm1.zip 149011 04-05-89 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader
ada_lrm2.zip 201585 11-08-88 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader
ada_lrm3.zip 43282 04-05-89 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader
ada_lrm4.zip 7930 04-07-89 The Ada Language Reference Manual reader
ada_met1.zip 115071 06-21-90 Ada metric analyzer & software cost estimator
ada_tut3.zip 222594 06-13-96 ADA-TUTR v3.00: Ada-9X programming lang.
adapagr2.zip 48076 06-17-89 Manipulates paged files for Ada SR descrips.
adatu311.zip 233215 06-13-96 Interactive Ada tutor system, v3.11
atutr202.zip 215557 06-13-96 CAI Course on Ada83 programming for MS-DOS
avl191.zip 774046 06-13-96 AVL Ada9X Interpreter/Editor/Debugger
bd3.zip 76696 04-30-89 Demo and tutorial on Ada tasking for PCs
c01lab1.zip 451827 11-11-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 1 of 15
c01lab2.zip 217176 11-11-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 2 of 15
c01lab3.zip 1310605 04-23-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 3 of 15
c01lab4.zip 780567 11-11-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 4 of 15
c01lab5.zip 230726 11-11-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 5 of 15
c01lab6.zip 20162 05-03-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 6 of 15
c01ood.zip 343764 08-25-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 7 of 15
c01oop.zip 337342 04-23-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 8 of 15
c01plab.zip 217545 05-02-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 9 of 15
c01pood.zip 597410 05-02-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 10 of
c01poop.zip 672746 05-02-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 11 of
c01pse1.zip 990826 05-02-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 12 of
c01pse2.zip 422441 05-02-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 13 of
c01rdme.zip 26322 05-04-93 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 14 of
c01se.zip 620309 11-27-92 Ada/C++ OO/Programming/Design course, 15 of
gnat304a.zip 1038015 06-13-96 GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v3.04 for DOS, 1 of
gnat304b.zip 1126596 06-13-96 GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v3.04 for DOS, 2 of
gnat304c.zip 1426152 06-13-96 GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v3.04 for DOS, 3 of
gnat304d.zip 1425642 06-13-96 GNU NYU Ada9X Translator v3.04 for DOS, 3 of
gwuada_0.zip 25670 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Readmes and User's Manual
gwuada_1.zip 1431686 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 1 of 9
gwuada_2.zip 34632 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 2 of 9
gwuada_3.zip 89662 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 3 of 9
gwuada_4.zip 15477 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 4 of 9
gwuada_5.zip 371649 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 5 of 9
gwuada_6.zip 94392 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 6 of 9
gwuada_7.zip 282453 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 7 of 9
gwuada_8.zip 54544 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 8 of 9
gwuada_9.zip 849362 06-13-96 GWU Ada/Ed Compiler/Editor/Debugger, 9 of 9
napp.zip 224116 08-28-89 NASA Ada source code reformatter
pcdp.zip 55862 06-13-96 Programs to accompany Prin. Conc. Dist. Prog.
sm_archv.zip 120781 02-11-93 GWU SmallAda 'Pascal subset' Interpreter
smallada.doc 11992 06-06-93 Readme file for GWU SmallAda (sm-archv.zip)
Artificial Intelligence pgms
path: \disc2\ai
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
ai_tutor.zip 131028 04-08-91 Artificial intelligence tutorial
amaze21.zip 28228 06-12-96 Artificial intelligence system to solve mazes
chat50.zip 44533 06-04-96 AI stand-alone chat (Turing) system
expbench.zip 66222 12-28-87 Expert System benchmarking
neocog10.zip 196957 06-21-96 Neocognitron ANN for OCR & Pattern Maker
saturn43.zip 503439 07-20-96 AI database system
The APL mathematics language
path: \disc2\apl
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
complex.zip 40397 07-31-91 STSC APL fcns for cmplx math, polynomials, &
iapl111.zip 149239 04-03-89 ISO/ANSI/BSI-conforming APL interpreter v1.11
ratapl.zip 170772 11-10-89 Rationalized APL\PC v T1.4, by Andreas Werder
saplpc_a.zip 159293 04-02-88 Sharp Assoc. APL interpreter -- 1 of 2
saplpc_b.zip 177839 04-02-88 Sharp Assoc. APL interpreter -- 2 of 2
Archiving and compressing pgms
path: \disc2\arcers
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
act_27.zip 46417 02-25-96 Archive Comparision Table, v27
actest18.zip 20416 07-08-96 Archive Comparison Test - July 1996 edition
ar002.zip 26357 10-20-90 Source for Okumura's new pedagogical archiver
arc_file.inf 7770 03-02-88 Documentation on the structure of ARC files
arce40g.zip 9329 02-25-96 Vernon Buerg's fast ARC extraction program
ari113u.zip 147414 07-22-96 High perfomance archiver by RAO Inc. v1.13u
arj250a.exe 276237 02-25-96 Robert Jung's ARJ archiver, version 2.50a
booz20.zip 28973 07-08-91 ZOO file extractor, handles new v2.10, w/C
crush18.zip 69864 04-09-96 CRUSH v1.8 - <ASP> Super-compressor for DOS
delbr11.exe 11776 09-09-86 Extract files from a LU-type .LBR (limit 64)
detar11.zip 14900 01-22-88 Process a TAR file on PC
dwc_a501.exe 90112 08-28-88 DWC Archiver v A5.01 - 25% faster than v4.95
extar10.zip 10301 06-06-91 Simple TAR unpacker; w/Unix to DOS name conv.
fiz20.zip 8695 02-12-88 Analyze damaged ZOO archive for data recovery
hap305bp.com 27651 03-21-96 Hamarsoft HAP archiver self-extract release
hpack78.zip 107300 11-19-92 High performance archiver from New Zealand
hyper25.zip 22766 09-29-90 All new file compression program
larc333.exe 55936 05-19-89 LARC Compression program from Japan
lha213.exe 44416 08-06-91 LHA v2.13: LZH archive make/extract program
lha255e.exe 65704 05-05-96 LHA v2.55e: LZH archive make/extract
ltarv3.zip 46286 01-27-92 DOS's deTAR util with special filename
lzhufe.zip 20069 04-26-89 LZHUFE encoding file compression w/TPascal
lzhuftp5.zip 10390 04-30-89 LZHUF encoding file compression w/TPascal src
pak251.exe 103338 12-10-90 NoGate's ARC,PAK,ZIP create/extract program
pax2exe.zip 53855 02-24-90 PAX v2.0 - Unix-like tar and cpio for MS-DOS
pk361.exe 119598 07-31-88 Fast ARC file make/extract PKPAK/PKUNPAK
pkz204g.exe 202574 01-17-93 PKWare ZIP archive create/extract pgm, v2.04g
rar155.exe 269885 02-25-96 The RAR Archiver v1.55/DOS (release)
rar200.exe 267248 06-03-96 The RAR Archiver v2.00/DOS (release)
rcx10.zip 47204 01-28-93 RCX: ReCursive .arc/.zipfile eXtractor
scrnch.zip 41855 01-30-88 Compression program for MS-DOS
squash.zip 26489 11-12-87 'C' source for the PKPAK squashing
sqz1083e.exe 119203 02-09-93 SQUEEZE archiver from Sweden. Compresses
tar.zip 28225 08-22-90 Unix-compatible TAR archive maker/extractor
tar320f_.zip 177527 02-26-96 DOS/UNIX tar w/.Z/(g)zip/hardware support
tar4dos.zip 36663 03-20-90 Unix-compatible TAR archive create/extract
uc2pro.exe 403884 02-25-96 UltraCompressor II Pro archiver from AIP-NL
uc2r3.exe 245258 02-25-96 UltraCompressor II archiver from AIP-NL
unarj241.zip 38304 06-03-93 ARJ file extractor for MS-DOS/Unix/VMS/others
untgz093.zip 148955 06-10-96 Decompress Unix TGZ files under MS-DOS
unz520x.exe 159324 05-14-96 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.20: Free zipfile extractor
unz520x3.exe 234315 05-14-96 Info-ZIP's free UnZipper with fast 386
unzip52.zip 806171 05-14-96 Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.20 extractor, C source
zip20.zip 245399 09-09-93 Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.0, C source code
zip20x.zip 175993 09-13-93 Info-ZIP's portable ZIP v2.0, MS-DOS EXEs
zoo210.exe 55721 07-11-91 Dhesi's make/extract/view ZOO archives,
Utils for using archives
path: \disc2\arcutils
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
2all210.zip 15607 05-11-96 Archive conversion util, handles 25 archivers
2zip25.zip 18910 12-07-89 Convert most any archived file to ZIP format
ac300.zip 103250 03-13-93 Converts between compressed archive formats
aczar210.zip 328706 06-01-96 Archive shell for
ad2zip11.zip 29508 06-09-96 Automatically add a file to every .ZIP/.ARJ
addc22.zip 19579 07-08-92 Inserts comment headers into ZIP and ARJ
am113.zip 245133 04-07-96 ArcMaster v10.3: Archive shell/manager
ansikl10.zip 10048 06-04-89 Remove ANSI codes from comments in ZIP files
any2zip4.zip 4410 07-05-89 Batch files to convert ARC/LZH/ARC/ZOO to ZIP
appnote.zip 11598 01-23-93 PKZIP 2.0+ data structures for util
arcf110.zip 6562 03-08-92 Find text in ARChives by Vernon Buerg, v1.10
arcid120.zip 38548 06-16-96 Identifies archive types by file signature
arcon26.zip 42130 04-06-96 ARCON v2.6: Archive format converter
arctool.zip 24719 01-08-87 Recover files from damaged archives
arctozip.zip 6673 03-21-90 Conversion & comments! Auto-del largest; V1.3
arcv122.zip 12427 04-11-91 V.Buerg's verbose display of ARC directories
arcvrt21.zip 54729 08-11-89 Convert between any archive formats
arjm101.zip 91992 10-21-91 Menu shell for ARJ. Supports all commands
arjop141.zip 48787 05-19-92 Mini-menu/shell for ARJ, with full source
arjvw161.zip 186640 06-01-96 ARJ 2.41 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0
aszr201.zip 63167 01-23-93 Splits and sizes ZIP/ARJ/ARC/LZH files
at780f.zip 103575 04-14-93 Archive shell for ARC/LZH/PAK/PKA/LBR/ZOO/ZIP
auto_11.zip 197193 03-04-95 Menu-driven shell for PKzip 2.04
av12.zip 10674 03-05-91 Ledbetter's dir viewer for
av20.zip 16247 03-17-89 Views files from ZOO, PKPAK, ARC, PAK, LU, SQ
av605.zip 127011 06-04-96 Archive View: Free ZIP etc directory viewer
aview65b.zip 71993 02-13-94 BBS util: view/extract files from archives
azp5010.zip 25952 01-18-90 Front-end utility for use with PKZIP &
bbzippii.zip 51247 08-10-89 Byte Brothers ARC to ZIP conversion program
bldzip10.zip 31134 01-14-93 Program builds a ZIP file to any wanted size
ca100.zip 13494 02-28-89 Verbose list for ARC / ZIP archives
chkav22.zip 73793 05-04-91 ChkAv 2.2, check ZIP files for -AV stamps
compr16.zip 10700 08-24-89 ZIP/LZH/PAK/ARC/ZOO/DWC extract/view/freshen
cutter22.zip 15902 06-20-89 Splits ZIP Files into any size you wish
cvt_101.zip 17786 10-27-89 Convert from one archive type to another
dec01.zip 12345 07-18-96 Decompress files easily and efficiently
dizdir30.zip 70960 03-02-96 Lists file_id.diz files of archives
duh13.zip 35042 05-01-89 Deletes files that exist in ARC, ZIP, PAK,
fv145.zip 8843 02-25-96 View dirs of ARC/DWC/LBR/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO/SFXs
gen012.zip 23839 08-23-91 Builds multivolume backups w/popular
gus_195.zip 42580 06-01-96 File add/extract shell for 13 archive types
ifl150.zip 20921 11-25-89 Displays dirs of ARC/LZH/PAK/ZIP/ZOO archives
instit12.zip 359686 05-22-96 Install-It v1.2: DOS-based archiving shell
larc22.zip 45994 03-08-89 Chooses best compression method for ARCs/ZIPs
lckr201.zip 53789 01-23-93 Splits and sizes LZH files
lhavw161.zip 95086 06-01-96 LHA 2.55 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0
lhc15.zip 1182 05-18-90 BAT file converts other archive formats to
lhdir13.zip 11576 05-25-89 View directories of LHarc archives
lhmenu.zip 11397 04-03-89 Front end menu for LHARC
lhtools.zip 24847 04-18-89 Check LZHs for trojans, make self-extract
lhx.zip 28151 04-14-89 Recover files from damaged LHarc archives
lsize252.zip 60305 09-29-94 Archive re-sizer with LZH/ARJ/ZIP/RAR support
lu.zip 25199 02-20-87 Library (LBR) utilities by Vernon Buerg
lut193.zip 2749 05-27-85 V.Buerg's list dir's of LBR files
lview.zip 10030 04-02-89 Viewer for LHARC'ed files
lz_comp2.zip 18007 04-09-89 Discussion of various compression algs. w/src
lzhtv12.zip 31167 04-21-90 LZHTV v1.2, on-line LHarc file viewer
mad100.zip 13412 05-19-89 Multi-format archive file viewer also does
makelzh2.zip 7362 05-16-89 Make LZH files of all files in a directory
mup119.zip 30685 04-12-96 Multiple UnPacker, supports 18 diff. archives
nzip202.zip 43086 06-22-90 NZIP v2.02, front end menu for PKZIP
openclos.zip 43476 10-16-90 ARC/ZIP subdirectory management utilities
palrun20.zip 255384 08-19-90 Run or edit files from within ZIP files
pcunzip.zip 17051 02-23-92 Fast free UNZIP program, with ASM source
pk2bugs.zip 1289 01-08-93 List of bugs in PKZIP 2.04c. Beware!
pk_warn.zip 899 05-11-90 Warning about a hacked version of PKZIP (1.2)
pkbanner.zip 21493 05-04-89 Add fancy coments to ZIP files
pkcnvt11.zip 44776 03-04-90 Convert Amiga arc/zoo/lzh files to ZIP on
pkinsv64.zip 76680 09-21-91 Pkinsert: Utility for inserting ZIP comments
pkv100.zip 12865 10-13-90 ZIP file viewer with TASM source
pkzdate.zip 20542 08-16-90 Sets date of ZIP file to latest contained
pkzf15.zip 78498 02-25-96 PKWare's file find pgm, searchs ZIPs too
pkzm104.zip 117406 03-01-91 Menu-driven ZIP file extract pgm from PKWare
psdarc.zip 9707 05-30-93 Deletes all files extracted from an ARC file
psdzip.zip 9934 05-30-93 Deletes all files extracted from a ZIP file
puzv11.zip 54861 07-12-94 Powerful UnZipper: Extract shell for
qc175.zip 21368 06-22-91 Converts to/from ZIP, ARJ, and LHarc formats
qzview1.zip 52288 12-16-89 Small point-and-shoot shell for ZIP programs
redate2.zip 16278 05-21-91 Resets archive filedate to match internal
rezip5.zip 15094 08-25-89 Rezipper utility
rv249.zip 26088 03-08-93 Archive lister for ZIP/ARJ/LZH/ZOO/PAK/ARC
rv251.zip 24231 06-01-96 Archive lister for
rvs113.zip 47815 06-01-96 RView Shell: View/extract contents of
see24int.zip 11309 05-25-91 Interactive version of SEE24 archive file
see260.zip 8534 08-15-91 View ARC/PAK/ZOO/ZIP/LZH/ARJ/DWC/HYP/LBR
sharc24.zip 12051 05-25-91 View/Extract shell ArcArjZipZooLzhPakDwc,
shez109.zip 392653 02-25-96 Shell for ZIP/LHA/ZOO/ARC/ARJ/SQZ/PAK/UC2
shezt.zip 33888 10-26-92 Online tutorial for first time SHEZ users
shezview.zip 5915 10-14-91 Shell to add viewers to SHEZ archive manager
stelth24.zip 61836 06-01-96 Cvts all compressed files to any other format
stripz13.zip 12592 10-15-89 Strip comments out of .ZIP file/reset attribs
subzip21.zip 60456 05-03-91 Compress and uncompress subdirectory with ZIP
suzv10.zip 10282 02-28-90 Selective ZIP extractor (uses PKZIP/PKUNZIP)
tolharc.zip 41975 04-17-89 Convert other archive types to LHarc
tolzh10.zip 13505 05-03-89 Convert from ARC/PAK/ZIP/ZOO to LZH archives
tozip51.zip 17981 09-15-89 Cvt ZOO/PAK/DWC/LHARC/PKUNPAK/PKXARC to ZIP
tundo.zip 12055 06-05-92 Unarchiving shell and basic file associations
undo_20.zip 11289 01-02-92 Shell opens ARC/ARJ/ZOO/ZIP/PAK/LZH
unzipit.zip 8718 10-01-90 Quickly unzip and scan for virus for ZIP
uxarc.zip 7436 07-12-89 Single interface to ZIP, LZH, PAK archivers
warn201.zip 667 03-15-92 Warning re bogus PKZIP201.ZIP or .EXE file
x_v30.zip 16243 02-21-91 Run compressed prg or batch files out of a
xchg_103.zip 12773 03-19-89 Convert from one compression sys to another
xtgz20.zip 41751 05-12-93 Zip 2.0 overlay for XTreeGold v2.5
xtwz20.zip 54637 05-09-93 Zip 2.0 overlay for XTree (v1.5) for Windows
zarc_22.zip 45625 05-21-92 ZARC ZIP Manager: Zip select files by tagging
zc102.zip 21091 03-23-91 Break up ZIP file into files of specified
zckr201.zip 55817 01-23-93 Splits and sizes ZIP files
zcm12.zip 138524 03-26-92 ZIP CommentMaster v1.2: ZIP comment editor
zdate10.zip 8142 03-03-92 Time/date utility that returns PKZIP format
zdir18.zip 27816 01-26-93 ZIP dir (multicol,wildcard,-v verbose)
zfv111.zip 28887 08-06-92 ZIP format view - technical ZIP file info
zfv12.zip 56325 05-10-91 ZFV v.1.2, stand alone archive viewer
zgrep30.zip 19409 01-07-93 Search/extract ZIP files w/regular
zipcln11.zip 19251 04-08-96 ZIP Clean 1.1: Removes unwanted files from
zipcvt29.zip 12628 06-01-96 Converts ZIPS to 2.04 maximum compression
zipdate.zip 30470 04-21-89 Changes ZIP archive date to latest member
zipoff.zip 27984 07-02-91 A ZIP-split program that creates useable
zipper13.zip 12446 09-17-90 Build ZIPs of limited size from multiple
zipspl12.zip 20347 08-25-92 Split a ZIP file to any size or onto
zipstr14.zip 10797 04-07-96 ZipStrip v1.4: Adds/removes ZIP comments
ziptv21.zip 36517 04-21-90 ZIP viewer/reader driver program for BBS
zipup1_1.zip 15466 10-15-89 Strip out or add comments to ZIPs
zipv120.zip 16883 12-10-90 Read text files inside ZIPs using Buerg's
zipvew13.zip 13771 05-05-90 BBS door: Browse through contents of ZIP
zipview.zip 13771 05-05-90 IDC's utility to view ZIP's on any BBS
zipvu124.zip 35725 01-07-93 View text/graphics & execute files inside
zipvw161.zip 98199 06-01-96 ZIP 2.04 viewer for NC 3.0&4.0 & VC 4.0
zlab_19c.zip 260853 02-01-92 Ziplab v1.9C; a ZIP file tester for PCBoard
zm29.zip 131531 06-17-92 ZipMaster 2.9, ZIP file compression manager
zpdisk21.zip 16246 05-05-96 Zipadisk v2.1: .ZIP file manager
zray125.zip 19071 04-29-91 Zip X-Ray 1.25: View files in ZIPs using LIST
zsize122.zip 40513 08-12-91 Breaks large ZIPs into smaller specified size
zt283.zip 127908 06-01-96 ZIPtool v2.83: Copy/delete/merge/split ZIPs
ztec62c.zip 68129 12-06-92 Zip Terminus v6.2c: Front-end for PKZIP
zvtest11.zip 115616 12-30-89 Test ZIPs for damage & viruses (uses SCANV)
zzap66a.zip 99911 01-04-93 Convert archive types, test integrity/virus
The Assembly Language 'mag'
path: \disc2\asm_mag
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
amag0289.zip 17168 02-21-89 The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 2/89 issue
amag0389.zip 22724 03-28-89 The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 3/89 issue
amag0589.zip 15591 05-21-89 The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 5/89 issue
amag1289.zip 31046 12-16-89 The Assembly Language 'MAGAZINE', 12/89 issue
Assembly language utils
path: \disc2\asmutl
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
386p_200.zip 314264 05-11-96 DOS extender for game programming, ASM source
80xxx_95.zip 700671 03-29-96 1995 Assembly Language Snippets
8668_101.zip 34171 09-30-94 80x86 to 68000 source-code converter v1.01
a86cnvrt.zip 35049 06-15-87 How to convert MASM files to A86 format
a86v402.zip 177629 02-25-96 Eric Isaacson's ShareWare assembler v4.02
aedt181.zip 719094 07-17-96 ASM Edit: Powerful assembler IDE
afixv100.zip 21436 02-17-90 Conversions for 61 PC Mag MASM files to A86
alabv10.zip 170259 07-03-95 Assembler Laboratory v1.0; Assembler IDE
alib30.zip 783810 03-03-95 Library of assembler functions with source
amisl092.zip 117583 05-12-96 Src lib to create highloading removable TSRs
asm110.zip 27656 05-06-96 Magic Assembler version 1.10
asm_0_m.zip 702706 06-18-90 ASM programs/libs/etc from various sources
asm_n_z.zip 686024 02-11-90 ASM programs/libs/etc from various sources
asmed_1.zip 85702 10-26-89 Editor making integrated env for TASM/MASM
asmenv19.zip 119231 11-14-93 ASMEnv v1.9: Borland-style IDE for TASM/MASM
asmhelp.zip 16039 10-30-87 MASM Assembler help files w/docs & examples
asmlib40.zip 256338 05-07-96 Herr's library of ASM language subroutines
asmtutor.zip 24938 11-27-85 A well done ASM tutorial by Joshua Auerbach
asmwin13.zip 21123 01-26-89 Assembly language windowing routines for TASM
asmwiz21.zip 77688 04-13-96 Assembly Wizard's Library v2.1 for ASM pgming
bin.zip 4722 12-17-87 Drop-in replacement for EXE2BIN
bluebook.zip 58766 05-13-86 Waite Groups ASM language Bluebook source
bxd26.zip 24512 05-27-89 BrandX full-screen debugger, v2.6
chasm4.zip 105747 07-01-85 CHeap ASseMbler (freeware)
ckcompaq.asm 2059 12-24-84 Return if system is COMPAQ
conv_a11.zip 26322 11-06-89 Case conversion util for Assembly language
d86bios4.zip 30461 07-06-89 D86's BIOS interface for unusual machines, v4
d86v402.zip 94935 02-25-96 Eric Isaacson's ShareWare debugger v4.02
dbug2.zip 11676 08-26-88 Inspect and change bytes in a file
ddkit.zip 7553 06-03-86 Device driver writing kit
debugtut.zip 12477 08-21-86 Tutorial on the use of DEBUG
disasm.zip 12730 07-13-96 Complete 8086/186 assembly, disassembly
dosexec.zip 5696 06-07-89 Demonstrates how to use MS-DOS EXEC function
emstulkt.zip 315684 10-23-91 Multi-language EMS library w/docs from Intel
execom14.zip 16500 03-07-88 Exe2Com v1.04 by Chris Dunford (w/MSC source)
extnd.iqc 4480 12-08-85 MASM macros for NEC V20/V30 instructions
freeli20.zip 162047 07-03-96 FREELIB v2.0: Free Assembly Language library
gospeed.zip 7260 05-27-90 Sample code to detect if TSR is already
hresline.aqm 12451 05-09-86 Hires graphics routine to draw lines on CGA
loadems.zip 3209 02-25-90 ASM example of load & execute from EMS memory
loop.asm 2628 08-15-87 Demonstrates block transfers of memory
lw286.zip 16519 12-22-87 TSR: 80286 assembler language quick reference
lw86.zip 14694 11-20-86 Pop-up help for 8086/80186 instruction set
mac8080.zip 10149 11-24-91 TASM macros to assemble 8080 code
mastrenv.zip 1384 06-04-88 ASM source - find the DOS master environment
modex105.zip 264999 05-22-96 High performance ASM video routines
mresline.aqm 24988 05-21-86 Mediumres graphics routine to draw line on
newtsr1.zip 1280 01-22-87 TSR function for assembly language
nor_asmb.zip 94671 08-14-89 Norton ASM langauge rtns for disk file
ovl301.zip 92907 02-04-89 Overlay manager, linkable+standalone versions
pdvim.zip 34795 09-07-87 Virtual machine PC-AT emulator
pmtut002.zip 33166 03-22-96 Protected mode FAQ and tutorial
prenv.zip 2553 09-23-88 Read a program's parent's environment w/ASM
priac1.zip 5485 09-27-88 Displays IAC area at 40:00F0 w/ASM
primer2.zip 15152 08-14-85 Whitman's ASM language primer for beginners
probe.zip 34899 04-28-86 Analyze program performance
readobj.zip 16197 03-11-89 Dump Microsoft .OBJ & .LIB files, w/'C'
rtools.zip 252330 12-05-93 Macro assembler/editor w/high-level
sally.asm 2939 07-28-85 Structured Control Macros for MASM
soundexa.zip 5561 03-27-88 Assembly language source for soundex routine
ssd40.zip 155391 06-07-96 Code analyser for the IBM PC
stderrf.zip 28230 03-22-96 Stderr redirection to a file utility
stdlib.zip 130973 03-12-91 Standard Library for 8086 ASM programmers
struca86.zip 2905 12-28-89 Macros for structured programming in A86
switch.zip 3078 09-25-88 Demonstrates how to read command line
tbones07.zip 34710 01-19-91 Skeletal ASM programs for programming TSRs
template.zip 11167 12-30-91 Douglas Boling's MASM template for a TSR pgm
testnmi.asm 2601 01-05-85 Fiddle with NonMaskable Interrupts
trace.zip 38546 05-12-86 Interrupt tracer w/ASM/com files
tsrdemo2.zip 14970 03-08-87 Sample demo on a safe approach to TSRs
unld8616.zip 21021 04-01-94 Converts binary to Intel hex
unreal10.zip 5424 03-14-95 Unreal-Mode v1.0: Linear memory in real mode
usoftpd.zip 31976 11-05-87 Assembler macros for use with MASM 5*.*0
valarrow.zip 107498 04-19-95 Assembler, linker, editor (old but good)
wasm202.zip 92402 03-07-87 Wolf's Shareware assembler
x2b11.zip 7286 10-14-89 EXE2BIN replacement (tweaked ASM src) v1.1
xlt86.zip 18653 12-11-86 8080 to 8086 ASM translater, w/ASM source
xray15.zip 13488 02-17-90 Displays interrupts/calls during pgm
zendisk1.zip 57797 02-14-90 Listings from 'Zen of Assembly Language', #1
zendisk2.zip 98223 02-14-90 Listings from 'Zen of Assembly Language', #2
Astronomical pgms
path: \disc2\astronmy
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
aa_51.zip 153659 03-19-93 Astronomical almanac - sun moon planets stars
aa_53a.zip 282898 03-19-96 Astronomical ephemeris calculator, C sources
astro202.zip 89531 07-20-92 Athabasca University Micro-Planetarium v2.02
b_star.zip 42002 05-09-93 Program to animate motions of a binary star
binary3.zip 33721 07-11-96 Eclipsing binary stars and light curves
cosmos16.zip 161377 12-28-92 SVGA to Herc, professional Astronomy
dance13.zip 148373 02-15-90 Computer model of the solar system. DEMO
de118i.zip 169987 03-19-93 N-body numerical integration of moon &
deep12_1.zip 3077912 05-05-96 Star charts for the PC (part 1)
deep12_2.zip 2765806 05-05-96 Star charts for the PC (part 2)
deep12_3.zip 943423 05-05-96 Star charts for the PC (part 3)
diff_dra.zip 41894 05-09-93 Displays a binary star system in 3-D
dspac550.zip 1430057 06-14-96 For star maps, orbits, and telescope control
ephem421.zip 225465 09-12-90 Astronomical ephemeris:stars/planets
galil.zip 49959 05-09-93 Animates motions of Jupiter and its
galsat50.zip 37181 08-12-93 Displays relative positions of Jupiter's
galsat53.zip 54013 07-11-96 Displays relative positions of Jupiter's
gravity2.zip 95716 04-11-90 Simulates motions of planetary bodies in
jpstphn2.zip 53507 06-17-91 Animated display of Jupiters' satellites
jupsat21.zip 49476 07-01-93 Jovian satellites simulator with animation
moon.zip 52157 04-07-90 Graphic display of moon's face
planet.zip 38864 01-10-89 Gives time/azimuth/coords for planet
satsat2.zip 78145 07-13-96 Displays relative positions of Saturn's Moons
satview2.zip 33404 06-17-91 Mathematical model of sunlit planet
sfs101.zip 253287 10-20-91 Space Flight Simulator, CGA/HGC/EGA/VGA
sfs101s.zip 396804 11-03-91 Source code for Space Flight Simulator v1.01
skyglb36.zip 362704 02-26-96 SkyGlobe v3.60: Desktop planetarium program
skyimg1.zip 1038065 02-19-93 Planetary/Lunar GIF images for SkyMap v1.2
starwrk2.zip 194790 12-13-93 Astronomical Planetarium Simulator
tracker5.zip 57744 07-11-96 Displays location of Great Red Spot of
pgms for Auto-CAD
path: \disc2\autocad
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
a7221v1b.zip 74158 03-17-92 Converts and sends AutoCAD ADI files to
abkout.zip 6267 07-20-95 Batch compatible lisp to wblock all blocks
acadbbs.zip 2213 09-30-87 List of AutoCAD-oriented BBSs
acadpcb.zip 67539 12-20-92 Tools and blocks for PC board design
aconvert.zip 5421 08-18-95 Batch convert AutoCad R13 drawings to R12
adiplot.zip 96540 06-22-87 AutoCAD printer plotting utility
adiplt.zip 47313 10-24-90 AutoCAD plots on mainframe printers
adxfout.zip 4368 07-20-95 Batch compatible lisp program to dxfout dwgs
alladi.zip 91169 05-30-90 General purpose ADI screen drivers for
ally21.zip 187162 12-13-92 Autolisp program analyzer
amate270.zip 153964 05-05-92 Auto-Mate v2.7: Front end AutoCAD dwg manager
amdemo.zip 72272 08-11-90 AutoMaster:AutoCAD drawing mgr.&front end
ansimnu3.zip 2767 01-30-90 AutoCAD: Color ANSI AutoLISP menu system
asaveimg.zip 4742 08-06-95 Batch TIF, GIF or TGA image files of drawings
attrstyl.zip 5544 08-06-95 Change block attribute text style & height
autobmp2.zip 343294 07-22-95 Create bitmap (BMP) files of multiple
autocad.c 4511 09-20-88 Faster print AUTOCAD files to PostScript
autodm20.zip 37438 05-19-96 LISP program for dimensioning in AutoCAD R13
autograf.msg 719 08-30-87 Message from AUTOGRAF.PAS author, information
autograf.pas 3336 08-14-87 Autocad .DXF File from Fortran & Turbo-Pascal
autoplot.zip 4089 07-20-95 Batch compatible lisp to create plot files
autopurg.zip 5788 07-20-95 Batch compatible lisp program to purge dwgs
autoship.zip 19952 07-20-95 Batch compatible Lisp cleans up drawing setup
axo_10.zip 17817 04-26-93 Oblique axonometry of DXF files ver. 10,11,12
chg.zip 3557 12-09-89 AutoLISP: Low level entity access
chg3.zip 5025 01-30-90 AutoCAD low lvl entity access w/color
dcg100.zip 141111 08-29-94 DCG v1.00: DCL Code Generator for AutoCAD R12
dcg101.zip 141308 11-08-94 DCL Code Generator v1.01 for AutoCAD R12
dcg2demo.zip 53723 04-26-96 DCL Code Generator for AutoCAD R12 & R13
ddmscr11.zip 64038 05-19-96 Library for metric socket screws and nuts
door.zip 1947 12-09-89 AutoLISP: Two pick door program
dragon.zip 1578 09-24-89 AutoLISP: Generates recursively defined dwgs
dtl.zip 3019 07-25-88 AutoLISP: Extracts detail section of drawing
dwgdocm.zip 10050 08-19-95 Attach text files as an integral part of dwgs
dwgtime.zip 5546 07-20-95 Batch compatible lisp writes dwg times to
dxfinfo2.zip 16702 05-07-96 Provides information contained in DXF files
econo3.zip 5329 10-12-91 Redundant line replacement program for
eleblks.zip 48263 07-01-91 Electrical symbols for AutoCAD
fontsub.zip 6836 07-20-95 Batch compatible lisp to substitute dwg fonts
geotol.zip 28175 03-07-93 GD&T made easy for AutoCAD R12
glac12.zip 330875 06-23-93 HP-GL/2 print/plot drivers for AutoCAD R12
hpgl2scr.zip 29684 09-18-91 Convert HPGL to AutoCAD script language
hpglprl.zip 5138 04-27-93 Perl scripts convert HPGL to AutoCAD DXF/SCR
hrsh2acd.zip 95040 07-18-88 Hershey fonts for use with AutoCAD
kelv.zip 28717 03-27-91 John Walker's AutoLISP code protection
makslb21.zip 17275 07-17-96 Freeware beta AutoCAD slide library utility
morph.zip 4325 12-24-94 AutoLisp: Morphs contour pairs into each
multiplt.zip 9016 08-06-95 Saves plot parameter to drawing using EED
numcmd.zip 80844 10-25-92 Number-Pad based Interface for AutoCAD
parnch.zip 29009 03-14-87 AutoLISP parentheses checker/ pretty printer
pcxdxb11.zip 10276 11-21-90 Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD translation utility
pcxslt18.zip 30952 04-07-91 Converts Paintbrush PCX to AutoCAD DXF files
pdist.zip 1727 06-30-87 AutoLISP: Finds dist betwn two pts on pline
pkey12_1.zip 258206 09-13-92 PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 1of3
pkey12_2.zip 337039 09-13-92 PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 2of3
pkey12_3.zip 273978 09-13-92 PowerKey1.02: Menu system for AutoCAD, 3of3
rdsld13.zip 63354 12-01-93 Display AutoCAD slide files, cnvt to GIF
rect.zip 1970 09-24-89 AutoLISP: Rectangle drawing routines
runlisp.zip 365527 07-23-95 Batch processing for AutoCad for Windows
screwit.zip 146872 03-09-91 ACAD drawing library: Socket Head Cap Screws
seldwg_3.zip 17435 02-21-89 Select drawings from DOS for AutoCAD
sfill.zip 1534 07-14-88 AutoLISP: Fill between 2 Arcs, Lines, Plines
sharelib.zip 9383 07-04-87 1st shareware AutoCad library
shx2shp.zip 7681 10-15-87 Convert ACAD SHX fonts to SHP files for edit
sldm515a.zip 129447 05-05-93 SlideManager shows and converts SLD->DXF/HPGL
slib10.zip 17159 04-25-95 Enhanced replacement for AutoCAD's SlideLib
strekdxf.zip 213996 12-13-92 DXF format of Enterprise drawing for Autocad
sub1.zip 1284564 10-02-95 AutoCAD 12 dwgs - electrical power
sv_env.zip 1898 09-24-89 AutoLISP: Saves AutoLISP environment to file
volare10.zip 18137 04-26-93 Volume & area of DTM from DXF file w/3DFACES
wblk.zip 1704 01-04-92 Write AutoCAD block reference to specified
wrldmaps.zip 64033 12-21-89 Create maps in AutoCAD using WORLDMAP data
xtrud.zip 7568 12-20-94 Extrudes pline section through arbitrary path
Baker PC News press releases
path: \disc2\baker
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
bnew9503.zip 841594 02-26-96 Baker's PC press releases - Mar 1995
bnew9504.zip 864870 02-26-96 Baker's PC press releases - Apr 1995
bnew9505.zip 989954 02-26-96 Baker's PC press releases - May 1995
bnew9506.zip 1040150 02-26-96 Baker's PC press releases - Jun 1995
bnew9507.zip 830394 02-26-96 Baker's PC press releases - Jul 1995
bnew9508.zip 1317953 02-26-96 Baker's PC press releases - Aug 1995
bnew9509.zip 1147170 02-26-96 Baker's PC press releases - Sep 1995
bnew9510.zip 1475671 02-26-96 Baker's PC press releases - Oct 1995
BASIC pgmming language
path: \disc2\basic
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
555.zip 3014 01-16-87 Simple 555 oscillator designer (.BAS source)
aabas21.zip 31159 04-21-96 AABAS: Alternative BASIC lib for QB/PDS/VBDOS
abc0995.zip 387254 09-01-95 ALL BASIC CODE Packets 9/95 used by ABC
abc9511.zip 354203 10-28-95 The Monthly ABC Packet for November 1995
abcrd100.zip 100681 10-28-95 The ALL BASIC CODE Reader v1.00
acdkit10.zip 88263 06-17-96 Music CD Toolkit v1.0 for QB/PDS/VBDOS
airmiles.zip 7689 07-08-87 Airmiles between cities - Basic
angel19b.zip 239822 06-25-93 AngeLIB 1.9b: MS PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming
asic500.zip 335203 07-02-96 BASIC compiler, over 80 BASICA/QBASIC
bansi120.zip 93890 04-21-96 ANSI commands/functions lib for QB4.5 & VBDOS
basic2sb.zip 50497 01-18-88 Converts BASICA to structured Basic
basman1.zip 71507 12-11-87 BASIC manual -- part 1 of 3
basman2.zip 78271 12-11-87 BASIC manual -- part 2 of 3
basman3.zip 25614 12-11-87 BASIC manual -- part 3 of 3
basmenu.zip 1869 07-24-88 Menu subroutine for Basic programs
bastru21.zip 28648 01-03-94 Re-structures BASIC source code
baswiz31.zip 261928 04-21-96 ASM/BASIC lib for QB, PDS, VB-DOS compilers
bltp108a.zip 154290 12-20-94 Bullet for PowerBASIC 3 .DBF/b-tree toolkit
bltq121.zip 198047 01-09-95 Bullet for QB45/BASIC7/VBDOS DBF/btree
bltq13a.zip 198516 07-20-93 BULLET for QB45/BASIC7/VBDOS, dBASE toolkit
bpp10.zip 52781 11-08-91 Preprocessor for QBASIC/QuickBasic/BASCOM/PDS
bpp21.zip 49710 04-21-96 PreProcessor for PDS/QB/VBDOS/PowerBASIC
bprep110.zip 18367 11-03-91 Adds conditionals/includes/defines to BASIC
buffdemo.zip 30812 05-12-86 Demonstration of using buffers in Basic
bwb110e.zip 71774 10-26-92 Bywater BASIC Interpreter 1.10, EXE and doc
bwb110s.zip 103924 10-26-92 Bywater BASIC Interpreter 1.10, C source code
catgen20.zip 114796 07-19-96 Makes full color docs and online help for BAS
environ.inf 1468 06-17-89 Accessing environment variables from BASIC
error.zip 30426 02-01-87 Display BASIC errors in plain language!
fc13.zip 3954 08-18-85 Compare 2 BAS sources, produce MRG update
ga.zip 1877 07-15-88 Basic function key utility
garbage.col 3588 10-11-86 Control string 'garbage collection' in BASIC
hurrican.bqs 5248 07-21-87 Hurricane tracking program
ibrary31.zip 48810 04-21-96 Library for ASIC 4.0+ compiler, 200 routines
imb9003.zip 4386 02-28-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 03/90
imb9004.zip 5701 03-31-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 04/90
imb9005.zip 6759 04-30-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 05/90
imb9006.zip 6859 05-15-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 06/90
imb9007.zip 4236 06-27-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 07/90
imb9011.zip 3578 10-31-90 Inside Microsoft Basic - 11/90
langwn23.zip 386073 05-22-96 Extensive toolkit for QBasic/PDS
libwiz21.zip 114265 04-21-96 LibWiz: Manages/customizes MS BASIC libraries
lrnbasic.zip 84508 10-28-84 Several examples and a study tutorial of
n_b_v203.zip 626114 07-03-96 Library for PowerBASIC v3.2 and 386+
neatlist.bas 12067 12-10-85 'Neat lister' for BASIC source code
oops.zip 680 08-17-86 Recover BASIC prog lost by return to system
pbc32.zip 343893 04-21-96 PBClone QB/BASCOM/PDS/VB-DOS lib, 610
pbcdk10.zip 73929 10-15-94 Audio CD Toolkit v1.0 for PowerBASIC 3.0
pbfaq060.zip 163055 05-01-96 PowerBASIC-FAQ v0.60 (May issue 1996)
pbsnd180.zip 1213035 06-29-96 Sound Blaster Toolbox for PowerBASIC 3.x
pbvl110.zip 157435 11-10-94 PB/VISION LITE 1.10 for PowerBASIC 3.0 <ASP>
pcl4pb43.zip 51960 04-11-96 Communications library for Power Basic
pcl4vb43.zip 76521 05-14-95 Communications library for Visual Basic
ppl4pb10.zip 79505 04-11-96 X/Y/Zmodem protocol library for Power Basic
prtsc.bas 365 03-17-89 Simple BASIC program to print the screen
race2.zip 1604 07-05-87 Short programs for autoracing fans
rb58.zip 3543 08-20-85 Quickly convert BASIC files to ASCII
readbas.zip 17770 11-13-86 Reads tokenized BASIC files without BASIC
softip.zip 96118 10-20-90 Marquis Computing's BASIC Soft Tips magazine
spllib.zip 113106 06-17-88 Structured Programming Language Processor
squish33.zip 6148 06-25-87 V.Buerg's compress & unnumber Basic source
tk6412.zip 27046 04-07-96 TOK64: C64 basic interpreter for DOS
tsrbas22.zip 101288 03-24-93 Terminate and stay resident BASIC Interpreter
unpbas11.zip 1500 12-21-90 Unprotects GWBASIC/BASICA protected programs
Batch utils
path: \disc2\batchutl
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
a_r10.zip 17424 10-28-94 Batch file mouse + ANSI screen control, v1.0
ansmat10.zip 75383 05-18-91 Write BAT files to change colors/function
aset10.zip 80283 05-04-93 Ricki's enhanced SET command
ask11c.zip 14953 03-08-94 Asks questions in BATch file, w/timeout,
ask3.zip 16866 12-10-86 Timed Ask from BAT w/config. errorlevels
ask_bat.zip 15033 02-15-89 Timed response to Y/N prompts in .BAT files
askmep.zip 25014 07-01-92 Batch file utility to prompt for Y/N question
autornd4.zip 26035 08-10-94 Runs 1 of 99,999,999 batch files randomly
bat2ex15.zip 33895 08-09-91 Converts BAT files to EXE files
batch13.zip 125117 04-07-96 Comprehensive collection of Batch programs
batchart.zip 31788 04-28-88 A well written article on Batch files
batchsel.zip 8023 05-24-91 Do DOS cmd /w file selection from BATCH file
batcsh12.zip 33400 06-14-96 Converts DOS batch file to Unix C shell
batdbg14.zip 110183 05-13-95 Debugger/editor for Batch files
bathints.zip 39863 01-04-89 Collection of hints on using BATch files
batkit54.zip 78506 09-08-93 BAT utils: kbd input, screen painting, more!
batmen.zip 29319 06-27-89 Scrollable menus/windows in DOS batch files
batmnu21.zip 34571 07-10-92 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows
batscrn.zip 20945 06-08-91 Full screen pop-up pause/answer for BAT files
batsec.zip 11510 03-02-92 Batch Secrets: Elementary color/key text info
batutil1.zip 191968 03-23-90 Manipulate environment/get input in BAT files
bav121.zip 166284 07-20-96 Search .BIN screens & extract current screen
bcsrce2.zip 126500 02-21-91 Wenham's BATCOM-compiled .BAT source code
bed11.zip 57051 12-07-85 Batch Editor, edit files in batch
bigecho1.zip 18402 04-04-95 Display 10-char msg in 8x8 block characters
blrmu21.zip 89061 05-16-96 40 miscellaneous batch utilities
bmenu54.zip 21388 02-11-90 Pop-up menu system for use in batch files
btchroom.zip 3935 12-14-90 Corrects COMMAND.COM problem w/MARK & RELEASE
callbat.zip 12170 12-20-92 CALL command emulator for DOS < version 3.3
catsig.zip 24608 10-24-91 Audible & visual alarm for ending a long
cdtect.zip 2380 04-04-88 Check for modem carrier detect in BAT files
cenvi211.zip 508061 02-23-96 CEnvi v2.11
check160.zip 21330 07-21-92 Cmdline util to report on system; errorlevels
chktd15.zip 12715 11-29-92 Check current time / date and set errorlevel
choice17.zip 42811 03-09-90 Ask multi-level questions in batch files
clrkey13.zip 10280 11-29-92 Clear 'n' keystrokes from keyboard buffer
cntdwn1.zip 5726 02-14-93 Countdown from n minutes, returning
countfil.zip 5756 02-12-92 Execute specified command after 'n'
dat13c.zip 12269 03-08-94 Display date & time for logging, w/ASM source
dateinfo.zip 17001 06-07-93 Date reminder pgm for AUTOEXEC/Win3.1 startup
dates605.zip 73937 06-04-96 Warns you in advance of birthdays etc.
dexist10.zip 6065 05-13-95 Determines all logical drives on PC
do21.zip 41882 01-04-95 Powerful interactive batch utility - Freeware
domenu13.zip 5430 11-11-91 Adds window menus to any batch file
dpv12.zip 9806 12-06-90 BATutl: Search drive/path/volume return
dv_st200.zip 97697 12-31-94 String manipulation functions for batch files
ebl405.zip 50070 03-14-91 Extended Batch Language version 4.05
echsys10.zip 32048 09-24-89 ECHO/SET-like utils,include sundry system
el.zip 2977 10-03-90 Set errorlevel to value on cmd line, w/C src
elf11.zip 137247 11-22-92 Set errorlevel in .BAT files w/ASM
enqr_25.zip 6601 05-19-94 Allows batch files to be interactive
envset10.zip 6922 08-25-89 Set an environment variable in batch files
envtime.zip 11829 12-31-92 Set DOS envir. variables based on system
errlvl13.zip 10177 11-29-92 Set the DOS errorlevel (return code)
every15.zip 10875 01-26-92 BATutil: Execute cmd if given time has passed
existdir.zip 5212 05-18-92 Check existence of files and subdirectories
exittime.zip 34404 05-09-89 Exit batch file at specified time
fdate91c.zip 76150 04-07-96 Date manipulation utility for batch files
fileage.zip 38078 05-03-95 Age of file in mins, hours, days as
fortn605.zip 66926 06-04-96 Fine-tunes DOS FOR command w/options
funky.zip 6091 02-19-93 Batch file ask, input F1-F10 function key
get24.zip 67315 11-02-91 BATch enhancer inputs from user, DOS,
getday10.zip 9361 12-04-93 Put day of the week into DOS envir. variable
getk002.zip 22838 04-05-96 GET KEY .02: Symbolic implementation of
getkey11.zip 11696 12-06-93 GetKey v1.01 batch file keypress utility
grade12.zip 16303 06-03-96 Set errorlevel depending on file size, w/asm
hit.zip 16350 05-26-88 Graphic alternative to DOS's PAUSE-Color
hmrhm11b.zip 10689 12-21-90 Returns to start DIR in batch files
holdit10.zip 6910 05-04-93 Like DOS' PAUSE w/timeout & errorcode w/srcTP
int11.zip 6526 03-23-92 Execute DOS/BIOS interrupts from command line
jumpext.zip 13020 06-20-89 Extended batch file decision maker
keychk11.zip 7189 06-28-93 Control batch file decision making from keybd
keystf.zip 839 02-20-89 BAT util: Stuffs characters into kbd buffer
makemenu.zip 85802 05-07-89 Construct MENU Batch files automatically
makmnu18.zip 24581 11-29-92 Self maintaining menu utility
menu0891.zip 16519 08-05-91 Creates batch files which present nested
mfwrite.zip 10511 10-24-90 Write cmd strings to console w/escape interp.
microbat.zip 13292 01-19-91 MicroMacroBat, extends functionality of BATs
mn_st101.zip 29573 12-31-94 Set unique file names for batch processing
ms_ask.zip 3227 10-05-92 Ask user for input in a batch file. w/ASM src
mtwdo218.zip 148383 08-04-95 MTWIN v2.18: INI - GRP file manager DOS
nfty50.zip 95553 05-22-96 Nifty Fifty: 50 DOS utilities for batch files
pbatch12.zip 85863 07-15-94 Batch Enhancer: Menus, Mouse, Hotkeys, Colors
pua12.zip 25868 02-29-96 Set of small batch files, some w/special
puados12.zip 23467 04-06-96 PUADOS v1.2: Set of batch files for DOS
pwrbt14j.zip 138677 05-25-91 PowerBatch: Compiles batch-like files to EXE
rambat1.zip 5584 03-21-92 Use RAM for Batch files, save hard disk space
rand_100.zip 21220 08-02-94 Randomly selects a file from a wildcard
rap101.zip 215384 05-07-92 RAP v1.01: Powerful Batch programming
rbatch14.zip 292282 07-15-96 RUN BATCH RUN: Guide to creating batch files
reset23.zip 9957 11-29-92 Presses the reset button and/or CTRL+ALT+DEL
returnto.zip 2310 04-05-93 .BAT files for auto-return to starting
ring14d.zip 14047 03-08-94 Ring console bell, optionally on error, w/src
ronset25.zip 60517 08-17-90 Multi-function batch enhancer by Ron Bemis
runat10.zip 9512 08-24-91 Run command against each file in a given list
sask135.zip 12828 04-25-92 Asks question in BAT file, returns errorlevel
savpth13.zip 12534 11-29-92 Save current path setting to a batch file
savscr27.zip 13727 11-29-92 Save/restore current text screen contents
scrtyp13.zip 12492 11-29-92 Return screen type in use
secbat.zip 69527 08-17-92 The Secrets of Batch files: Color and macros
select01.zip 9540 10-28-93 Pass a file as a parameter from a BATch menu
setenv13.zip 21779 09-26-89 Set environment variables from .BAT file
sfbudocs.zip 69770 01-01-91 Silicon Frog Batch Utilities v1.0, 1 of 3
sfbupgms.zip 263728 01-01-91 Silicon Frog Batch Utilities v1.0, 2 of 3
sfbushow.zip 203790 01-01-91 Silicon Frog Batch Utilities v1.0, 3 of 3
sleep25.zip 11952 11-29-92 Sleep for specified period
sparkl41.zip 114547 06-17-96 19 Batch file options PLUS batch file creator
sprbat3b.zip 33516 04-30-90 Winchester Computer Systems SuperBat
sputils.zip 97114 02-26-91 Batch & screen-save utilities w/mouse input
sstuff31.zip 308282 04-22-96 Steenburgh's Stuff batch utilities v3.10
stackey3.zip 111271 03-24-90 Place keystrokes in keyboard buffer -- BAT
stfkey15.zip 12448 11-29-92 Stuff keys into the keyboard buffer. Non-TSR
strings2.zip 74265 11-24-92 Adds 70 string handling functions to BAT
sw_42a.zip 54056 06-17-93 SW v4.2: BATCH file enhancement utility
tbt324.zip 51078 04-07-96 TurboBAT: Compiles DOS batch file to .COM
tcha103.zip 113670 07-20-96 Execute two programs in sequence
test.zip 14445 04-14-94 Unix-like expression test utility, w/C src
testif.zip 11774 10-28-90 Controls batch files through error codes
timestmp.zip 55515 01-15-90 Display current date & time on standard
toadfr12.zip 3834 04-25-91 Return disk free space as ERRORLEVEL
tsbat49.zip 125089 05-29-96 Collection of useful batch files by Timo
ubu_100.zip 53321 03-16-96 UniNova Batch Utilities Freeware bundle
unicda15.zip 10292 10-23-93 Check if specified drive is ready
unirdw15.zip 10941 07-27-94 Return DOS errorlevel based on day of week
vc10.zip 5023 05-19-91 VolumeChecker: Batch utility checks disk
vidtyp14.zip 25899 02-25-90 Set environment variable to video display
waiter.zip 9272 03-03-93 Batutl: Counts down, allowing user to bail
what150.zip 9998 09-23-90 Set DOS environment to show system
xecho11.zip 8510 05-01-90 For batch files: A smart echo with options
xset421.zip 155738 04-05-96 Put ANYTHING in a variable of current envir.
