Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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461 lines
UPDATE AUGUST 08-18-1989
I. Introduction
Q:What is "Chaldean"?
A:Chaldean is a simple program (door) that can display the
following information to the user:
- Peronalized Daily Horoscopes
- Special Tips
- Historical Events
- User Birthdays
- Special text files
Chaldean also can tell the sysop who exactly is online.
II. Package Contents
Well in this ZIP, ARC, ZOO, PAK, LZH there are the following
CHALDxxx.EXE - Main program (Ver xxx)
MDB .EXE - UnCompile SYS databases
UDB .EXE - Compile SYS databases
CHALDEAN.DOC - This file.
UPDATE .TXT - Any last second updates
ZODIAC .SYS - Default Horoscopes Database
TIP .SYS - Default Tips Database
PAGE .SYS - Sample Page control file
III. Running
To run CHALDEAN you first must rename the CHALDxxx.EXE :
Where xxx is the version number.
To run Chaldean at MS-DOS Type :
C>CHALDEAN {UserName} {Access} {/[Options]}
Where Username is the user's firstname and lastname with
an underscore in the between. (or for any Chr(32) in username)
Example: C>CHALDEAN FRANK_LAROSA {Access} {/[Options]}
Where Access can be any number from 0 to 999
Example: C>CHALDEAN FRANK_LAROSA 255 {/[Options]}
Where options can be :
/C - Clear Screen
/V - Display Software title.
/Z - Display Horoscope.
/B - Display Birthdays.
/H - Display Historical Events
/P - Page Sysop system
/W - Wait for Key Press
Note : All these flags can be placed. There is NO special
order. THE LETTERs MUST BE Capitalized!
Remember though you may use fields more than once
and in any special order you like. The order you
list them , is the order they will appear.
***** There is no need to run the /S parameter! *****
For searchlight BBS the following would be place in an
{x};{x};{x};{x}; CHALDEAN;.;CHALDEAN %U %A /V /B /Z
Where {x} are special numbers (Check SLBBS MANUAL}.
IV. Note
Please note that Chaldean creates a INDEX file called
"EX-USER.BBS". This file contains special information
on users that where not included in Franks USER.BBS file.
Many new programs that I will make will make heavy
use of this file. If you are a progrmmer contact me for
the file format.
There is also a ZODIAC.SYS file. This file is where all
the horoscope predictions are placed. This is a special
"SYS" database format that is used by Chaldean.
There is also a TIP.SYS file. This file is where all the
TIPS are located. This is a "SYS" database format that is
used by Chaldean.
Using the program UDB.EXE one can "un-compile" the ZODIAC.SYS
or the TIP.SYS files to plain ASCII files. Then they can change
it using any editor.
Then using the program MDB.EXE one can "Make" the special
"SYS" database files.
The new version (2.0) need more files to operate.
PAGE.SYS - This file is a plain ascii file loaded
with special information that runs
the page feature. Below:
Where {Day} is the number of the day of the week.
(monday is 1, Sunday is 7)
Where {Start} is the hour and minutes you want the page
to start at. (HHMM, notice NO colons)
Where {End} is the hour and minutes you want the page to
end at. {HHMM, notice NO colons)
Where {Access} is the users access from 0 to 999. On SL
systems the number will not go any higher that 255!
Where {UserName} is Users first name and last name with
underscores taking the place of spaces.
Where {Beep} is the beep patter. You can make this as big
as you like and as small as you like. Digits 1-9 are sound
pitches. Number 0 for sound off. Use a persiod "." for a
half second pause.
Where {file} is optionial. You must place a "*" asterisk
here if you do not use this function. The file is the
path and directory of the file you might want to display
to this user (pure ascii only) In the file if you would
like to clear screen then place a [CLS], for a pause place
a [MORE] anywhere.
NOTE : YOU must end the line with a semi-colon (;)!!!
Examples :
This would page SYSOP on mondays from 8am to 10pm if ANY USER
calls with any access. The page would be two, two second beeps.
This would page SYSOP everyday if anyone calls with access 255.
The page would be short beeps.
