Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Assembly Source File
753 lines
page 75,132
title XONE - Make one ARC file from a member file
; usage:
; XONE inputname[.ARC] [filename] [outputname] [/R]
; remarks:
; The 'inputname' is required. It defines the ARC archive
; file which contains the member files that you want to extract.
; The extension defaults to .ARC.
; The 'filename' is optional. If omitted, all files in the
; archive are extracted. If supplied, only that file in the
; archive that matches the 'filename' is extracted.
; Each extracted file is created in the ARC format using the
; the original file name.
; The 'outputname' is optional. If supplied, it defines the name
; to be used for the extracted file. To use this operand, you must
; also supply the 'filename' operand to extract a single file.
; restrictions:
; XONE was written by Vernon Buerg and is for use without
; restrictions. Please try to distribute this program as-is,
; and without modification.
print macro name ; display a field
mov dx,offset name
call prints
printl macro text,ctl ; display a literal
local txt,nxt
mov dx,offset txt
call prints
jmp nxt
txt db cr,lf,&text
ifnb < ctl>
db cr,lf,stopper
db stopper
nxt equ $
header struc ; archive header
mbrcode db 0 ; compression code
mbrname db 13 dup (0) ; file name
mbrsize dw 0,0 ; file size in archive
mbrdate dw 0 ; creation date
mbrtime dw 0 ; creation time
mbrcrc dw 0 ; cyclic redunancy check
mbrlen dw 0,0 ; true file size, bytes
header ends
cseg segment public para 'CODE'
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg
org 100h
xone proc far
jmp start ; do our thing
version db cr,' ',cr,lf ; overlay jmp above
db ' XONE Make ARC file from member file(s) ',cr,lf
db ' ---- Version 2.3 - by Vern Buerg',cr,lf,stopper
usage db cr,lf,' usage: XONE archive[.ARC] [filespec] [output] [/R]'
db cr,lf,eof
db stopper ; 2.3, oops
; return with error
error: mov ax,cs ; insure seg regs
mov ds,ax ; for proper exit
mov sp,cs:stkptr
mov errlvl,1 ; set bad return code
; mov dl,7 ; send bel char
; mov ah,2 ; to standard output
; int 21h
; set DOS error level and exit
exit: mov sp,cs:stkptr ; just in case
mov al,errlvl ; return code
mov ah,4ch ; exit function
int 21h
subttl '--- constants, equates and work areas'
cr equ 13
lf equ 10
bel equ 7
tab equ 9
eof equ 26
stopper equ 255 ; end of display line indicator
arcmark equ 26 ; special archive marker
xoneer equ 9 ; highest compression code used ;2.2
stkptr dw 0 ; stack pointer upon entry
errlvl db 0 ; dos error level returned
psp dw 0 ; addr of psp
prompt db ' already exists, re-use it? (y/N) ',stopper
answer db 'n',cr,stopper
found db 0 ; indicates if found a member
reuse db 0 ; non-zero means overwrite existing file(s)
notfnd db cr,' Member file not found - '
member db 13 dup (0),0 ; selected member name
db cr,lf,stopper
archdl dw 0 ; ARC file handle
arcname db 76 dup (stopper)
outmsg db ' -> ' ; tells you what is being used
outname db 76 dup (0) ; output file name
; i/o control variables
inbufsz equ 18*1024 ; size of input buffer
inadr dw offset inbuf ; offset to input buffer
inptr dw offset inbuf ; offset to current byte
insize dw inbufsz ; size of input buffer
inlen dw 0 ; bytes left in buffer
incurh dw 0 ; current file offset
incurl dw 0 ; low word
outbufsz equ 18*1024 ; size of output buffer
outlen dw outbufsz ; bytes empty in output buffer
outadr dw offset outbuf ; offset to output buffer
outptr dw offset outbuf ; spot for next output char
outsize dw outbufsz ; size of output buffer
outhdl dw 0 ; output file handle
vline db cr,lf
vstyle db ' ' ; compression method
db 'ed: '
vname db 12 dup (0),0
db stopper,0
styles db ' sav' ; 1 = old, no compression
db ' Sav' ; 2 = new, no compression
db ' Pack' ; 3 = dle for repeat chars
db ' Squeez' ; 4 = huffman encoding
db ' crunch' ; 5 = lz, no crc
db ' crunch' ; 6 = lz with crc
db ' SEA' ; 7 = internal SEA use
db ' Crunch' ; 8 = new lz with crc
db ' squash' ; 9 = pk squashing
wtg dw 0 ; index into where table
where dw offset copy1 ; offset to routines for each type
dw offset copy2
dw offset unpack3
dw offset unsqueez4
dw offset uncrunch5
dw offset uncrunch6
dw offset uncrunch7
dw offset uncrunch8
dw offset unsquash9
subttl '--- mainline processing'
; gather command line operands
mov stkptr,sp ; save stack ptr
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax ; set local data seg
mov cx,es
mov psp,cx ; save psp addr
mov es,ax
print version ; display program version
mov si,80h ; get command line operand
sub cx,cx
or cl,byte ptr [si] ; any operand?