Biology pgms
path: \disc2\biology
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
bed100.zip 58604 12-09-92 Molecular Biology input feedback echo
biomrf.zip 36246 11-08-88 Demos cumulative small chg, Darwin evolution
bldfsh21.zip 198265 01-18-91 Identify fish and graphically display
cura22.zip 85590 11-24-91 Autocidal pest control simulation for
esee109e.zip 106406 06-05-92 DNA/protein multiple sequence editor Ver
etree202.zip 135013 10-13-95 Etree v2.02: October 1995 Evolution of Plants
gsrc208a.zip 289717 08-25-93 Source code of GEP208A.ZIP simulation package
herbage.zip 205133 02-21-95 Searches a database of 262 useful plants
hrap.zip 135717 05-13-88 Diet+Lifestyle=Longevity: compared w/average
pchc30.zip 137665 02-15-95 ECG Cardiac monitoring program with tutorial
pedhlp13.zip 42312 06-13-91 Pop-up hypertext help for PEDRAW13
pedraw13.zip 192156 07-23-91 Scientific pedigree-drawing program
stages14.zip 83869 08-07-92 Research tool predicts spermatogenesis
tierra40.zip 693901 09-11-92 Create virtual worlds and virtual lifes
toxins.zip 24634 06-19-89 Snake and toad toxins, diagnosis, treatment
Controlling booting process
path: \disc2\bootutil
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
activate.zip 14694 12-02-92 Select hard disk partition while booting
asksys.zip 1958 01-21-89 PcTch Jrnl's multboot w/timeout for DOS &
autocn2g.zip 131265 03-14-92 Reboot with up to 50 different
autoconx.zip 137287 11-07-93 Manager for AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files
autoexec.zip 37359 04-22-89 Select different AUTOEXEC boot-up batch files
blackout.zip 2255 05-16-93 Suppress CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT screen
boot142.zip 78111 07-01-91 Multiple CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT with DOS 5.0
boot210.zip 223269 10-26-94 BOOT.SYS v2.10 - The heavy-duty config
bootany.zip 33954 10-28-90 Allows booting from any partition on hard
bootex10.zip 1613 04-14-92 System reboot examples, with C & ASM src
bootlog2.zip 12165 11-30-94 Tells you when you computer was booted last
bootma33.zip 139846 06-30-92 Multiple boot configuration utility
bootmenu.zip 18979 02-15-94 Autoexec/config bootmenu (with C source)
bootr215.zip 417962 04-08-96 BOOT'R v2.15: DOS Configuration Manager
bt108.zip 5886 01-25-94 Boot from drive C:, even with floppy in A:
bteasy14.zip 15165 09-11-93 BootEasy v1.4: Intellegent multi-OS boot
cam262.zip 100761 03-11-92 Config/Autoexec Manager v2.62
clockchk.zip 10203 03-13-89 Execute pgms at boot-up according to time
coldwarm.zip 1296 11-20-91 Run selected programs on cold/warm boot
colrboot.zip 42734 06-27-96 Display color messages on non-system
comment2.zip 5859 11-08-86 Echo comments from CONFIG.SYS
coned28.zip 67576 05-14-92 CONfig EDitor, boot multiple configurations
config61.zip 100586 10-14-93 Automatic AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS system mgr
count93r.zip 9963 04-07-96 Count number of times system has been booted
dboot11.zip 31623 11-26-89 Reboot with different CONFIG.SYS/AUTOEXEC.BAT
dualbt43.zip 18371 02-04-92 Boot multiple operating systems from same
echob410.zip 9638 08-19-95 Displays Operative lines in DOS 6 CONFIG.SYS
echoblk2.zip 13319 08-23-93 Displays Operative lines in DOS 6 CONFIG.SYS
edconfig.zip 11927 01-27-89 Device driver for point and shoot CONFIG.SYS
fasts101.zip 69974 01-04-91 Edit/select AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS on bootup
happy23.zip 78944 08-25-95 HAPPY v2.3: Birthday reminder
hitakey.zip 2388 05-06-90 Pauses in CONFIG.SYS to catch error messages
hr_v1_1.zip 38127 06-03-95 Important date reminder utility
iaca101.zip 15019 02-03-92 Pass information from CONFIG.SYS to AUTOEXEC
ini100.zip 20760 08-19-95 Modify .INI files by DOS 6.x multi-boot
mc.zip 16475 03-12-87 Multiple choice, (multiple partitions)
mcf100.zip 66761 10-01-92 MCONFIG v1.00: Multiple Configuration Manager
mnubt300.zip 34958 03-01-93 Select from multi configs w/booting, (VGA
moreram1.zip 4909 10-28-88 Utility to skip memory test on boot-up
multc21e.zip 4908 08-12-91 Choose multiple configuration files on bootup
nowthn12.zip 19546 06-16-95 Now & Then: Runs programs periodically
onboot.zip 4544 08-03-88 Run selected programs on Warm/Cold boot
oncev13.zip 4490 07-13-93 Runs a program on boot-up once a day or week
opsys204.zip 61494 02-24-91 Boot up to 100 different system
pausedev.zip 5616 01-22-93 Pause for CONFIG.SYS (w/TP source) D. Murdoch
qwkq200.zip 215687 11-15-93 Display a random QWK tagline at boot-up
reboot.zip 3999 02-05-88 Forces system reset
reboot13.zip 8946 02-09-88 Switch CONFIG.SYS and auto reboot
rebot100.zip 5117 09-02-94 Reboots PC at up to 10 different times per
recfg32.zip 58076 04-27-90 Select up to 20 AUTOEXEC/CONFIG.SYS on bootup
recon23.zip 85575 04-17-90 Manage various AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS
reset.zip 3212 04-17-87 Reboot from different configs/autos
reset11.zip 3065 09-05-88 Reboot using different AUTO/CONFIGs
restart3.zip 14840 09-23-90 Select different autoexec/config's on reboot
select.zip 8592 01-06-91 Select from multiple AUTOEXEC files on
strtdwm2.zip 12481 07-25-94 System startup util for periodic pgm
swapc202.zip 43282 02-22-94 Save AUTOEXEC & CONFIG, change, flush & boot
syscfg30.zip 102084 03-10-91 Maintains multiple AUTOEXEC.BAT/CONFIG.SYS
sysgn132.zip 21819 12-10-89 Configuration
tao.zip 30353 09-07-93 Shows new verse from Tao Te Ching at bootup
tlmp1_1a.zip 73311 01-26-95 Set up events to run daily,fast,and convenent
tlmp201c.zip 56352 10-06-95 Set up daily events, fast, and convenient
tmbootv2.zip 6594 10-08-89 Reboots computer at a specified time
toadboot.zip 3036 05-20-91 Warm boot after n minutes delay, w/ASM source
wrap10.zip 17220 08-31-92 Load programs and TSR's in CONFIG.SYS
Borland product support
path: \disc2\borland
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
bc20p1.zip 10834 03-12-91 Patch file for BC++ v2.0 (from Borland)
bc20p2.zip 17437 10-28-91 Patch file for BC++ v2.0 (from Borland)
bc30p1.zip 5944 01-19-92 Borland C++ 3.0 patch 1: exec() fix
bc30p2.zip 8990 02-04-92 Bor. C++ 3.0 patch 2: decl-time array init
bc30p3.zip 11374 01-28-92 Borland C++ 3.0 patch 3: DPMILOAD fix
bc31p1.zip 10559 06-29-92 Patch for Borland C++ 3.1 - fixes NEW
bc31p2.zip 49128 07-26-92 BC++ 3.1 patch: new TLINK w/increased
bc31p3.zip 8437 08-18-92 BC++/TCW 3.1 patch: fixes Obj Browser
bgidriv.zip 73976 06-18-89 Borland BGI Toolkit driver/docs (UPDATE)
bgifont.zip 55001 06-03-89 Update: BGI Font Editor/develop your own
bgifonts.zip 62941 05-29-89 Set of BGI fonts, full IBM character set
bgiherc.zip 34582 05-29-89 Hercules Monochrome and Incolor BGI driver
bgits4_0.zip 4463 07-22-92 BGI driver for TSENG 4000 chipset
bgvga256.zip 16881 05-29-89 BGI driver for VGA 320x200 256 color mode
blx11.zip 12525 02-16-91 Code from Borland Language Express Vol1 No1
drfrank.zip 103330 01-15-92 Windows Postmortem debugging aid
et3bgi11.zip 5955 06-03-91 BGI driver v1.01 for Tseng ET3000 SVGA cards
prbgi097.zip 324293 12-14-92 BGI driver for dot matrix & laserjet printers
svgabg55.zip 202783 08-25-94 SuperVGA/Tweaked VGA BGI drivers, release 5.5
td386.zip 15876 06-20-91 Borland Turbo Debugger update for MS-DOS 5.0
tdwin31.zip 6280 04-06-92 DLL from Borland to use TDW with Win 3.1
tf386.zip 13345 06-23-91 Borland Turbo Profiler update for MS-DOS 5.0
tlink4.zip 88613 06-11-91 Borland Turbo Linker update for MS-DOS 5.0
tpwn31.zip 90024 04-05-92 TPW, TDW Windows 3.1 compatibility files
C pgmming language
path: \disc2\c
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
64colors.zip 11792 06-03-90 How to display all 64 EGA colors on
abmake14.zip 46736 08-09-89 An improved 'make' utility w/source
actlib17.zip 88500 10-25-93 General purpose libs w/source for C/C++
advc11.zip 9789 04-23-87 Thomas Hanlin's advanced 'C' routines. v.1.1
ansi_c.zip 10039 11-30-87 Header file activates ANSI.SYS for C
apm.zip 59045 10-08-88 Arbitrary Precision Math lib MS-C 5.x/TC/Unix
argtest.c 1490 09-16-85 Tests function, getargs()
asyncpec.zip 4764 05-03-89 Interrupt-driven async comm rtns for MSC 5.x
asynlib2.zip 17591 03-20-91 ASYNC communications library callable from
b2obj11b.zip 65668 06-11-94 ACA BIN2OBJ v1.10b: Binary to .OBJ converter
backlog.c 3914 08-15-88 Get latest add to BACKUP.LOG from DOS
bestl232.zip 331489 09-12-94 Extensive C programmer's library (FreeWare)
bituudec.c 7464 12-24-87 MSDOS/VMS UUdecode fixes lost trailing spaces
bltc121.zip 233350 01-09-95 Bullet for DOS C/C++ dBASE .DBF/b-tree
bltx_203.zip 255742 06-28-96 Bullet database engine for 32-bit extenders
boss01.zip 132763 01-13-91 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms,
boss02a.zip 204690 12-29-90 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms,
boss02b.zip 225574 12-29-90 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms,
boss03.zip 77847 01-13-91 Window Boss 01.07.91, windows for C pgms,
bplus11.zip 14573 01-23-89 B-tree indexed file access in 'C', v1.1
bstr20.zip 58946 03-29-95 BASIC-style string functions for C and C++
btbwr10b.zip 115787 08-02-95 Number base conversion pgm/library/DLL w/C
btoa.zip 4973 01-24-89 'C' source for binary-to-ascii convert pgm
c4window.zip 33542 08-06-85 Window routines for 'C' programs
c60probs.zip 6182 06-17-90 List of problems found with MS C v6.0
c_check.zip 14612 01-05-86 C language syntax checker
c_eval.zip 22079 04-23-93 C source to evaluate mathematical expressions
c_flow.zip 44050 06-24-85 Display flow of 'C' programs
cacoph10.zip 8021 04-19-94 PC speaker music library for Turbo C and C++
cbase102.zip 273964 09-22-91 C routines for database applications, w/docs
cbooks.zip 9388 06-29-89 List of currently available C language books
cc01.zip 3530 08-28-85 'C' language functions and programs - 1 of 4
cc02.zip 66738 01-03-86 'C' language functions and programs - 2 of 4
cc03.zip 83949 01-03-86 'C' language functions and programs - 3 of 4
cc04.zip 80243 11-25-85 'C' language functions and programs - 4 of 4
ccc1053a.zip 27387 12-24-89 Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO
ccc1053b.zip 222907 12-24-89 Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO
ccc1053c.zip 300229 12-24-89 Complete C: learn/experiment w/OO
ccompile.zip 36154 06-05-85 Small 'C' compiler
cdecl.zip 11713 10-20-87 Decomposes 'C' language declarations
cephes22.zip 290760 11-18-92 Mathematical function library in C language
cfgop110.zip 49680 08-02-95 I/O for Windows type INI/CFG files. (C
cfog102.zip 53559 05-01-95 C source code obfuscator
cgazv5n3.zip 45149 05-07-91 Code from the C Gazette - Spring 1991 issue
cguide3.zip 260178 06-04-96 The PC programmer's guide to C
cl_7_bug.zip 18305 10-08-92 Bug examples for Microsoft C-Compiler CL-7.00
clp_v11.zip 19588 10-13-89 General purpose 'C' command line processor
clt167.zip 182489 03-29-94 CLint v1.67: C source checking tool
cm100exe.zip 52675 11-15-91 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (exe and samples), 1of4
cm100hlp.zip 112047 11-15-91 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (QuickHelp), 2of4
cm100txt.zip 50663 11-15-91 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (Help: text format),
cmake100.zip 1568 11-15-91 MAKE for MSC/WIN SDK (description), 4of4
cnews001.zip 6498 06-22-88 Issue #1 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews002.zip 5758 06-22-88 Issue #2 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews003.zip 20857 02-05-88 Issue #3 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews004.zip 43304 02-21-88 Issue #4 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews005.zip 72098 03-07-88 Issue #5 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews006.zip 28828 04-10-88 Issue #6 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews007.zip 10137 05-29-88 Issue #7 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews008.zip 58803 06-14-88 Issue #8 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews009.zip 66451 07-17-88 Issue #9 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews010.zip 50386 08-15-88 Issue #10 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews011.zip 31257 09-09-88 Issue #11 'C' programmer's newsletter
cnews012.zip 12928 10-29-88 'C' programming & compiler review #12
cnews013.zip 38678 12-27-88 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #13
cnews014.zip 63799 02-22-89 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #14
cnews015.zip 25071 07-04-89 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #15
cnews016.zip 57592 07-26-89 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #16
cnews017.zip 16509 09-24-89 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #17
cnews018.zip 40007 12-28-89 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #18
cnews019.zip 28774 08-04-90 'C' Elec. Newsletter/Journal Vol 2 #19
commasm.zip 7709 07-13-88 Info for programming MS-DOS COMM ports
configf.zip 2844 04-30-95 Use Windows-like config files in C (w/src)
conio.zip 8361 06-08-87 Direct console I/O ASM routines for
consl10.zip 125944 09-30-95 Console text output 16/32 bit C/C++ library
consl11.zip 96311 06-17-96 Console text output 16/32 bit C/C++ library
cp14.zip 26158 03-19-92 C code outliner (DDJ8808, tweaked for
cpc2.zip 141586 01-22-96 CodePrint for C/C++ Version 2.02 Jan 1996
crc_c.zip 5067 07-29-87 CRC routines for C
crnchr22.zip 68854 04-12-93 C Libs -
crobots.zip 50496 12-12-85 Game for 'C' programmers. Make own robots
cscop120.zip 48636 01-01-95 C source code analysis utility
csourc.zip 39144 07-16-87 Turbo-C source file manager
csr30_1.zip 84062 07-11-88 CSpotRun 'C' func lib., hdrs & examples 1of3
csr30_2.zip 103099 07-11-88 CSpotRun 'C' func lib., precompiled libs 2of3
csr30_3.zip 56654 07-11-88 CSpotRun 'C' func lib,. documentation 3of3
csubrtns.zip 3907 05-17-87 C Subroutines #2
ctask22d.zip 323720 05-22-96 Multitasking kernel in C w/ASM & C source
ctell.zip 12444 03-08-87 Translates C declarations into English
ctools10.zip 57730 04-05-92 Generic data structures in C (lists,
ctopas.zip 5997 12-06-89 Converts 'C' source to Pascal source (simple)
ctrl_c.c 13820 09-05-88 Intercept Ctrl C's
ctutorde.zip 914219 04-25-94 C language tutorial, style, and quiz program
cug236.zip 86533 01-02-80 Highly portable utilities from C Users' Group
curpos.asm 798 09-14-83 Cursor positioning for C
cwd.c 4816 08-15-88 Change working directory for C
cxl52_1.zip 147247 02-16-90 Window/menu/mouse C func lib, docs/utils,
cxl52_2.zip 166288 02-16-90 Window/menu/mouse C func lib, libraries, 2of2
cxlhderr.zip 2964 11-06-89 C source for critical error handler with CXL
cxt233.zip 350946 07-20-95 C/C++ source code analysis, HTML output
dbreak.zip 4015 02-12-91 Disable CTL-C/CTL-BREAK/CTL-ALT-DEL. C source
debugc.zip 2557 07-18-85 #include level printf() debugging
delete.c 4497 07-30-87 Delete a file
dflat15.zip 140056 11-14-92 Dflat: SAA-compatible windowing LIB w/C
dflat386.zip 173844 10-04-94 Update to DFLAT windowing system for 386 & up
dirlib.c 13157 12-31-88 Unix 'dirlib' package ported to MS-C
dlc_tsr.zip 6834 02-12-87 TSR interface for Datalight C
dmake38e.zip 140461 01-24-92 'make' util for MS-DOS C programmers. EXE/doc
dmake38s.zip 568569 01-26-92 C src: 'make' util for MS-DOS & Unix SysV/BSD
dxlib60.zip 265972 06-28-96 DOS Extender Library for Protected-Mode DOS
ems4c10.zip 41168 04-11-96 Expanded Memory Management for C
emsif24a.zip 68041 06-26-93 EMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]
encom100.zip 120094 07-07-92 EnCom v1.00: C async lib - supports 16550
encom_td.zip 50250 07-07-92 Sample terminal pgm using EnCom1.0 C async
fe1.zip 64914 02-05-92 Bitmap editor for Zortech C++'s FlashGraph
fft142.zip 92141 06-05-91 Fast Fourier transforms, with C source
filtr30s.zip 12610 04-20-95 Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term
fortify.zip 23469 02-04-95 C/C++ memory tracker and protector, R1.0
func11.zip 81563 08-01-95 Mathematical function Compilator for C pgms
function.zip 81427 06-23-95 Mathematical function Compilator for C pgms
fxvmm210.zip 111598 04-06-96 Virtual Memory Manager. C source
gdir.c 9211 06-13-86 Enhanced DIR w/attributes, hidden/system
gencsrc.zip 92957 11-20-87 Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (1 of 2)
genctxt.zip 108479 11-20-87 Coronado's Generic 'C' tutor v2.0, (2 of 2)
getargs.c 4183 09-16-85 Get cmd line args
getargs.doc 5177 09-16-85 Doc for GETARGS.C
getargs.h 391 09-16-85 Part of GETARGS.C
getf.zip 36927 11-20-88 Locate 'C' source file w/particular function
gifsave.zip 14017 09-26-92 C source to save GIF images
gkit05b.zip 287246 06-26-96 GameKit v0.5 C/C++/ASM game library for
glob.zip 2834 02-10-88 Change wildcard filespec to list of files
gnuctags.zip 12844 11-20-89 Microsoft C 5.1 port of GNU [ce]tags
graph.zip 10703 07-21-87 ASM CGA/EGA graphics routines for MS C (4.0)
gymake12.zip 38181 11-18-88 Make utility for MS-DOS w/C source v1.2
handles2.zip 20814 04-08-92 Get >20 handles in TC (also DJGPP). Docs &
hgraphic.zip 7784 04-15-88 Hercules graphics routines for MS Quick C
hsort.c 5196 08-05-85 General purpose heapsort for C
ibmcom.zip 9164 04-28-89 Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C
ibmcur.c 3331 06-23-84 C & ASM fast screen write, save, and restore
ibmcur.doc 1756 06-24-84 Short description of functions in IBMCUR.C
imc9101.zip 4450 01-17-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Jan. 1991
imc9102.zip 4146 01-24-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, Feb. 1991
imc9103.zip 5734 03-04-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, March 1991
imc9104.zip 6039 03-04-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, April 1991
imc9106.zip 8994 05-08-91 Inside Microsoft C Journal source, June 1991
indents.zip 58998 05-29-93 Indent C & C++, (vanilla) C source code
indentx.zip 41527 05-29-93 Indent & format C & C++ source. DOS exe &
inparser.zip 7174 01-14-86 Extracts tokens from an input string
input.c 5958 05-04-86 Place batch input in environment
input.doc 3817 05-04-86 Examples of usage of INPUT.C
int24_c2.zip 2957 04-15-90 C routine intercepts Abort/Retry/Ignore
intercep.asm 6441 07-05-87 Prevent printing ^C with signal() in MS-C
janus11.zip 82887 06-04-96 BBS door construction library for Borland C
jazdoc.zip 25954 07-23-86 Documentation for JAZLIB.ZIP
jazlib.zip 144354 08-15-86 C utility library with source (w/C)
jpl_c.zip 127312 08-06-88 JPL library of portable C routines
julcal10.zip 19288 12-21-92 C language sources for Julian date programs
julin105.zip 33895 08-01-93 Source in C for calendar date calculations
jzchkdsk.zip 19891 07-21-86 Better CHKDSK program
kafsrt20.zip 112119 06-13-93 Complete file system and sort pkg for C
kbdhandl.zip 9026 07-31-93 Multiple keypress INT 9 keyboard handler
kernel.zip 15997 11-24-86 Multitasking kernel from DDJournal, w/ASM src
kh_date.zip 100622 07-22-96 C/C++ library - routines for date
lex.zip 92353 08-25-86 DeSmet C source for PD version of Unix LEX
libkb100.zip 260727 07-23-96 Advanced and portable low-level keyboard lib
lingua14.zip 79115 07-01-96 Easy multi-language support for C programs
lpc052.zip 52255 04-16-94 LPC-Parcor-Cepstrum code gen. for C
lzpip104.zip 67856 04-17-95 Compressed/deflated file access library
maek.c 18185 08-25-85 Public domain MAKE
maek.doc 2237 08-25-85 DOC file for MAEK.C
make.c 27616 06-28-84 Public domain MAKE
make.h 1635 06-29-84 Header file for MAKE.C public domain MAKE
make_pd.zip 31538 02-15-87 Public domain MAKE
makedep.zip 15832 09-29-94 Dependency generator for MAKE, with C source
malloc15.zip 30544 04-20-96 Memory leak checker for MSVC1.5 (aka
match110.zip 17224 03-11-91 Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C
math.c 12636 03-23-84 Double precision math rtns for Lattice or
math.h 1720 03-23-84 Header file for MATH.C
matrix04.zip 41910 05-24-92 Small Matrix toolbox v0.4 for C programmers
matrixc.zip 11175 02-18-94 C source for matrix algebra and 3D line
matrx042.zip 40741 04-16-94 Small Matrix Toolbox v0.42 for C programmers
mc302emb.zip 215407 03-18-94 MICRO-C Embedded Control kit - Test-drive
mc302pc1.zip 195006 03-18-94 MICRO-C PC 'C' compiler v3.02
mc302pc2.zip 276890 03-18-94 MICRO-C PC Example programs
mcomm600.zip 166301 04-08-96 Interrupt-driven async LIB for
mfile.asm 3058 01-29-88 Allows more than 20 files open at once in
mfile.c 1148 07-18-91 Allows more than 20 files open at once in
mgdos152.zip 993502 05-30-96 GUI lib & designer for DOS/Win/Unix (DOS)
millisec.zip 36328 11-30-91 MSC/asm src for millisecond resolution timing
mkutil22.zip 270287 09-30-95 SciTech Makefile Utilities
mot2intl.c 1488 06-09-89 Convert Motorola S-record hex to Intel hex
ms_prof.zip 7455 09-11-89 Execution profiling for Microsoft C / Quick C
msc.c 3825 08-15-88 Program to pass arguments from a file to CL
mschrt3.zip 48032 07-23-90 High resolution timer toolbox for MSC 5.1
msec_12.zip 7684 12-10-91 High-definition millisec timer v1.2 (C,ASM)
mv.c 74522 09-08-86 UNIX-like, moves and renames files
mv.doc 10010 09-11-86 Documentation for MV.C
ndmake45.zip 90768 12-11-87 Unix-like MAKE for DOS C programmers v4.5
netclb35.zip 202516 03-20-96 Novell Netware C API library - version 3.5
njsdk30.zip 189103 02-15-94 NJSDK: Chinese C lib. software development
odoors60.zip 656177 06-28-96 C library for creating professional BBS doors
pc_8250.zip 36961 02-06-91 Serial port rtns. & VT100 emul. (C src only)
pcc12c.zip 175811 06-20-89 Personal C compiler. Fully functional, C WARE
pcl4c34.zip 65181 01-16-93 Asynchronous communications library for C
pcl4c43.zip 71065 05-03-95 Communications library for C/C++
pcl4c50.zip 89749 04-11-96 Communications library for C/C++
pcpilot.zip 50081 01-13-90 C programmer's TSR utility, with source
pcsound.zip 221815 05-20-91 Plays many types of digitized sound files
pctime13.zip 47446 11-26-95 Millisecond resolution timing (DJGPP/Turbo_C)
pcw_c.zip 312174 12-28-91 PC Windows: C menu/window library w/full src
pmpro22.zip 173104 09-30-95 Protected mode DOS extender API
pmw122.zip 127272 06-03-96 DOS/4GW replacement for WATCOM C/C++
ppc.zip 11755 09-17-88 'Pretty Printer' for 'C' language sources
ppl4c10.zip 86004 05-03-95 Protocol library for C/C++
ppl4c11.zip 83861 04-11-96 Protocol library for C/C++
prf.zip 35434 11-24-88 Profiler for Microsoft 'C' programs
profil.zip 13454 09-04-89 C language EXE program profiler (source only)
proto217.zip 105178 06-14-92 C and C++ incremental prototypes extractor
ptrtut01.zip 27627 06-28-96 Text tutorial on C pointers (ASCII)
qsort.c 5065 08-06-85 Quick Sort in C
quikc21.zip 69883 07-04-89 Quick screen utilities v2.1 for Turbo C & MS
r250.zip 3697 10-13-92 Portable C src: Pseudo-random number
random_c.zip 4152 05-27-90 C lang random number generator,one of the
reboot.c 995 02-17-90 How to do a warm or cold boot in 'C' language
recio214.zip 167411 06-14-96 C library reads/writes files as
redirect.c 2790 04-27-89 Feed line to shell w/stdin/stdout/stderr
reslb201.zip 24785 10-31-87 Function library for Turbo-C to make TSRs
rootpath.c 3263 07-26-86 Convt pathname arg to root-based connical
scale.cq 5248 09-25-85 Calc scaling parms for plotting, axes
scsidrvr.zip 10537 02-09-89 'C' source for SCSI disk drivers
sgvlib10.zip 69896 09-05-95 C library supporting for EGA/VGA
shar.c 672 07-07-85 Concatenate text files like Unix 'shar'
shar.doc 1154 07-07-85 Part of SHAR.C
simc100.zip 62072 06-03-96 C/C++ function library for discrete
sine.c 6336 06-01-86 Sine functions in 'C'
sleep.zip 2954 12-06-87 Millisecond-resolution delay function for 'C'
smake155.zip 28103 06-14-93 Make utility for most compilers/linkers
smooth11.zip 42014 06-09-91 'Lowness' and 'split linear' data smoothers
snip9510.zip 747199 07-02-96 ~2.1 Mb of free C source/info, 30%
snpd9503.zip 236324 03-14-95 Updates snip9404.zip to snip9503.zip (cf.)
speaker.c 516 09-14-83 'C' language routines to output sound to spkr
spline29.zip 61447 11-10-92 Interpolate using splines under tension
spwno413.zip 102715 12-11-92 Disk/EMS/EXT/INT15-swapping spawn()
srdemo10.zip 26424 06-14-95 C lib sorts filenames containing digits. DEMO
steph1d0.zip 275834 06-04-95 C libraries for DOS text mode user interface
swap300.zip 84402 10-03-90 C routines allow swap of app to disk, XMS,
system.zip 4942 05-22-92 C src for system() w/redirection & exit
t2c.zip 103185 12-01-87 Microsoft's Turbo Pascal to C translator
tabx.c 3660 02-23-90 Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs
tags.c 74214 07-12-86 TAGS file system for C and Epsilon
tcio.zip 77259 04-19-95 Input/output functions for C and C++
tdat11.zip 26136 04-22-95 Date and Time functions for C and C++
teach_c.zip 83984 04-06-86 VG C tutor, great display format, w/ quizzes
teglc.zip 319572 06-28-90 Graphical windowing toolkit demo (TC/MSC)
testdir.zip 2747 01-10-89 Directory checkout (optional)
tgasave.zip 11275 10-29-93 C source to save Truecolor Targa (TGA) images
thread.zip 33215 11-13-86 C Reference guide
timestmp.c 3200 01-21-86 Time & date routines for C86 and Lattice-C
timestmp.h 1084 01-21-86 Header file for TIMESTMP.C
tools4c.zip 88353 08-15-87 Shareware windowing package for C programmers
tran10.zip 24757 11-09-95 Random Number Generators for C and C++
tsd060.zip 15286 11-10-95 Finds given C-function in a set of C-files
tsr_asm.zip 15246 08-05-88 C-callable assembler routines to go TSR
tsrc.zip 9881 04-05-88 TSRs in C, source code from Computer Language
txms.zip 16293 04-20-95 C Functions for Extended Memory Access Via
u16pc.zip 9258 12-07-88 'C' language source for 'uncompress' for PC
undoc_cl.swi 3164 07-09-87 Undocumented C compiler switches (MS-C 4.0)
units.zip 7846 11-02-87 Powerful unit conversion program
unixclib.asm 10283 10-14-85 Unix/C functions in MASM for DeSmet C
update.c 18545 08-26-89 Copy new/altered files, with confirmation
uw210.zip 171235 02-10-92 UltraWin version 2.10 windowing C library
uwdemos.zip 81137 12-31-92 Sample programs, etc., with UltraWin C lib
uwfonted.zip 51605 10-11-91 Font Editor/samples for UltraWin C library
uwshadow.zip 14124 03-04-92 How to: Shadowed windows with UltraWin C lib
vm10_arh.zip 61812 03-26-96 VGA/SVGA graphics mode mouse cursors library
weekday.c 1562 05-10-89 Computes weekday for date w/Zeller Congruence
wgt45.zip 1592667 07-13-96 WordUp Graphics Toolkit for Borland/Turbo C
wildf113.zip 23247 05-06-91 Unix sh-style regex parser (wild cards), C
wr_prot.c 1221 02-14-90 Check to see if a drive is write protected
xmsif15.zip 58553 05-15-93 XMS interface for Borland/Turbo/MS C[++]
xmslb17.zip 18216 09-01-91 XMS library for Turbo/Borland C/C++, w/source
xrf.zip 30567 02-05-85 C crossref lister w/Computer Innovations C
zglob10.zip 2443 09-20-92 *argv[] wildcard file expansion, Zortech C
ztimer23.zip 110288 06-17-96 Microsecond accuracy timer for C, C++, ASM
Computer Aided Design
path: \disc2\cad
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
bcad100.zip 297099 03-16-93 BCAD v1.0 CAD/CAM editor, VGA/286/386/486
dc215c.zip 463682 04-09-96 Draft Choice: CAD program for DOS
dcfonts.zip 16558 03-02-91 Simplex,duplex,roman,italic for Draft Choice
easyt206.zip 471178 05-24-96 Protel's powerful PCB layout, freeware
elcad11.zip 173612 05-06-96 Electronics circuits Cad v1.1: Electronics
gcpvu.zip 318712 02-20-91 Professional quality CAD tool for PCB design
geargn11.zip 187605 04-08-96 Geargen v1.10: Design tool for gears
home25.zip 118564 04-30-93 Draws, saves & prints house plans (VGA req.)
knwrs120.zip 126652 12-14-92 KnitWare: Sweater knitting design/pattern
lasi515a.zip 565407 06-04-96 LASI v5.1.5: IC layout CAD program, 1 of 2
lasi515b.zip 594249 06-04-96 LASI v5.1.5: IC layout CAD program, 2 of 2
ncad3d42.zip 135902 04-17-91 NorthCAD-3D v4.2: Create/view/edit 3-D images
padslib.zip 461487 03-07-90 PADS library for PADSPCB.ZIP and PADSLOG.ZIP
padslog.zip 1047194 01-15-92 PADS Logic schematic capture CAD program
padspcb.zip 973702 01-15-92 PADS PCB (printed circuit board) layout pgm
pcad3d.zip 272004 10-29-92 ProtoCAD 3D Ver 1.1 from Trius: CAD/Rendering
pcbca110.zip 198913 08-26-92 PCBCAD: Printed circuit board design system
pcbcattl.zip 11912 03-17-91 TTL logic template files for PCBCAD
pcdcad33.zip 327429 08-27-90 PC-Draft-CAD v3.03: Vector-based CAD program
pcroute2.zip 97079 12-12-89 Computer aided design, printed circuit boards
pfwdem10.zip 947923 08-02-92 Protel PCB for Windows DEMO. Reqs Win 3.0/3.1
prfect45.zip 197476 01-19-92 Perfect Box: Speaker enclosure design program
qr15r3us.zip 217413 02-17-93 Easy to use PCB & schematic design system
qrusa.zip 116455 04-30-92 QuickRoute: Circuit board / diagram design
tango130.zip 1047829 09-06-92 Tango Schematic capture evaluation DEMO v1.30
tmc101.zip 136879 03-23-93 TextModeCad: CAD system in text mode
xfill10.zip 33084 04-23-92 Fill and reverse laserjet print files
Chemistry pgms
path: \disc2\chemstry
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
chem2_us.zip 123681 06-14-96 LearnCHEM learning aid(PT+structural
chemical.zip 130771 12-13-87 Molucular modeling program CGA or EGA
chemref.zip 127874 07-04-88 Chemistry database/reference
elements.zip 51305 08-14-89 Study aide: data on the 106 chemical elements
molwt272.zip 60331 04-29-96 Utility for simple chemical calculations
mwt2_8.zip 82078 05-09-96 Molecular weight calculator for DOS v2.8
periodic.zip 40596 10-15-88 Display the periodic table of elements, (EGA)
ph10.zip 24122 07-20-96 Finds pH and pOH based on concentration
teddemo2.zip 127449 05-22-90 ThermoDynamics: Kinetic gas model simulator
torg311.zip 164694 02-13-93 Organic chemistry ID of unknowns simulator
waves10.zip 32529 07-20-96 Finds wave related values
Clipper pgmming language
path: \disc2\clipper
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
ahelp5.zip 196790 11-28-90 Help sys/Clipper 5.0 & Summer '87 compiler
ahp144.zip 115020 04-06-96 Advanced Help and Index library for Clipper
cl_clk10.zip 6102 03-23-93 Clock for Clipper 5.0, with Clipper source
clipfpcx.zip 34627 05-23-91 Library to display .PCX files within Clipper
clipmous.zip 2094 03-24-92 A library for mouse support under CLIPPER
clipwndw.zip 4761 05-07-90 A small CLIPPER window library with source
cltab100.zip 6636 03-03-93 Align your Clipper (Summer/5.0) programs
crlib100.zip 36724 07-20-96 The card library for Clipper 5.3
datetime.zip 5335 09-28-88 Set system date/time from within Clipper
dctutor.zip 323740 04-22-91 Comprehensive tutorial system for Clipper 5.0
ffdbg122.zip 15631 07-20-96 Find debug info in CA-CLIPPER 5.x .OBJs
nb960616.zip 992829 06-16-96 nB (nano Base) - little xBase, Freeware
nflib21.zip 171906 10-12-92 Nanforum Toolkit v2.1, docs/library/NG, 1/2
nfpat1.zip 2219 11-08-92 Patch#1 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for
nfpat2.zip 4357 11-26-92 Patch#2 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for
nfpat3.zip 14043 11-28-92 Patch#3 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for
nfpat4.zip 13609 12-13-92 Patch#4 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for
nfpat5.zip 2277 01-06-93 Patch#5 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for
nfpat6.zip 8265 01-11-93 Patch#6 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for
nfpat7.zip 8593 02-28-93 Patch#7 to Nantucket Forum Lib 2.1 for
nfsrc21.zip 329515 10-18-92 Nanforum Toolkit v2.1, src code/Make file,
nftroff.zip 113187 11-24-91 Nanforum Toolkit v2.0 Norton Guides TROFF src
noclip4.zip 50381 05-16-96 Protects DOS EXE files against disassembly
obj2s220.zip 17117 07-20-96 Link any data file with Clipper programs
oclip.zip 14738 11-06-91 Free object oriented extension for Clipper 5
rcmplb11.zip 19851 09-05-93 Clipper library w/file compression functions
regxsrch.zip 3124 01-26-92 Interface Clipper to GNU regular expr.
rlib20.zip 109752 01-03-90 Clipper menus/dialog/record-select lib w/src
rpcxlb10.zip 195305 08-11-93 RPCXLib: EGA/VGA/SVGA graphic Clipper library
rshpcx13.zip 6446 06-17-93 Clipper lib to show PCX-files on EGA/VGA/SVGA
secrit11.zip 5936 07-12-96 Security & demo by generating key, Clipper5.X
segu33sp.zip 540387 05-15-96 Safety in Clipper5.x (Spanish Version)
seguro33.zip 495287 05-11-96 Safety in
slsw.zip 247151 10-11-90 SUPER.LIB Shareware for Clipper S87/Clipper5
smaker1.zip 124351 07-15-96 Visual screen maker for Clipper & Lib
subntx2.zip 57447 05-23-90 Fast index extract/create Clipper filter rtn
udfs.zip 15121 05-12-89 Useful functions for Clipper (dBASE compiler)
vsix302.zip 52518 05-12-90 Vern Six's Clipper Summer '87 tookbox v3.02
workbase.zip 146868 02-21-90 Clipper/dBASE development/file access system
Compression utils
path: \disc2\compress
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
acb123c.zip 49663 07-01-96 'Taught channel' archiver for comm. purposes
alusq.com 8704 05-22-85 All purpose file un-Squeezer
comp430d.zip 19627 03-03-90 Unix-compatible 16bit
comp430s.zip 66303 01-17-90 C src: Unix-compat. 16-bit
ddjcompr.zip 82912 02-13-92 Top 6 programs of DDJ data compression
decomp2.zip 16771 03-22-90 Unix-compatible 16 bit uncompress, w/C source
gzip124.zip 116849 08-18-93 GNUzip: Unix compress/uncompress replacement
huff_sc.zip 38571 04-24-91 Huffman compress encoder/decoder, C src &
lz13.zip 26063 10-19-88 Limpel-Ziv file compress/decompress w/ASM src
lzwpc.zip 13500 04-15-85 Lemple-Zev Compression Routines in C
nusq110.com 2176 01-31-86 File unsqueezer, used with SQPC
pcusqnew.bas 5104 12-07-85 Unsqueeze files, GWBASIC/BASICA
rle16_sc.zip 16300 07-13-91 RLE compression (16-bit header), C src & EXEs
rle8_sc.zip 15331 07-13-91 RLE compression (8-bit header), C src & EXEs
splint.zip 22423 04-11-89 Data compression for 'C' from Japan
sqpc131.zip 5007 05-05-87 Vernon Buerg's fast file squeezer, like NSQ
u16_v12.zip 8626 02-09-89 Decompress pgm for 16-bit LZW from 'COMPRESS'
uncr233.zip 19588 05-07-89 Uncrunch CP/M 'Z' files on MSDOS, w/wild
C++ pgmming language
path: \disc2\cpluspls
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
bfast11.zip 82804 09-08-92 FREE Btrieve fully functioning C++ library
cachecl1.zip 9062 07-13-96 Cache class implementation (Borland C++ 4.5)
calcplus.zip 45633 04-03-96 Interpreter of procedural lang., C++ class
ccl110je.zip 33113 06-17-93 DOS coroutine class library for Borland C++
chartp10.zip 30161 04-30-92 C++ object-oriented chart parser w/ source
cisam100.zip 253901 05-17-93 B+Tree/ISAM Database progrmming system for
cptuts22.zip 77687 01-19-92 Coronodo C++ Tutorial: Source examples, 1/2
cptutt22.zip 108541 01-19-92 Coronodo C++ Tutorial: Tutorial text files
cslib16b.zip 796067 03-02-95 C++ database system for Borland C++ 3.1
dpmifi.zip 9174 12-26-91 Borland C++v3.00 DPMILOAD DV-compatibility
emil.zip 12352 05-06-91 MSC6/TC++ library - access Ext Mem
ev_201.zip 645472 07-10-93 EasyVision v2.01: TV look-alike C++ appl.
isc366.zip 149619 08-31-93 Interrupts in C++, create TSRs + serial,
jcool01.zip 408023 12-02-92 Extensive C++ class library (uses templates)
money.zip 10936 08-07-93 C++ class to fake Decimals/BCD's using floats
moupp400.zip 42868 10-06-92 Mouse++ 4.0: mouse class for Borland C++
mtl110je.zip 148179 07-18-93 DOS multithreading library for Borland C++
newmat07.zip 112387 01-09-93 C++ classes and functions for Matrices
objeas2a.zip 230980 12-26-92 Object Ease, large library for C++, 1 of 2
objeas2b.zip 219200 12-26-92 Object Ease, large library for C++, 2 of 2
serial_1.zip 4875 05-13-90 C++ source code routines for serial ports
strpp300.zip 69000 04-09-93 String++ 3.0: string class for Borland C++
tech10.zip 235179 06-17-96 Techniques C++ Class library for ADT's
tsr100je.zip 72282 03-20-93 TSR class for Borland C++ (with source)
typesc10.zip 345378 04-06-95 Reuseable software components support library
vir_v203.zip 141862 07-10-92 C++ Virtual Array mgr smashes the 640k
wflilb24.zip 117165 06-03-96 VGA/SVGA graphics mode mouse cursors library
xms100je.zip 57660 07-15-93 XMS array class library for DOS/Borland C++
z31p1_6.zip 88141 01-12-93 Zortech C++ v3.1 compiler patches 01 thru 06
path: \disc2\crossasm
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
6805v108.zip 94225 05-04-95 Assembler/emulator for Motorola 68HC705
68asmsim.zip 146149 02-22-91 68000 cross-assembler/simulator with C source
as11v103.zip 31770 02-04-92 Assembler for Motorola 68HC11 MicroController
as31.zip 49729 01-21-93 Assembler for 8031/8051 CPU, with C source
asem5112.zip 134625 02-29-96 8051 cross-assembler
asref.zip 20481 04-15-89 Reference manual for MOTOASMS cross assembers
assemblr.zip 51619 12-17-88 Generic 6502/6803/8085 assembler
c64asm11.zip 90186 02-29-96 Commodore 64 (6510) cross-assembler
cug292wk.zip 386780 01-22-93 C source & EXE for ASLINK and ASXXXX
embedpc.zip 55762 02-15-94 Tools & source for embedded PC applications
epasm13.zip 31551 03-16-92 Assembler for Intel 8749 & other EPROM chips
motoasms.zip 88521 09-23-89 Motorola 6800/01/04/05/09/11 cross assemblers
pcmac.zip 90750 08-10-91 Two-pass symbolic cross assembler, w/linker
ps18a12.zip 41672 03-15-87 RCA 1802/1804/1805/1806 cross assembler
ps48a12.zip 44846 03-15-87 Intel 8748 cross assembler
ps51a123.zip 47075 03-16-87 Intel 8751 cross assembler
ps65a12.zip 42672 03-15-87 6502 cross assembler
ps685a12.zip 43182 03-15-87 6805 cross assembler
ps68a12.zip 43706 03-15-87 6800-03/08 cross assembler
ps69a12.zip 44716 03-15-87 6809 cross assembler
ps85a12.zip 42609 03-15-87 8085 cross assembler
ps96a12.zip 44759 03-15-87 8096 cross assembler
psz80a13.zip 47151 04-07-87 8086 Z80 Cross Assembler
svasm02.zip 29779 05-23-88 Cross assembler for 6502 and 65C02
tasm301.zip 144656 06-16-94 Table-driven cross assembler, for many CPUs
uasm.zip 67942 04-09-86 Cross assembler for 8051/6805/Z8, w/'C' src
xasm220.zip 165212 02-27-94 Twelve cross assemblers (65xx, 68xx, 80xx)
Encode/decode binary & text
path: \disc2\decode
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
3_4encod.bas 12582 01-25-88 3-4 en/decoder, send binary files via email
abe.zip 31420 07-19-89 ASCII<->binary encoding system w/error check
ascify13.zip 15847 02-09-89 Convert binary files to/from ASCII
base64_3.zip 26232 07-07-96 Multi-part BASE64 encoder/decoder for DOS
bin2dbg.zip 31787 04-09-96 Convert binary file to debug script
clnuue10.zip 9390 04-11-96 Cleans text file for use with UUDdecode
comhex.zip 10240 07-24-87 Hexify a .COM file
comphex.zip 6638 10-06-86 Compares INTEL-format HEX files
dpct1610.zip 91865 04-23-96 File splitting with redundancy + BASE64
ecd66dos.zip 298157 04-11-96 UUE/MIME/SHIP/BTOA decoder/encoder for DOS
embedraw.zip 60157 03-07-94 Send VGA 640x480 drawings in ASCII e-mail
filehex.asm 4319 08-13-83 Hexify a binary file
fixuue11.zip 5721 09-02-91 Fixes translation problems on UUEncoded files
format83.zip 7617 11-24-87 Convert binary file to Intel hex
hc.zip 13010 05-02-84 COM to HEX - HEX to COM conversion utility
hex_bin.zip 19700 03-30-94 Converts Intel HEX files into binary
hexbin.zip 11195 02-20-89 Convert Com + Exe files to Hex and back
hexcom.zip 10270 07-24-87 Convert hex file to .COM
makebas.zip 10474 09-27-88 Cvt binary file to BASIC pgm w/data
makeuu11.zip 14551 08-22-92 Create self-decoding uuencoded files, w/C src
mimdec12.zip 9476 04-09-96 Mime Decoder v1.2: Decodes MIME base-64
mime64b.zip 32117 04-11-96 MIME base64 decoder/encoder (with source)
mimeqp.zip 23987 02-01-94 ASCII encoder/decoder for MIME-QP, w/C source
mpack15d.zip 44851 04-11-96 Encode/decode MIME messages, smart UUdecode
msbooasm.zip 8368 03-15-89 Make ASCII files from binary files and back
msbpct.zip 10637 08-22-87 Convert a .BOO file back to binary [PAS]
ncdc151.zip 60682 10-26-92 Fast XX/UU de/encoder for DOS/VAX/UNIX w/C
netrun31.zip 7538 06-30-95 Convert COM/EXE pgms to ASCII. No decode
netsend1.zip 9621 06-17-95 Binary > executable 7-bit ASCII email program
nwsuu125.zip 25325 11-10-93 NewsUUD v1.25: UUdecoder for news articles
post110.zip 20859 10-22-93 UUencode/split utl-Post binary files to
qux01_91.zip 11050 01-14-91 Quick UUencode/UUdecode and XXencode/XXdecode
rebuild2.zip 13376 11-07-90 Rebuild split uuencoded files, w/MSC 5.0 src
suud10.zip 9279 11-11-91 UUdecoder w/error diagnostics/graphic counter
toaduu21.zip 24113 04-11-96 Unix-compat. fast UUEncode/UUDecode, w/ASM
toadxx11.zip 28143 10-28-89 XXEncode/XXDecode w/overwrite protection v1.1
ubx100d.zip 39066 02-25-95 Allows sending binary files via Email
udec1_2.zip 86345 06-26-96 UUdecode,XXdecode,MUnpack(MIME),Ship & BINHEX
unpos234.zip 205135 03-21-94 'Smart' uudecoder to extract USENET binaries
uu41s.zip 38591 05-07-96 Smart and fast uudecoder for multipart files
uuasm_11.zip 17410 11-01-95 UUencode/UUdecode programs for MS-DOS
uud281.zip 42612 06-01-96 Batch Decoder for UUEncode/UUDecode/MIME
uudo15.zip 19490 08-06-94 Multi-file/multi-part 'smart' uudecoder
uudoall.zip 12578 10-02-91 More flexible uudecode for MS-DOS & Unix
uudvd04e.zip 56241 10-22-95 UUDeview: Smart UU/XX/Base64 decoder/encoder
uuexe651.zip 39341 04-16-96 R.E. Marks' fast multi-section UU/XX
uustrip.zip 3686 03-19-89 Make uuencoded bin posting ready for uudecode
uuxfer20.zip 28592 11-04-90 Comprehensive UU/XX en/decoder with C source
uuxt210e.zip 17439 03-09-96 Fast and smart uu-decoder for newsgroup files
DESQview utils and pgms
path: \disc2\desqview
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
actsk.zip 9944 02-12-87 Bring up SideKick menu from DESQview window
api_exam.zip 155475 10-10-88 Ex programs using DV API library
apishare.zip 16484 10-20-88 Ex of shared task memory using DV API library
asciitbl.zip 6985 01-30-88 ASCII table for DESQview
backdrp2.zip 4826 09-27-90 DESQview background. Displays date, status
ballpt.zip 1899 10-14-91 Patch DV to operate MS Ballpoint mouse device
bbsctrl.zip 17638 10-25-93 BBS watchdog for DESQview, DESQview/X
boyan4dv.zip 5897 02-11-89 DESQview loader for Boyan v.4 comm program
buzy102.zip 1090 02-26-91 DESQview window exerciser: Tune tick settings
calcdv.zip 28033 01-28-88 A calculator for DESQview (w/MSC source)
cd_check.zip 2753 07-05-91 Check for carrier before starting new DV task
chkdv.zip 5571 01-19-88 ASM source to make programs DESQview-aware
clkwatch.zip 19867 03-12-90 Fixes system clock time loss under DESQview
clockcal.zip 6475 07-08-91 Small time-date disp for DV including
close101.zip 2311 11-01-91 Close files left open in DV by terminated
cmd20.zip 35507 05-12-90 Control DESQview remotely or between windows
cmonitor.zip 16672 12-09-88 DESQview: monitor carrier-detect & abort task
cntdwn.zip 2314 05-07-89 Countdown timer with alarm for DESQview
colortbl.zip 4994 01-30-88 Popup table for color attributes for DESQview
desq10.zip 6291 06-05-88 Turbo Pascal code to interface DesqView
desq_bg.zip 2890 04-17-89 Forces DESQview window to background
desq_rb.zip 1081 03-24-89 Reboot windows in DESQview (requires DVEXEC)
desqc20.zip 10106 12-02-88 TC 2.0 bindings for some basic DESQview calls
desqcomm.zip 6658 03-14-92 QOS Technote: Communications under DESQview
desqtest.zip 2487 04-22-88 Check from .BAT whether DESQview is loaded
dgansi.zip 34196 02-28-92 DESQview/Ultravision-aware ANSI driver
dnansi.zip 2560 06-15-89 Replaces Desqview's DVANSI.COM - small, fast
doswindo.zip 3375 06-08-88 Creative use of the DOS window in DESQview
dpc.zip 12580 09-30-87 Control printer setup from DV window
dshell.zip 217773 02-05-92 Unix-like COMMAND.COM replacement for
dslist.zip 3535 03-18-88 Use Vernon Buerg's LIST.COM in DESQview
dv286.zip 6607 05-20-91 Info for using DESQview with 286, 8088 system
dv2_dos3.zip 938 12-10-87 Using DESQview 2.0 with DOS 3.x
dv2view.zip 4522 06-23-90 How to run 2 monitors with DESQview
dv_guard.zip 7345 04-08-90 Watchdog-like utility for running RBBS with
dv_pat.zip 17700 12-18-90 Multiple patches for DV/QEMM through June '90
dvalarm.zip 13767 04-21-91 Configurable alarm clock for DESQview
dvansi.zip 2728 03-08-92 DESQview ANSI.SYS replacement updated 920120
dvapmn12.zip 100782 05-25-89 Enhanced application program menu for
dvascii2.zip 6323 10-24-87 DESQview 2+ Sidekick-like Ascii Reference
dvattr.zip 3459 12-26-87 DESQview 2.0+ video attribute display
dvaware.zip 2221 03-15-91 DESQview program interface ASM code
dvc18.zip 54934 02-15-92 DV Commander: Command-line control of
dvcal.zip 4974 11-14-87 A popup calandar for use with DESQview
dvcast.zip 13965 01-19-91 Manager for broadcast messages under DESQview
dvclk11b.zip 44358 03-08-94 Simple clock for DESQview, w/ C & ASM source
dvclk14.zip 1793 04-10-91 Displays a clock on top line of a DV window
dvclock3.zip 9902 07-12-89 Small DESQview-aware clock
dvcpy200.zip 109425 09-28-92 DESQview-aware copy util, works in Win3.x too
dvcron21.zip 30035 01-25-92 Unix CRON util (task scheduling) for DV,
dvctimer.zip 5516 03-10-90 DV-aware clock triggered by carrier detect
dvdays3.zip 4529 04-22-91 Perpetual calendar/calendar calculator for DV
dvdevl12.zip 10732 01-02-93 Load device drivers in DESQview windows
dvdos.zip 1945 01-12-88 Notes on MS-DOS environment under DESQview
dvdump2.zip 6215 12-09-87 A hex dump utility for use with DesQview
dvect.zip 8366 11-18-86 Capture and display DESQview interrupt table
dvex0320.zip 3379 03-20-89 Start another DESQview window from batch file
dvexcpt.zip 1785 04-15-90 Quarterdeck technical note 'EXCEPTION #13'
dvfaq23.zip 30168 12-11-94 DESQview/QEMM Frequently Asked Questions
dvfr12.zip 33099 01-20-93 Desqview Frame, colorize DV window frames
dvglu172.zip 374124 05-12-96 DESQview API interface function lib., src/exe
dvint43.zip 106413 05-12-96 Quarterdeck-specific extract of interrupt
dvintf.pas 2049 03-13-88 TPascal bindings for basic DESQview calls
dvintqb.zip 1618 07-22-90 Object module to make programs DESQview-aware
dvkpoll.zip 1543 06-18-88 Inhibit keyboard polling in DESQview windows
dvlantsr.zip 2364 03-27-92 Notes on running DV on a Lantastic server
dvlib.zip 16380 05-27-90 Lib routines for DV and Microsoft's C
dvload.zip 11930 04-22-88 Load Desqview apps from command line, w/C src
dvmacros.zip 4994 01-10-88 MASM macros for Topview/DESQview pgm develop.
