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MathPad, Version 1.0
August 20, 1987
MathPad (copyright 1987) is a scientific calculator for the IBM computers
and compatibles. Features include:
* addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, reciprocals, factorials.
* raising to a power, extraction of roots, integer of a number, fraction
of a number, squares and cubes, square roots.
* exponential and logarithmic calculations (including natural logs, base 10,
base 2).
* full trigonometric capability including inverse and hyperbolic trig functions
(selectable in degrees or radians).
* summation of a series of numbers, automatic calculation and storage of
mean, standard deviation, and variance.
* coordinate conversion (polar to rectangular, rectangular to polar).
* angle measure conversion (degrees to radians, radians to degrees).
* calculation of permutations and combinations.
* user-defined functions which are
(a) solvable, via a half-interval search method, and
(b) numerically integrable via user-selectable 20 point Gaussian quadrature
or Trapezoidal Rule.
* solution of up to eight simultaneous linear equations, with calculation of
the determinant of the coefficient matrix as well as its inverse matrix.
* (two) vector analysis, with dot and cross products, vector addition and
In addition, MathPad makes available twenty-six storage locations, (called
REGISTERS), which are fully manipulable in terms of storage, recall, viewing,
and erasure.
Also, calculations are stack oriented. This means numbers are entered onto
an existing stack of numbers four numbers deep. Some functions (addition,
subtraction, etc., coordinate conversion, raising a number to a power) use the
first two numbers on this (always completely visible) stack. Other functions,
such as reciprocal, degree to radian conversion (and vice versa) use only the
top stack element.
Instructions and examples are given upon entry into more involved parts of
MathPad, such as function definition. Please study this manual and have
it handy as you begin learning to use MathPad. The goal has been to retain
power in MathPad while making it understandable and easy to use for people
with a basic high school math background.
MathPad requires 204K of memory to run. It is not memory resident.
I welcome comments, suggestions, and criticisms of any kind about MathPad.
I will be delighted to credit in the manual anyone suggesting a refinement
included in the next version of MathPad.
Many thanks to my wife Kathie. I would not have finished this project
without her steadfast, interested, and enthusiastic involvement.
Tim Pera
605 Portland Ave. #1
St. Paul, MN 55102
MathPad Version 1.0, page 2
To start, type the program name, MathPad, at the DOS prompt and press the
carriage return (enter) key. This screen appears (here slightly modified):
╔════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ╔══════════════════════════════╗
║ Top Input Area ║ ║ Stack Registers: ║
║ ║ ╟──────────────────────────────╢
╠════════════════════════════════════════════╣ ║ x: 0 ║
║ Main Menu. ║ ║ y: 0 ║
╠══════════════════════╤═════════════════════╣ ║ z: 0 ║
║ F1 Utilities │ F2 Operations ║ ║ t: 0 ║
╟──────────────────────┼─────────────────────╢ ╠══════════════════════════════╣
║ F3 Arithmetic │ F4 Trig functions ║ ║ Storage Registers: ║
╟──────────────────────┼─────────────────────╢ ╟──────────────────────────────╢
║ F5 Int, Frac, Roots │ F6 Log functions ║ ║ 1: 0 ║
╟──────────────────────┼─────────────────────╢ ║ 2: 0 ║
║ F7 Store │ F8 Recall ║ ║ 3: 0 ║
╟──────────────────────┼─────────────────────╢ ║ 4: 0 ║
║ F9 Interchange x,y │ F10 Roll the stack ║ ║ 5: 0 ║
╠══════════════════════╧═════════════════════╣ ║ 6: 0 ║
║ ║ ║ 7: 0 ║
║ ║ ║ 8: 0 ║
║ ║ ║ 9: 0 ║
║ Small Window ║ ║ 10: 0 ║
║ ║ ║ 11: 0 ║
║ ║ ║ 12: 0 ║
║ ║ ║ 13: 0 ║
╚════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ╚══════════════════════════════╝
Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows a view of the Main Menu, as you can see by the title between
the two sets of double lines near the upper left corner. All Menus accessible
from this Main Menu will be similarly identified by a name located between
this same set of double lines. This is a modified view of MathPad, i.e. the
phrases "Small Window" and "Top Input Area" are shown only here to orient you
to different areas of the MathPad screen. Several interactions with MathPad
occur in the Small Window and Top Input Area. To the right are the Stack
Registers and Storage Registers. While some MathPad functions will completely
overwrite the left side of the screen, the Registers remain always visible.
