Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
Text File
3,704 lines
Msg#7536 To:GENE FRIEDMAN (Rcvd)
From:HARRY GILBERT Date:01/01/89
Subject:(R)MEMORY PROBLEM Parent Msg#7535
Which version of R&R are you using - 2.x or 3.x; 2.x required about 128K
of available memory, while 3.x requires only abt 28K. I am using 3.0 with
an overlayed program that has a load module size of 365K. Also, how much
RAM is in your machine, and how much taken up by DOS, TSR's, etc. Be sure
to SET CLIPPER=R60,E000 to disable expanded memory. That last has caused
problems for me when I forgot.
Msg#7537 To:HARRY GILBERT (Rcvd)
From:GENE FRIEDMAN Date:01/01/89
Subject:(R)MEMORY PROBLEM Parent Msg#7535
Let me give you more background info on this problem. I am using R&R
3A which supposedly only requires 25K for runtime. My application is
overlayed and has a load module size of about 260K. My PC is configured
with 640K and DOS 3.21. I have tried this with no TSR's -- CHKDSK
reports 590K free before I run my application. One would think there
would be loads of room for Clipper and R&R to wallow around in -- BUT NO!
Ah yes, I do not have any expanded or extended memory, do I still need to
Msg#7538 To:ALL
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/01/89
Subject:DB_SPEED.ARC Parent Msg#7538
I just uploaded DB_SPEED.ARC, which supposedly will speed up any Dbase
appliaction (note the spelling, Dbase = language => dBASE, Clipper, Fox,
etc.) It does some pokes into memory. Can anyone tell me if this really
does work and, if so, why?!?
Msg#7539 To:GENE FRIEDMAN (Rcvd)
From:RON LANE Date:01/01/89
Subject:(R)MEMORY PROBLEM Parent Msg#7535
Try useing the V15 in your SET CLIPPER, and also try running RR from a
proc that is called from the main menu,not from a PROC, That way all non
used VARS should get released. Ron
Msg#7540 To:ALL
From:KELLY MILLER Date:01/01/89
I am using a sales management program that is dbase compiled with clipper
association. There was a line in the master.bat file
Set Clipper=F31;V06
I have files=30 and buffer=30 in the config.sys file. I was getting an
out of memory in parts of the program, have 1 meg in this AT. There was
nothing in memory. When I cut the line to Set Clipper=F31, there is not
out of memory error.
I am not a DB or clipper user, can anyone tell me what this line means
and what the V06 means. Can there be any possible problem with this
Thanking you in advance.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/02/89
Subject:(R)DB_SPEED.ARC Parent Msg#7538
Did you ever run that program? - it does nothing at all......it is a
joke, it prints:
April Fools!
that's all.
Msg#7542 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/02/89
Subject:(R)DB_SPEED.ARC Parent Msg#7538
Amusing. No, I didn't run it. I saw that POKE, and I'm working on a
project right now, and couldn't figure out what it does by eyeballing, so
I didn't want to risk it right now. Oh well, I guess the joke's on me.
Msg#7543 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:01/03/89
Subject:GENERAL Parent Msg#7543
Do you think it would be all right to upload a file with the SPECS to our
accounting package in a file called SPECS.ARC and, if I can, a listing of
the new functions in ToolkiT 2.0? Let me know... thanx...
Msg#7544 To:ALL
Hello there !
I do not claim to be an experienced programer
but I think I can get arround it...(I have been
programing in Dbase & Clipper for almost 5 years).
I don't why but I was asked by Dirk Lesko(whom I never
met personaly) to do some Beta Testing on his
"FUNCKy" product.
Since I am impressed with the help I receive from almost
everyone on this BBS whenever I have a problem I thought
that would be fair for me to do something and help you also.
At this point I think that the best help I can give is to
share with you the fact that
DEVICE I HAVE SEEN !"(and I bought or seen a lot of them...
probably like everybody else)
I for myself, would never be able to write a program without
FUNCKy. I am sure that people who already got it, understand
me better and know what I mean.
Dirk Lesko never asked me to do this and hope nobody will
take this as a cheap advertisment.
Constantin Florescu
Msg#7545 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JON MELTZER Date:01/03/89
Subject:(R)DB_SPEED.ARC Parent Msg#7538
Is it a trojan?
Msg#7546 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/03/89
Subject:(R)GENERAL Parent Msg#7543
I am sure everyone has been waiting eagerly to see what you are cooking
up, let's see it!
Msg#7547 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/03/89
Subject:(R)DB_SPEED.ARC Parent Msg#7538
It is not a trojan, but it does nothing, so don't even bother to look at
it. As a matter of fact, I will probably have it deleted since it is a
waste of time.
Msg#7548 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:DAVID RICHISON Date:01/03/89
Thanks for the offer, but ProWrite 2.0 got such a rave review that I'm
going to go ahead and buy it.
Msg#7549 To:ALL
From:KEN CHERRY Date:01/04/89
Subject:DISK FORMATTING Parent Msg#7549
Does anyone know a good way to format a floppy from inside a compiled
application (Summer 87)?
Msg#7550 To:RON LANE (Rcvd)
From:GENE FRIEDMAN Date:01/04/89
Subject:(R)MEMORY PROBLEM Parent Msg#7535
I have tried every possible SET CLIPPER= combination available. For
example SET CLIPPER=V006;R035;E000. There is definately something screwy
going on with Clipper's use of memory. After further investigation, I
have isolated the problem. It seems that opening a database file in
Clipper corrupts the memory available to run programs. Try this simple
then run the following program:
RUN COMMAND && shell out to DOS then run CHKDSK to see avail. mem.
USE TEMP && open up any database you care to - size doesnt
matter. You can even close the database before the
next command. It does not matter.
RUN COMMAND && go to DOS and run CHKDSK again and see what
All I can say is Summer 87's use of memory is abysmal.
Msg#7551 To:KEN CHERRY
From:RON HOCKEMEIER Date:01/04/89
Subject:(R)DISK FORMATTING Parent Msg#7549
Assuming you don't want to "RUN" an external application, check out Gary
Gruber's dBdbak. It's a clipper add-on. Reportedly, the
latest version will format without "RUNNING" an external application.
(I'm upgrading to the lateset version and haven't tried it yet.)
Msg#7552 To:KEN CHERRY
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:01/04/89
Subject:(R)DISK FORMATTING Parent Msg#7549
What does memory(0) show?
This will help determine what you can do.
<< Mark >>
Msg#7553 To:ALL
Happy new year from the other side of freetrade.
I need some help about a problem I have.
I have must return to AUTUMN 86 for someone that need an application
that run in 256K. I want to use the MEMOEDIT function and I have
never use it in AUTUMN. It seem that there is a bug in this function
in that version. The parameter .F. dont seem to work. When I use it
the application show the memo field but pass at the following
instruction whitout I have time to read it. It's work perfectly
with SUMMER 87.
Also, I dont like the ABORT Y/N message.
So, does there is a way to correct these two problems or does
someone knows a program on this BBS that replace the MEMOEDIT
Thank you Francois Desrosiers
Msg#7555 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:DIANE LASK Date:01/05/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
WOA! Hold it right there Don (and Hello by the way). I haven't read the
complete thread but hey, I'm from Nantucket, I've just logged on to the
system (intending to log on about once a week) and I'll be glad to help
out answering questions. We ARE interested in what everyone has to say -
just remenber that there are a LOT of you out there. Anyway I'm here
now so Nantucket has a presence through me. I also do some development
on my own and (heaven willing) I should have some interesing things for
u in about a month or so.
From:DIANE LASK Date:01/05/89
Subject:(R)MEMOEDIT() PRINT Parent Msg#7338
Hello Constantin. Try looking at the functions memoline() ,which
extracts lines of text from memofields. Also look at mlcount() (counts #
of word wrapped lines in a memfield) . Between those two I'm sure[wFthat
u can figure the rest out.
Msg#7557 To:ALL
From:DIANE LASK Date:01/05/89
Subject:INTRODUCTION Parent Msg#7557
Hello! Just wanted to quickly introduce myself to the board.
Currently I'm working with Nantucket in the technical support department
and I do some developing on my own as well. I'm intending to log on once
a week or so and help out a bit with questions here and there (no, don't
ask me about the suit). Hope to have an interesting product of my own
(suspense mounts) that I'll put out in abt a month. Abyhow HELLO!
Msg#7558 To:DIANE LASK
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/05/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Hello Diane, what exactly do you do out there at nantucket? I have been
urging them to participate for 2 years now. As you can see we have a very
large base and have users calling in from as far away as Australia, South
Americe, Europe, Japan and france. Hope you will be keeping up to date on
the goings on from the BOSS. we have tried to make this the premiere
Clipper meeting place, and participation from Nantucket will certainly
help. Glad to have you!
Msg#7560 To:DIANE LASK
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:01/05/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
/ok Diane:
Here's my first gripe for you: Why does Nantucket News contain almost
half an issue on a file called DB_DEMO.ARC when it has been on the
bulletin boards and in the user group libraries for many months?
Seems like I'm not getting the value I expect here.
<< Mark >>
Msg#7562 To:DIANE LASK
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:01/05/89
Msg#7563 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:01/06/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Mark, keep in mind that the real force, as I was told by nantucket,
behind NANTUCKET NEWS is a support-related material. Only those real
nagging questions, problems, and issues that keep popping up in support
make it to the journal. Consequently, (personaly conjecture), the news
that comes from this is generally 2 - 4 months behind the information in
Reference(Clipper), which is more au currant. Again, this is personaly
conjecture, but it looks like it holds true...
Msg#7564 To:KEN CHERRY
From:JOHN DUKE Date:01/06/89
Subject:(R)DISK FORMATTING Parent Msg#7549
KEN, Try the RUN COMMAND. That's what it's there for.
Msg#7565 To:DIANE LASK
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/06/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Glad to have you around. Here's a list of some enhancements to Clipper
that would certainly make my life easier, and I'm sure there are many
others who would agree.
- information on how to get Turbo C 2.0 to compile for use w/Clipper
- an optimizing Linker. Ok, due to macro expansion, we can't just cut
everything out that's unnecessary, but how about a switch for when
we know there won't be any macro expansion etc. that might cause
problems and just want it optimized.
- in the debugger, is it possible to add to the breakpoint list
to break on a condition? Right now, you have to specify a function/
procedure and a line number, but how about an expression like
MEMORY(0)<40 etc.
That's about all I can think of right now, my brain generally doesn't
work too well at this hour. If you can dig up the info about Turbo C
compiling (TC 2.0 and Clipper 87) and let me know, I'd greatly appreciate
it. All I know is use the large memory model. An actual set of options,
or even better, a config file (.tc) would be great.
Msg#7566 To:GENE FRIEDMAN (Rcvd)
From:RON LANE Date:01/06/89
Subject:(R)MEMORY PROBLEM Parent Msg#7535
I have run into the same thing before, but since I put V15 in my
Autoexec and do a RELE ALL from ever PROC and only run the main menu from
the first PRG I have not had any more problems. If you are going to use
Vars in a lower proc Init them to NULL from the main menu, that way they
seem to be able to be released of there value. The Name is still there
but it takes up no Memory pool area, which is where I think you are
having the problen. Even a Use dbf causes some memory to be used from
the pool. I clos all PROCs with a CLOS DATA,RELE ALL,RETU and do any
runs of command com from a proc from the main menu or a Fkey from the
main menu. I use Run command DIR>dir.txt to check for files and can use
it over and over with out a problem.
Msg#7567 To:ALL
From:GARY GRUBER Date:01/06/89
Subject:CLIPPER GET READ Parent Msg#7567
Data Base Designs presents:
dbdGET is a full featured replacement for the GET/READ command
structure in Clipper Summer 87. It provides several enhancements
to the basic data entry process, some of which were heretofore
only feasible through complex work-a-round type coding in Clipper.
Written entirely in 'C' and assembler, dbdGET requires only
17K of memory overhead. dbdGET provides support for all basic data
types, picture clauses, and data validation (VALID()) while
maintaining a syntax very close to the Clipper environment.
1. GETS may be nested to 4 levels without complex coding.
Each previous GET/READ structure automatically maintains its
integrity during the nesting process.
2. The READ process does not need to begin at the first GET.
You may specify to enter the GET/READ at any valid GET statement.
3. Through the use of the enhanced VALID() function, you may
actually 'skip' through your GETS in a non-sequential or non
linear fashion.
4. dbdGET provides full MOUSE support for the GET/READ
command, so individual GETS may be accessed simply by pointing
the MOUSE cursor at the GET and clicking the left button.
5. You have complete control over which keyboard keys may:
A. Terminate a GET statement.
B. Terminate a READ statement.
C. Move forward to the next GET.
D. Move backward to the previous GET.
For a LOOK-SEE, download DBDGET.ARC
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:01/06/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
You CAN break on a condition now.