dvme10.zip 2277 11-08-93 Makes editing DV scripts easier (needs 4DOS)
dvmon13.zip 8925 06-20-88 Display percentage of unused CPU time in DV
dvmu12.zip 100782 05-25-89 Custom DesqView pop-up menus
dvnetbio.zip 3455 09-26-91 Update:DESQview driver to handle NETBIOS
dvnovell.zip 4471 01-02-90 Setting up DESQview for Novell and token ring
dvopen11.zip 42147 01-11-92 Command line control of DESQview + scripts
dvp101.zip 10359 10-09-89 Print spooler for use in DESQview
dvpalet.zip 2439 11-27-88 Docs for DESQview 2.2 color pallet program
dvpcla.zip 6218 03-21-90 Using DV, PCAnywhere, & Lantastic together
dvpcw.zip 2270 08-04-88 How to run PCWrite under DESQview
dvped1_0.zip 82298 10-18-91 Edit DV DVP w/better interface, undoc'd
dvpif10.zip 13432 03-30-91 PIF editor for DESQview, with C source
dvplist1.zip 12232 01-19-90 Transfer DVP setups between DESQview users
dvprtscr.zip 804 06-09-90 DESQview 2.26 patch to fix Print Screen hangs
dvpsd307.zip 13713 02-13-91 DESQview 2.xx protected screen driver, v3.07
dvpsv11.zip 12314 10-22-91 Full featured print spooler for DESQview
dvptame.zip 2917 06-03-91 Controls kbd polling to improve DV
dvrem17b.zip 6265 08-20-91 Operate DESQview remotely
dvrun.zip 7121 03-04-90 Start another DESQview window from batch file
dvscode.zip 5465 11-08-87 Quick scan code reference (DESQview 2.0+)
dvscr10.zip 2498 03-23-92 4DOS batch file for DESQview's convscr
dvscrip1.zip 12346 10-15-90 DESQview scripts simplify CONVSCR use
dvsi2_00.zip 223642 02-21-92 15 DV utils: performance,printing,window mgmt
dvslbbs.zip 4573 09-30-89 How to install DESQview with Searchlight BBS
dvslice.zip 1603 04-13-87 Routine to include to give up time slices
dvspawn.zip 18767 01-24-92 Spawn DESQview windows from command line
dvsprt.zip 4678 12-13-87 Epson MX80 printer setup from DESQview window
dvtime.zip 714 11-23-87 Set the system time within DESQview
dvtman13.zip 33248 02-09-91 Auto event scheduler/task manager for
dvtodo.zip 8888 01-31-93 DESQview/ToDo: To do list for DESQview
dvtree23.zip 141911 08-28-91 DESQview disk manager, dual directory display
dvundoc.zip 5965 06-20-87 Poorly-documented features of DESQview
dvutil12.zip 19307 02-18-91 Enhances DESQview control and reports status
dvwindow.zip 2793 04-15-90 DESQview 2.2 and QEMM 4.2 with Windows -
dvxtec.zip 32014 03-30-92 Tec notes on font management for DESQview/X
emmnet.zip 20684 04-10-91 Help IPX/SPX, NETBIOS calls multitask in DV
ezcolor.zip 2481 01-10-88 Makes it easy to set colors within DESQview
files008.zip 10276 10-01-91 DESQview utility to display open files
fixnre.zip 4573 03-30-92 QOS fix for the 'Drive not ready' problem
fmonitor.zip 15861 12-14-88 DESQview: monitor/restore Hercules
hookint.zip 3568 05-15-91 Ensures interrupt availability in a DV window
just1v12.zip 5726 07-23-91 Prevents run of simultaneous copy of pgm in
kspmux14.zip 20905 04-07-96 KSP DVMX v1.4: Packet multiplexor for
l4_load.zip 1840 12-18-90 Lotus v3.1 loader for DESQview
limitem.zip 2538 05-17-88 Limit program's use of EMS under DESQview
ltfrmt12.zip 74316 03-13-91 LtFormat v1.2: DV-aware floppy disk formatter
mixedbag.zip 96458 12-14-90 Several DESQview utilities by author of Tame
mscdvint.zip 1745 11-05-87 MSC bindings for basic DESQview calls
my_d119.zip 4798 12-19-91 DV DIR lister shows locks,fcbs,tasks
ninstl.zip 2927 05-23-91 Tech note on network installations of
nodv.zip 7696 03-15-92 Hide DESQview from any program, w/BC++ 2.0
nomouse.zip 2341 10-22-90 DESQview SHP disables mouse in any
pif220.zip 1746 11-10-88 Extended PIF format specs for DESQview 2.2+
pp_pif.zip 286 01-01-88 DV Program Information File for ProComm Plus
pptd11dv.zip 513 11-27-88 Improve ProComm+ TestDrive under DESQview
pq12.zip 15401 01-21-89 PRINT.COM work-alike for DESQview
printdv.zip 27185 04-27-88 Print ASCII files from bkg window in DESQview
promptw.zip 890 03-29-88 Reset the prompt for better use in DESQview
qb45load.zip 3709 09-01-89 DESQview loader for QB 4.5 and its EXE's
qext512.zip 4582 06-06-91 QEXT.SYS v5.12 for DESQview and DOS 5.0
qupie11.zip 17715 11-06-88 Print files from background DESQview window
rbmgr101.zip 1735 02-14-92 Reboot Manager: Carrier detect monitor for DV
space.zip 7153 03-03-90 DESQview-specific disk space monitor
spawn15.zip 42397 10-31-90 Run DESQview jobs from DOS prompt
stderr.zip 2084 12-07-87 Redirect standard error message with DESQview
syslog.zip 16471 03-24-90 DESQview-specific system activity logger
ta_pif.zip 287 09-18-88 DESQview Program Information File for TAPCIS
tame333.zip 107493 04-05-96 Speed up pgm execution in
taskman.zip 40477 08-25-89 Main menu replacement/task mgr for DESQview
tctvid11.zip 6166 04-14-88 Turbo C 1.5 text w/TopView/DESQview/Windows
tvgluetc.zip 6092 03-02-88 TurboC bindings for TopView/DESQview calls
virtiz.zip 6021 03-31-92 Tec note on virtualizing DESQview windows
winsize.zip 4077 03-31-92 Tec note on maximizing DESQview window sizes
xdvee11.zip 20323 06-06-89 DESQview: Allow use of AST's REMM4.x with XDV
xstartdv.zip 357 04-15-89 Toggles DESQview startup script on/off
Directory utils
path: \disc2\dirutl
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
0del_v1.zip 10312 08-16-89 Deletes zero length files, version 1.01
1dirv2r0.zip 88628 05-31-96 OneDIR Pro 2.0: Powerful color DIR w/many
5dosd3.zip 40979 07-21-91 Replacement for DOS 5.0 directory utility
a_ren301.zip 8132 10-01-91 Rename dirs; move files across dirs w/o copy
acd233.zip 52986 04-17-96 ChDir FAST; more features than LCD/NCD & FREE
adtutl10.zip 114835 09-20-92 8 utils: CUT,DD,DELDIR,SEARCH,WC,XUPDATE,
ajzap253.zip 24318 11-22-95 File and directory removal utility
anywhere.zip 21662 03-01-86 Find files on any drive
attach.zip 8743 08-08-88 Attach aliases to subdirectories
attr220.zip 4388 05-06-94 Interactive file/directory attribute changer
attrib.zip 5715 02-08-86 Utility to alter file attributes
attribcr.zip 7338 02-21-86 Set file attributes util by Craig Milo Rogers
audit.zip 3571 02-28-88 Lists ALL suspicious and hidden files
bm_rm.zip 39521 11-10-91 Unix-like RM; remove files and/or dir
bob110.zip 2073 12-11-94 BOB v1.10: Enhanced directory lister
bobdir10.zip 24311 10-14-95 Dir util, customizable date-time formats,
ca13.zip 10710 10-21-89 Enhanced change attribute command, subdirs
cadate.zip 10819 05-27-89 Allows user to change MS-DOS file dates
ccd110.zip 40594 01-24-93 Quickly change directories (for NT and DOS)
ccd20.zip 6937 05-21-92 CCD v2.0: An enhanced CD (chdir) for DOS
cdd.zip 5844 10-11-87 Change drive and directory with one command
cdd11.zip 14210 03-25-96 Chdir to drive+dir combination with 1 command
cddbng11.zip 9819 04-07-96 CDD! v1.1: Improved Change Directory
cde10.zip 8737 05-16-91 Version of MSDOS ChDir that sets errorlevel
cdh50.zip 14581 12-23-93 Change Directory with History utility, v5.0
cdir100.zip 32539 06-26-95 Displays wasted disk space due to FAT
cdir130.zip 14556 02-10-89 Create commented disk directories
cdto.zip 1468 10-07-87 Ward Christensen: Find file, then CD there
cdx.zip 14586 03-24-91 CD Extended: Search for dir and optionally CD
cfind17.zip 18686 04-08-96 CFind v1.7: DOS utility to search for files
chainsaw.zip 14438 02-16-94 Remove entire directory tree (with C source)
chatt.zip 9703 07-21-87 Change File Attributes - full screen - easy
chd12.zip 10440 04-02-88 Enhanced directory changing utility
chgdir.zip 13104 01-24-87 Improved CWD, change directory
chmod2.zip 10247 01-15-87 Change file attributes, like Unix's 'chmod'
chngfil.asm 3210 06-13-86 Change file attribute,
chunt1.zip 11104 10-06-88 Find files based on string w/in filename v1.0
clrv320.zip 106710 09-30-95 Color View 3.20: Fast colorful DIR
cmtd_d19.zip 39505 11-17-88 Dir w/comments & copy/print/view/ren/etc v1.9
cops605.zip 65837 06-04-96 Copies files modified since given date
copydate.zip 1570 02-20-93 COPYDATE v1.2: Copy file date and time stamp
csap423.zip 35020 03-15-96 Sorts disk directory, removes deleted entries
cspc120.zip 88344 07-20-96 Shows free space on HD/CDs/Network drives
cudup21.zip 84661 09-14-91 Finds duplicate files, even in archives
d_097a.zip 13133 04-17-91 Fancy color coded directory listing utility
dab140.zip 21518 01-02-94 Delete All But v1.4: Exclude files to delete
daba10.zip 6385 04-16-90 Delete all files but ZIP/ARC/LZH/GIF
dass20.zip 19746 11-17-91 Lists directories in color, configurable
datecode.zip 8129 06-25-96 Encodes the file-date in the file-extension
dc100.zip 122867 07-20-96 DupeChecker: Find duplicated files on HD
dc11.zip 56157 10-14-91 Directory Control: Improved ver. PCMag's
dcolor.zip 7275 01-20-95 Color-coded directory lister for DOS
dcpdir62.zip 56667 02-22-91 D.Crokett's sorted and double directory pgms
dd107.zip 16320 08-11-89 Sorted directory utility with many options
ddel200.zip 9213 10-11-93 DIRDEL v2.00 - deletes non-empty directories
ddesc217.zip 138235 04-07-96 DIR-DESC v2.17: Add descriptions to dir list
ddir0789.zip 5812 05-24-89 Sorted dir down 2 columns, paginated, 07/89
ddir100.zip 57156 11-12-94 Scrollable directory display and file manager
del120.zip 65535 05-01-96 Delete with option to wipe, use carefully
del21.zip 6017 09-08-88 Prompted file delete
deldir11.zip 12464 05-18-92 Safe recursive directory and file removal pgm
deldup23.zip 11041 02-27-89 Delete files already in another subdirectory
delnull.zip 10084 06-25-96 Deletes all files that are 0 bytes long
delupto.zip 12923 09-27-92 Deletes files older than a given date
delx.zip 8128 10-13-88 Delete all except, the way that people think!
derase.zip 13229 02-01-89 Pgm to unerase files
df.zip 17175 09-06-88 Graphic display of disk free space E.Trujillo
df100.zip 4629 08-07-91 Display free disk space, even on joined
df202.zip 21617 08-24-91 DF 2.02: Stacker/JOIN-aware disk freespace
df460.zip 211613 12-17-92 Directory Freedom v4.60: Directory Manager
df_join2.zip 12972 05-04-90 Display free disk space, even on joined
df_ml.zip 23971 10-18-94 Display free disk space, even on joined
df_uz.zip 11849 07-24-89 Displays disk free space for all drives,
dfl340.zip 188641 12-30-93 Duplicate File Locator 3.40 scans archives
dfs097.zip 15531 03-04-92 Delete/find/calc. size of files/directory
di11.zip 38067 04-01-88 Extended directory lister v1.1 w/C source
dir2file.zip 6389 01-09-88 Creates ASCII file of directory
dirclean.zip 12167 10-18-92 Deletes directory trees containing files
dircmp10.zip 9339 10-16-92 Compares files in two directory structures
dirco605.zip 123573 06-04-96 Updates files based on source directory
dircp100.zip 26461 07-18-94 Compare two directory listings, display diffs
dirdat21.zip 14961 06-24-96 Change directory time and date
dire30.zip 11227 04-15-90 Replaces DOS DIR command. Displays more info
dired306.zip 69557 02-28-92 'DirEdit' v3.06; Edit/sort DOS directories
dirhide1.zip 4458 07-16-91 Hide/unhide directories for security
dirm13.zip 20224 10-31-90 Faster directory lister than DOS DIR command
dirno120.zip 13962 09-04-90 Create commented dir listings, from PC Mag.
dirord.zip 19181 05-30-89 Position directory entries to desired order
dirr.zip 65900 12-31-85 List current directory for any version of DOS
dirs100.zip 44696 02-21-94 Directory/file manager copy,move,del,etc. VGA
dirsiz25.zip 15607 06-24-96 Directory sizes, summary stats, Win95 LFN
dirstack.zip 24216 03-01-93 Batch file push/pop directory stack commands
dirsts21.zip 90304 08-23-94 Pie-chart display of disk space usage by dir
dirto604.zip 132855 04-29-96 Directory lister and totaller
dirutils.zip 18827 12-14-87 Misc directory-related utilities
diskfr55.zip 6128 03-04-89 Displays total disk space available on PC
diskfree.zip 11078 02-04-86 Find true size of files on HD
diskor10.zip 80757 09-22-94 DiskOrganizer v1.0: Directory logger &
disp102.zip 192229 04-06-92 DIS Plus: Configurable directory viewer
djm_size.zip 6713 08-07-89 DIR filter displays total space used by files
dlinks10.zip 11921 11-02-94 Provides aliases for DOS directories
dlxdr280.zip 65656 06-03-96 Sorted DIR, 3 col, hid files, Hebrew and more
dmav12.zip 26338 07-28-94 Directory Maven v1.2: Change dir utility
dnames12.zip 22145 04-06-96 DONAMES: Change names of a series of files
dosdir21.zip 26352 06-24-94 Portable MSDOS/UNIX/VMS directory API w/C src
dosmap21.zip 7058 11-15-94 Unix->DOS directory/file name transform
down211.zip 8231 11-12-87 Enhanced replacement for CHDIR command
dp13.zip 23083 07-03-92 Allows pgms to find their data files in path
dr.zip 17740 05-21-87 PC-Magazine file utility
drip200.zip 9865 07-14-92 TSR to store and retrieve current path
drun203.zip 35397 06-03-96 Directory Runner, fast directory changer
ds421b.zip 178954 04-25-92 Directory Scanner 4.21b: DOS disk/file
dta12.zip 6641 10-16-88 Directory Tree Atributes, DIR/TREE
du.bas 5472 01-22-86 Displays disk usage by directory
du113.zip 26928 04-09-92 Unix-like du (disk usage), many options,
du_pv.zip 6399 08-05-89 Displays dir tree and disk usage, w/A86 src
duh13.zip 39580 05-01-89 Deletes files that exist in ARC, ZIP, PAK,
dx_264.zip 114212 06-05-91 Directory eXtended v2.64 super dir & file
edir151.zip 38722 07-14-96 Directory lister that recognizes files
ejchmd12.zip 6912 12-20-91 Edward Jajko's change file attributes program
elim10.zip 4327 11-23-90 Delete file DOS can't see, like spaces in
eraq.com 768 02-01-86 Delete program with y/n ?
eren.zip 2068 09-06-85 Extended rename utility
exd110.zip 19686 06-30-91 Exdel v1.10: Replacement for DOS DEL command
ezfind15.zip 82831 03-31-96 DOS file/dir utility with hypertext help
f32as.zip 28834 02-27-96 VM/CMS-style directory and file manager
fd203.zip 24435 03-08-89 Locate duplicate files, tag/delete/view/print
fdate12a.zip 28543 01-10-90 Flexibly rename files to their dates
fdate2.zip 5896 05-21-92 Set selected file date and/or time
fdf.zip 9213 12-25-85 Check directory trees for duplicate files
fdf_1_01.zip 86773 04-28-92 Find duplicate files utility
fesub100.zip 36279 10-10-92 Searches for empty subdirectories
ff211.zip 12927 01-03-90 Where-is file finder for multiple/large
ff_revu.zip 1900 03-08-90 Kay Rigg's review of 17 'find file' programs
fff52.zip 244287 03-20-96 Derr's FileFinder 5.2, performs fuzzy search
ffind133.zip 7028 04-19-89 Find file on disk, in LZH, ZIP, PAK, ARC
ffind14e.zip 7935 08-29-90 Smart file-finder for large HD/network drives
fh_dz32.zip 21598 12-19-94 DZ shows subdirs with sizes in a bar chart
fhid22.zip 6585 07-14-88 Make files 'invisible' (kinda)
fichici.zip 8663 07-07-93 Checks for files matching current system date
fileattr.zip 10682 02-13-88 Set file attributes, hide, R/O, ARCH
filel20.zip 28490 11-24-91 VM/CMS-like FILELIST shell program for MS-DOS
filemv06.zip 6745 04-02-93 Fast and safe file move tool
filesize.zip 6248 04-23-86 Like Norton's FS
filmatch.zip 14038 09-02-91 Find differences between two lists of files
find21.zip 14771 08-13-88 Trisoft's fast file finder v2.1 w/Del & Sort
find221.zip 29525 08-07-92 Gavin's fast file finder for DOS 3 and higher
finda29.zip 17228 01-01-90 Finds anything. Multiple search methods w/GUI
findfi36.zip 16816 11-29-92 Find file/s and change to directory if req'd
findfil2.zip 22401 12-15-90 Locate files on disk, w/Unix sh type
findit.zip 13048 04-21-86 Locates desired file, returns path
findit10.zip 11993 06-16-92 Fast utility to locate various file formats
findup39.zip 29029 10-29-88 List duplicate files on multiple disks
fl.zip 22469 08-11-89 Fast file locator with Turbo C v2 source
floc117a.zip 55315 07-16-96 Free file finder, like Norton FL, w/A86
fls047.zip 5577 01-29-94 Unix-ish alternative DIR cmd, requires 386+
free16.zip 24118 02-16-89 Kapustein's free-disk reporter, v1.6
free19.zip 8384 05-02-91 Displays available & total space on all
free2.zip 8956 12-17-86 Lets you know free space and much more
ft100.zip 7707 08-07-91 Shows each file type & disk space it occupies
futil220.zip 256182 06-24-95 Collection of fast pgms (Del,Copy,Move,UnDel)
fw_ls2.zip 27511 04-06-91 Unix-like ls directory lister for DOS & OS/2
g.zip 15888 04-19-89 'CD' replacement. Jump easily between subdirs
g280.zip 5867 05-24-91 Go any directory, any drive, Fast! v2.80
g_21.zip 15206 04-14-94 Change directories, display mem use, TSRs,
gcd_100.zip 20281 09-19-90 Fast graphical change directory, cursor/mouse
gcdv3.zip 12158 09-26-94 Changes drive as well as directory. + more
gd350.zip 14104 04-27-94 Quickly move to another directory
glob11.zip 9038 05-30-88 Make DOS cmds 'global'
go.zip 10017 11-03-87 Change current directory using mnemonic
go54.zip 45306 11-05-90 7-in-1 DOS util. Fast file finder w/options
go_3_0.zip 38619 01-27-91 Enhanced cd w/name completion & dir utilities
go_v_10.zip 14693 03-07-94 NCD-like dir. utility with no external files
godirv10.zip 8008 06-09-95 Chdir across drives and uses CDPATH as in csh
gx_st101.zip 43130 12-31-94 Macro alternative to DOS CD command
hhd327.zip 8395 05-06-94 Howard Harvey's directory lister, many
hhff303.zip 5185 05-06-94 Harvey's directory file finder, many options
hhuntr11.zip 12728 06-08-96 Find and delete largest and oldest files
honto211.zip 31080 01-06-95 Colored directory lister with much extra info
hotdir75.zip 72782 03-18-96 HotDIR 7.5 - Color sorted directory utility
icd220.zip 4009 08-10-93 Instant Change Directory (auto-updating)
imd102.zip 16073 04-07-96 IMD v1.02: DOS Image Directory utility
incdos11.zip 35745 09-14-93 Long's set of added DOS-type commands R1.1
incdos20.zip 107368 02-20-95 Virtuosi's set of added DOS-type commands
jadu13.zip 82792 10-30-89 Just Another Directory Utility
jb_du13.zip 8590 04-10-89 Displays disk space usage
jcd124.zip 16937 06-14-89 Enhanced change directory program
jdir11.zip 7568 01-15-90 4 across alphabetic directory lister
jsdown2.zip 11178 12-04-88 CD substitute
k_locate.zip 6911 11-05-89 File locator for searching drives
kdr234.zip 10890 02-12-93 Killdir: Erase the contents of any directory
kill.zip 7315 11-15-92 Removes a dir and all its files and subdir's
kill11.zip 9486 05-03-90 Find filenames system-wide, prompt for delete
kill150.zip 18558 08-26-92 Recursive directory removal with many options
kill1_1.zip 2550 01-10-95 Delete a directory, its files &
killdir.zip 12404 05-16-90 Delete subdirectory and all files within
ks_ls.zip 19608 10-18-88 4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir for DOS, w/TC1.5
l.zip 15330 03-13-89 Directory lister with many options
l11.zip 43516 05-04-93 Ricki's powerful DIR replacement
l3_0.zip 18424 03-27-88 TopView-aware fast directory lister
lastdr23.zip 1814 05-22-88 Save last drive/directory in environment
lc10.zip 10022 04-22-90 Sorted directory lister similar to Unix 'ls'
lcd_40b.zip 32118 08-24-91 Ledbetter's ''Led's Change Directory'', v4.0B
ld.zip 4625 04-16-86 List directories LD
ldir30.zip 13839 06-04-86 Directory list w/options - V. Buerg
lf34.zip 23749 03-08-92 Find files on any drive/optionally execute
lfnsrt10.zip 27431 06-03-96 Directory sorter for DOS/Win95 disks
lildir1.zip 14651 12-27-94 Dir. pgm, 1-5 cols. recurse, tree, Env. var.
listrs11.zip 100980 07-05-95 Directory/program list makers w/action
ls26.zip 22266 11-29-92 List file directories with many many options
ls_color.zip 21341 05-16-95 Color coded directory lister like UNIX 'ls'
ls_n_df.zip 12302 11-01-90 Unix-like ls/df - show dir contents/disk
lsv10001.zip 6415 08-07-95 Simulates 'ls' Unix command in DOS, w/TP5+
ma_rm14.zip 12703 10-21-89 Extended delete command, removes subdirs too
ma_touch.zip 9964 11-23-88 Adjust file time and date
masdir54.zip 88561 04-20-91 Directory sort program by date/extention/size
mastrd38.zip 14049 04-08-91 MASTERdIR: Sorted dir lister w/many options
mcd.zip 3854 09-08-94 Make a subdirectory, then CD to it
mdel13.zip 11408 02-13-94 MDEL v1.3: Delete matching files, except some
mdir400.zip 34004 08-19-94 Change directories/run pgms in DOS with mouse
mdir_v10.zip 24100 03-21-95 Mike's Directory Fast: Sorted directory
mds_rm.zip 14143 11-07-88 Unix-like 'rm' clone with C source
mh_du12.zip 27945 01-22-93 File and directory utility, GUI interface
mh_mv102.zip 13253 06-18-91 UNIX-like file and directory move utility
move11.zip 12591 11-10-87 Move Command that DOS Forgot!
move111.zip 36107 08-09-90 Move files between directories and/or drives
move201.zip 3920 05-26-88 Moves files around on disk -- small, fast
move453.zip 12708 07-04-89 Move files from one drive/directory to
mt100.zip 25348 06-11-96 MoveTo drive/directory enhanced CD
mv.zip 9001 11-08-84 UNIX-like, moves and renames files
mv200.zip 16411 06-12-89 Move files from one drive/directory to
mycd.zip 5644 02-15-89 Unix-like change directory program
namezap.zip 24146 08-31-95 Directory and file renamer
nd_096.zip 118748 05-18-96 NiceDir: Color DIR, instant <dir> sizes, more
ndelv00.zip 12020 02-24-91 Delete all files in current dir except a list
ndir181.zip 54581 06-03-96 Configurable Multi-color sorted dir lister
new17.zip 21267 02-18-89 Locates files by date
newchdir.zip 5256 11-19-88 Directory changer, recognizes abbreviations
nfd104.zip 11111 11-25-87 Change date/time on one or multiple DOS files
no.zip 5456 07-05-86 Exclude some files from wildcard command
nuke111.zip 11186 03-09-89 Totally delete disk data, no chance to
obslt10.zip 7388 07-04-92 Recursive delete files older than selected
odel12.zip 25239 10-09-91 Makes room on drive by deleting oldest
older.asm 2927 02-28-84 Return which files are older
oz111.zip 83633 09-18-92 Multiple-version undelete + HD Protection
pattr15.zip 23123 11-05-90 Set DOS file attribs with wildcards.
pc_flist.zip 34605 03-31-86 Full-screen directory. Like VM/CMS
pd_12.zip 15137 04-07-96 Pick Directory v1.2: Fast and easy Change Dir
pdel44.zip 59573 04-30-92 File delete utility, extra features over DOS
pik110.zip 36489 09-16-90 Pick files from directory for ZIP, COPY, etc.
pkfind11.zip 8435 05-16-87 Katz's locate file utility, ARCs too. v1.1
pmove20.zip 22400 09-23-87 File move/delete between subdirs and disks
pppd301.zip 12267 05-22-93 Push-Pop DOS path string & current drive:\dir
prune10.zip 29748 05-22-90 Mefford's DIR tree pruning & grafting utility
ps52b.zip 94923 06-29-92 PSearch 5.2b, find file fast, by name or text
ptouch2.zip 14329 05-04-88 Patriquen's change date/time utility
purgtre1.zip 9834 10-06-88 Recursive delete of files in subdirectories
push.zip 8534 12-11-91 Save/restore drive/dir/envir. via .BAT file
push_pop.zip 22389 07-24-90 Directory stack manipulation programs, w/src
pushdir.asm 10789 07-15-86 Save current drive and subdir
pushpop.zip 19572 02-24-93 Save current drive/dir for later return
putcwd.zip 5893 03-27-88 Puts present dir name in environment variable
pwd.zip 5385 07-08-89 Displays working directory on all drives
pwd_c.zip 8466 08-20-90 Displays working dir on all drives, w/MSC src
q_20.zip 19393 08-01-95 Quicker alternative to MS-DOS CD command
qcd11.zip 13594 05-31-95 Jump around your directory-tree to change
qdel033.zip 13917 11-11-93 Kill dir tree FAST! Options, statistics, fun
qdups15.zip 29430 01-09-88 Nice utility for cleaning out dupes
qf300.zip 20719 05-22-89 Quick Find v3.00 find files, even in archives
qff64.zip 27958 07-04-95 Quick File Find v6.4: Enhanced file finder
rcd24.zip 37795 04-11-96 Powerful, do-what-I-mean change
rcdel262.zip 24171 08-26-94 Delete directory trees. Faster than deltree
rdir153.zip 72132 06-28-95 Relative DIRectory Size. Disk usage Pie Chart
ren2date.zip 2439 09-09-94 Renames last four characters of a file to
rendir10.zip 8039 06-27-94 Freeware utility to RENname DIRectories
retain30.zip 13193 12-17-92 Pure BAT eq. of PUSH/POPDIR, no limits, no
rfind10.zip 24469 04-14-95 RFind: Neat little file finder and processor
rh_ls.zip 20513 01-08-92 4.xBSD Unix-like 'ls' dir, with MSC5.1 source
rlbdel10.zip 7977 09-14-93 Long's BDEL ('Branch DELete') v1.0
rlbdir11.zip 8111 08-29-93 Long's BDIR ('Branch DIRectory') v1.1
rlgd11.zip 5672 08-29-93 Long's GD ('Go to Directory') v1.1
rlkd12.zip 7889 08-29-93 Long's KD ('Kill Directory') v1.2
rlxd10.zip 7307 09-14-93 Long's XD ('eXpand to Directory') v1.0
rm.zip 10610 04-28-87 Unix-style file/directory deleter
rm11_yg.zip 4788 07-09-89 Like Unix 'rm', delete files, recursive, safe
rm_hs.zip 12578 02-16-89 File/directory deletion program with source
rm_om.zip 20215 10-15-91 Unix-style file/directory deleter, w/C source
rm_t130.zip 16939 05-31-94 Removes protected files including directories
rmx.zip 7502 01-04-88 Unix-like 'rm' file delete program
rmyg13.zip 5163 07-03-92 Joseph Gil's tiny Unix-like file removal
rn_dr22.zip 17642 01-18-88 Enhanced PC-Mag utils DR and RN
rndat20e.zip 5235 12-18-91 Rename file to unique name based on date/time
rtn89nov.zip 3820 11-23-89 Return to original directory after CD
run102.zip 19401 09-30-89 Repeat actions for selected files in
sadel101.zip 8885 04-25-96 Keeps deleted files for recovery
samedat1.zip 4095 10-17-92 Copy date/time stamp from one file to another
samedate.zip 1403 04-26-92 Copy time/date stamp from one file to another
satrib14.zip 11726 11-29-92 Modify any attributes
savdir25.zip 12261 11-29-92 Save current directory to a batch file
sd62.zip 79181 06-02-89 Sorted directory - versatile - ZIP/ARC too
sd_v2.zip 96238 04-09-96 Create, maintain secure directories
sdc1_1.zip 18942 04-16-96 SDC v1.1: Replacement for CD command
sdc1_2f.zip 15969 05-27-96 SDC v1.2: Replacement for CD command
sdel210.zip 17380 11-29-92 Delete any files including in sub-direcories
sdir.zip 3106 05-27-87 Sorted dir, 2/4 up, across subdirectories
sdir40.zip 9051 05-14-88 Sorted directory display
sdl32.zip 12081 08-16-88 Sorted Directory Lister with many options
secret3.zip 7071 10-22-92 MD,CD,RD hidden directories v1.3 w/ASM src
seek202.zip 17210 08-05-94 Fast file-find w/grep-like string srch option
seeker12.zip 237976 07-03-96 File mngr/launcher. Win95 support. DOPUS 4
sf33.zip 67057 03-29-89 Search for files by subtree. Like DIR
sfa.zip 18639 06-26-86 Menu-driven file attribute setter
sfcombo.zip 47698 03-12-95 Finds files easily on one or many drives
shhrm010.zip 12725 05-06-94 Unix-like rm-command (delete) with recursion
showsz14.zip 62067 07-11-96 ShowSize v1.4: Directory sizing utility
shwhch10.zip 10548 04-20-94 Locates executables in PATH (like Unix which)
since.zip 7609 05-23-91 DIR of files since today or since certain
since137.zip 33833 04-08-96 SINCE make list of files since specified date
since_w.zip 7616 12-21-86 Directory for files created after certain
sldir210.zip 22200 11-29-92 Select directory via a menu
smove151.zip 16928 11-04-92 A very FAST multiple file moving utility
snif134.zip 35082 03-15-92 C. Declerck's fast multiple drive file finder
ssearch4.zip 53308 12-14-90 Super Search v1.4: Fast file finder
sst_53a.zip 49759 07-01-91 Keith Ledbetter's super file & archive
st330e.zip 20033 11-05-94 STREE v3.30: Displays the size of directories
struzfda.zip 15147 12-03-92 Struz's file and directory attribute utility
subdir.zip 8963 11-27-94 Executes a command in all subdirectories
subdir20.zip 7797 01-26-89 Change subdirectories with a single character
supdir11.zip 45708 06-29-96 DIR lister w/ include/exclude masks, DB
swapname.zip 3749 02-20-86 Swap two file names
sweep221.zip 9181 12-02-87 Menu-driven file handler
sync10.zip 34473 06-07-95 Synchronizes one directory tree with another
syncdir.zip 41750 07-15-95 Synchronize files in two directory trees
sz15.zip 13438 10-21-89 Number of bytes & space of files/directories
tdattr10.zip 16386 01-09-94 Enhanced replacement for DOS ATTRIB command
tdir92.zip 38433 03-04-92 TreeDir jump to directories from a menu,
tf77.zip 13215 02-18-89 TurboFind - fast 'whereis' file find utility
tfind215.zip 14048 09-03-91 ThunderFind: Fast file finding utility
tk_ls.zip 16199 01-14-89 Unix-like ls dir. lister for MS-DOS w/src
to40b.zip 31713 10-13-90 Fast dir switcher, abbreviated subdir names
toadadel.zip 8988 05-24-91 Delete files older than specified nr of
todir22.zip 29594 03-21-95 Jump directly to any subdirectory on any
tomar90.zip 3605 03-23-90 Improved CD - change directory without \'s
tools.zip 54809 09-22-87 Unix-like utility programs for PC, w/C source
touch.zip 12761 09-27-87 Change the Date/Time shown on any program
tppdr101.zip 14638 09-06-93 Push/pop dir pgm that uses the DOS
tpzdr124.zip 16902 03-15-94 ZapDir: Directory tree killer for MSDOS/DRDOS
trak10.zip 19631 03-21-95 TrackDir v1.0: Directory navigation tracker
tree.zip 6076 08-27-86 Graphic TREE directory (PD) with masm source
treedupl.zip 68822 09-05-86 Find and display duplicate file names
treesurg.zip 26117 01-09-87 Dir tree surgeon: find/compare/prune dupes
treesz02.zip 10866 07-29-93 Graphic tree display of dir/path/disk sizes
trunk120.zip 13660 09-10-88 Recursive directory lister
ttfind3b.zip 55207 01-17-89 TriSoft Technologies fast FileFind
twoutils.zip 30700 10-16-89 Enhanced DIR (ls) and DELETE, Unix-like
ua_go320.zip 25991 08-11-95 Fast change directory utility
ug.zip 80348 10-23-87 DOS path & subdirectory utility
unera13.zip 6744 06-05-89 Recover erased files from disk, improved
up100.zip 7379 11-11-87 Move towards root in directory tree w/prompt
upcopy.zip 102428 03-11-96 Directory synchronization utility
vadcd180.zip 14561 03-14-93 Vadol Change Directory: Easy CD, quick access
vcd10.zip 15696 12-26-88 Visual Change Directory
volume11.zip 6456 07-19-88 Name/rename disk volume
walkdir.zip 10470 12-17-92 Walk through directory structure & print info
what24.zip 35446 07-21-88 Add commentary to directory, ver. 2.4
whch20gt.zip 18388 08-01-90 Theall's scan PATH for executable programs
whch21gr.zip 32502 07-27-93 Clone of Unix 'which': locate commands in
where12.zip 11802 10-24-93 Where is a file in PATH or other env.
where282.zip 15381 04-07-96 Whereis v2.82: Find and catalog on hard disk
whereis.asm 10706 10-24-85 Locate file on hard drive
whereis.doc 680 10-26-85 Doc for WHEREIS.ASM
whereis.zip 20805 05-13-88 Finds any file on drive and uses wildcards
whereis3.zip 7217 06-07-89 Whereis file locator across multiple disks
which_bw.zip 10112 09-23-88 Weissman's search dirs for specified file
which_mc.zip 7744 04-27-88 Cohen's fast WHEREIS for commands in PATH
whiz8706.zip 16709 07-06-88 Behman's fast file finder
wild15.zip 4084 07-25-89 Improve MS-DOS wildcard handling, v1.5
wiper.zip 15635 10-10-91 Remove a whole directory subtree in DOS &
with10.zip 5963 08-13-92 Executes a command on randomly selected files
wiz36.zip 123013 04-11-96 Fast, multidisk, many options file finder
wpr027.zip 16505 10-02-95 Recursive directory deleter
xdir.zip 9738 03-18-87 TSR directory program, call up anytime
xk420e.zip 14888 11-05-94 XKILL v4.20: Enhanced file deleting
ycom10.zip 9478 08-29-94 Run applications using English commands
zapdir40.zip 22599 06-04-91 Remove entire branches of directory tree
zdel3001.zip 6011 05-04-87 Selective delete utility
zdiff23.zip 90689 07-04-96 Visual directory/zip difference
zdir20.zip 54589 03-02-92 Fast sorted dir replacement with many options
Disassemblers: Convert exec
path: \disc2\disasm
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
486dis_c.zip 11751 04-19-93 TC source for 486 code stream disassembler
8048dis.zip 12632 09-25-87 Disassemble programs for 8048/8049 chip
aabstrct.txt 5024 01-20-93 Information about the files in this directory
asmgen3.zip 69043 04-10-89 Generate assembly code from COM and EXE's
asmgensq.zip 14259 01-10-93 Generates ASMGEN/ASMGEN3 disassembler SEQ
bubble.zip 73734 09-18-88 Bubble: A disassembler for COM or EXE
dasm48.zip 15280 07-20-86 Intel HEX disassembler for 8048
dasm80.zip 14310 07-20-86 8080 disassembler
dasm85.zip 10524 07-31-90 Disassembler for 8085 binaries
dasmz80.zip 38941 07-20-86 Z80 Intel HEX file disassembler
dis86216.zip 68986 12-19-92 Disassembler for 8086, 80286, 80386 programs
dmpprg20.zip 42632 11-24-92 Disassembles MS-DOS & Windows 3 .EXE files
id12.zip 25807 02-15-90 Intelligent Disassembler v1.2
ida35bc.zip 263584 04-30-96 Interactive DisAssembler v3.05b common files
ida35bd.zip 333356 04-30-96 Interactive DisAssembler v3.05b DOS 16 files
ida35bo.zip 412764 04-30-96 Interactive DisAssembler v3.05b OS/2 files
ida35bx.zip 438058 04-30-96 Interactive DisAssembler v3.05b DOS 32 files
md86.zip 157091 06-24-90 Masterful Disassembler for Intel 8086
obj2asm.zip 76015 04-19-93 TC Source for intelligent .OBJ disassembler
res86.zip 32612 01-02-86 Disassembler by Ward Christensen
Disk utils
path: \disc2\diskutil
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
1pass200.zip 16080 05-11-96 One-pass floppy disk copier. Uses RAM/EMS/HDD
1seagate.zip 499330 04-04-96 Specs for ALL Seagate drives from Seagate BBS
22dsk142.zip 196590 04-05-96 CP/M<->Diskette xfer, over 100 formats. SYDEX
2m30.zip 256243 03-29-96 Safely formats 3.5:1176/1972K &
2m30src.zip 219102 05-11-96 Commented source code for 2m30; TASM/Borland
2mfshl11.zip 114123 03-29-96 Text shell for running 2mf 3.0 (2m30.zip)
3drvs260.zip 74463 05-11-96 Device driver: combine RLL/MFM/IDE drives
4drvu100.zip 33268 05-11-96 IDE hard disk inquiry utility, up to 4 drives
4spd100.zip 66327 05-11-96 Hard drive data transfer rate test
525td.zip 435773 04-28-92 Updated Mountain Tape soft (& some
800ks.zip 8806 07-07-88 Format 360k disk to 800k on AT, w/MASM source
act204.zip 159983 01-02-92 ActaeOn v2.04: Graphical hard disk manager
adcsh122.zip 9601 07-05-90 ADCache: Dave Rifkind's EMS disk caching pgm
aformat.zip 1846 05-09-88 Format A & B drives without pause
anad207.zip 121165 09-02-92 ANADISK v2.07, analyze/edit/copy disks, SYDEX
aspibin.zip 67060 01-25-92 Gnu Tar for SCSI tape drives, Adaptec 154xx
aspiid15.zip 50610 04-08-96 ASPI-ID v1.5: SCSI mode sense and inquiry
aspipat.zip 19486 01-25-92 Patches for ASPIBIN relative to Gnu Tar 1.10
aspisrc.zip 206171 01-25-92 Src for Gnu Tar for SCSI tape, Adaptec ctrlr
ataid011.zip 29650 10-28-94 ATA/IDE diagnostic & identification pgm v1.11
atfmt100.zip 34774 03-11-92 Floppy formatter. Gets 1066K on 720K diskette
bboot.zip 3163 04-29-93 Boot from B: drive instead of A:
bcopy.zip 13535 01-15-89 PC Mag utility: Copy files in the background
bkpfly20.zip 154569 06-05-96 Backups without a single click or keystroke
blrut54.zip 128969 05-14-96 28 miscellaneous disk utilities
boops.zip 3215 01-31-92 Allows booting HD w/diskette in A:, w/ASM src
boot.zip 5037 05-17-86 Create your own custom boot records
boot_b.zip 4056 12-26-90 Boots machine with A: and B: drives swapped
bootdmod.zip 15161 08-18-89 Modifies disk BOOT record and cluster size
brinf126.zip 45338 01-09-92 Save/restore disk partition, boot, and track
bu4d113.zip 589927 07-19-96 Backup Fugue: Hard disk backup w/compression
cachemon.zip 19906 03-13-90 TSR disk cache monitor: count hits and misses
ccache11.zip 136156 07-07-96 DOS concurrent disk cache v1.1
ccopy107.zip 81832 04-07-96 Controlled Copy 1.07: Advanced DOS file
cformat2.zip 17189 04-14-88 Format A: and B: disks at same time
chain217.zip 7899 05-27-89 Displays disk clusters used by a file
chkprt.zip 6003 12-20-90 Determines disk suitability for SMARTDRV.SYS
cleaner1.zip 29153 06-20-93 Clean floppy diskette drive read/write heads
clnfil23.zip 25373 02-15-91 Wipes out sensitive data in unused file space
clone210.zip 19471 03-23-94 CLONE 2.10: Single pass floppy disk
cmflop13.zip 21229 04-07-96 Floppy disk copier/formatter/scanner
cnfmt108.zip 40045 07-16-92 Background floppy disk formatter by SYDEX
combi113.zip 46401 05-01-93 RAM disk & disk cache sharing XMS memory
copyall.zip 9705 04-06-91 Copy files to multiple disks with
copyd11.zip 37844 12-05-92 Wsscopyd, copy/format disks, 1-pass, w/source
copydsk.zip 18070 03-10-90 Similar to DOS's XCOPY, only better. w/C src
copyq324.zip 153040 05-31-96 One pass dup. disks. Reads MS DMF fmt. SYDEX
core303.zip 26470 07-13-96 Core International hard disk benchmark, v3.03
cotdos10.zip 13537 06-07-90 MS-DOS Driver for the British/Sears Apricot
coverup1.zip 16016 07-20-90 Erases unused sectors and tails of files
cpdsk195.zip 23097 04-08-96 Single-pass disk copy with XMS, incl. 2.88mb
cpyds121.zip 34564 02-22-92 Fast copy/format/verify multiple diskettes
crhdt351.zip 45884 07-14-96 COREhdt v3.51: Disk test and exerciser tool
ct50a.zip 60161 05-31-96 Cache Test: Evaluates disk cache performance
cuvl1.zip 28750 09-14-91 Colorado Utilities disk volume labeler ver
dat405.zip 393576 05-31-96 PowerDat tape backup software v4.05, from CMS
data_rec.zip 89567 05-12-96 Tiramisu v1.02: Data recovery software
dcf53.zip 111351 06-09-96 Very fast 1-pass diskette copy utility
dcopy332.zip 21413 10-16-91 Copy whole diskette with subdirs to a file
dctest11.zip 106302 06-12-96 Disk cache timing tests - optimize disk cache
dcu100.zip 29934 10-21-90 Delete unwanted files & call backup/defrag
ddpc250.zip 16862 12-06-91 Multiple hard disk parker and screen saver
ddupe322.zip 78880 04-28-91 Diskcopy any size floppy disk in only 1 pass
deltmp15.zip 45332 04-02-96 Scans disk drives to delete temporary files
dermon11.zip 9749 04-29-90 TSR monitors disk errors, keeps log of last
dfix12.zip 13340 05-07-91 Finds and marks bad disk sectors, w/C source
dfree36a.zip 20786 03-29-96 Shows bytes formatted/used/free per drive
di103.zip 42087 01-19-91 DiskInfo 1.03: Displays information about
dim14a.zip 75006 04-17-93 Disk image archiver, copyer w/password prot.
diskdup2.zip 77053 08-17-89 Very fast disk copier; uses advanced DMA,
diskf1.asm 4541 02-14-90 Corrects AT floppy disk timing problems
diskf20e.zip 60883 08-23-94 Fills disks up to the last sector. (English)
diskid21.zip 3559 08-21-91 View/change serial on DOS 4/DOS 5 floppies
diskinfo.zip 181184 09-26-90 Database of 775 different type hard drives
disktime.zip 17262 11-13-85 Checks the speed of your hard drive
diskuse.zip 50762 02-12-90 Displays disk use in bytes with bar graphics
dnav14.zip 59403 09-27-89 Disk Navagator: point & shoot HD manager
dog316.zip 50874 03-29-92 Disk OrGanizer: Disk defragmenter
dogrevu.zip 3554 03-17-91 Review of 'DOG' disk organizer/defragmentizer
dqcl11.zip 21433 06-09-96 Diskette quality control lab
dqwik211.zip 130676 08-04-94 Boost IDE perf. by activating block xfer mode
drs120.zip 103195 02-08-92 Data Recovery Software: Reads BAD disks
drvdt3.zip 3180 01-08-90 Information on 208 different hard disks
dskdup50.zip 308944 04-08-96 Disk Dupe v5.0 R13: Fast format/dupe/compare
dskrw237.zip 46317 01-15-93 FAST 1pass disk copy and disk image handling
dskwatch.asm 6822 10-05-85 Report disk errors in screen window
dspace.zip 23596 06-24-96 Displays recursive disk space
dstat103.zip 26176 04-07-96 Displays information about disk drives
dtst20.zip 14459 04-30-90 Scan disk weak sectors which may fail, w/C
dugide10.zip 11219 01-12-93 Show the IDE disk info. Includes C source
easydiag.zip 41948 07-05-89 WD diagnostic: Test AT hard disk & controller
ebak70.zip 225387 05-04-96 Easy Backup v7.0 with compression
ezcl_1_7.zip 86864 03-05-90 EZ-Copy Lite: Copy/verify multiple diskettes
ezcp_1_2.zip 87269 02-27-90 EZ-Copy: Copy/format/verify multiple
ezf32a.zip 184855 01-11-91 Format disks in 2 drives at once, v3.20, 1of2
ezf32b.zip 98577 11-29-90 Format disks in 2 drives at once, v3.20, 2of2
fastcpy2.zip 11730 05-27-87 Excellent disc copy/duplicate utility
fat109.zip 13431 01-16-90 FAT v1.09, display a file's chain of clusters
fbpcheck.zip 21063 01-26-90 Fastback+ utility w/7 day warning & file list
fbr181.zip 16584 05-30-92 Buerg's fast backup/restore utility - v1.81
fdc_8477.zip 30678 06-14-91 Nat'l. Semicon. test of the 8477FDC chip
fdc_test.zip 20049 06-14-91 Nat'l. Semicon. floppy controller chip test
fdf_v34b.zip 160230 03-08-96 Shell utility for FDFormat. Req.
