Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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File List
153 lines
Simtel-20 MSDOS, September 92 edition. Walnut Creek CDROM.
file name size date description
------------ ---- ---- -------------------------
ANSMAT10.ZIP 80583 05-18-92 Write BAT files to change colors/function
| keys
ASK.ASM 14015 04-22-86 Query from within .BAT file
ASK.DOC 7893 04-22-86 Doc for ASK.ASM
ASK11.ZIP 13714 08-10-91 Asks questions in BATch files, with timeout
ASK3.ARC 22077 06-15-88 Timed Ask from BAT w/config. errorlevels
ASKMEP.ZIP 26061 07-15-92 Batch file utility to prompt for Y/N question
ASK_BAT.ARC 18625 02-17-89 Timed response to Y/N prompts in .BAT files
ATSIGN.ARC 5765 08-01-88 Command line batch utility
AUTOEXEC.ARC 45799 08-06-89 Select different AUTOEXEC boot-up batch files
AUTOSTOP.ARC 7324 11-15-88 Batch file utility. Good for BBS's
BAT_TIME.ARC 12955 10-05-88 A batch-time type utility. For system use
BAT2EX15.ZIP 37146 01-31-92 Converts BAT files to EXE files
BATBRNCH.ARC 896 06-13-87 Add Yes/No branching to .BAT files with
| errlvl
BATCD.ASM 3711 04-03-84 Change dir within .BAT file
BATCD.DOC 1853 01-03-84 Doc for BATCD.ASM
BATCH.ARC 10437 05-24-89 Useful BAT files, color prompts prn commands
BATCHART.ARC 43682 10-30-89 A well written article on Batch files
BATCHSEL.ZIP 8373 05-27-91 Do DOS cmd /w file selection from BATCH file
BATCMDR7.ARC 42783 10-05-88 Combine small batch files, Ver. 7
BATDEL.ARC 911 07-06-89 Delete batch file after execution
BATHINTS.ZIP 41973 05-21-91 Collection of hints on using BATch files
BATINPUT.ARC 2905 10-05-88 Gets user input from .BAT file
BATKIT50.ARC 47600 09-11-88 Batch utilities - good collection
BATMAKR2.ZIP 20231 12-29-90 Multi-option .BAT maker, with TPas 3.0 source
BATMEN.ARC 37966 06-30-89 Scrollable menus/windows in DOS batch files
BATMNU13.ZIP 21107 04-30-91 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows
BATQUES.ASM 3085 01-02-84 Query within .BAT file
BATQUES.DOC 2255 01-02-84 Doc for BATQUES.ASM
BATSCRN.ZIP 22034 08-15-91 Full screen pop-up pause/answer for BAT files
BATSEC.ZIP 12230 05-30-92 Batch Secrets: Elementary color/key text info
BATTIMER.ARC 35206 06-26-88 Batch file delay timer
BATTUTOR.ARC 66730 12-06-87 Batch file tutor/teacher
BATUTIL1.ZIP 215838 04-02-90 Manipulate environment/get input in BAT files
BATUTL2.ARC 126610 04-20-88 Lots of .BAT file utilities
BATWAIT.ARC 5949 09-11-88 Wait for response in .BAT file
BCSRCE2.ZIP 133347 03-30-92 Wenham's BATCOM-compiled .BAT source code
BED11.ARC 77637 06-30-89 Batch Editor, edit files in batch
BEN250.ARC 65448 02-01-90 Batch file enhancer, boxes, colors, EGA/VGA
BIGECHO.ARC 9931 10-15-87 Echo words to screen in large letters
BMENU54.ZIP 23552 03-26-90 Pop-up menu system for use in batch files
BTCHROOM.ZIP 4253 12-28-90 Corrects COMMAND.COM problem w/MARK & RELEASE
CALL.ARC 6657 11-11-88 Simulate DOS 3.3 CALL w/earlier DOS vrsns w/C