Figure 1 reveals the basic strategy behind using MathPad: identify the
operation you wish to perform and press a Function Key to perform it. At the
Main Menu are six submenus from which to choose, via the function keys F1
through F6, as shown. Since function keys F7 through F10 invoke the same
procedures on all Menus except the Operations Menu and the Utilities Menu,
these four procedures will be described first.
TO EXIT MathPad: type an "x" or an "X" at the Main Menu (only) and press the
carriage return. You are asked for confirmation to quit.
MathPad Version 1.0, page 3
The last four function keys, F7 through F10 access the four functions shown
(Store, Recall, Interchange x,y, Roll the Stack) on each Menu except the
Operations Menu and Utilities Menu. Notice that when F7 is pressed the
Small Window at the bottom left opens up to initiate storage procedures.
The Small Window during Store looks like this:
│ These registers contain zero: │
│ │
│ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 │
│ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 │
│ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 │
│ │
│ Enter storage register number: _ │
Figure 2.
What number are you storing? In all cases, invoking storage procedures by
pressing F7 means storing a COPY of the value in Stack Register x (top right
screen in Figure 1) in the Storage Register (bottom right screen) you specify.
Notice that only Storage Registers one through thirteen are initially visible.
At all times, storing a value in one of the thirteen Storage Registers not
visible toggles the Storage Registers so it DOES become visible.
If any registers contain the value zero, that message is given (as shown) and
the register(s) listed (see Figure 2). In this way you are informed that
choosing to store a value in a register not listed means overwriting a value
you may wish to preserve. The cursor blinks on the bottom line waiting for
you to enter a Storage Register number. A carriage return here will cancel
this procedure and return you to the Menu from which storage procedures were
invoked, be it the Main Menu, Arithmetic Menu, etc. There are twenty-six
Storage Registers so you must enter an integer between 1 and 26 inclusive.
Out of range and illegal input (described below) is erased and MathPad awaits
a valid number, or a carriage return to cancel storage procedures. A two-digit
number entered here should not be followed by a carriage return; a one-digit
number must be followed by a carriage return.
Pressing F8 (from nearly all Menus) begins Recall activity. The message in
Top Input Area reveals that a number from a Storage Register is about to be
recalled and put into Stack Register x. Whenever Recall is executed, a value
from a Storage Register you specify is put into the x-register. The same rules
(a) enter a number from 1 to 26 inclusive,
(b) illegal input is erased and MathPad awaits legal input, and
(c) a carriage return cancels the activity and returns you to the preceding
MathPad Version 1.0, page 4
F9 is very simple: in all cases it interchanges the values in the x- and y-
Stack Registers. Thus what was in the y-register is placed into the x-register
and vice versa. The z- and t-registers are unaffected. The options to
Interchange x,y and to Roll the Stack (described below) are provided because
some two-number calculations in MathPad require values of certain variables
to be in specific Stack Registers. For example, polar to rectangular
coordinate conversion assumes the x-register value is the radius and the y-
register value is the angle measure. The procedures Interchange x,y and Roll
the Stack provide for adjusting incorrect order without re-entering numbers.
F10 interchanges all values in the Stack Registers. It works this way:
After pressing F10, what was in t-register is now in the z-register, what was
in z-register is now in the y-register, y...x, x...t. Think of it as pushing
up on the stack with everything moving up one register. The "lid" (the x-
register value) pops off and assumes the z-register position. Pressing F10
four times in succession restores the original order. Enter four different
numbers and experiment with F10. You will quickly see how it works.
Entering numbers is very easy in MathPad. If you do not have MathPad running,
please start it now. A diamond shaped symbol and a blinking cursor, along with
this message:
Enter a number or press a Function Key.
occupy the Top Input Area. This signals that you have the option of pressing a
function key or entering a number. There are several things to keep in mind
about entering numbers:
(a) When you attempt to enter a number, only legal numeric symbols are accepted.