Just press <Return> to leave the Proc and Line blank, then fill in the
condition. I do this all the time.
It would be nice, however, to be able to EDIT your breakpoint info,
instead of having to retype it.
Also, Diane, is there a fix around for the bug in the debugger
"Expression" which gets confused when you use the <Backspace> key?
Msg#7570 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:01/07/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Nantucket News - way behind the times
Thanks Steve:
I still feel cheated when I pay money for a review of a PD program.
(Even though it does look well written and easy to understand)
<< Mark >>
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/07/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Howard, isn't there a file on the board that explains how to do that with
TC ?
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/07/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER GET READ Parent Msg#7567
Gary, FUNCky has been able to do that 4 many months now, and with less
than 2k memory overhead....Click on gets with the mouse, nested reads to
15-16 levels, re-activate any get you want, run functions in the
background while entering data, all with no special functions necessary.
All use Clipper's own GET/READ system so integration is seamless.
Msg#7573 To:ALL
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:01/07/89
Subject:ACCOUNTING. Parent Msg#7573
With permission of Dirk, I've uploaded a file called SPECS.ARC. In it
are the first draft of the things that our new accounting program can do
(notice, not WILL do, but can do). Either myself or Joe Booth will be
more than happy to take any questions regarding this system.
Also, I will upload a file in the near future with a complete listing of
the functions/feature in ToolkiT 2.0. I will post a public message
letting you all know that it is there.
Again, thanks for the support!
Msg#7574 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:01/07/89
Subject:APPTMENT CALENDAR Parent Msg#7574
I need some routines that will run an apptment cdalendar. I need source
Basically, what I am looking for is a series of routines that will
maintain a list of appointments for a particuylar day and not allow for
entering apptmts twice for the same time. It has to catch overlapping
appointments too.
Got any suggestions??
Msg#7575 To:MENACHEM BAZIAN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/07/89
Subject:(R)APPTMENT CALENDAR Parent Msg#7574
I Guess you'll have to start codeing soon. There are some routines on the
board called yacal.arc or jbcal that put up a calender.
Msg#7576 To:ALL
From:DAVID RICHISON Date:01/08/89
Subject:PRINTER BUFFERS Parent Msg#7576
I got so much good advice on my query about word processing software, I
thought I would ask a hardware question: Anybody have advice on
connecting 4 or 5 PCs to a laser printer? They are located about 20 feet
apart so I want to use serial cables and an intelligent buffer. Got any
I remain,
Troubled in Tokyo,
Msg#7577 To:DIANE LASK
From:RON LANDBERG Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)INTRODUCTION Parent Msg#7557
Hello. Welcome. And what suit (involving Nantucket?) should we not ask
you about?
Msg#7578 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)INTRODUCTION Parent Msg#7557
Without hesitation, I would venture to say that the suit she was talking
about was AT vs FOX, and not to ask Nantucket for their position on it.
Steve Davies
Msg#7579 To:DIANE LASK
Subject:(R)MEMOEDIT() PRINT Parent Msg#7338
Thanks Diane. That's exactly how I finally solved the problem!
You would not believe how long it took me to do it, but like
I said Finally I figured that out myself.
Thanks again and appreciate having you on this BBS.
From:KELLY STANONIK Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)DB_SPEED.ARC Parent Msg#7538
That sounds kind of fishy. I would be a little leary of using something
that "does some pokes" to speed up a Clipper program unless I knew
exactly what those pokes were.
Msg#7582 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:KELLY STANONIK Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)DB_SPEED.ARC Parent Msg#7538
After it formats your C: drive?
From:KELLY STANONIK Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)INTRODUCTION Parent Msg#7557
I think you're right, and I think their position is that they don't like
it. (grin)
Msg#7584 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)ACCOUNTING. Parent Msg#7573
Relative to your accounting package:
You made me ask Steve:
What is the difference between what a program CAN do, and what a program
WILL do? Why won't it do what is can do? Seems like you have some
pretzel logic going on here. [hmmmmmm........]
<< Mark >>
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)PRINTER BUFFERS Parent Msg#7576
I'm doing the same thing now, David. I'm planning on using the Logical
Connection by 5th Generation Systems. Anyone got a better idea?
<< Mark >>
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)PRINTER BUFFERS Parent Msg#7576
I don't have the name and specs here at home, but I've been looking into
a buffer/"traffic cop" for the HP LJ II/IID which starts at 256k ram and
allows up to 4 lines going in. It uses twisted pair wires and conversion
blocks at the pc end (converting from twisted pair to rs-232 heads). You
can get either 25-pin or 9-pin blocks (they run about $20-25 each) and
the buffer runs about $490. They do offer institutional discounts, and
may even have other kinds of deals (the company offered us a 40%
discount). Oh yeah. It (the buffer) fits into one of the bays in the
LJ, so there's no extra landscape needed. I'll look it up when I get
into the office.
Msg#7589 To:KELLY STANONIK (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)DB_SPEED.ARC Parent Msg#7538
No, I tried it, and my C: drive is still working (until when we will
see....) Anyhow, stay away from it...
Msg#7590 To:MARC HANJE (Rcvd)
From:RICHARD HORWITZ Date:01/08/89
Subject:(R)DBEDIT QUESTION Parent Msg#7364
What you can do is instead of specifying the four fields seperatly
in the field array (ie. FIELD[1]='FIRST_NAME',FIELD[2]='LAST_NAME'.....)
you create only ONE element for this array.
Then pass this to dbedit as you normally would, and you get only one bar.
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:01/09/89
Subject:(R)PRINTER BUFFERS Parent Msg#7576
Our company tried "The Logical Connection" and found it to be the best
and easiest to use of the major switchers.
For information, write to :
Fifth Generation Systems (They also did Fastback!)
11200 Industriplex Boulevard
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809-4112
Sales #: (800)-225-2775 Cust Serv #: (504)-291-7221
P.S.- It accepts serial AND parallel printers at the same time!!!!!
From:JAMES MOORE Date:01/09/89
Subject:(R)PRINTER BUFFERS Parent Msg#7576
What type of laser Printer are you using ?
If you are using HP LJ2 then I highly recommend ESI Sharespooler, this
is a product developed specifically for LJ2's allows for up to 4 PC's to
be hooked up to 1 LJ2 with intelligent buffering up to 1 Meg...
There was another product that I can't find the info on at the moment but
I'll leave another message as soon as I find the Info....
The other product will work not only on Lasers put any type of shared
device...... more later.
Msg#7593 To:GENE FRIEDMAN (Rcvd)
From:JOE BOOTH Date:01/09/89
Subject:(R)MEMORY PROBLEM Parent Msg#7535
This problem is documented in one of the Nantucket publications. I'll
see if I can dig it up....
Msg#7594 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:JOE BOOTH Date:01/09/89
Subject:(R)ACCOUNTING. Parent Msg#7573
The difference between what the program can do and what it will do, is
a nice way of the saying the program is complete and in beta. What it
can do, is a list of features that are already in the version we plan on
Msg#7595 To:JOE BOOTH (Rcvd)
From:GENE FRIEDMAN Date:01/09/89
Subject:(R)MEMORY PROBLEM Parent Msg#7535
You mean Nantucket News? If the info is in there I can look it up as I
have most back issues. Thanks.
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:01/09/89
Subject:(R)PRINTER BUFFERS Parent Msg#7576
OK. The name of the company is Extended Systems, their phone number is
(208) 322-7163, and their address is Extended Systems, 6062 Morris Hill
Lane, Boise, Idaho 83704. There's a brief mention of the product in the
1/17/89 PC Mag. on p. 51. The item (ESI-2041B ShareSpool board) lists
for $495, the RJ45 modular jack cable goes for $25/ea @ 50', the adapters
for 9- or 25-pin RS232 ports go for $20/ea.
Msg#7597 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:01/10/89
Subject:(R)ACCOUNTING. Parent Msg#7573
Well, let's use that same logic with past versions of Clipper. Clipper
CAN pack data file and WILL corrupt them as well. The difference between
the CAN and the WILL is in intent: the CAN is the idea behind the project
and the WILL is the eventuality. For example, I can make a bug-free
ToolkiT; however, we WILL experience difficulties. You see, one is
intent (honest and fair, be it so) while the other is reality. The
object of a software development house should be to make the CAN and the
WILL the same. That is our goal with the accounting package AND with
ToolkiT 2.0. Thanks for the question.. does it give you a better
picture?? Take care,
Msg#7598 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:ED TILEY Date:01/10/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPER BOOK Parent Msg#7324
From:ED TILEY Date:01/10/89
Subject:(R)OLD CLIPPER BOOK Parent Msg#7474
Msg#7600 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:ED TILEY Date:01/10/89
Msg#7601 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:ED TILEY Date:01/10/89
From:ED TILEY Date:01/10/89
Msg#7605 To:KELLY STANONIK (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:01/10/89
Subject:(R)INTRODUCTION Parent Msg#7557
I think you are both right about Nantucket not wanting to comment on the
AT-Fox suit.
I don't see how Nantucket has anything to worry about unless AT somehow
succeeds in a proprietary claim on the language - Clipper just can't be
touched even if AT wins, if their victory is limited to "look and feel".
To the issue of the language itself, I think Nantucket should be very
concerned - although I don't see how At can win on that ground.
- Ron
Msg#7606 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:01/10/89
Subject:MEMOEDIT TOGGLES Parent Msg#7606
Found a very interesting effect in MEMOEDIT:
In the startup state of MEMOEDITS (three different ones) in an applic-
ation I toggle INSert on. Then I trap any subsequent keystroke = 22 so
that the INSert mode stays on throughout the edit. That's the way I
want it to work.
I discover that the toggle state does NOT return to the default state
of OFF after I leave a memoedit. Even though the operator has returned
from the procedure that the memoedit is in,(returning to the main module
from the overlay in which the three memoedits are to be found), when the
operator chooses another, even different memoedit, the INSert state is
the same as it was left in the previous memoedit. So my startup mode
toggle acts the opposite of what I desire every other time ANY memoedit
is invoked.
Since in each memoedit I trap keystroke = 22 to avoid the operator
resetting the toggle, I cannot even reset the toggle at the very end of
each memoedit -- it just gets trapped like a keystroke and no action is
taken. I am forced to set a global variable to keep track of the toggle
Is this the way it is supposed to work or am I missing something?
(P.S.) I just started using MEMOEDIT so forgive me if this question is
dumb or obvious.
Msg#7607 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/10/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Since TC came out, I've managed to scrounge up a couple of dregs here and
there about using TC and Clipper, but invariably the info turned up
insufficient. I did come across one text file that explained how to do
it, but since TC 2.0 came out, noone has any news. I know TLINK does not
work with Clipper since 2.0 came out, and I don't have the time to sit
down and play with the dozens of possible combinations needed to compile
properly, assuming TC 2.0 can compile files for use with Clipper. So I
was hoping that someone might already have done so and provide me with
the shortcut past all those hours of lowlevel playing...
Msg#7608 To:GENE FRIEDMAN (Rcvd)
From:HARRY GILBERT Date:01/10/89
Subject:(R)MEMORY PROBLEM Parent Msg#7535
I always use the E000 command. Try using the V command to reduce memory
consumption by memvars.
From:RON HOCKEMEIER Date:01/10/89
Subject:(R)PRINTER BUFFERS Parent Msg#7576
Hi David. I'm using a product called a "printer systemizer." The vendor
is Applied Creative Technology. (I just saw a full page ad for 'em in PC
mag; you can check there for further info.)
I used an earlier product of theirs for a copuple of years (called a
printer optimizer--a smart printer buffer); so I was comfortable ordering
from them.
In essence, the "printer systemizer" is a smart A-B switch, with 64K
buffer, and "translation capability. [What's translation capability? A
word processing user can include a statement such as "<<LET>>" in the
file. When the file is sent to the printer--via the systemizer--the
systemizer translates the statement to a macro which calls the image of a
letterhead. The translation could also be from Epson to Oki code, etc.]
I have a couple of applications running which access multiple printers.
(Some of which are remote.) My applications switch into the remote
printers by sending <<PRINTERx>> to the systemizer. (X being the remote
printer number.) It's transparent to users. Users can also access the
remote printers by pressing a front panel switch.
PCs are connected to the systemizer via standard parallel or serial
cable. (Yep, the systemizers handle either.) Printers are connected via
db25 male to male cables. Systemizers are interconnected via something
similiar to modular phone cable. (16 printers can be on a base system.)
The system is easy to set-up, break-down. We've effortlessly relocated
PCs and printers. All we had to do was move lightweight cable.
Be well.
