Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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ARCRUNNER Version 1.0
Archive Library Files Utility
May 9, 1988
Copyright (c) 1988 by
All Rights Reserved
ARCRUNNER is a supplemental archive utility designed to
give you the capability to run any file stored away in
ARC type library files without having to first extract
them to their decompressed form. ARCRUNNER was designed
to be used in conjunction with Phil Katz's compression/
extraction system, PKARC/PKXARC.
ARCRUNNER is the necessary result of the combination of
two different types of space saving storage techniques,
user defined and built libraries and file compression/
decompression. On my system and on many others there is
an over abundance of useful, but small, programs which
take up a relatively large area of a disk, especially
hard disks. Since the minimum allocation on any hard
disk system is 2048 bytes (it can be as high as 4096 or
even 8192 on specific systems), a program only several
hundred bytes long is extremely inefficient when it is
stored. Batch files are a notorious example. Library
files have been around for a long time. Microsoft has
allowed you to build user defined libraries for several
of its utilities, but you are severely limited on their
actual usage. Archive compression/decompression has
also been around awhile. It, of course, was created out
of the need to reduce electronic transmission time. Now
using file compression/decompression programs, you can
create a user defined library in compressed form and
rid yourself of all those small inefficient files you
have cluttering up your disks, then, using ARCRUNNER,
you may invoke those files from within the compressed
ARCRUNNER was developed in 8086/8088 assembly language
(using Microsoft's Macro Assembler MASM version 5.0 and
supporting utilities LINK, MAKE, and CODEVIEW). Initial
development and testing was on a TANDY 1000A, equipped
with a hard card type fixed disk, and EMS-5150 expanded
memory board. ARCRUNNER is designed to operate with the
following software:
PKARC/PKXARC - File compression/extraction system
utilities by Phil Katz
ARCMASTER - An archive file management system
designed to enhance the use of the
compression/extraction utilities
You must have the program file PKXARC on your system in
order for ARCRUNNER to function. ARCMASTER, even though
not absolutely necessary, is highly recommended for the
ease of maintenance of the archived library files them-
selves. ARCRUNNER does not, at this time, support the
file compression/extraction program known as ARC5xx, by
System Enhancement Associate's (SEA).
As with ARCMASTER above, ARCRUNNER rests upon the great
work of the extremely talented programmer: Phil Katz of
PKWARE, author of the PKARC/PKXARC utilities. Users of
his utilities are urged to support him through registra-
PKARC & PKXARC are copyrighted products of PKWARE.
ARCMASTER is a copyrighted product of New-Ware.
Special thanks to John Newlin of New-Ware for his hints
on programming techniques and also the encouragement to
publish this by the Shareware method. Users of ARCMASTER
are also highly encouraged to support him through regis-
Installing ARCRUNNER for use is rather easy and straight
1) Place the program file, ARCRUNER.COM in any directory
on any system drive you choose, preferably, but not
necessarily, the same drive/directory as the archival
system files PKARC/PKXARC.
2) Ensure that the archival system files, PKARC/PKXARC,
are located in the current default drive/directory or
in a drive/directory defined in the DOS environment
PATH string.
3) Ensure that PKXARC is named as above. You must rename
it if necessary.
4) Ensure that your various archived libraries are also
either located in the current default drive/directory
or a drive/directory defined in the DOS environment
PATH string.
5) It is highly recommended but not necessary to shorten
the name of ARCRUNER.COM to AK.COM. This will reduce
the number of keystrokes needed on the command line.
ARCRUNNER may be executed from the DOS command level, a
batch file, or from menu or shell programs. It operates
satisfactory on floppy diskettes but it's primary use is
on a hard disk system. When properly executed, a program
header very similar to PKXARC's header will scroll on to
the screen, followed immediately by the PKXARC header.
Depending on the particular computer system, size of the
program to be extracted, and the physical media of the
drive/directory it is being directed to, a variable time
delay will be incurred as the file is extracted and pro-
cessed. This delay to execution time is the main price
you pay for the compressed storage benefits. Next, the
program itself with whatever parameters, if any, it has,
is executed from whatever output d:path\ was specified
on the command line, or the current default d:path\, if
not specified. Note, that the system will stay in the
current default d:path\, provided the executed program
doesn't change it, even though an output d:path\ may be
specified. Finally, upon program completion and exit to
DOS, the program file is deleted from the d:path\ it was
extracted to. NOTE: Programs which do not exit back to
DOS properly or which invoke system reboots, may not be
deleted as per above. This is beyond ARCRUNNER's control
and you will have to delete the program file yourself.