The symbols are:
i. the 10 digits (0 through 9),
ii. the decimal point (period key),
iii. the negative (minus) sign,
iv. "e" and "E".
All other (illegal) symbols are not displayed and MathPad waits for a
legal symbol. (See examples below of legal and illegal number entry.)
(b) Input is not allowed to spill past the first vertical double line to the
right of the diamond input prompt. Attempting to enter numbers past this
physical screen location forces an automatic carriage return and the number
thus entered is displayed in Stack Register x. That number at the input
prompt disappears. At this point the blank line beyond the diamond prompt,
and blinking cursor, mean you may enter another number or press a function
key to perform a calculation. In other parts of MathPad you will enter
numbers at a prompt not located in the Top Input Area. But when you DO
enter a number at the diamond prompt, it always ends up in Stack Register
x. And it is there (at Stack Register x) that calculations are performed
with it.
MathPad Version 1.0, page 5
(c) To edit numeric input, press the backspace key (the left-pointing-arrow
key). One press of this key erases the character to the cursor's
immediate left. You may erase as many characters with this key as you
(d) You may enter numbers either with or without a modified scientific
notation. In the former case, the symbols "e" and "E" are equivalent and
always interchangeable. An integer following "e" or "E" represents the
power to which the number 10 is raised. The result then multiplies the
number appearing before the "e" or "E". A negative integer appearing after
"e" or "E" is legal.
Example: 2.34e11 and 2.34E11 both represent the number 2.34 times 10 raised
to the eleventh power. Not using scientific notation, this number can be
represented as 234000000000.
Example: 0.18e-3 and 0.18E-3 both represent the number 0.18 times 10 raised
to -3 power. Not using scientific notation, this number can be represented
as 0.00018.
Here are some examples of legal and illegal number entry:
Legal: Illegal:
1 e4 ("e" and "E" must be preceded
1.23 E6 by a number.)
-2.2E3 (= -2200) 2.3e.6 ("e" and "E" must be followed
-.032 by an integer, not a decimal.)
1e6 (= 1000000)
1E2 (= 100)
23E45 (= 23 times 10 to the 45th power)
4.e4 (the decimal point is ignored, = 40000)
5.67E-2 (= .0567)
Experiment with entering numbers.
│ 1. Toggle register contents. │
│ 2. Erase stack. │
│ 3. Erase registers. │
│ 4. Fix decimal point. │
│ 5. DOS shell. │
│ 6. Redraw screen. │
F1 invokes the Utilities Menu. Utilities is available on nearly all Menus, and
always (and only) by pressing F1.
The options are displayed in the Small Window. They are:
1. TOGGLE REGISTER CONTENTS. Typing a 1 here (no carriage return is required
when choosing options in Utilities) will cause
the unseen half of the twenty-six Storage Registers to become visible in
the lower right-hand corner of the screen.
MathPad Version 1.0, page 6
2. ERASE STACK. The numbers in the x-, y-, z-, and t-registers are
irretrievably (unless stored) lost and replaced with 0.
3. ERASE REGISTERS. The values in all Storage Registers are irretrievably
lost (unless recalled to Stack Registers) and replaced
with 0.
After exercising any of the above three options you are left at the Utilities
Menu. Press the carriage return to return to the Menu from which Utilities was
4. FIX DECIMAL POINT. MathPad always performs calculations using numbers with
fifteen decimal places, called DOUBLE PRECISION numbers. MathPad shows
numbers using all fifteen decimal places unless you specify a different
number of decimal places to show. In all your calculations you have to be
the judge of how many displayed digits are meaningful. You may choose how
many of those decimal places to view. After typing 4 at the Utilities Menu,
this message appears in the Top Input Area:
Fix decimal point in stack and registers.