Msg#7610 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/10/89
Subject:(R)MEMOEDIT TOGGLES Parent Msg#7606
Apparently they forgot to force insert off at the end of the memoedit().
Isn;t there a function called readinsert() or something like that where
you can force it off yourself? If not, FUNCky can do that......
Msg#7612 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:01/11/89
No problem... I didn't see Joe Booth's response either... mine was just a
long winded version of his response as well. Thanks and take care...
Msg#7613 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:KELLY STANONIK Date:01/11/89
Subject:(R)INTRODUCTION Parent Msg#7557
I've seen stranger things happen, though. Fox's retort is pretty
powerful sounding--I hope it packs a punch in the court room.
From:MARC HANJE Date:01/11/89
Subject:(R)DBEDIT QUESTION Parent Msg#7364
Hey... thanks for the response. The route I chose was to to use a
function that returns the string of fname+lname+str(number,4) or
whatever. I think (repeat) think, you will have a problem using your
approach if you have to use a str() or dtoc() function. A problem with
macros tpye error. Therefore I went with 1 element: ele[1]=somefunc()...
Correct me if I am wrong, nad once again thanks...
Msg#7616 To:ALL
Subject:USING EXPANDED MEM Parent Msg#7616
I know that I have enough memory (1024K including expanded)
to run this application but I dont't know how to set it up.
Anybody can advise me on how to use it/set it up so I could
run this application of about 448K without removing
the Sidekick(which takes almost 100K) ?
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/11/89
Since we're talking about authors.... I'm author of NetLib, dONEtwoTHREE
and Get-It (the only lib with true, unrestricted nested reads).
Msg#7620 To:ANDREW VIOLA (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/11/89
I'd be very interested in seeing any UI templates you create for NetLib.
In regards to the problem, I will look into it and get back to you
shortly. Good suggestion for the N_TIMEOUT function... should be a
fairly easy enhancement. I'll let you know how it works out.
Msg#7621 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:01/12/89
Subject:(R)MEMOEDIT TOGGLES Parent Msg#7606
With some prodding, I have already discovered readinsert(). It just came
as a surprise to me that the toggle state wouldn't be reset to default
when leaving one memoedit before starting a totally different memoedit.
Really, readinsert() should be only for WITHIN a given memoedit, not to
track the toggle state through ALL memoedits. Minor point.
Msg#7622 To:MARC HANJE (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:01/12/89
Subject:(R)DBEDIT QUESTION Parent Msg#7364
I generally do the same thing - return a value to the field definition
from a UDF, but for a different reason. Since the field definition is
enclosed within quotes, I couldn't get always fit a complicated
definition with str(), etc. type functions on one line in my text editor
(Turbo - 126 char maximum per line). So I just went to the UDF solution.
Msg#7626 To:ALL
From:MARC HANJE Date:01/13/89
DBEDIT PROBLEM├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
I'm writting a simple hand receipt program. Master file contains personal
data (name, issue date, etc) which is related into the items database.
DBEDIT is used to display/update the line items. SET FILTER is used to
control what DBEDIT sees. The filter is ITEMS->R_NO == HANDRCPT->R_NO.
When moving from 1 hand receipt to another (controled by my exception
routine), if I had moved from a 5 line hand receipt, with hilite on the
4th item to a hand receipt with less items, the first line item would be
displayed (top DBEDIT row - current DBEDIT row) times, with the new
hilite on the 1st new line item.
Another problem would be that the down arrow key would not beep (should
have cause of eof check), but the up arrow would. This up/down arrow key
problem would occur even if the next hand receipt had multiple items.
This problem occurs when I return a DBEDIT request of 1 or 2.
SILLY SOLUTION├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
ContDbedit = .T.
DO WHILE ContDbedit
ContDbedit = .F.
DBEDIT(08, 01, 20, 78, xFieldList, [Brow_Excpt], [], [], [], [])
ContDbedit is set true when the next/prev hand receipt key is pressed
moving to the correct records and I return a DBEDIT request of 0.
Hope this is clear. Is it me or is it DBEDIT!!??
Any comments...
Msg#7627 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)APPTMENT CALENDAR Parent Msg#7574
Thanks dirk,
I'll take a look at at them.
Msg#7629 To:KEN CHERRY
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)DISK FORMATTING Parent Msg#7549
The only thing I can think of is to use the following command:
Format is a DOS command and I do not believe that there has been anything
written for clipper to emulate it. In which case, using the DOS command
with the RUN feature would be the only way.
Msg#7630 To:RON HOCKEMEIER (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)DISK FORMATTING Parent Msg#7549
What does that cost and what DOS functions has he written into dBdback?
Also, does the format guarantee compatibility with all available versions
of DOS??
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)USING EXPANDED MEM Parent Msg#7616
I am in a similar situation with an application I have written where the
client wants to run it on an XT compatible with 2MB EMS. They have the
machine set up to work in tandem with a system 36 and have set up an AST
terminal emulator (which uses 200K or so while resident) which they want
to keep running while they use my application.
My application is cut up into a whole bunch of overlays but probably is
still using abt 400K or so when data files are open. The application
bombs as a result.
An added complication is that I make frequent use of the RUN command for
some work (formatting diskettes, backing up files, etc..) and these have
been dying as well (in fact, these represent 90% of my problem).
I still havent figured this one out yet but I am working on it. If you
hear anything on this, Please let me know and I promise to do the same.
Good luck,
Menachem Bazian
Msg#7633 To:MENACHEM BAZIAN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/13/89
from what I undrestand dBBS will be getting some kind of echo feature
soon. I am not sure what kind, but I have heard that something is being
devised. I too am an IDbug member and I do participate in the BBS. an
ECHO with the BOSS would be OK, but I don't know if it is possible right
now since the vewrsion of dBBS can;t do it yet. any comments would be
appreciated. Personnally I feel that the BOSS conference has more to
offer to IDbug than the IDbug conference has to offer to us. PLease don't
take that as a snub, it is just a fact. The IDbug Clipper conference has
very little activity, and most of the questions/answers are not of a
highly technical nature. I would attribute that to the moderators since
they do not seem to participate as much as other moderators. And by that
I mean yourself included. You've seen what role the moderator can play in
the success/failure of a conference by your experiences in the dBASE
Anyway, see what you can do if you talk to them again. There's no sweat
here about an ECHO or something so go for it. But remeber, we are only
interested in CLipper here, or items that affect Clipper. None of that
dBASE mumbo jumbo.... (just joking) - still, if there is an echo, than it
would have to be only the Clipper conference.
Msg#7635 To:ALL
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/13/89
Subject:SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
I'm leaving a message about a file I sent to explain a little more about
what it does than can fit in the description. The archive is
SWITCH2.ARC. This is a function that is callable from Clipper (Summer
'87), C, and Assembly. Switch! saves the memory used by your Clipper
application to disk (or EMS with registration) temporarily to free the
memory up to run a secondary application. Using Switch! you can run a
512K application from within a 512K application. After the second
application is finished Switch! restores memory for the calling program
and execution returns to your program. If you're a programmer and need
the ability to run programs from inside of your Clipper applications
Switch! is worth a look. If anyone has comments about Switch! feel free
to leave me mail here. Full assembly source is provided to registered
Subject:(R)USING EXPANDED MEM Parent Msg#7616
Thanks Menachem. Sure, I will let you know if I hear anything.
As a matter of fact I wanted to ask you, if you figure out
how to scroll the help text in a window ?(I myself was
interested in that!)
Msg#7637 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)MEMOEDIT TOGGLES Parent Msg#7606
Unless I am mistaken, Readinsert() applies to GETs as well as MEMOEDIT().
That is why it does not reset to a "default" when you exit MEMOEDIT()...
it is a system-wide toggle state for all edit modes.
Someone correct me on this if I'm wrong.
By the way, you can GET the current value of readinsert by calling
Readinsert() with no parameters.
Function UDF
private oldinsert
oldinsert = readinsert(.t.) && turns it on AND saves old state
readinsert(oldinsert) && sets it back to whatever it was
return <value>
Msg#7638 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
What is the difference between Switch! and SWAP()?????????????
Msg#7639 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
Hi Curtis, does switch do what swap does?
Msg#7640 To:ALL
From:SCOTT VANOVER Date:01/13/89
Subject:INDEXING PROBLEM Parent Msg#7640
I am having an interesting problem since the turn of the new year.
Several of the system I have written have an index key of
(acct_num+dtoc(date_svc)) as the key index. Clipper seems to put them out
of order now. It doesn't recognize the year. Sometimes it won't even
recognize the month and list the records in a random order. Any
suggestions? When I look at the index file the above key is there. I have
deleted the indexs and completly re-created but no luck. THANKS....SPV
Msg#7641 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
The functional difference is minor. Mine can use EMS if it's registered
whereas SWAP() can only go to disk (at least the versions of it I've
seen). SWAP() is my competition. I offer Switch! for $20.00 versus
$35.00, mine is not a limited DEMO version bombing after several uses,
and I also provide the full source code for Switch! to registered users.
The author of SWAP() doesn't provide the source no matter what. If
you're looking at what it's capable of, the capabilities really are about
the same (and the same overhead is involved) except for the EMS
capability that mine has.
Msg#7642 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
Yes, it does the same except for the added capability to use EMS memory
is added to Switch!.
Msg#7643 To:NEIL WEICHER (Rcvd)
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:01/13/89
Subject:LOCKING RECORDS Parent Msg#7643
Neil, I was wondering if you could lock records across different
applications. For example, if I ran App1.exe and locked record # 1,
then someone in another station ran App2.exe and used the same data file
and tried to lock the same record, will the first lock be valid or will
the system crash ???? hope you can help me. I know you are busy with the
Clipper Seminar Series. I hope you return to Boston for another seminar
in lieu of the one you cancelled. That was the only place my company
would reimburse tuition for. Thanks
Msg#7644 To:ALL
Subject:WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
Anybody can recomend a FAST,WORKHOSE Printer which
can do multiple carbon copies and dittos.
At the moment I use Epson FX 286 and FX 100 but the
carbon copies are very poor.
Thanks for any sugestions.
Msg#7648 To:RON HOCKEMEIER (Rcvd)
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)PRINTER BUFFERS Parent Msg#7576
I haven't had the opportunity to try Systemizers...but I would think that
they would work as well as Dave says. I still use an ACT Printer
Optimizer...great piece of hardware...
andrew g.
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)USING EXPANDED MEM Parent Msg#7616
Check out a program called headroom. It may give you everything that you
need. Let me know what you find out.
<< Mark >>
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:01/13/89
I've uploaded a file called SPECS.ARC. It should be on this system. It
is on oubbs.. the number is 201-943-5419. Let me know if you still
can't get it... and I'll send it to you. Take care.
Msg#7653 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
Sounds good to me. If it is relatively safe I will test it and let people
know about it.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
How about the Brother 24 pin stuff. The stuff I have seen produced by it
is much mcuh blaker than the Epson, and it has 24pins so the output is
superb. It costs only a tad more than the Epson (wide carraige). If you
are interested, I think I can dredge up a specific model number.
Msg#7657 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
Okay. It should be safe. I haven't tested it with DOS 4.0, but I've had
beta users using it for a couple of months. If anyone finds any problems
with it let me know and I'll do everything in my power to fix any bugs if
some are found. Hopefully Switch! will provide an alternative to SWAP()
and give the users what I consider to be a reasonable license agreement.
Msg#7658 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:01/14/89
Subject:(R)MEMOEDIT TOGGLES Parent Msg#7606
I have probably made too much of a small matter. So, one last comment: I
can understand that the readinsert() function can't be reset since it has
to look throughout the system at both GETs and MEMOEDITs. But, isn't
readinsert() reading a state? If that is so, why isn't the feault state
restored for the memoedit? Readinsert() will still read the state
correctly so that you can use that function to determne whether to toggle
or not. My point is that a default state should be a default state.
When my application leaves one memoedit and later starts up another one,
the DEFAULT state should be just that. How wold we like it if there was
only one startup mode the first time we used a memoedit?
Anyway, since I had readinsert() pointed out to me I realized that this
isn't a problem. It just annoyed me. And probably, my annoyance was not
well-founded. With real problems like memory management, I will just
drop this subject of a minor and relatively theoretical point.
Msg#7659 To:SCOTT VANOVER (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:01/14/89
Subject:(R)INDEXING PROBLEM Parent Msg#7640
use the DTOS() function for proper indexing. The DTOC() function can't
work properly across the year break. Look at the following example:
12/31/88 and 01/01/89. In DTOC(), the month (12) evaluates as higher
than the month (01). So the 01/01/89 date is indexed earlier than the
12/31/88 date.
But the DTOS() function sees these two dates as:
19881231 and 19890101. So the first date is properly indexed first.
