Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
Text File
5,785 lines
Msg#7862 To:JAMES MOORE (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)CONDITIONS IN .FRM'S Parent Msg#7837
What does _isonline() do? What is the actual code? I had a somewhat
similar problem, I was doing COPY TO (filename) FOR &expr WHILE
CountRec() SDF to make an SDF file for the expression EXPR, and here's
@ ... SAY RECNO()/RECCOUNT()*100 with a transform to make it xx.x%
It would get to the COPY... line, and 16.7% would be displayed, and then
it would crash. Why? Because of something in the way Clipper handles
RECNO(), RECCOUNT() or EOF(), while doing, oh, say COPY TO, that bombs
the program.
BTW, in the previous message, it looks like "...FOR field1 > field2.
.and. ..." Is there a period (.) after field2 (meaning an extraneous
dot)? Or is this just line noise/typo?
What are field1 and field2 ? Are they, say, "FOR TotalOvertime >
HisMaxOT" or something like that? What TYPE() are they, how large (C15,
N18.2, what?)
I do not know what isprinter() does internally, but I can make a damn
good guess. INT 15, Subfunction something I believe are the printer
input, printer output and printer status functions. It checks the return
value from the printer status INT, and if certain bits are/are not set,
it returns .T./.F., appropriately. It could be the REPORT FORM command
does not like to have isprinter() invoked from within it, either for a
good reason, or Clipper's fault. I do not know, I never pulled these
functions apart. Perhaps Dirk could shed some light?
Sorry if I couldn't be very helpful. Luck...
Msg#7863 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#7695
That makes sense, since if Clipper is smart (or MSC, as the case may be)
all registers are either: left to the user to save/restore or
pushed/poped by the compiler before/after each external call. I'd bet on
the former though. Will be playing with TC/Clipper soon, I'll let you
know how things turn out.
Msg#7865 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
Is that:
where each record + ^R is followed by a LF (^J)? Also, if a ^J is needed,
does it go: 1) between the field and the ^R, or 2) after the ^R? Also,
does there have to be a ^J between the ^R and ^E at the end of a record?
Thanks. Please reply as soon as possible, this is one of the two last
functions awaiting to be completed. The other is just a report that I
need to find the time to sit down and write.
Msg#7866 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)LINT FOR CLIPPER Parent Msg#7841
Another product? OK, who wants to write it, and will they be able to beat
Nantuckets next release?
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)CONDITIONS IN .FRM'S Parent Msg#7837
If you can't find frm2prg, try contacting Russel Freeland, he wrote it
and it should be on his board...
Msg#7868 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)A86 TO S87 Parent Msg#7843
I have had some problems with arrays inside valid statements, and any
third party libraries you are using must be checked...
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Is it only the ALT/E key, or does it not work with other keys as well? If
it bombs on other keys I would change the name of the procedure to not
include the word 'DO' at the beginning, you might be fooling the parser.
If so, then another 'anomoly' to add to the list....let us know..
Msg#7870 To:ART KOHN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)PROGRAMMER WANTED Parent Msg#7850
Make me an offer....(just kidding)
Msg#7871 To:ANDREW GROSS (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)ERROR 10 Parent Msg#7807
The reason why stack errors happen at 16 is because that is the max
number of 'levels' you can nest anything, including SET KEY TO stuff...
Msg#7872 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MORGAN Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
As I understand it DOSERROR() is only for use inside the error
system. The value it returns elsewhere isn't going to tell you
anything meaningful. The limitation may be greater, i.e., for use
only within open_error(). That's the only one from which it's called
in the default error funtions. It's a limited purpose function and
from that standpoint the generality of the name is unfortunate.
