Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
< prev
Pascal/Delphi Source File
525 lines
{$M 12000,0,0} (* see notes to "decode" *)
PROGRAM lzhufe(infile, outfile, output);
(* Based on decode section of lzhuf.c *)
(* Written by Haruyasu Yoshizaki 1988/11/20 *)
(* Some minor changes 1989/4/6 *)
(* Comments translated by Haruhiko Okumura 1989/4/7 *)
(* Converted to Pascal by C.B. Falconer, 1989/4/25 *)
(* I have attempted to use only ISO constructs, but *)
(* some Turboisms have remained, especially in the *)
(* file access area, and the use of inc/dec, hex *)
(* constants, longints, bytes and words. I have *)
(* also attempted to use the maximum range checking *)
(********** LZSS compression **********)
CONST (* These only take effect if 'dbg' is defined *)
debuga = false; (* show recorded size *)
debugb = true; (* display output chars *)
iobuffsize = 4096; (* for Turbo block i/o only *)
eofmark = $1a; (* textfile eof mark *)
(* These constants are used by the file-handling *)
(* procedures when opening and closing disk *)
(* files. The mode fields of Turbo Pascal's file *)
(* variables will contain one of these values *)
fmclosed = $d7b0;
fminput = $d7b1; (* reference data *)
fmoutput = $d7b2;
fminout = $d7b3;
iobuffer = ARRAY[1..iobuffsize] OF byte;
iobufptr = 0..iobuffsize; (* 0 = empty *)
(* reference data, actual contents of FILE type *)
filerec = RECORD (* typed and untyped file record *)
handle : word;
mode : word;
recsize : word;
private : ARRAY[1..26] OF byte;
userdata : ARRAY[1..16] OF byte;
name : ARRAY[0..79] OF char;
END; (* filerec *)
fcb = RECORD
fid : FILE; (* Turbo untyped block i/o *)
fwrtaccess : boolean;
feof : boolean;
bufflast, (* posn of last in buffer *)
buffndx : iobufptr; (* last read from buffer *)
buff : iobuffer; (* 0 = empty *)
END; (* fcb *)
(* Non-standard method of passing procedures *)
putbproc = PROCEDURE(b : byte);
getbfunc = FUNCTION(VAR b : byte) : boolean;
outfile : fcb;
endofinput : boolean;
(* 1---------------1 *)
(* In this group we attempt to follow standard Pascal semantics *)
(* i.e. output files always have feof true, and it is an error *)
(* to write to a file without this condition. *)
(* The system is incomplete, intended for this program only. *)
FUNCTION freset(VAR f : fcb; fn : string) : boolean;
(* equivalent to assign/reset pair *)
BEGIN (* freset *)
buffndx := 0; bufflast := 0; (* mark empty *)
fwrtaccess := false;
assign(fid, fn);
{$i-} reset(fid, 1); {$i+}
feof := ioresult <> 0;
freset := NOT feof; END;
END; (* freset *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
{$F+} (* passed procs must be FAR *)
FUNCTION readbyte(VAR c : byte) : boolean;
(* assumes using infile. Returns false at eof *)
BEGIN (* readbyte *)
IF (buffndx >= bufflast) AND NOT feof THEN BEGIN (* reload *)
{$i-} blockread(fid, buff, iobuffsize, bufflast); {$i+}
buffndx := 0;
feof := (ioresult <> 0) OR (bufflast = 0); END;
IF feof THEN c := eofmark
buffndx := succ(buffndx); c := buff[buffndx]; END;
readbyte := NOT feof; END;
END; (* readbyte *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
FUNCTION frewrite(VAR f : fcb; fn : string) : boolean;
(* equivalent to assign/rewrite pair *)