Msg#7662 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
Yes I am very interested and I do have a good opinion about
Brother products(I own two of their typewriters Executron
70 with memory which I use to use as printers few years ago
but since they are kind of slow I switched to Epson)
By the way this Brother with 24 pins, how fast is it if
you print multiple copies?
Thanks for your help.
Msg#7664 To:SCOTT VANOVER (Rcvd)
From:JOEL SHAPIRO Date:01/14/89
Subject:(R)INDEXING PROBLEM Parent Msg#7640
Try DTOS(date_svc) instead of DTOC(date_svc). that will keep the years
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/14/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
I am not sure at the speed, but it is comparable to 9 pins if I remember
Msg#7666 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
Can you tell me then the exact Model(I need wide carriage) so I can
call up some dealers?
Msg#7667 To:ALL
Subject:SWITCH AWAY Parent Msg#7667
Could anybody make this "SWITCH !" work, because I tried
for at least one hour and seems that doesn't work for me. What
is frustrating is that his author doesn't simply tell you
what to do to use it. Most of his discussion in the SWITCH.DOC
is purely advertising and sales promotion.
Probably I would have been interested and buy it if it wasn't
for this aggresive sales promotion. And on top of it, doesn't
even work !
Sorry Mr. Little, but you just wasted my time.
Msg#7668 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/14/89
Subject:(R)LOCKING RECORDS Parent Msg#7643
Clipper locks are not application specific. If application A opens file
X on station 1 and application B opens file X on station 2 they will both
respect each others locks. But it has to be the exact same file in the
exact same directory.
Hope this helps.
Msg#7670 To:ALL
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/14/89
A number of messages have discussed save and restore gets. Let me repeat
that Get-It has had "true" save and restore gets for over two months, as
well as many other useful screen-handling functions. No special
functions, no recoding, no arrays, etc etc etc.
If you'd like more info, call 212-724-0150.
PS Get-It is $79.
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/14/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH AWAY Parent Msg#7667
Tell me what kind of problems you are having with it. Have you looked at
the demo that was included with the file? If you show me the syntax that
you're calling it with I'll be glad to help you get it working. Also in
the back of the manual you will find an example of calling it with
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/14/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH AWAY Parent Msg#7667
I composed the following text offline to help clear problems you're
having. The doc may be harder to go by because it covers the use of
Switch! with C as well as Clipper programs.
I composed this to help clear any problems that you are having with
Switch!. I'm assuming that most likely you are getting an unresolved
external when you attempt to link Switch! in your program - in which
case this should get it working for you. To use Switch! in your
programs there are several important things that must be done. First,
in your Clipper program you must call Switch! properly. The syntax to
use in your Clipper program is:
For example if you wanted to execute the DOS TREE command from within
your program you could enter the command in your Clipper application as
SWITCH87( 0, 0, "TREE" )
The next important step is Switch! must be linked in your EXE or you'll
get an unresolved external error from the linker. The object file for
Clipper is called SWITCH87.OBJ. For the demo program included with
Switch! the MAKECLIP.BAT file shows how to link with Clipper using
If you get a linker error it means that you're not linking
SWITCH87.OBJ in with the program.
Examples are provided throughout the document file included, and each
of the parameters are explained in detail in the document. I hope this
helps you get it working, and if not leave me a message defining the
exact problem you're having and I'll help get it working. If you want
a sample of using Switch! you can just use the MAKECLIP.BAT file to
create the Clipper demo. MAKECLIP.BAT assumes that Clipper is in your
path, and the library files that came with Clipper are on the current
drive in a directory called \CLIPPER. If that's the way you have your
machine setup all you have to do is type MAKECLIP and the demo will be
created for you.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/14/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
One of my clients uses the exact model. Remind me during the week so I
can call them and ask him what the model # is.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/14/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH AWAY Parent Msg#7667
We will be looking at it ourselves. I have downloaded a copy but I
hhaven;t tried it yet. If I find out anything I will let you know.
Msg#7678 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SWITCH AWAY Parent Msg#7667
Well, to begin with you should know that I appreciate anybody who
writes an application which straight forward(simple) but powerful.
In another words I expected that after I uncrunch your file I just
have to type "SWITCH filename" and that will do it(like most
applications presented on this BBS)
I typed "SWDEMO filename" also but all I got is the amount of
memory my application(filename) needs to run, which is
ridiculous since anybody can figure that out easily.
I also linked your SWITCH87 to my application, but again HOW
DO I CALL IT ? Indeed you have it somewhere there in your
SWITCH.DOC one line saying that we should call it as a
function, but that's it, the rest of DOC file tells us
how great your application is. Let the other people say
I also tried to link SWITCH87 and create a SWITCH87.EXE file
but again did not work.(I used MS 5.1 and even tried PLINK87
which of course doesnt do it).
My system(IBM AT with 1024K(including EMS) doesn't have to do
with the fact that your application is kind of difficult to test.
Again I am sorry but I don't think I am interested.
Good Luck anyway....
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:01/15/89
Subject:DIRECTIONS FAX Parent Msg#7679
Just checking to see if you got the fax ok
Msg#7680 To:STEVE DAVIES (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)DIRECTIONS FAX Parent Msg#7679
Yes, I did. Thanks. I will see you there.
Msg#7681 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/15/89
Subject:SWITCH Parent Msg#7681
Does SWITCH also work with Overlays?
Msg#7683 To:ALL
From:DAVID MCNAMARA Date:01/15/89
Subject:OVERLAY.LIB Parent Msg#7683
I have the most recent bug fixes to Clipper (I think anyway) and I am try
to split an application that I have up into overlays. I am using the
SECTION INTO format to create external overlays but I am not getting any
.OVL files produced. Everything seems to compile and link fine with no
errors but I do not get the .OVL files. I reloaded ny old version of
Clipper and tried the same example and the overlays were created. Any
suggestions? Thanks in advance.... David McNamara
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/15/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH AWAY Parent Msg#7667
If it's not for you I respect that. I'm sorry, but I can't write a UDF
that can magically work for you. You have to read the document to see
how to call the function (or you won't know the function name and
parameters). If it was an EXE then typing a name as you said could work,
but Switch! is not now nor will it ever be a EXE file, I wrote a UDF that
does the same thing as SWAP() (another UDF) which by the way also
requires the same basic steps to link in. In my document the full
procedure for using Switch! and how to do so is covered, I'm sorry if you
view the instructions and explaination of what Switch! does as a sales
promotion because that certainly isn't what's intended, and if others
feel the same about the doc then I'll surely change it to be much for
technical and direct, but so far other users haven't brought that to my
attention. I promise you that without reading the document (and
understanding what linking programs together involves) you won't be able
to use Switch! properly. It was a UDF meant for people to use, but
requires a little knowledge about the link process and calling external
functions on top of Clipper knowledge. Thanks for your comments though.
I feel that this should help others, because it really is a waste of time
to get Switch! if you're not looking for a UDF. For those looking for a
seperate program that runs by itself Switch! is a waste of time because
that isn't it's purpose.
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/15/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH Parent Msg#7681
Yes it would work with overlays. When Switch! is called in your Clipper
program it simply saves the memory from the end of itself up to high
memory in the computer. Once the child process is complete is restores
the memory the way it was when Switch! was called. This technique will
work with overlays because once Switch! is called control doesn't get
back to your program until Switch! has restored the machines state.
Msg#7688 To:SCOTT VANOVER (Rcvd)
From:RON LANE Date:01/16/89
Subject:(R)INDEXING PROBLEM Parent Msg#7640
If accct_num is a Char field, then to make your index work you need to
index on TRIM(acct_num)+DTOC(date_svc).
Msg#7689 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:RON LANE Date:01/16/89
Subject:(R)LOCKING RECORDS Parent Msg#7643
To use RLOCK() right you must allways test for NETERROR() after a lock
atempt. If user one has a lock and user two tries for a lock NETERROR()
will return a error.
Msg#7690 To:RON LANE (Rcvd)
From:RON CALLAHAN Date:01/16/89
Subject:(R)LOCKING RECORDS Parent Msg#7643
I'm afraid you're mistaken Ron. If the first user tests for RLOCK() then
the second user who tests for RLOCK() will return false. This is all that
needs to be done. NETERR() is use to test for completion of file commands
such as USE, APPEND, COPY, etc. If NETERR() returns false the operation
is not completed and the appropriate action should be taken by the
Subject:(R)OVERLAY.LIB Parent Msg#7683
Hi David !
Can you upload here your file.lnk code and fileauto.bat that you
use. This way I might be able to take a look at it and probably help.
I do work with overlays a lot and I think the problem might be either
in your .LNK or .BAT files.
Msg#7693 To:SCOTT VANOVER (Rcvd)
From:JOE BOOTH Date:01/16/89
Subject:(R)INDEXING PROBLEM Parent Msg#7640
Change the index expression to acct_num+DTOS(date_svc). That will
correct your problem. If the date is 01/01/89, the following is
what the functions do...
DTOC( date_svc ) = "01/01/89"
DTOS( date_svc ) = "19880101"
From:KEN CAMP Date:01/16/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
TC 2.0 is virtually identical to 1.5 in its use with CLipper. No major
changes in the compiler. The big change is in TLINK 2.0. This version was
brought to conform "purely" with the Intel standar for OBJ files. Since
MS does not conform to the Intel standard, and creats their own structure
OBJ files, TLINK (or any other true Intel only linker) will not link them
properly. Borland says "We had the same bug as MS, but fixed ours"
<grin>. If you use LINK (MS variety), TLINK 1.0 or PLINK, your copde
should still link fine between TC2.0 and Clipper.
Msg#7696 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:KEN CAMP Date:01/16/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
Glad to see you finally released this utility, Curtis. I've been telling
you all along it was a snap to use. I think once the folks on here do
some checking, tehy'll find it reall helps beat the "hoggish" memory
requirements of Clipper.
Msg#7697 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:KEN CAMP Date:01/16/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
I think you should find Switch! reasonnably safe and simple to use. I've
tested out the earlier versions, and implemented some pretty heavily
linked network systems using it (in the earlier stages). It sure is nice
on a machine with EMS running on a network. Makes the switch almost
From:KEN CAMP Date:01/16/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH AWAY Parent Msg#7667
What problems were you having using Switch!? I've been using it for a
couple of months, and it's one of the easiest functions I've hit to use.
Calling it via standar function calls from Clipper will bring about the
same sort of operation SWITCH.EXE provided by Nantucket does. This is
just what Nantucket should have done......provide a function instead of a
kludge of a program.
Msg#7700 To:KEN CAMP (Rcvd)
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/16/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#7635
Thanks. Glad you were one of the people testing it for me, couldn't have
got it going as well without the comments...
Msg#7701 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/17/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH Parent Msg#7681
Oh no, I wasn't worried about the memory deal, that's pretty
straightforward (give or take. <grin>). My question with overlays
concerns how overlays on the ibm work. There's an interrupt (INT 66?)
that is generally reserved for the overlay manager. Whenever the overlay
manager needs to take control of things inside the program, this int gets
called. Now, what I'm curious about is this int, which is replaced by the
overlay manager at startup time, could it cause unforseen problems? I
would think it wouldn't, since any well behaved program would save the
old interrupt, put their 'new' one hooked in, and when quitting the
switched program, replacing the old interrupt. But then again, this is
not exactly an area of my expertise. I would htink it would work fine,
but... Have you tried it with: Sidekick, Clipper application, Switch
called program, then activate Sidekick. Does this combo work? Sidekick
does a LOT of nasty stuff with interrupts, and if this combo runs
smoothly there shouldn't be any problems...
Msg#7702 To:KEN CAMP (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/17/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
That's what I've heard. You mention Tlink 1.0, but I've used 1.5 without
any problems. But what I'd really like to know is the command line
switches that MUST be set (either must be on or must be off) for TC 2.0
.OBJ files to link with Clipper. I know the -ml (Large memory model) must
be used, but as for the rest, like byte/word alightment, underbars, not
to mention any optimization or debugging info (I would assume the
debugging info should be off, but what about line numbers, stack warning,
and standard stack frame settings?) It's these nitty gritty that I simply
do not have time to explore (lord knows it could take a significant chunk
of time trying to get the right combination) so I've been looking for
someone who has already successfully done it and can pass along some hard
Thanks for any past and possibly future advice.
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/17/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH Parent Msg#7681
No I haven't tried that combination. I will give it a try though. If a
program is well behaved with the interrupts there wouldn't be any
problem, but it is possible that a program might blatantly take over the
interrupt without saving the address of the previous interrupt handler.
Hopefully there won't be applications like that because in my mind that'd
be like taking over any of the other interrupts and never restoring the
interrupt vector. However, if there are programs that take over the
interrupt without saving the current handlers address and I'm made aware
of it I could easily add the code to save the interrupt and then restore
it as Switch! is returning to the caller. I'll give the sidekick idea a
try and get back on to let you know if it works.
