Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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From: derrick@tahoe.unr.edu (Derrick Hamner)
Newsgroups: comp.binaries.ibm.pc
Subject: Update, pkpak/zoo format conversion pgm
Date: 18 Oct 88 09:00:14 GMT
Followup-To: comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d
Summary: update.arc, pkpak/zoo format conversion pgm
Approved: dhesi@bsu-cs.UUCP
Update is a little program that I wrote to help me deal with archives.
The Turbo Pascal 4.0 source is included, and you may do what you wish
with it. The following is the "manual."
Update converts archives from PKpak to Zoo and from Zoo to PKpak.
It also will re-archive a PKpak archive to try and make it smaller. If
the new archive is larger than the old archive, it will not replace the
old one. Update will keep the date and time of the archive's the same
through conversion and re-archiving. Update is configurable through
enviroment strings. It needs to know the full path name and file name
of PKpak, PKunpak, and Zoo. These are entered in the enviroment under
"ARCPATH=", "UNARCPATH=", and "ZOOPATH=" respectively. Update also needs
to know what name to use for it's temporary directory. This directory
is made and removed each time Update is run. This is stored in the
enviroment string "WORKDIR=". Update will not work across drives (i.e.
Both the working and the Input directory must be on the same drive.).
The command line options are "update [Input Directory] (/r || /pz || /zp)".
The Input Directory is optional. If no directory is given, the current
directory will be used. One of the three "/r","/pz","/zp" may be given.
The first tells Update to Re-archive the files, the second says to convert
from PKpak to Zoo, and the third says to convert from Zoo to PKpak.
This program is donated to the Public Domain. You may do what you wish
with it. If you modify it and redistribute it, please include a
"signature" below mine, the date, and a short discription of the
modifications done.
Derrick Hamner, 8/24/88 -- Wrote the original program.
Derrick Hamner
This program was initially submitted quite a while ago. I found a bug
or two, and Derrick Hammner fixed it and re-sent it. I'm assuming that
it works well now and not testing this revised version in order to get
queued postings out quickly.
Source for Turbo Pascal 4.0 and the executable are included.
-- R.D.