jnz parm1
print usage ; no, gotta have the ARC name
jmp error
; pick off any trailing '/R' parameter
parm1: inc si ; point to operand
mov bx,si
add bx,cx ; point to end of command line
cmp word ptr -2[bx],'R/' ; is reuse specified?
je parm1r
cmp word ptr -2[bx],'r/'
jne parm2
parm1r: or reuse,1 ; indicate no checking
mov word ptr -2[bx],0d0dh ; stop command line here
sub cx,2 ; remove /R from command line
jle parm_error ; oops, something is missing
; get first operand - input archive file name
parm2: lodsb ; strip leading blanks
cmp al,' '
loope parm2
mov di,offset arcname
parm3: lodsb ; copy ARC filename
cmp al,cr ; end of name?
je parm4
cmp al,' ' ; delimiter?
je parm4
cmp al,tab ; delimiter?
je parm4
cmp al,',' ; delimiter?
je parm4
cmp al,'.' ; got extension now?
je parm5 ; yup, that's nice
loop parm3
parm4: mov ax,'A.' ; append default ext
mov ax,'CR'
jmp short parm6
; strip trailing blanks looking for second operand
parm5: lodsb ; next ext char
cmp al,cr ; end of it?
je parm6
cmp al,' ' ; delimiter?
je parm6
cmp al,tab ; another delimiter?
je parm6
stosb ; copy supplied extension
loop parm5
parm5a: dec di ; back up to end of ext
parm6: mov al,0 ; append asciiz stopper
; copy optional second (file selection) operand
or cx,cx ; another operand?
jz parm_done ; nope, extract all files
mov di,offset member
parm7: lodsb
cmp al,cr ; end of operand?
je parm20 ; yes, done
cmp al,' ' ; delimiter for third operand?
je parm10
cmp al,tab
je parm10
cmp al,'a' ; lower case?
jb parm8
sub al,32
parm8: stosb
loop parm7
parm9: mov ax,0ff00h ; append asciiz stopper
jmp short parm_done
; get third operand, if any, as output file name
parm10: sub cx,1 ; account for delimiter
jle parm_done
mov di,offset outname ; third operand is target filename
parm11: lodsb
cmp al,' ' ; strip leading blanks
loope parm11
cmp al,cr ; ending c/r?
je parm_done ; just trailing blanks, then
jcxz parm20
parm12: stosb ; blindly copy the rest
cmp al,cr
loopne parm12
parm20: mov ax,0ff00h ; append stoppers
parm_done: ; hope we've got everything
call openarc ; access the archive file
jnc xonenext
; process next archive header entry
call gethdr ; load next header
jnc xone2 ; get CF at end of file, etc
jmp exit ; all done
xone2: cmp archdr.mbrcode,0 ; archive eof?
jne xone2a ; nope, keep on truckin
printl ' ' ; blank line
call closarc ; close file
cmp member,0 ; selecting one file?
je xone_ok ; no, skip next
cmp found,0 ; and did we get it?
jne xone_ok
print notfnd
printl ' '
jmp exit ; depart
cmp member,0 ; selecting one file?