From:KEN CAMP Date:01/17/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
I understand a bit better what you're looking for, Howard. Some clearcut
requirements as to switches required for TC UDFs to compile an OBJ for
use with Clipper would sure be nice. I know I've seen a lot of discussion
in several different forums on CIS lately, but not too many knowledgable
people stepping forward. I don't really have the time to sit down and try
to figure it all out either, but will gladly share what I find.
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/18/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH Parent Msg#7681
I tested it with the example you gave and there weren't any problems. I
loaded Sidekick then ran a Clipper application that I wrote using
overlays. From the Clipper application I executed dBASE (which is
overlaid) popped up Sidekick then backed out to the Clipper application.
Didn't hit any snags with the other programs I ran from within it (I was
targeting all the programs I have that use overlays). I don't think
that'd ever be a problem, but if a programmer was sloppy about the
interrupt then there could be a problem. If you write a program that
takes over interrupts itself you do need to put the interrupt handler in
the link line before Switch! to avoid possible problems though - Switch!
doesn't mess with the interrupt vectors at all. Of course worrying about
getting the interrupt handlers in memory isn't much of a worry for most
Clipper programmers because taking over an interrupt isn't the easiest
thing to do in Clipper, but it can be done. If you use any other
languages I'll be sending a new Switch! ARC that adds BASIC pretty soon.
I just got it working tonight, so will be testing for a few days to
insure everything with BASIC is working well. I'm also trying to get it
working with Turbo Pascal.
Msg#7706 To:ALL
From:ANDY CATLIN Date:01/18/89
Subject:MISC. CLIPPER QUESTIONS Parent Msg#7706
Three "general" questions that have me baffled:
(1) I have a Microsoft make file that creates a system of clipper
.EXES (spawned from a C menu for reasons of memory constraints).
Each .EXE needs its own (Microsoft Link) .LNK file, since the
libraries being linked in exceed the allowable length of a single
line. I want to be able to use the macro defs to manage my
environment in a consistent way; since these are available only
in the make file and not in the .LNK file, what I (think I) need
is a line continuation character recognizable by the make file.
For example:
x.exe : x.obj
link a+b+c,a,nul,$(LIB)\clipper+$(LIB)\funcky
If I use a link file, I can't have a single set of macro defs.
(2) Is the Microsoft Link /E option helpful/safe in a Clipper program?
I'll assume that I don't want line numbers...
(3) Does Clipper allow you to trap "left shift/right shift", or stuff
the keyboard with "left shift/right shift"? Thanks, Andy
Msg#7707 To:ANDREW GROSS (Rcvd)
From:RON HOCKEMEIER Date:01/18/89
Subject:(R)PRINTER BUFFERS Parent Msg#7576
Yep. I'm spoiled by them. I have two Clipper applications running in my
office. Each needs different printers (including shared lasers). With
the Systemizers, I just switch in-and-out.
From:RON HOCKEMEIER Date:01/18/89
dBdbak costs about $40.00. It's a mix of *.prgs and *.lib.
The *.prgs are the front end--which you can change--to allow user [or
developer] controlled back up. The *.lib is C or assembler code to do the
back up, format the discs, etc.
Included in the *.lib is the capability to format floppies from 360K to
I just got the update--but haven't used it. According to the doc--and
the *.prg--you can format with the *.lib. i.e. No more running Format.
I've used other of Gary Gruber's add-ons, so I.m comfortable with his
claims/statements regarding formatting.
There should be a demo on this board. Be well.
From:RON HOCKEMEIER Date:01/18/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
I'm using Okidata 363 printers. I've had 'em a couple of months and am
happy with them. (I'm ordering more.)
Street price is $1100.00-1200.00.
Four part carbon is as good as--or better than--an IBM selectric.
The printers are fast, are Epson emulators, and have 24 pins.
Msg#7710 To:ALL
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:01/18/89
to all who replied to my question regarding locking across applications,
Many, many THANKS
Msg#7711 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:01/18/89
Subject:EXTENDED MEMORY Parent Msg#7711
Dirk, I am in the process of buying memory boards. All I need to do is
to get my ATs to 640K. Of course, I have the choice of spending THREE
times as much to get boards that have the option of having
Expanded/Extended Memory. My question is, is there any REAL ADVANTAGE to
using EXTENDED Memory with Clipper aside from doing the Indexing in
extended memory ? I am assuming that it will increase the speed of
indexing but will I be able to Load a bigger EXE file? Thanks.
Congratulations on Funcky.lib ! Excellent Product !
Msg#7713 To:ANDY CATLIN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/18/89
Subject:(R)MISC. CLIPPER QUESTION Parent Msg#7706
In response to all three of your questions, you should be using a link
file for the stuff if it is too long. I don;t exactly understand why you
need to use the (LIB) variable in the link statement. You could also
rename your libraries to 'C.lib' for Clipper, 'F.lib' for FUNCky ....
that might give you the extra characters you need. You could also use a
batch file to link everything and pass it a parameter, such as 1,2,3 etc,
then your batch file could say:
* in the make file
linkfile (LIB) && where lib is either 1 / 2 / 3
and then your batch file says
if /%1==/1 goto CLIPLINK
if /%1==/2 goto MSCLINK
link .... ....
goto end
Link ....Clipper, FUNCky.....
goto end
Link .......LLIBCE........
Or something like that.
As far as trapping the SHIFT/ALT stuff, remember that they are
not keys, but rather key states. GETIT can detect a shift and execute a
function pretty much similar to how timeout() works, or you could use
FUNCky's onkey() to branch to a function that uses kbdstat() to see if
the appropriate state is down, but the user would have had to have
pressed a real key.....The other alternative could be to use inkey() and
kbdstat(), or if that doesn;t work, then a custon routine would have to
be written and tied into the keyboard handling stuff. My last suggestion
is to use timeout(), and specify a timeout() value of 0 which would
continously execute your fucntion in the background, then in that
function just say:
if (kbdstat(<state>))
do (procedure)
That should trap it well enough, give that a try.
Now I have forgotten what the third thing was......have to re-read the
Msg#7714 To:ANDY CATLIN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/18/89
Subject:(R)MISC. CLIPPER QUESTION Parent Msg#7706
The /E option works great as long as you are not using overlays. Then it
cause things like system hangs. I don't know why, and never persued it.
That's the third thing answerwed from your message....
Msg#7715 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/18/89
Subject:(R)EXTENDED MEMORY Parent Msg#7711
thanks for the mention.....I think you mean EXPANDED memory, not
extended. Clipper does'nt use extended, only expanded. There are some
programs now that take TSR stuff and stick it into expanded memory, and
that sometimes can get you an extra 100-200k. But the only thing that
Clipper uses it for is indexing, and the indexing is mush faster with
expanded memory installed. Switch2 will also swap memory to expanded....
From:DAVID MORGAN Date:01/19/89
The probable reason you get overlays with Autumn '86 but none with
Summer '87, other things equal, is that you continue to use a LNK
file that contains the line OVERLAY PROG, $CONSTANTS. You were
supposed to have that line with Autumn '86. With Summer '87 things
changed due to the change in C compilers used to compile Clipper
(from Lattice C to Microsoft C). With Summer '87 the LNK file must
have either no OVERLAY command at all, or one that references the
class name CODE (instead of PROG-- a Microsoft-vs-Lattice
difference). Modify your LNK file accordingly and overlays should
magically appear.
Msg#7719 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MORGAN Date:01/19/89
Subject:NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
The use of NETERR() extends to, and is limited to, checking the
outcome of two commands: USE and APPEND BLANK. You are right to
point out its applicability (indeed, its necessity) following the
use of those two commands, but not COPY or any others.
Msg#7720 To:ALL
From:RICHARD HORWITZ Date:01/19/89
Subject:MEMORY MANAGEMENT Parent Msg#7720
I was curious, are all private variables destroyed upon exit from that
ie. Do I get that memory back?
Msg#7721 To:DAVID MORGAN (Rcvd)
From:RON CALLAHAN Date:01/19/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
In that case does anyone no how to check to make sure that a COPY or
INDEX command is succesful?
Msg#7723 To:RICHARD HORWITZ (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/19/89
Subject:(R)MEMORY MANAGEMENT Parent Msg#7720
You are supposed to.
Msg#7724 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/19/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
Doesn't DOSERROR() tell you if it completed succecssfully?
Msg#7729 To:ALL
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:01/19/89
*** Attention ! - All Clipper Programmers..... ***
***** Meeting Tonight ******
SUBJECT: Clipper Club of New Jersey meeting agenda
I am pleased to announce that we have the next three meetings nailed
down and the speakers read as a whos who in the Clipper world.
January 19 - Basil Hosmer of Wallsoft, Auther of UI programmer and
the Documentor
February 16 - Neil Weicher of Communication Horizons
March 16 - Dirk Lesko of dLESKO associates auther of FUNCky library
All meetings are held on the third thursday of each month, at Kean
College in Union, NJ; Meeting time is 8 pm at Hutchinson Hall, Rm 100 ,
(aka: "The Auditorium)
Download the file "CCNJ_DIR.ARC" for directions. Maps are available by
leaving me a message here (FAX number would be helpful).
Hope to see many of you there...
Steve Davies
Msg#7730 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:01/19/89
Subject:(R)EXTENDED MEMORY Parent Msg#7711
thanks Dirk. It was a long day..., I did mean EXPANDED.
From:FERNANDO GARCIA Date:01/19/89
Subject:TC WITH CLIPPER Parent Msg#7731
The switches what I am using for seee status of gobal variables, i.e.
_exact_on , _curs_, .... are:
tcc -c -f -G -ml -O -Z udf_in_C
I hope this help you.
Msg#7732 To:RON LANE (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/19/89
Subject:(R)LOCKING RECORDS Parent Msg#7643
neterr() is affected only by USE and APPEND BLANK. RLOCK and FLOCK
return .t. or .f. as a result of the functions themselves and do no
change Neterr().
Msg#7733 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/19/89
Subject:(R)LOCKING RECORDS Parent Msg#7643
Ooops.. you mean if neterr() returns .t. the operation is not
Msg#7735 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/19/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
INDEX should always work because you have to have the file opened
exclusively. However, if someone opened an index file with FOPEN just as
you were trying to create it you would probably get a Dos error. COPY
file would also result in a Dos error.
Neterr() returns Dos error 5 only when opening a DBF file.
Msg#7736 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:RON CALLAHAN Date:01/20/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
I don't know Dirk. I guess I might need to check that out.
Msg#7737 To:NEIL WEICHER (Rcvd)
From:RON CALLAHAN Date:01/20/89
Subject:(R)LOCKING RECORDS Parent Msg#7643
Maybe, but I've forgotten what I said now.
By the way, thanks for the update. Everything seems to be working
great so far.
Msg#7738 To:NEIL WEICHER (Rcvd)
From:RON CALLAHAN Date:01/20/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
oops. That presents a problem. I've creating some temp. indexes with
the file opened shared. so far I haven't had any problems that have
been obvious. If it must be opened exclusive than the problem is this.
The dbf file I am using is in a production enviroment. It is being used
nearly 24 hours a day on a continious basis. I also allow managers to
create reports from the file with different sort options. There's no
way I can lock the file without interrupting production. Any one have
any suggestions?
Msg#7739 To:NEIL WEICHER (Rcvd)
From:RON CALLAHAN Date:01/20/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
After going back to that paragon of information and clarity, (the
CLIPPER manual), I read it this way. The command INDEX ON does not
require that the dbf file be used exclusively or locked. It seems to
say that the index file itself is opended exclusively. In that case
you have the possibility of 2 users trying to create the same index and
with the latest user receiving some kind of error. If that is the case,
can INDEX ON be used safely when the dbf file is opened in a shared
mode. ( I realize that there is possibility of inacurrate data but
these are non-critical reports I'm dealing with.
Msg#7740 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:KEN CAMP Date:01/20/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
Ron, not quite sure what you were saying/asking about indices and OPEN
EXCLUSIVE. You can create an index dynamically after a non-exclusive USE,
then delete the index afterwards. I guess I misunderstood the problem. I
use the same index for 30 users on a system with no problem. Set
INDEX ON fieldname TO filename requires EXCLUSIVE, but is real easy to
work around, and I only use it for the dynamic indexes. It work fine that
way too since no other user can corrupt the unique index.
From:JOE BOOTH Date:01/20/89
Subject:(R)EXTENDED MEMORY Parent Msg#7711
CLIPPER uses EXPANDED memory for indexing if available, not EXTENDED.