fdform18.zip 102257 07-20-91 Format floppies for greater density/storage
fdrpm.zip 3707 03-17-90 Checks diskette drive speed. SYDEX
ffit162.zip 40780 12-05-92 Copies files to disks optimally (knapsack)
fhard101.zip 32363 07-22-90 Creates 5 Meg removable disk using floppies
fill605.zip 87975 06-04-96 Stuffs as many files as possible on disk
filup605.zip 61281 06-04-96 Copy updated files based on a control list
fips15.zip 118873 04-17-96 Nondestructive hard disk partition split
fit10.zip 12355 10-10-90 Intelligent copy - fill each floppy - mass
flexp300.zip 221041 07-25-93 Flexibak Plus: Hard disk backup w/compression
flopchek.zip 1114 06-13-90 Displays AT/386/486 CMOS floppy drive configs
fm46.zip 79582 05-21-92 FormatMaster: Menu-driven floppy disk format
formnu22.zip 78418 09-24-92 Fast, easy menu to format diskettes
formq201.zip 91462 04-09-96 Format number of diskettes in a single
fr20.zip 3574 05-23-91 Shows free space on all drives (v2.0)
fre560.zip 26184 10-30-92 Multi-drive disk space check info with graph
fsave11.zip 116746 04-09-96 FSAVE: Selective backup pgm for DOS & Windows
gtak100.zip 206776 01-11-92 DOS+OS/2 tar for SCSI tapes on Adaptec cntl's
handle20.zip 33531 07-16-87 Hold open up to 256 files in DOS 3.xx
hd0989r1.zip 14219 09-22-89 Info on 823 hard drives from 64 manufacturers
hdcp20.zip 47260 06-09-96 Hard disk sector backup/copy utility
hdcp20ad.zip 103363 06-02-96 HD-Copy: Fast diskcopy for DD/HD disks;
hdcp20ae.zip 82193 06-02-96 HD-Copy: Fast diskcopy for DD/HD disks
hdtrak12.zip 73348 08-01-93 HardTrack v1.2: Tracks hard drive/LAN changes
hdts535a.zip 130844 10-19-91 Comprehensive HD test with support for DOS
hdtst128.zip 63708 10-24-89 Comprehensive hard disk drive check/intlv
hicpy25b.zip 60675 05-26-93 High density disk copier, using hard disk
hp15s211.zip 10345 05-31-96 Device driver for HP-150 diskettes. SYDEX
hsutil60.zip 136139 11-15-92 Hughes-Schoolfield collection of DOS
iau19e.zip 93226 02-01-91 Nondestructive hard disk interleave adj.
icach121.zip 66790 05-08-96 I_Cache v1.21: XMS disk cache for all disks
ispace10.zip 521669 07-01-96 Backup & archive utility with automatic
jp_du11.zip 10291 04-16-90 Recursive disk usage utility by Jussi
jumbo405.zip 405483 05-31-96 CMS 120MB and 250MB tape drive software v4.05
kd20b.zip 139253 04-08-96 KOPYIT v2.0b: Floppy disk duplicator
kg_df105.zip 5036 03-14-93 Disk Free: Disk free/used as % of total,
klspace.zip 10639 01-29-92 Keith Ledbetter's graphical disk space
l_rmnd17.zip 50442 02-27-90 Disk back-up reminder/timed event scheduler
lk_df.zip 14852 03-21-93 Unix-like DF disk usage command, w/source
llformat.asm 2472 01-14-91 Hard disk low-level format pgm. ASM source
mac_ette.zip 19528 06-22-96 Mac-ette: Util to read Mac 1.4 meg diskettes
macsee4b.zip 256856 06-22-96 Read/write Mac disks on PC. DOS & WIN3.x.
master20.zip 66114 05-07-94 Prepare diskettes as masters for duplication
maxi18.zip 56775 12-01-93 Formats diskettes to allow greater capacity
mback230.zip 231694 04-30-93 Patri-Soft's comprehensive disk system backup
mfa11.zip 24855 06-26-93 Allocates files on diskettes
micropls.zip 39074 07-24-91 List of parameters for Micropolis drives
mindos11.zip 59868 04-04-91 Read Minix File System (MFS) files from MSDOS
multvol1.zip 14868 01-13-92 Backup files larger than media (auto-split)
newspace.zip 140837 06-19-89 Save space: driver compresses hard disk files
no_idle.zip 6162 11-11-94 Disables auto-idle on PC system-hard drives
oc210.zip 17837 05-10-91 Finds optimum packing for file copy to floppy
org30sw.zip 68783 12-29-91 Greve/Rifkind's hard disk defragger/optimizer
palert24.zip 29286 10-21-91 Patriquin's low disk space warning utility
partit10.zip 53588 06-30-91 The Partitioner: MultiBoot w/HD security
pastcopy.zip 44435 11-20-89 Turbo Copy from PAS Software. Fancy copy pgm
pau_50.zip 2957 05-11-89 Park one or two hard disks v5.0, w/ASM source
pcopy93d.zip 122478 05-22-96 Patriquin COPY, file copier with many options
pdrive.zip 1311 05-11-91 Protect against floppy disk change. Reread
pkback2.zip 103367 05-02-93 Hard disk backup utility, uses PKZIP
poly221s.zip 40885 11-23-90 Fast bulk disk-copy pgm. 360K/720K/1.2M/1.44M
power405.zip 393524 07-20-94 Software for PowerTape drives from Colorado
prebak13.zip 37214 04-13-90 Backup preprocessor/automator/reminder
presz112.zip 63524 04-08-96 Partition Resizer 1.1.2 Re-size DOS
prune22.zip 9248 03-30-92 Clear out unallocated bytes at the end of
qc420_1.zip 247439 01-07-90 QUICKCACHE II v4.20: disk cache pgm, part
qc420_2.zip 256660 01-06-90 QUICKCACHE II v4.20: disk cache pgm, part
qcopy51.zip 160246 04-07-96 QCOPY v5.1: Floppy disk duplication/format
qdr40c.zip 7238 07-10-91 V. Buerg's quick floppy disk format/reformat
qfa250.zip 193192 01-07-92 CMS QFA-250 tape software, 01/08/92 release
qform10.zip 13859 12-02-89 Diskette formatter for 5-1/4'' & 3-1/2''
qic02_11.zip 27536 05-27-93 Tape device driver for Archive SC402/499
qicbat12.zip 257168 05-31-96 Tape backup utility for Colorado drives <ASP>
qkopy332.zip 53682 05-25-93 Quikcopy v3.32: Quick file/diskette copier
raind121.zip 16426 04-09-96 Device driver for DEC Rainbow diskettes.
ramit166.zip 20439 05-08-90 Speed disk access w/8 bit ctrlr on 16 bit bus
reform12.zip 15719 06-30-93 Disk defragmenter [Turbo Pas src]
reform16.zip 43623 03-02-90 Disk defragmenter with TurboPascal v5.0
rep127.zip 596597 04-07-96 Replicator 1.27: Store floppy disk image on
restaur1.zip 18545 03-23-91 More versatile DOS RESTORE replacement
restor55.zip 15566 10-15-90 Working replacement for MS-DOS restore
rewrite.zip 11344 10-23-89 Rewrite 360K disks written on 1.2M drive
rmdriv20.zip 4418 11-21-91 Disable or enable any DOS logical disk drive
rocalc.zip 13771 09-16-90 Counts floppies needed for backup (SAVELOAD)
rttfrm.zip 20751 04-26-92 High/low density drive format,TEXT mode
rtvfrm.zip 20559 04-26-92 High/low density drive format, VGA mode
safera16.zip 56534 06-20-91 Safe Erase v1.6: Enables UNerasing of files
safpak21.zip 69118 04-08-96 SAFEPACK v2.1: Disk defragmenter, sorts files
saveload.zip 40367 09-16-90 Disk backup program - (use with ROCALC)
scopy202.zip 22157 08-11-91 Copy disk to disk image file with
sdc300.zip 98271 11-30-90 Fast copy/format/verify multiple diskettes
sdf21.zip 20673 10-05-90 Fast floppy disk formatter and speed-up, v2.1
sdk301.zip 722336 04-07-96 Safety Disk v3.01: System backup/recovery
seaatbus.zip 197886 04-07-96 Specs for Seagate AT Bus hard disk drives
seascsi.zip 208449 04-07-96 Specs for Seagate SCSI hard disk drives
seccopy4.zip 138318 06-07-93 Periodic automatic copy of files to bkup
seg_drvs.zip 63276 03-08-89 Seagate hard disk install help & config info
set80.zip 1982 08-15-87 Tells DOS that drive B default is 80 tracks
setdrive.zip 10001 02-17-90 Change physical drive parameters, low/hi
sgatfmt4.zip 55054 04-07-96 Seagate Format v3.0: Low-level format utility
sho24.zip 10882 04-09-90 SHOWDISK v2.4: checks floppy/HD space usage
showf251.zip 29150 06-23-93 Intuitive display of disk FAT & dir structure
showlog.zip 20402 03-19-92 Display, search & manipulation of BACKUP.LOG
sleep12.zip 11791 04-05-96 SLEEP turns off IDE harddrive after n seconds
slim110a.zip 32838 04-03-91 Write compressed files to disk; expand on
smarcopy.zip 19116 03-05-90 Copies files the way DOS copy should work
smart_12.zip 24166 09-29-91 Smart Utilities v1.2: Modify specs of
smartpmt.zip 3233 05-18-93 Flushes SmartDrive deferred writes on DOS
spcchk12.zip 30472 02-03-90 Graphic display of disk use/space available
spindn12.zip 12765 08-23-94 Spin/power down IDE drives after idle period
spininfo.zip 44965 09-30-89 SpinriteII Hypertext Infofile, by Steve
spkt475s.zip 436633 05-31-96 HyperDisk disk cache w/HyperKey & HyperScreen
sprngcln.zip 2495 06-18-96 Find largest files on HD
st2dos10.zip 16115 04-16-93 Make Atari ST written floppies DOS-readable
steprat1.zip 7838 02-07-89 Set floppy drive steprate for speed/less
stow191.zip 206678 08-06-92 Patriquin's true disk archival (backup)
stowdir1.zip 15975 04-15-92 StowDir version 1.1. Directory for StowAway
stowgen2.zip 33898 04-15-92 Rebuild archive indexes for MegaBack
sy_at720.zip 1244 04-13-89 BIOS patch for 720K disks in 1.2M drive,
tape_dir.zip 12968 10-27-91 Reads dirs of CMS 120MB and 250MB tape drives
tcopy10.zip 6304 11-30-89 TCOPY v1.0: Multi-featured copy utility
tcpy200.zip 51636 03-21-93 Fast multi-volume file copy program
tdchk110.zip 13869 07-11-90 TeleDisk image file validator. SYDEX
tdel256i.zip 29355 07-12-96 Powerful replacement for the DEL command
tdisk334.zip 33751 12-27-89 TESTDISK 3.34, disk performance measurement
teled212.zip 87199 12-11-90 TeleDisk v2.11 - xfer disk into a file. SYDEX
testdr14.zip 33604 12-06-90 Comprehensive floppy drive diagnostic utility
timep37e.zip 10258 06-14-90 Park hard disk(s) after specified time
trak405.zip 371539 05-31-96 Trakker v4.05: Trakker tape drive software
tstdisk.zip 33751 12-27-89 Test hard disk data xfer rate in 'Real Terms'
types.zip 27711 03-27-89 Displays list of hard drives supported by
ucopy146.zip 63221 03-14-96 Duplicates disks, also 1.68MB WIN'95 format
vdu.zip 8020 04-25-92 Display directory tree with disk usage info
vgacp621.zip 253440 03-10-96 Copies and formats ANY disk format - fast
vidpk106.zip 3377 06-02-91 Video blanker/hard disk head parker utility
wasted20.zip 30785 06-30-95 Reports disk space WASTED due to cluster size
westype.zip 38218 04-12-93 Specs for Western Digital hard drives
wprot2.zip 3783 08-08-90 Prevents misuse of INT13 write/format disk
xdcpy150.zip 11894 02-18-93 Copy diskettes without swapping, by S. Huseby
zb12.zip 140737 04-08-96 ZIP Backup v1.2: Backup utility uses PKZIP
zip_go52.zip 90544 04-08-96 ZIP&GO v5.2: Auto-zip/run/backup directories
zpro226.zip 462192 04-07-96 ZIP'R Pro v2.26: Hard drive compression util
path: \disc2\djgpp
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
00readme.txt 924 06-12-96 e directory structure here
faq 1905 02-22-96 t what you need to download
files 9041 07-21-96 iles in and under this directory
pgms and utils for DESQview-X
path: \disc2\dv_x
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
dclock.zip 147803 12-06-92 Simple digital alarm clock for DESQview/X
desku110.zip 192639 03-18-93 File, font, mouse and more utilities for DV/X
dvix.zip 98746 12-06-92 DVI previewer for DESQview/X
dvxhlp10.zip 52721 06-02-92 Help file spec + program to create + source
dvxicons.zip 28005 06-14-92 Icons for DESQview/X
dvxp102.zip 51466 07-07-92 Patches for 4/27/92 DV/X v1.02
dvxprs.zip 2555 03-31-92 Quarterdeck's official announcement for DV/X
dvxtin.zip 124915 01-04-93 DESQview/X port of TIN Usenet News reader
gs261dvx.zip 294369 06-18-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE + src diffs for DV/X
imakedvx.zip 144851 08-03-93 Imake for DJGPP porting X applications to
tgif212.zip 849373 12-06-92 Xlib-based draw program that runs under DVX
xcalc.zip 165723 12-06-92 Scientific calculator (TI-30 / HP-10C) for
xcolored.zip 162200 12-06-92 Graphical tool for mixing colors under DVX
xcolorma.zip 115764 12-06-92 Displays current default colormap under DVX
xcursr10.zip 64284 09-23-92 Customize your X Cursor, for DESQview/X
xlfont.zip 46422 05-26-92 DV/X: Lists all fonts available to X server
xpm2dvx.zip 6863 06-14-92 Converts .XPM 2 icons to DV/X-compatible
xrscdb.zip 12485 05-26-92 DV/X:App sets number of defaults for X
xsroot.zip 45596 05-26-92 DV/X: 'X' way to change colors, mouse &
xv221exe.zip 294340 12-29-92 GIF/TIFF/JPEG/PBM viewer for DESQview/X. EXEs
xv221src.zip 1099798 12-29-92 GIF/TIFF/JPEG/PBM viewer for DESQview/X. SRCs
xwhite02.zip 307924 09-10-92 Quarterdeck Tec notes in DV/X helpfile format
xwinfo.zip 60163 05-26-92 DV/X:Show window location in pixels to set
Text editors
path: \disc2\editor
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
161quick.zip 3971 04-16-91 Quick-reference guide to VDE v1.61 text
aaema95a.zip 425557 10-10-95 AAEMACS: EMACS-type text editor w/mouse
ace124.zip 42161 10-02-85 Ver 1.24 of ACE text editor
adami94.zip 163352 07-28-93 Tamil word processer / VGA video titler
adamien1.zip 102594 07-31-93 Environment for ADAMI Tamil word processor
adedt301.zip 35178 03-02-88 AD-EDIT: Small text editor, DESQview-aware
ae24b.zip 28568 12-10-94 Assembly language programmer's editor
ae_14.zip 86777 04-26-91 Multifile text editor w/cut & paste, w/TP src
ahed06.zip 33890 10-13-86 'Ad Hoc', a free multi-window text editor
aled153.zip 46953 04-25-91 Small programmer's text editor
amac44.zip 376808 06-21-92 Tom Hogshead's AllMacro extensive QEdit
aned21.zip 25342 12-03-93 Simple ASCII editor, designed for ease of use
ansipc10.zip 61058 03-04-91 ANSI graphics editor w/extensive mouse
asc2ws.zip 4925 08-02-89 ASCII to WordStar conversion explained
ascii20.zip 4998 01-14-93 TSR for viewing/entering ANY ASCII characters
auror21a.zip 523839 04-07-96 Aurora full-featured Shareware editor
bbstvi30.zip 52984 08-15-92 BBS vers. of STevie editor, w/security,
be400b.zip 346363 06-09-96 Bingo Text Editor v4.0b, Undo, large files
blkbd746.zip 140348 05-29-89 BlackBeard programmer's editor v7.46
bm111.zip 126445 08-21-90 Text editor for creation/mntc of batch files
boxer70b.zip 429126 06-09-96 Boxer7.0b Editor:mouse,undo,mult
breeze56.zip 317090 07-22-96 Award-winning word processor/text editor
cadet30a.zip 124934 04-18-91 CADET 3.0: Menu-driven full screen editor,
cadet30b.zip 205696 03-09-91 CADET 3.0: Menu-driven full screen editor,
calvin22.zip 37823 05-30-93 Calvin v2.2: Text editor; partial vi clone
cont.zip 7428 05-28-92 TSR adds macros to most text editors
cse310.zip 14685 11-29-90 Small public domain text editor. Many
cyril104.zip 48642 02-12-90 Russian word processor shows Cyrillic
dbxlmac.zip 3140 01-01-89 dBASE and Foxbase macros for Qedit
dddos13.zip 279479 01-18-95 DingDang Chinese word processor for DOS
dngdng11.zip 292319 11-28-92 Chinese Word Processor (previously CEDIT)
dos5ed.zip 22074 06-23-91 Patch DOS 5 editor default to *.*, not *.TXT
dp110e.zip 339053 10-02-95 DiskPaper v1.10e: Graphic and text editor
dte5_1.zip 108450 02-04-91 PD text editor for MSDOS & mainframes. C src
e14_edit.zip 40478 12-14-91 Small, fast, powerful editor with ASM source
e2_v321.zip 158033 03-28-91 Unix 'Rand' text editor ported to MS-DOS
e34.zip 149322 01-13-89 Multifile text editor v3.4
e4dv204.zip 106956 06-09-96 Multi-file Outline editor w/user-defined
e4v204.zip 87688 06-09-96 Multi-file Outline editor. Mouse/macros/SVG.
easy452.zip 291183 08-12-91 Multi-file text editor/spellchk/word
ed209v13.zip 256686 11-16-95 EDI multi-language for DOS using Turbo Vision
ed3.zip 32521 09-07-88 Configurable text editor
ed_el.zip 31909 02-14-89 Line-oriented editor, like UNIX V7 ed
edcnf102.zip 108563 12-02-94 EDITCNFG: Use to edit AUTOEXEC/CONFIG files
edit251.zip 30218 06-05-91 Very small Wordstar-compatible text editor
editor10.zip 320318 03-03-95 Powerful text/binary editor for DOS & Windows
edrhr15b.zip 189737 04-05-94 EDT like editor, DOS/WIN binary distribution
edrhr15s.zip 371004 04-04-94 EDT like editor, source code distribution
edwin15c.zip 82855 02-10-87 Text editor with windows, macros, and more
ee1091.zip 23703 10-10-91 Free ASCII editor for MS-DOS/Unix with source
ef12.zip 106950 06-09-96 EasyFold: Folding editor w/menus/mouse/macros
ekiz110.zip 58864 06-09-96 TP7 IDE-like multi-file menued text editor
elv18exe.zip 223804 02-26-96 ELVIS v1.8, Unix vi-compatible text editor
elv18src.zip 315846 02-26-96 Sources for ELVIS v1.8 vi-compat. text editor
em15.zip 64568 05-24-88 Generic editer - may be used remotely
evolv104.zip 96686 04-08-93 Source code structure editor in outline form
ew102.zip 764277 04-10-96 Easy Word v10.2: Easy to use Word Processor
ezdex_1b.zip 17602 06-09-93 EZ-Dex: Get addresses from list, paste to WP
ezedit.zip 8225 04-20-89 Small ascii editor similar to TED
ezquote4.zip 44579 06-15-94 EZ-Quote v4.0: Text editor for offline
ezxw30td.zip 201791 09-16-90 EZX-WRITE, WordStar-compatible word processor
fae_100.zip 95349 04-01-95 First ADE Edit v1.00: Multilingual text
fe11.zip 73418 05-30-91 Menu-driven memory-based multi-file txt
fedsh20.zip 127031 06-01-96 Folding text editor. Requires 386+
folded_u.zip 103280 03-05-91 Folding/outlining ASCII editor for
fred.zip 59956 12-17-91 Kid's wordprocessor, large type
g471exe.zip 110150 06-28-96 G: Fast, powerful, PD text editor with macros
g471src.zip 79738 06-28-96 'C' source for the G editor, on UNIX and
gal210a1.zip 161868 06-12-89 Galahad word processor from Clarkson
gal210a2.zip 194695 02-09-89 Galahad word processor from Clarkson
gal210a3.zip 129538 04-12-89 Galahad word processor from Clarkson
gal210a4.zip 122441 02-26-90 Galahad word processor from Clarkson
galaxy30.zip 300627 05-31-90 Easy to learn word processor with spell check
ge16mdm0.zip 262540 02-17-94 VESA/SVGA color graphics editor; demo, 1/3
ge16mdm1.zip 280469 02-14-94 Color graphics editor demo, (opt.,recomm.)
ge16mdm2.zip 399679 12-23-93 Color graphics editor demo, (optional), 3/3
gg_m17.zip 285701 10-19-95 M v1.17: Emacs-style text editor for
heaven.zip 41180 05-19-87 Customize PC-WRITE v2.6, v2.7 macros
hebed15.zip 694108 08-27-95 Hebrew text editor supporting vowels
ichi.zip 69046 01-18-89 Wordstar-like text editor
intext12.zip 255829 07-16-90 Intext v1.2A multi-lingual word processor
jed096_1.zip 797095 06-01-96 Emacs-like extensible editor with source code
joe2x2.zip 137466 06-01-96 Pwrful editor for programmers, Usenet/mail,
jove416s.zip 464620 04-02-96 Jove v4.16: EMACS editor subset, source
jove416x.zip 214281 04-02-96 Jove v4.16: EMACS editor subset, MSDOS EXEs
jwpedict.zip 1086130 02-01-93 JWP: Jim Breen's English-Japanese dictionary
jwpfonts.zip 428771 10-20-92 JWP: 16x16, 24x24 fonts for display+printing
jwpk4848.zip 742393 10-30-92 JWP: 48x48 font for display+printing
jwpkinfo.zip 187038 02-27-93 JWP: Kanji information files
jwpprog.zip 311332 04-30-93 JWP 1.10 Japanese word processor for Windows
jwpsrc.zip 180372 03-30-93 JWP 1.10 source code
jwpwnn.zip 239920 07-04-92 JWP: Wnn kanji dictionaries
kamas25.zip 114433 02-22-91 Outline/idea/thought processor & organizer
kantks11.zip 97245 01-10-93 Kannada Script editor/Transliterator, req.
kidrite3.zip 36419 06-09-96 Word processing for kids
kidswp.zip 17627 01-10-86 Shareware Child's Word Processor
looksee2.zip 65771 08-06-95 Looksee v2.0: Text file viewer and printer
lwed210.zip 35926 07-12-96 Edits Windows INI files from DOS
mated90.zip 36102 01-28-92 MAT Editor: Full-screen editor. Easy to learn
mathtext.zip 120437 01-06-87 Science/Math word processor
me141.zip 41011 11-03-93 Small but powrful Hex/ASCII full screen
me_cd25.zip 325205 11-26-92 ME2 v2.5: Extendable emacs-like text editor
medemo70.zip 606832 08-17-93 Demo of Multi-Edit 7 - programmers text
medit130.zip 181423 05-30-96 GUI, multi-win, source, free text editor
melite.zip 223944 06-09-96 Multi-Edit Lite: Programmer's text editor
mg2a_exe.zip 46642 03-09-91 MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, EXE
mg2a_src.zip 367330 03-09-91 MicroGnuEmacs: GNU emacs-compat. editor, C
mr250.zip 167539 02-04-92 MindReader intelligent text editor w/spell
ncu_edit.zip 19610 12-05-92 Small screen editor (13Kbytes) with ASM src
ne300b.zip 367903 06-01-96 Text editor with spell check, freeware
nedit17x.zip 278100 09-08-94 Powerful Programmers' text editor <ASP>
njj30dic.zip 357037 06-09-96 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (3/4)
njj30exe.zip 314675 06-09-96 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (1/4)
njj30fon.zip 352057 06-09-96 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (4/4)
njj30jed.zip 356071 06-09-96 NJSTAR Japanese Word Processor v3.0j, (2/4)
njs30ced.zip 357144 06-09-96 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (2/4)
njs30dic.zip 351252 06-09-96 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (3/4)
njs30exe.zip 319764 06-09-96 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (1/4)
njs30fon.zip 360802 06-09-96 NJSTAR Chinese Word Processor v3.0, (4/4)
nyword23.zip 181829 12-08-88 Marc Adler's New York Word Processor v2.3
outplus2.zip 111300 06-01-96 Outline processor with integrated text editor
page22.zip 4905 07-23-90 QEdit macros to paginate text documents
paint.zip 23289 11-18-87 Screen-based editor for creating 'printer
pcedit32.zip 109065 06-07-93 ASCII editor, 'E' clone, very customizeable
pctamil1.zip 109278 01-30-94 Transliterates Roman text to Tamil script
pctco295.zip 62968 02-29-96 PCTECO: Fully implemented TECO-11 editor
pcvile.zip 100872 07-24-91 Text editor w/vi cmds and many Emacs features
pcw415a.zip 309686 05-22-96 PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 1/5
pcw415b.zip 355900 05-22-96 PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 2/5
pcw415c.zip 338081 05-22-96 PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 3/5
pcw415d.zip 355405 05-22-96 PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 4/5
pcw415e.zip 340493 05-22-96 PC-Write 4.15: WordProcessor by Quicksoft 5/5
pcw_font.zip 71831 08-09-88 PC-Write LaserJet soft font selector
pcwpsfix.zip 19327 09-17-92 Improved Postscript support for PC Write
ped15.zip 29462 08-18-88 Full screen editor
pedit100.zip 53787 06-04-96 Text editor with very powerful options
pro_ed.zip 10430 02-10-89 Pro-Ed full-featured programmer's text editor
pt20man.zip 182450 02-04-91 Manual for Point Editor v2.0 (TeX/PostScript)
pt20pc.zip 269239 02-22-91 Point Editor v2.0 (PD). C src and executables
pt20txt.zip 86466 05-14-91 Manual for Point Editor v2.0 (text files)
q_emacs.zip 3118 06-14-91 Emacs keymapping for qedit, help screen
qcustom.zip 5586 12-16-90 Customized keybindings and help for QEdit 2.1
qdv.zip 2936 11-15-89 DESQview setup file for QEdit text editor
qe_gloss.zip 3095 11-25-91 A QEDIT 2.1x macro to expand abbreviations
qed100.zip 9738 09-21-93 QED: Small text editor
qed21wp.zip 5679 03-10-90 WordPerfect 5.0/1 emulation for QEDIT 2.10
qedater.zip 1470 11-11-91 Macro to convert QEDIT date to long version
qeditq_a.zip 5429 11-02-91 Some captured QEdit editor advice
qedt_wp5.zip 2820 08-10-89 Configure QEDIT-208 like WordPerfect 5.0
qedwsjhs.zip 5555 01-19-89 Jim Switz's WordStar configuration for QEdit
qfix101.zip 12475 06-05-91 Restores original screen after running Qedit
qm2.zip 7836 11-15-89 New mouse driver for Qedit v2.1 text editor
qmac215.zip 38699 09-03-91 QMAC 2.15: Macro compiler for QEdit 2.15
qng21.zip 43891 02-28-90 Norton Guides database for QEdit21
qqhelp11.zip 28678 02-28-91 Popup help shell for QEdit and other programs
quiknote.zip 22418 06-09-89 Simple easy to use editor, uses WordStar cmds
re109.zip 135588 11-23-90 Ravitz text editor, w/outlining & overviewing
res_shp2.zip 82219 12-30-89 Resume Shop v2, creates customized resumes
resq21.zip 13894 01-29-87 Save unsaved text from RAM to disk
russ.zip 45660 10-29-88 Russian language word processor
rwread33.zip 79172 03-17-96 ASCII text file viewer and editor
scrthi.zip 219813 03-11-94 Screenwriting demo version of ScriptThing
sedit110.zip 343348 07-01-96 Easy to use text editor with spelling check
sedt40pc.zip 190749 08-27-89 Text editor styled after VMS EDT
shhed240.zip 22898 08-12-92 SHH ED: Small, WordStar-inspired text editor
shsuedt3.zip 35049 08-09-93 Small DOS text editor
sled11.zip 32194 09-08-88 17K text editor for 640K files (also binary)
slkpro20.zip 20394 09-14-89 Professional text editor by Slickware, v2.0
smed21.zip 132512 04-07-96 SMOOTH EDITOR v2.1: Editor with fast
smedit01.zip 174173 11-01-94 Small editor w/many features & life simulator
star32.zip 165900 03-12-96 Mega-Star: MS-DOS and Unix text editor
stevi69s.zip 145590 05-02-90 Source for STEVIE vi clone v3.69X (for TC2.0)
stevi69x.zip 71935 04-23-90 STEVIE v3.69b, Unix vi compatible text editor
syedit11.zip 93462 06-09-96 EdIt! v1.1 text editor replaces EDIT.COM
tde40.zip 430301 06-01-96 PD multi-window/file bin & text ed w/ C & asm
te261.zip 67829 09-02-91 Technical editor handles text file of any
teco.zip 20743 07-14-86 The TECO editor
ted2.zip 31522 10-09-89 Fast editor for small text files, w/MASM src
ted3.zip 16825 03-01-91 12K text editor for 64K files
tedit2.zip 57424 12-08-89 Fast multi-window file editor for programmers
tedplus.zip 18455 11-12-88 PC Mag 'Tiny Editor' with find function
templmac.zip 6127 03-26-91 QEdit templates for some programming
terse12.zip 19970 03-10-92 Full-screen ed. Brief-like commands. Only 4K
thedjg22.zip 366715 06-04-96 THE v2.2: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. 386-mode exe
thedos22.zip 224408 06-04-96 THE v2.2: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. real-mode
thesrc22.zip 494412 06-04-96 THE v2.2: CMS/XEDIT-like editor. C source
thiru10.zip 41450 11-07-94 THIRU 1.0 WYSWYG DOS editor in Romanized
tmed160a.zip 9651 03-29-93 Small TSR memory editor and key macro
trived09.zip 25274 04-23-95 FOSSIL/console vi-subset, secure for BBS
tsejr4.zip 199795 04-07-96 The SemWare Editor Jr, formerly QEdit
tsetd25.zip 801423 07-21-96 The SemWare Editor (TSE) Pro v2.5 Test-Drive
tsetdd25.zip 878707 07-21-96 SemWare Editor v2.5 Demo/Test-Drive (German)
tsqed18.zip 35788 03-03-96 Timo Salmi's utilities for QEdit v2.15 editor
tstse18.zip 53159 02-28-96 SAL macro sources to extend SemWare Editor
tvx_edit.zip 133410 03-16-86 TVX editor 'C' source and executables for PC
ued19c.zip 47938 09-07-91 Text editor - small, fast, easy, up to 9
unity331.zip 263562 09-25-91 Text editor w/unified programming environment
vconvert.zip 15875 06-14-93 Convert between VIET 1.x and VISCII formats
vde164cs.zip 16126 10-02-92 Screen writers macros for VDE text editor
vde165c.zip 140965 05-31-93 Meyer's small, fast, WordStar-like text
vde17sp.zip 47309 04-07-96 Screen writers macros for VDE text editor
vde18f.zip 156558 06-01-96 Meyer's small, fast, WordStar-like text
vde_bc.zip 6677 11-24-90 Big characters for VDE text editor
vde_ed2.zip 10626 04-17-91 Shell adds enhancement features to VDE editor
vde_mc.zip 17939 12-08-90 Macros for VDE text editor
vde_mc11.zip 18130 04-01-91 VMC v1.10: Macro compiler for VDE text editor
vde_wp.zip 9520 12-13-90 WP compatibility hints for VDE text editor
vdedb.zip 38474 10-21-91 Turns VDE editor into Rolodex-like database
vdemacro.zip 2658 06-13-92 Collection of macros for VDE word processor
vdemc18.zip 36269 04-06-96 VMC v1.8: Macro Compiler for VDE text editor
ved35.zip 368383 06-01-96 VISION EDIT v3.5: Versatile text editor
versedit.zip 109338 03-30-90 Multi-window programmer's text editor
viet1p6.zip 199052 10-01-91 Vietnamese word processor, VIET ver. 1.6
vim42p32.zip 651440 07-09-96 Vi Improved v4.2: Text Editor. 32-bit
vim42r16.zip 593220 07-09-96 Vi Improved v4.2: Text Editor. 16-bit
vim42src.zip 743420 07-09-96 Vi Improved v4.2: Text Editor. Source
vised35.zip 368348 04-06-93 Text Editor, multiple windows, mouse support
wed411.zip 106164 08-29-89 Text editor, small fast, multiple windows
wpgrab16.zip 21374 02-28-88 Start word processor w/soundex filename
writeme.zip 86670 11-19-91 Create full color text files. Editor/viewer
writshv.zip 12263 04-27-90 Writer's Heaven: Incr PC-Write editing speed
ws4mouse.zip 1920 08-23-87 MS mouse menu for Wordstar 4
ws5_info.zip 6632 02-09-89 Info about WordStar 5.0 repairs/patches
ws5bugs.zip 9784 09-13-88 WordStar 5.0 report and known bugs
ws5files.zip 1726 09-20-88 WordStar 5.0 files, what does what
ws_train.zip 50885 09-07-88 Notes, test from WordStar training class
wsen.zip 12448 09-23-89 WordStar enhancer for v4.0, 5.0, and 5.5
xnot17.zip 463236 06-09-96 NotGNU Emacs for DOS, Windows, NT (Free)
xted100.zip 27334 01-24-93 Norton Cmdr-style editor
xvidoc.zip 66733 07-27-92 Xvi text editor - Documentation, 1 of 3
xviexe.zip 59821 07-27-92 Xvi text editor - MS-DOS executable, 2 of 3
xvisrc.zip 242242 07-27-92 Xvi text editor - Source code, 3 of 3
xword223.zip 22136 05-12-86 Tranlates word processor files for diff. w.p.
yikes.zip 32302 11-23-88 ! simple text editor like Turbo Pascal editor
Epsilon editor EEL extensions
path: \disc2\eel
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
asmtag04.zip 9672 10-04-91 Tag Assembly source in MASM/TASM syntax
bakin.zip 9711 07-05-90 Video and process buffer enhancements
comment.zip 5246 08-06-91 Epsilon editor cmds for manipulating comments
cpyrit01.zip 3355 08-06-91 Epsilon editor cmd inserts copyright header
ctag05.zip 20268 10-06-91 Comprehensive Tagging of C\C++ source code
curspos.e 6468 03-11-91 Continuous display of cursor row/column
dectoch.e 1848 03-11-91 Input characters by ASCII value
editkey.zip 636 09-18-90 Jump to definition of a keybinding
epgnuc10.zip 19308 08-12-91 Smarter C indenter for Epsilon EEL editor
epmouse.zip 4987 07-30-92 Mouse support for Epsilon Editor V6.0
fillpref.zip 4122 08-06-91 Fill prefix commands for Lugaru Epsilon
grep04.zip 40662 08-11-91 Grep interface for Lugaru Epsilon (grep.e)
help_sys.zip 10734 11-18-90 Build your own help files for Epsilon
lenoil2.zip 12093 08-28-92 AutoSave,Mouse,Prompt,Revert,Sticky,VisBell
lispmode.zip 5235 07-27-90 Useful keybindings for editing Lisp code
mark.zip 6100 10-06-90 Various region-marking commands
newmouse.zip 4601 10-22-90 Improved mouse support functions
nextbuf.zip 2418 10-23-90 Single-key switch between buffers
ntags05.zip 10882 07-30-91 Improved tagging system for Epsilon editor
pntstk04.zip 6776 08-11-91 Point stack and registers for Lugaru Epsilon
printer.zip 2399 12-06-90 Print to HP LaserJet II or IBM Graphic
qh04.zip 2469 08-19-91 Interface between MS QH help system & Epsilon
save_mod.zip 4529 11-03-90 Prompt for revision comments on saving file
storemod.zip 2418 09-17-90 Enhanced version of store.e
tagmod.zip 5142 10-28-90 Enhanced version of tags.e
trim.zip 2198 10-23-90 Trim whitespace from ends of lines
winconf.e 3880 03-11-91 Save/restore window setup
Electrical engineering pgms
path: \disc2\electrcl
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
daubwave.zip 43544 01-14-93 Wavelet analysis program, w/C source
demand20.zip 219886 09-17-93 Calculate/report residential electrical
dlanet.zip 55488 05-20-90 Polynomial/circuit analysis, w/built-in
dspice0b.zip 169254 11-23-92 128Mb Spice 2g6 circuit simulator. Req
dspice0s.zip 411815 01-17-93 C Sources for Spice 2g6. Req. DJGPP &
ee11.zip 301560 04-28-92 Electrical Engineering design & analysis
electrc3.zip 42799 03-15-88 Performs most common electrical calculations
filtry10.zip 59558 09-29-92 Aids in design of active and passive filters
logisy30.zip 46870 01-30-93 Logisym v3.0 Digital Logic Simulator, VGA
pg141.zip 67852 07-05-96 Sine signal generator/measurement system.
qfld34_1.zip 245475 04-08-96 QuickField: EM Analysis (+ Eddy Currents now)
qfld34_2.zip 480540 04-08-96 QuickField: EM Analysis (+ Eddy Currents now)
qfld34_3.zip 412161 04-08-96 QuickField: EM Analysis (+ Eddy Currents now)
qfld34_4.zip 356465 04-08-96 QuickField: EM Analysis (+ Eddy Currents now)
qfld34_5.zip 360616 04-08-96 QuickField: EM Analysis (+ Eddy Currents now)
simic104.zip 940765 01-28-93 SIMIC logic simulator, student version 1.0.4
spctr3e2.zip 331860 12-17-92 386/486 vers. of SPICE 3e2 ckt simulation
sspice10.zip 78698 01-31-91 Symbolic SPICE: Ckt analyzer and approximator
path: \disc2\emulate
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
22nce142.zip 52204 04-05-96 Z80 CP/M emulator for MS-DOS systems. SYDEX
387.zip 23035 04-27-90 Software emulation of 80387 coprocessor chip
68em10.zip 56303 05-05-91 6800 emulator for DOS, includes a realtime
87test.zip 10339 07-09-85 Performs diagnostic check on math coprocessor
ame86.zip 22748 07-29-85 CP/M-86 emulator for MS-DOS
apl2em.zip 191333 05-29-90 Apple ][ emulator for 286+, w/ASM source code
c64.zip 45280 11-27-92 Commodore 64 emulator, req Hercules video
c64s11bd.zip 318016 06-01-96 Commodore 64 emulator for MS-DOS
chkcop22.zip 10487 10-11-90 Math coprocessor test util. from Intel Corp.
cpcemu14.zip 512103 05-10-96 Amstrad CPC Emulator v1.4; requires 386, VGA
em87v1_3.zip 12903 02-08-90 8087 math coprocessor emulator for AT or 386
emul87.zip 11956 01-02-88 TSR emulates 8087 math processor (286/386
eoric097.zip 476862 07-01-96 Euphoric 0.97c: Oric1/Atmos/Telestrat
exb1dsk1.zip 1398774 05-22-96 Mac Emulator packaged for floppy install,
exb1dsk2.zip 1280478 05-22-96 Mac Emulator packaged for floppy install,
jpp.zip 256727 12-15-92 Emulates a ZX Spectrum 48K RAM Z80-based
jpp_b4.zip 116062 04-30-92 Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K emulator, req
mcpdiag.zip 11418 04-11-91 Co-processor diagnostics utility from Intel
mcx11v15.zip 68112 02-04-92 MC68HC11 MicroController multitask eXecutive
model1_b.zip 64383 07-01-93 TRS-80 Model I emulator & support progs.
myz80111.zip 93033 05-15-93 Simeon Cran's Z80 CP/M Z-System emulator
pcdgn201.zip 358893 12-01-94 Dragon/CoCo Emulator & Debugger v2.1 EGA
q387_35.zip 111326 06-09-93 Q387 math accelerator & coprocessor emulator
s48v13.zip 28078 07-23-96 Full screen simulator for 8048/49/50 micros
sim11_09.zip 69105 06-21-96 MC68HC11/LCD simulator for DOS/IASM11
sim68102.zip 68229 02-04-92 Motorola 68HC11 MicroController simulater
spec145.zip 148687 09-09-92 Emulates a Sinclair ZX Spectrum on any PC
ts1000.zip 12620 06-18-93 Timex/Sinclair 1000 w/printer emulator
v2080j88.zip 19631 01-07-88 Run CP/M-80 programs on system with V20 CPU
v20boot.zip 76913 04-29-90 Turbo Pascal source code for V20 CP/M
xtndr093.zip 133438 01-30-93 Timex/Sinclair ZX81 (TS1000) emulator, v0.93
z80_201.zip 327765 05-02-93 ZX Spectrum 48/128 emulator 'Z80' v2.01
z80_303.zip 225757 06-01-96 Virtually complete ZX Spectrum 48/128
z80mu52b.zip 87390 11-09-89 CP/M (Z80 processor) emulator for MS-DOS
zrun321.zip 26766 04-01-88 Z80 CP/M emulator for MS-DOS
zsim241.zip 356309 06-01-96 Z80 emulator + CP/M-80 BIOS to run CP/M
Engineering pgms
path: \disc2\engin
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
beam.zip 52017 04-16-96 Graphical engineering program determines
ddplt053.zip 206800 04-04-95 DeedPlot: Plots map of your deed, finds
eng963.zip 610602 05-16-96 Structural engineering software
engine_5.zip 59658 05-14-96 Animation of a new Engine, Public domain
hc127d_1.zip 634354 07-18-96 Hydraulic cylinder industrial app. v1.27.
hc127d_2.zip 607756 07-18-96 Hydraulic cylinder industrial app. v1.27.
vehicle.zip 47742 04-16-96 Engineering program designed for creating
zsysbdoc.zip 7759 06-04-96 Z System: Engineering process pgms. Basic
zsysdemo.zip 533548 06-04-96 Z System: Engineering process pgms. EXE DEMOs
zsyszdoc.zip 338511 06-04-96 Z System: Engineering process pgms. Compl
Manipulating environment vars
path: \disc2\envutil
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
advset14.zip 12148 03-15-95 Advanced Set: Enhancement of DOS SET command
al.zip 3617 07-21-89 Non-resident alias util uses environment vars
apath24a.zip 16912 09-08-94 Advanced PATH modification utility v2.4a
appenv21.zip 6075 10-20-89 Append text to environment variables, v2.1
bset11.zip 9675 11-27-89 Set parent envir. variables up to 1023 chars.