How many decimal places (max = 15) ? _
Enter an integer between 1 and 15 inclusive. It is not necessary to press
the carriage return after two-digit entry. Illegal characters are not
displayed. From this point on all register values are displayed to the
number of decimal points just specified. Only calculations done on the
stack (such as add and multiply) are affected by "Fix decimal point"
operations. For example, the inverse matrix in "Linear System" and the
determinant and solutions calculated there are always displayed to fifteen
decimal places although, as implied, often not all decimal places are
significant. If you specified the number of decimal places TO SHOW as 4
however, the determinant that is automatically put in the x-register is
shown to four decimal places. Likewise, if you choose to store the
solutions, they are displayed to four decimal places in the Storage
Registers. It is important to know however that in all cases calculations
are performed in "double precision". This means that when you recall and
calculate with a stored value that is displayed in a Storage Register to
say six decimal places, the calculation is done with the double precision
"twin" of that number, which MathPad always retains separately.
If you choose to show less than fifteen decimal places, MathPad rounds
displayed numbers up or down depending on the digit to the right of the
right-most digit you wish to view. If the digit to the right of the right-
most digit you wish to view is less than 5, then the digits you do not want
displayed appear simply to have been chopped off. If the digit to the
right of the right-most digit you wish to view is greater than or equal to
five, then the right-most digit seen is one greater. For example, suppose
you want numbers shown to six decimal places. Then
.094657230123613 is shown as .094657 since 2 to the right of 7 is
less than 5.
.794250527128819 is shown as .794251 since 5 to the right of 0 is
greater than or equal to 5.
MathPad Version 1.0, page 7
5. DOS SHELL. Typing 5 here causes MathPad to turn control over to the Disk
Operating System (DOS), where another program may be run or DOS
housekeeping chores may be performed. When you wish to return to MathPad,
type the DOS command EXIT at the DOS prompt (upper or lower case) and press
the carriage return. You will return to MathPad at the point of exit
(actually, at the Menu from which Utilities was called, from which then the
DOS shell was invoked), with everything as it was when you left MathPad.
All functions previously defined are preserved, as well as the most recent
Integration and Solve results and all thirty Register values.
│ *** The DOS shell requires DOS VERSION 3.0 or higher. *** │
6. REDRAW SCREEN. In case unforeseen events occur that make the screen
difficult to read, type 6 to redraw the screen while preserving every-
thing stored in memory. This is nothing more or less than a screen redraw.
│ F1 Utilities F2 Statistics │
│ F3 (x,y) to (r,Θ) F4 Deg to rad │
│ F5 P(y,x), C(y,x) F6 Define function │
│ F7 Integrate F8 Solve │
│ F9 Linear system F10 Vector math │
Focusing again on the Main Menu (Figure 1.), pressing F2 summons the
Operations Menu.
F1: UTILITIES. Whenever you press F1 to invoke Utilities, on this and on all
Menus, the same options are available as described in Utilities above.
F2: STATISTICS. Invokes a procedure which sums a series of numbers. As each
number is entered the following information on the screen is updated: the
most recently entered value, the sum of all values so far entered, and how
many numbers have been entered so far. A carriage return signals end of
input, after which the mean, standard deviation, variance, the number of
numbers summed, and the sum itself are displayed. These statistics are
automatically stored in Storage Registers 21 through 26. Options exist to
(a) store a second copy of these statistics in Storage Registers 17
through 21 (in case you wish to sum a second series and not overwrite the
previous results) and (b) to review the numbers you entered.
F3: Rectangular to polar, polar to rectangular coordinate conversion. You
may select which conversion to perform. For rectangular to polar
conversion, x- and y- (Cartesian) coordinates are assumed to be in the x-
and y-registers. For polar to rectangular conversion, r (radius) and Θ
(angle measure in degrees or radians) values are are assumed to be in the
x- and y-registers. The Small Window opens with several options offered:
MathPad Version 1.0, page 8
│ Coordinate conversion: │ Mode: R │
│ └─────────┤
│ 1. (x,y) to (r,Θ) │
│ 2. (r,Θ) to (x,y) │
│ 3. Toggle degrees or radians. │
│ │
│ Enter number or <CR> to cancel _ │
Conversion can occur in either degree (D) or radian (R) mode. The current
mode is indicated in the upper right-hand corner of the Small Window. Op-
tion 3 toggles the mode. Toggling here is global, i.e., the mode in all
three trig Menus (explained below) is toggled also. Option 1 performs
rectangular to polar conversion, option 2 performs polar to rectangular
conversion. Enter the option number only, without a carriage return. The
results are shown in the Small Window and are also pushed onto the Stack,
with y (or Θ) in the y-register and x (or r) in the x-register.