Msg#7742 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:JOE BOOTH Date:01/20/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
How big are the files you are indexing. If they are not too big, copy
the file contents to a new file with a temporary name, just for that
manager's station. Then use the new file exclusively
From:RON HOCKEMEIER Date:01/20/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7743
Okidata says they print at 120 cps--letter quality; 180 cps--nlq; 360
cps--utility; 450 cps--draft.
I only use them in LQ. My applications print wallet cards, labels, and
things of that size so I never tried to verify speed. They replaced a
single Epson LQ 1000 (which we wore out). My impression is that the Oki
is 2-3 times as fast as the Epson; but it's just an impression.
Send me some samples and I'll print some plain text on 'em.
My home address is RD 7 Box 537, Flemington, NJ 08822-9806.
(I'm in state govt. and our incoming mail is slowww.)
Be well.
Msg#7744 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:GARY MERINSTEIN Date:01/20/89
Subject:MATH Parent Msg#7744
dirk, have you heard of any librarys that allow exponential math with
clipper? the numbers i should be working with blow away the fifteen
digit limit. (i probably should be doing this in some other language, but
i'm more comfortable in clipper...)
Msg#7745 To:RON HOCKEMEIER (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7743
Thanks Ron.
Very helpful information for me. I will send you some samples.
Msg#7746 To:GARY MERINSTEIN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/20/89
Subject:(R)MATH Parent Msg#7744
Sounds like what you need is a BCD library. larry Nussbaum is looking for
the same thing, maybe you want to contact him. I think he logs in as
lawrence Nussbaum.
Msg#7748 To:KEN CAMP (Rcvd)
From:RON CALLAHAN Date:01/21/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
What I am doing at the moment is creating a temporary index from an
active file that has been opened in non-exclusive mode. From what I
read in the Clipper manual, and from personal experience, Clipper
allows this to be done but does not recommend it. (that is, I don't
get any error messages when I perform the index operation.) Other than
inaccurate data, are there any other problems that I should watch out
From:JAY ROBOHN Date:01/21/89
Here's an example of a working LNK file (or PLK, for PLINK) that produces
the main EXE and three OVLS, 000, 001, and 002. Note the use of the line
OVERLAY CODE, $CONSTANTS. This is not documented in the Clipper manual
as it states that you should use OVERLAY PROG, $CONSTANTS which
DOES NOT WORK. Try applying this file to your problem and let me know
if it works.
# * File: GGH.PLK
# * Author: Jay Robohn
MAP = GGHOvly.map S,A
LIB \Clipper\GenLib, \Clipper\Help, \Clipper\Udf87, \Clipper\EXTEND
#*** Next line important ***
GGHOpert, Gen, GGHMenus, Charge
Msg#7750 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/21/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH Parent Msg#7681
I know Sidekick does really nasty things (such as, every so often, it
checks an interrupt and, if it's not the same address as the one Sidekick
installed, it just goes ahead and changes it!) which is why they say it
should be loaded after all other TSRs. In DESQview, in each program's
'profile', you can specify what interrupts it should save. Generally,
when each DV program is run, it saves INTs 00 - FF, runs the program,
then restores INTs 00-FF. You might want to consider doing that. It's not
that hard, and takes up very little memory. Perhaps as an option...
Msg#7751 To:KEN CAMP (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/21/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
Great. I've heard a little bit here and there too, but nothing concrete.
The best I found was TCCLIP.ARC, it explains about MOST of the obvious
things for TC 1.5. Unfortunately, it does not mention any of the nitty
gritty (lord knows there are enough of them to make life nasty) and since
TC 2.0 is newer, with some modifications to how it compiles, I wouldn't
count on it to explain enough. Will keep in touch...
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/21/89
Subject:(R)TC WITH CLIPPER Parent Msg#7731
OK, I'll look into it and let you know, once I find the time.
Msg#7753 To:ALL
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/21/89
Subject:EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
I'm looking to get some EMS for my PC (true blue IBM PC, not XT, if that
matters.) I've got an NEC-V20 running at 8MHz, and PC-Sprint which just
toggles the speed from 4.77 to ~7 MHz. I've got a 6Pak+ to give me 640K
RAM. Here's my choices so far:
1) AST SixPakPremium: Discontinued (according to AST because of "lack of
demand", regardless that it was impossible to keep on the shelves at 47th
St. Photo) but still available via mail order. I got a quote of $230 for
256K, also has serial/parallel and clock (whoopee.) It's got 150ns RAM,
EEMS, supports LIM EMS 4.0 via software.
2) AST Rampage2: EMS for the PC, it's got 150ns RAM, prices are $200 for
XXXXX wrong. It's $495 for 256K RAM. I don't know if it's EMS or EEMS
hardware, but it supports LIM EMS 4.0.
3) STB make Memory Companion/PC: capable of supporting 10MHz 1 wait state
machine, it's got 120ns RAM, EMS 3.2 hardware, 4.0 via software, prices
are $200 for 0K, $510 for 512K. It can use 64K or 256K RAM chips, and has
a dip switch to change the bank it uses to swap memory (usually D is
Overall, the 6PakPrem and STB cards sound good. Even discontinued, AST
will still warrant any sales/warranties/etc. and the extra serial port
would be nice. However, what I need is RAM, about 256K or even 512K.
Price IS important, I am a poor starving college student. The STB board
sounds very good, but I'm curious about how good it really is (anyone
ever use one?) and how much I can get 256K of 120ns RAM for.
BTW, my main reasons for EMS are: disk caching, Borland products (TC,
TDebug, etc.) DESQview, and whatever else. In that order of priority. I
heard that AST's card has some inconveniences with DV. Is it a problem?
And does anyone know anything concrete (actually used) the STB board?
Thanks for any help in advance. If you know of anything else, please drop
me a msg.
From:KELLY STANONIK Date:01/21/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH AWAY Parent Msg#7667
I haven't downloaded SWITCH! yet, but Mr. Little sounds like he was more
than helpful trying to get you up and running with his program. I'm
going to download it and give it a try as it sounds very interesting.
All in all, he's only asking for $20, and if his function works as
advertised it's worth it.
Also, switch doesn't appear to be an application.
Well... Onward to SWITCH! testing...
Msg#7755 To:ALL
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/21/89
Subject:TC PROBLEMS Parent Msg#7755
Hi, been reading bout all the problems some people have been having with
TC 2.0 getting to compile with Clipper. I have TC but have never used it,
I keep MSC 5.0 on the Disk.....Anyway, the Floating point math stuff is
where all the nasties occur with TC. However, I have read that MS Quick C
is going to support all the memory models which would make it a prime
candidate for low end C hackers out there that need to write Clipper
UDFS. WHile I will probably not buy QuickC 2.0, I am sure someone else
will, and hopefully they can give a report on it.....
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/22/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
Working with TC 2.0 isn't that hard. Generally you don't have to worry
about stuff like the alignment because Clipper isn't going to reference
the data you declare in your program directly, and unless you reference
the Clipper variables directly (which is a little tricky since most of
it's not documented) you don't have to worry about the alignment you use.
As far as the rest you might as well turn stack checking off, because
Turbo C uses a different function to check the stack than Microsoft does
Msg#7757 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/22/89
Subject:(R)TC PROBLEMS Parent Msg#7755
I haven't got Quick C 2.0 yet, but here it's supposed to be pretty good.
I think MS is finally trying to put out a product that is competitive
with Turbo C. For those that haven't got a upgrade card yet the upgrade
price is $50.00 if you purchased Quick C after Dec 15, 1988.
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/22/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH Parent Msg#7681
That's certainly something I'll keep in mind. I know there are a lot of
TSRs that do weird things with the interrupts. Luckily programs like
Sidekick are mainly concerned with the keyboard and timer interrupts
which most applications aren't going to mess with.
Msg#7759 To:ALL
From:STEVE DAHLIN Date:01/22/89
Subject:NOVELL 2.0A LIMIT Parent Msg#7759
I know that a I read a message on this several months ago, but cannot
find it. Does anyone know what the fix is that needs to be applied to
the netware shell that will allow one to have more than 40 files open
when using Netware 2.0a? At present, I do not need it but very shortly I
may have need of this capability.
Subject:(R)SWITCH AWAY Parent Msg#7667
Well, like he said his "SWITCH" is not for me. Do you have any problems
with that...
I just found it that's not good(for me) and that's all.
BTW I try to stay away as much as I can from too many additions to
Clipper since sooner or later I could have problems.
Also I welcome any new ideas, functions, libraries I dont think that
this board main purpose is to sell our products...
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/22/89
Subject:(R)NOVELL 2.0A LIMIT Parent Msg#7759
Why not download the arced files of the conference. I know it was a patch
to anet, but who remebers?
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/22/89
Gary, i have downloaded dbdget and tried it out. Is there any reason why
the mouse cursor keeps going to the left hand corner after everytime I
click the left button? It is very annoying to not have the mouse cursor
stay where I put it. It also sometimes blinks alot and won't let me move
it. I am also wondering why it takes 2-3 whole seconds to pass from one
get to the next even though I am on a 10mhz AT? To get from one end of
your demo screen using arry keys takes about 20 seconds....That's too
long for me. I hope you can reply promptly. thanks
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:01/22/89
Subject:(R)NOVELL 2.0A LIMIT Parent Msg#7759
I haven't tried this patch yet. It's from the Nantucket Forum on CIS.
The specific page is NAN-263.
Using debug...
debug anet3.com
-s cs:0 ffff 26 C4 1E 34 00 06 (search for this sequence)
xxxx:yyyy (Once found, this is the address
where we will begin to patch)
-e xxxx:yyyy 06 26 C4 1E 34 00 (change it to this sequence)
-w Writing XXXX bytes (write the change)
-q (quit debug)
Note that Nantucket does not endorse the patch, they provide this info on
CIS for "information only."
andrew g.
Msg#7770 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:01/22/89
Subject:(R)TC PROBLEMS Parent Msg#7755
Just got my update notice for Quick C 2.0 It looks like it will be the
Clipper developer's dream for writing C code to link in. HOpefully you
will be able to specify the memory model and not always be bound by what
Quick C wants to do.
<< Mark >>
Msg#7773 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/22/89
Subject:(R)TC PROBLEMS Parent Msg#7755
That's what I was trying to say!!!!
Msg#7774 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:KEN CAMP Date:01/23/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
Primarily the multiuser apps I do are text based on character or memo
fields and files. Numeric accuracy isn't a factor. I've yet to encounter
any real problems (those that weren't my own convoluted logic) that
weren't reasonbly easy to find and fix. I always open the DBF in shared
mode (NON-EXCLUSIVE) then INDEX TO C:\TEMPNDX. Requires my users have
space available, but not a problem. I do erase the index when finished
rather than leave it floating on their drive, but leaving the application
on the network and putting the dynamic index on the workstation has
always been a simple, workable solution.
Msg#7775 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/23/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
One neat trick I've used on a network to speed up temporary reindexing is
liek this... Say I need a temp index based on zip code, but file is not
normally indexed on zip code.
Filesuffix = LTRIM(STR(N_STANUM())
USE TEMP&filesuffix
SET INDEX TO TEMP&filesuffix
... do what ever I need to do ...
SET INDEX TO ... whatever it was before ...
It speeds up the indexing since I am indexing on a 6-byte record
instead of, say, a 1000 byte record.
Msg#7776 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/23/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
Oh, another thing. Here is a quick way of saving and restoring
index state:
FUNCTION index_list
indexes = ""
FOR k = 1 TO N_NDX()
indexes = indexes = N_NDX(k) + ","
indexes = SUBSTR(indexes,1,LEN(indexes)-1)) && trim off trailing ,
RETURN indexes
Example of use:
mainx = index_list()
SET INDEX TO TEMP&filesuffix && from prior example
... do stuff ...
N_INDEX(mainx) && reset prior indexes
Msg#7777 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:01/23/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
Boy, is my face red. thot INDEX ON and REINDEX required exclusive when
only REINDEX does . Go figure.
Msg#7778 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:GARY MERINSTEIN Date:01/23/89
thanks dirk, i will.
From:HAWKINS DALE Date:01/24/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
I don't know for sure, but it seems to me that dot-matrix printers have
never been much good for multi-copy printing. I had to print a whole
lot of three-part forms once at my old company. It was an emergency, and
I commandeered several dot-matrix printers. None of them did the job
adequately. Finally, we tried a big nasty NEC daisy-wheel printer.
Wasn't awfully fast, and I would have hated to be in the same room with
it with the acoustic enclosure off, but hoo-boy, did it punch through the
multi-part forms.
Moral: if you're doing multi-copy forms, consider a daisy-wheel.