chgenv20.zip 20946 08-21-90 DOS master environment sort/full screen edit
cpath20.zip 11791 04-12-90 Extend PATH to more than 128 characters
dcsetenv.zip 9602 03-02-89 Set environment variables from command line
desetp12.zip 25505 09-06-91 Shows or sets the PATH environment variable
dpath30.zip 5904 05-06-85 Set a PATH for programs' access to data files
ee.zip 9868 03-17-91 DOS Master Environment variables editor
ee2.zip 4799 05-31-87 Edit environment while in DOS - F1 for help
eed10.zip 7154 12-26-91 Easy to use full-screen environment editor
env.zip 5942 06-14-88 Keep environment full size for child
enved10.zip 15658 07-01-94 Modify environment & write changes to
envedit.zip 18649 03-18-90 Interactive DOS environment editor
envrpt.asm 6798 01-28-85 Examine env., give return code for BAT
envserch.c 1797 08-12-85 Search environment for text
fsplit10.zip 16004 01-23-95 Puts given path components into envir'mt
ied_eed.zip 15163 09-30-90 Full-screen environment editor for use
mp.zip 9422 08-29-92 ModPath: Modify MS-DOS search path, w/TC src
mzee1_0.zip 97656 10-21-95 Multi-featured mouse based environment editor
pathfind.zip 5590 01-01-90 Searches for files in DOS's PATH
printenv.zip 4435 05-07-89 Prints environment variables, all or named
rbsetnv1.zip 69708 01-06-91 Set/add/insert/delete/change environment
savepath.zip 11765 08-14-90 Save/restote current/previous
setpgms.zip 27711 02-12-87 Environment utilities DOS 3.1 - 3.3
setpth14.zip 12769 03-27-90 Set PATH to more than 127 characters
sset11.zip 45892 02-15-95 SuperSet v1.1: DOS environment extender tool
stnvjw25.zip 33362 04-07-96 Set environment variables, v2.5, w/ASM source
use5.zip 7789 06-25-91 Add/delete from PATH w/o retyping entire path
xpath39.zip 19704 10-19-91 Xpath 3.9, DOS Path Extender for DOS 5.0
Compress EXE and COM files
path: \disc2\execomp
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
chk4c360.zip 17450 01-04-92 Identifies compressed EXE and COM files
crunch10.zip 6114 08-08-89 Run compressed COM/EXE files, save disk space
diet145f.zip 45139 04-17-96 Transparently compress/restore any file or
dirc100.zip 42072 08-24-91 DIRC 1.00: Checks compression of EXE/COM
dirx110.zip 34440 06-01-96 Shell for executable pgm (COM/EXE)
dislt115.zip 27913 04-01-93 DISLITE, expands all PKLITEd files to
drx109.zip 37683 06-12-92 Shell for executable pgm (COM/EXE)
exlite2.zip 5959 04-07-92 Decompress PKLITE'd .COM files (w/ASM src)
expakfx1.zip 9130 11-21-91 Fixes 'Packed file is corrupt' EXEPACKed
isl12.zip 14498 05-05-90 Lists names of EXE files compressed with
iup064.zip 20831 07-16-96 Generic executable file uncompressor w/ASM
lowfix.zip 7704 06-18-91 Allows compressed EXE files to run with DOS 5
lzexe91e.zip 81855 10-14-90 Compress most EXE files and run them directly
pklts201.zip 78565 05-05-96 PKLITE v2.01: Compress EXE/COM files and run
rjcru110.zip 50905 05-09-96 RJCRUSH v1.10: EXE-comp (true overlay
tinyp39.zip 84701 06-01-96 Compress COM/EXE files and run them directly
unexep10.zip 3828 12-21-91 Unpacks EXEPACKed files w/MS embedded
unlzexe8.zip 14522 08-28-92 Converts LZEXE compressed EXE to original EXE
unp411.zip 35556 04-09-96 Unpacks all kinds of compressed executables
wwp304a.zip 160135 03-24-96 Compresses EXE files to executable format
xpack145.zip 45671 07-15-96 XPACK: A freeware EXE/COM/SYS file compressor
File utils
path: \disc2\fileutil
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
32crcfck.zip 66618 04-05-96 FILECRC does a Cyclic Redundancy Check
ana015.zip 32601 09-16-90 Binary file analyzer, disp. w/specified
apl2pc.zip 1758 12-08-85 Converts Apple files to MS-DOS format and
ash005a.zip 342357 02-06-94 ASh v0.05a: Advanced DOS file manager
atob11.zip 7938 09-06-90 Fast convert of btoa-encoded ASCII to binary
bigtext.zip 122402 12-01-92 Converts ASCII text files to .EXE files
bin2asc.zip 35312 09-02-89 Convert binary format byte stream data >
binfix10.zip 11884 04-23-96 BinFix v1.0: Recovers corrupted binaries
brik2exe.zip 20372 07-12-89 General-purpose CRC-32 program, v2.0
brik2src.zip 47859 08-06-89 General-purpose CRC-32 pgm, v2.0, C source
bview.zip 43119 09-24-92 View binary files in several different
cardscan.zip 17827 04-02-96 Scans/converts Windows cardfiles
cdpsw51d.zip 146065 03-03-91 Xtree-like file manager with many features
cdump142.zip 30169 12-17-90 Dumps binary files in several useful formats
cf603.zip 211622 06-23-96 Split screen file mgr w/
chop1292.zip 34981 12-18-92 Chop/join large files ASCII/binary, with C
chop31.zip 22177 03-08-88 Flexible ascii/binary file splitter
compfile.zip 11688 01-11-91 Review of COM/EXE file compression programs
comt010d.zip 34109 06-17-92 Cnvt .COM's to executable ASCII text for
conct305.zip 55100 05-18-93 Concatenate files incl on multiple floppies
crc113.zip 12682 01-02-90 Displays 16 and 32-bit CRC's of files
cread216.zip 55669 04-09-96 DOS text file browser, file manager
cs_251.zip 15965 08-06-94 CHK-SAFE checks file integrity w/MD5
csdif140.zip 55657 04-28-96 File/directory/ZIP difference utility
ctrl3_79.zip 150534 07-22-96 Very fast and versatile file manager - times
dcc40.zip 1927583 04-10-96 DOS Command Center v4.0: DOS based
dcom344.zip 254870 04-13-91 Interactive DOS shell/util w/password access
decode10.zip 138672 12-05-92 View bytes/words/longs/floats of files as
dirmm301.zip 18107 10-29-90 DIRMM v3.0, view, copy Multimate documents
dis323.zip 136403 10-31-90 Disk Manager v3.23: Copy/delete/move files
dlcpmv23.zip 25052 04-03-92 BSD Unix-style file copying/moving utilities
dm313.zip 136912 03-18-91 Directory Master 3.13, DOS shell/sweep
dmaker20.zip 38966 04-25-96 Redirects many DOS commands to a file output
dnote412.zip 73852 04-07-96 Disk Note Librarian: File cataloging utility
docp_1_1.zip 58684 05-03-92 Directory-oriented file copy program
dosms122.zip 117902 09-14-91 Dos Master v1.22 file/dir manager, and editor
dtek95b.zip 158561 04-07-96 Dtek File Detective: Records file changes
dump11.zip 4603 12-17-85 Display file contents in HEX to stdout or
eddy8b.zip 283054 04-06-96 Full featured disk/file editor and manager
elf2a0a.zip 165059 02-17-92 Elftree: Integrated file/directory manager
exam_102.zip 2412 04-22-96 Examines a program and returns execution info
execut10.zip 7651 03-23-93 Archive files with common extentions. (w/src)
exehex.zip 16917 03-29-91 Burn EPROMs from EXE files (EXE->Intel HEX)
exetoo11.zip 27850 04-21-96 Examines .EXE files for validity
ezfile20.zip 105615 04-19-91 Disk management utility, including archives
f405.zip 29218 11-12-89 Neidert's 2-window DOS filer, v4.05
fb315.zip 248191 09-18-94 FileBUDDY: Text/dBASE/archive/image viewer
fcmp109.zip 11372 04-07-93 Compare two files and dump them to the screen
fhd102.zip 207831 04-08-96 File Handle v1.02: File and program manager
fhd210.zip 240310 03-11-96 Integrated Filer/Finder/Shell/Launcer for DOS
fhd210us.zip 241770 04-03-96 Elegant Disk,File,Find,Shell & Launch utility
file10.zip 53226 05-04-93 Ricki's file type guesser (similar to Unix)
filed39a.zip 76963 08-06-93 Darwin's File: Guesses file-type
filev011.zip 117454 05-01-96 GUI-based file management program
filex16.zip 50367 06-10-96 File identification based on extensions
filextrt.zip 11743 10-20-91 Utility to extract and merge chunks of files
filscrub.zip 14649 02-17-87 Nice search & replace: table, asc/bin, more
filtyp11.zip 20483 08-18-91 Guess what an unknown file is for/made by
fm10.zip 33141 04-15-90 Menu driven file management program
fo_st200.zip 51332 12-31-94 Process/backup files based on age
ft11.zip 12512 12-13-90 Identify many different file types by headers
gd_v11.zip 114851 12-27-92 Universal data editor w/form entry approach
hack120.zip 25729 04-21-96 Split files by number of lines/number of
hddir400.zip 180955 04-08-90 Hard Disk Director v4.00, file & dir manager
hfm404nl.zip 503409 06-12-96 Freeware filemanager and archive program
icopy121.zip 14489 06-18-91 Enhanced copy program with many options
iexe130.zip 19220 05-27-96 Identifies compressed/encoded executable
jdif01.zip 36483 05-28-96 jDif v1.0: Fast file difference utility
jlpak10.zip 112920 08-19-90 Creates compressed diffs for software updates
kbfm11.zip 32936 06-11-92 KB-File Manager v1.1: DOS file copy utility
last20.zip 86513 07-31-92 File viewer/finder, disk manager, DOS shell
lpunch.zip 10000 12-06-91 Convert ListServ punch files to PC files
merge220.zip 55823 04-09-96 MergeFile 2.20: Merges sorted files, any size
mmeister.zip 126920 04-27-91 Mouse-driven desktop environment/shell,
mmsetup.zip 23667 04-27-91 Updated Mouse Meister setup prg, works in
mmv10.zip 56030 11-21-89 Move/copy/append multiple files with
mrip130.zip 193366 07-20-96 Extracts files inside other files
msi14.zip 66416 05-14-91 Colorful windowed DOS shell with password
mu0596.zip 193026 05-07-96 Magic Utilities May 1996: 33 handy utilities
namnum1b.zip 20001 05-13-96 Rename file to CRC32 of file contents
ncdc151.zip 58520 10-25-92 Fast XX/UU de/encoder for DOS/VAX/UNIX w/C
ndx304.zip 49490 04-08-96 Btree indexing package with C source
noansi.zip 27569 06-08-92 View ANSI files without ANSI.SYS installed
nswp1020.zip 46666 08-15-89 NewSweep v1.02 file copy/view, does .ARCs too
p22v12.zip 28151 08-07-91 Flexible & fast patching of any file, w/C
par230.zip 113048 01-04-93 Data/text import/export/parse/convert utility
patch12.zip 86969 07-10-90 Port of Unix 'patch' (lvl12) program to MSDOS
patchexe.zip 9537 07-13-90 Global replace strings in files, even EXEs
pf_11s.zip 72000 08-24-94 Advanced Disk Management System (menu driven)
pfm314.zip 50805 03-09-93 Personal File Manager: File mgr/execution
printp63.zip 70568 01-29-92 PrintPlus: Tag/print/copy/move/view/del files
pspa370.zip 300455 05-04-96 File manipulator/editor/converter
psse321.zip 200777 02-29-96 Macro-capable file viewer/printer
pup330.zip 26954 05-03-92 Shell/file mgr., supports ZIP/ZOO/ARC/LZH/ARJ
qcmp114.zip 11807 01-22-91 Quick file compare pgm with network support
qdir132.zip 133977 11-13-93 QuickDir v1.32: Archive/file/directory
qfilr32b.zip 119935 01-30-93 QFiler DOS shell/file mgr, handles
redbn120.zip 131485 04-21-96 ReadBin: Enhanced replacement for DOS's TYPE
rffsrt23.zip 14411 03-04-92 Ron's Flexible Fast command line Sort program
rfileu10.zip 115099 05-04-93 Ricki's misc. arbitrary file utils (filters)
rfm310.zip 114618 08-30-94 Rob's mouse driven File Manager, requires VGA
sas41.zip 113327 01-08-92 Swiss Army Shell v4.1: File management
scan221.zip 33267 04-19-90 Scans binary file and displays printable
scopy16.zip 21933 11-29-92 Copy, move, update, break, concatinate files
sd_500.zip 189808 04-01-96 StupenDos v5.0 directory/file management
se_st310.zip 133006 12-31-94 SEE v3.10: Macro-capable file viewer/printer
sf102.zip 14981 01-24-90 ShowFile v1.02, file lister/manager
shar.zip 15453 08-18-91 Save multiple files in 'shar' format
sharexe.zip 115489 02-20-88 Unix-like shar/unshar for DOS
sheval11.zip 163695 06-30-95 Simplifies evaluating software programs
split102.zip 13278 06-18-96 Splits/UnSplits large files onto floppy disks
split517.zip 26725 09-02-91 Split/rejoin files by lines/bytes per file
splitf.zip 9680 04-13-90 Patriquin's split large text files into parts
splitit.zip 34313 03-20-92 Menu-driven or command line file splitter
sts_320.zip 86999 03-02-91 'Stereo' DOS shell, dual windows/directories
sum.zip 4087 04-11-89 BSD-Unix compatible checksum utility,
sutil282.zip 32680 11-04-92 FAST multiple file/COPY/MOVE/REN/DEL utility
syspack.zip 12411 03-10-92 Compression utility for device driver files
target15.zip 70504 07-20-92 McAfee's file locator and manipulator
textlife.zip 61773 08-22-92 Turns text into self displaying .EXE file
tm121.zip 83094 05-16-90 TreeMaster v1.21: Hard disk directory manager
toadshr1.zip 25198 06-13-89 DOS Unix-compatible shar/unshar, w/TP 5.0 src
treevw11.zip 116133 08-20-89 Treeview v1.1 (an Overview clone) like XTREE
tsf2cm16.zip 45798 03-04-96 Comparison of 2 binary or text files, T.Salmi
tuteng13.zip 268339 07-06-96 Graphic text shell/file utility (V.English)
tutit13.zip 271703 07-06-96 Graphic text shell/file utility (V.Italian)
ungame21.zip 225211 03-14-96 UNGame 2.1 Eliminate games on office
unite.zip 12820 03-11-96 Join or merge two similar text files
unshar.zip 17211 08-20-91 Unpack 'shar' archives, w/C source and EXE
user300.zip 11384 06-21-96 Protects EXE and COM files with a password
vcc20.zip 123305 07-03-96 Visual Control Center v2.0: File/disk manager
vexe400.zip 54579 12-15-91 Powerful DOS & Windows EXE, DLL files
view99c.zip 74469 04-07-96 Viewer for most major word processor files
whtis101.zip 67242 06-16-92 Identifies strange and misnamed files
wildpath.zip 5626 04-27-92 Execute a program on a wildcard match of
wipe_212.zip 4657 06-12-96 Erases files so that they can't be undeleted
xlat11.zip 58502 08-16-90 Fast, configurable byte-to-byte translation
xray105.zip 7590 04-10-90 Filter displays text strings in binary files
xsum11.zip 34533 02-08-95 Computes CRC-32, MD4 & MD5 checksums of files
xtrv1.zip 146257 01-05-93 Reformats ASCII files by graphical marking
xview35b.zip 156820 07-15-96 Floppy/HD/CDROM file manager w/mouse support
zcopy101.zip 13667 02-23-92 SHARE-aware copying utility by Peter Stewart
zcopy31.zip 44313 05-01-96 Freeware XCOPY replacement
zeof120.zip 30502 04-21-96 Filter out the End-Of-File markers from files
Flowchart generators
path: \disc2\flowchrt
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
atk15ibm.brk 448 12-18-91 BRIK Checksums for Analyst's Toolkit v1.05
atk15ibm.txt 5707 12-18-91 Text description of Analyst's Toolkit v1.05
atk15ibm.zip 313762 12-10-91 Analyst's Toolkit v1.05: DFD,DD,Analysis
fdrw225a.zip 107752 08-12-92 FLODRAW v2.25: Flowchart, Org. chart, EXEs
fdrw225b.zip 130441 04-17-92 FLODRAW v2.25: Flowchart, Org. chart, LIBs
fdrw225u.zip 139769 08-12-92 Files to update FLODRAW v2.2 to v2.25
psdldemo.zip 145494 07-30-92 Nassi-Shneiderman diagram editor/compiler
Forth pgmming language
path: \disc2\forth
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
4thcmp21.zip 96877 06-22-93 Native code Forth
eforth.zip 49630 07-28-90 Ting's PD portable eForth, ROMable, w/asm src
fbbs2.zip 22648 08-01-85 Bulletin Board System (BBS) written in Forth
fig86.zip 38189 11-19-82 Original Fig-86 Forth compiler
forthed.zip 131630 09-16-87 Text editor written in Forth
fpc355_1.zip 312116 04-25-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 1of5
fpc355_2.zip 289810 04-25-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 2of5
fpc355_3.zip 310816 04-22-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 3of5
fpc355_4.zip 309682 04-25-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 4of5
fpc355_5.zip 269429 04-24-91 Forth-PC compiler, w/editor & examples, 5of5
fpcl1_7.zip 307580 07-18-90 Lessons 1-7 Jack Brown's FPC3.5 Forth
min4th25.zip 13984 09-13-88 MiniForth system v2.5, with A86 source
pasm386c.zip 60728 12-01-89 386/386SX assembler v1.4 for Forth-PC v3.5
pygmy14.zip 83688 06-04-93 Full Forth system. Files, blocks,
zen1_10.zip 48932 01-24-90 Zen1.0 Forth w/src to match ANS X3J14 BASIS
FORTRAN pgmming language
path: \disc2\fortran
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
bcf7713b.zip 185526 11-30-92 Fortran-77 compiler/linker/debugger ver 1.3b
elmop10.zip 20812 04-06-93 Library of MS FORTRAN callable DOS functions
extenpr.zip 6907 05-02-90 FORTRAN pgm - Extend the precision of
f2c_exe.zip 263323 06-14-91 Binaries & Libs for f2c Fortran to C
f2c_src.zip 317920 06-15-91 Source for f2c, Fortran 77-to-C converter
fatdos.zip 20813 05-01-88 Library to access DOS from within FORTRAN
ftnchk26.zip 305681 02-02-93 Robert Moniot's Fortran source code checker
fv121s.zip 144925 06-13-88 FORTRAN library for video-regs/pop-down-menus
isf102.zip 57102 07-01-96 Fortran 90 isam/vsam/btree and pos-key
libry51.zip 186756 11-09-89 FORTRAN library - mathematics &
linpkdrv.zip 38853 06-10-86 Complex math equations for Fortran - 1 of 2
linpklib.zip 78965 06-10-86 Complex math equations for Fortran - 2 of 2
pcrng.zip 9724 06-28-90 Random number generator for use with Fortran
random.zip 3498 03-11-89 Random number generator - one of the best
tidy7.zip 135922 07-02-96 Clean up Fortran-77 programs w/Fortran source
token.for 2226 03-11-92 Tokenize a string (C 'StrTok') for Fortran 77
weekday.for 1107 05-10-89 Calc weekday of date, Zeller Congruence
FOSSIL drivers and utils
path: \disc2\fossil
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
adf_141.zip 33152 07-17-96 ADF v1.41: Serial port FOSSIL driver
bnu170.zip 70788 04-11-90 Interrupt-driven serial port 1-8 Fossil
fosil006.zip 8250 12-10-89 Initialize/deinitialize FOSSILs of ports 1-16
foslaux.zip 8228 02-20-89 Fossil CTTY driver
fossilv5.zip 17880 02-20-89 Fossil release 5 specs
hzcomm31.zip 11889 02-20-89 Fossil for Zenith Z-100
ocom_531.zip 35496 10-04-92 OpusComm v5.31 FOSSIL driver for COM1: &
odec_501.zip 6990 09-06-88 FOSSIL driver for DEC Rainbow computer
syocom50.zip 3653 02-20-89 Sanyo 555 Fossil Driver
t2000.zip 2405 02-20-89 Fossil driver docs for Tandy 2000
t2kcom52.zip 34256 02-20-89 Fossil driver for Tandy 2000
vdec_004.zip 2529 09-06-88 Video FOSSIL for DEC Rainbow
vibm_110.zip 3642 09-04-90 FOSSIL which supports color
x00v150.zip 103188 05-21-93 Interrupt-driven FOSSIL driver for BBS use
Emacs-like editor (small)
path: \disc2\freemacs
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
contrib.zip 13885 03-08-90 Contributed MINT code for FreEMACS 1.6a
emac16as.zip 95231 03-28-90 FreEMACS 1.6a text editor - .ASM sources
emac16ds.zip 98628 07-31-92 .ASM sources to Freemacs 1.6d editor
emacs16a.zip 178591 03-28-90 FreEMACS 1.6a text editor - main distribution
emacs16d.zip 112966 07-31-92 Alpha 1.6d of Freemacs, PC Emacs editor clone
emacsega.zip 5067 05-31-89 FreEMACS 1.6a collection of EGA utilities
emacspel.zip 51281 03-07-90 FreEMACS 1.6a spelling checker
etags.zip 26948 03-07-90 A TAGS package, for FreEMACS 1.6a text editor
fake101.zip 2706 10-04-89 An enhanced keyboard emulator for FreEMACS
fortex.zip 14040 03-26-90 Fortran, TeX, & BibTeX modes for FreEMACS
freemacs.inf 778 03-27-90 FreEMACS 1.6a text editor information
history.min 3572 04-08-90 Command history package for FreEMACS v1.6a
patch1.min 2056 04-08-90 Patches for FreEMACS v1.6a
Hyper-Text files and pgms
path: \disc2\hypertxt
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
arjhlp23.zip 309566 02-09-92 HyperText helpfile for ARJ v2.3. Can be TSR
bdexx200.zip 295842 07-20-92 Hypertext search engine/text retrieval system
cpptour.zip 52784 06-21-89 Hypertext-based tutorial on using C++
dart1g.zip 223755 08-28-92 Hypertext file viewer and launcher, w/editor
doorpics.zip 680764 07-22-92 PCX graphics for Doorway v1.01, 256 colors
dosea5.zip 115595 07-04-91 Hypertext program explaining DOS 5.0.
dossum20.zip 129862 02-13-92 DOS Summary hypertext tutorial and reference
dwy101.zip 585357 07-20-92 Doorway 1.01 - A Hypertext Tool for MS-DOS
ebk.zip 46512 08-10-91 Topic-oriented hypertext viewing program
ebksrc.zip 51047 08-10-91 Borland C++ src for EBK.ZIP hypertext viewer
hdk90a.zip 187572 08-25-93 DOS/Win3/DV-X/Text & OS/2 Help Dev Kit, 1of2
hdk90b.zip 208477 08-25-93 DOS/Win3/DV-X/Text & OS/2 Help Dev Kit, 2of2
health.zip 166177 05-07-92 Hypertext analysis of Canadian health system
hpchdk10.zip 13386 06-01-93 Converts HelpPC 2.10 database to HelpDK
htex08.zip 217065 05-29-93 Hypertext authoring
hyclass.zip 60805 03-22-91 Hypertexed LC class &computer-related
hydos10.zip 78708 05-04-91 Hypertext browser for all DOS commands, v1.0
hyenvoy1.zip 58088 06-19-91 Hypertext browser for all ENVOY100 commands
hyglos.doc 6548 06-30-92 Doc about DEMO for new MaxThink TSR hypertext
hyglos.zip 100623 05-27-92 DEMO of 6/92 version of MaxThink TSR
hypdiss.zip 239915 05-26-92 Hypertexted dissertation on hypertext design
hyplus.zip 140788 06-25-90 Stand-alone Hypertext program from Maxthink
il2hdk21.zip 91612 09-02-93 Cvt Interrupt List to Help Develop. Kit
infpop27.zip 291278 03-22-93 InfoPop/DOS: Hypertext guide to Internet
magic15c.zip 181201 11-01-89 BlackMagic hypertext reader/develop. sys.
montana0.zip 532342 05-19-93 Hypertext gopher and ejournal samples 1 of 3
montanab.zip 467101 05-21-93 Hypertext gopher and ejournal samples 2 of 3
montanac.zip 323202 04-13-93 Hypertext gopher and ejournal samples 3 of 3
mview10.zip 44067 09-11-93 Hypertext moder.lst viewer, with DOS/Unix src
nbp21h.zip 718113 06-06-96 NeoBook Pro: Electronic publishing/authoring
nfo110.zip 135119 07-20-96 With this tool you can make intros
ng2hdk10.zip 9705 08-16-93 Converts Norton Guides format to HLPDK format
nuhlp45.zip 82772 08-05-90 Norton Utilities 4.5 Hypertext help browser
oh2b30a.zip 226691 04-14-96 Orpheus 2, a hypertext authoring system
oh2b30b.zip 362248 04-14-96 Online help for Orpheus 2
oh2b30c.zip 221928 04-14-96 Orpheus Reader, distribute with finished
oh2b30d.zip 79006 04-14-96 Indexer for full-text (indexed) search
senses.zip 95771 03-22-91 Demonstration of HYPLUS hypertext compiler
surefi_1.zip 204906 11-11-91 Create Smart Documents, build in dbase, 1 of
surefi_2.zip 230566 11-11-91 Docs & demo for award-winning SUREFIRE. 2 0f
wrt210.zip 329169 07-20-96 Makes intros w/ color effects/scrolling/fonts
zoomdoc.zip 27022 11-14-92 Manuals for using Zoom and writing stacks
zoomexe2.zip 155727 11-11-92 Zoom hypertext executable, help and print
zoomexmp.zip 53507 07-10-92 Example stack and template for Zoom hypertext
zoomschi.zip 510152 10-03-92 Zoom application on schistosomiasis control
I/O utils
path: \disc2\io_utils
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
16550a.zip 21201 10-21-88 Toggle 16550 UART FIFOs on and off
16550doc.zip 23643 04-15-93 16550 docs/utils. Do you need a 16550 UART?
16550s.zip 5608 04-12-88 Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas
16550s13.zip 9319 03-28-91 Toggle the NS16550A FIFO buffer, w/TPas
16550u.zip 27400 03-10-93 Scan for serial ports on system, enable 16550
1pr2a.zip 1992 05-18-89 Swaps LPT1 and LPT2 printer ports
34instal.zip 3506 01-02-90 Adds DOS support for COMM ports 3 and 4
addport.zip 8179 03-01-89 Adds COM3/COM4 ports to DOS equipment list
async.zip 32406 10-22-86 Asynchronous communications routines
async1.zip 12305 03-20-86 COMM driver [.ASM]
async2.zip 16255 07-23-88 COMM driver [.ASM]
async_ce.zip 21256 08-31-87 COMM port driver
aux2.zip 3664 03-20-87 Makes the AUX driver talk to the COM2 port
auxil15.zip 1897 01-08-92 Device driver redirects AUX output to CON
breakbox.zip 5425 11-07-86 Software-based RS232 breakout box
com3_4.zip 4859 12-09-88 Device driver adds COM3/4 that MS-DOS forgot!
com_pkg1.zip 3618 04-20-84 COMM drivers (source only)
com_pkg2.zip 8112 10-06-85 COMM drivers (source only)
com_pkg3.zip 11432 06-01-86 COMM drivers (source only)
comchk18.zip 31057 02-18-93 Commchk 1.8: Serial port protocol analyzer
comfix12.zip 15776 07-07-94 Windows COM port 'bug' fix/DOS COM port setup
comhelp.zip 61660 10-31-87 Comprehensive comm/tutor and UART tester
comhex42.zip 31358 04-22-88 Serial communications display program
comm.c 5080 04-06-84 COMM driver [.C]
comm.doc 1636 04-06-84 Doc for COMM.C
comprt25.zip 29739 09-27-93 Config COM/LPT ports: Show address, IRQ &
comsnd14.zip 25013 01-05-89 Send arbitrary characters to COM port from
comst12.zip 26381 12-17-93 Comset v1.2: Modem/UART/serial port tester
comtrap.zip 2642 01-09-92 TSR to trap unexpected COM port interrupts
czcm11b.zip 9829 12-11-90 Driver allows various mixes of COM ports 1-4
db9_db25.zip 435 02-14-87 Wiring info: DB9 to DB25 serial connector
dcom20.zip 37007 08-24-91 Captures COM port input. Requires two ports
dlm140.zip 25651 03-23-94 Data Line Monitor: Turn PC into a datascope
fifo11.zip 8022 04-22-91 Report type of UART (8250, 16550, etc.)
fx16550d.zip 3967 11-29-93 Corrects problem with AMI BIOS and 16550 UART
ibmaux20.zip 3164 04-24-86 Dual I/O driver for the AUX: device
iomon2.zip 33214 04-12-92 IO Monitor 386 control watches COM ports
ioview.zip 5799 06-24-90 Diagnostic - view of PC's I/O ports in action
ip122.zip 9458 11-17-91 Serial interrupt and port verification
kbfake10.zip 9558 04-07-94 Redirects serial input as if from keybd,
komm.asm 29682 07-07-85 Installable device drivers for COM1 and COM2
komm.inf 1217 07-07-85 Documentation for KOMM.ASM device driver
lptfl10.zip 11392 07-18-96 Redirect par. port output to a file or device
message.zip 48423 11-09-92 Send msgs thru COM port between PCs, TSR
new14h.zip 6113 08-07-86 DOS-extension add functions to comm routines
ns16550.zip 3038 06-15-89 Checks to see if NS16550AN serial chip is
ns_16550.zip 38235 07-18-91 Test 16450/16550/16550a serial chips w/source
ox.zip 3993 07-07-87 Redirect DOS AUX I/O to keyboard/mono display
para13.zip 73471 12-25-93 Parallel port information & diagnostic util.
pc_to_pc.zip 1037 03-27-88 Assist on PC-PC direct connection
pf271.zip 36427 06-21-92 Port Finder: Display info/swap LPT & COM
pipeln10.zip 17960 08-13-90 TSR connects COM1 and COM2 serial ports
port11.zip 27172 03-13-91 I/O port debugging tool, with C source code
portfind.zip 6085 09-07-88 Locate & install serial & par. ports, COM3&4
ports13.zip 18614 10-09-91 Permits reading and writing to hardware ports
portst11.zip 42168 02-10-91 Diagnostic program for serial/parallel ports
prlink20.zip 26629 12-02-94 File transfer prog. via printer/parallel port
qic02a10.zip 122630 02-14-95 Wangtek QIC-02 tape driver & Unix TAR I/O
rs204.zip 15422 09-30-91 Displays RS-232 serial port status
rs232.zip 3427 12-22-86 Source for COMM drivers (.ASM)
rs232101.zip 44713 07-01-93 RS232 v1.01: Debug most RS-232 problems
rs232of2.zip 1693 02-09-89 Fix port conflicts, turns off all 4 COM ports
rts12.zip 8703 04-26-90 Toggle RTS for COM1 to COM4 ports
sansint2.zip 32365 11-23-90 Port utility - poll ports rather than use
serial.aqm 3328 12-08-85 Serial/COMM port driver (squeezed)
serial.doc 2003 12-03-83 Doc for SERIAL.AQM
serint.aqm 3200 12-08-85 Interrupt-driven serial port driver
slikmode.zip 8437 03-25-91 New MODE: Set baudrate to any rate w/C src
superv22.zip 47302 02-10-87 Enhanced BIOS interrupt 14 comm support
swapcom.zip 1089 03-19-89 Swap COM1 with COM2
swapport.zip 1762 03-18-89 Swap LPT1 with LPT2
tandy232.asm 9097 10-06-85 Replacement for Tandy 2000 RS232 I/O handler
timio3_0.zip 72989 12-01-91 Timed record and playback COM port data
toadmod1.zip 4114 04-17-89 Set COM 1-4 to 19200/38400/57600/115200 bps
tsrcomm.zip 16641 09-09-87 TSR serial device driver
uartbug.zip 10457 03-09-87 UART and COM port debuging tool, TSR
uartty12.zip 9059 05-29-92 Displays type of UART chip for all comm ports
whtprt40.zip 12382 10-10-91 Displays system serial ports & IRQ
xport21.zip 28563 01-15-92 Fast PC-to-PC RS232 serial line file transfer
z404mpsc.zip 5828 06-24-91 Zenith COM3 port driver fix for gov't Z-248
pgms for use on LAN
path: \disc2\lan
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
archie.zip 66805 01-26-92 Archie DOS client for CUTCP/CUTE/NCSA Telnet
automan.zip 308173 02-28-92 AutoMan: Automatic network management program
bindump1.zip 9749 04-11-92 Lists names of objects in Netware bindery
clone1_1.zip 71810 01-07-93 PC-PC serial directory branch & files
cmail27a.zip 185207 03-09-93 Electronic mail agent pgm for use on any LAN
ethdp103.zip 28051 09-09-93 EthDump v1.02: LAN packet recorder on file
ethld102.zip 107429 07-12-93 ETHLOAD 1.02: LAN analyzer ODI,NDIS,DEPCA,PKT
fmav30.zip 166277 04-09-96 File Maven v3.0 - File manager/xfer utility
forum12.zip 62128 02-16-93 Discussion/conference/BBS for use on LAN
ftpnuz10.zip 73532 03-14-93 FTPNuz v1.0: NNTP Usenet Newsreader for
idleboot.zip 14848 07-09-91 Remove idle work stations from network
lan302up.zip 4227 10-23-90 Lantastic - Update information - 3.0
lanmenu2.zip 66694 01-17-92 Lanmenu 2.0: Local Area Network DOS shell
lantblt1.zip 89345 03-27-91 Lantastic technical notes, 1 of 2
lantblt2.zip 54812 03-27-91 Lantastic technical notes, 2 of 2
lanttech.zip 11169 12-13-89 Technical notes on LANtastic for programmers
lap101.zip 103515 02-17-92 LapView Pc-to-PC linking, shareware, nagware
lock13.zip 13276 11-29-92 Simple network single application lock
lsalv103.zip 37489 11-03-92 List all salvagable files on Netware 3.x
lv100b.zip 141914 08-19-93 LanView system analysis tool for LAN's/WAN's
mailcall.zip 24305 01-15-92 LAN: TSR util provides pop-up access to
mat1.zip 8187 06-17-96 Search a file over all network's hard drives
nba102.zip 37318 10-23-92 NetBIOS Assist - simple remote console
net_co60.zip 936519 04-25-96 Network monitoring and recording with WWW
news26.zip 67910 03-05-93 Event announcements and news for use on LAN
pcprl11.zip 185289 02-05-92 Ethernet/TP/Linda parallel processing system
pctkn_v1.zip 16628 07-11-94 RS232 serial port token-ring network,
pksnd101.zip 52923 06-22-96 Packet Send Utility: Test network throughput
pshare.zip 132979 07-19-96 DOS/Win16 printer sharing with IPX
rquota10.zip 89935 03-29-96 PC-NFS disk quota pgm; use with Sun RPC
sfc33.zip 63589 02-08-92 Serial File Copy v3.3: PC to PC file
spacechk.zip 11170 09-01-92 Tracks network disk usage for users & admins
toadnt11.zip 4037 08-26-91 Set local system time per remote LAN system
tstfil14.zip 14310 11-29-92 Test file accessability under many modes
unet11.zip 21861 12-30-90 Network two PC's together using parallel
use125.zip 6527 05-21-92 Fast net connections for LAN Manager & others
userdef.zip 15004 07-10-91 Auto-configure Western Digital ethernet cards
usrpr103.zip 23427 06-28-92 UserPref: Set user preferences on networked
volinfo.zip 20533 05-07-91 Shows free space on all available LAN volumes
wdadf.zip 6683 10-24-91 ADF File for microchannel version of wd8003e
wndis118.zip 50124 10-24-91 Version 1.18 of NDIS driver for wd8003e
zip172.zip 41213 03-28-96 115K bps PC-to-PC serial file transfers!
Map pgms
path: \disc2\mapping
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
coordchg.zip 25220 05-20-93 Convert map coordinates dd,mm,ss <=> dd.####
emap1001.zip 312943 04-12-93 Epi Map: Install, executables, readme, help
emap1002.zip 286115 04-12-93 Epi Map: Utilities
emap1003.zip 85109 04-12-93 Epi Map: Examples, tutorials
emap1004.zip 308196 04-12-93 Epi Map: Printer/plotter/graphics file
emap1005.zip 41959 04-12-93 Epi Map: USA by county: New England states
emap1006.zip 33543 04-12-93 Epi Map: USA by county: Mid Atlantic States
emap1007.zip 78369 04-12-93 Epi Map: USA by county: E. N. Central States
emap1008.zip 74832 04-12-93 Epi Map: USA by county: W. N. Central States
emap1009.zip 104981 04-12-93 Epi Map: USA by county: South Atlantic States
emap1010.zip 55968 04-12-93 Epi Map: USA by county: E. S. Central States
emap1011.zip 79385 04-12-93 Epi Map: USA by county: W. S. Central States
emap1012.zip 55873 04-12-93 Epi Map: USA by county: Mountain States
emap1013.zip 55251 04-12-93 Epi Map: USA by county: Pacific States
emap1014.zip 32775 04-12-93 Epi Map: World and American continents
emap1015.zip 150453 04-12-93 Epi Map: African
emap1016.zip 95356 04-12-93 Epi Map: South America
emap1017.zip 197077 04-12-93 Epi Map: Europe
emap1018.zip 127641 04-12-93 Epi Map: Asia
emap1019.zip 44505 04-12-93 Epi Map: Mid East
emap1020.zip 29069 04-12-93 Epi Map: North America
emap1021.zip 20910 04-12-93 Epi Map: Australia & Pacific Islands
emap1022.zip 26786 04-12-93 Epi Map: Caribbean
emap1023.zip 142696 04-12-93 Epi Map: Ukraine & CIS
emap1024.zip 13725 04-12-93 Epi Map: Central America
emap1025.zip 312923 04-12-93 Epi Map: Long.-Lat. Files: A - P
emap1026.zip 109835 04-12-93 Epi Map: Long.-Lat. Files: R - Y
emap10do.zip 47507 05-12-93 Epi Map: ASCII manual
emap10in.zip 5009 05-13-93 Epi Map: Inst. notes, file list, general info
mapit14a.zip 303473 05-22-96 Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. 1of3
mapit14b.zip 317636 05-22-96 Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. 2of3
mapit14c.zip 283432 05-22-96 Detailed world-wide mapping w/GPS utils. 3of3
ozd101a.zip 343238 09-30-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 1/7
ozd101b.zip 69600 09-10-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 2/7
ozd101c.zip 392279 09-10-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 3/7
ozd101d.zip 206235 09-10-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 4/7
ozd101e.zip 222186 09-10-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 5/7
ozd101f.zip 600600 08-27-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 6/7
ozd101g.zip 260159 09-10-93 OzGIS DOS mapping of census/GIS data 7/7
topov300.zip 111624 03-05-93 3-D topographic map plotting program
vmap120.zip 318794 08-30-92 Draws outline maps on many map projections
Mathematics pgms
path: \disc2\math
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
algbr212.zip 128404 01-10-93 Professor Weissman's Algebra Tutorials
alged34.zip 243984 06-12-96 Edit/solve symbolic math,3D graphs,C src,free
analys40.zip 60538 03-30-93 FFT,Wavelet,Coherence,Filter,Graph,Correlation
binom10.zip 23166 07-19-96 Expands two binomials into a single trinomial
cla20.zip 275378 02-06-91 Displays info on a matrix (incl. Jordan form)
conpak10.zip 131040 07-19-96 Programs dealing with conic equations
curve11.zip 23583 09-06-93 Linear & nonlinear curve fits to user's eqn.
delp.zip 4323 09-29-91 Fast non-iterative multi-exponential fitting
delpx02.zip 126026 11-08-91 Data analysis suite incorporating DELP.PAS
equa10.zip 48200 07-20-96 Programs that find equations to model data
fit2_117.zip 77729 05-19-91 Linear/non-linear modeling,
fitit10.zip 97620 03-28-96 Polynomal fitting program up to 10th power
fsultra1.zip 103661 06-17-92 High quality, fast, versatile random numbers
fudg_231.zip 524647 08-02-93 Extensible data analysis and curve fitting
gm12.zip 36326 07-20-96 Plots and connects points in 2-space
grad.zip 113036 01-05-93 Automatic Differentiation of Fortran programs
lie45.zip 109195 04-23-96 Lie analysis of differential eqns, exact
linsys10.zip 35795 04-04-92 Solves linear systems (including homogenous)
lp100210.zip 199868 12-06-89 Linear programming, solve optimizing problems
lp261.zip 246915 07-20-93 Linear/mixed/integer programming optimizer
mafia2a.zip 415547 01-18-93 Complex math calculation utilities package
maplev.zip 437581 01-06-92 Computer algebra/symbolic math DEMO; 386+
matcom15.zip 1051325 03-22-96 Matlab compiler to C++
math20.zip 69856 07-20-96 Many basic algebra functions
matlab.zip 184345 09-22-90 Computes matrices developed by LINPAK/EISPACK
mersenne.zip 120795 01-01-90 Math: Lists 31 Mersenne Primes & bibliography
mfloat10.zip 70131 04-26-93 Fast high precision arithmetic for a 8086
mrcry209.zip 278023 11-02-92 Math solver, from Borland's Eureka, Shareware
ode25.zip 123920 10-21-90 Ordinary differential equation simulate/solve
pascal10.zip 23343 07-20-96 Finds values in Pascal's triangle
polyrt1.zip 72741 12-16-91 Finds polynomial roots, w/interactive
polysim.zip 25658 05-21-89 Polynomial simplex optimization, w/C source
prime13.zip 94617 05-09-96 Prime Number Generator for MS-DOS OS/2 &
romancvt.zip 16568 04-13-93 Convert Roman numbers to/from Arabic, w/C src
series10.zip 68969 07-20-96 Arithmatic and geometric series
sgnls11.zip 123278 05-01-93 Illustrates signal processing concepts
shuffle.zip 7994 01-11-91 Number list order randomizer, with C source
shuffle2.zip 6189 12-02-92 Number list order randomizer, w/ASM source
solveq10.zip 35242 04-04-92 Solves polynomial equations (degree <= 30)
space10.zip 93809 07-20-96 Programs in 3-space and beyond
spectr20.zip 356795 06-10-92 Spectral analysis of random time series
tsfima13.zip 84269 03-12-96 Programs of financial mathematics, T.Salmi
tslin34.zip 114570 03-03-96 Linear programming and linear goal
tsnum12.zip 72992 05-31-89 T.Salmi:Various programs in numerical
ttm120.zip 21370 08-25-89 Make/print truth tables from keyboard input
txmm_08b.zip 307744 06-13-96 A complete and easy to use math analisys tool
Computer memory info utils
path: \disc2\memutil
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
704k.zip 1054 09-24-88 Increase RAM from 640K to 704K on some PCs
a20off.zip 3485 11-19-90 Turn address line 20 on/off with C&T chip set
a20test.zip 4256 12-09-90 A20 address line enable/disable/status
addmem25.zip 23252 01-06-92 Increases available memory on EGA/VGA
addram10.zip 23168 02-14-89 Add DOS RAM using EMS 4.0
ctmap099.zip 52691 07-01-91 Mem extender: 286/386/SX using C&T DRAM ctlrs
demm.zip 6611 10-08-86 Extended memory stats/diags
dumpem.zip 18073 04-21-88 Display/edit expanded, extended, normal
eatmem11.zip 25175 11-15-91 Reduce available memory for testing programs
eemram21.zip 18726 04-11-89 Expand DOS RAM to 736K w/Enh. or LIM 4.0 mem.
ems40v11.zip 23323 07-18-89 Driver: use extended memory as EMS 4.0 memory
emsaw41s.zip 26795 06-26-94 Huge Arrays in Expanded Memory 4.1S (updated)
emsuit11.zip 68899 02-21-90 Utilities for manipulating EMS RAM
exc_dx02.zip 78643 10-26-94 Exception handler kit for PharLap 386|DosX
free402.zip 4140 02-15-87 Shows free memory, and percent of use
himov214.zip 111275 02-17-91 Upper Memory Manager for 286/386 systems
jambo10.zip 10649 12-15-91 Device Driver can increase upper memory
lowmem.zip 4657 06-18-88 DOS low memory map, very detailed
m.zip 3818 02-17-90 List memory resident programs
m_m_kit.zip 125240 09-11-91 DOS 5 Utilities to optimise upper memory
map20.zip 20407 10-27-94 DOS Memory map (UMB, XMS, EMS, DD), w/C src
maximize.zip 37809 03-14-91 Maximizer memory manager, like QEMM. DEMO
maxmenu.zip 10204 07-02-89 Front end menu for 386MAX/386MAX Professional
memsim32.zip 29754 08-18-89 Simulates LIM EMS 3.2 expanded memory via
memsiz.asm 2584 10-01-85 Report free RAM
memst101.zip 8583 02-12-93 Change the DOS memory allocation strategy
minload.zip 3159 09-12-88 Determine amount of mem. needed to load a pgm
nmi.zip 5902 09-14-85 Thorough RAM test utility. Safe
pmap210.zip 31584 07-02-91 Chris Dunford's memory mapper; handles
pmode01.zip 26546 03-10-94 DOS extender indep. Protected Mode progrmg
ramtest.zip 6836 05-28-86 RAM test program, Conventional, EMS, EEMS
ramtst30.zip 53606 04-04-88 Brown bag's RAM test: mother board/emm/abv bd
remm431.zip 11706 09-12-89 AST expanded memory driver REMM.SYS v4.31
rt302.zip 52938 12-14-88 Tests for bad memory chips
spray.zip 2602 07-27-89 Copy contents of memory to printer/disk file
swap.zip 12791 03-24-89 Swap main and expanded memory when SHELL'ed
testx33.zip 6439 12-08-90 Utility to test extended memory, 396, 496,
tmap110.zip 5709 02-10-88 Memory control block mapper ver1.10
trkmem10.zip 10626 09-05-92 Memory usage tracker for DOS programs
umax120.zip 11484 11-11-91 Umax v1.20: Utility to test upper-memory
umbdr522.zip 41831 05-31-96 UMB provider/base memory expander for DOS 5
umbgwj10.zip 17366 11-29-94 UMB mgr for HT-320 chipset, with source code
umbmem.zip 17849 10-08-91 Provides DOS 5 upper memory blocks on 386/486
umm03.zip 14169 12-15-91 Upper Memory Manager v0.3 - Provides UMBs
use_umbs.zip 21024 11-02-94 Driver to use upper memory blocks on XT/ATs
veum.zip 27040 01-28-87 Allows use of HD as Expanded Memory
vram40.zip 20943 06-09-89 Break 640K RAM limit, simulate expanded
vu_xm1c.zip 36254 05-31-90 286 extended memory peeker using LOADALL
xspawn34.zip 37069 05-02-91 X Spawn v1.34 EMS memory swapping program
Microsoft product support
path: \disc2\microsft
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
ga0363.zip 158450 04-16-92 Microsoft diagnostics utility MSD, vers. 2.00
himem278.zip 6620 11-10-91 Microsoft's MS-DOS XMS driver, v2.78,
pd0445.zip 14578 10-30-91 Replacement DOSSWAP.EXE for MS-DOS 5.0.
pd0485.zip 51029 10-24-91 Listing of MS-DOS 5.0 messages w/descriptions
pd0646.zip 21113 12-09-92 Updated CHKDSK.EXE & UNDELETE.EXE for DOS 5.0
pd0805.zip 14043 06-17-93 Microsoft update: SMARTDRIVE v4.2 for DOS 6.0
ww0530.zip 12685 04-06-92 MS Appl Note: SMARTDrive & 32-bit disk access
Misc. pgm languages
path: \disc2\misclang
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
abc10201.zip 188376 10-18-90 Interactive programming language interpreter
aisnobol.zip 183714 11-14-87 SNOBOL language for MSDOS
c__0190a.zip 452490 03-07-94 SPHINX C-- compiler ver 0.190a with examples
de88.zip 333068 04-12-93 Icon 8.8 language executables for MS-DOS
de88_386.zip 294245 04-12-93 Icon 8.8 language executables for MS-DOS/386
de88s_1.zip 626208 12-28-92 Icon 8.8 language source code for MS-DOS,
de88s_2.zip 583634 12-27-92 Icon 8.8 language source code for MS-DOS,
dflogo12.zip 69579 06-09-96 DFP LOGO v1.2: Complete LOGO interpreter
doslogo.zip 188506 08-02-92 LOGO Turtle Graphics for MS-DOS
euphor14.zip 356178 06-29-96 Euphoria programming language v1.4
fst_31s.zip 302972 10-24-92 Fitted Software Tools Modula-2 compiler v3.1
ftlogo.zip 5898 09-24-89 Interface for Fischertechnik robots & IBM
jorf21_1.zip 342782 05-22-96 Jorf OOP application programing language.
jorf21_2.zip 307036 05-22-96 Jorf OOP application programing language.
jorf21_3.zip 360023 05-22-96 Jorf OOP application programing language.
jrcpp.zip 184530 03-26-90 V1.00B ANSI C Macro Preprocessor for OS2/DOS
ladybug.zip 118979 12-30-89 Graphics/sound lang. like LOGO Turtle
logopat1.zip 8953 01-26-91 Patch IBM LOGO for EGA/VGA/MCGA/386 w/TP55
mod2txt.zip 109574 03-25-87 Coronado's Modula2 tutor v2.0, (2 of 2)
mprep.zip 14080 01-10-87 Give C-like preprocessing to any language pgm
mswext32.zip 170889 03-04-93 MswLogo x3.2 extensions kit for Windows 3.0
mswlgo32.txt 10023 03-08-92 Description of MswLogo x3.2 for
mswlgo32.zip 504005 03-04-93 MswLogo x3.2: LOGO for Microsoft Windows 3.1
pclisp30.zip 132444 01-31-90 PC-LISP interpreter v3.0
shwtxt21.zip 223095 07-08-96 ShowText Prog.Lang.v2.1-write DOS games
stv3_dos.zip 214266 10-11-91 Little Smalltalk interp. v3 compiled for DOS
vsnbl220.zip 242259 10-31-91 Vanilla SNOBOL4, PD vers. 2.20 of the
vsnobol4.zip 231128 12-03-87 Vanilla SNOBOL4, PD version of the language
xlisp21d.zip 792367 03-14-92 Lisp interpreter v2.1d, w/src, doc, exe, etc.
xlisp21w.zip 458053 04-08-93 Windows server version of XLISP2.1 (w/source)
xlispref.zip 92114 12-10-89 Mikkelsen's complete XLISP2.0 reference
xlsp21ex.zip 56716 04-13-91 XLISP v2.1, EXE for PC-DOS and generic MS-DOS
xlsp21tc.zip 140245 04-12-91 XLISP v2.1, TC++ 2.0 source & some net
xyz101s.zip 53422 04-07-96 Easy yet very powerful compiler anyone can
Utils for the mouse
path: \disc2\mouse
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
2l8ce112.zip 17862 06-20-94 TooLate graphic mouse cursor editor v1.12
alldefs.zip 66030 04-03-90 Collection of mouse DEFs from Logitech BBS
arrmouse.zip 6718 03-10-90 Makes mouse emulate arrow keys for any
cmouse2.zip 24642 11-20-90 Mouse management for MSC 5.1/MASM 5.0 or
csedit10.zip 119749 12-18-93 VGA graphics mode mouse cursor editor
ctmous10.zip 6189 07-16-96 Cute Mouse Driver v1.0, only 7K resident size
dosmouse.zip 3402 07-28-89 Use Microsoft mouse at MSDOS command level
drvr624.zip 43913 03-15-93 Logitech Mouse drivers v6.24, from their BBS
gm906.zip 73359 03-14-91 Genius Mouse drivers, v9.06, with install
gmous101.zip 111596 08-11-92 Genius mouse driver v10.10, DOS 6.0
gmous102.zip 178971 08-24-93 Genius mouse driver v10.2 (DOS
hgxmou10.zip 42500 08-25-94 HGXMOUSE: Multi-mode (text/SVGA) mouse driver
igme.zip 37424 04-16-91 Interactive graphics mouse cursor editor
joymouse.zip 7769 02-18-90 Use joystick as mouse, move cursor, enter
k2rod.zip 21743 03-14-91 Simulate series of keyboard strokes with
kme_beta.zip 3369 05-20-91 Emulate a MicroSoft mouse with your keyboard
locate.zip 8576 12-17-87 Use mouse with any pgm that uses arrow keys
m2key120.zip 9167 04-25-96 TSR that emulates cursor keys with a mouse
markit10.zip 4690 10-30-92 TSR utility to copy and paste text with mouse
mcc201.zip 13805 03-22-92 Adds mouse control to pgms w/no mouse support
mcd104.zip 50138 10-11-88 Mouse Cursor Designer - req. graphics/mouse
me1k10.zip 8696 06-22-96 Emulate MS serial mouse with one external key
me5k10.zip 8129 06-22-96 Emulate MS mouse w/5 external keys or
menumous.zip 2595 01-24-89 Map mouse to arrow keys, TSR, w/ASM source
mou105.zip 48882 09-24-91 MS-C & Turbo-C mouse routines with TRUE
mouse03g.zip 25341 10-19-95 Mouse motion to cursor keys TSR /w ASM/C src
mouse701.zip 23035 09-30-90 Version 7.01 mouse drivers from Mouse Systems
mouseb03.zip 7543 03-12-94 Use a mouse to cut and paste in DOS' textmode
mousedrw.zip 5017 09-08-90 .DEF Mouse drivers for extended-char drawing
mswap10.zip 1781 02-13-95 Swap L-R mouse buttons for any DOS
mswitch.zip 6336 03-23-89 Switch mouse on and off
mykmouse.zip 16482 05-28-92 Enter ASCII keyboard charactors with mouse
pp111.zip 83293 02-05-93 Precise Point text mode graphical mouse
qmr101.zip 3526 03-25-92 Quick Mouse Reset - speeds up
rodent.zip 18666 12-13-87 Interface for Logitech mouse to QuickBASIC
sqm120.zip 13801 12-06-91 Complete mouse control from MS-DOS
xmouse11.zip 31936 05-06-92 Use mouse in ModeX (320x240x256) C-callable
zwmous1a.zip 3993 09-28-91 TSR to add mouse to non-mouse applications
NCSA Telnet TCP/IP package
path: \disc2\ncsatlnt
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
dev_note.txt 48575 04-20-96 Text file of developer's notes for NCSA
packets.inf 2160 06-30-91 Guide to installing NCSA Telnet packet
pktdrvr.inf 83 02-25-96 Where to find the latest Crynwr packet
tel2308b.zip 795561 04-20-96 NCSA Telnet 2.3.08 binaries & other utilities
tel2308s.zip 695776 04-20-96 Source for NCSA Telnet 2.3.08 and utilities
tel23doc.zip 67964 06-30-91 ASCII documentation for NCSA Telnet 2.3
tel_faq.txt 20677 04-20-96 Frequently Asked Questions about NCSA Telnet
Utils for computer networks
path: \disc2\network
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
brilan23.zip 239384 05-30-96 Manageable multiport PC bridge/switch
gate212.zip 195943 12-01-94 SMTP/SNPP Internet Gateway for Paging
iprv091.zip 149693 04-05-96 IPRoute (IP router & address translator)
netso308.zip 48143 08-17-93 Sorts files in Banyan directories
pcbri121.zip 69778 01-22-92 Use PC as a cheap Ethernet-Ethernet Bridge
pcrte224.zip 216732 06-08-92 Make PC into TCP/IP router for about $450
portmg1a.zip 155569 07-14-96 Manage Network patch panels and ports
portmgr1.zip 182375 07-06-96 Manage Network patch panels and ports
rfc1568.zip 9478 06-09-94 Allen Gwinn's Simple Network Paging Protocol
tcptut.zip 30444 09-29-90 Tutorial on TCP/IP Internet network protocols
tie22.zip 253114 04-22-94 TIE v2.22: Multiuser task manager/scheduler
webnt255.zip 197943 04-02-92 Serial disk/device sharing network. Ver 2.55
Neural Networks
path: \disc2\neurlnet
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
anncam.zip 3550 01-02-91 An example of content-addressable memory
bam.zip 28665 05-12-90 Bidirectional Associative Memory Simulation
bayes.zip 3524 03-10-91 Tree-structured Bayesian belief network
bpnn132u.zip 69476 04-27-92 Backprop neural net w/adaptive learning rate
bps100.zip 191230 06-13-90 (DOS,UNIX,MAC) Back-Propagation Simulation
bps210.zip 48275 07-24-91 (DOS only) Update to BPS100.ZIP, Back-Prop
brain12.zip 77501 06-21-96 Back propagation neural net simulator
datarep.zip 79670 08-14-91 Representing data in neural nets, AI-Exp.