je xonego ; no, skip next
mov si,offset member ; yes, compare names
mov di,offset archdr.mbrname
mov cx,13
cmp al,0 ; end of name
je xonego ; yes, select the file
cmp al,byte ptr [di] ; match so far?
jne xone_agn ; no, skip this file
inc di
loop xonesel
jmp short xonego ; it matches
; the following is used to skip to the next ARC entry
mov cx,word ptr archdr.mbrsize+2
mov dx,word ptr archdr.mbrsize
add dx,incurl ; add current hdr offset
adc cx,0
add cx,incurh
mov ax,4200h ; skip over file data
mov bx,archdl
int 21h
mov incurh,dx ; new position
mov incurl,ax
mov inlen,0 ; reset read buffer
jmp xonenext
mov di,offset vname ; copy file name
mov si,offset archdr.mbrname
mov cx,13
cmp al,0 ; end of name?
je xone4
loop xone3
jmp short xone5
mov al,0 ; pad with asciiz
rep stosb
sub bx,bx ; determine style
mov bl,archdr.mbrcode
shl bx,1
mov wtg,bx ; save where-to-go offset
shl bx,1
shl bx,1 ; times 8 for style table
lea si,styles-8[bx] ; get ptr to style name
mov di,offset vstyle
mov cx,8
rep movsb
print vline ; display this file info
cmp outname,0 ; specified different output?
je xone6
print outmsg
call create ; allocate new file
mov bx,wtg ; where to go
jmp where-2[bx] ; let 'er rip
subttl - Extract current member file
; 1 - straight copy of all formats
mov si,offset newhdr ; copy arc header first
mov cx,hdrlen
call putc
loop copyhdr
mov cx,word ptr archdr.mbrsize
mov dx,word ptr archdr.mbrsize+2
call getc ; straight copy
jc xoner1
call putc
sub cx,1
sbb dx,0
or cx,cx ; any more bytes?
jnz xone7 ; yup, keep on truckin'
or dx,dx
jnz xone7
jmp xonemore
xoner1: printl 'Premature EOF reading '
print vname
jmp error
mov al,arcmark ; append normal arc mark
call putc
mov al,0
call putc
call putblk ; flush buffer
call closout ; close output
jmp xonenext
subttl ' - miscellaneous subroutines'
openarc proc near ; open new archive
push bx
mov dx,offset arcname
mov ax,3d02h ; for input and output
int 21h
jc openerr
mov archdl,ax ; save file handle
printl ' Using: '
print arcname
printl ' '
pop bx
printl 'Unable to open archive: '
print arcname
jmp error
openarc endp
closarc proc near
push bx
mov bx,archdl ; previous handle
or bx,bx ; already open?
jz closed
mov ah,3eh ; yes, so close it
int 21h
closed: mov archdl,0
pop bx
closarc endp
note proc near ; note location of header
push bx ; in ARC file
sub cx,cx
sub dx,dx
mov ax,4201h ; get file pointer to EOF
mov bx,archdl
int 21h
mov incurh,dx ; save hdr position
mov incurl,ax
pop bx
note endp
create proc near ; allocate new file
push bx
mov found,255 ; indicate member extracted
test reuse,1 ; want to over-write?
jnz create1 ; yup, life in the danger zone
mov dx,offset outname ; output specified?
cmp byte ptr outname,0
jne open_it
mov dx,offset vname ; no, use archive member file name
mov ax,3d00h ; see if file already exists
int 21h
jc create1 ; looks good so far
mov bx,ax ; close found file
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
print prompt ; ask to re-use
mov ah,0 ; get response
int 16h
mov answer,al ; echo response
mov dx,offset answer
call prints
cmp answer,'Y' ; get the okay?
je create1
cmp answer,'y'
je create1
jmp xone_agn
mov dx,offset outname ; output specified?
cmp byte ptr outname,0
jne create_it
mov dx,offset vname ; actual file name
sub cx,cx ; normal attribute
mov ah,3ch
int 21h
jc creater ; something failed
mov outhdl,ax
pop bx
printl 'CREATE failed - '
print vname
jmp error
create endp
closout proc near ; close output file
mov bx,outhdl ; close output
or bx,bx ; was it open?