CATSIG.ZIP 25630 12-09-91 Audible & visual alarm for ending a long
| batch
CDTECT.ZIP 2718 10-13-90 Check for modem carrier detect in BAT files
CHECK160.ZIP 22584 07-21-92 Cmdline util to report on system; errorlevels
CHECKTD.ZIP 11658 08-26-90 Check current time/date and set errorlevel
CHOICE17.ZIP 45598 03-14-90 Ask multi-level questions in batch files
CLEARKEY.ZIP 8946 08-26-90 Clear 'n' keystrokes from the keyboard buffer
CLOCKCHK.ARC 12361 03-14-89 Execute pgms at boot-up according to time
CMPFTIME.ARC 11245 08-18-89 Compare time/date of 2 files, set errorlevel
COLDWARM.ZIP 1484 11-22-91 Run selected programs on cold/warm boot
DAT13.ZIP 11535 11-18-90 Display date and time for program logging
DATECHEK.ARC 952 04-28-88 Check day of week from batch file
DOBAT.ARC 7509 03-27-88 Lets batch files CALL batch files
DOMENU13.ZIP 6780 12-30-91 Adds window menus to any batch file
DPV12.ZIP 10348 12-23-90 BATutl: Search drive/path/volume return
| errlvl
DREADY.ARC 762 08-29-88 Check for drive ready in BAT files
EBL405.ZIP 52099 05-06-91 Extended Batch Language version 4.05
ECHOOFF.PAT 4564 09-20-88 Patches to make DOS default echo off in BATs
ECHSYS10.ARC 44365 09-25-89 ECHO/SET-like utils,include sundry system
| info
EL.ZIP 3293 10-17-90 Set errorlevel to value on cmd line, w/C src
ELF11.ARC 7437 10-28-88 Set errorlevel in .BAT files w/ASM
ENVSET10.ARC 8374 09-02-89 Set an environment variable in batch files
ERRLVL12.ZIP 19508 12-09-91 Display value of ERRORLEVEL (DOS 3.30 - 5)
ERRORLVL.ZIP 8845 08-26-90 Set the DOS errorlevel (return code)
EVERY15.ZIP 11223 03-12-92 BATutil: Execute cmd if given time has passed
EXITTIME.ARC 42611 08-24-89 Exit batch file at specified time
FDATE62B.ZIP 44901 03-30-92 Date manipulation utility for batch files
FLY102.ARC 9775 01-14-88 Make batch files 'on the fly'
GET24.ZIP 73084 11-11-91 BATch enhancer inputs from user, DOS,
| environ.
GREET.ARC 791 12-08-87 Nice greeting for batch files
HDWEELVL.ARC 1224 07-24-88 Returns hardware byte in errorlevel (w/ASM)
HIT.ARC 21097 08-01-89 Graphic alternative to DOS's PAUSE-Color
| reqd.
HMRHM11B.ZIP 11159 12-29-90 Returns to start DIR in batch files
IFEXIST.ARC 10970 10-15-87 Powerful additions to any .BAT (w/ASM)
IFNULL.ARC 6190 09-07-88 Tests if a batch variable is null
INPUT.ARC 3292 08-07-88 .BAT prompt, get string into env var: options
INT11.ZIP 6726 03-24-92 Execute DOS/BIOS interrupts from command line
JUMPEXT.ARC 16119 06-30-89 Extended batch file decision maker
KEYPRES2.ARC 3014 11-22-87 Batch file key reader
KEYSTF.ZIP 941 05-23-90 BAT util: Stuffs characters into kbd buffer
MAKEMENU.ARC 105065 07-16-89 Construct MENU Batch files automatically
MCSDIAG.ARC 16768 09-06-87 Batch file disk space diagnostic
MENU0891.ZIP 17119 10-15-91 Creates batch files which present nested
| menus
MFWRITE.ZIP 11095 12-23-90 Write cmd strings to console w/escape interp.