Msg#7873 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MORGAN Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
Dirk, David Schwartz, Howard Kapustein--
>> "Discord" between Clipper and certain EMS drivers
I've never used an AST Rampage but a number of people that use it
with Clipper have reported various problems, right from the beginning
with Autumn '86 when Clipper first made use of EMS. I can't tell you
what concretely. They often say that their problems go away when
they SET CLIPPER=E0 to disable use of EMS. Clipper makes use of EMS
by issuing the calls for that purpose specified by (L)otus, (I)ntel,
and (M)icrosoft in their LIM specification. Intel will (or used to)
send you a copy (about 30 stapled pages) on request. Every EMS
hardware manufacturer and his brother supplies his own software
driver to implement the responses to the various LIM calls, no doubt
all different internally. AST for its part follows a standard that's
explicitly different from LIM (AQA - Ashton-Tate, Quadram, AST).
It's supposed to be a superset of LIM, and
LIM-application-transparent. But maybe the incidence of problems
with AST's particular driver has to do with the AQA-vs-LIM
Msg#7874 To:TERRY DILLARD (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MORGAN Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
Make sure the dependency lines in your MAKE file have no trailing,
invisible characters (even spaces) after the name of the last file on
the line. There should be an *immediate* CR/LF (I think) or it
confuses the intervening invisible characters as part of the file
name -- which named file "does not exist." Other MAKEs are more
robust than Nantucket's, and MAKEs are not product specific. If you
have other language compiler products you may well have another MAKE
on your shelf. A lot of people seem to like Borland's.
Msg#7875 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)DBU BUG Parent Msg#7784
Also occurs in changing field from or to logical. It's just an annoying
bug and you have to leave DBU and then reenter it to get around the
Msg#7876 To:ROB HANNAH (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)NOVELL 2.0A LIMIT Parent Msg#7759
On Rob's advice, I used this patch many months ago. It works great.
Msg#7877 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:LARRY GOTTLIEB Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)A86 TO S87 Parent Msg#7843
I ran across a problem with CONTINUE. It seems that A86 is more
forgiving in this area. The string of code went something like this:
USE myfile
* Note that no LOCATE command has been issued.
This is clearly incorrect. However, A86 seemed to treat this as a SKIP;
S87 positions the record pointer to end of file.
Msg#7880 To:ANDREW GROSS (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
Thanks Andrew... I will take a look at it.
Msg#7882 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Dirk, doesn't even get to the procedure like I told John Booth yerstaday.
The actual name of the procedure is "Expedit" but doesn't work regardless
of what name it is. Mark(Neidorf) just said that probably I can use the
keys up to value of 255. But then that means that I can't use a
combination of ALT+ alpha character ? I think that should be possible!
Thanks Dirk. BTW Do you think I should be able to SET KEY TO "ALT+ alpha
Msg#7883 To:TERRY DILLARD (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MINTER Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
You seem to have the statement DEBUG in the wrong place. If you are
trying to link in clipper's debug.obj, be sure that it is after your
files command and not somewhere else.
Hope I can get an ATTABOY.
From:JOE BOOTH Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Try to isolate the problem. First, try assigning the pop-up to -1 (F2)
or some key. See if that works. Then try writing a small program with
an INKEY() statement, and see what number is being generated when you
pressed ALT-E. Possibly the BIOS is intrepeting the scan code
differently than the manual. Good luck.
From:JOE BOOTH Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)MEMOEDIT Parent Msg#7861
A quick and dirty solution would be to use a character field, say 4000
characters long, instead of a memo. Memoedit can work on either a
character field or a memo field. The obvious drawbacks are that you
might not have enough character space reserved in the case of a long
memo, or you might have a lot of wasted space. Good luck
Msg#7888 To:ALL
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:02/01/89
In response to inquiries, I am posting the full list of Get-It functions.
N_ANYKEY Calls procedure when any key is pressed.
N_DELGET Remove Get from input list.
N_GETALIAS Returns alias of specified input field.
N_GETCOL Returns column position of specified input field.
N_GETLEN Returns display length of input field.
N_GETNO Returns input field number.
N_GETPIC Get or set picture associated with specified input field.
N_GETROW Returns screen row position of specified input field.
N_GETVAR Returns name associated with specified input field number.