ARCRUNER [option] {[d:path\]library} {[d:path\]filename} params
options: -l = display software license
-h = syntax help
d:path\ User specified drive/path
Note: No spaces allowed after d:path\
library Archive library file name
Default extension is .ARC
filename Name of program file to run
Default extension is .COM
params Parameters and/or switches necessary for the
program file's initial execution
Arcruner file c:\usrfiles\runtest.com b:
-will extract the program file runtest.com from file.arc
placing it in the usrfiles directory on drive c. It will
invoke it from the current drive/directory, and pass the
parameter b:
When most errors are detected, ARCRUNNER will display a
message pertaining to which error occured and then abort
to DOS if possible. Also, PKXARC will display it's own
error messages as it is invoked. The listing below is a
summary of error messages you may encounter as you use
Archived Library File not found
- The given archive file could not be found in any of
the various drive/directories that ARCRUNNER could
access. Check that it exist in either the specified
d:path\, current d:path\, or in a d:path\ specified
in the DOS environment PATH string.
File not found
- the given compressed file could not be found within
the archive library file. This error is usually due
to extension differences or a typo was made on the
command line. If not, check your specified archived
file, for the file's existence within it.
Program too big to fit in memory
- Occasionally, since ARCRUNNER uses some 4000 bytes
and invokes a 2nd copy of Command.Com, which itself
uses an additional 26000 bytes or more depending on
your DOS version, a program file which has been de-
compressed will not fit into the remaining memory.
The only solutions are either to reduce your system
configuration if possible, or add more memory if it
can be increased. An expanded memory board would be
a real plus. If none of these solutions are avail-
able to you, then that particular program file can
not be used in the archived library file. Try Phil
Katz's PKSFX self-extract utility available with
Bad environment or path too long
- This error can occur obviously if a designated path
is over 64 characters in length. Another reason can
be a syntax error in the environment PATH string.
Bad format
- I've never seen this one invoked, but since I used
function 4Bh of the DOS services, it is a possible
return code, so I have included it also.
DOS version 2.00 or later required
- The DOS version is checked prior to any other pro-
cessing. ARCRUNNER uses DOS services not released
before version 2.00.
Invalid parameter(s)
- This error will probably be the most prevalent and
will be caused mostly by typographical errors or an
attempt to use wildcard characters which ARCRUNNER
does not support.
COM files only
- present only in the Shareware version to remind you
that the program is only capable of processing .COM
format files. This error will not be invoked unless
you specify an extension on the command line other
than .COM.
COM, EXE, or BAT files only
- This message replaces the Shareware COM files only
message to remind you that these are currently the
only valid runtime extensions accepted by DOS.
Unexpected error
- used during development of program code, but left
as catch all for error codes returned for which I
have not provided for. I would be very interested
if you encounter this error message and if possible
please inform me as to the possible reasons leading
up to it.
You may use, copy, and/or distribute the ShareWare version
of ARCRUNNER for noncommercial use as long as NO charge of
any amount is made without the express written permission
of MILLENNIUM Software. The following exceptions are made:
Organized computer user groups or clubs may charge a small
copying or handling fee for distribution purposes to their
members for ShareWare copies of ARCRUNNER. Similarly, BBS
operators operating on a subscription basis, may include a
copy of ARCRUNNER on their boards for downloading by board
ARCRUNNER is provided AS IS without any warranty, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to fit-
ness for a particular purpose.
This ShareWare version of ARCRUNNER will only run .COM
format files. If you find ARCRUNNER easy and useful in
helping to maximize your storage efficiency, then regis-
tration of your ShareWare version will entitle you to a
copy of the enhanced version of ARCRUNNER. This enhanced
version includes support for COM, EXE, and BAT program
files. It also supports the use of a user defined envir-
onment variable ARCR. By setting ARCR=d:path\, you can
pre-program a specific drive and/or path to be used by
ARCRUNNER for the default output drive/directory values.
All registered owners of ARCRUNNER will be entered upon
a database and thereby entitled to future upgrades for a
minimal shipping and handling fee. Unfortunately, as of
this time, I cannot support a BBS for upgrade purposes.
Registration of ARCRUNNER can be accomplished by simply
mailing a check or money order in the amount of $7 to:
P.O. Box 6966
Jefferson City, MO 65102