Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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PcConnect User Editor Version 1.0
Such as it is, this is the documentation for PCCUE.EXE
and should answer any questions you might have about the
operations provided.
Naturally it is started externally by typing PCCUE on
the command line and pressing enter.
The main screen appears and you see the list of
options available. Mine and Gary's name appear on the little
computer screens... ain't that neat! At the bottom of the
screen you see the time of day... like it's real important.
In the middle ofcourse is the title of our program.
║ ║
║ Display PcConnect User List ║
║ Edit Individual User ║
║ Delete Individual User From List ║
║ Global Change of PcConnect User List ║
║ TOP(10) Msg Posters To ASCII File ║
║ TOP(10) UpLoaders To ASCII File ║
║ TOP(10) DnLoaders To ASCII File ║
║ Help Screen For PcEditor ║
║ Squash dupe Phone Numbers ║
║ ┌──────────────┐ FinishUp & Quit PCCUE ┌──────────────┐ ║
║ │ ┌─────────┐ │ │ ┌─────────┐ │ ║
║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ║
║ │ │ Gary │ o│ PcConnect V1.0 (c)1987 │ │ Drue │ o│ ║
║ │ │ Smith │ o│ PcConnect User Editor V1.0 │ │ Kennon │ o│ ║
║ │ └─────────┘ o│ By: │ └─────────┘ o│ ║
║ └─┼──────────┼─┘ └─┼──────────┼─┘ ║
║ ┌───┴──────────┴───┐ ┌───┴──────────┴───┐ ║
║ │[] ┌──────┬────┐ │ │[] ┌──────┬────┐ │ ║
║ │ │|-++-|├────┤ │ │ │|-++-|├────┤ │ ║
║ │ └──────┴────┘ │]=-------------------------------=[│ └──────┴────┘ │ ║
║ └──────────────────┘ └──────────────────┘ ║
║ 10:20 A.M. PcConnect User Editor V1.0 ║
Operation selection is made by placing the bar over
the operation description and pressing enter. The bar is
moved by using the up and down arrows.
Selecting the " Display PcConnect User List " show this
║[ID#]■[Name]■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■[Age]■■[#Logs]■■[Last Log]■■■■■■■[Level]■■■■║
║ 1 Sysop 21 5 Wed. Dec. 2, 1987 100 ║
║ 2 xxx xxxxxxxxx 17 20 Wed. Oct. 14, 1987 15 ║
║ 3 xxx xxxxxxxxx 17 4 Sun. Aug. 2, 1987 15 ║
║ 4 Drue Kennon 33 310 Wed. Dec. 2, 1987 100 ║
║ 5 xxxxxx xxxxx 17 2 Fri. July 24, 1987 15 ║
║ 6 xxxx xxxxx 44 4 Tue. Aug. 4, 1987 15 ║
║ 7 xxx xxxx 18 11 Wed. Aug. 19, 1987 15 ║
║ 8 xxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 37 1 Fri. July 24, 1987 15 ║
║ 9 xxxxxx x xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx 30 9 Mon. Aug. 10, 1987 15 ║
║ 10 xxxx xxxxx 25 32 Sat. Aug. 15, 1987 15 ║
║ 11 xxxxx xxxxx 13 12 Sat. Aug. 1, 1987 15 ║
║ 12 xxxxx xxxxxxxx 19 2 Fri. July 24, 1987 15 ║
║ 13 xxxxx xxxxx 25 8 Sat. Aug. 15, 1987 15 ║
║ 14 xxxxx xxxxx 30 7 Thr. Aug. 6, 1987 15 ║
║ 15 xx xxxxxxx 61 2 Sun. July 26, 1987 15 ║
║ 16 xxxxx xxxxxx 39 4 Fri. July 24, 1987 15 ║
║ 17 xxxxx xxxxxxx 15 20 Sat. Aug. 15, 1987 15 ║
║ 18 xx xxxxxxxxx 44 3 Fri. July 24, 1987 15 ║
║ 19 xxxxx x xxxxxx 21 1 Fri. July 24, 1987 15 ║
║ 20 xxxx xxxxxxxx 15 3 Thr. Aug. 13, 1987 15 ║
║ Pg Pg | ─┘ selects | F10 =Exits | RED =Deleted | GREEN =New | F1 =Help ║
Optionally by using the left and right arrows you may
view this screen with the following fields:
║[ID#]■[Name]■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■[Age]■■[PassWord]■■■[Phone #]■■■■[Level]■■■■║
║ 1 Sysop 21 itsme (301)794-4331 100 ║
║ 2 xxx xxxxxxxxx 17 xxxxxxx (000)111-1111 15 ║
║[ID#]■[Name]■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■[Posts]■[UpLds]■[DnLds]■[Max Time]■[F. Pts]■║
║ 1 Sysop 50 313 2 999 999 ║