-- Hawkins
Msg#7780 To:HAWKINS DALE (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
Thanks Hawkins. I think you got a very good point. I realized that you
and a lot of other people and that's why I am looking now for the best
DWP(fast is important) I can get. I heard that Radio Shack a on sale next
month a DWP as fast as 500 WPM for abt $400.00(usually $950) and IBM
compatible. What do you think about that?
Msg#7781 To:ALL
From:RICH WINTER Date:01/24/89
Subject:MLCOUNT Parent Msg#7781
I've run across what appears to be a bug in Clipper Summer '87. I am
attempting to do a type of mail-merge application using memo fields and
the STRTRAN function for field substitutions. I have discovered that
after the first STRTRAN, MLCOUNT returns an incorrect number of lines in
the memo field so that I can no longer reliably judge how many lines are
to be printed with the MEMOLINE function. Has anybody else come across
this problem and discovered a possible work-around?
Msg#7782 To:RICH WINTER (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:01/24/89
Subject:(R)MLCOUNT Parent Msg#7781
yeah, I ran up against that one, but backed away from it (it wasn't
critical to getting the program running and out the door). Have yet to
muster the curiosity to see if it was me or Clipper that wasn't on the
Msg#7784 To:ALL
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:01/24/89
Subject:DBU BUG Parent Msg#7784
I have found a dbu bug. When using dbu to modify a file's structure, a
change from character to numeric [or the other way around] will cause the
program to bomb out.
Not a big bug, since source code is provided and can be easily fixed.
<< Mark >>
Msg#7785 To:RICH WINTER (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)MLCOUNT Parent Msg#7781
Rich, I don't know exactly what's wrong with STRTRAN() but seems to
throw all kind of characters arround. I had same problem before, then
I used CHRSWAP() of FUNCKy ( I dont know if you have it) and I solved
the problem. I heard than Nantucket is aware of STRTRAN problem.
Hope this helps.
From:ROB HANNAH Date:01/25/89
Subject:(R)NOVELL 2.0A LIMIT Parent Msg#7759
Debug anet3.com. At address 167 put the number of handles you want IN
HEX. It should be at 28 before you modify.
Msg#7787 To:ANDREW GROSS (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:01/25/89
Subject:(R)NOVELL 2.0A LIMIT Parent Msg#7759
That does not relate specifically to the 40 handle limit. That fixes
Netwares problem of going flaky after a program (using clipper=F<n> if
DOS 3.3+ or handles()) changes the PCB to allow for more files. It
should be used in addition to patching 167 for the handle count.
From:LARRY GOTTLIEB Date:01/25/89
Subject:(R)MLCOUNT Parent Msg#7781
I have read about STRTRAN problems (something about the compiler failing
to append a zero byte to the end of the string). I've +¬hit the problem
a few times myself. It doesn't always work, but the following seems to
help a lot:
X = STRTRAN( .... ) + ""
Maybe this wil└Rl work for you.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/25/89
Subject:(R)MLCOUNT Parent Msg#7781
strtran() sometimes does not nnull terminate the string properly, nd
therefore mlcount() will go skidding off the end...
Msg#7790 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/25/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
That sounds reasonable. Let's assume you're using TC with the standard
(shipped) defaults, but: large mem model, all debugging/line numbers,
etc. off, stack checking off. How about the rest of the settings? Any
problems? And how about the optimizations? Is it ok to leave optimize
jump and registers on?
Thanks for all the help.
Msg#7791 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/25/89
Subject:(R)TC PROBLEMS Parent Msg#7755
Quick-C 1.whatever supports all memory models, it's just the environment
version that only supports medium model. You're right, QC 2.x should be
good for Clipper UDF development. BUT, I already bought Turbo C, and am
fairly comfortable with it. So I can't use the fp math with Clipper, I
can live with it. I'm interested in doing some string manipulations,
integer math, and some other miscellaneous functions. Quick-C 2.x may be
worth the money, but I'd rather not spend the $70+ (most likely list of
$150 like TC 2.0 if they decide to raise their prices) on a C compiler
that I'd like for a couple of isolated cases. In other words, it's not
worth the investment. And considering as how I already have a C compiler,
I'd like to try to make the most use of it that I can.
Msg#7792 To:ALL
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/25/89
Subject:WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
I know this topic has been discussed before, and I've looked through
older messages. I just need a quick confirmation regarding the Word
Perfect mail merge document format.
1) mail merge documents have the extension .SF (Secondary form)
2) each record begins and ends with a ^R
3) multiple lines in a single record are separated by a LF only (^J)
4) the end of the file is specified by ^E
Here's what I need to know in adition to the above:
a) each record is separated by what? (^Rx^R where x = ?)
b) is there anything at the beginning of the file before the first ^R ?
c) is there anything between the last ^R and the ^E (a LF?)
d) is there anything after the ^E ?
Please do not direct me to look over WPMERG*.ARC in the files section, I
already have, and thisa is the closest I've come to a solution. Also, the
format I specified above, is it 4.2/3, 5.0 or both?
I need this function finished RSN so don't delay, respond today. Thanks.
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/25/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
Using optimizations shouldn't really hurt the code. The optimized
function would have the same result running in a pure C program as it
would in Clipper. The optimized code will only be inside the function,
therefore Clipper isn't aware of how your code is behaving internally. I
haven't tried each combination, but usually use -N- parameter to turn off
stack checking and don't use the debugging information. Basically the
only things that should affect Clipper adversely would be things that
won't be transparent to the Clipper application (i.e. stack checking
wouldn't be transparent because the function to check the stack is a
public symbol, and since Clipper was created with MSC the TC stack check
function isn't in the library). The only other option that I can think
of offhand that might not be transparent to Clipper is the alignment, but
that only matters if you're directly accessing the undocumented
structures of Clipper directly. Otherwise the alignment has no effect on
the Clipper side of the code. If you turn off stack checking and debug
information the other options (besides the model of course) should work
no matter how you specify them. Just remember to stay away from floating
point and graphics routines, turn off stack and debug information and you
shouldn't have any problems. (You'll note that the number of standard
library functions you can call is limited since not all of the C runtime
library is in the Clipper library).
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
It looks like a wordperfect 4.0 file actually, I am not sure aboutthe
multiple lines, nut everything else is identical to the 4.0 format. If
you need WP 4.0 format, and you have FUNCky, there is PRG file on the
source disk called C_WPWRIT.PRG that does it....I have not even had a
chance to open the WP 5.0 package! so I can't tell you on that ver yet...
Msg#7795 To:ALL
From:DAVID KLEIMAN Date:01/26/89
The first meeting of the New York Area FUNCKY Interest Group is scheduled
for Tuesday evening, February 21st, 1989 at 6:15 pm. The meeting will be
held in my office at 110 RIVERSIDE DR., New York, NY 10024 - APT. 9F. If
you are interested and think that you will join us please leave a message
on my tape machine at (212) 864-4066. This will be an informal meeting
to exchange FUNCKY ideas, tips, traps, and organize that group. Bring
your dinner this will be really casual. Look forward to hearing from you
all. David Kleiman.
Msg#7796 To:RON CALLAHAN (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MORGAN Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
There isn't any function in Clipper dedicated to returning the
success or failure of a COPY or INDEX (as there is NETERR() for
USE or APPEND BLANK, and FERROR() for the low-level file i/o functions,
for example). You have to procedurally do your own investigating
to see how the dust settled (anything from FILE() to as detailed
an investigation of the file contents as desired with low-level file
Msg#7797 To:KEN CAMP (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MORGAN Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
I believe INDEX ON is not among those commands that require the
DBF to be opened exclusively in order to operate. Try it and see
what happens.
From:DAVID MORGAN Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
AST Rampage and Clipper have a history of discord.
Msg#7799 To:ALL
From:MIKE KNARR Date:01/26/89
Subject:APPEND FROM PROBLEM Parent Msg#7799
I am new at CLIPPER programming and I have a question for anyone. I have
an application that creates numerous reports. The reports part of the
program is to be moved to our mainframe for speed considerations. To
accomplish this I must move data in my dbf file to an ascii sdf file.
This is where I get into trouble. My clipper application uses date
fields,and when I copy to an ascii sdf file, the date format is wrong. It
comes out like 19880101. I need it to be in mm/dd/yy format for the
mainframe transfer. I have no problem converting in DBASE, because I can
create another database with character date fields, and append from the
original. But that does not work in CLIPPER unless your field types
match. Is there an easy solution to this? Any help would be appreciated
Msg#7800 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)MLCOUNT Parent Msg#7781
possible. I was using memotran(), then strtran(), and wound up with
truncated memos.
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
I think the format is: ^R ends each "field", ^E ends each "record", the
file just ends. You can name your secondary files anything you want (I
usually end them with .DAT or .DTA or somesuch). That's what 4.2 was
like; I just (re)installed 5.0 yesterday, and will look later and get
back to you.
From:HAWKINS DALE Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
The Radio Shack daisy wheel printer sounds like a bargain, all right.
But I must admit that I've never heard printer speeds measured in words
per minute. Assuming six characters per word (average, including
punctuation), that comes out to 50 cps. While not blinding, it should be
kept in mind that there aren't all that many characters per form on a lot
of multi-part forms.
I say buy it.
Msg#7804 To:DAVID MORGAN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
than what is DOSERROR() for anyway????
Msg#7805 To:DAVID MORGAN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
what kind of discord? I have just received a call that says a Clipper APP
locks up on a machine with AST memory and an inboard 386? know anything
about it? - send a response to David Schwartz if there is...>Thanks....
Msg#7806 To:MIKE KNARR (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/26/89
Subject:(R)APPEND FROM PROBLEM Parent Msg#7799
Use the low level file functions, to create an SDF file on some fields
would look like:
use <DBF>
go top
handle = fcreate(<sdf_file>)
do while .not. eof()
that will create an SDF file for you, and you can control ALL output at
will. Good Luck!!
Msg#7807 To:ALL
From:TIM CREAGH Date:01/26/89
Subject:ERROR 10 Parent Msg#7807
I keep getting an Internal Error 10 message in my program. Does anyone
know what causes this message?
Msg#7809 To:NEIL WEICHER (Rcvd)
From:RON CALLAHAN Date:01/27/89
I just wanted to let you know that the latest documentation for
Netlib helped me out with a problem I've been having with my Networked
applications for the past year. (not enough files allowed for the
entire network.)
Have you considered doing a book. What little information availble these
days on network programming is useless. God knows I need as much help
as possible in this area.
Thanks again.
Msg#7810 To:ALL
From:RICHARD YOUNG Date:01/27/89
I am a laboratory manager and have been using dBASE III Plus for a couple
of years and Clipper for only a few months. I have a working Clipper
program that requires manual test result entry. I would like to tie our
chemistry analyzer into our PC XT clone. The problem is that I know very
little about communications (in this case via null modem cable). I have
the analyzer transmission format but do not know how to capture the data
and put it into my data base. I just bought a copy of SilverWare's
SilverComm program. It looks like everything I will need but I still need
more help. Can anyone get me started with some hints, techniques,
communications texts and/or programs. Also where can I purchase a copy of
Stephen J. Straley's ToolKit? If anyone can help, please leave a message
on this board or mail on CompuServe (71531,2244). I will be glad to
accept a collect call at (904)-378-5030 (M-F 8AM-2PM/1AM-4AM) or anytime
on weekends. Thanks, Richard.
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
Last night I went there and tested. I wasn't immpressed at all. Then I
tested a Dot MAtrix Printer made also by Tandy(which is about $1500) and
I liked it very much. Faster and the copies are very nice...But I am not
sure how it it is indeed 100% IBM compatible...
Msg#7813 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:MIKE KNARR Date:01/27/89
Msg#7815 To:ALL
Subject:CAPS IN MEMOEDIT() Parent Msg#7815
I use MEMOEDIT() to add/edit a character field, but I want that
only CAPS are allowed. Nothing comes into my mind at the moment
how to do it. Anybody knows how to to it.
Msg#7817 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/27/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
Thanks. TYour message helps a bit. The only thing IO was wondering about
with optimizations is sure, it will only affect code internal to the
function, but does Clipper use registers to optimizze performance and, if
so, does it save them before calling external (C/ASM) functions or should
I save the registers my TC .OBJ code will use?
Msg#7818 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/27/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
By 4.0 do you mean 4.0, or 4.x?
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/27/89
Subject:(R)EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
Could you be a little more specific? I've heard of several 'problems'
between AST memory and DESQview, and I know Clipper's EMS buffering is
asking for trouble, but never got any concrete details. Thanks.
Msg#7820 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/27/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
Great. That's exactly what I needed to know. But... OK, assume we're just
going to have names. the fields are FIRST, LAST and MI. Spitting it out
to a file as
^RFIRST^Rx^RLAST^Rx^RMI^R^E with x = ?
or some other combo. Is it ^R after each field (thus no ^R at the
beginning of the file, just start writing the first field, then ^R) ? And
does the ^E have to prece a ^R, or is it in place of the last ^R?