NOTE: A number "pushed onto the Stack" replaces the number previously in
the x-register. This also means that:
(a) what was in the x-register is now in the y-register,
(b) what was in the y-register is now in the z-register,
(c) what was in the z-register is now in the t-register and
(d) what was in the t-register is irretrievably lost unless previously
stored in a Storage Register.
F4: CONVERT. This converts degrees to radians or radians to degrees. The
Small Window opens up this way:
│ Convert: │
│ │
│ 1. Degrees to radians. │
│ 2. Radians to degrees. │
│ │
│ Enter number or <CR> to cancel _ │
│ │
Enter the option number only, without a carriage return. The value in the
x-register is converted accordingly and is placed in the x-register.
F5: PERMUTATIONS AND COMBINATIONS. The Small Window opens and describes what
is to be done: The total number of objects (N) should be in the y-register.
The number (S) of these objects to be considered at a time should be in
the x-register. Permutations and combinations are calculated, shown in the
Small Window and pushed on the stack.
MathPad Version 1.0, page 9
F6: DEFINE A FUNCTION. Selecting F6 presents these options:
(a) define a new function,
(b) view a previously defined function and
(c) erase all existing functions.
Option 1: defining a new function. You may define a function with regular
polynomial terms such as 3x² and with trigonometric functions sin, cos,
tan, cot, sec, csc. If the function you want to define has terms similar
in form to 3x², you are asked to enter the coefficient (3 in this example)
and exponent (2 above) for each term separately. There are no default
values (i.e., MathPad does not assume a value for you). For example, if
your function has the term x you must enter 1 for the coefficient and 1
for the exponent. Similarly, for constant terms (like -3), enter -3 for
the coefficient and zero (0) for the exponent. Coefficients and exponents
may be any real number.
For trig terms, again there are no default values. Four numbers must be
entered for each trig term. For example, consider this term: 6∙tan²(-5x²)
where the dot means multiplication. For this as for all trig terms, you
must enter all four numbers in order from left to right. You will be asked
to enter values for A,B,C and D where (in this example) A = 6, B = 2,
C = -5 and D = 2. If there are no explicit exponents, enter 1 for B and 1
for D. Also, note that if the example was 6∙tan²(x²) instead of
6∙tan²(-5x²) you would enter A = 6, B = 2, C = 1 and D = 2. Thus you must
enter a 1 for implicit coefficients and exponents. Coefficients and
exponents may be any real number. Radian measure of the angle x is
F7: INTEGRATE. After a function is defined this option selects numerical
integration to compute the definite integral of a function. You select
which function to integrate of the (potential) four on the function stack
(see note below). The lower and upper limits of integration must be
entered as well as the number of sub-intervals over which the integration
is to be done. After the integral is computed a calculation summary is
displayed in the Small Window Area. For a typical integration the
calculation summary looks like this:
Most recent results:
Function integrated: number 1
Method used: Gaussian quadrature.
Lower limit: 5
Upper limit: 6
Intervals : 3
Integral : 5.500000020489097
There are two choices of integration method: 20 point Gaussian quadrature
and the Trapezoidal Rule. The calculated integral is placed in the
NOTE: the capability to view the function before manipulating it is
provided within the Integrate and Solve options. View the function
first to confirm you are dealing with the desired function. This is a good
practice for this reason: up to four different functions are retained in
memory at any given moment. As functions are defined they are pushed onto
a function stack. Assume this stack is empty and you define (and save) a
function. This function is now the first function on the stack. Imagine
another function is defined and saved. This most recently defined function
MathPad Version 1.0, page 10
is now function #1 on the stack. The first function is now function #2 on
the stack. Imagine that eventually a fifth function is defined. As that
fifth function is saved, the function that was defined first is lost,
since it had occupied position #4 prior to saving the fifth function and
is now pushed off the stack with this as the fifth function is saved. Thus
it is a good practice to view your function before you Integrate or Solve
F8: SOLVE. You select which function to solve of the potential four on the
function stack. View the function before solving. You should make your
best guess as to interval in which a root may lie. The search involves
evaluating the function at random points within the interval and checking
for a change of sign. The prompts guide you through entering the lower and
upper limits of the interval. When a sign change is found a root is then
approximated. If no sign change is found the assumption is made that no
root lies in the specified interval and you are asked to input a new
interval. Found roots are put in the x-register.
