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- title SERINT
- ;Interupt driven RS232 serial port routines.
- ; these routines replace the BIOS rs232 calls with a version that has
- ; interupt driven character receive, and can thus operate at considerably
- ; higher speeds than the standard bios calls (int 14h).
- ;
- ; Copyright 1983 by William E. Westfield. All rights reserved.
- ; This software may be freely distributed, but it may not under
- ; any circumstances be sold by anyone other than the author.
- ;
- BUFSiz= 1024
- XON= 17
- XOFF= 19
- Everything Segment public
- assume cs:everything,es:everything,ss:everything
- assume ds: everything
- org 14h*4
- RS232vector dd 0
- org 30h
- SerialCardVector dd 0
- tflags db 0
- bufseg dw 0
- bufHead dw 0
- BufTail dw 0
- COUNT dw 0
- sav1 dw 0
- sav2 dw 0
- othvec dd 0
- biosint dd 0
- org 100h
- start:
- mov bp,ds
- xor ax,ax
- mov ds,ax
- les ax,SerialCardVector
- mov cs:OthVec,ax
- mov cs:OthVec+2,es
- les ax,rs232vector
- mov cs:biosint,ax
- mov cs:biosint+2,es
- mov word ptr SerialCardVector,OFFSET serint
- mov word ptr SerialCardVector+2,cs
- mov word ptr rs232vector,OFFSET rsint
- mov word ptr rs232vector+2,cs
- mov bx,cs
- mov ds,bx
- xor ax,ax
- mov BUFTail,ax ; load place for interupt routine to put chars
- mov BUFHead,ax ; load place for main routine to get chars
- mov ax,offset BUFFER ;computer segment containing the buffer
- mov cl,4 ;by taking address, multiplying by 16 to get
- shr ax,cl ;segment value.
- add ax,bx ; and then add current segment
- inc ax ; and round up.
- mov BUFSeg,ax
- init3: cli
- init6: in al,021H ; Set up 8259 interupt controller
- and al,0EFH ; enabling INT4
- out 021H,al
- mov dx,03F9H ; Interupt Enable register
- mov al,1 ; enable 'data available' serial interupt
- out dx,al
- mov dl,0FCH
- mov al,0BH ; enable interupts from serial card
- out dx,al
- sti ; enable CPU to receive interupts
- mov dl,0F8H ;
- in al,dx
- mov dx,offset Buffer+BUFSiz+65 ;note some slack...
- int 27h ;terminate but stay resident
- subttl ********** serial port interupt routine **********
- rsint: sti
- cmp dx,0
- jne notus
- cmp ah,1
- je sndchr
- jge wedoit
- notus: jmp cs:dword ptr BIOSint
- wedoit: cmp ah,2 ; receive a character ?
- status: pushf ;simulate interupt
- call cs:dword ptr BIOSint
- cmp cs:count,0
- je nochars
- or ah,1 ;indicate data ready
- nochars: iret
- SNDCHR: push dx
- mov dx,3FDh
- mov ah,al
- sndlp: in al,dx
- test al,20h
- jz sndlp
- mov dl,0F8h
- xchg al,ah
- out dx,al
- pop dx
- iret
- TSTLP: cmp cs:COUNT,0
- jz TSTLP
- mov cs:sav1,si
- mov cs:sav2,ds
- mov si,cs:BUFHead
- mov ds,cs:BUFSeg
- cli
- lodsb
- cmp si,BUFSiz
- jb GETCH2
- xor si,si
- GETCH2: dec cs:COUNT
- test cs:tflags,STOPED
- je GETCH3
- cmp cs:COUNT,100
- ja GETCH3
- mov dx,3F8h
- push ax
- mov al,xon
- out dx,al
- and cs:tflags,255-STOPED
- pop AX
- mov cs:BUFHead,si
- sti
- mov si,cs:SAV1
- mov ds,cs:sav2
- mov ah,0
- iret
- serint: push dx
- push ax
- push es
- push ds
- push di
- cld
- mov es,cs:BUFSeg
- mov di,cs:BUFTail ;get registers we need
- intlp: mov dx,03fdH ; asynch status port
- in al,dx
- test al,1 ; see if data available
- jz retint
- jz othint ; no.
- mov dl,0f8H ; yes, get it
- in al,dx
- and al,07fH ; take 7 bits
- jz retint ; ignore nulls
- cmp al,07fH ; rubout ?
- jz retint ; yes, ignore it.
- serin2: stosb
- mov ax,cs
- mov ds,ax ; deal with global variables now...
- inc COUNT ; increment count of characters in buffer
- cmp di,BUFSiz ; does it loop around past end of the buffer ?
- jb serin3
- xor di,di ; yes, reset to beginning.
- serin3: mov BUFTail,di
- mov ax,BUFSiz
- sub ax,COUNT ; how much space is left ?
- cmp ax,BUFSiz/10 ; less than a tenth left ?
- jae serin5
- test tflags,STOPED
- jne serin4
- mov dx,03F8H
- mov al,xoff ; send character to stop output
- out dx,al
- or tflags,STOPED
- serin4:
- serin5:
- retint: mov al,064H
- out 020H,al ; send End-Of-Interupt to 8259
- pop di
- pop ds
- pop es
- pop ax
- pop dx
- intret: iret
- othint: ;something we werent waiting for caused the interupt,
- ; so pass it on to previous interupt vector
- cmp cs:OTHVEC+2,0
- jz retint
- pop di
- pop ds
- pop es
- pop ax
- pop dx
- jmp cs:dword ptr OTHVEC
- BUFFER db BufSiz dup(?)
- everything ends
- end start