Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Assembly Source File
286 lines
page ,132
.model tiny
; WATCHCAT copyright 1989, Joseph R. Ahlgren
; WATCHCAT performs 5 critical functions for any RBBS system:
; 1. Reboots system if no carrier in specified period of time
; This catches RBBS or system failures
; 2. Reboots system if carrier lost during critical period
; This allows Doors to be used safely
; 3. Reboots system if 20 rings without answering phone
; This allows system to be restarted by phone
; 4. Reboots system if "Hit any key to return to system" message appears
; This restarts system on a common RBBS failure
; 5. Drops carrier if L&R shift keys pressed simultaneously
; This allows users to be logged off without a nasty message.
;WATCHCAT loads the TSR and disables all functions
; WATCHCAT OFF disables all functions
; WATCHCAT ON enables 1,3,4,and 5
; WATCHCAT TIMER enables 2,4,and 5
;ComPort = 03f8h ;{COM1}
;ComPort = 02f8h ;{COM2}
;ComPort = 03e8h ;{COM3}
;ComPort = 02e8h ;{COM4}
;ScreenSegment = 0b800h ;{Color}
;ScreenSegment = 0b000h ;{Mono}
ModemStatus = 0006h
ModemControl = 0004h
CarrierDetect = 0080h
RingIndicator = 0040h
tpm = 1092 ; {ticks per minute}
RingTicks = 110; {6 seconds}
org 100h
jmp init
RingTrigger dw 0
RingTimer db 0
Flag db 'F' and 0fh ; OFF ON TIME = F O I
TimerInt dd ?
Minutes dw 8*60 ;{minutes of no carrier to trigger reset}
Seconds dw tpm
MinReset dw 8*60
ColdBoot dd 0ffff0000h
ExitTimer db 0
DropTrigger db 3 ;Drop DTR on L&R shift
ExitMessage db 'Hit any key to return to system'
ExitMessageEnd db 0
ComPort dw 02f8h ;{COM2}
ScreenSegment dw 0b000h ;{Mono}
Ident db "jOeY"
Ident2 db "50c4"
assume ds:nothing,es:nothing,ss:nothing
cmp cs:[Flag],'F' and 0fh
jne SystemOn
jmp cs:[TimerInt]
push ax
push dx
push ds
; 4. Reboots system if "Hit any key to return to system" message appears
; This restarts system on a common RBBS failure
dec cs:[ExitTimer]
jnz NoExitLoop
push cx
push si
push di
mov ax,cs:[ScreenSegment]
mov ds,ax
mov cx,25
xor si,si
push cx
push si
mov cx,ExitMessageEnd-ExitMessage
mov di,offset ExitMessage
cmp al,cs:[di]
jne SSLoop2x
inc di
loop SSLoop2
jmp short NoCarrier
pop si
pop cx
add si,160
loop SSLoop1
pop di
pop si
pop cx
; 5. Drops carrier if L&R shift keys pressed simultaneously
; This allows users to be logged off without a nasty message.