et.zip 52945 08-30-89 Perceptron simulator
gaw110.zip 162395 06-28-92 Graphic demonstrations of genetic algorithms
genalg.zip 33165 04-07-91 A simple genetic algorithm demo program w/src
hopfield.zip 20858 03-06-91 Traveling salesman problem, PASCAL
nasanets.zip 158524 03-06-91 A back prop neural net system W/ C src
nerves.zip 272654 04-08-91 Nervous System Construction Kit w/ C++ src
netstuff.zip 101605 04-24-91 From 'A Practical Guide to Neural Networks'
neuc6.zip 1102078 06-21-96 32-bit Neural Net classification package,
neucl6.zip 818547 06-21-96 32-bit Neural Net classification package,
neum6.zip 1104546 06-21-96 32-bit Neural Net mapping package, 1of2
neump6.zip 796223 06-21-96 32-bit Neural Net mapping package, 2of2
neurfuzz.zip 144513 05-16-96 Trains NN + Fuzzy-engines, generating C
nn2.zip 28565 05-28-89 ANN simulator with 256 neurons
nnetdraw.zip 50928 03-12-91 A very visual representation of a neural net
nnutl101.zip 249479 08-01-93 C source library/tutorial for neural networks
percept.zip 3460 11-05-90 Perceptron ANN
topmap.zip 3730 09-21-87 Kohonen topology preserving maps in Pascal
Network File System utils
path: \disc2\nfs
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
nfsml202.zip 20354 12-06-91 NFS Mail: Unix mail reader for use with
pcnews.zip 28744 07-04-90 Read Usenet news on local or PC-NFS
socko20.zip 60211 02-21-93 Small & fast client/server API for
soss31.zip 327476 05-12-91 Son of Stan's Own Server: NFS server for
sossread.me 2247 01-17-92 Release notes and extract info for SOSS31.ZIP
wdnfs204.zip 6168 02-06-91 Version 2.04 of PC-NFS drivers for wd8003e
Novell LAN utils
path: \disc2\novell
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
amsprogs.zip 302687 04-29-92 Novell MENU compatible network menu system
charn40a.zip 430616 12-10-92 Novell to SMTP gateway for Pegasus Mail
chat207.zip 21619 09-18-90 On-line chat pgm for two Novell LAN users
cnezip.zip 82627 10-03-91 Novell Certified NetWare Engr. practice tests
cu_ip.zip 21945 07-12-92 Front end to CUTCP to assign IPs on Novell
enet10.zip 1740 08-17-92 Disp/Test Ethernet number
envtrim.zip 10462 08-30-92 Abbreviate environment vars for Novell
fpserv32.zip 104786 08-24-93 FPServer: Enhanced Novell PSERVER replacement
fsl212.zip 266582 06-22-96 Full Screen Login: Enhanced Novell login
getoid13.zip 10674 11-29-92 Return Novell Netware object ID
iqs328.zip 85317 03-19-93 Server to share any printer on NetWare LAN
lanloc12.zip 276585 03-30-93 Novell software meter/license system
loginchk.zip 37820 06-22-96 Login Checker 2.60 Novell network login
lpdnlm25.zip 70745 05-12-96 iQueue v2.05 LPD/LPR NLMs for NetWare
ltrus099.zip 39597 05-31-92 List all directory trustees on Novell 3.xx
macbrd10.zip 38939 09-16-93 Novell IN/OUT type of notice board program
mail56.zip 24916 11-29-92 Simple mail facility for Novell Netware
merc121.zip 161147 05-14-96 Mercury: Novell SMTP NLM for Pegasus Mail
mhs1511a.zip 4252 04-08-92 Convert output from NOVELL MHSUSER 1.5 to 1.1
msg_20.zip 3142 03-10-93 Novell msg interceptor w/alarm, popup window
netadr13.zip 3797 01-31-93 Assign queue by station, v1.3,
netbday6.zip 19753 12-13-92 Birthday reminder at login for Novell
netcb06b.zip 41527 05-15-93 Novell network IPX chat box (supports
netinfo.zip 10888 09-28-92 Get Novell NetWare bindery info, user mail+
netloc11.zip 48821 07-28-91 Novell Netware user limit, logging & password
nettlk23.zip 18559 11-29-92 User talk/chat utility for Novell Netware
notice15.zip 55337 07-27-91 Noticeboard system for Novell Netware
nwl004.zip 44619 02-05-92 Novell Netware patches for NWLite V1.0
paudit11.zip 7307 03-15-92 Summerize PAUDIT report v1.1, src&docs,
pcmenu30.zip 165393 09-05-93 Novell-compatible menu program
pcnt231.zip 169855 08-23-93 Page counting print server for Novell
phonet31.zip 61710 07-26-93 Phone chat util. for Novell, works in
qlst14.zip 9352 10-28-92 List ALL print queue jobs
qview15.zip 123845 04-03-93 Novell multiple print queue monitor program
qviewp20.zip 294853 06-01-93 Multiple Novell print queue monitor/control
select15.zip 19859 12-06-92 Printer selection by menu
set_ip.zip 13664 10-21-92 Assigns NCSA/MS-Kermit IP addrs on Novell net
shwusr10.zip 8386 07-18-93 Displays logged in Novell user info by
tac201.zip 208673 04-21-96 TACACS server v2.01 for NetWare (XTACACS)
user12.zip 17084 06-26-96 Displays locations of logged in Novell users
Pascal pgmming language
path: \disc2\pascal
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
pnl001.zip 7163 04-20-90 The Pascal Newsletter: Programming in Pascal
pnl002.zip 18874 05-16-90 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #2
pnl003.zip 40343 07-05-90 The Pascal Newsletter: Sorting, OOP in
pnl004.zip 29999 10-02-90 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #4
pnl005.zip 29577 12-19-90 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #5
pnl006.zip 58979 03-16-91 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #6
pnl010.zip 114606 02-28-92 The Pascal NewsLetter, issue #10, March 1992
pnlupd1.zip 730 01-11-91 Update for PNL004.ZIP Pascal NewsLetter #4
pretypas.zip 11114 05-06-93 Caps and formats reserved words in Pascal
svgadc30.zip 29105 03-02-93 Update for the Digital Crime SVGA driver
'PC Magazine' listings
path: \disc2\pcmag
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
00_pcmag.zip 46466 06-25-96 ZIP dir listings of PC Mag. files in this dir
ansi132.zip 19194 03-22-90 PC Mag update: Fast TSR ANSI.SYS replacement
asm1.zip 36701 06-04-86 Source for DOS utilities from PC Magazine
asm2.zip 35861 06-04-86 Source for DOS utilities from PC Magazine
asm3.zip 32202 07-27-86 Source for DOS utilities from PC Magazine
asm4.zip 32658 06-04-86 Source for DOS utilities from PC Magazine
async4.zip 4721 11-28-87 Interrupt driven serial line terminal
cardfl11.zip 4929 03-06-89 PcMag upd v1.1: 3x5 card file mgr, 150 cards
chain_4.zip 8040 11-16-87 CHAIN function for TP4
copy.zip 11810 12-20-87 Copy utility from PC magazine
dirmag2.zip 25991 08-31-88 DIRMAGIC v2.0, upgraded DR/RN/CO from PC Mag.
dirmat31.zip 18000 04-18-96 PC Mag update: Compare 2 dirs, report matches
extend_4.zip 11840 10-25-87 TP4 routine to open up to 252 files
fifo.zip 3049 03-17-91 This file was missing from PcMag VOL10N08.ZIP
gwlites.zip 6538 10-06-89 Corrected LITES.COM, with docs from PC Mag
lites11.zip 3997 02-09-90 PC Mag update: LITES v1.1, w/docs from PC Mag
pcindx01.zip 19015 12-21-90 Index of PC Magazine files to January, 1991
pcm8890a.zip 646039 02-21-91 PC Magazine reviews index, Jan 88 - Jun 90
pcmagcom.zip 31249 11-12-86 PCMag.com files & descriptions as of 7-13-87
pcmagdoc.zip 22474 09-28-86 PC Magazine utilities documentation
pcmi9510.zip 41664 04-07-96 PC Magazine Index: Index of V3N25 to V14N18
pcmng11a.zip 48578 01-20-90 PcMag update for VOL8N21: PCMANAGE v1.1
pcmpr89.zip 24271 12-09-89 PCMag Productivity columns index, Jan-Dec
pp704.zip 5555 01-25-88 Power Programmer files from VOL7N04.ARC
slice13.zip 10297 10-30-89 PcMag utl fix: split long files to mult.
v10n01.zip 113122 12-04-90 PC Mag:
v10n02.zip 115556 12-20-90 PCMag:
v10n03.zip 84822 01-02-91 PcMag:
v10n04.zip 55278 01-28-91 PcMag: ChekChek,Graphics,Grays,MBoot,WhatCPU2
v10n05.zip 122817 02-06-91 PcMag:2Both,AltD,CalDemo,FindHid,TinyDOS,VGA28
v10n06.zip 80270 02-21-91 PcMag:Bounce,Ike,LeapTest,PokeWord,Select,XBuf
t@≡ AK
v10n07.zip 41472 03-03-91 PcMag: Encore,Palette,Speedsav,TBook,Unique
v10n08.zip 74356 03-24-91 PcMag: Ballgame,Cdx,Colorscr,Gammared,Unique
v10n09.zip 52864 04-15-91 PcMag:2Dir,Cmd,Navigate,PopCal,PopRpt,WinSaver
v10n10.zip 44104 04-28-91 PcMag: ANSIPROM,EdLoop,MarkDemo,ProgSet,Prune
v10n11.zip 96706 05-09-91 PcMag: ChkPath,DELAY.BAS,DPIMem,Video,WinMem
v10n12.zip 73873 05-29-91 PcMag: GrayBit,LN1012,IsKind,PushDirs,WinExt
v10n13.zip 32742 06-11-91 PCMag: FileCtrl, GETMAXX.C, LF.BAT, MODEL.C
v10n14.zip 76856 07-10-91 PcMag:Calender,FieldSiz,Shuffl,TryVecs,WinColr
v10n15.zip 35262 08-08-91 PcMag:
v10n16.zip 63263 08-26-91 PcMag: Dirany,HC,PcmFat,Readboot,Trypoint
v10n17.zip 87211 09-11-91 PcMag: AltKey, FFF, OwnerDrw, SafeMove,
v10n18.zip 24033 09-30-91 PcMag: CfgSave, NoPrScr, NoWait, POPDEM.PRG
v10n19.zip 65579 10-14-91 PcMag: Bigcopy,Capslk,Numfiles,Unique,Winfsr
v10n20.zip 42460 10-27-91 PcMag: AllPr,CpuType,NumLock,Recall,UMBFiles
v10n21.zip 44680 11-08-91 PcMag: Gethome,IACA,PcToday,Putfile,Reboot
v10n22.zip 89281 11-24-91 PcMag:Cdisk,Itrig,NewCMD,Record1,Static,WinNav
v11n01.zip 70378 12-15-91 PcMag:
v11n02.zip 157741 01-01-92 PcMag: Zcopy,PcRemot2,KeyCode,MapWin,Record3
v11n03.zip 28137 01-13-92 PcMag: 386step,Addit,Altpause,Prready,Qbmenu
v11n04.zip 122005 02-05-92 PcMag:
v11n05.zip 40101 02-12-92 PcMag: DD.SC, OPENSPEC.XLA, REBOOT.BAS,
v11n06.zip 45483 02-24-92 PcMag: ClrPri, MIDIDe, PcDict, PCUnzp, TryAlt
v11n07.zip 44217 03-16-92 PcMag: BachTo, DOSclip, Demo6, SWrite
v11n08.zip 79347 04-02-92 PcMag: DOW, FIELD.BAS, KbMidi, WPrint
v11n09.zip 205037 04-21-92 PcMag: BackDown,DateTime,Drum,DrumDll,InWin
v11n10.zip 34337 05-03-92 PcMag: Binary.bas,SaveMac,Swap,Sprint,Winmode
v11n11.zip 295144 05-18-92 PcMag:
v11n12.zip 66945 06-06-92 PcMag: DLGDemo3,Filespec,Ini,Modechk,WinStart
v11n13.zip 89703 06-21-92 PcMag: InCtrl,MidVue,Serial,StrBrk,FileReco
v11n14.zip 131417 07-14-92 PcMag:
v11n15.zip 68844 08-03-92 PcMag: GetClip,PutClip,MidiRec,Redd,SysMon
v11n16.zip 50842 09-27-92 PcMag: BadApp3,ClipServ,Soundex,ToTop,WinClip
v11n17.zip 69014 09-23-92 PcMag: Bugs,Midpla,Renver,Saveno,Winapp
v11n18.zip 98816 10-26-92 PcMag: Altpause,Filedlg,Hexview,Randfi,Wtime
v11n19.zip 206023 10-14-92 PcMag:Cddemo,Digit,Hexview,Midfil,Time,Ustring
v11n20.zip 178505 11-03-92 PcMag:
v11n21.zip 68611 11-11-92 PcMag: AltPause,Fontli,Incenv,Mlprin,Mono
v11n22.zip 107600 11-28-92 PcMag: Dvorak,Hdlock,Nts2,Strings2
v12n01.zip 106481 12-15-92 PcMag:
v12n02.zip 78046 12-29-92 PcMag: Bitfon,Change,Newobj,Procmo,Seegrf
v12n03.zip 89002 01-13-93 PcMag:Bitfont2,Exelook,Getpass,Rclick,Sysicons
v12n04.zip 68198 01-25-93 PcMag: Defrag,Enlab,Findfi,N2W,Setver,Split
v12n05.zip 49542 02-10-93 PcMag: Daysuf,Justif,Number,Pc-Set,Nxtkey
v12n06.zip 63943 03-01-93 PcMag: BootPw,Boot2c,Capfir,Getlen,Ftr,Outfon
v12n07.zip 81141 04-11-93 PcMag: Delkey, Fntprn, Fsr, Olf, Winapp, With
v12n08.zip 159429 04-08-93 PcMag: RoCopy, Ask, Olfdem, Match, Env,
v12n09.zip 103332 04-23-93 PcMag:Bropik,Dowgj,Exehlp,Memcom,Olfref,Winfun
v12n10.zip 67360 05-05-93 PcMag: Endjoi,Input,Paths,Pikprn,Verbos,Wclib
v12n11.zip 191287 05-10-93 PcMag:
v12n12.zip 58310 06-11-93 PcMag: Eval, PrtScr.PRG, Pecho, PcmCvt
v12n13.zip 93639 06-21-93 PcMag:
v12n14.zip 134695 07-15-93 PcMag: Commen, Commom, DemoAp, FindEx, Beep
v12n15.zip 214350 09-26-93 PcMag: BuildM,BuildW,DemoDl,Multi,Trash,BtnGo
v12n16.zip 88894 08-24-93 PcMag:
v12n17.zip 72232 09-10-93 PcMag: BigJob,ClosePa,DateMa,Hk,Jkeyde,Slim2
v12n18.zip 1253133 02-23-96 PcMag: AltAdd,Echo,Foned1,FoneWo,FonSrc,Meter
v12n19.zip 95741 02-23-96 PcMag: Blinde, DrvAsm, Drvload, FilCdr
v12n20.zip 96228 02-23-96 PcMag: Aedit,DelayT,Email,EscMen,Menus,Unicha
v12n21.zip 73330 02-23-96 PCMag: bootti,montor,pagnum,seqprt,unityp
v12n22.zip 84992 02-23-96 PCMag:
v13n01.zip 86106 02-23-96 PCMag: cdd,intloo,ln,norepe,pcdz,slowit
v13n02.zip 55294 02-23-96 PCMag: ck,cosuse,inform,umb,winclip
v13n03.zip 206764 02-23-96 PcMag: Brush,Dialog,Form,Ordsuf,Testva,Vulcan
v13n04.zip 148544 02-23-96 PcMag: Confix,Dater,NtPath,Vidtes,Winapi
v13n05.zip 122725 02-23-96 PcMag:Count,NewMac,PathOp,SevPay,ThinDi,TmtoGg
v13n06.zip 116500 02-23-96 PcMag: Update, ExitWin, WinVer
v13n07.zip 132274 02-23-96 PcMag: Peruse, DocTrak, TestCm, DialIt,
v13n08.zip 302561 02-23-96 PcMag: DiskPie, Name, FontSrt, MaxWin
v13n09.zip 123705 02-23-96 PCMag: IniBak,TsrMem,VM,CdxCod,NtxFor,MovieP
v13n10.zip 65351 02-23-96 PcMag: Switcher, Xflt, Vtutor, Rever
v13n11.zip 44872 02-23-96 PcMag: WinPrn, AtoTol
v13n12.zip 130398 02-23-96 PCMag: Wcl2, WPHead, EZFont
v13n13.zip 137328 02-23-96 PCMag: WinCrypt,EnvSiz,VigEnc,TestXc,DelDlg
v13n14.zip 61154 02-23-96 PcMag: LapNap, StackM, QuikCo, NetMes, EMF1
v13n15.zip 59008 02-23-96 PcMag: EMF2, KToday, Capita, AllPap, CMOSPC
v13n16.zip 76208 02-23-96 PcMag: AUTOPA.BAT,MYGRPS.ZIP,P.ZIP,TOOLTP.XLS
v13n17.zip 45354 02-23-96 PcMag: CDXCod,EMF3,Filter,PrForm,WipeZ,WPntr
v13n18.zip 50045 02-23-96 PcMag: AltPmo, Audio, EMF567, Paste, SndPas
v13n19.zip 67261 02-23-96 PcMag: DelDlg,EMF9,HookAp,Serial,WDPERM.XLS
v13n20.zip 40867 02-23-96 PcMag: Contai, FIXPAR.BAT, PCMkey, StackC
v13n21.zip 111482 02-23-96 PcMag: AvHelp, BLT, EDITHE.PRG, EMF12, FdDLLs
v13n22.zip 46311 02-23-96 PcMag: GenCrt, Sched, SehDump, VPrtSc, WordSc
v14n01.zip 13291 02-23-96 PcMag: Colors,Shred,CDD,TryColor,1Prog,Tile
v14n02.zip 34925 02-23-96 PcMag: DateTi, OnceAd, WhatCp, PlIcon
v14n03.zip 176394 02-23-96 PcMag: TapeCs,TapeCa,TapeC2,RTF,FilleN,ClearE
v14n04.zip 116293 02-23-96 PcMag: AutoPa,TestCo,CP,DkDLL,DKick,Button
v14n05.zip 78381 02-23-96 PcMag: PkDozi,VP,UlCase,Table1,PPV14N,DefEdi
v14n06.zip 104773 02-23-96 PcMag:1MBF,Alacarte,DCount,MsgPum,SolTr,WPromp
v14n07.zip 128761 02-23-96 PcMag: BlnkWp, ExConv, ExePro, SPad
v14n08.zip 31541 02-23-96 PcMag: Age, ExePro, MMDD, NoBat, SysCap
v14n09.zip 29625 02-23-96 PcMag: Dialer, GuiTn, GuitSc, PEcho
v14n10.zip 49812 02-23-96 PcMag: PS, SaveIt, TicTac
v14n11.zip 274160 02-23-96 PcMag: COA, HTML
v14n12.zip 227681 02-23-96 PcMag: ChkDrv, IconJa, NSF
v14n13.zip 308695 02-23-96 PcMag: FHunt, HAcc, Save1, Save2, CMPDAT.BAT
v14n14.zip 217769 02-23-96 PcMag: 2new,DiskSp,Invoi,TryMet,Wcomp,WebDb
v14n15.zip 208799 02-23-96 PcMag: Create,Hhook,Savewp,Sound.prg,Winbar
v14n16.zip 219360 02-23-96 PcMag: Flchk, Inctr2, Isdir.prg, Split.bas
v14n17.zip 141635 02-23-96 PcMag: Bltmask,Cd,Chkdrive,Getdd,Lc,Psound
v14n18.zip 164310 02-23-96 PcMag: Chgcap, Htmtab, Params.bat, Recedi
v14n19.zip 187202 02-23-96 PcMag: Posit.wcm, Nextid, Prompt.bat, Wmatch
v14n20.zip 202348 02-23-96 PCMag: Edhead.Txt,Esc.Bat,OnceAmon.Bat,Wj
v14n21.zip 136990 02-23-96 PCMag: HTMLSa, IsDir.Ab, Thread
v14n22.zip 237109 02-23-96 PCMag: Cdd.Bat, Opendbs.Prg, Ssbrow, Zipvie
v15n01.zip 18198 02-23-96 PCMag: Choice, Exwin.Ab, Exwinx.Ab, Somos2
v15n02.zip 1168781 02-23-96 PCMag: AcrNms, Bascon, CppCon, WinSta, Zdrop
v15n03.zip 3943 02-23-96 PCMag: Kdisab, OLEAut
v15n04.zip 358422 02-23-96 PCMag: Delb4.Bat, Pbprnt.Txt, SBDemo, WarpCa
v15n05.zip 281089 02-23-96 PCMag: Appoin, Cdrom.Bat, Elapse.Ab, Oleaut
v15n06.zip 392786 03-17-96 PCMag: DeTab,GoMon,Tee,UserIn,WinChk,WsWin
v15n07.zip 407487 04-18-96 PCMag:
v15n08.zip 1177072 04-18-96 PCMag:
v15n09.zip 147558 04-18-96 PCMag: CheckE, CtlDem, HideSet.bat
v15n10.zip 238168 05-30-96 PCMag: julian.ab, multil, whatis
v15n11.zip 176340 05-30-96 PCMag: hkd,javap,numdirs,rexbox,simspin,tbwiz
v15n12.zip 151859 06-24-96 PCMag: chop.bat, noblan.txt, quod, snap.bat
v15n13.zip 264881 06-24-96 PCMag: inctr3, rextrk
v3a.zip 35782 05-28-85 Index to Volume 3 of PC Magazine
v3n25.zip 7104 12-11-87 PC Magazine: NPAD
v4n02.zip 2997 02-15-87 PC Magazine: PARINT
v4n03.zip 4102 09-10-86 PC Magazine: DOORS
v4n04.zip 7904 09-10-86 PC Magazine: RED
v4n05.zip 2025 09-10-86 PC Magazine: LPTPORT
v4n06.zip 5115 09-10-86 PC Magazine: MOVE
v4n07.zip 6931 09-10-86 PC Magazine: UNDEL
v4n08.zip 9309 09-10-86 PC Magazine: PR
v4n09.zip 6137 09-10-86 PC Magazine: ONEKEY
v4n10.zip 7027 09-10-86 PC Magazine: LOCATE
v4n11.zip 4835 03-05-85 PC Magazine: FRACELDO, FRACTALS
v4n12.zip 1100 07-25-85 PC Magazine: DSKWATCH
v4n13.zip 10523 03-28-85 PC Magazine: BAR
v4n14.zip 7877 09-10-86 PC Magazine: SNAPSHOT
v4n15.zip 10291 09-10-86 PC Magazine: KEEPER
v4n16.zip 7114 02-15-87 PC Magazine: CACHE
v4n17.zip 9218 09-10-86 PC Magazine: BAC, BACOPY
v4n18.zip 5107 09-10-86 PC Magazine: LOCK, UNLOCK
v4n19.zip 3795 09-10-86 PC Magazine: PRSWAP
v4n20.zip 8364 09-10-86 PC Magazine: DDIR
v4n21.zip 7829 09-10-86 PC Magazine: DELZ
v4n22.zip 6030 12-11-87 PC Magazine: VTREE
v4n23.zip 1781 12-11-87 PC Magazine: PSET
v4n24.zip 16032 12-11-87 PC Magazine: SWEEP, WAITASEC
v4n25.zip 6114 04-07-87 PC Magazine: MONOGRAF
v4n26.zip 5877 09-10-86 PC Magazine: KEY-FAKE
v5n01.zip 8327 09-10-86 PC Magazine: FREE, SIZE
v5n02.zip 3134 02-15-87 PC Magazine: BOOT, DATAMKR
v5n03.zip 7239 12-12-87 PC Magazine: DOS-EDIT
v5n04.zip 6786 12-11-87 PC Magazine: FDA, KBM
v5n05.zip 4995 09-10-86 PC Magazine: QUICKEYS
v5n06.zip 10236 09-10-86 PC Magazine: BROWSE
v5n07.zip 7442 09-10-86 PC Magazine: RENDIR
v5n08.zip 8940 09-10-86 PC Magazine: DISKSCAN
v5n09.zip 8226 09-10-86 PC Magazine: NO
v5n10.zip 8151 09-10-86 PC Magazine: POPDIR, PUSHDIR
v5n11.zip 6607 09-10-86 PC Magazine: ATTR
v5n12.zip 13820 12-11-87 PC Magazine: SETUP
v5n13.zip 9842 12-11-87 PC Magazine: DCRUNCH, DSTRIP, STATLINE
v5n14.zip 1545 05-06-86 PCMag
v5n15.zip 11653 08-04-86 PCMgEGA12/25/35/43/50/512/8X14/PRTSC/ITAL/DEMO
v5n16.zip 7503 12-12-87 PC Magazine: XDEL
v5n17.zip 10778 07-29-87 PC Magazine: POP-CAL
v5n18.zip 7708 12-12-87 PC Magazine: VISITYPE
v5n19.zip 6272 12-12-87 PC Magazine: CHANGE
v5n20.zip 5712 12-11-87 PC Magazine: SUGGEST
v5n21.zip 12085 12-11-87 PC Magazine: DISKPREP
v5n22.zip 7600 12-11-87 PC Magazine: FREEZE
v6n01.zip 13858 12-11-87 PC Magazine: DIREX
v6n02.zip 24331 12-11-87 PC Magazine: DIRCOMP, PARSE, SCANDIR
v6n03.zip 17967 12-11-87 PC Magazine: CHECK, POSARRAY, TIMEKEY
v6n04.zip 11843 12-11-87 PC Magazine: SEARCH
v6n05.zip 16790 12-12-87 PCMag: ASC, FASTOFF, FFEED, NOREPEAT,
v6n06.zip 11679 12-12-87 PC Magazine: COPYSAFE
v6n07.zip 22761 12-11-87 PC Magazine: ENVCOUNT, READENV, TESTENV, XDIR
v6n08.zip 18264 04-05-87 PC Magazine - PLAY and Status program
v6n09.zip 13631 04-02-87 Volume 6, Issue #9 of PC Magazine - programs
v6n10.zip 38549 05-05-87 Volume 6, Issue #10 of PC Magazine - programs
v6n11.zip 9741 03-22-87 PC MAGAZINE Vol 6 # 11 Utilities
v6n12.zip 26679 03-30-87 Volume 6, Issue #11 of PC Magazine - programs
v6n13.zip 14540 06-16-87 PC-Magazine December 22, 1987
v6n14.zip 36266 05-20-87 Progs from PC-Mag Vol 6 Num 14 (Aug, 87)
v6n15.zip 26546 07-27-87 PC Magazine Volume 6 Number 15
v6n16.zip 38974 08-10-87 Volume 6, Issue #16 of PC Magazine - programs
v6n17.zip 29965 09-07-87 PC MAG Utilities With Source Code - CARDFILE
v6n18.zip 13158 09-16-87 PC magazine utilities volume 6 no. 18
v6n19.zip 12457 09-22-87 PC Mag's utils: SAFARI, CTYPE, etc.
v6n20.zip 101565 10-15-87 PC Magazine - Volume 6, No. 20
v6n21.zip 32465 10-25-87 PC Magazine - CO, EGAINFO
v6n22.zip 13114 11-15-87 PC Magazine - PRT2FILE
v7a_db.zip 44391 08-24-88 PC-Mag 1988 articles index in dBASE-III
v7n01.zip 23376 11-15-87 PC Mag CAPTURE and HELP TSRs
v7n02.zip 33201 12-13-87 PC Magazine Utils - PAINT PUTENV TP4
v7n03.zip 16651 02-14-88 PC Magazine - LANDPAGE, PORTPAGE, PP703, RUN
v7n04.inf 188 06-15-91 Why PC Mag VOL7N04 is not distributed (ASPRN)
v7n05.zip 23448 04-07-88 PC Mag: ASPRN version 1.2 (4/88) w/bug fix
v7n06.zip 27774 03-27-88 PC Mag: Progrmrs TSR Calc, Program/misc files
v7n07.zip 18911 04-10-88 PC Magazine Vol7 no. 7 files inc. TOUCH.COM
v7n08.zip 18781 04-24-88 PC Magazine - STAYDOWN, MEM512, WAKEUP, etc.
v7n09.zip 21877 05-15-88 PC Magazine - RECORDER, DUMP, TRYTD.C, TD.C
v7n10.zip 16667 05-29-88 PC Magazine - TOGGLE, INFO, RHCTRL, TD, TRYTD
v7n11.zip 19464 06-12-88 PC Magazine - COMPARE, SCANTD, TRYSTD
v7n12.zip 30581 06-26-88 PC Magazine - ALLKEYS, 'C' and Pascal
v7n13.zip 25518 06-29-88 PcMag coprces,dwnload,enadr,merge,qfn,SETMODE
v7n14.zip 33082 07-31-88 PC Magazine - 8/88 (RAMVIEW)
v7n15.zip 78500 09-11-88 PC Magazine - Volume 7, Number 15
v7n16.zip 34235 09-25-88 PC Mag Vol7#16: MAKEBAS, QSORTI, TRYQSI
v7n17.zip 52609 10-09-88 PC Mag Vol7#17: Hard disk DCACHE w/ASM etc.
v7n18.zip 45330 10-29-88 PC Mag Vol7#18: Adjustable EMS ramdisk, etc.
v7n19.zip 35303 11-13-88 PC Mag Vol7#19: TED, PMHELLO, PAGEDEMO
v7n20.zip 30648 11-27-88 PC Mag Vol7#20: CONFIG etc. w/sources
v7n21.zip 93589 11-06-88 PC Mag Vol7#21: LOG, Write, Ansi etc w/source
v7n22.zip 43610 11-21-88 PC Mag Vol7#22: ENVELOPE etc w/sources
v7p_db.zip 69933 09-07-88 PC-Mag 1988 product reviews in dBASE-III
v8n01.zip 25978 01-15-89 PcMag:
v8n02.zip 44116 12-20-88 PcMag: ANSI,default,pp802,touchw,trytd,used
v8n03.zip 25420 02-12-89 PcMag:doclist,pcprint,rcopy,SMOOTH,timebmb,tso
v8n04.zip 34681 01-27-89 PcMag: chkuser,getfkey,login,ZCOPY,newexist
v8n05.zip 19790 02-06-89 PcMag:
v8n06.zip 32433 02-15-89 PcMag:
v8n07.zip 30311 03-05-89 PcMag: align,LASERLST,maxram,srchixf,string1
v8n08.zip 18061 03-19-89 PcMag:
v8n09.zip 47385 04-02-89 PcMag: ansimode,moudemo*,SLICE/SPLIT,substdot
v8n10.zip 20990 04-23-89 PcMag: de, del, realcomp, SETUP2, unde
v8n11.zip 19885 05-04-89 PcMag:COLORextmem,shwxmem,voltst,wintst,inishw
v8n12.zip 46325 04-04-89 Volume 8 number 12 of the PC Magazine utils
v8n13.zip 15091 06-04-89 Volume 8 number 13 of the PC Magazine utils
v8n14.zip 28764 06-28-89 PC Magazine volume 8 number 14, CHKFRAG
v8n15.zip 26500 08-09-89 PCMag - DCopy, DisPPS, PMASC, WriteVar, PP815
v8n16.zip 41057 08-20-89 PC Magazine utilities, volume 8, number 16
v8n17.zip 32110 09-09-89 PCMag - BrkState,ComSet,Dimmer,Flags,Os2Term
v8n18.zip 58035 09-19-89 PcMag ArgC/V,Fax,Menu,ScrnDump,GrafPath,*.WPM
v8n19.zip 45424 10-04-89 PcMg 1STCLAS,COURIER,DMUL/DIV386,BEZIR,RSPATH
v8n22.zip 40452 11-12-89 PcMag: alias bckup jmp log netadd/num srchdel
v9n01.zip 30275 11-26-89 PcMag: ATDT.BAT,CHECKCOM.BAT,PCREMOTE,INIT87
v9n02.zip 53077 12-17-89 PCMag: BATCHMAN
v9n03.zip 134439 01-04-90 PCMag: FASTRUN,MIRDIR,NOVIRUS,SCANSYS,XALL
v9n05.zip 23583 02-06-90 PCMag: ANSIHERE, ANSIX, NEEDANSI, TRYFTRIG
v9n06.zip 64581 02-21-90 PCMag: PRINTCAL, SCHEDULE
v9n07.zip 60661 03-08-90 PCMag: PcAccess,Killer,NoPause,HeapBug,Cursor
v9n09.zip 49636 04-03-90 PCMag:
v9n11.zip 24820 05-08-90 PCMag:
v9n14.zip 56437 07-02-90 PcMag: BAT2EXEC,CLICK,RECONFIG,WC,ZIPNGO
v9n15.zip 29288 07-25-90 PcMag: ALTP,CONCEAL,EXECUTE,MEDIAN,ONPATH
v9n16.zip 92816 08-14-90 PcMag: CMDEDIT,METAFILE,NWORDS.PRG,SYSLOCK
v9n18.zip 55887 09-23-90 PcMag: DIRDEL,METAFILE,MV.BAS,PMCARD,PREVENT
v9n19.zip 37976 10-07-90 PcMag:
v9n20.zip 55923 10-18-90 PcMag: ALTP2,DRVRDY,PCSORT,RGNAME,TESTDRVA
v9n21.zip 225694 11-08-90 PcMag: Bright,Dg,Prism-VGA palette edit/load
v9n22.zip 40154 12-02-90 PcMag: Ctrtext,Glass,Highlite,Winsrc,Winwhere
'PC Tech Journal' listings
path: \disc2\pctech
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
apr86.zip 30153 02-19-86 PC Tech Journal pgms from Apr 1986 issue
aug86.zip 104713 10-12-86 PC Tech Journal pgms from Aug 1986 issue
bestof.zip 133038 04-05-88 Selection of 'Best of PC Tech Journal' progs
feb88.zip 34833 12-16-87 Program Files from PC-TECH Journal. Feb 1988
hlexec.zip 245392 09-08-88 High Level system performance benchmarks
hlsrc.zip 45286 09-08-88 Source for High Level performance benchmarks
may86.zip 40208 04-14-86 CLM May 1986 files
pctech.zip 75263 12-01-87 'Best of PCTJ' utility programs
pctj1188.zip 31776 12-11-88 PC Tech Journal CRT utility pgms w/source
pctj1288.zip 3753 10-16-88 PC Tech Journal 'C' queue use demo pgm
Perl pgmming language
path: \disc2\perl
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
digest.pl 2962 12-01-92 Perl pgm breaks news digest to individual
ngperl10.zip 163083 02-26-93 Norton Guides database for PERL419X.ZIP
perl4019.zip 179407 03-03-92 UNIX-based scripting lang. replaces
perl419x.zip 397417 02-22-92 Len Reed's port of Unix Perl v4.19
ptch19.zip 108178 02-22-92 Len Reed's patch set to make perl 4.19
TCP/IP/IPX/ODI packet drivers
path: \disc2\pktdrvr
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
3c509a.zip 49732 02-15-93 3c509 (Etherlink III) packet driver, v10.1
at1500.zip 53500 08-03-93 Allied-Telesis 1500 packet driver
at1700.zip 55499 08-03-93 Allied-Telesis 1700 packet driver
dis_pkt9.zip 30344 11-01-91 Packet driver that runs over an NDIS driver
exp16104.zip 62891 06-09-93 Intel EtherExpress 16 packet driver for new
ipxtcpip.zip 25380 07-11-91 Configuration help for Novell IPXPKT users
netzhack.zip 114462 05-02-96 ETHER/IP/TCP monitoring program
novell.zip 25339 04-28-89 BYU's packet driver IPX (tried and true)
pcg3.zip 193816 05-23-93 PC Gopher client, uses Crynwr packet drivers
pcip_pkt.zip 379971 01-07-90 CMU PCIP TCP/IP for use with Crynwr drivers
pdether.zip 27447 10-31-91 Intel's packet driver IPX
pdipx103.zip 14536 09-27-92 Packet driver shell by Intel for NetWare
pdtst314.zip 154765 07-12-96 Network test utility & set PC clock fr
pktd11.zip 435420 02-29-96 Crynwr v11.x packet drivers executables &
pktd11a.zip 326152 02-29-96 Crynwr v11.x packet drivers source, part 1of2
pktd11b.zip 344847 02-29-96 Crynwr v11.x packet drivers source, part 2of2
pktd11c.zip 81834 02-29-96 Crynwr v11.x packet drivers update
pktdrvtp.zip 64431 02-29-96 Crynwr packet driver interface for TPascal
pktmux12.zip 66852 02-03-93 Run simultaneous TCP/IP sessions with
popml322.zip 267537 05-27-93 POPMail: TCP/IP email, use Crynwr pkt drivers
slippr13.zip 13740 02-27-93 TCP/IP packet drivers for serial SLIP & CSLIP
telnetd.zip 28151 12-01-91 Remote telnet login to PC console via TCP/IP
trmp106b.zip 440340 05-16-96 NNTP Usenet News reader. Uses Crynwr drivers
znote.zip 49521 07-23-93 ZDS Z-Note/IBM Thinkpad 300 packet driver
pgms for plotters
path: \disc2\plot
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
2dgr10.zip 150813 07-01-96 Draw/plot 2D graphic of math function
3d_plot.for 8729 01-17-88 Plots a surface using Plot 10 commands
3df.zip 24756 04-20-91 3D func. plot displays F(x,y) ortho
3dgraph.zip 72231 05-02-91 2d/3d plotting program with printer
3dplot02.zip 104921 08-01-89 Standalone 3D plot interpreter, w/TurboC src
airf2_02.zip 89128 12-11-92 Manipulate/edit/plot airfoil curves, v2.02
bike31.zip 13814 02-19-88 Bicycle gearing calculator
cyclo.zip 47001 08-10-92 Cycloid mathematical plotter with GUI
elct30a1.zip 299425 04-29-93 ELCUT v3.00a: FEM modelling system. Part 1of4
elct30a2.zip 309946 04-29-93 ELCUT v3.00a: FEM modelling system. Part 2of4
elct30a3.zip 278585 04-29-93 ELCUT v3.00a: FEM modelling system. Part 3of4
elct30a4.zip 248973 04-29-93 ELCUT v3.00a: FEM modelling system. Part 4of4
fcnplt41.zip 94486 11-04-90 Rectangular/polar/data online function
gpt34doc.zip 178857 05-26-93 GNUPLOT PostScript versions of gnuplot
gpt34exe.zip 555145 06-09-93 GNUPLOT MS-DOS w/EMX386 extender, VESA
gpt34src.zip 709751 06-04-93 GNUPLOT version 3.4 source
gpt34win.zip 409936 06-09-93 GNUPLOT MS Windows 3.x EXEs and help files
grphca27.zip 295734 07-10-94 Graphica: System for drawing scientific
lg_doc1.zip 59543 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 1of10
lg_doc2.zip 191091 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 2of10
lg_doc3.zip 120745 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 3of10
lg_doc4.zip 125669 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 4of10
lg_doc5.zip 58337 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 5of10
lg_doc6.zip 125411 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 6of10
lg_exe1.zip 157602 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 7of10
lg_exe2.zip 174455 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 8of10
lg_exe3.zip 135790 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 9of10
lg_exe4.zip 236658 11-08-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot
lg_read.me 6582 11-11-90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector pkg. info
mathpl37.zip 122004 04-06-96 MATHPLOT v3.7: Mathematical function plotter
mgvga443.zip 125795 03-18-93 Master-Graph v4.43: 2D graph plotter (req
mvis.zip 52574 06-30-91 Function plot of an elipse from a 2x2 matrix
piper10.zip 50301 01-18-93 Plot Piper diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands
plot3d_a.zip 67845 06-16-91 3D surfaces in any coord system, with TC src
plot61.zip 62316 09-06-90 CGA/VGA 2d function plotter
plotd13a.zip 64240 04-22-93 PlotData v1.3a: A plotter with analyzing data
plotr77.zip 186839 03-17-96 Data plotting and analysis program
prtgl128.zip 107500 12-28-92 Output HPGL files on laser/ink/matrix LPT,
rk_plot.zip 58433 05-12-91 Renders z=f(x,y) plot with hidden line
sfplot1b.zip 3368 05-21-91 BASICA pgm plots f(latitude,longitude) in 3D
splot57.zip 130457 01-24-90 Screen Plot, two & three-dimension via prntr.
triplt22.zip 55698 01-25-93 Plot ternary diagrams using HP-GL/2 commands
trjmkr.zip 229649 09-07-92 High precision trajectory generator & plotter
PostScript view/print utils
path: \disc2\postscrp
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
24avantg.zip 80258 11-23-91 Font for GS24: AvantGuarde
24bookmn.zip 72313 11-23-91 Font for GS24: Bookman
24chartr.zip 150576 11-23-91 Font for GS24: Charter
24courer.zip 281223 10-03-91 Fonts for GS24:
24courob.zip 88530 11-23-91 Fonts for GS24: Courier Oblique/BoldOblique
24helvtc.zip 182327 11-23-91 Font for GS24: Helvetica
24hershy.zip 59746 02-02-92 Font for GS24: Hershey
24paltno.zip 83692 11-23-91 Font for GS24: Palatino
24schlbk.zip 178774 11-23-91 Font for GS24: NewCentrySchlbk
24symbls.zip 76673 12-28-91 Fonts for GS24: Symbols, ZaphDingbats
24times.zip 176483 11-23-91 Font for GS24: Times
24utopia.zip 165978 10-01-91 Font for GS24: Utopia
24zaphc.zip 165145 04-07-92 Zaph chancery fonts for Ghostscript
25chartr.zip 138852 05-24-92 Charter font for GhostScript v2.5
25courer.zip 184543 05-24-92 Courier font for GhostScript v2.5
25utopia.zip 120495 05-24-92 Utopia font for GhostScript v2.5
26urwfnt.zip 184511 05-15-93 URW Nimbus, Grotesk, Antiqua fonts for GS
2_up111.zip 27249 03-12-93 Prints two 66 line pages on one A4 page
amaze10.zip 2856 03-07-93 PostScript file creates random maze on
calendar.ps 9161 07-19-92 PostScript file to print calendar
chn2psv3.zip 757755 01-20-93 Chinese to Postscript (2 pages on 1 sheet)
chpsf301.zip 81676 03-24-92 Adobe Type 1 Fonts of some Chinese characters
dvips551.zip 546043 10-07-93 Convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript, v5.518
dvipssrc.zip 587216 10-07-93 DVIPS sources v5.518
etsr301.zip 164995 10-19-92 Epson MX80-to-Postscript printer translator
gs261286.zip 211086 06-11-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE for 286 machines
gs261386.zip 402070 06-11-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, 386/486 EXE w/extended
gs261ini.zip 335267 07-27-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, required files + examples
gs261sr1.zip 354447 05-27-93 GhostScript v2.6.1 source files, 1 of 4
gs261sr2.zip 353546 05-27-93 GhostScript v2.6.1 source files, 2 of 4
gs261sr3.zip 352187 05-28-93 GhostScript v2.6.1 source files, 3 of 4
gs261sr4.zip 240162 05-28-93 GhostScript v2.6.1 source files, 4 of 4
gs261win.zip 293238 06-11-93 Ghostscript v2.6.1, EXE for Windows 3.x
gsview10.zip 174388 08-04-93 Ghostview 1.0 for Windows. Need
hp2ps18.zip 48869 04-07-93 HPGL to Postscript converter version 1.8
hpgl2ps.zip 83987 08-09-89 HPGL to Postscript trans, DOS/UNIX, src,
pc2ps11.zip 35507 05-16-91 Cvts IBM char set txt files to Postscript
pcps750.zip 102516 06-30-93 Print ascii to Postscript, 2up etc. (DOS/OS2)
pps213.zip 29651 02-08-92 ASCII to Postscript conversion, w/TPas source
pscroswd.zip 2447 12-17-91 Postcript pgm to create crossword puzzle form
psfix301.zip 22707 06-07-92 Reformat postscript to <= 80 character lines
psps201.zip 10264 05-16-93 PostScript PrintScreen utility
samples.zip 109958 08-19-92 Additional ps samples not in GS25BASE.ZIP
t2ps10.zip 7200 04-23-93 TSR text to PostScript conversion program
text2ps.zip 20224 02-19-89 Convert text files to postscript printer
useps.zip 19169 07-31-93 Update to USE.PS for Ghostscript v2.6.1
pgmmers Journal
path: \disc2\progjorn
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
pj_5_2.zip 6943 10-11-87 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 5 nr 2
pj_5_3.zip 2175 10-11-87 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 5 nr 3
pj_5_4.zip 4898 10-12-87 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 5 nr 4
pj_5_5.zip 10072 08-06-87 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 5 nr 5
pj_5_6.zip 108000 10-14-87 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 5 nr 6
pj_5idx.zip 1905 02-04-92 Programmer's Journal 1987 listing index
pj_6_1.zip 223632 12-29-87 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 6 nr 1
pj_6_2.zip 12802 03-02-88 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 6 nr 2
pj_6_3.zip 17932 04-26-88 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 6 nr 3
pj_6_4.zip 49238 06-21-88 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 6 nr 4
pj_6_5.zip 24538 08-17-88 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 6 nr 5
pj_6_6.zip 155154 11-06-88 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 6 nr 6
pj_6idx.zip 5766 02-05-92 Programmer's Journal 1988 listing index
pj_7_1.zip 40002 12-13-88 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 7 nr 1
pj_7_2.zip 95889 03-08-89 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 7 nr 2
pj_7_3a.zip 73841 04-19-89 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 7 nr 3A
pj_7_3b.zip 81280 05-15-89 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 7 nr 3B
pj_7_5.zip 75352 08-27-89 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 7 nr 5
pj_7_6.zip 115229 10-22-89 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 7 nr 6
pj_7idx.zip 11318 02-05-92 Programmer's Journal 1989 listing index
pj_8_5.zip 115345 08-05-90 Programmers Journal listings, 8.5 Sept/Oct 90
pj_8idx.zip 3096 02-05-92 Programmer's Journal 1990 listing index
pj_9_1.zip 63481 12-04-90 Programmers Journal listings, 9.1 Jan/Feb 91
pj_9_2.zip 245542 02-10-91 Programmers Journal listings, 9.2 Mar/Apr 91
pj_9_3.zip 91975 04-16-91 Sources from Programmers Journal, vol 9 nr 3
pj_9_4.zip 146943 06-09-91 Programmers Journal listings, 9.4 July/Aug 91
pj_9_5.zip 80232 08-05-91 Programmers Journal listings, 9.5 Sep/Oct 91
pj_9_6.zip 185934 10-30-91 Programmers Journal listings, 9.6 Nov/Dec 91
pj_9idx.zip 11824 02-06-92 Programmer's Journal 1991 listing index
pj_vga.zip 66770 06-14-89 Programmer's Journal VGA ASM routines src
Quick BASIC pgmming language
path: \disc2\qbasic
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
altqb558.zip 356976 04-09-96 Assembly language toolbox for QuickBasic
asylib11.zip 76289 11-06-89 AsyLIB, communications functions for QB 4.x
bas2qb11.zip 47379 01-14-91 Converts BASICA/GWBASIC source to QuickBASIC
bas2qbas.zip 56145 01-14-88 Converts BASIC programs to Quick BASIC format
basupd21.zip 32495 04-21-96 MS PDS/VBDOS functions for QuickBasic v4.x
bkinpqb.zip 24158 08-10-90 Edited input function library for QuickBasic
bptb11.zip 96915 09-06-92 BASIC Programmer's Tool Box for QB45 and QB7
ezw1v30a.zip 153476 06-04-91 Fast pulldown menu system lib for QBASIC/PDS
ezwindo1.zip 138685 01-18-91 EZ-Windows pulldown/popup lib for QBasic 4.x
getcpu.zip 1922 08-29-90 QBasic routine to determine CPU type w/ASM
gfactory.zip 105994 10-04-92 Graphics Factory: Quick Basic graphics
glib19.zip 172828 07-24-91 GLib library for QuickBasic, 290+ routines
grafwz15.zip 77612 02-10-91 Smaller, faster graphics library for
iqb9202.zip 6694 02-08-92 Inside QuickBasic source listing, Feb. 1992
iqb9203.zip 9057 02-08-92 Inside QuickBasic source listing, March 1992
make472.zip 23397 11-15-92 Professional MAKE for QuickBASIC
objtoo31.zip 54151 04-21-96 .OBJ file manipulator and snooper
pbback21.zip 118086 04-21-96 PB backwards-compatible library for QB
pro200.zip 19729 05-20-91 User interface toolbox for QuickBASIC
q4tool.zip 69401 08-18-90 QB4.5 lib w/mouse/window/fast-screen/DOS svcs
qb4bas45.zip 114289 09-29-89 Assembly language routines for QB 4.5/BASCOM
qbarcv3.zip 16150 03-20-89 QuickBasic ARC/PAK/ZIP file dir util w/src
qbbaud.zip 452 10-31-87 Determine COM port baud rate in QuickBASIC
qbevgfx2.zip 85022 03-20-92 Fast EGA/VGA graphics routines link library
qbnws201.zip 54594 02-27-91 QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v2No1
qbnws202.zip 83246 05-31-91 QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v2No2
qbnws203.zip 103192 09-15-91 QuickBasic Electronic Newsletter v2n3 -
qbnws204.zip 58808 12-21-91 QuickBASIC Electronic Newsletter, Vol 2, No 4
qbnws301.zip 80112 03-28-92 QBNews-QBASIC Electronic Newsletter v3No1
qbnws302.zip 35128 06-28-92 QuickBASIC Electronic Newsletter, Vol 3, No 2
qbscr15.zip 280974 09-04-89 QB screen builder and screen routines
qbser320.zip 32012 09-07-93 QBasic serial communications library v3.20
qbtools.zip 201470 02-10-90 Toolbox for Qbasic 4-4.5 and Basic 6
qbwiz21.zip 25277 04-21-96 QBWiz accesses QuickBasic 4.5 internal info
qbzipdir.zip 13367 10-27-89 QuickBASIC routines to work with ZIP dirs
qinp73.zip 46660 06-02-90 Input routines for QuickBasic. All styles
qsam300.zip 21279 10-16-89 QSAM: A B-Tree access method for QuickBASIC
qscat229.zip 97211 02-18-91 QuickShare catalog v2.29 - QBasic Shareware
qwez42.zip 190042 03-31-91 Window management system for QuickBASIC 4.+
realfun.zip 199804 05-31-91 Real and complex math library for QuickBASIC
sdoor100.zip 78069 03-24-92 SimpleDoor v1.00: QB4.5 BBS door routines
smallfnt.zip 4777 02-13-90 Quick Basic source to create 106x33 CGA font
spoke.bas 10893 06-16-89 Calculates bicycle spoke lengths
squawk.zip 32294 04-17-87 Menu-driven sound effects/bird calls
svgaqb23.zip 187165 04-09-96 SVGA graphics library for MS QuickBASIC 4.x
timing2.zip 12281 04-09-90 QuickBasic background timing routines
topmenu2.zip 62485 09-08-89 Quick Basic 4.x source: nice pulldown menu
v_qlib.zip 57028 04-11-91 List contents of QB Quick Library (.QLB)
vidbasic.zip 113801 11-28-90 MASM text video routines library for QBASIC
vudu31p.zip 86771 06-06-92 Windowing utilities for MS BASIC PDS 7
vudu31q.zip 85725 06-06-92 Windowing utilities for MS QuickBASIC 4+
Memory resident disks
path: \disc2\ramdisk
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
fu_rd18.zip 33345 05-02-96 XMS/EMS RAMdisk, load/set drive/resize from
njramd14.zip 41402 06-22-91 Nifty James' RAM Disk v1.40: EMS ramdisk
ramlt10.zip 14677 04-10-93 RAMdisk activity indicator TSR
ramsave.zip 9123 02-21-92 Saves ramdisk on reboot, restores after boot
rdisk20.zip 2465 08-14-86 Ramdisk you can install/remove without reboot
srdsk208.zip 77103 07-16-96 ReSizeable EMS/XMS RAM disk, Diskcopy compat
tdsk21.zip 12297 01-29-93 TurboDsk: Conv/EMS/XMS resizeable 0.5K
tdsk21sr.zip 51354 01-29-93 TurboDsk ASM source code & KBSEC (speed test)
tdsk22sr.zip 54234 04-08-96 TDSK 2.2: Resizeable RAM disk, EMS/SMS
vgadisk.zip 7624 03-20-91 Use VGA graphics memory for 176K RAM disk
xdisk340.zip 74895 07-10-92 EMS ramdisk resizable on-the-fly,
Miscellaneous science related
path: \disc2\science
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
crsaf_02.zip 81866 07-01-96 CROSAFIN: Identifies Receptor subtypes
crystal2.zip 52000 06-29-96 Crystal calculation tool
ewa298bn.zip 337697 07-01-96 Multi-proc spectrum evaluation for
ewa298dc.zip 1133228 07-01-96 Complete documents (PostScript) for ewa297bn
prism10.zip 481187 03-23-96 Sci. data analyser (spectra/time-series/SIMS)
simkit10.zip 879415 06-26-96 MD simulator for atomic collisions in solids
Improve computer security
path: \disc2\security
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
apgp22b3.zip 179500 05-23-96 AutoPGP: Offline email encryption with PGP
bmpksh21.zip 124338 05-23-96 PGP shell and message Editor
ccp11.zip 73692 12-03-92 System access/boot/configuration control pgm
eeklogin.zip 4797 06-23-93 Restricts certain commands for unwanted users
fakedos1.zip 117778 11-29-91 Restrict PC access w/password at C:>, u
login.zip 68777 05-24-92 Login password program for PCs
mpgp11.zip 23035 05-23-96 Wild-card front end for PGP
mpi.zip 18143 05-23-96 Offline mail reader to PGP interface
navypass.zip 59290 05-19-90 Password protection system (NARDAC, US Navy)
passw11.zip 9848 11-12-92 Password driver for CONFIG.SYS, w/src
passw13p.zip 8050 01-21-93 Password device driver for CONFIG.SYS V1.3
passwrd6.zip 6297 02-16-87 Install password on hard disk, w/ASM source
pcl200.zip 6807 08-30-93 Program to protect your PC from other people
pclogon8.zip 98328 11-24-95 A user tracking program for single PCs
pcsntry2.zip 59242 03-18-92 PC-Sentry v2.00b: Security for PCs & networks
pgp4id30.zip 45024 05-23-96 PGP for Idiots v3.0: Menu-driven PGP
pgpfront.zip 62671 05-23-96 PGP-Front v0.99a: User-friendly shell for PGP
pgpmnu30.zip 53518 05-23-96 PGPMenu v3.0: Menu-driven interface for PGP
pgpshe33.zip 114463 04-09-96 PGPShell v3.3: Front-end for MIT PGP v2.6.1+
pgpsr104.zip 20872 05-23-96 PGPSort: Sorts PGP keyring & removes bad keys
pgpw122a.zip 69030 05-23-96 PGP/offline mail reader editor interface
pgs099h.zip 71434 05-23-96 Professional shell interface for PGP
pigas102.zip 195528 08-11-93 Protect PC info against unauthorized access
secure10.zip 12533 02-20-91 Password protected access to subdirectories
sentry50.zip 151293 07-19-96 Very flexible security pgm for any system
slock21.zip 10347 08-18-93 Temp. locks DOS workstation while user is
tbfence1.zip 26944 08-23-93 TBAVFence: Auto diskette
Surface modeling pgms
path: \disc2\surfmodl
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
surfdat3.zip 96243 11-18-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, sample data
surfdoc3.zip 56755 11-28-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, documentation
surfemu3.zip 10083 02-05-88 3D surface modelling v3.00c, sundry utilities
surfiff3.zip 50136 11-23-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, IFF version
surfins3.zip 29794 02-12-92 3D surface modelling v3.00c, install program
surfm300.msg 1851 02-05-92 Installation instructions for SurfModl v3.00c
surfmai3.zip 267728 11-28-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, main files
surfprn3.zip 25751 03-12-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, color print
surfsrc3.zip 82010 11-23-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, sources (TP 6.0)
surfuti3.zip 76019 11-28-91 3D surface modelling v3.00c, util. for
xyz21.zip 224218 05-07-92 Free 3D CAD sys, DKBTrace/PVRay/Surfmodl
Free working memory swapping
path: \disc2\swap
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
swapdoc.zip 24279 09-04-89 Documentation for the SWAP utilities
swapgf11.zip 29158 04-05-89 Swap Gofer in and out of memory
swpds100.zip 34876 01-30-90 SWAPDOS: Use all RAM when shelled out from
swpdt152.zip 21296 09-15-89 SWAP 1.52 for PC Tools DeskTop
swpmm152.zip 20817 09-15-89 SWAP 1.52 for MemoryMate
swpmt152.zip 31028 09-15-89 SWAP 1.52 for Lotus Metro and Express
swpng152.zip 20874 09-15-89 SWAP 1.52 for Norton Guides
swpsh152.zip 19007 09-15-89 SWAP 1.52 for PC Tools Deluxe SHELL
swpsk152.zip 19351 09-15-89 SWAP 1.52 for SideKick
swpsp152.zip 21824 09-15-89 SWAP 1.52 for SideKick Plus
swptn152.zip 18970 09-15-89 SWAP 1.52 for Toronado
Computer system information
path: \disc2\sysinfo
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
586test4.zip 10556 04-17-95 NAiS Pentium flaw Detector v4.00
agsi120d.zip 553643 06-25-96 agSI 1.2.0: System Info tool (German version)
agsi120e.zip 533364 06-25-96 agSI 1.2.0: System info tool (English
asq130.zip 170544 03-31-91 Displays information on system configuration
awardsst.zip 30895 10-18-87 System Speed Test from Award Software
cachchk4.zip 37321 04-11-96 Check L1 & L2 cache, for size and speed
conf810e.zip 184593 06-01-96 PC-CONFIG v8.10: Sysinfo/Benchmark program
cpu117.zip 62424 04-07-96 CPU Identification Utility, February 1995
cpuinf11.zip 16223 01-02-95 Displays information about CPU (incl. bugs)
cpuinfo.zip 266132 04-05-96 Identify CPU chip, run few measures, test
ctest260.zip 155992 04-18-96 Comptest: System performance &
diagdemo.zip 312473 10-28-94 ShareWare version of AMIDiag 4.5 PC
dosinf20.zip 9657 08-13-95 Displays disk size/used/free, DOS
dskparm.zip 25385 12-26-87 Find disk parameters - May '86 PC Tech
exerci22.zip 13794 11-29-92 Exercise a file system and show performance
fstat.zip 10467 12-10-89 Display complete list of currently open files
hwinf252.zip 140403 06-14-96 HWiNFO v2.52: Hardware info/detection
ifp1p158.zip 114201 05-21-96 InfoPlus v1.58: 21 screens of system info
ifp1s158.zip 118172 05-21-96 TP & MASM source code for InfoPlus v1.58
maxitmm.zip 54994 03-28-90 System memory usage analyzer, like SLEUTH
memblk39.zip 28270 12-27-89 Displays map of resident programs memory use
memmap2.zip 8153 05-07-90 Displays alloc. memory blocks & TSRs/environs
p5bug10.zip 17034 12-15-94 Simple test for Pentium FPU 'flaw'
pcben60a.zip 154636 10-19-91 PC Magazine benchmark program 6.0, 1 of 3
pcben60b.zip 175318 10-19-91 PC Magazine benchmark program 6.0, 2 of 3
pcben60c.zip 132805 10-19-91 PC Magazine benchmark program 6.0, 3 of 3
pcstat21.zip 14399 03-26-90 Displays statistics of your PC/Clone system
pentchk.zip 19045 12-08-94 Test for floating point math bugs in Pentium
prctst1d.zip 2929 12-07-94 Detects CPU-type and Pentium FDIV BUG
ptest103.zip 25865 03-19-95 Simple pgm that tests Pentium CPU for FDIV
reveal11.zip 33920 05-04-91 Displays DOS memory information
shoemm10.zip 8266 12-26-86 Displays status/allocation of expanded memory
shows174.zip 14220 12-01-91 BIOS upgrade aide; displays system chip types
snoop342.zip 171689 04-07-96 Snooper: Comprehensive system information
speed310.zip 95953 05-03-96 Memory speed & video speed test programs
stat_com.zip 10234 11-09-90 Display and change COM port status registers
sys_44.zip 33738 08-18-89 8088/86/286/386 system configuration analyzer
sysch242.zip 124697 04-07-96 SYSCHK v2.42: System info checker
sysid602.zip 30595 09-01-91 Displays 17 pages of system information
sysmon30.zip 46566 05-26-93 Reports system problems/conflicts/performance
tsrmem.zip 9816 04-22-91 TSR which displays memory control blocks
vcpimap.zip 12731 10-21-90 Display physical memory map under VCPI EMS
vision.zip 23288 05-23-89 Displays hardware/software running on system
wcpu050.zip 15382 03-11-93 CPU-identifier (386/486/DX/SX/Pentium) & NPU
what.zip 26389 06-03-90 Display of equipment on your PC
System utils
path: \disc2\sysutl
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
387sxbug.zip 5080 02-20-91 Check for bad 386sx motherboard
486slo.zip 1137 10-04-91 Slows down progs which run too fast. 486 only
550_util.zip 12941 05-11-96 Information/utilities to manipulate 16550
adapt12b.zip 360469 11-24-93 Administration system with
amidiag.zip 312480 04-06-96 AMI BIOS diagnostics
amis2990.zip 431728 10-02-95 External Setup for AMI HighFlex/WinBIOS
ansi_sys.zip 10318 07-07-85 Tutorial on use of ANSI codes
antiboot.zip 670 03-17-91 Disable CTRL+ALT+DEL key sequence on a PC
apmnge10.zip 13421 04-14-95 Control APM functions from DOS
argus161.zip 34107 05-07-96 Logs DOS system activities into a text file
at_slow.zip 2589 06-11-88 Slow AT's down to 4.77 for games and such
at_slow3.zip 4889 10-13-89 Use high-res timer to slow down 80286/80386
atim.zip 4787 12-26-86 Precision program timing for AT
atperf.zip 30888 04-14-88 AT RAM performance tester. PC Tech Journal
atromutl.zip 50064 11-11-87 AT ROM BIOS and hard disk table utilities
autocmos.zip 2912 09-22-94 CMOS memory read/write/auto repair utility
autohb.zip 31338 10-15-94 Birthday Greeting - Musical/Automatic/FREE
bart.zip 220 04-08-91 Change DOS prompt to a drawing of Bart
bcu100.zip 206752 12-31-91 Bob's Combined utilities, like Norton's
bf_171a.zip 177933 01-06-91 Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 1 of 2
bf_171b.zip 324683 01-06-91 Back & Forth: Switch between tasks, 2 of 2
bios_asm.zip 35443 01-17-88 Public domain generic PC BIOS (MASM source)
bootslow.zip 14632 09-12-91 Slow down old self-booting programs
break.zip 3415 01-14-92 Inhibit CTRL-C in DOS but not in program
bremze.zip 2151 07-17-96 TSR CPU performance decrease®ulate utility
bscat260.zip 420496 06-21-96 Drive, longfilenames, file format describer
btrstd15.zip 27863 11-06-91 Counts the hours your PC is working,
burnin43.zip 90787 10-22-90 PC system exerciser and diagnostic tool, v4.3
bxpack.zip 135651 03-04-90 Balena's collection of programmer utilities
calcqf.zip 33165 08-09-88 Calculate and set CPU refresh rate
can.zip 14359 02-15-94 Autoappend argument to .COM files (w/source)
cardg20.zip 283629 05-10-96 I/O card jumper setup information utility
cfgarc14.zip 158806 12-12-93 Store, retrieve and edit last 5 config files
charw100.zip 9131 04-25-96 TSR Replaces chars screen/printer/keyboard
clutl199.zip 15268 04-11-92 Five handy command line utilities, v1.99
cmos14.zip 5569 07-23-92 CMOS v1.4: Saves/restores CMOS to/from file
cmoser11.zip 27128 07-27-89 386/286 enhanced CMOS setup program
cmosram.zip 73611 07-23-91 Save AT/386/486 CMOS data to file and restore
cmossv25.zip 30017 03-03-96 CMOSSave: Restores corrupted CMOS
cpu24_11.zip 35367 06-20-91 Extensive burn-in test of major PC components
cpuid593.zip 12847 06-30-91 Identify system CPU
cputest.zip 7616 06-22-89 Determine processing speed of your CPU
criterr.zip 7917 03-30-86 Pop-Up DOS Critical Error handler
critt130.zip 13558 03-25-92 TSR: Safely escape Abort/Retry/Ignore error
csh4.zip 45231 01-07-89 Unix csh -like shell v4.0, w/C source
csutil13.zip 204048 04-01-95 CsUtility: Powerful collection of utilities
ctrlalt.zip 52932 04-17-86 Programmer's TSR sidekick, w/asm source
ctsspu34.zip 219041 03-13-96 COM port & modem setup & diagnostic utilities
cufnd1.zip 39483 09-14-91 Colorado Utilities fast file & text find v1.0
cuset1.zip 23974 09-14-91 Colorado Utils set file attributes/date/time
cv100.zip 14576 12-30-90 CoreView v1.0: Search/scan/display PC's
cyrix100.zip 122481 04-06-94 Cyrix 486DLC/486DR/486SLC CPU config. utility
dabutil2.zip 196388 01-29-91 Disk and file utilities featuring EVENTMAN
danix201.zip 311780 02-26-96 25 UNIX-like utils including man, ls, ptime
dd_help.zip 39126 02-15-94 Multi-level command line help (w/compiler)
devic104.zip 7002 05-30-91 Load and unload device drivers after bootup
devlod.zip 17289 12-05-90 Dynamic load of device drivers after boot-up
dice402.zip 43898 05-15-90 DOS command editor displays commands, has
dircmdr1.zip 17152 06-30-91 Menu config. util. for DOS5 DIRCMD variable
dmc35.zip 74882 05-05-96 Allows loading/unloading of dev.