Compatibility with 5.0 would be nice, but it's much more important to get
it working in the first place. Please give me an example of a record or
two in your reply, to clarify matters. Thanks.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/28/89
Subject:(R)CAPS IN MEMOEDIT() Parent Msg#7815
Constantin, that's what FUNCky's onkey() was intended to do.....just set
onkey() to a function that does the following and it should work:
function upcase
if (nextkey() >= 97 .and. <= 122)
That should do the memoedit() trick you need.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/28/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
All you guys know that you can do floating point math with Turbo c don't
you?? just get Rich McConnells CGOODIES.ARC file. it has the C code so
you can do TC stuff. Seems to me that that is all you'll need then. As
far as Clipper using registers and the like for optimization, it is far
far different then that. So don't even worry about it.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/28/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
4.xxxx then... sorry
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/28/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
The exact layout I use is:
That should answer your quees. But I only am sure about 4.xxx
Msg#7827 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)CAPS IN MEMOEDIT() Parent Msg#7815
Thanks Dirk. This FUNCKY of your is a life saver. Remember the other day
I was looking(in FUNCKY conference) for somthing to help me capitalize
the data already entered in a database file(well at the begining when
I wrote the program several years ago I allowed the input of lower case
letters also but now I realized that is better if I allow only CAPS since
will be easier for search, index etc.) The file has about 20 character
fields each an average of 15 characters and about 57,000 records. I jot
down a couple of lines like:
do while .not eof()
store fieldname to mname
replace fieldname with _UPPER(mname)
and gues what....
The _UPPER() did it in less than 4 minutes...(Don't forget the file is
I would say HUGE)
Thanks. That's kind of commercial software I think should be advertised
and publicized on this or any BBS.
Msg#7829 To:ALL
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:01/28/89
Subject:JOBS Parent Msg#7829
If there are any interested people out there for part-time (and maybe)
full time employement, if there is a strong Clipper-base skill level,
then please drop me a line and/or a resume to inquire future. The
address is:
SJS & Associates
c/o Human Resources
319 Barrow Street - Suite 7A
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Thanks again...
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/28/89
Subject:(R)JOBS Parent Msg#7829
How Much???
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:01/29/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
You usually don't have to worry about the registers. Clipper requires
use of the same registers that Turbo C does (because Clipper was written
in C). The registers are saved by Turbo C functions before they are
changed. If you write assembly functions and change the SI, DI, DS, or
BP registers then you'd need to save them first, but with C that's
handled for you.
Msg#7832 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/30/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
I'll look into CGOODIES.ARC, thanks for the info. Re: registers, I was
just wondering how 'safe' it can get, although considering MSC does just
about the same thing as TC regarding optimizations, I'm not surprised. If
Clipper is smart (and it probably it) before calling an external function
it should save all registers/flags/etc. and restore upon completion. Now
that I've got some more info about TC & Clipper, and free time is
starting to fall my way, I might actually look into it before spring.
Msg#7833 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:01/30/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
Great. As far as 4.x vs. 5.0, well, it's more of an extra than a
necessity. It also can make a comma delimited, SDF and .DBF file so if
they don't like the WP merge file they can use WP's convert utility. I'll
keep you posted if I hear anything more.
Msg#7835 To:MIKE KNARR
From:JOE BOOTH Date:01/30/89
Subject:(R)APPEND FROM PROBLEM Parent Msg#7799
Try copying the original file to a new file with the same structure (with
one additional field called CDATE). Then do the following command...
REPLACE ALL cdate WITH DTOC( your_date )
Now delete the original date field from the new structure.
This method will work, but is probably most useful for a one time
From:JAMES MOORE Date:01/30/89
Subject:CONDITIONS IN .FRM'S Parent Msg#7837
I've been experiencing a very strange problem with report forms. In a
database that I KNOW has not one zero value, I have been trying to run a
report form in with the following conditions:
REPORT FORM xxxxx FOR field1 > filed2, .and. date = Processdate ;
WHILE lastkey() # 27 .and. _isonline()
_ISONLINE is a udf which return a logical value and works perfectly
fine everywhere in my prg except within the REPORT FORM statement.
The REPORT FORM function uses on ISPRINTER(), and never changes work
areas, also the error that Clipper is returning is ZERO DIVIDE IN frm,
however, the header for the report never even prints out. So it must be
something in one of the conditional statements. I removed the _isonline
function, and the report worked fine, it even woked just when I removed
the isprinter() funtion from the udf and just returned .t.
My question is then, why is the isprinter function crashin my report.
Any Suggestions
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/30/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
Clipper only saves what the MSC compiler saves, but it does not work the
same as a normal compiler, any registers you leave behind cannot be
accessd by subsequent functions...
Msg#7839 To:ALL
From:TERRY DILLARD Date:01/30/89
Subject:CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
I'm having a couple of problems with the Clipper Summer '87 version,
and would sure appreciate it if someone could cut them down to size
for me. I'm trying to use the MAKE utility to cut down on the
amount of compiling, but it keeps giving me a "Dependant does not
exist :" error. It doesn't give me this error when I delete all of
my .OBJ files, but that defeats the purpose of the MAKE utility, if
I understand it correctly. I thought that MAKE would create and
execute a batch file which would recompile only those .OBJ files
whose corresponding .PRG files had changed since the last compile.
Also, I'm trying to start using overlays, and hitting something
which I don't like at all. Whenever I create my overlays, whether
they're included in the .EXE file or as separate .OVL files, I get
a message on the screen about "Accessing overlay" or something like
that. Is there any way to suppress this message? Would SET CONSOLE
ON and OFF help? Is there a switch with PLINK86 that I could use to
suppress it?
Can someone please help me? I promise the one who helps solve these
problems a great big "ATTABOY (GIRL)!"
From:DIRK LESKO Date:01/30/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
The proper syntax in the make is:
<file.OBJ> : <PROG.PRG>
That should fix the make one. And I beleive that your accessing the
overlay message is caused by having a debug switch set to on. I don;t
remember what it is, but if the debugging thing is there it kets you know
when you are loading an overlay so you can debug your overlay strategy.
Look in the manual for anything that mentions that.....
Good Luck, hope you find it.
Msg#7841 To:ALL
From:JON MELTZER Date:01/30/89
Subject:LINT FOR CLIPPER Parent Msg#7841
Does a LINT utility for Clipper exist? I'm getting very tired of finding
type errors and missing-parameter errors after I compile... I'd like to
be able to get these annoyances out easily.
Msg#7842 To:JAMES MOORE (Rcvd)
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:01/30/89
Subject:(R)CONDITIONS IN .FRM'S Parent Msg#7837
I don't have the answer to your question. But one thing that may help is
to use a copy of FRM2PRG which is available on most boards. Once you
check this program out you will probably never use an FRM except to lay
out the initial skeleton. It takes a report form and turns it into a nice
, commented, and structured piece of code which you can then add all
kinds of things that can't be done in an FRM. By using this you may be
able to simplify your problem, or perhaps eliminate it. I'll look for it
here and put it up If it's not already here.
Msg#7843 To:ALL
From:RON LANDBERG Date:01/31/89
Subject:A86 TO S87 Parent Msg#7843
> Please describe any pitfalls in upgrading an application from A86
> Clipper to S87 Clipper
I have been working in S87 for over a year. But they've all been new
applications. Now, an application I wrote two years ago in A86 req-
uires enhancing and I want to compile the whole application in S87.
Could anyone who has discovered problems in updating an application
from A86 to S87 please relate those experiences to me. I am particularly
interested in anomalies that may not appear with error messages, i.e.,
changes in how index or data files are handled. But all pitfalls folks
have found would be of immense value to know of.
I compiled and linked the old application in S87 and no compile or link
errors showed up.
This is a network application - Novell 2.0A.
Thanks - Ron
Msg#7844 To:ALL
From:DAVID RICHISON Date:01/31/89
Thanks to all for your suggestions on the WP programs. ProWrite 2.02 is
Msg#7845 To:ALL
Subject:SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
I was trying to
SET KEY 274 TO Doedit && ALT+E
but didn't work.
Anybody could tell me why ?
From:JOE BOOTH Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
Your overlay problem can be solved by removing the DEBUG statement
from your LINK file.
The make problem could possibly be that one of the need object files is
spelled wrong on the line which creates the EXE file. Check carefully
that all needed OBJ's appear on the EXE line, and are spelled correctly.
If you have a Microsoft compiler product, you might want to use that
MAKE program, it seems to work better, in my opinion than Nantuckets
From:JOE BOOTH Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
When you say it doesn't work, what type of problem are you encountering?
Do it get into the routine at all ? Do you get an error message ?
Try renaming doedit to something else. DO <proc> shouldn't be confused
with DOEDIT, but with Clipper, you never know...
Msg#7848 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)A86 TO S87 Parent Msg#7843
I'm pretty sure the layout of S87 NTX files is slightly different and
requires reindexing everything. Also, any UDFs you wrote in C or ASM
will need total reworking - S87 was written using MSC 5.0. A86 used
Msg#7850 To:ALL
From:ART KOHN Date:01/31/89
Subject:PROGRAMMER WANTED Parent Msg#7850
Clipper programmer wanted/needed.
Freelance clipper programmer wanted by NYC midtown
brokerage firm to update and re-code a number of
programs. You must be using the latest version of
Clipper and the Funcky Library. For future projects,
a knowledge of the Silvercom Libraries would be
helpful (but not mandatory).
Please forward a profile of yourself and your talents
to me either here or in hard copy to:
Art Kohn (Systems Coordinator)
c/o Reich & Tang, L.P.
100 Park Avenue - 28th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Would also like to see samples of your work.
This can be done either by forwarding a disk
or in person (if you don't want to part with a
copy of your greatest achievement)...
By the way, this is NOT an in-house position.
It's a great way to pick up some extra bucks at home.
The only inhouse requirement is a weekly meeting
to evaluate project progress.
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
4.0 and 4.2 did things differently. 4.2 was pretty good; 4.0 was the
pits in some regards (My opinion, not my employers' or necessarily of
anyone else on this or any bbs).
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
what I've used in the past was:
To do it justice, I'll reload 4.2 and see what it spits out, and see if
5.0 accepts it (I've been told it does by one of our guys who was an
early beta site for WP).
Msg#7853 To:JOE BOOTH
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Doesn't do anything Joe. Doesn't even get into routine...The actual name
of the routine is "Expedit". In other words you're saying should work,
like I thought... You know with today changes in keyboard keys arround I
try to avoid to use F1 etc. Instead I noticed that even the enhanced
keyboard has the Alt key next to the Alpha Keys so I try to make a kind
of combination which is as close as possible to reach and also pretty
similar on any keyboard...I will keep trying and let you know. Thanks.
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)CONDITIONS IN .FRM'S Parent Msg#7837
do you have a copy of FRM2PRG that actually works? The one I dl'd many
moons ago would either crap out early, or produce very nice (if
incomplete) code which didn't quite do what it was supposed to.
From:JOHN ROGERS Date:01/31/89
Constantin, appreciate the reply...I understand you point of view!!
-John Rogers-
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
What about an HP DeskJet printer. As fast as a DMP (or more), infinitely
more quiet...and priced between $500 to $1,000...depending on available
discounting. The one drawback I know of is that the ink can have a
tendency to smear, but if I were in the market for a DMP, I would think
very seriously on aquiring the DeskJet.
andrew g.
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)MLCOUNT Parent Msg#7781
I don't know about the bug...but note that the Feb 89 issue of Data Based
Advisor, in the Hardcore Clipper column, shows a mail merge program using
andrew g.
Msg#7858 To:TIM CREAGH
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)ERROR 10 Parent Msg#7807
From the internal error report available on CompuServe (!GO NANFORUM)...
Too many nested...blocks have been defined. The maximum is 16.
Note: The usual reason this occurs is a LOOP statement within a
BEGIN...END structure like the following:
DO WHILE <condition>
andrew g.
Msg#7859 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:01/31/89
Subject:(R)A86 TO S87 Parent Msg#7843
Third party libraries will be a p[roblem in the conversion. Due to the
Network overhead, you may run into memory problems also since S87 doesn't
manage memory well. [Hows that for understatement!]
<< Mark >>
Msg#7861 To:ALL
I need some help with an application I am developping.
In this application I have a memo field called descripti. I do the
edition of this field with the following line:
I have put text in this field and now I am making the grammatical
correction of the text. And I observe that every time I change, add
or remove a word, my application become 1 000 bytes more big. The
difference is not always the same but it is about 1 000 bytes.
All the memo fields are about this lenght. And with Norton, I see
that my file is full of duplication and EOF markers.
What can be the problem
thank you Francois Desrosiers