Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Expert's Toolbox -- March 1987
"Heuristic State Space Search"
by Marc Rettig
Listings 1 and 2
Listing 1
; These functions provide a general control structure for
; solving problems using heuristic search. In order to apply
; this method to a particular problem, you must write the
; functions: initial-state, goal, successors, and print-solution.
; See the "Expert's Toolbox" column in the March AI-Expert
; for a description of this algorithm and an example of its use.
; Algorithm given by Dr. Ralph Grishman, New York University,
; after Nils Nilsson, "Principles of Artificial Intelligence".
; Adapted for Xlisp by Marc Rettig (76703,1037).
(defun search ()
(prog (open closed n m successor-list same)
; Step 1. Put initial state on open.
(setq open (list (initial-state)))
; Step 2. If open is empty, exit with failure.
(cond ((null open) (print 'failure) (return nil)))
; Step 3. Remove state from open with minimum g + h and
; call it n. (open is sorted by increasing g + h, so
; this is first element.) Put n on closed.
; Exit with success if n is a goal node.
(setq n (car open))
(setq open (cdr open))
(setq closed (cons n closed))
(trace 'expanding n)
(cond ((goal n) (print-solution n) (return t)))
; For each m in successors(m):
(setq successor-list (successors n))
(cond ((null successor-list) (go expand:)))
(setq m (car successor-list))
(setq successor-list (cdr successor-list))
(trace 'successor m)
(cond ((setq same (find m open))
; if m is on open, reset g if new value is smaller
((< (get m 'g) (get same 'g))
(setq open (add m (remove same open))))))
((setq same (find m closed))
; If m is on closed and new value of g is smaller,
; remove state from closed and add it to open with new g.
((< (get m 'g) (get same 'g))
(setq closed (remove same closed))
(setq open (add m open)))))
; else add m to open
(setq open (add m open))))
(go next-successor:)))
(defun add (state s-list)
; Inserts state into s-list so that list remains ordered
; by increasing g + h.
(cond ((null s-list) (list state))
((> (+ (get (car s-list) 'g) (get (car s-list) 'h))
(+ (get state 'g) (get state 'h)))
(cons state s-list))
(t (cons (car s-list) (add state (cdr s-list))))))
(defun find (state s-list)
; returns first entry on s-list whose position is same
; as that of state.
(cond ((null s-list) nil)
((equal (get state 'position)
(get (car s-list) 'position))
(car s-list))
(t (find state (cdr s-list)))))
Listing 2
; M I S S I O N A R I E S A N D C A N N I B A L S
; The following routines, when used in conjunction with the state-space
; search procedure, solve the missionaries and cannibals problem. Three
; missionaries and 3 cannibals are located on the right bank of a river,
; along with a two-man rowboat. We must find a way of moving all the
; missionaries and cannibals to the left bank. However, if at any time
; there are more cannibals than missionaries on a bank, the cannibals will
; exhibit a consuming interest in the misssionaries; this must be avoided.
; Each state is represented by an atom with the following properties:
; position -- a list of three elements,
; the number of missionaries on the right bank
; the number of cannibals on the right bank
; the position of the boat (left or right)
; g -- the estimated g for that state
; h -- the estimated h (value of function heuristic)
; parent -- the preceding state on the path from the initial state
; (the preceding state which gives rise to the least g,
; if there are several)
(defun initial-state ()
; return the initial state
(build-state 3 3 'right 0 nil))
(defun successors (state)
; returns the successors of state
; note that procedure try uses state and new-g, and modifies suc
(prog (m c boat new-g suc)
; extract parameters of current position and put in m, c, and boat
(setq m (car (get state 'position)))
(setq c (cadr (get state 'position)))
(setq boat (caddr (get state 'position)))
; g of new state = g of old state + 1 (all crossings are unit cost)
(setq new-g (+ 1 (get state 'g)))
(cond ((equal boat 'right)
(try (- m 2) c 'left new-g)
(try (- m 1) c 'left new-g)
(try (- m 1) (- c 1) 'left new-g)
(try m (- c 1) 'left new-g)
(try m (- c 2) 'left new-g))
(t ; boat is on left
(try (+ m 2) c 'right)
(try (+ m 1) c 'right)
(try (+ m 1) (+ c 1) 'right)
(try m (+ c 1) 'right)
(try m (+ c 2) 'right)))
(return suc)))
(defun try (new-m new-c new-boat new-g)
; if position(new-m,new-c,new-boat) is valid, add new state to suc
(cond ((valid new-m new-c)
(setq suc (cons (build-state new-m new-c new-boat new-g state)
(defun valid (miss cann)
; returns true if having 'miss' missionaries and 'cann' cannibals
; on the right bank is a valid state
(and (>= miss 0)
(>= cann 0)
(< miss 4)
(< cann 4)
(or (zerop miss) (>= miss cann))
(or (zerop (- 3 miss)) (>= (- 3 miss) (- 3 cann)))))
(defun build-state (miss cann boat g parent)
; creates a new state with parameters as specified by argument list
(prog (newstate)
(setq newstate (gensym))
(putprop newstate (list miss cann boat) 'position)
(putprop newstate g 'g)
(putprop newstate (heuristic miss cann boat) 'h)
(putprop newstate parent 'parent)
(return newstate)))
(defun heuristic (miss cann boat)
; our heuristic (h) function
(cond ((equal boat 'left)
(* 2 (+ miss cann)))
(t ; boat is on right
(* 2 (max 0 (+ miss cann -2))))))
(defun goal (state)
; returns true if state is a goal state (no missionaries or cannibals on right)
(and (zerop (car (get state 'position)))
(zerop (cadr (get state 'position)))))
(defun print-solution (state)
; invoked by search algorithm with goal state,
; prints sequence of states from initial state to goal.
(cond ((null state)
(print 'solution:))
(print-solution (get state 'parent))
(print (get state 'position))
(defun trace (comment state)
; if trace-switch is true, print out comment and position
; associated with state
(print `(,comment state ,state with position ,(get state 'position)
h(x) = ,(get state 'h))))))