F9: LINEAR SYSTEM. You may solve a system of up to eight simultaneous linear
equations. You are asked to specify how many equations your system has.
The number of equations must be equal to the number of unknowns. You then
enter the coefficient matrix from top row to bottom and left column to
right. For example, consider this system of equations:
2∙x1 + 3∙x2 - .5∙x3 - 12∙x4 = 9
5∙x2 + 3∙x3 + 4∙x4 = -3
3∙x1 - 2∙x3 = 0
x1 - x2 - x3 = 1
(x1,x2,x3,x4 are all linear variables. The maximum number of equations
solvable in MathPad is eight; in this case, MathPad expects eight unknown
linear variables.)
This is the coefficient This is the constant
matrix for this system: matrix for this system:
2 3 -.5 -12 9
0 5 3 4 -3
3 0 -2 0 0
1 -1 -1 0 1
Put together, these matrices look like this:
2 3 -.5 -12 9
0 5 3 4 -3
3 0 -2 0 0
1 -1 -1 0 1
Enter these values in order from left to right and top to bottom. For
the top equation you will input the COEFFICIENTS 2,3,-.5,12 and then,
immediately after, the CONSTANT 9. Do this now if you wish. Then, for the
second equation enter the COEFFICIENTS 0,5,3,4 and then the CONSTANT -3.
You will do the same for the third and fourth equations. (Notice the
displayed keywords COEFFICIENT and CONSTANT as you enter numbers.) Here
is what MathPad then calculates:
(a) the determinant of the coefficient matrix (automatically put into the
MathPad Version 1.0, page 11
(b) the solution to this system, if it exists. You are given the option of
storing solutions in Storage Registers you specify.
(c) the inverse matrix of the coefficient matrix. This matrix is available
for viewing if desired.
F10: VECTOR MATH. You are asked to enter the x-, y-, and z- coordinates of two
vectors. Then these items are calculated:
(a) the magnitude of each vector.
(b) the angle in degrees between the vectors.
(c) the angle in degrees between each vector and the x, y, and z axes.
(d) the vector sum.
(e) the vector difference.
(f) the vector dot product.
(g) the vector cross product.
│ F1 Add: y+x F2 Subtract: y-x │
│ F3 Multiply: y∙x F4 Divide: y/x │
│ F5 x factorial F6 Reciprocal of x │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │
Pressing F2 from the Main Menu calls up the Arithmetic Menu.
F1: Add. The value in the x-register is added to the value in the y-register.
The result is placed in the x-register. The stack is "pulled up" so that
the y-register contains what was in z-register,
the z-register contains what was in t-register,
the t-register remains unchanged.
F2: Subtract. The value in the x-register is subtracted from the value in the
y-register. The result is placed in the x-register. The stack is pulled
F3: Multiply. The value in the x-register is multiplied by the value in the
y-register. The result is placed in the x-register. The stack is pulled
F4: Divide. The value in the x-register is divided into the value in the
y-register. The result is placed in the x-register. The stack is pulled
F5: x factorial. The factorial of the number in the x-register is calculated
and pushed onto the stack.
F6: Reciprocal. The reciprocal of the number in the x-register is calculated
and replaces the value in the x-register. The stack is not pushed.
F7: Store
F8: Recall
F9: Interchange x,y
F10: Roll the stack
MathPad Version 1.0, page 12
│ F1 Utilities F2 Toggle deg/rad │
│ F3 Sin F4 Cos │
│ F5 Tan F6 Hyper & Inverse │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │
Pressing F4 from the Main Menu calls up the Trig Menu.
F1: Utilities. See above.