BEGIN (* frewrite *)
buffndx := 0; bufflast := 0; (* mark empty *)
fwrtaccess := true;
assign(fid, fn);
{$i-} rewrite(fid, 1); {$i+}
feof := ioresult = 0;
frewrite := feof; END;
END; (* frewrite *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE fflush(VAR f : fcb);
(* empty output buffers to disk. Not checking status *)
BEGIN (* fflush *)
IF (bufflast > 0) AND feof AND fwrtaccess THEN BEGIN
{$i-} blockwrite(fid, buff, bufflast, buffndx); {$i+}
IF (ioresult <> 0) OR (buffndx <> bufflast) THEN
feof := false; (* no longer writeable *) END;
buffndx := 0; bufflast := 0; (* mark empty *) END;
END; (* fflush *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
{$F+} (* passed procs must be FAR *)
PROCEDURE putbyte(c : byte);
(* assumes using outfile *)
BEGIN (* putbyte *)
WITH outfile DO
IF fwrtaccess AND feof THEN BEGIN
inc(bufflast); buff[bufflast] := c;
IF bufflast = iobuffsize THEN fflush(outfile); END;
(* buffer cannot be full on exit *)
END; (* putbyte *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE fclose(VAR f : fcb);
fr : filerec ABSOLUTE f; (* depends on turbo alignments *)
BEGIN (* fclose *)
IF ((fr.mode = fmoutput) OR (fr.mode = fminout)) AND feof THEN
IF fr.mode <> fmclosed THEN close(fid); END;
END; (* fclose *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE error(message : string);
writeln; writeln(message); halt(1);
(* 1---------------1 *)
PROCEDURE decode(readbyte : getbfunc; (* get data *)
putbyte : putbproc; (* put data *)
monitor : boolean); (* show activity *)
(* This uses about 9k of stack space for local variables. *)
(* They might be better assigned on the heap. However that *)
(* reduces the clarity, and I wanted to isolate the decoder *)
(* Unfortunately Turbos memory scheme does not allow the *)
(* stack to expand automatically. A 16k stack suffices. *)
n = 4096; (* buffer size. Power of 2 *)
f = 60; (* lookahead buffer size *)
encodemin = 3; (* min encode string length *)
max_freq = $8000; (* updates tree when the root *)
(* frequency reaches this value.*)
(* derived constants. No expression for ISO compatibility *)
threshold = 2; (* encodemin - 1 *)
bufmax = 4155; (* n+f-1 *)
codemax = 313; (* 256-encodemin+f *)
n_char = 314; (* codemax + 1; kinds of chars *)
(* Huffman coding *)
tblsize = 627; (* 2*n_char - 1 *) (* was T *)
(* Root at tblsize, others nodes *)
huffroot = 626; (* tblsize - 1 *) (* was R *)
tblmax = 628; (* tblsize + 1 *)
parentmax = 941; (* tblsize + n_char *)
bufindex = 0..bufmax;
charindex = 0..codemax;
i, j, k, r, c : integer;
count : longint;
textsize : longint;
printcount : longint;
getbuf : word;
getlen : byte;
(* Huffman coding *)
(* table to encode/decode the upper 6 bits of position *)
huffcode : ARRAY[0..255] OF RECORD
code, len : byte;
END; (* huffcode *)
freq : ARRAY[0..tblmax] OF word; (* freq table *)
(* pointers to parent nodes, except for *)
(* the elements[T..T + N_CHAR - 1] which *)
(* are used to get the positions of leaves *)
(* corresponding to the codes. *)
parent : ARRAY[0..parentmax] OF word;
(* pointers to child nodes (son[], son[] + 1) *)
son : ARRAY[0..tblsize] OF integer;
(* LZSS table *)
histbuff : ARRAY[bufindex] OF byte;
(* 2---------------2 *)