MICROBAT.ZIP 14068 02-07-91 MicroMacroBat, extends functionality of BATs
NECHO10.ARC 4639 08-29-88 .BAT color echo - compact, uses control chars
NIGHT.ARC 50730 08-01-88 Schedule batch files at specified times
ONBOOT.ARC 5304 08-29-88 Run selected programs on Warm/Cold boot
PAWS19.ARC 46379 12-26-88 Batch-file util. Input, display, pause, more
PRMPT.ARC 1669 12-26-87 Get user input from batch files
PWRBT14J.ZIP 147766 05-30-92 PowerBatch: Compiles batch-like files to EXE
RAMBAT1.ZIP 6144 03-22-92 Use RAM for Batch files, save hard disk space
RAP101.ZIP 234002 05-08-92 RAP v1.01: Powerful Batch programming
| language
READ131.ARC 11646 06-30-89 Get input from kbd and put into ENV variables
REPLY1.ARC 12441 07-29-88 Accepts user reply inputs in batch files
RING14.ZIP 13889 12-09-91 Ring console bell, optionally on error
RONSET25.ZIP 64958 02-26-91 Multi-function batch enhancer by Ron Bemis
RUNAT10.ZIP 10156 08-25-91 Run command against each file in a given list
SASK135.ZIP 13781 04-26-92 Asks question in BAT file, returns errorlevel
SAVESCR.ZIP 13402 08-26-90 Save/restore current/previous text screen
SCRTYPE.ZIP 11293 08-26-90 Screen type in use CGA,MCGA,HERC,VGA,EGA,etc.
SECBAT.ZIP 74619 08-25-92 The Secrets of Batch files: Color and macros
SECHO20.ARC 19190 12-26-88 Put color and other attributes in BAT files
SELECT.ZIP 9152 01-07-91 Select from multiple AUTOEXEC files on
| boot-up
SEND.ARC 20048 07-27-87 SEND any string in batch file,incl $ metastr
SETENV13.ARC 28733 12-19-89 Set environment variables from .BAT file
SLEEP.ZIP 11241 08-26-90 Sleep for specified period. Can abort or not
SPARKL28.ZIP 44218 05-31-91 Batch file menus w/point-and-shoot & windows
SPRBAT3B.ZIP 35008 05-19-90 Winchester Computer Systems SuperBat
| utilities
SPUTILS.ZIP 102076 03-02-91 Batch & screen-save utilities w/mouse input
STACKEY3.ZIP 120603 04-02-90 Place keystrokes in keyboard buffer -- BAT
| aid
STUFFKEY.ZIP 11244 08-26-90 Stuff keys into key buffer. No overhead or
TASK11.ARC 3205 12-14-88 Timed ASK (yes/no/no answer) for BAT files
TBT310.ZIP 45823 03-24-92 TurboBat: Compiles BATch files to COM
| binaries
TESTIF.ZIP 12329 12-03-90 Controls batch files through error codes
TIMECHEK.ARC 11752 07-02-88 Lets batch files act on time & date
TIMESTMP.ARC 69985 01-28-90 Display current date & time on standard
| output
TOADBOOT.ZIP 3461 05-21-91 Warm boot after n minutes delay, w/ASM source
TOADFR12.ZIP 4346 04-27-91 Return disk free space as ERRORLEVEL
TSBAT37.ZIP 88192 08-30-92 Collection of useful batch files by Timo
| Salmi
VC10.ZIP 5294 05-26-92 VolumeChecker: Batch utility checks disk
| label
VIDCHK.ARC 317 08-29-88 BAT errorlevel 1-4 for Mono, CGA, EGA, VGA
VIDTYP14.ZIP 31648 08-31-90 Set environment variable to video display
| type
WAIT15.ARC 10100 08-29-88 Wait in BAT files, more features than PAUSE
WAIT2.ARC 28915 12-16-88 DOS pause command replacement
WHAT150.ZIP 10477 12-03-90 Set DOS environment to show system
| information
XECHO11.ZIP 9218 05-25-90 For batch files: A smart echo with options
XSET250.ZIP 97464 07-22-92 Put ANYTHING in a variable of current envir.
Y_N_3.ARC 5569 03-06-89 Batch utility to ask ques, get Y/N answer