do.zip 6410 10-02-87 String commands together on the command line
dosc090.zip 82401 04-09-95 DOS-C: MS-DOS compatible operating system
dosix30a.zip 42064 07-04-90 UNIX-like utils: DF, DU, HEAD, RM, TOUCH, WC
dosmax21.zip 84287 06-27-96 Load MS-DOS (3.1 through 6) into UMBs
dosnx23b.zip 286893 07-24-96 DOSNIX v2.3b: Unix-style utilities for MS-DOS
dospan1b.zip 25901 06-22-94 Window to text apps and run parallel actions
drain.zip 21420 06-17-87 Water in disk drive simulator (humor)
dramfast.zip 23041 09-18-88 Decrease DRAM refresh rate - better CPU speed
drvins11.zip 11774 12-03-90 Load and unload device drivers after bootup
dskutl11.zip 73316 06-29-91 Unix-like utils
dtool302.zip 96491 05-03-96 D-Tools v3.02 - Misc. utilites for MS-DOS
eisac141.zip 46503 09-21-92 Generates EISA .CFG files for ISA based cards
epu95.zip 209949 03-09-95 EaglePlus Utils III, 34+ useful DOS utilities
epuptm21.zip 37678 08-15-94 Shows system uptime. No data files or TSR
eu1_00.zip 72291 08-11-92 Eldar Utilities: Set of system/file/disk
execsw13.zip 24543 04-05-90 Swaps calling program into expanded memory
exelink2.zip 7609 06-16-93 Symbolic links for EXE/COM to keep path small
extpt100.zip 14379 08-22-95 Extends path length and modifies environment
fakelh.zip 8827 10-24-94 Fake LOADHIGH for use in network batch files
fastl150.zip 42281 08-17-93 Loads pgms into EMS/XMS for later fast
fatal14.zip 15451 12-24-89 Trap DOS critical errors & handle them better
fcii_2_1.zip 83883 12-16-89 File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 1 of 3
fcii_2_2.zip 90889 12-16-89 File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 2 of 3
fcii_2_3.zip 75619 12-09-89 File Commando v2.1, a PC Tools clone, 3 of 3
fflip218.zip 101776 01-27-93 FastFlip 2.18: Fast multiple program swapper
filec106.zip 13416 03-07-91 Filename completion at the DOS prompt
filec15.zip 18733 04-19-92 TSR to add filename completion for
files102.zip 2171 01-02-90 Increase DOS max. open files from command
frntnd41.zip 22440 08-23-90 Point and Shoot front end for any program
fserver.zip 29159 08-08-90 Point and Shoot front end for any program
ftool200.zip 11540 10-06-95 Partition protector, batch enhancer, etc.
g7ac19.zip 419103 06-20-96 GEN7 Desktop: Talking multi-user MAC-like GUI
geterr.zip 10924 04-02-95 Records and reports DOS errorlevels
giveli10.zip 106170 01-23-95 Gives lists of filenames to any program
go220.zip 187059 10-16-92 GO!: Install-archive-from-a-diskette program
go51.zip 42053 04-22-90 Nick Shaw's 7-in-1 utility for
grbag220.zip 75676 04-25-90 GRABBAG v2.20: 33 DOS utilities in one
grtool12.zip 329259 04-07-96 15 great tools that make DOS life much easier
gsetup31.zip 30130 03-15-89 AT setup program runs from DOS; supports
gu11.zip 126359 01-04-90 The Grund Utilities, version 1.1
hbreak52.zip 6990 03-28-93 Exit to DOS from some crashed computer progs
hot_36.zip 3616 12-26-88 Replace Ctrl-Alt-Del (w/ASM src)
hours15.zip 30054 09-29-90 Counts hours your PC is working, nonresident
hshell10.zip 10020 03-16-93 Supports Hercules graphics with TST0831.ZIP
htmu.zip 11788 03-20-89 Read/modify AT ROM drv types to burn new
idcutils.zip 73348 06-09-90 Gary Conway's assorted utilities, 07/16/90
idrv01.zip 15405 11-26-91 Install/uninstall device drivers after bootup
idt.zip 41624 06-11-88 Internal DOS table viewer, w/C source
incx110d.zip 203660 01-29-93 InContext v1.10: Work environment manager,
incx110p.zip 258814 01-29-93 InContext v1.10: Work environment manager,
ink150a.zip 226260 07-16-96 Inkutils 1.50a: DOS/Win95 DOS system
int24.zip 9588 02-18-86 New Int 24H ('Critical Error') handler
intdsp21.zip 23526 08-15-91 Interactively call DOS/BIOS interrupts
interc2.zip 34860 10-08-91 Traces software interrupts
ipca12a.zip 10706 10-09-91 Uses last BIOS bytes as a mini-SET utility
irqinf16.zip 57399 03-13-96 IRQInfo: Interrupt (IRQ) diagnostic and
irqr.zip 4866 04-22-88 Report status of IRQ channels,w/TP4 & MS C
is_con10.zip 3746 12-20-91 Report if handle is associated with console
jbalarm.zip 22630 06-17-91 Alarm/reminder w/multiple sounds. Works
joyread.zip 4541 03-12-92 Reads & displays Joy Stick buttons/pots
kbdr.zip 1329 04-17-89 Swaps control & cap lock keys on IBM AT &
kbmap.asm 5083 02-16-89 Remap AT keyboard keys
keyboard.zip 3413 06-15-88 Kbd*.com, utilities to re-map selected keys
kgb104.zip 6132 04-20-92 Monitors some DOS funcs, creates history
killr100.zip 8465 04-25-96 TSR intercepts invalid opcodes
kwikhelp.zip 61637 06-27-96 Pgms to make TSRs, save screens; w/A86 asm
kzap22c.zip 29800 11-02-91 Kill-O-Zap 2.2c disk/RAM/file hex editor
linkln10.zip 22791 09-12-94 Creates links to EXE and COM files
lo11.zip 11030 11-13-91 Hard disk parker/screen saver. Small. v1.1
mdosp401.zip 110142 10-26-91 MultiDos Plus: Real-time multitasking for DOS
memscn10.zip 38301 03-30-96 Memscan Displays, search, edits, dumps memory
mirfix.zip 3244 09-15-91 Bug fix for DOS 5's MIRROR command
morehand.zip 9378 04-19-91 Allows programs to open more than 20 files
mrbtr14.zip 25592 07-11-96 MasterBooter v1.4 Boot manager and
ms_sh23b.zip 829072 02-26-96 Stewartson's Ksh-like Shell for MS-DOS,
ms_sh23s.zip 507566 02-26-96 Stewartson's Ksh-like Shell for MS-DOS,
msh21b.zip 482383 03-02-93 Mi-shell, a programmer's shell, Ver 2.1b
msutil14.zip 55535 02-09-94 Useful system & batch utils from MicroSource
mute100.zip 8683 11-04-95 TSR utility that mutes PC speaker beeps
mute110.zip 10434 04-25-96 Mutes PC speaker beeps but not digital music
noshare.zip 1147 03-22-90 Small replacement for 'SHARE' for DOS4.0
np3.zip 3732 08-01-93 Shows when you have shelled to DOS from a pgm
obskit15.zip 212372 01-09-92 Obs Toolkit: Collection of 9 powerful utils
ox.zip 3649 07-06-87 Redirect DOS AUX I/O to keyboard/mono display
pc_dcl.zip 163115 11-22-92 Vax/VMS DCL-like command interpreter for DOS
pcc.doc 1491 03-11-92 PC-Choices installation (for PCC.ZIP)
pcc.zip 688054 03-12-92 PC-Choices object-oriented 386 operating
pchist11.zip 72492 05-08-95 Creates/maintains detailed PC config history
pcmv13x.zip 41031 10-27-94 Monitors PC activity for later audit
pecho11.zip 10479 12-21-91 ECHO replacement with printf syntax
peepok12.zip 10006 10-09-91 Peek/poke utility with binary and hex display
pgrap207.zip 108985 09-18-91 Unix-like tools
picnix31.zip 116421 05-24-88 Unix-like commands for PC's (1 of 3)
picnix32.zip 121469 05-24-88 Unix-like commands for PC's (2 of 3)
pidsim22.zip 179262 09-07-95 A PID control loop simulator for MSDOS
pmk32.zip 191105 02-14-91 Professional Master Key utilities - v3.2
pock44.zip 174057 02-19-95 PocketD+ v4.4: Award-winning DOS Army Knife
portfix.zip 15939 03-13-96 Fixes SMC super I/O port lockup on
porttool.zip 177494 01-12-93 16 Unix-like tools ported to MS-DOS
power10.zip 10544 06-01-95 Simple CPU monitor for multitaskers / DOS
powkt173.zip 25902 02-01-88 Keyboard speedup, screen blank, unhang, more
prof.zip 15347 08-22-91 EXE & COM pgm profiler, uses pgm's map file
puff307.zip 34241 05-17-89 TSR pop-up directory and text file browser
pv12.zip 139688 03-04-93 Pro-View v1.2: Disk and memory browser/editor
qdram.zip 45191 06-15-88 Checks and sets best refresh rate
qemmmenu.zip 28648 08-15-90 Menu shell for QEMM v5.0 and MANIFEST
qinfo30.zip 43161 08-14-91 Displays free mem & disk space for all drives
ralloc.zip 2792 02-12-91 EMS/XMS fixes for QEMM-386
rdstderr.zip 5111 02-23-88 Redirect STDERR to a file, with src
redir.zip 7654 03-17-90 Combines STDERR with STDOUT for redirection
redview3.zip 6189 08-23-92 View redirected output on screen, w/ASM
rele106.zip 4005 01-19-94 Unloads residents and recover system crash
rjmfilec.zip 11948 12-13-90 TSR provides filename completion w/hotkey
rom2.zip 15663 12-17-89 Save AT and 386 CMOS data to file and restore
rstlkit1.zip 48569 10-12-89 28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 1 of 2
rstlkit2.zip 201847 06-22-88 28 Unix-like tools for MS-DOS, 2 of 2
rtime.zip 9521 06-16-87 Time a program's exececution w/c SRC
runtim10.zip 24230 09-09-94 Measures execution time of pgms, cmds & bats
safesend.zip 10328 03-31-95 Talk to devices w/o Abort-Retry-Fail errors
scope140.zip 93164 08-13-91 Use PC as comm protocol analyzer/line scope
scout55.zip 127503 07-14-92 Super TSR disk manager, v5.4 - fmt/mv/cpy/etc
sct_em55.zip 130917 07-14-92 Memory resident file/disk manager, runs in
sendcod2.zip 5052 10-11-92 Send hex values from cmd line to STDOUT
setup21.zip 18111 06-02-88 Setup program which modifies CMOS RAM
setvrm10.zip 9590 01-02-95 Setverm solves DOS version problems for
sharefix.zip 9650 12-27-93 Utility to fix problems with MS-DOS SHARE
shell452.zip 4043 06-23-92 Convert DOS 4 DOSSHELL menus to DOS 5
shrom24b.zip 18145 02-26-96 ShellRoom v2.4b: Swap program from MEM to
sil2.zip 6756 10-13-85 Silence PC speaker
siren.zip 7812 12-05-89 Make siren sounds on PC speaker
skey40.zip 333345 12-23-91 Keystroke emulation and batch file utilities
sl_cut11.zip 13962 01-23-95 Deletes characters from standard-input
slash2.zip 7968 04-21-92 Chg switch-char from /. DOS 5 & earlier.
slow300.zip 11917 04-25-96 On the fly speed selection
softl300.zip 34747 04-25-96 TSR: tables, disasm, calc, intr, mem, CPU
sostb.zip 214641 05-18-93 Solid Oak Software's DOS Tool Box. 76 utils
speedkey.zip 672 12-04-87 Resident program to speed Keyboard input
sprst161.zip 22052 07-05-91 Like MS-DOS's 'set' command, with additions
stack26.zip 47629 08-30-90 Command line recall/edit, with pop-up window
stop20.zip 10042 06-17-90 Time the execution of other programs
stpfcb12.zip 8184 05-26-91 Replacement for DOS' file locking SHARE.EXE
stpprg20.zip 9575 03-04-93 Back to primary DOS shell hotkey, w/ASM
suniq96.zip 244594 03-31-95 Stewart's essential Unique DOS Utilities,
superv11.zip 8166 04-10-94 Logs all run programs and deleted files
swapds.zip 34876 01-30-90 SWAPDOS: Swap two programs in memory
switchar.zip 3838 07-09-88 Using '/' in pathnames
swpirq11.zip 42219 03-13-96 SwapIRQ: Interrupt redirector for DOS apps.
swpkeyat.zip 7517 02-25-89 Swap escape and tilde keys on AT keyboard
sysup101.zip 21992 08-24-91 System up time program for DOS and Windows3
t320.zip 22222 10-15-94 DOS prompt timestamp for any date(s) or today
tee11.zip 2534 09-20-88 Redirect output to std out & screen v1.1 8/88
tee9201.zip 2420 01-10-92 Tee filter for MS-DOS (w/ASM src)
timebom2.zip 12494 03-29-90 TSR executes command/program at specified
timera01.zip 13194 08-11-94 Times command/program execution
tjutil14.zip 108159 03-13-93 Mouse- & ColorPower for BAT. X11 in text mode
toad8253.zip 6515 08-31-88 Tweak RAM refresh rate [ASM]
toadexec.zip 4276 06-29-88 EXEC programs [ASM]
tone100.zip 4434 01-20-90 Makes tone to aid computer audio troubleshoot
top121.zip 344016 10-28-92 Top v1.10: DOS command enhancement utility
tryst.zip 23257 03-30-88 A good tutorial on computer boot up
ts5dos11.zip 16006 09-10-92 Timo Salmi's programs for MS-DOS 5 (or 4.0+)
tsrsl104.zip 206923 10-15-91 TSR task-switcher for DOS. Swaps to disk/EMS
tst0831.zip 18900 08-30-90 Provide hotkey shell to DOS for progs w/o it
tstsr20.zip 86262 03-03-96 TSR pgms noboot/reslock/timedown/timeup, etc.
tsutil42.zip 146144 03-03-96 Timo's utils sysinfo, dirw, dtetimal, timelog
tsutlb21.zip 82198 03-03-96 Timo's utils touch, chars, dire, setgra
tsutlc22.zip 106766 03-03-96 Timo's utils dirf, dirinfo, doubles, split
tsutld22.zip 86777 03-03-96 Timo's utils bigcurs, keyrate, caps, switchar
tsutle22.zip 73268 03-03-96 Timo's utils lock kbd, mailsplit, tdel, cmos
tsutlf15.zip 62140 03-03-96 Timo Salmi's 6th utility set
tsutlg10.zip 16728 03-03-96 Timo's 7th utility set (backgrnd,backdemo)
tvdsh171.zip 20344 02-20-95 Unix-like shell,
uartbug.zip 9588 03-08-87 UART and COM port debuging tool, TSR
uptime.zip 2577 01-19-91 Time in days/hours/mins/secs since system
util1.zip 126145 10-24-95 A group of utilities for MS-DOS
utl115.zip 172369 04-06-96 Utilities with file viewer and printer
uxutl23a.zip 243970 02-26-96 Unix-like utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 1of4
uxutl23b.zip 232982 02-26-96 Unix-like utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 2of4
uxutl23c.zip 226425 02-26-96 Unix-like utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 3of4
uxutl23d.zip 164364 02-26-96 Unix-like utilities for DOS. Rel 2.3. 4of4
uznix120.zip 340087 02-26-96 UZfulnix v1.20: Unix-like utilities for
viewcmos.zip 11041 02-09-90 Display contents of AT CMOS RAM, w/C source
vmix285.zip 243935 05-04-93 Multitasking/multiuser environment for
vsms111.zip 48855 12-12-92 Very Simple Multiuser System v1.11 for XT/AT
watch102.zip 10601 11-10-90 Tracks exec time of a pgm/method of DOS
whoapc.zip 10830 08-24-88 WHOA! slows down PC or AT, v1.0
xanadu20.zip 16951 04-26-87 Xanadu utils v2.0
xkb.zip 7172 12-09-89 Set AT keyboard repeat rate & delay, w/C src
xlist232.zip 71173 12-30-89 Hard disk manager for DOS, ZIP, and ARC files
xlock132.zip 56001 10-31-90 Security system, prevents unauthorized access
z10.zip 138509 01-17-89 General purpose utilities from Scott Pazur
zap33.zip 33034 08-19-90 Multi-purpose file handler/disk utility
zlog12.zip 165052 09-30-89 Keeps track of system usage, commands, time
zutils02.zip 53708 10-16-95 Collection of tiny utils HD/file related,
TeX type setting pgm
path: \disc2\tex
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
bibdb13b.zip 322569 06-11-93 BibTeX citation database manager, ver. 1.3b
cdvi12.zip 190474 12-12-88 DVI viewers for Herc, CGA, EGA, VGA, etc.
cmpar392.zip 111089 06-14-92 METAFONT params for TeX Computer Modern fonts
cmsrc392.zip 120042 06-14-92 METAFONT source for TeX Computer Modern fonts
detex10.zip 10053 09-08-92 Strips commands from TeX files, plain text
devnag.zip 291089 05-25-91 Metafont Devanagari font, and printing
dtex25a.zip 52349 07-22-93 Trinkle's detex 2.5 removes TeX cmds from
dvi24pin.zip 51154 01-28-90 TeX DVI to 24pin dot matrix printer
dvi2dvi.zip 45871 02-19-89 Print 2/4 DVI pages/sheet, faster than DVIDVI
dvieps.zip 40401 09-18-88 TeX DVI to Epson dot matrix printer
dview31.zip 59043 01-08-90 TeX DVI previewer for
dvimsw26.zip 28080 03-09-93 TeX file previewer for Microsoft Windows 3.1
dvivga1.zip 48324 10-21-88 TeX DVI previewer for VGA/EGA/MCGA, EXE &
dvivga2.zip 119184 08-08-88 TeX DVI previewer fonts
dviwn271.zip 280137 06-26-93 TeX DVI viewer and printer for MS-Windows 3.1
dvixx050.zip 246179 05-04-91 DVI converter for HP LaserJets and IBM 3812
fr_may92.zip 11627 05-03-92 What fonts does TeX preview really use? /w
hp2tex06.zip 131496 05-26-93 Converts HPGL-plots to emTeX format
itrans32.zip 336738 02-01-93 Indian langs: Devanagari/Tamil/Telugu/Bengali
itransps.zip 294056 09-26-92 PostScript printer ready manuals for ITRANS32
itrns211.zip 282227 12-14-91 Indian Language Printing (Devanagari/Tamil)
itrnsps.zip 171029 12-14-91 PostScript printer ready manuals for ITRNS211
jemtex2.zip 393167 04-13-91 Japanese TeX Fonts and Macros - Version 2.00
jspel205.zip 219891 06-15-94 ASCII file spelling checker with TeX-ability
ltxconst.zip 24085 05-03-91 US Constitution as a LaTeX file
ltxindep.zip 5231 05-03-91 Declaration of Independence as a LaTeX file
mutex.zip 222335 03-07-90 MuTeX - Music macros for TeX
pcwtex.zip 13925 09-19-90 Translates PC Write files to TeX files
popin09b.zip 53183 07-20-91 Resident input enhancer for TeX on EGA/VGA
rail.zip 47131 01-14-92 Rail diagrams for LaTeX ported to Turbo C
rumdjet.zip 70701 04-16-90 TeX DVI driver for the HP DeskJet printer
sauter.zip 48523 11-30-90 CM & LaTeX font resizing package for METAFONT
sb38tex.zip 254357 05-17-92 TeX 3.141 EXEs + PLAIN.TEX files
sbmf13.zip 240385 05-26-92 METAFONT EXEs + utils for TeX (font creation)
scrtex11.zip 26298 04-16-93 Sally (LaTeX) TeX-format screen dumper v1.10
sf2pk200.zip 136820 04-14-92 HP SoftFont fonts to PK files (use with TeX)
texas10a.zip 383334 03-24-92 32-bit 386 protected mode big TeX 3.14
tgrind.zip 49133 09-17-90 Formats C or other pgms for printing with TeX
wd2latex.zip 12628 02-18-91 Convert MSWord to LaTeX (crude but useful)
wp2latex.zip 43998 04-09-90 Converts text from WordPerfect 5.0 to LaTeX
wp2x110.zip 65162 08-31-91 WordPerfect4.2 to [La]TeX/troff/etc converter
Terminate and stay resident
path: \disc2\tsrutil
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
ctrl_alt.zip 13826 11-17-89 Save memory, swap TSRs to disk (Biologic)
dmc20.zip 37109 03-01-91 Load and unload device drivers and TSR's
fix27.zip 993 04-21-88 Reclaims wasted environment space from TSRs
min_mem.zip 15066 07-07-90 Frees up memory by swapping TSRs to disk
scenv100.zip 4831 10-01-91 Removes wasted environment space for TSRs
tess_5.zip 28441 10-01-88 TesSeRact TSR package for Turbo Pascal 5.0
tess_a.zip 17457 07-02-88 TesSeRact TSR package for Assembler (MASM)
tess_c.zip 32166 07-02-88 TesSeRact TSR package for TC 1.5 or MSC 5.x
tess_d.zip 41777 07-02-88 Documentation for TesSeRact TSR package
tsrcom35.zip 79761 06-21-96 TSR memory managmt utils
tsrsrc35.zip 72944 06-21-96 Source code for TSRCOM v3.5 pkg. (TASM,
tsrwrk32.zip 75816 06-05-90 Mark/Release TSR management pgms, with ASM
Borland Turbo C pgmming lang
path: \disc2\turbo_c
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
3dlib.zip 45198 02-27-88 TC1.5 lib, create/manipulate/display 3D
allocaap.zip 5187 08-28-90 alloca() for TC2.0 and TC++1.0 by Alex Pruss
anumr5.zip 213876 11-25-91 Numerical Analysis library for TC++1.0 &
asycnch.zip 8631 06-30-91 Interrupt-driven comm driver for Borland
bchelp10.zip 127405 11-18-91 Borland TechFax help files for C/C++. 920103
ems_subs.msg 7765 04-23-89 EMS routines for Turbo-C
expr11.zip 14386 02-24-92 Expression parsing, differentiating lib for
fft.zip 4288 08-06-88 Fast Fourier Transform pgm w/C source
fftsing.zip 38108 04-22-92 FFT of very long series (70000 data points)
hcsvga13.zip 35499 06-18-96 Tseng/VESA HiColor graphics lib for
ibmcom_c.zip 6680 01-25-90 Interrupt-driven comm routines for Turbo C
idd.zip 12717 02-12-89 Installable Device Drivers in Turbo-C
joy.c 4609 03-26-88 'C' language routines to deal with joy stick
kslib.zip 31105 07-31-91 Windowing/database/toolkit libs for Turbo-C
kslib11.zip 59383 11-12-91 Kevin Spencer's programming library for
lp_tc.zip 19882 04-08-91 PC printer port bi-directional driver - TC
mcdt101.zip 47454 01-26-92 EGA/VGA GUI mouse cusor design tool. Writes
mgabra.zip 49254 09-04-90 TSR's made easy for Turbo C
mouclib5.zip 12277 09-14-91 Turbo C/C++/Borland C++ mouse support library
moush101.zip 46916 12-04-92 Mouse routines (.OBJ) for Turbo C/C++, 920727
reslb201.zip 24617 10-30-87 Function library for Turbo-C to make TSRs
romize.zip 14638 09-14-89 Convert compiled Turbo C code for use in ROM
serus221.zip 13114 08-31-90 DOS installable interrupt-driven serial
tc_tsr10.zip 21031 06-17-91 Turbo C source code examples of TSR programs
tcdev.zip 3326 07-12-87 Write device driver in Turbo-C
tchrt3.zip 47860 07-22-90 High resolution timer toolbox for Turbo C 2.0
tcomm50.zip 118155 07-31-89 LiteComm communications library for Turbo C
tcppt2.zip 6706 03-07-91 Patch file for TC++ v1.01 (from Borland)
tcres201.zip 18259 10-30-87 KyCorp's easy to use TSR library for Turbo C
tctimer.zip 15627 09-12-89 High-resolution timing of events for Turbo C
tctut24.zip 328938 07-05-93 Turbo C Tutor: TC programming tutor
tcu32_db.zip 274863 07-31-91 TCU Database option for use with TCU_3.2A.ZIP
tcu_32a.zip 407717 03-25-91 Turbo-C flexible menus, windows & forms entry
tcxl551.zip 527344 10-22-90 Window/menu/mouse C language function library
tgcbor20.zip 333518 08-29-91 TEGL graphical windowing lib for TC/C++/BC++
tick.zip 78467 09-01-89 Installs a TC function called every clock
ticktock.c 1884 10-13-89 Demo of IBM PC's high resolution clock,
timertst.c 4219 04-24-89 8253 timer test program for Turbo C 1.5/2.0
trboctxt.zip 108498 01-31-88 Coronado's Turbo C tutor v2.0, (2 of 2)
wgraf102.zip 33894 01-29-91 Turbo C++ graphics library with binary
Borland Turbo Pascal language
path: \disc2\turbopas
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
3dlib30a.zip 180493 05-11-96 3D animation lib for TP/BP/TPW/C++, Core,
3dlib30b.zip 223196 05-11-96 3D animation lib for TP/BP/TPW/C++,
amouse55.zip 6957 02-16-88 TurboPas5.5 Microsoft mouse unit (source
anivga12.zip 694530 07-10-93 VGA sprite animation unit for TP >=6.0, v1.2
ansiview.zip 10248 01-29-91 CRT drop-in replacement in TVision
atkybd.zip 1834 06-03-88 Set AT keyboard delay and typematic
avdoor11.zip 46013 12-08-91 Andrew Pam's door writing toolkit for TP55/60
bbskt20e.zip 130190 01-16-93 BBS/door programmer's tookit for TP6.0+
bmsearch.zip 5292 10-25-87 Fast Boyer-Moore string search - TP4.0 source
bonus507.zip 104724 07-09-89 Misc. TP 4/5 utilities/pgms from TurboPower
bp7bugs2.zip 16239 05-19-93 Unofficial Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 bug list
bp7sb103.zip 38964 09-01-93 Turbo/Borland Pascal 7.0 source beautifier
bpl70n12.zip 265318 05-19-93 Fast replacement libs for Borland-Pascal 7.0
bptrap10.zip 10350 04-27-96 Borland Pascal runtime error trap
butons12.zip 107165 04-01-93 Help design BWCC 'BORBTN' style bitmap
clearmem.zip 1546 06-05-91 TP unit to init stack, heap & global
comm_tp5.zip 30802 11-14-89 Serial port unit for Turbo Pascal 4/5.x
compdate.zip 6898 09-13-92 Store compilation time & date in TP .OBJ file
crcasm.zip 13074 10-28-89 ASM CRC calculation code w/TurboPas
csys20.zip 67012 07-13-96 Compressed files handling toolbox for Pascal
ctop12b.zip 97742 04-25-89 CtoP 1.2b: Convert 'C' src to Turbo Pascal
dsutil12.zip 324359 01-19-94 DOS utilities (IDE-ATA,HD-MBOOT,OS-BOOT,
emsarray.zip 11191 10-31-92 Define arrays in Expanded memory using TP
env20.zip 5311 09-18-88 Babulic's ENVUNIT for environment access in
err87_13.zip 13080 01-23-93 Improved error handling for TP 5.5-7.0 pgms
err_func.zip 37033 09-11-90 TPU produces meaningful TP run time error
error87.zip 11805 08-14-90 Find TP 5.5 or 6.0 error 207 cause
extend32.zip 14342 10-04-89 Open more than 20 files at once in
extend5.zip 12091 11-18-90 Allows more than 20 files open at once in TP6
extrascr.zip 92511 02-10-93 TP Unit to support all screen modes
extshr12.zip 96902 07-11-93 TP Unit to support all screen modes
ezmouse2.zip 9281 05-12-96 Easy to use mouse unit for TP7
file2inc.zip 11494 06-15-96 INC file maker for Turbo Pascal
fileread.zip 23835 04-15-92 File read & display TP6 unit w/src & examples
fixmouse.zip 1865 05-08-91 TSR fixes bug in TurboPascal 6.0 mouse
fmanage.zip 2088 10-10-92 Basic file handling routines for Turbo Pascal
fsserial.zip 12891 01-28-91 Serial object for TVision (needs a FOSSIL
fulldb13.zip 13568 10-14-91 Adds .OBJ line nr. debug info to TP .TPU file
g_mous2a.zip 17206 03-02-93 TP Unit to program the mouse/VGA (TP6 & 5.5)
genovr.zip 2188 08-17-91 General overlay support unit for Turbo Pascal
gfx_4tp7.zip 40051 07-11-96 ATH_GFX Library for Turbo Pascal 7.0
grafdump.pas 7355 09-09-90 MGA/CGA/Herc/EGA/VGA graphics screen dump rtn
graphtxt.zip 7967 02-15-90 TP5.5 TPU graphics mode text file device
gtmous13.zip 85050 07-05-93 BP 6&7 TPU&TPP Graph mouse in TEXTmode TV,
gvsg2102.zip 1185681 07-23-96 Graphics Vision & Tools 2.10: MKM's graphic
hotm60.zip 5297 03-18-91 Reassign the TP 6.0 IDE hot keys, w/TP 6.0
hpdump01.zip 2034 06-09-92 TP unit to dump graphics screen to HP
hugecoll.zip 4843 07-24-92 Unit to implement huge collections in TP/W
inasm10.zip 22099 03-09-91 Inline assembler generator for TP, w/src
indx18eu.zip 18791 03-19-91 Indexed files UNIT (export version) for TP
intrfc62.zip 51304 06-13-91 Turbo Pascal 6.0 TPU file dumper, with source
janusw.zip 25281 07-24-92 TPW dialogs, MDI chils windows or reg.
jpdoor32.zip 163166 02-25-92 TP 5.5 & 6.0 BBS door writing TPU utilites
ltc55.zip 82919 09-17-89 LiteComm Communications Toolkit for TP 5.5
ltcomm50.zip 83057 05-15-89 LiteComm communications library for TP 5.0
math3871.zip 76678 05-15-95 Fast inline SIN/COS/TAN/X^Y for 387 or 486DX
mcunit10.zip 20338 02-16-93 TP 6.0 units supporting work in graphics mode
miscti10.zip 160473 12-19-89 Borland TechFax Turbo Pascal help files
mkerr101.zip 11608 08-03-91 MkErr: Error device for Turbo Pascal 6.0
mousefix.zip 7988 04-28-91 Disappearing mouse cursor fix for TurboPas
mouslib8.zip 169010 02-24-93 Mouse Library for TP6/7, BP7 + DPMI support
ned103.zip 92712 08-26-92 Enhanced TEditor object for TP6/TurboVision 1
ned3.zip 91857 12-11-92 Enhanced TEditor object for TP7/TurboVision 2
newfont2.zip 20434 06-21-96 Change VGA fonts & colours, w/TP7 source.
nktools.zip 45752 02-24-91 Source to some useful TurboPas 4/5/5.5/6
oas50doc.zip 131666 12-04-89 TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 1of3
oas50pro.zip 164805 12-04-89 TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 2of3
oas50s45.zip 52827 01-23-89 TP4/5/5.5 Source Applications Generator, 3of3
omouse.zip 21358 02-22-90 Object-oriented mouse for Turbo Pascal 5.5
one2many.zip 3849 08-06-91 Demo of 1:M database manipulation in Topaz
oodb.zip 77506 07-13-92 Object-oriented database for
ooptut34.zip 264973 07-05-93 OOPTutor: Object Oriented programming tutor
overxms.zip 4820 05-03-92 Load Turbo Pascal overlays into XMS memory
packobj.zip 31649 05-05-92 Compressing BINOBJ-like utility w/TPas
parse10.zip 5212 06-13-91 Expression parser for Turbo Pascal
pas_sci.zip 57227 09-26-85 Turbo Pascal scientific subroutines/progs
pasmsg.zip 3440 11-10-90 Allows TPC(v6) or TPCX to run under TC++ IDE
pastut24.zip 192615 11-30-89 Coronado Enterprises Turbo Pascal tutor,
pastut34.zip 286825 07-06-93 Turbo Pascal Tutor: TP programming tutor
paswiz21.zip 108864 04-13-96 Pascal Wizard's Library v2.1 for Turbo Pascal
pckselfm.zip 1973 01-17-91 TP source: Allow autoconfig prgs to be LZEXEd
pcl4p30.zip 45226 01-26-92 Asynchronous communications library for TPas.
pcl4p43.zip 55828 04-11-96 Personal Communications Lib for Turbo Pascal
pdir10.zip 9702 08-16-89 Palcic's directory routines using TP 5.5 OOP
ppl4p10.zip 80519 04-11-96 X/Y/Zmodem protocol library for Turbo Pascal
ppp.zip 9053 03-28-91 Pascal pretty printer (c't Mag), req. TP5.0
pptlkt06.zip 897856 04-24-96 Pascal source code library for TPv4+,
pptsr10.zip 21108 02-11-93 Units & demo pgms to write TSRs in
preskit2.zip 37725 05-18-93 Data compression toolkit for Turbo Pascal
psdir101.zip 5684 01-07-93 Turbo Pascal 6 directory functions
psdsm103.zip 4262 01-26-93 Get more than 64 kb heap in Turbo Pascal 6
psgui130.zip 45384 12-31-92 Powerful graphics library for Turbo Pascal 6
pslst100.zip 6015 01-07-93 List functions for Turbo Pascal 6
psppd100.zip 25165 01-07-93 Database functions for Turbo Pascal 6
psstk101.zip 5259 01-07-93 Stack functions for Turbo Pascal 6
psstr105.zip 11495 04-30-93 Pure Power strings Unit for Pascal (source)
pstui100.zip 56502 04-30-93 Turbo Pascal (S)VGA Text User Interface
psxmh103.zip 8291 01-26-93 XMS heap control for Turbo Pascal 6
px141.zip 17044 05-24-91 (T)Pascal variable/procedure cross referencer
pxl214a.zip 102840 02-13-93 Turbo Pascal cross-referencing lister
qnr.zip 9652 08-13-91 Adds queries (assist and dot) to Topaz progs
qrdemo.zip 173444 03-12-92 TP6.0 TV CASETool demo. Edit resource files
raw_lpt.pas 2309 12-18-89 TP routine to process LPT1 output in raw mode
rmouse11.zip 20319 10-08-92 TP6.0 mouse TPU (Graphic cursor in TEXT mode)
scanh326.zip 101612 01-23-94 ScanHelp: Scan TP units to build a help file
selector.pas 4551 05-15-91 TP routines similar to C language iascii,
smix125.zip 164367 04-06-96 SMIX v1.25: Sound library for Turbo Pascal
sortkit1.zip 11034 09-15-91 Sort objects sources for Turbo Pascal 6
spo110.zip 111538 04-16-93 TPU Peephole Optimizer for Borland Pascal
sprites.zip 35143 04-27-91 Fast sprites engine for TP 6.0, w/ASM source
srtkit11.zip 11106 03-06-92 Internal/external/combined sort lib for TP6.0
storage.zip 10483 02-08-91 Storage method object for compressed text
stream15.zip 67825 03-27-93 23 different stream types for TP/BP/TPW
strg57.zip 44260 01-22-91 Lemay's fast string unit for TP5.5
strg61a.zip 44289 01-22-91 Lemay's fast string unit for TP6.0
stripped.zip 8190 05-28-92 Detects .EXE files damaged by TDebug's
strlist.zip 18203 03-09-92 Compile strings into Turbo Pascal .OBJ files
swag9605.zip 1103424 07-01-96 SWAG: Huge library of PD Turbo Pascal code
swapunt7.zip 28866 06-16-93 TPU/QPU to add Swap & Execute to your TP
swift1_1.zip 122797 04-04-96 Swift-Enviro v1.1: GUI developers units for
swift1_2.zip 136028 04-12-96 Swift-Enviro1.2 Easy to program DOS GUI
swin_0_1.zip 31874 03-28-93 GUI for programming in TP6.0 and above
sys60a.zip 37815 03-24-91 Lemay's fast system unit replacement for
syst55c.zip 34231 11-11-90 Lemay's fast system unit replacement for
tbase551.zip 40454 12-19-92 TP5.5 OOP unit for accessing DBF files, v1.1
tbase601.zip 40595 12-18-92 TP6.0 OOP unit for accessing DBF files, v1.1
tdhide.zip 13448 01-31-92 TLINK 3.01 TP5.5/6.0 EXE debug info shrinker
tef11.zip 7551 07-09-92 Run programs at a specified time. w/TP5.5 src
tegl6a.zip 269579 08-18-91 TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 1of2
tegl6b.zip 145742 08-18-91 TEGL Windows Toolkit II Rel. 2.0 for TP, 2of2
ti01.zip 66089 01-12-93 HyperSource utility for Turbo Pascal 6
ticktock.pas 3050 10-13-89 Demo of IBM PC's high resolution clock,
tjoop11.zip 10470 05-19-91 Stack, Queue & double list OBJECTS for
totdem11.zip 108295 05-03-93 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit v1.10 (TP/BP),
totdoc11.zip 189572 05-03-93 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit v1.10 (TP/BP),
totsrc11.zip 148082 06-07-93 TechnoJock's Object Toolkit v1.10 (TP/BP),
tp55tsr.zip 31135 06-24-90 TSR unit for Turbo Pascal 5.5 applications
tp6bugs7.zip 28788 01-08-93 Unofficial Turbo Pascal 6.0 bug list
tp6map.zip 8901 02-22-91 Map of 500 procedure entry points in TP6 IDE
tp6util.zip 15157 11-19-90 The utils dropped from TP6.0,TPCONFIG &
tp6xms.zip 9269 03-02-91 Extended Memory Specification unit for TP 6.0
tp_rat.zip 1660 03-12-93 Mouse macro toolkit for Turbo Pascal 6.0
tpa22.zip 87456 12-01-89 Integrated compile time assembler for TP55
tpbeau32.zip 15699 11-29-92 Prepare Turbo Pascal 5.5 code for output
tpdb314.zip 63840 01-30-91 TurboPas routines for dBase files processing
tpe34.zip 163342 04-05-92 Free programmer's editor from Turbopower
tpenhkbd.zip 7471 11-15-90 TP unit enabling extended keys for std/enh
tpfast30.zip 54116 09-25-90 Fast ASM sources for Turbo Pascal functions
tpflex.zip 24170 04-23-90 Turbo Pascal 5.5 linked lists, generic
tpfort18.zip 26682 03-07-92 Link MS Fortran 5.0 routines to TP 6.0 pgms
tphers01.zip 119530 09-07-91 TPHersh: TurboPas Unit to handle Hershey
tphrt3.zip 54881 07-22-90 High resolution timer toolbox for TP 5.0 &
tpjoystk.zip 4293 11-13-89 Turbo Pascal v4.x/5.x joystick TPU source
tpkbd10.zip 19873 07-07-91 Easier special character input for
tpl60n19.zip 154639 02-15-93 Turbo Pascal TPL run-time library replacement
tply30a1.zip 109426 05-12-92 TP Lex & Yacc compiler compiler, exe/doc,
tply30a2.zip 78824 08-29-92 TP Lex & Yacc compiler compiler, sources,
tpmul221.zip 6703 03-01-92 Make your TP 6.0 programs DV/Win/TV/DDOS
tpmusic.zip 5906 10-06-90 TurboPas Unit to play music in the background
tpp112.zip 47452 04-17-92 C-like pre-processor for Turbo Pascal
tppcx.zip 42542 01-28-91 Turbo Pascal routines for PCX processing
tpr_book.zip 294192 10-18-92 Turbo Pascal Reference freeware book (400+
tprat5.zip 12846 10-16-88 Mouse menu for TP 5.0 editor (req. Microsoft)
tpreal2.zip 9785 03-25-92 Improved 'real' routines for Turbo Pascal
tprint.zip 22594 05-20-91 TPW printing unit using ObjectWindows
tps.zip 8906 09-05-92 Tiles TPW 1.5 windows horizontally
tpstr121.zip 21984 12-16-89 Fast string functions for TurboPas
tpu2asm.zip 37134 10-28-90 Disassembler for Turbo Pascal 5 units
tpu2tps.zip 7274 07-22-91 Allow recompilation of TP6.0/TPW1.0
tpucat10.zip 17424 01-31-93 TPUCat: Turbo Pascal TPU cataloger. DEMO
tpv24.zip 4403 11-22-90 Fast interrupt-driven serial comm rtns for TP
tpwhuge.zip 1749 08-04-91 Unit to handle huge memory block in TP/W
tpxms.zip 13987 10-05-89 XMS access for Turbo Pascal
tpznewg.zip 29569 05-18-90 German language TP source for Zmodem protocol
tridv300.zip 70569 02-26-93 TriDoor: Turbo Pascal BBS door pgmr's toolkit
tspa3440.zip 106153 03-03-96 TurboPascal 4.0 units for programmers,
tspa3450.zip 108757 03-03-96 TurboPascal 5.0 units for programmers,
tspa3455.zip 111589 03-03-96 TurboPascal 5.5 units for programmers,
tspa3460.zip 111763 03-03-96 TurboPascal 6.0 units for programmers,
tspa3470.zip 112309 03-03-96 TP7.0 real mode units for programmers,
tspeech.zip 13164 10-25-85 Turbo Pascal sources for PC voice routines
tsrhelp.zip 14120 08-21-92 Examples of TSRs in TP6.0 & Assembly language
tstrings.zip 8520 12-20-91 Null terminated strings handling unit for TP6
tttdem51.zip 56985 05-13-93 TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit v5.1 for TP/BP,
tttdoc51.zip 38238 05-13-93 TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit v5.1 for TP/BP,
tttsrc51.zip 78417 05-13-93 TechnoJock's Turbo Toolkit v5.1 for TP/BP,
turtle10.zip 28066 12-15-92 Allow old TP3 Turtle graphics in any BGI mode
twu1.zip 139108 06-05-91 Dumper/disassembler for TP6.0 or TPW 1.0 TPUs
uistrip.zip 27363 08-06-91 Convert dBase code for UI into Topaz code
unitre12.zip 11788 02-07-93 Display tree of TP/BP unit dependencies
upconv14.zip 16117 11-26-90 Convert Pascal reserved word case w/TP5.0 src
upconv22.zip 68583 09-05-91 TP3.0-5.5/TPW convert reserved word case
views10.zip 211245 05-05-93 Graphic windows (GUI) library for Turbo
vmath10.zip 4586 05-20-91 Vector math unit for TP6.0 and 387
vsafe5_6.zip 19404 12-23-90 Units to guard a TP program against tampering
wctunit3.zip 26730 05-23-92 Collection of Turbo Pascal units with sources
wctunits.zip 21174 08-05-91 Collection of Turbo Pascal units with sources
wwin20.zip 61753 04-28-96 All CRT features and more also for Windoze
xmm12.zip 118991 07-03-92 Extended memory manager for Turbo Pascal 6.0
xmslibr1.zip 18332 08-10-91 XMS 2.0 API implementation for TurboPascal
zip2obj.zip 38440 11-11-91 Imploded .ZIP -> .OBJ -> Turbo Pascal explode
Turbo Vision pgmming language
path: \disc2\turbovis
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
dlgds400.zip 192769 08-12-93 Turbo Vision Dialog Design v4.0, for TP7,BC++
dlgdsn22.zip 96388 01-02-93 Turbo Vision dialog design pgm v2.2, for TP6
gv4svga1.zip 923523 04-28-96 Graphical application framework for TP7
numinp2.zip 2920 05-24-93 Numeric input routines for TurboVision
tvg103.zip 79027 07-27-92 TVGRAPH: TURBO VISION In EGA/VGA graphics
tvg103_s.zip 37282 07-27-92 TVGRAPH: TURBO VISION In EGA/VGA graphics
tvg110a.zip 126841 06-22-93 TVGraph for TP6/BP7/TP7 including prot'ed
tvinp101.zip 9610 05-12-92 Numerical input routines for Turbo Vision
tvmagic1.zip 27849 06-09-93 Create TurboVision dialog boxes w/hidden msgs
tvrw31d.zip 346700 05-12-96 Turbo Vision Resource WorkShop v3.1
tvtool14.zip 143152 05-26-93 General TurboVision Tools Library, with
Text utils
path: \disc2\txtutl
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
100letrs.zip 47139 08-22-88 100 business form letters for office and home
4tune.zip 67102 08-09-90 Get a fortune cookie or add one to the prompt
add304.zip 93667 03-31-93 Add up a column of numbers in a text file
addcr10.zip 20356 03-14-94 Converts UNIX to DOS newlines in text files
adulate.zip 12945 06-29-90 Let your PC adore you with one-liners
altrn234.zip 37621 06-21-90 Mass global and alternate text replace util.