PROCEDURE starthuff;
(* initialization of tree *)
i : integer;
j : integer;
(* 3---------------3 *)
(* Form decoding tables huffcode.len and huffcode.code *)
(* This replaces the original initialized data area, *)
(* and is compatible with standard Pascal. *)
i, nxtcode : integer;
(* 4---------------4 *)
PROCEDURE enter(ix, lgh : integer);
BEGIN (* enter *)
WITH huffcode[ix] DO BEGIN
len := lgh; code := nxtcode; END;
IF succ(ix) MOD (1 shl (8-lgh)) = 0 THEN
nxtcode := succ(nxtcode);
END; (* enter *)
(* 4---------------4 *)
BEGIN (* ihuff *)
nxtcode := 0;
FOR i := 0 TO 31 DO enter(i, 3);
FOR i := 32 TO 79 DO enter(i, 4);
FOR i := 80 TO 143 DO enter(i, 5);
FOR i := 144 TO 191 DO enter(i, 6);
FOR i := 192 TO 239 DO enter(i, 7);
FOR i := 240 TO 255 DO enter(i, 8);
END; (* ihuff *)
(* 3---------------3 *)
BEGIN (* starthuff *)
FOR i := 0 TO pred(n_char) DO BEGIN
freq[i] := 1;
son[i] := i + tblsize; parent[i + tblsize] := i; END;
i := 0; j := n_char;
WHILE (j <= huffroot) DO BEGIN
freq[j] := freq[i] + freq[succ(i)];
son[j] := i; parent[i] := j; parent[succ(i)] := j;
i := i + 2; j := succ(j); END;
freq[tblsize] := $ffff; parent[huffroot] := 0;
END; (* starthuff *)
(* 2---------------2 *)
PROCEDURE nextbyte;
c : byte;
BEGIN (* nextbyte *)
IF endofinput THEN BEGIN
error('Read past eof'); END;
WHILE (getlen <= 8) DO BEGIN
IF NOT readbyte(c) THEN BEGIN (* delay eof for buffer *)
endofinput := true; c := 0; END;
getbuf := getbuf OR (c shl (8 - getlen));
getlen := getlen + 8; END;
END; (* nextbyte *)
(* 2---------------2 *)
FUNCTION getbit : boolean; (* get one bit *)
BEGIN (* getbit *)
IF getlen <= 8 THEN nextbyte;
getbit := (getbuf AND $8000) <> 0;
getbuf := getbuf shl 1; getlen := pred(getlen);
END; (* getbit *)
(* 2---------------2 *)
FUNCTION getbyte : integer; (* get one byte *)
BEGIN (* getbyte *)
IF getlen <= 8 THEN nextbyte;
getbyte := getbuf shr 8;
getbuf := getbuf shl 8; getlen := getlen - 8;
END; (* getbyte *)
(* 2---------------2 *)
FUNCTION decodechar : integer;
c : word;
(* 3---------------3 *)
PROCEDURE update (c : integer);
(* advance frequency of code c, and update tree *)
i, j, k, l : integer;
(* 4---------------4 *)
PROCEDURE reconst;
(* reconstruction of tree *)
i, j, k : integer;
f, l : word;
BEGIN (* reconst *)
(* collect leaf nodes in the first half of the *)
(* table and replace the freq by (freq + 1) / 2. *)
j := 0;
FOR i := 0 TO huffroot DO BEGIN
IF (son[i] >= tblsize) THEN BEGIN
freq[j] := succ(freq[i]) shr 1 (* DIV 2 *);
son[j] := son[i]; j := succ(j); END;
(* begin constructing tree by connecting sons *)
i := 0;
FOR j := n_char TO huffroot DO BEGIN
k := succ(i);
f := freq[i] + freq[k]; freq[j] := f;
k := pred(j);
WHILE (f < freq[k]) DO k := pred(k);
k:= succ(k); l := (j - k) * 2;
move(freq[k], freq[k+1], l); freq[k] := f;
move(son[k], son[k+1], l); son[k] := i;
i := i + 2; END;
(* connect parent *)
FOR i := 0 TO huffroot DO BEGIN
k := son[i]; parent[k] := i;
IF k < tblsize THEN parent[succ(k)] := i; END;
END; (* reconst *)
(* 4---------------4 *)
BEGIN (* update *)
IF (freq[tblmax] = max_freq) THEN reconst;
c := parent[c + tblsize];
k := succ(freq[c]); freq[c] := k;
(* if the order is disturbed, exchange nodes *)