This would PAGE Sysop any time and day only if the user is
ARNOLD ARCE. The page would be a increasing scale. Then
Arnold would see the file C:\ARNOLD.TXT
You don't even have to have the system page you can use the
page control line to send a sign to all users.
Notice the 0 for NO SOUND! Send all the SIGN.TXT
You may have as many entries as you want. The asterisks always
make options "defaulted". In other words a asterisk for a
Hour would make it the current hour. A Asterisk for a username
would make it for all users. Etc... though if you dont
use the FILE TYPE feature place an asterisk there!!!!
Also in the new version there is the HISTORICAL events
feature. This feature needs to know where the "TODAY/PC"
type files are located. (Usually in \TODAY) So please
make a file called HISTORY.SYS with your editor. In this
file should be one line (the first) containing the
path and directory to TODAY.xxx files. Exaple...
Notice the ending backslash!!!! You must place that in!
Today.xxx files are included in TODAY.ZIP.
V. SYS Database utilities
To run UDB.EXE type the following in the BBS Directory
where Chaldean is located :
C>UDB {Database} {Output filename}
Where {DataBase} is the name of the Database file you would
like to un-comile. (usually ZODIAC.SYS or TIP.SYS)
Where {Output filename} is the name of the file that you
want the uncompile SYS FILE(S) text to go.
Now load up your favorite editor. Load up the new Text File.
You will notice that there are numbers in front of the
lines. These numbers aren't important but they are there to
let you know which Record # you are editing.
Now each Zodiac prediction consists of A two line record,
like below :
001 "The sun is leaving your Constellation today expect " [N]
001 "some bad news later on in the week. Your luck is low " [N]
Notice the line numbers are the same. Thats means that both
lines are ONE prediction. Also note the quotes. They are
important! Anything in the quotes are taken. Anything outside
is rejected. Any message (from first quote to last quote) can
only be 60 characters! UDB.EXE strips off the rest.
Notice the [N]'s. Those will not be saved because they are
not in the quotes. But it makes sense to categorize the
horoscopes for ease. Most editors allow a SEARCH feature.
So those [N]'s to me represent a NEGATIVE predictions.
Later on I can edit just [N]'s or [P]'s or whatever. You can
even REM your horoscope predictions.
**** NOTE : PLEASE note that before you save your
TEXT FILE. Make sure that there are no
extra Carriage returns (CHR(12)) at the
end of the document. Don't let the Editor
tack on any extra lines. The last record
SHOULD be the very last physical line!
A trick to this is by placing your cursor
at the end of your last record (say in the
example above you would place the cursor
at the end of the last "]" then press
delete. To bring up all ending lines.
Notice the above goes the same for the TIP.SYS file, instead
of predictions you can have,
Sl Tips :
001 "Just go inside your [O]ptions to make certain subs"
001 "invisible. So this way you don't have to see them!"
Famous Quotes :
001 "Early to bed, Early to Rise, Makes a Man "
001 "healthy, wealthy and wise. "
Favorite BBS :
001 "For a good time at ulitimate Doors call : "
001 "Stargate BBS - 201-529-0854 Tell 'em Ed sent ya"
Jokes :
001 "Q:What does a loney baker do? "
001 "A:French Toast! "
Just good ole tips :
001 "If you save a penny today. You might have alot "
001 "more money years from now. "
You can compile several types of TIP.SYS files and rotate
them around. By renaming old ones. One week have the BBS
one, the next the tips, etc..
Next version will allow multiple TIP.SYS files.
SYS files can hold up to 255 possible entries. Do not
exceed that number.
MDB.EXE is easy to run. Do the following in the BBS directory
where your text import file is located :
C>MDB {Database} {Input filename}
Where {Database} is the name of the SYS file that you are
going to create from the text.
Where {Input filename} is the name of the ASCII file you
made from UDB.EXE (or from scratch). When it compiles your
ASCII file it will tell you if errors are encountered.
Once done, your Database files have been changed.
VI. Future
Let me know what more to include inside CHALDEAN. You
see I have already covered most bases (ie Beep, Clerk
Today, Wow, Thatsall, Pager, Food for thought etc)
You can indeed run it as a logoff door if you rather
say leave the person with another tip! or zodiac horoscope
reading... or anything!