║ 2 xxx xxxxxxxxx 4 1 4 45 8 ║
As always you select the user by placing the bar over
the user you wish to edit and press enter. For very large
user lists a jump feature has been utilized. Pressing "J"
will cause PCCUE to prompt you for the user number you wish
to jump to. This user will be placed in the middle of the
screen. You may PgUp, PgDn, use the Up/Dn arrows, Home & End
here. Home takes you to the top of the list. End to the
bottom. Pg-Up/Dn move 20 users either way and Up/Dn arrows
advance one user from top-down or down-top whichever place
you happen to be when you use the arrow.
Users come and users go. With this in mind, all new
users are green in color & deleted users are red. You may
change either status by using the "D" and "N" keys. The keys
toggle the deleted and new user flags. The delete key has
priority, which means that if a user logs on with a phony
name or so forth you need only hit "D" and it is deleted.
Likewise press "N" to turn the user into a normal user. One
word here about PcConnect. In an effort to avoid large bulky
userlists that may become cluttered with deleted users, each
time a new user logs on we look for a deleted user-record to
place the new user in. If one is found, all info is reset to
the new users stats.
Selecting a user to edit shows the following screen
║A. Name :Sysop N. Uploads :313 ║
║B. Signature :Drue O. DownLoads :2 ║
║C. Users Age :33 P. Messages :50 ║
║D. Users ID# :0 Q. Numb. logs:559 ║
║E. PassWord :howyalldoin R. File Level:100 ║
║F. City :Center S. File Pts. :999 ║
║G. State :TX T. Vote/Quest: [view] ║
║H. Phone # :(409)598-9057 U. Set Ups : [view] ║
║I. Level :100 V. Creations :7 ║
║J. Max Time :999 W. Deleted :False ║
║K. Time Left :999 X. Cls Char. :12 ║
║L. Last Log :Wed. Dec. 2, 1987 Y. Misc Int. : [view] ║
║M. Last Time :3:53 P.M. Z. Misc Real : [view] ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Press Key To Select - [view] items are windowed - F1 for HELP - F10 = END ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 10:42 A.M. PcConnect User Editor V1.0 Sat. Apr. 2, 1988 ║
Everything here is straight forward enough. Press the
letter key of the field to edit and get with it. Four of the
fields are arrayed and below is an example of the voting and
questionaire stats. Pressing "T" brings this screen up.
║A. Name :Syso╔═[VOTES]══════[QUESTIONS]═══╗N. Uploads :451 ║
║B. Signature :Gary║ 1. True 16. False ║O. DownLoads :5 ║
║C. Users Age :21 ║ 2. False 17. False ║P. Messages :100 ║
║D. Users ID# :1 ║ 3. False 18. False ║Q. Numb. logs:674 ║
║E. PassWord :hi ║ 4. False 19. False ║R. File Level:100 ║
║F. City :SeaB║ 5. False 20. False ║S. File Pts. :999 ║
║G. State :MD ║ 6. False 21. False ║T. Vote/Quest: [view] ║
║H. Phone # :(301║ 7. False 22. False ║U. Set Ups : [view] ║
║I. Level :100 ║ 8. False 23. False ║V. Creations :7 ║
║J. Max Time :999 ║ 9. False 24. False ║W. Deleted :False ║
║K. Time Left :999 ║10. False 25. False ║X. Cls Char. :12 ║
║L. Last Log :Wed.║11. False 26. False ║Y. Misc Int. : [view] ║
║M. Last Time :3:53║12. False 27. False ║Z. Misc Real : [view] ║
║ ║13. False 28. False ║ ║
║ ║14. False 29. False ║ ║
╠══════════════════║15. False 30. False ║══════════════════════════════╣
║ Press Key To Sel╚════════════════════════════╝d - F1 for HELP - F10 = END ║
║ ║
║ Enter Ballot To Change: ║
║ ENTER to end ║
║ 10:42 A.M. PcConnect User Editor V1.0 Sat. Apr. 2, 1988 ║
Now you may select a ballot/question to toggle.