l := succ(c);
IF (k > freq[l]) THEN BEGIN
UNTIL k <= freq[l];
freq[c] := freq[l]; freq[l] := k;
i := son[c]; parent[i] := l;
IF (i < tblsize) THEN parent[succ(i)] := l;
j := son[l]; son[l] := i;
parent[j] := c;
IF (j < tblsize) THEN parent[succ(j)] := c;
son[c] := j;
c := l; END;
c := parent[c];
UNTIL c = 0; (* repeat up to root *)
END; (* update *)
(* 3---------------3 *)
BEGIN (* decodechar *)
c := son[huffroot];
(* travel from root to leaf, choosing the smaller *)
(* child node (son[]) if the read bit is 0, the *)
(* bigger (son[] +1; if the read bit is 1 *)
WHILE (c < tblsize) DO c := son[c + ord(getbit)];
c := c - tblsize;
update(c); decodechar := c;
END; (* decodechar *)
(* 2---------------2 *)
FUNCTION decodeposition : integer;
i, j, c : word;
BEGIN (* decodeposition *)
(* recover upper 6 bits from table *)
i := getbyte;
WITH huffcode[i] DO BEGIN
c := code shl 6; j := len; END;
(* read lower 6 bits verbatim *)
(* comment/code dont match *)
dec(j, 2);
dec(j); i := i + i + ord(getbit); END;
decodeposition := c OR (i AND $3f);
END; (* decodeposition *)
(* 2---------------2 *)
FUNCTION readlong : longint;
(* Read 4 bytes, convert into LSByte 1st 32 bit integer *)
i : integer;
buff : RECORD
CASE boolean OF
false : ( long : longint);
true : ( bytes : ARRAY[0..3] OF byte);
END; (* buff record *)
BEGIN (* readlong *)
FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO
IF NOT readbyte(buff.bytes[i]) THEN buff.long := 0;
readlong := buff.long;
END; (* readlong *)
(* 2---------------2 *)
BEGIN (* decode *)
textsize := 0; printcount := 0; count := 0;
getbuf := 0; getlen := 0;
textsize := readlong; (* header is size of text *)
IF textsize > 0 THEN BEGIN
{$IFDEF dbg}
IF debuga THEN writeln('Size=', textsize);
FOR i := 0 TO n - f - 1 DO (* prefill with common char *)
histbuff[i] := ord(' ');
r := n - f;
WHILE count < textsize DO BEGIN
c := decodechar;
IF (c < 256) THEN BEGIN (* a verbatim character *)
{$IFDEF dbg}
IF debugb THEN write(chr(c));
histbuff[r] := c; (* record in history buff *)
r := succ(r) AND pred(n); (* advance MODULO n *)
inc(count); END
ELSE BEGIN (* posn/lgh in buffer *)
i := pred(r - decodeposition) AND pred(n);
j := c - 255 + threshold;
{$IFDEF dbg}
IF debugb THEN write('<', j, '>'); (* show size *)
FOR k := 0 TO j - 1 DO BEGIN (* copy the string *)
c := histbuff[(i + k) AND pred(n)];
{$IFDEF dbg}
IF debugb THEN write(chr(c));
histbuff[r] := c; (* revising the buffer *)
r := succ(r) AND pred(n); inc(count); END;
IF monitor AND (count > printcount) THEN BEGIN
write(count : 12, #13); (* show progress *)
printcount := printcount + 1024; END;
IF monitor THEN writeln(count : 12);
END; (* decode *)
(* 1---------------1 *)
BEGIN (* lzhufe *)
filemode := 0; (* so Turbo handles r/o files *)
IF paramcount <> 2 THEN BEGIN
writeln('Decodes files encoded by LZHUF');
error('Usage: lzhufe infile outfile'); END
ELSE IF NOT freset(infile, paramstr(1)) THEN
error('Can''t open: ' + paramstr(1))
endofinput := false;
IF NOT frewrite(outfile, paramstr(2)) THEN BEGIN
error('Can''t create: ' + paramstr(2)); END
decode(readbyte, putbyte, true); (* do the real work *)
fclose(outfile); END;
fclose(infile); END;
END. (* lzhufe *)