jz closedout ; no, that's funny
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
closout endp
; print string like int 21h function 9
prints proc near ; dx has offset to string
push si ; ending in char x'ff'
push bx
push cx
mov si,dx ; pointer to text
sub cx,cx ; length of text
ps1: lodsb
cmp al,stopper ; ending stopper code?
je ps9
inc cx ; no, increment length
jmp short ps1
ps9: mov ah,40h ; write to stdout
mov bx,1
int 21h
pop cx ; recover registers
pop bx
pop si
prints endp
subttl ' - i/o subroutines'
getc proc near ; return next byte in al
push si ; or cf=1 for eof
sub inlen,1 ; any left in buffer
jns getc2 ; yes, pick it up
call getblk
jnc getc1
pop si ; return cf=1 at eof
mov si,inptr ; offset to next byte
mov inptr,si
add incurl,1 ; bump file offset
adc incurh,0
pop si
getc endp
getblk proc near ; read next block
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,3fh ; read from handle
mov bx,archdl ; arc file handle
mov cx,inbufsz ; input buffer size
mov dx,offset inbuf ; offset to input buffer
mov inptr,dx
int 21h
jc getblkr ; oops
or ax,ax ; anything read?
jnz getblka
stc ; no, set cf=1 for eof
jmp short getblkx ; and exit
mov inlen,ax ; return count of bytes read
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printl "I/O error reading from "
print arcname
jmp error ; gotta quit
getblk endp
putc proc near
cmp outlen,0 ; any room left?
jg putc1 ; yes, stuff into buffer
call putblk ; no, write out buffer
jnc putc
ret ; return cf=1 for error
putc1: mov di,outptr ; offset to next spot
mov outptr,di ; update ptr for next time
dec outlen
clc ; return cf=0 for okay
putblk: push ax ; save regs
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov bx,outhdl ; output file handle
mov cx,outsize ; buffer size
mov ax,cx
sub cx,outlen ; less bytes unfilled
mov outlen,ax ; reset buffer size free
mov dx,offset outbuf ; offset to buffer
mov outptr,dx
jcxz putblk0 ; have nothing to write?
mov ah,40h ; write to a file
int 21h
jc putcerr ; write failed?
cmp ax,cx ; wrote it all?
jne putcerr
clc ; clear CF error inidcator
pop dx ; recover regs
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
printl 'I/O error writing to '
print vname
jmp error
putc endp
subttl '--- load next archive header'
gethdr proc near
mov cx,128 ; gotta look for the damn thing
call getc ; get next file byte
jc gethdrr1 ; premature eof
cmp al,arcmark ; start of header?
je gethdr3 ; yup, let's start cookin
loop gethdr2
printl "Invalid archive format!"
jmp error
call getc ; get version code
jc gethdrr1
mov archdr.mbrcode,al
cmp al,xoneer ; reasonable code?
ja gethdrr1 ; nope, funny stuff
cmp al,0 ; archive eof?
je gethdr9 ; yup done
mov cx,13 ; get member name
mov di,offset archdr.mbrname
call getc
jc gethdrr1
loop gethdr4
mov cx,10 ; length remaining
cmp archdr.mbrcode,1 ; old format?
je gethdr6 ; yes, it's short
mov cl,14
mov di,offset archdr.mbrsize
call getc
jc gethdrr1
loop gethdr7
cmp archdr.mbrcode,1 ; old format?
jne gethdr9 ; if so, it's short
mov si,offset mbrsize
mov di,offset mbrlen
mov cx,4
rep movsb
printl 'Invalid archive header'
jmp error
gethdr endp
subttl '--- i/o data areas'
xone endp
newhdr db arcmark ; starts an arc header
archdr equ $ ; i/o area for a header
hdrlen equ size header + 1 ; length of normal ARC header
inbuf equ $ + 64 ; input buffer
outbuf equ inbuf + inbufsz ; output buffer
lastbyt equ outbuf + outbufsz
pgmsize equ (lastbyt - xone + 1024) /16 ; paragraphs in program
cseg ends
end xone