The enter key alone exits this function.
Below is an example of how the screen looks if you
wanted to edit the user's name. The same is true for
all non-view screens.
║ ║
║ Press Key To Select - [view] items are windowed - F1 for HELP - F10 = END ║
║ ║
║ Enter New Name: _ ║
║ ║
║ 10:42 A.M. PcConnect User Editor V1.0 Sat. Apr. 2, 1988 ║
Pressing Enter alone leaves original entry intact
Main Screen operation #2 selection show this screen
║A. Name : N. Uploads : ║
║B. Signature : O. DownLoads : ║
║C. Users Age : P. Messages : ║
║D. Users ID# : Q. Numb. logs: ║
║E. PassWord : R. File Level: ║
║F. City : S. File Pts. : ║
║G. State : T. Vote/Quest: ║
║H. Phone # : U. Set Ups : ║
║I. Level╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║
║J. Max T║ Enter Name or ID#: ║ ║
║K. Time ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ║
║L. Last Log : Y. Misc Int. : ║
║M. Last Time : Z. Misc Real : ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ Press Key To Select - [view] items are windowed - F1 for HELP - F10 = END ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ 10:46 A.M. PcConnect User Editor V1.0 Sat. Apr. 2, 1988 ║
To edit a single user, op# 2 is selected. You may
enter the user's name or the id number. Optionally you may
search for a user whose id or name your not sure about by
placing a "+" sign before the entry and typing a portion of
the name. i.e +kenn will prompt the editor to search and
report every name in which "kenn" occurs. Sequentially you
no the users until the correct one comes up, then yes it.
Proceed then to edit the user in the above mentioned manner.
Option #3 allows you to delete a user. This is simply a
faster way of doing things than going through the first
screen. Enter the user id and the user flag is turned true.
║ ║
║ ║ ║
║ Users Name or ID#: _ ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ ┌───┴──────────┴───┐ ┌───┴──────────┴───┐ ║
║ │[] ┌──────┬────┐ │ │[] ┌──────┬────┐ │ ║
║ │ │|-++-|├────┤ │ │ │|-++-|├────┤ │ ║
║ │ └──────┴────┘ │]=-------------------------------=[│ └──────┴────┘ │ ║
║ └──────────────────┘ └──────────────────┘ ║
║ 10:48 A.M. PcConnect User Editor V1.0 ║
╔═════════════╗ Op# 4 offers these listed fields of the
║ Level ║ User Record for global modification.
║ Max Time ║
║ Last logon ║ Place the bar over your selection and
║ File Level ║ press enter. You will be prompted for
║ Voting ║ the proper entry or reply.
║ Questions ║
║ Trivia ║
║ Exit\Return ║
Listed below are the remaining options for pccue.
The three Top(10) choices produce ascii files of the specified
topic. These files can then be renamed to a bulletin file name and
placed in the bulletin directory, then added to your bulletin list
from within PcConnect. For example...
Then within PcConnect you set up bulletin 1 as
"This Systems TOP10 Msg Posters"
The (Squash dupe phone numbers) writes an ascii file listing all
duplicate phone numbers and passwords. You can then deal with
the bad guys in good time.
TOP(10) Msg Posters To ASCII File
TOP(10) UpLoaders To ASCII File
TOP(10) DnLoaders To ASCII File
Help Screen For PcEditor
Squash dupe Phone Numbers
FinishUp & Quit PCCUE
IF you have any questions that you are unable to cope with within
the editor, you may contact me at (409)598-3809 voice.
Or at (409)598-9057 data, (301)794-4331 data.
Drue Kennon