Please let me know on what else to add...
VII. Software Regulations
Chaldean is not PUBLIC Domain! It is Shareware. If you use
the program and like it, the please register it for $8!
A registered user gets all free updates forever (thats a
bargin because CHALDEAN can do what 5 other programs do!
thats a savings of over $80!)
When you mail me the money I will give you the NEAREST Phone
Number to pick up that version. Most likely you will be able
to pick it up from either Searchlight Support or Wisebyte.
Make all Checks or Money Orders payable to :
Edward Joseph Reggi
1204 Chestnut Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11230
If would rather not call a BBS to pick it up then, please
add $6 dollars to cover the cost of shiping it to you.
VIII. Disclaimer
If the original ARC/ZIP/LZH or any file within the ARC/ZIP/LZH
is altered, We do not take the responsibility of ANY TYPE OF
damage that then may occur. Even though I test each version of
CHALDEAN on various Bulletin Board systems, some newer versions
in the future may not work. I also do not take responsiblity of
any "CRASH" situations, but I doubt this will ever occur, if you
follow the above installation steps correctly.
I also would like to say that CHALDEAN was designed and made
exclusively for SEARCHLIGHT software. If you would like it
to work for other types of Bulletins Boards Contact my BBS:
Emerald Forest BBS : [212]-529-6032 24hours/100megs/24oobd
Please note that even though CHALDEAN Acts as other types
of programs, it really is not the other program it is an
individual program that can do things different that the
the other programs could do. Please understand that I am in
no way trying to copy these other authors software and make
money off it. Chaldean has many features unique to itself.
As well as the original program can still do things that
Chaldean cannot do.
IX. Acknowledgements
- Turbo Pascal is a trademark of Borland International, INC.
- MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- Searchlight BBS is a trademark of Searchlight Software.
- IBM is a trademark of [internation] Business Machines Corp.
- PKARC & PKXARC are trademarks of PKWARE Inc.
- PKZIP & PKUNZIP are tradmarks of Phil Katz' PKWARE Inc.
- LHARC is a trademark of its H. Yoshi
- Beep is a trademark of Chris Martis.
- Today/PC is a trademark of Patrick Kincaid
- Pager & PageSys are Trademarks of Kelvin Natal
- Thatsall,Wow,Food For Thought are Trademarks of their authors
X. Thanks
My Personal thanks to:
Josh Stern, and Ian Stern (the Stern brothers!) for their
and Chris Martis, because he just loves nature!
Other Products:
The MULTI-USER text/ANSI adventure,Action door!
- THESPIS Ver 0.1 /SLBBS/PCBoard & Related
**** Will be The Greatest Door in BBS history ****
**** Keep you eyes out for this DOOR, get it! ****
- DELUXE MNEMONIC Ver 2.0 (to take line of MNEMONIC)
Not just 16 Cards try 24! Must make a Trio! Yeek!
- MNEMONIC's Tiles Ver 1.0
A new concept in MNEMONIC Memory Games!
Look for the new copy on a Bulletin board near you. Or
Contact me via my BBS above.
Or send mail to FIDO Address 107/605
(Or search for "Emerald Forest" in NODELIST)
Edward Joseph Reggi
1204 Chestnut Avenue
Brooklyn, New York 11230
CHALDEAN.EXE Ver 2.0 Copyright 08/1989 Edward J. Reggi
07/89 Ver 1.0 - First version. (beta)
08/89 Ver 1.1 - Changed the ZODIAC.DAT to 60 x 2 per
Prediction. (80 x 3 was to big)
Added color. Added Clear Screen feature.
Fixed other bugs.
08/89 Ver 1.2 - Changes the *.DAT system to the SYS
control system. Added the history
08/89 Ver 1.3 - Added the tips feature. Also fixed code.
08/89 Ver 2.0 - Changed complete code. Optimized. Added
page system, and fixed old routines
(2 hour old routines!)
08/89 Ver 2.1 - Fixed a "linefeed" problem that was in
version 2.0