Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
136 lines
{---- 10/23/1988 16:20:41 ----}
{$M 1024,0,42000} { stack, min heap, max heap }
{ }
{ }
{ This program tests the LZW Compression logic in MDCD1213.OBJ. It also }
{ illustrates the calling sequence and interfacing methodology. }
{ }
{ To run it, enter: }
{ }
{ testc inputfile outputfile }
{ }
{ It will compress the input file into the output file. No header records }
{ are added to identify the file name, date or anything else. It is }
{ strictly a compressed file that can be decompressed with TESTD. }
{ }
{ No validity checking is done to verify the input file or output file }
{ names. This is strictly meant to illustrate a very simple use of the }
{ MDCD1213.OBJ module. }
{ }
Uses Dos; { Borland DOS unit }
{$L MDCD1213.OBJ} { assembler module for compress/decompress }
Function CompressFile(InFile : Word; {handle of input file }
OutFile : Word; {handle of output file }
AbsOfst : LongInt; {absolute offset to start write at }
ReturnR : Pointer; {return info from CompressFile }
HashSg : Word; {segment:0 of allocated hash table }
LZWtype : Word {12 = 12 bit, 13 = 13 bit lzw }
) : Word; {-1 = good return }
external {MDCD1213.OBJ} ;
Function DeCompressFile(InFile : Word; {handle of input file }
OutFile : Word; {handle of output file }
AbsOfst : LongInt;{absolute offset to start write at }
ReturnR : Pointer;{return info from CompressFile }
HashSg : Word; {segment:0 of allocated hash table }
LZWtype : Word {12 = 12 bit, 13 = 13 bit lzw }
) : Word; {-1 = good return }
external {MDCD1213.OBJ} ;
ReturnRec = Record {return info from mdcd1213.obj }
FileCrc : Word; { calculated file crc decompressed}
FileSize : LongInt; { compressed/decompressed filesize}
end; {.. }
HexXlate : Array[0..$F] of Char = { table to translate word to hex }
InF : File; { Input file }
OutF : File; { Output file }
IHandle : Word; { Input file handle }
OHandle : Word; { Output file handle }
HashPtr : Pointer; { Pointer to LZW hash table allocated on heap }
HashSeg : Word; { Paragraph aligned (segment) of hash table }
RC : Word; { Return code from compress/decompress function }
ReturnR : ReturnRec; { storage for return info from mdcd1213.obj }
{ compress test }
If ( (Length(ParamStr(1)) = 0) or
(Length(ParamStr(2)) = 0) ) then begin
WriteLn('Usage: testc inputfile outputfile');
Assign(InF, ParamStr(1)); {setup input file variable FileRec }
Assign(OutF, ParamStr(2)); {setup output file variable FileRec }
System.FileMode := 0; {read only to get hidden/system files etc. }
Reset(InF,1); {open input file to assign handle }
System.FileMode := 2; {read write }
If (IOResult <> 0) then begin {if file didn't open ok.. }
WriteLn('Input File not found');{ user error message }
WriteLn('Program Canceled'); { cancel message }
Halt(1); { end program }
end; {.. }
Reset(OutF,1); {open output file to check for existance }
If (IOResult = 0) then begin {if file opened ok.. }
Close(OutF); {close output file }
WriteLn('Output File exists');{ user error message }
WriteLn('Program Canceled'); { cancel message }
Halt(1); { end program }
end; {.. }
ReWrite(OutF,1); {create/open output file to assign handle }
IHandle := FileRec(InF).Handle; {extract input file handle from FileRec }
OHandle := FileRec(OutF).Handle;{extract output file handle from FileRec }
GetMem(HashPtr, 40960+15); {get memory for hash table + 15 bytes }
if Ofs(HashPtr^) = 0 then {if offset already -0- then seg is okay }
HashSeg := Seg(HashPtr^) { store segment }
else {else }
HashSeg := 1+Seg(HashPtr^); { add 1 paragraph (16 bytes) to segment }
{ Compress the file }
RC := CompressFile(Ihandle, { input file handle }
Ohandle, { output file handle }
0, { file absolute offset in bytes to start }
@ReturnR, { address of return data from compress }
HashSeg, { segment of allocated hash table }
13); { 13 bit compression }
{ free memory and close files }
FreeMem(HashPtr, 40960+15); {get rid of heap memory for hash table }
Close(InF); {close input file }
Close(OutF); {close output file }
Write('Compressed file size: ', ReturnR.FileSize);
Write(' CRC: ');
Write(HexXlate[Hi(ReturnR.FileCrc) shr 4]);
Write(HexXlate[Hi(ReturnR.FileCrc) and $F]);
Write(HexXlate[Lo(ReturnR.FileCrc) shr 4]);
Write(HexXlate[Lo(ReturnR.FileCrc) and $F]);