F2: Toggle deg/rad. This changes the trigonometric mode from degrees to
radians. Notice the Mode Indicator on the same line as the Trig Menu
title. This indicator is displayed on all three trig Menus. Toggling here
is global, i.e., the mode in coordinate conversion (F3 on Operations Menu)
is also toggled.
F3: Sin: Trigonometric sine.
F4: Cos: Trigonometric cosine.
F5: Tan: Trigonometric tangent.
Sin, Cos, and Tan all replace the value in the x-register; there is
no stack push.
F6: Hyper and Inverse. Pressing F6 here invokes the hyperbolic and inverse
trig functions Menu, explained.
F7: Store
F8: Recall
F9: Interchange x,y
F10: Roll the stack
│ F1 Utilities F2 Toggle deg/rad │
│ F3 Hyperbolic Sin F4 Hyperbolic Cos │
│ F5 Hyperbolic Tan F6 Inverse Trig │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │
This Menu is called up by pressing F6 from the Trig Menu.
F1: Utilities. See above.
F2: Toggle deg/rad. This performs as explained under F2 in the Trig Menu
section above.
F3: Hyperbolic Sin: Hyperbolic sine.
F4: Hyperbolic Cos: Hyperbolic cosine.
F5: Hyperbolic Tan: Hyperbolic tangent.
Hyperbolic Sin, Cos, and Tan all replace the value in the x-register; there is
MathPad Version 1.0, page 13
no stack push.
Hyperbolic functions are defined exponentially. For detail see:
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables
27th Edition
(c) Copyright 1984 by the CRC Press, Inc.
Edited by William H. Beyer
Page 172
F6: Inverse Trig. Pressing F6 here calls up the Inverse Trig Menu.
F7: Store
F8: Recall
F9: Interchange x,y
F10: Roll the stack
│ F1 Inverse Sin F2 Inv Hyper Sin │
│ F3 Inverse Cos F4 Inv Hyper Cos │
│ F5 Inverse Tan F6 Inv Hyper Tan │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │
This Menu is called up by pressing F6 from the Hyperbolic and Inverse Trig
F1: Inverse Sin or Arcsin. This function places into the x-register the
quadrant I or IV angle (measured in degrees or radians as selected) whose
sine is the value in the x-register.
F3: Inverse Cos or Arcsin. This function places into the x-register the
quadrant I or II angle (measured in degrees or radians) whose cosine is
the value in the x-register.
F5: Inverse Tan or Arctangent. This function places into the x-register the
angle (measured in degrees or radians) whose tangent is the value in the
Inverse Hyperbolic functions are defined logarithmically. For detail see:
CRC Standard Mathematical Tables, 27th Edition (complete reference above).
Page 181.
F2: Inv Hyper Sin (Arcsinh). Inverse hyperbolic sine.
F4 Inv Hyper Cos (Arccosh). Inverse hyperbolic cosine. Only the principal
value of Arccosh is returned.
F6 Inv Hyper Tan (Arctanh). Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
F7: Store
F8: Recall
F9: Interchange x,y
F10: Roll the stack
MathPad Version 1.0, page 14
│ F1 Integer of x F2 Fraction of x │
│ F3 Square root of x F4 x squared │
│ F5 x to the y F6 x cubed │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │
This Menu is called up by pressing F5 from the Main Menu.
All the functions below act without stack push or pull.
F1: Integer. Replaces the value in the x-register with the integer portion of
the value in the x-register.
F2: Fraction. Replaces the value in the x-register with the decimal portion of
the value in the x-register.
F3: Square root of x. Replaces the value in the x-register with the square
root of the value in the x-register.
F4: x squared. Replaces the value in the x-register with the square of the
value in the x-register.
F5: x to the y. Calculates x-register value exponentiated to the y-register
value and places this value in the x-register.
F6: x cubed. Replaces the value in the x-register with the cube of the value
in the x-register.
F7: Store
F8: Recall
F9: Interchange x,y
F10: Roll the stack
│ F1 Utilities F2 Log base 2 of x │
│ F3 Log base 10 of x F4 10 to the x │
│ F5 Natural log of x F6 e to the x │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │
This Menu is called up by pressing F6 from the Main Menu.
F1: Utilities. See above.
All the functions below act without stack push or pull.