amspel20.zip 159606 07-31-92 Check/correct spelling ASCII & TeX text files
animdt11.zip 20364 11-16-92 Put text & numeric variables into a text file
asc2ebc.zip 1891 09-08-85 Converts ASCII to EBCDIC, w/ASM source
asc2word.zip 8395 11-09-86 Converts ASCII to MS Word docs, w/C source
ascii2ws.zip 25198 07-28-88 Converts ASCII text to WordStar doc. mode
asciiart.zip 200318 10-24-95 Creates and edits ASCII art, w/mouse
ascutils.zip 25142 05-25-88 Collection of utilities used with ASCII files
aspll095.zip 51506 08-13-91 On-line spell check for text editor like PE2
ataricnv.zip 16534 09-15-88 Convert Atari internal character set to ASCII
atcomp16.zip 22554 01-26-94 @COMPARE v1.6: Smart text file comparison
ath_hwr1.zip 14829 07-11-96 Compiles a text file to an executable form
autotxt2.zip 202083 06-06-96 TXT<>EXE converter with embedded color - V1.2
autrd101.zip 40714 07-02-90 LIST-like util with indexing/chapters in
av_scr41.zip 74716 02-04-92 Creates 2 column TV scripts from ASCII text
awk320.zip 92874 05-21-91 AWK text scanning and processing language
awk320sr.zip 65114 05-21-91 AWK v3.20 source from author's BBS
bakzap.zip 9208 12-08-88 Backspace zapper for capture files
baudasc1.zip 11334 07-28-92 Converts ASCII <--> Baudot
besth158.zip 213087 04-08-96 BESTHES v1.58: 3,056,200-word thesaurus
bfind605.zip 70093 06-04-96 Boolean FIND command (BFIND BEGIN & END)
bfmt139.zip 27003 04-27-93 Format text various ways (esp. for vi users)
bfort10.zip 269321 03-13-93 Berkeley fortune cookies w/perl scripts for
bigsrt22.zip 8652 04-20-90 In-memory sort program for large files
bigtxt21.zip 18097 04-08-96 BigText v2.1: For BATs, creates large letters
bison111.zip 244484 11-14-90 Bison v1.11, yacc-compatible parser generator
bizpln12.zip 137855 03-23-92 Makes it easy to write complete business plan
blurb_20.zip 50854 04-27-92 Fortune prog. Fast & clean even with big
boxit_10.zip 29737 12-30-92 Quickly add boxes & lines to your text files
breakup.c 6166 04-26-86 Break up large text files into several
breakup.doc 4993 04-26-86 Documentation for BREAKUP.C
brows11.zip 13669 09-03-95 Long text file reader; saves place on exit
browse2.zip 7991 02-23-91 Full screen file pager, VGA and SVGA support
bss150.zip 45896 07-16-96 Versatile VAX/VMS-style string search utility
case31.zip 3188 09-25-94 Text file case converter
caser.zip 33715 10-14-90 Text case changing pgms with TC++ v1.0 source
cawf404.zip 133639 12-07-93 Unix nroff-like text formatter for DOS w/C
cc21d.zip 19220 03-08-94 Filter files with carriage control characters
cc500.zip 63296 02-21-91 Copy CON replacement, create/edit BAT files
cfortune.zip 745082 05-04-91 Collection of fortunes/quotes & Cookie
chang604.zip 82587 04-29-96 Change strings in text files
change17.zip 16209 11-29-92 Change text in one or more files
chktxt.zip 8571 02-11-92 Text file control character filter, CRLF
cleans11.zip 4156 06-23-88 Clean any text file to make it pure ASCII
cmsnt100.zip 6155 07-22-92 MS-DOS 5 QBASIC program to view CMS NOTEBOOKs
colorit2.zip 12067 07-16-88 Add color to DOS text files, needs ANSI.SYS
concat10.zip 6588 05-02-89 Copy multiple text files to file/ptr/console
convdw12.zip 19747 04-21-93 Converts IBM Displaywrite 3, 4, or 5 to ASCII
cookie.zip 6483 12-10-91 Fortune cookie quotes (tight, small, ASM src)
cpycn310.zip 29369 05-15-89 Small editor for creating/editing batch files
cread211.zip 42256 01-14-94 Fast text file browser with ISO-8859-1
crlf.zip 7190 05-11-88 Convert files between Unix and MS-DOS
crlf15b.zip 36407 04-12-92 Unix<->Dos text convert (add/remove cr or lf)
cspella.zip 82231 12-14-87 Spelling checker (see CSPELSRC for source)
cspelsrc.zip 75547 12-08-87 C language source for CSPELLA.ZIP
ctoc30.zip 102279 05-15-90 VP/XyWrite/Penta/MagnaType txt code
ctrans15.zip 27754 04-12-92 Converts Ascii<->Ebcdic<->Iso<->used defined
cursive.zip 16307 11-24-87 Horizontal cursive banners (w/C)
cut101.zip 8770 07-19-87 Cut out spec. fields from each line of file
cut_past.zip 29213 03-05-87 Screen cut/paste utility
cvrft102.zip 18194 04-21-93 Convert IBM DCA/RFT(RevisableFormText)to
daed.zip 28773 02-15-87 Fast text editor
ddjgrep.zip 19858 02-26-93 Find strings in files, with source
dfutil1.zip 112333 01-17-91 Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 1 of 2
dfutil2.zip 182510 11-09-90 Dr. Funkey's text handling utilities, 2 of 2
dgarbage.zip 14276 05-09-88 Removes line noise from captured text files
diff.zip 18763 03-11-86 Difference between 2 text files (like Unix)
diff23.zip 22955 08-02-88 File compare and changebar inserter V2.3
diffrnc2.zip 33052 02-12-87 Displays differences between 2 files
digex104.zip 16059 12-08-91 Undigest (extract) digests in mail file
dl102.zip 15036 06-28-88 Displays two files simultaneously on screen
do30.zip 30533 10-08-87 Text search program 3.0 - powerful
docmen02.zip 15984 11-22-87 Menu-driven utility displays your doc files
docprep.zip 114717 05-17-92 Document preparation for non-major languages
dofilter.zip 21521 06-21-87 Comprehensive ASCII text filter
dos2unix.zip 21642 10-04-89 MSDOS<->Unix newline conversion pgm, w/C src
doscvt27.zip 19310 02-26-96 Convert text file formats between DOS and
downer.zip 49066 10-15-87 Lower case text files w/special cases
drc21.zip 265706 06-22-93 David's Readme Compiler: Make pgm doc into
drdoc17.zip 48725 12-02-94 Makes indexed manual from ASCII docs
drlistj.zip 11820 09-06-89 V.Buerg's special version of LIST for CTTY
dts20doc.zip 196182 04-13-93 dtSearch 2.0 documentation & Alphabet utility
dtsd20.zip 340957 04-13-93 dtSearch 2.0: Full-text retrieval for wrd
dubltk16.zip 79873 05-13-91 Compare two ASCII files side-by-side
ebc2asc.zip 5781 02-06-90 EBCDIC to ASCII text conversion program
ebcdic.zip 12170 11-28-86 Convert IBM EBCDIC encoding to ASCII
edct9401.zip 1060954 01-26-94 EDICT: Japanese<->English dict (lookup
egrep.zip 64953 03-30-88 Fast search for text in specified files
ehdemo.zip 73495 09-09-91 Shareware replacement for NG help engine.
ejdx9401.zip 1049364 01-26-94 EDICT.JDX ready-to-use index for edct9401
emdk100.zip 124101 11-12-95 Electronic magazine developer's kit
ensoft11.zip 8511 01-01-86 Change text to WordStar DOC format
etext302.zip 365456 04-07-96 Electronic Text Publishing - ASCII to .EXE
ezspell.zip 33865 03-21-86 Spelling checker
f_11.zip 3146 01-12-85 ASCII file filter, to/from WS, CR->CRLF, copy
faq12.zip 34512 09-08-94 Frequently Asked Questions utility v1.2
fb211n.zip 67950 09-12-90 Browse ASCII/Wordstar, find/mark/print text
fc20.zip 31934 03-19-90 Compares two text files line by line, v2.0
fgrep183.zip 28298 04-04-96 Chris Dunford's fast text search w/wildcards
fig.zip 4823 04-29-88 FOG Index Generator (in BASIC)
figfont1.zip 206434 09-24-95 Collection of 150 Figlet fonts
figlet21.zip 79917 09-18-95 Figlet v2.1, makes big letters for signatures
filecmp.zip 13651 03-03-88 Compare 2 files
filecomp.zip 12641 02-02-87 Compare two text files
filters.zip 17483 11-27-86 Collection of ASCII text filters
filtr30.zip 23697 04-20-95 Text file searcher, simultan. multi-term
filtx2a.zip 5919 01-12-87 File filter utility. Clean ASCII files
findline.zip 10267 12-13-92 Scan file for text string; returns errorlevel
finds101.zip 12998 08-05-86 Find strings in any file
fixch401.zip 54930 01-18-94 Replace non-printable ASCII codes
fixcr.zip 11120 08-08-88 File editor, patcher, and filter
fixform.zip 6005 05-25-92 CDF -> Fixed length ascii converter
fixtx605.zip 73539 06-04-96 Translate text file characters en masse
flex237.zip 262000 04-03-91 Fast Unix-like LEX lexical analyzer for
flip1exe.zip 14518 07-27-89 Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 1of2
flip1src.zip 21629 07-10-89 Convert text files MSDOS<->UNIX format, 2of2
fold10.zip 5557 04-20-91 Insert CR/LF after specified text line length
fortune.zip 33266 08-16-89 Fortune cookie program, add your own
gdiff22a.zip 372647 05-13-93 GNU Text file differences finder, v2.2, w/src
gestalt.zip 21735 12-06-88 New string similarity function.
getlines.zip 11745 05-21-94 Shows lines of a text file given line numbers
getpstxt.zip 975 05-21-89 Convert Postscript to text
ggrep.zip 14468 08-25-87 Find regexp patterns in files
gmbk150.zip 125451 08-29-95 Gorin's Microbook 1.50: Text presentation
grepfv10.zip 20815 03-16-94 Text/binary/archive regular expression search
grepfv2.zip 11181 04-23-91 Search for expressions in archives too
hardsoft.zip 8279 08-11-88 Convert WordStar document to/from nondocument
hdiff122.zip 30256 01-07-88 File 'diff' utility
head.zip 7304 02-29-88 Display beginning of text files
hfind10.zip 17962 07-01-96 *Highlighting* grep-like text finder
hfnd10.zip 17962 03-17-95 Text finder - highlights target within
histrip.zip 35307 09-02-87 High order bit stripper for text files
hunter52.zip 80640 04-06-91 Search entire disk for a word or phrase
hyphen.zip 31844 12-30-89 HyphenAid v1.0S, TSR hyphenation dictionary
iavs400e.zip 265343 07-17-95 Creates electronic magazines
indexr23.zip 12340 07-08-96 Creates indexes from text files
indxx802.zip 226494 11-13-91 Make back-of-book index from page proofs.
instdx11.zip 48775 06-28-94 Compress/index/search text files. Fast &
isamf603.zip 311263 04-07-96 Full-text searching help desk documents
jb_wc.zip 11170 04-09-89 Counts words, lines, characters in documents
jdic23.zip 137493 08-05-93 Japanese<->English dictionary (needs
jis16.zip 138144 03-04-90 JIS Kanji 16x16 font files (used by JDIC)
jobhnt51.zip 324950 05-22-96 Write letters/address envelopes to employers
jobhunt5.zip 325319 02-24-94 Write letters/address envelopes to employers
jorj9606.zip 709865 06-17-96 A pop-up English dictionary
jq14.zip 336672 04-27-94 4000 jokes and quotes in 25 categories
kanji20.zip 170805 09-23-90 Display Japanese Kanji, Hiragana, Katakana
kinfo23.zip 422322 09-16-93 Japanese Kanji Info file (used by JDIC)
kjdc9308.zip 330825 08-26-93 KANJIDIC: Japanese Kanji dictionary
ktype.zip 155477 05-30-88 Viewer for Japanese text files (CGA/EGA req.)
kws111.zip 16165 02-25-92 Keyword Search: And/or finds in text files
kws144.zip 29150 09-02-94 Keyword search program (grep replacement)
lbl2tab.zip 5324 02-07-95 Convert raw text files to tab separated
lcomp110.zip 96173 03-20-94 Compares contents of two ASCII list files
lcread10.zip 7136 07-08-96 Quick-info files reader
less177e.zip 207803 01-03-92 Better than MORE; file view/page/search;
less291s.zip 223970 04-03-95 File viewer/pager 'better than more'; sources
less291x.zip 83133 03-31-95 File viewer/pager 'better than more'; exe/doc
lfcr.zip 4783 09-20-86 Fixes text files by putting cr/lf
lfcrlf11.zip 15953 01-06-92 Safe & Fast UNIX<->DOS text file translation
lfeed.zip 2609 09-30-88 Add or delete line feeds from text
lfind.zip 38730 09-09-95 Enhanced grep-a-like for index files
list77a.zip 87430 10-06-92 V. Buerg's classic ascii/binary file viewer
list91m.zip 102047 04-07-96 V. Buerg's classic ASCII/binary file viewer
listcnfg.zip 19229 09-21-90 Configuration suggestions for Buerg's LIST
listedit.zip 792 03-09-90 How: Make Buerg's LIST.COM invoke text editor
logos.zip 342934 03-22-92 LOGOS - crossword and anagram searches
logos12.zip 384012 12-31-93 LOGOS - crossword and anagram searches
look4_28.zip 8325 09-26-88 Search text for 'AND' or 'OR' relationships
lookfr50.zip 16455 10-01-90 Text file quick search with AND/OR logic
lower11.zip 13162 01-23-95 Converts characters from stdin to lowercase
lst60asm.zip 9368 04-06-86 ASM for early V Buerg LIST file viewer
man.zip 11078 12-31-86 Unix-like 'man' utl for online doc display
manprep.zip 10517 12-14-87 Prepares doc files for MAN Unix-like 'man'
manprint.zip 5723 01-26-93 Simple Unix man page reformatter for MS-DOS
margin3.zip 30841 07-08-89 MarginText 3.0 - Reformats ASCII text files
margtext.zip 10063 04-09-91 Reformat based on longest line in text file
maxfnd33.zip 33254 04-04-96 Search files for multiple strings,many
merge17.zip 45321 10-15-87 MAIL-MERGE pgm 1.7, October 1987 release
mergf220.zip 61006 04-22-95 MergeFile v2.20: Merge ANY size text file
mergp100.zip 177422 03-20-95 MERGEPRO v1.00: Merge/keep/replace/remove
mfrm240.zip 44109 05-01-91 Convert mainframe numeric data to PC-readable
miscnix.zip 14925 05-29-88 Split, head, and tail for MSDOS
mknews10.zip 5009 02-26-94 Turn files into news (sequentially numbered)
more13.zip 43103 06-25-90 Scroll forward/backward thru text file, w/src
moref241.zip 32086 03-26-90 More-like text file viewer with many options
msiguide.zip 131950 09-27-90 Shareware Norton Guide clone from MSI
msort115.zip 55860 04-07-96 Master Sort: Flexible sorting for large files
mspantoc.zip 52547 01-20-87 MSPANTOC v1.0 document processing utility
msub13.zip 205519 08-30-95 Regular expression search-replace utility
mulco501.zip 91843 03-19-95 Multicolumn text with headers, dBase
ngclon11.zip 30938 02-20-90 Norton Guides clone, w/Turbo Pascal 5.0 src
ngdump.zip 5442 06-20-90 Decompiler for Norton Guides database files
nghelp.zip 75306 02-27-94 Norton Guide clone with TP 7.0 source code
ngrep.zip 10225 11-08-87 Improved GREP, takes wildcards
ngrj160.zip 22167 01-07-93 Text justifier, ideal for .NG compiling
ngs_11.zip 28630 06-30-94 Norton Guides Sourcer v1.1: Decompiles NG
nlword10.zip 659205 11-01-92 Dutch wordlist for spell-checkers e.g.
nobit71.zip 9466 12-01-88 Strips high-order bit of text files
nocz12.zip 8982 10-13-89 Strip Ctrl Z's from files, 3 versions, ASM
note.zip 9872 10-09-88 Resident file/dir/prtsc utility
nroff1.zip 32297 12-06-90 Unix V7 nroff clone with source for MS C 5.1
off_09.zip 35977 01-10-93 OFF: A simple text formatter
ovrsgr.zip 13970 11-06-87 Overstrike/backspace etc. to ANSI
page.com 1152 02-01-86 Displays ascii files one page at a time
page1_4.zip 13579 01-04-95 Quick text file viewer useful for large files
pagin605.zip 162573 06-04-96 Paginates text (indexes, sorts, tables)
pbjst104.zip 33752 05-20-93 ASCII text justifying filter by Peter Breuer
pc_man19.zip 86585 01-23-94 Online document manager (like Unix man)
pc_pro18.zip 340865 02-18-93 PC-Proof: Grammar checker for word proc.
pc_pro34.zip 429998 07-01-96 PC-Proof v3.4: Grammar checker for DOS
pc_read.zip 28677 01-23-86 Rates complexity of writing to grade level
pcb101_1.zip 127410 02-15-90 TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 1of2
pcb101_2.zip 68494 09-28-89 TSR Pop-up file scan & hypertext tool, 2of2
pci30.zip 128835 08-04-90 PC-INDEX: Creates indexes from text files
pco334.zip 98730 11-30-87 PC-Outline v3.34: Outlining & planning
pcowp20.zip 28499 09-13-88 Converts PC-Outline files to WordPerfect 5.0
pcpatch.zip 55831 02-05-88 Patch old source to current version
pcpub216.zip 416764 04-08-96 PC Publisher 2.16: Create text, books,
pcwrd110.zip 103547 02-28-90 Viewer for PC-Write files
pdsrt212.zip 22737 06-18-90 PD disk-based external sort program, w/C src
pgrep.zip 12905 10-07-86 fgrep/egrep variation; many options
phrase24.zip 32991 02-15-89 Phrase Watcher 2.4, avoid bad, awkward
pil50kit.zip 82633 04-08-92 Publishing Interchange Language v5.0 source
pscribe.zip 135118 10-13-88 Professional Scribe, improves your writing
ptf12.zip 157827 05-13-90 Portable Text Formatter with contents & index
ql569.zip 47735 07-30-91 Fortune cookie program (Quantum Leap sayings)
qp201.zip 29699 12-29-90 ASCII text file file viewer and print utility
qsort320.zip 35538 07-10-88 Ben Baker's Qsort v3.20: Fast sort utility
qt202.zip 277480 11-08-92 Fortune cookie program with 5000+ quotes
quote25b.zip 87347 03-08-94 Random quote generator, 1000+ quotes, w/C src
rap11.zip 19833 07-07-93 Reformat text files to specified widths. DEMO
rcntx325.zip 258808 02-15-94 RACONTEX v3.25: Indexing Text Search System
rdansi11.zip 5783 01-17-95 ANSI and ASCII file viewer
read201s.zip 388093 08-21-95 Writing style analyzer & readability checker
read32.zip 84208 04-05-96 READ v3.2: Read/edit ASCII text files
read605.zip 306719 06-04-96 Free viewer, also make any text self-viewing
readyref.zip 92794 05-16-88 Pop-up configurable reference utility
recall25.zip 64153 04-09-91 RECALL 2.5, WordPerfect and ASCII text viewer
refs51.zip 14133 11-05-89 Finds references in name, date form in
rembs1.zip 40916 11-21-88 Removes backspaces in text files
repstr40.zip 92815 04-24-93 Remove or modify strings in text files
resize.zip 8431 05-14-91 Resize text file to retain data before Ctrl-Z
rlist10.zip 34471 08-03-91 Ron's LIST Program - CUA-like text file
rmail41.zip 77931 08-17-93 PC ReadMail v4.1: News, email and msgs reader
rmhead14.zip 15834 03-14-94 Removes/changes headers of e-mail, news files
rpsort.zip 54030 09-16-91 Fast sort very large files. Multiple sort
rpsrt102.zip 89116 12-15-92 Fast sort very large files. Multiple sort
rrts00.zip 40358 02-07-93 Remove redundant trailing spaces in text
rss30.zip 26355 04-21-93 Ron's smart existential dictionary search pgm
rtextu10.zip 286573 05-04-93 Ricki's misc. text file utilities (filters)
rtrim51.zip 52921 12-04-91 Remove unwanted spaces/ctl chars from txt
rum10.zip 10107 11-15-93 Rapid Unix/MS-DOS text file translator, v1.0
scanx106.zip 41703 05-09-96 ScanText v1.6 ASCII file text pattern
scripto.zip 4914 05-21-91 Builds cursive writing from text, w/TPas src
sed15.zip 62082 09-30-91 Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5 TC src
sed15x.zip 20300 09-30-91 Unix-compatible streaming editor v1.5
see11.zip 17122 12-21-88 Alternative to DOS 'TYPE' command
see212.zip 95097 06-07-92 View/print/publish/organize files
see510.zip 127169 04-08-96 SEE: File viewer and printer from MicroFox
sendit.zip 12593 11-30-94 Enhanced replacement for DOS' TYPE command
serchv11.zip 8037 07-19-88 Search text files for 1 or 2 words with
showv20x.zip 25722 10-22-94 Convert text to self-displaying COM files
shrlck20.zip 97044 09-06-90 Sherlock 2-window interactive textfile
simdoc30.zip 197190 10-18-94 ASCII file to EXE converter - many features
simp465.zip 64751 07-30-91 Fortune cookie program (Things Simpsons say)
sleek51.zip 9817 04-09-96 Sleek v5.1: File reformatter/word wrapper
sort.zip 7870 06-12-87 Pembertons' numeric sort utility
sortf237.zip 9903 09-19-91 Vernon Buerg's fast text sort utility
sortx20.zip 29968 09-27-95 Fast sort of big files, replaces DOS' sort
spel204.zip 46277 05-15-87 Spell checker
spellr20.zip 71000 09-10-88 Spell checker outputs list of misspelled
splitc.zip 8439 04-25-88 Split file into multiple files
spltjd13.zip 13049 05-31-93 Splits large text files into multiple files
ss30.zip 237090 02-26-96 Text file screen-oriented spell checker, v3.0
ss303.zip 6800 05-06-94 ASCII or HEX string searcher with many
sspell14.zip 81976 07-17-92 TurboC++ or Unix C source for Unix Spell
sstrim12.zip 2301 10-09-94 Remove trailing spaces from text files
stprt203.zip 23902 03-02-94 Unformatted ASCII file formatter/printer
strip21.zip 15944 02-06-86 Strips high-order bits from WordStar files
strpit11.zip 34296 11-29-90 Strip characters from left/right side of text
stview.zip 41220 10-29-90 ST-VIEW, text file viewer with mouse support
stype27.zip 15752 11-29-92 Display files contents with many options
swputils.zip 117588 03-13-91 Does vertical/horizontal text file
tab.zip 12937 08-14-89 Indent a file one tab or specified # of
tabs21.zip 15780 01-06-88 V.Buerg's replace spaces w/Tabs, & vice-versa
tabx10.zip 10852 03-01-90 Filter that expands TABs to SPACEs, w/TC src
tail.zip 7416 04-07-88 Display lines from tail end of text file
take1304.zip 93994 03-31-93 Take1st: Remove
tamilvu1.zip 40606 11-02-94 TAMILVU 1.0 Romanized Tamil text viewer MSDOS
tcless.zip 28299 04-24-88 TurboC version of Unix LESS, better than MORE
td120.zip 27360 01-23-86 Create ANSI text
tds_v10.zip 16237 12-25-90 Transliterate/delete/complement txt
tea101.zip 751997 07-13-96 TEA word search for crosswords and word games
teadac13.zip 1076755 03-07-95 TEA dictionary database - Advanced Cryptics
teadling.zip 281363 04-27-92 TEA dictionary database - <MSDOS.LINGUISTICS>
teadweb.zip 1083036 04-27-92 TEA dictionary database - Webster's 2nd Ed
texrep12.zip 16143 06-09-96 Search/replace, multi string, easy DOS
textc173.zip 38426 04-21-93 Reformat ASCII files for import to
texttest.zip 124495 06-21-94 File selector, spell checker, text viewer
tfb.zip 17415 02-15-94 Small TSR multi-file browser w/search/mark
thesar39.zip 141387 03-30-89 Extendable menu driven on-line thesaurus v3.9
thespl22.zip 212176 04-09-90 Memory resident thesaurus, deluxe version 2.2
to5_205.zip 34770 04-21-93 Convert WordPerfect 5.x to ASCII, many
toadcr11.zip 7187 08-03-89 Unix <> DOS text file EOL converter w/ASM src
toadebc.zip 7023 08-12-90 Collection of ASCII <> EBCDIC conversion
toadso11.zip 12205 01-14-86 Convert text to WS / WS to text format files
toadtrim.zip 3518 01-18-90 Strip trailing spaces from text file,w/ASM
tr112.zip 17476 11-13-92 DOS version of UNIX TR print command w/source
tran05.zip 19376 01-19-93 Windows and DOS prog to cnvrt string <->
tran10.zip 31893 06-04-96 Random Number Generators for C and C++
travesty.zip 18602 12-18-88 Text/music style simulator w/C source
trnsmail.zip 402381 06-01-96 TRNSMAIL: Translates mail to six languages
tschek15.zip 68456 03-04-96 Unix-like spelling checker for text files
tsfcom24.zip 174588 05-28-93 Progs for manipulating text files, T.Salmi
tsfilt22.zip 122095 03-03-96 Filters for message/log text files, T.Salmi
tsfltb19.zip 69924 03-03-96 Build your own text & binary filters, T.Salmi
tsfltc18.zip 86762 04-18-96 dump,col,concat,cut,detab,rep,rot13,undump
tspell24.zip 115582 03-29-91 Screen oriented spelling checker by T.Salmi
tsv1_0.zip 8034 12-04-94 TextScroller 1.0: Interactive text file
tt_r2.zip 334447 05-14-96 TextTools R2: 18 text/table filters, etc.
txpro102.zip 76071 09-01-94 TextPro: Batch-oriented text formatter
txs32.zip 112754 05-23-93 Fast text search with existential
txtab605.zip 120008 06-04-96 Generates text tables
txtcom.zip 7693 08-23-87 Text-to-COM translator
txtout13.zip 25697 01-16-90 Converts WordPerfect 5.0 files to ASCII files
typbck13.zip 12527 11-29-92 Type a log file line by line backwards
ukacd13.zip 649676 03-07-95 ASCII wordlist for advanced cryptic
unansi10.zip 5653 07-11-95 Strips ANSI codes from files (1.5K ASM util)
unbox.zip 2577 06-08-90 Cvt graphic box chars to ASCII substitutes
undigest.c 8194 07-10-96 Break down newsletter digests to individ.
uneek101.zip 14269 06-17-90 Eliminate duplicate records in text files,
uniq12.zip 10689 01-14-95 Remove or report adjacent duplicate text
unsoft11.zip 9690 06-09-84 Convert WordStar DOC format to text
utter202.zip 31937 08-11-94 Fortune-like quote displayer w/lots of
vf150.zip 10686 08-24-85 Screen Oriented File Maintenance Util
view645.zip 18350 09-05-88 Fast text file viewer v6.45, Shareware
viewit.zip 19135 02-24-93 Simple easy-to-use file viewer and searcher
vndvue13.zip 247072 08-02-95 VendView v1.30 viewer for VENDINFO.DIZ files
vocali20.zip 13585 07-08-96 Changes chars ASCII>127 to ASCII<=127
wc14.zip 12693 01-18-94 Statistics, word freqs, and readability index
wcnt100.zip 18673 11-06-95 Fast word counter w/stats, code page support
wisdom2.zip 99811 05-27-91 A fortune cookie program with Turbo C source
wlist11.zip 29266 10-20-93 Fast word frequency and word length counter
wp5look.zip 24779 03-05-89 File browser for WordPerfect5.0 document
wraplin2.zip 9520 12-30-88 Wraps long lines of text to make file
wsascii.zip 16960 08-24-85 Convert WordStar document files to ASCII
wsconv.bas 822 06-12-85 Convert WordStar DOC files to text
wsconv.doc 587 06-12-85 Doc for WSCONV.BAS
wsrefman.zip 38779 07-14-86 Reference manual for WordStar 3.xx
wstriprg.zip 7802 10-21-91 Gautier's WordStar file stripper & dot
wsx21a.zip 44220 10-20-87 WordStar to ASCII conversion program
xcd20.zip 13002 07-26-91 Command line search for TXS dictionaries
xgrep103.zip 13092 03-02-96 Fast Unix-compatible grep (in 80x86 asm)
xort110.zip 17141 09-06-93 Sort huge text files in XMS memory, fast
xsort.zip 12795 11-27-87 Expanded,faster sort-handles multiline
UBASIC: Ultra BASIC for math
path: \disc2\ubasic
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
00readme.txt 4853 02-25-96 Information about files in this directory
ub874.zip 365439 02-25-96 High precision math-oriented BASIC
ub874gr.zip 82903 02-25-96 Standard VGA graphics applications for UBASIC
ubmalm.zip 34303 02-25-96 UBASIC number theory pgms by Donald E.G. Malm
ubppmpqs.zip 58617 02-25-96 UBASIC prime factorization pgm for 386/486
MicroEmacs text editor
path: \disc2\uemacs
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
ue31216m.zip 110751 04-25-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - MS-DOS DPMI executable
ue312ans.zip 69760 04-25-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - MSDOS w/ANSI graphics
ue312cmd.zip 49688 04-21-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 command and startup files
ue312doc.zip 71713 04-21-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 docs in MSS format
ue312h.zip 82908 04-21-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 Header and assembly files
ue312ibm.zip 73898 04-25-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 EXE - IBMPC MONO/CGA/EGA/VGA
ue312src.zip 424597 04-21-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 C language source
ue312win.zip 196652 04-25-93 MicroEMACS v3.12 for Windows 3.1 (EXE
us20doc.zip 136089 07-03-92 MicroSPELL spelling checker, docs &
us20exe.zip 43761 06-25-92 MicroSPELL spelling checker, executables
us20src.zip 26289 07-03-92 MicroSPELL spelling checker, C language
Unix to Unix Copy for MS-DOS
path: \disc2\uucp
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
cppnws18.zip 120052 09-22-92 Usenet News/Mail reader replaces Snews/PC-Elm
mush71.zip 113629 09-23-90 MUSH v7.1, MSDOS<->Unix uucp email
mush7doc.zip 89134 10-01-90 Docs for MUSH v7.1, MSDOS<->Unix uucp email
smailbin.zip 109434 05-24-90 smail/PC - smart uucp mailer for MS-DOS, 1of2
smailsrc.zip 113028 05-24-90 smail/PC - smart uucp mailer for MS-DOS, 2of2
snews191.zip 141498 08-24-93 SNEWS 1.91: Threaded newsreader for UUPC
snuupm27.zip 88709 03-29-96 Easy installation of SNews/UUpc/PMail
snws191s.zip 74313 08-24-93 Source code for SNEWS 1.91 newsreader for
tmail116.zip 134958 01-04-93 Threaded Mail/News shell for UUPC & Waffle
ucpck104.zip 15542 04-06-96 UUCPCHK v1.04: Checks Netmail addressing
upc12pad.zip 471962 06-16-96 UUPC/extended 1.12p documents and sample
upc12pd1.zip 232106 06-16-96 UUPC/extended 1.12p DOS executables (1 of 3)
upc12pd2.zip 229156 06-16-96 UUPC/extended 1.12p DOS executables (2 of 3)
upc12pd3.zip 241205 06-16-96 UUPC/extended 1.12p DOS executables (3 of 3)
upc12ps1.zip 234429 06-16-96 UUPC/extended 1.12p source code files (1 of
upc12ps2.zip 231142 06-16-96 UUPC/extended 1.12p source code files (2 of
upc12ps3.zip 136503 06-16-96 UUPC/extended 1.12p source code files (3 of
upc12ps4.zip 171768 06-16-96 UUPC/extended 1.12p source code files (4 of
uucpfaq.zip 10954 02-24-92 uucp frequently asked questions by Ian Taylor
uucproto.des 13823 12-06-88 Description of UUCP protocol
uupdmcng.zip 7281 06-25-96 Changes domains in incoming UUCP command
uupls151.zip 1185143 06-16-96 UUPlus v1.51: UUCP Mail & Usenet News w/utils
uuptoccm.zip 58130 06-25-96 UUCP gateway for Lotus cc:Mail
uuptovm.zip 25448 06-25-96 Allows VMail-Server to be used with UUPlus
vms220.zip 355924 05-21-93 V-MailServer 2.20 automated list/file server
Virus detection and removal
path: \disc2\virus
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
aavirus.zip 14512 03-09-92 Check/save/restore disk boot record/MBR
adinf931.zip 172354 04-18-96 Advanced Diskinfoscope. Integrity checker
alert222.zip 78878 03-16-90 Government virus checker (well done)
ansichk9.zip 58262 08-09-94 ANSI bomb and bad batch file detector
autosn32.zip 36925 06-09-91 Checks ZIP/other archives for virus
avp22e_a.zip 1526300 06-27-96 AntiViral toolkit pro 2.2 evaluation version
avpve96a.zip 1045779 06-27-96 AntiViral toolkit pro virus encyclopedia
bootcomp.zip 29195 09-29-89 Use BIOS-ints to compare bootsector with
brt22.zip 78795 07-09-91 The Bridge Terminus v2.2a, shell for
bull_221.zip 14933 04-06-96 F-PROT Professional Update Bulletin v2.21
catchm18.zip 28443 11-25-92 Algorithmic MtE virus scanner and MtE report
chk4fe.zip 32513 02-16-91 Front-end driver for CHK4COMP.ZIP, needs
chkup39.zip 117558 04-28-90 Check system files for changes, virus checker
chkvir21.zip 84666 08-15-91 Force McAfee SCAN check for viruses on bootup
ckot20.zip 57110 02-22-93 Checks archived files for viruses (req.
cm211.zip 336792 06-10-96 ChekMate: Generic virus detection w/word
cpavse.zip 210774 02-23-92 Central Point Anti-Virus special free edition
crcset13.zip 32921 07-11-91 Self-scanning executable w/TP & MSC/TC source
cvirprot.zip 8638 06-03-90 Virus resistance for C language programs
dat_9606.zip 307322 06-26-96 McAfee's virus signature data file, June 1996
deform.zip 10779 05-15-91 Program to remove FORM virus from floppies
dlchk12.zip 8422 03-17-91 Auto scan downloaded archive files for
dprotect.zip 3129 09-27-89 SW write-protect disks against TROJANS
ds231b.zip 29257 02-25-96 DiskSecure: Hard disk protection program
dsii242.zip 32564 04-18-96 BIOS-level anti-virus with access control
esdscn20.zip 31966 07-18-92 ESD Virus and Trojan ecanning engine
fixutil6.zip 29467 04-18-96 BIOS detection and recovery from BSI viruses
fp_223a.zip 744576 06-06-96 Version 2.23 of the F-PROT anti-virus program
fshld15.zip 30623 10-07-90 Shields executable files from virus
fsp_184.zip 47126 08-06-92 FLU_SHOT+ active monitor virus prevention pgm
hcopy15.zip 63214 02-19-92 COPY with virus protection, from Hilgraeve
htscan20.zip 94881 04-20-93 Programmable virus scanner by Harry Thijssen
i_m302a.zip 416726 07-19-96 IntegrityMaster 3.02a antivirus/data
ibmpaper.zip 24154 04-12-89 IBM: 'Computer viruses and related problems'
innoc.zip 2333 02-06-91 Boot sector virus immunizer for diskettes
killmnk3.zip 15743 02-25-96 KillMonk v3.0: Monkey and INT_10 virus
langv106.zip 173321 06-23-93 Foreign language modules for SCAN and CLEAN
m_disk.zip 12309 02-25-96 Remove boot sector or partition table viruses
mteavr22.zip 2197 07-13-92 MTE virus signatures for TBSCAN(X) & HTSCAN
mythsv10.zip 35332 02-25-96 Computer Virus Myths by Greenberg/Rosenberger
navm.zip 195311 02-14-92 Norton's AntiVirus, free Michelangelo edition
nby127.zip 199182 06-24-91 Virus scanner plus system information utility
pcv4dbf.zip 222950 06-04-91 PC-Virus 4.0 database and program, 1of2
pcv4rpt.zip 222294 05-28-91 PC-Virus 4.0 virus reports in text form, 2of2
pvalidat.zip 4446 01-04-91 Portable VALIDATE using McAfee algorithms
pzip160.zip 63374 09-08-91 Virus-check multiple archives, repack to ZIPs
sbabr210.zip 157625 07-23-96 System boot areas antivirus
scantl17.zip 173589 08-12-91 Front end for the McAfee Scan anti-virus
scn_250e.zip 449510 06-26-96 McAfee's VirusScan 2.5.0: Scans/cleans
scnday10.zip 9326 04-18-93 Scan HD for viruses once a day on Mon/Wed/Fri
secur235.zip 21153 02-18-92 Virus/trojan security, prevents unauth.
sentry02.zip 23280 12-09-92 Sentry: Non-resident checksum security
stealth.zip 52679 02-08-92 C & TurboPas routines for self-checking code
swvsaf11.zip 86415 11-26-90 DOS extention does file integrity
test1995.zip 594863 12-20-95 Virus Resrch Unit's antivirus scanner
unvir902.zip 31249 05-01-90 UNVIRUS/IMMUNE removes/protects against virus
upav201.zip 87796 06-29-92 Update/install Viruscan for local/network
using91.zip 6922 05-28-92 Info on new features of McAfee's VirusScan 91
v_detect.zip 18364 11-09-89 Virus Detector v1.0 from Varteck
validat3.zip 3087 02-25-96 Validate shareware programs for authenticity
validate.zip 8709 02-28-93 Validating information for Virus checkers
vb_110.zip 24403 11-30-89 Virus Buster v1.10, virus detection/removal
vc300ega.zip 105933 07-19-91 Virus Central, frontend to virus programs,
vc300lte.zip 89281 07-19-91 Virus Central Lite:Shell for
vck30.zip 164998 07-30-93 VirusCheck: Security shell for McAfee
vcopy82.zip 53963 09-14-91 Replacement for COPY, checks for viruses
vds31a.zip 315593 05-05-96 Virus detection system with integrity checker
virdt108.zip 60002 09-15-93 VIR.DAT V108 virus update for NETSHIELD
virlist4.zip 38799 08-14-93 Generates report from McAfee's virlist.txt
virsh14e.zip 78892 06-29-92 ViruShell: Shell for McAfee's anti-viral pgms
virsim2c.zip 61101 04-03-93 Virus Simulator audits anti-virus security
virus_l.faq 165186 02-25-96 Virus-L Frequently Asked Question list
virx298.zip 339964 06-01-96 Virex-PC: Anti-virus utility with small TSR
virzip13.zip 14927 03-24-91 Scans ZIP files for virus infections
vkill13.zip 14779 10-20-90 Find and remove Jerusalem virus, with C
vsh_250e.zip 454578 06-26-96 McAfee's VShield v2.5.0: Antivirus TSR
vshl205.zip 108320 12-09-92 VShell 2.05: Front-end for Viruscan/CleanUP
vsig9305.zip 26658 05-02-93 Signatures for HTSCAN virus scanner
vstop54.zip 27783 01-05-90 Virstop 1.05, TSR to prevent virus infection
vsumx606.zip 1034345 07-12-96 Virus information hypertext summary list
vtac50.zip 40066 09-27-91 Protects disk against alteration or
vtec46c.zip 104050 12-06-92 Virus Terminus 4.6c, McAfee scan front-end
vxrf0691.zip 9146 05-31-91 Cross-referenced list of viruses by size
watchman.zip 15726 08-07-91 Virus detector checks for altered executables
zipvchkb.zip 41803 06-28-91 ZIP file virus checker
ztec61b.zip 93388 02-03-92 Zip Terminus 6.1b, front-end for PKZIP
Visual Basic pgmming language
path: \disc2\visbasic
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
ddsrv.zip 10712 08-08-92 Add drag and drop functions to Visual BASIC
enumfont.zip 17921 09-17-91 Make Visual BASIC call WIN API fn EnumFonts
mlistbox.zip 8087 02-16-92 Multi-select custom control for Visual Basic
pcl4vb43.zip 76521 04-11-96 Communications library for Visual Basic
ppl4vb20.zip 52144 04-11-96 X/Y/Zmodem protocol library for Visual Basic
stsbar.zip 3869 11-07-91 VB: Visual status bar for Visual BASIC
vbbook13.zip 39283 04-03-93 VB Book v1.3, print booklets to LJ, src & exe
vbcomm20.zip 17161 08-21-92 Communications Control for Visual Basic
vbfindid.zip 8137 10-21-91 Get/set control IDs in Visual BASIC forms
vbhelp10.zip 22872 09-08-93 Visual Basic Tips & Tricks v1.0 help file
vbrc10.zip 73363 08-11-92 Creates RC Dialog Scripts from VisBasic Forms
w31api.zip 31795 06-22-92 Windows 3.1 API declarations for Visual Basic
Vietnamese character pgms
path: \disc2\viscii
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
btviet03.zip 58643 10-29-92 Vietnamese editor--most graphics cards +
cadao11.zip 17151 08-30-93 Displays random Vietnamese proverbs, Win3.1
hxhwin10.zip 286358 08-01-93 Poems by Ho Xuan Huong, Win3.1 hypertext+MIDI
nhac1_a3.zip 54681 09-17-92 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol1-VerA3
nhac2_a3.zip 54178 09-17-92 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol2-VerA3
nhac3_a3.zip 54662 09-17-92 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol3-VerA3
nhac4_a3.zip 53551 09-17-92 Vietnamese Songs, hypertext style, Vol4-VerA3
pdfo3tt1.zip 290934 07-21-93 5 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-Fonts
pdfon1tt.zip 379119 05-26-93 6 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-FONTS
pdfon2tt.zip 395765 05-26-93 9 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from VN-FONTS
thitap1.zip 19606 09-14-92 Poems by Quang Dung, hypertext, Windows 3.1
thitap2.zip 57143 10-28-92 Poems by Nguyen Binh, Win3.1
thitap4.zip 584931 08-04-93 Chinh Phu Ngam poem, Win3.1
tho1_a3.zip 59758 09-17-92 Poems by Xuan Dieu, hypertext style
vdos421.zip 80724 09-01-92 VIETDOS: Vietnamese keyboard & screen filters
viet78.zip 31612 08-31-92 Convert between SCV/Viet-Net and VISCII,
vietdm10.zip 57438 01-13-93 Multi-font dot-matrix formatting & printing
vietvu20.zip 176642 10-29-92 Vietnamese kbd/clipboard filter for
visc11ps.zip 329616 01-11-93 VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in PostScript
viscii11.zip 75332 01-19-93 VISCII and VIQR 1.1 standards, in VISCII
vlaser3.zip 73428 06-07-93 Multi-font LaserJet formatting & printing
vnfo3tt1.zip 199597 08-02-93 VISCII TienGiang TT fonts, donated by
vnfon1tt.zip 191268 10-11-93 4 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from TriChlor
vnfon2tt.zip 159097 05-18-93 3 VISCII Windows TrueType fonts from TriChlor
vnhacw1a.zip 334914 08-02-93 Vietnamese song lyrics (with cliparts),
vprint12.zip 24965 10-29-92 Printing utility for Vietnamese VISCII files
winvnk11.zip 827924 04-12-93 Vietnamese keyboard and fonts for Windows 3.1
Weather forecasting
path: \disc2\weather
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
hurrtr40.zip 273313 05-16-93 HURRTRAK v4.0: Hurricane tracking / analysis
merln17c.zip 201181 04-07-96 Merlin Hurricane Tracking Tool v1.7c
storm61.zip 211817 06-17-92 Hurricane tracking pgm. USA E. & Gulf coasts
weathr30.zip 150378 06-03-96 Keep track of local weather conditions
wg1.zip 644432 05-03-96 Weather forecaster, analysis and database
Windows pgmmer's Journal
path: \disc2\wpj_mag
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
wpj_mag.inf 2584 12-09-92 Free electronic magazine for Windows
wpjrqst.txt 1574 04-07-93 Request for assistance from WPJ readers
wpjv1n1.zip 34922 01-02-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 1
wpjv1n2.zip 46563 01-31-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 2
wpjv1n3.zip 128565 03-01-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 3
wpjv1n4.zip 92456 04-03-93 Windows Programmer's Journal. Vol. 1 No. 4
wpjv1n5.zip 86702 05-07-93 Windows Programmer's Journal Vol. 1 No. 5
wpjv1n6.zip 131469 06-11-93 Windows programmer's Journal. Vol 1. No. 6
wpjv1n7.zip 248453 08-01-93 Issue #7 of the Windows Programmer's Journal
X Windows Server/Support pgms
path: \disc2\xwindows
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
xa3120_a.zip 1246077 07-16-96 Installation program, docs and misc
xa3120_b.zip 973430 07-16-96 SuperVGA server using the UniVBE driver
xa3120_c.zip 1260545 07-16-96 Type 1 fonts, Mono server
xa3120_d.zip 1381922 07-16-96 75 dpi and Speedo fonts
xa3120_e.zip 1172743 07-16-96 100 dpi fonts for high-res screens
xa3120_f.zip 1451925 07-16-96 Asian and Cyrillic fonts - part 1
xa3120_g.zip 1357718 07-16-96 Asian and Cyrillic fonts - part 2
xa3120_h.zip 1005109 07-16-96 Accelerated server for S3-based cards
xa3120_i.zip 856443 07-16-96 Accelerated server for 8514 cards
xa3120_j.zip 925604 07-16-96 Accelerated server for AGX-based cards
xa3120_k.zip 859593 07-16-96 Accelerated server for Mach8-based cards
xa3120_l.zip 914584 07-16-96 Accelerated server for Mach32-based cards
xappeal.txt 14341 07-16-96 X Appeal Trial Version 3.1.2: Read this
Information on Simtel cdroms
path: \docs
Name Size Date Description
------------ ---- ---- -----------------------
pv.doc 15441 04-22-95 Powerview Image Viewer documentation
qpeg386.doc 14434 01-15-95 QPEG Image Viewer documentation
acrobat.txt 25981 08-27-95 Adobe Acrobat documentation
catalog.txt 65311 07-19-96 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - English
catalog.fre 40520 03-25-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - French
catalog.ger 70915 05-06-96 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - German
catalog.ita 38525 06-15-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Italian
catalog.spa 40882 06-10-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Spanish
catalog.jpn 29684 09-07-95 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Japanese
catalog.pdf 8120572 05-09-96 Walnut Creek CDROM Product Catalog - Adobe
Acrobat format
view.doc 6832 03-24-95 Documentation about the VIEW.EXE program on
this CDROM