Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Morσ abou⌠ small-╪ commands
A⌠ thi≤ point¼ thσ small-╪ command≤ SAV┼ anΣ MEMORIZ┼ caε bσ ì
useΣ t∩ storσ thσ content≤ oµ ST═ anΣ thσ curren⌠ se⌠ oµ rules¼ ì
respectively¼ iε ß DO╙ file« Iµ yo⌡ subsequentl∙ returε t∩ ì
small-╪ anΣ usσ thσ REA─ anΣ REMEMBE╥ commands¼ small-╪ woulΣ bσ ì
iε thσ samσ statσ iε whicΦ i⌠ wa≤ left« Thσ REA─ anΣ REMEMBE╥ ì
command≤ arσ als∩ usefu∞ wheε thσ exper⌠ systeφ ha≤ beeε ì
"modularized,ó anΣ onl∙ portion≤ oµ thσ systeφ arσ processeΣ a⌠ ß ì
time« Iε additioε t∩ MEMORIZ┼ anΣ REMEMBER¼ thσ CSAV┼ anΣ CLOA─ ì
command≤ caε bσ useΣ t∩ storσ partiall∙ compileΣ rulσ file≤ fo≥ ì
securit∙ anΣ quicke≥ execution.
Thσ TRAC┼ anΣ STE╨ command≤ arσ ver∙ usefu∞ durinτ thσ ì
debugginτ process« Thσ TRAC┼ commanΣ cause≤ small-╪ t∩ displa∙ ì
eacΦ truσ rulσ a≤ i⌠ i≤ beinτ executed¼ s∩ yo⌡ caε follo≈ thσ ì
exac⌠ patΦ takeε througΦ thσ rulσ system« Thσ STE╨ commanΣ ì
cause≤ small-╪ t∩ pausσ afte≥ eacΦ cyclσ oµ thσ inferencσ engine¼ ì
anΣ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ manipulatσ datß iε ST═ beforσ restartinτ it.
Thσ small-╪ DO╙ commanΣ allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ usσ you≥ favoritσ tex⌠ ì
edito≥ t∩ creatσ anΣ modif∙ rulσ files¼ whicΦ caε theε bσ loadeΣ ì
usinτ thσ REMEMBE╥ command.
Morσ abou⌠ ST═ commands
Data is stored into STM using the READ and ADD commands. Data isì
further manipulated in STM using the BIND, UNBIND, and COMPUTEì
commands. The BIND command simply assigns a value to a variableì
name, and the UNBIND command removes that assignment and leavesì
the variable in STM with no associated value. The COMPUTE comì
mand is useful for doing simple calculations, string manipulationì
and list operations.
Data is output from STM using the WRITE command. When using theì
WRITE command for display output, you can optionally write a new-ì
line (skip a line on the screen), clear the screen, randomlyì
position the cursor, and draw boxes on the screen.
The STM command RUN is used in those special situations whereì
complex calculations or other special manipulation of data needsì
to be done. You may execute an external program which wouldì
perform the desired operations, and store the result in an diskì
file. This file could then be read into STM using the READì
command, and subsequent rules could be executed based on thisì
During cycles of the inference engine, as more information isì
obtained about the problem being solved, it is sometimes necesì
sar∙ t∩ modif∙ thσ valuσ o≥ certaint∙ facto≥ oµ ß rule« Thσ ST═ ì
commanΣ MODIF┘ caε bσ useΣ t∩ se⌠ ß rule'≤ certaint∙ facto≥ t∩ ß ì
particula≥ value¼ o≥ t∩ simpl∙ incremen⌠ o≥ decremen⌠ thσ facto≥ ì
b∙ ß prescribeΣ value.è