F2: Log base 2 of x. The result of this calculation is the power to which the
number 2 must be raised in order to equal the value in the x-register.
F3: Log base 10 of x. The result of this calculation is the power to which the
number 10 must be raised in order to equal the value in the x-register.
MathPad Version 1.0, page 15
F4: 10 to the x. The result of this calculation is the number 10 exponentiated
to the x-register value.
F5 Natural log of x. The result of this calculation is the power to which the
base of natural logarithms (e) must be raised in order to equal the value
in the x-register. The value for e used in MathPad is 2.718281828459045
F6: e to the x. The result of this calculation is the base of natural
logarithms (e) exponentiated to the x-register value.
F7: Store
F8: Recall
F9: Interchange x,y
F10: Roll the stack
Below is a tree diagram depicting access routes, via described function keys,
to MathPad Menus. All Menus except those boxed provide direct access to the
Utilities Menu. A carriage return at the diamond input prompt in any Menu
returns MathPad to the immediately preceding Menu, as shown in the tree
diagram. A carriage return at the Main Menu has no effect. To leave MathPad,
type an "x" or an "X" at the Main Menu (only). You are asked for confirmation
to quit.
Main Menu ───┬─── Operations Menu
│ ┌──────────────────────────────────────────┐
├───┤ Integer, Fraction, Roots and Powers Menu │
│ └──────────────────────────────────────────┘
│ ┌─────────────────┐
├───┤ Arithmetic Menu │
│ └─────────────────┘
│ ┌───────────────────┐
├─── Trig Menu ─┬───┤ Inverse Trig Menu │
│ │ └───────────────────┘
│ │
│ └─── Hyperbolic Trig Menu
└─── Logarithmic Functions Menu
MathPad Version 1.0, page 16
Below are Menu function key guides which may be printed and kept handy while
learning to use MathPad.
Main Menu Operations Menu
┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ F1 Utilities F2 Operations │ │ F1 Utilities F2 Statistics │
│ F3 Arithmetic F4 Trig functions │ │ F3 (x,y) to (r,Θ) F4 Deg to rad │
│ F5 Int, Frac, Roots F6 Log functions │ │ F5 P(y,x), C(y,x) F6 Define function │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │ │ F7 Integrate F8 Solve │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │ │ F9 Linear system F10 Vector math │
└───────────────────────────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
Arithmetic Menu Trig Menu
┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ F1 Add: y+x F2 Subtract: y-x │ │ F1 Utilities F2 Toggle deg/rad │
│ F3 Multiply: y∙x F4 Divide: y/x │ │ F3 Sin F4 Cos │
│ F5 x factorial F6 Reciprocal of x │ │ F5 Tan F6 Hyper & Inverse │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │ │ F7 Store F8 Recall │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │ │ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │
└───────────────────────────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
Inverse Trig Menu Hyperbolic Trig Menu
┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ F1 Inverse Sin F2 Inv Hyper Sin │ │ F1 Utilities F2 Toggle deg/rad │
│ F3 Inverse Cos F4 Inv Hyper Cos │ │ F3 Hyperbolic Sin F4 Hyperbolic Cos │
│ F5 Inverse Tan F6 Inv Hyper Tan │ │ F5 Hyperbolic Tan F6 Inverse Trig │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │ │ F7 Store F8 Recall │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │ │ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │
└───────────────────────────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
Integer, Fraction, Roots and Powers Menu Logarithmic Functions Menu
┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ F1 Integer of x F2 Fraction of x │ │ F1 Utilities F2 Log base 2 of x │
│ F3 Square root of x F4 x squared │ │ F3 Log base 10 of x F4 10 to the x │
│ F5 x to the y F6 x cubed │ │ F5 Natural log of x F6 e to the x │
│ F7 Store F8 Recall │ │ F7 Store F8 Recall │
│ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │ │ F9 Interchange x,y F10 Roll the stack │
└───────────────────────────────────────────┘ └───────────────────────────────────────────┘
│ 1. Toggle register contents. │
│ 2. Erase stack. │
│ 3. Erase registers. │
│ 4. Fix decimal point. │
│ 5. DOS shell. │
│ 6. Redraw screen. │