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
assume ds:Lowmem
mov al,[ShiftStatus]
and al,0fh
cmp al,cs:[DropTrigger]
jne NoShift
mov dx,cs:[ComPort]
add dx,ModemControl
in al,dx
; or al,1
and al,0feh
out dx,al ;drop DTR
; 3. Reboots system if 20 rings without answering phone
; This allows system to be restarted by phone
mov dx,[ComPort]
add dx,ModemStatus
in al,dx
test al,RingIndicator
jz NotRinging
or cs:[RingTrigger],1
dec cs:[RingTimer]
jnz NoRingTime
mov cs:[RingTimer],RingTicks
mov ax,cs:[RingTrigger]
cmp ax,0ffffh
je NoCarrier
shl ax,1
mov cs:[RingTrigger],ax
; 2. Reboots system if carrier lost during critical period
; This allows Doors to be used safely
cmp cs:[Flag],'I' and 0fh
jb NoMonitor
je TimeCheck
in al,dx
and al,CarrierDetect
jz NoCarrier
pop ds
pop dx
pop ax
jmp cs:[TimerInt]
jmp cs:[ColdBoot]
; 1. Reboots system if no carrier in specified period of time
; This catches RBBS or system failures
test al,CarrierDetect
jnz ResetTime
dec cs:[Seconds]
jnz NoMonitor
mov cs:[Seconds],tpm
dec cs:[Minutes]
jz NoCarrier
jmp short NoMonitor
mov ax,cs:[MinReset]
mov cs:[Minutes],ax
jmp short NoMonitor
assume ds:@code,es:@code,ss:@code
mov dx,offset SignOnMessage
mov ax,0900h
int 21h ;print load message
mov ax,[word ptr Ident2]
xor [word ptr Ident],ax
mov ax,[word ptr Ident2+2]
xor [word ptr Ident+2],ax
xor dx,dx
mov es,dx
mov si,offset Ident
mov cx,cs
mov ax,[si]
cmp ax,es:[si]
jz found
inc dx
mov es,dx
loop findloop
xor bx,bx
mov es,bx
mov bl,ds:[82h]
cmp bl,'0'
jle NoCom
cmp bl,'4'
jle ComSpec
mov bl,'1'
mov [ComPortNumber],bl
add bx,bx
mov ax,es:[bx+400h-31h-31h]
mov [ComPort],ax
cmp byte ptr ds:[83h],'C'
jnz NotColor
mov [ScreenSegment],0b800h
mov [ScreenSegNum],'8'
mov ax,3508h
int 21h ;get timer interrupt
mov [word ptr TimerInt],bx
mov [word ptr TimerInt+2],es
mov dx,offset Timer
mov ax,2508h
int 21h ;set timer interrupt
mov dx,offset message1
mov ax,0900h
int 21h ;print load message
mov dx,(init-first+15)/16
mov ax,3101h
int 21h ;TSR
mov bx,[si+2]
cmp bx,es:[si+2]
jnz NotQuite
mov ax,es
mov bx,10h
mov di,offset message2x
mov cx,4
mul bx
cmp dl,9
jbe locx
add dl,7
add dl,'0'
mov [di],dl
inc di
loop loc
mov ax,es:[MinReset]
mov es:[Minutes],ax
mov al,ds:[83h]
and al,0fh
mov es:[Flag],al
mov dx,offset message2tim
cmp al,'I' and 0fh
jz done
mov dx,offset message2off
jb done
mov dx,offset message2on
push dx
mov dx,offset message2
mov ax,0900h
int 21h
pop dx
mov ax,0900h
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
message1 db 0ah,0dh,'Watchcat Loaded, set to COM'
ComPortNumber db '1 and Screen B'
ScreenSegNum db '000',0ah,0dh,'$'
message2 db 0ah,0dh,'Watchcat found at '
message2x db '0000 and set to $'
message2on db 'ON',0ah,0dh,'$'
message2off db 'OFF',0ah,0dh,'$'
message2tim db 'TIMER',0ah,0dh,'$'
SignOnMessage db 0dh,0ah,'WATCHCAT, copyright 1989 Joseph R. Ahlgren'
db ' RBBS 703-241-7980',0dh,0ah
db ' WATCHCAT may be freely distributed provided this message is not modified',0dh,0ah
db ' Load with WATCHCAT ps, where p is the port number (1,2,3,4)',0dh,0ah
db ' and s is the screen type (Color or Mono), e.g., WATCHCAT 2C',0dh,0ah
db ' specifies COM2 and Color Screen',0ah,0dh
db ' Subsequent calls are WATCHCAT ON, WATCHCAT OFF, and WATCHCAT TIMER',0dh,0ah
db ' OFF disables all functions',0dh,0ah
db ' ON reboots if carrier lost',0dh,0ah
db ' TIMER reboots if 20 rings without answering phone, if no carrier',0dh,0ah
db ' in 8 hours, or if "Hit any key to return to system" appears on screen',0dh,0ah
db ' Also, pressing both Left and Right Shift keys simultaneously will',0dh,0ah
db ' drop the line, logging off the current user.',0dh,0ah
db '$'
Lowmem segment at 0000h
org 417h
ShiftStatus db ?
Lowmem ends
end start