N_GOTOGET Move cursor to specified input field.
N_LASTGET Returns number of input fields on screen.
N_MOVEGET Dynamically changes order of input fields fields.
N_NEWFLD Calls procedure when cursor moves to new input field.
N_NOKEY Calls procedure if no key pressed within specified time.
N_ONCOMx Calls procedure when carrier or ring detected at COMx.
N_ONSHIFT Calls procedure when shift or lock is pressed or released.
N_ONEXPR Calls procedure when <expression> is true.
N_ONTICK Calls procedure repeatedly on a regular interval.
N_REGET Redisplay input fields (called after N_RESTGETS).
N_RESTGETS Restore gets.
N_RESTSCR Restore screen attributes.
N_SAVEGETS Saves gets.
N_SAVESCR Saves screen attributes.
N_SCHAR Returns character(s) at screen location.
N_SCOLOR Returns color clause at screen location.
N_SPLITA Returns alias portion of specified `alias->name' clause.
N_SPLITN Returns name portion of specified `alias->name' clause.
N_WSTATE Returns wait-state type.
For more information on Get-It, call 212-724-0150 or write:
Communication Horizons - 701 7th Ave. #900 - New York, NY - 10036.
Note: current owners may update at no charge by mailing back the
original disk in a STAMPED, SELF ADDRESSED diskette mailer.
Msg#7889 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:02/01/89
Subject:(R)CONDITIONS IN .FRM'S Parent Msg#7837
It's right here on The Boss
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)NETERR() Parent Msg#7719
I have not hacked DOSERROR to death, but I do know that MSC keeps an
error vairable called __oserr. Do you know, or can you find out if it
does indeed contain what DOSERROR returns. WOuld save me some trouble
looking for it....
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
There is a file on the board for making called NDMAKE. ANd it's pretty
good. Got lots of looping and logic control as well....
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
I do it all the time. ALT+many keys works great. Are you sure that
inkey() actually returns the value in question? some keyboard bios do not
handle certain ALT key combinations (just try ALT+UP ARROW) to name
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
LIM = Lotus-Intel-Microsoft = EMS
AQA = AST-Quadram-AshtonTate = EEMS
EMS allows bank switching, and EEMS was merely a superior form of EMS,
allowing a 64K swapped bank to relate to, not one 64K block, but 4 16K
blocks. I'm pretty sure that was the definition, but if not, it's close.
Anyway, EEMS is EMS + a little more.
Intel will send you, free, the LIM EMS specs (now 4.0) for free. Sorry, I
don't remember the number.
As of LIM EMS 4.0, EMS and EEMS are FUNCTIONALLY the same. However, EEMS
is slightly superior due to the way the hardware works. BTW, try to find
a memory card that supports 4.0 by hardware, not software. I think the
AST cards do, but don't quote me on that.
Oops, re: LIM EMS specs, they are on 5" x 8" ? The same size as the IBM
manuals. No binder, just small pages already hole punched.
My question still remains: Who sells an EMS card for the PC? Virtually
every memory card available is for the AT on up. AST makes Rampage/2, the
now discontinued 6PakPremium, and STB has their Memory Companion/PC. No
one else knows of any other manufacturer. I have talked with over a dozen
sales reps and technical people from mail order companies, 47th St.
Photo, etc. and if they even know what I'm talking about, they've only
heard of AST. Maybe. But I haven't heard from anyone who has some actual
hands on experience with an EMS card for the PC.
Sidebar: EEMS "should" be better than EMS, all other factors being equal
(same speed RAM, etc.) more efficient, what have you. Is this really the
case? How much is EEMS worth over EMS?
Msg#7898 To:JOE BOOTH (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Thanks Joe but you wouldn't beleive what I was doing !
As a matter of fact I couldn't sleep thinking about it and all of a
sudden I remember that...before I used these keys(ALT+E etc) in another
procedure and it worked. This morning first thing I did... is take a look
to see how I did then...and found out that insted of
SET KEY 274 TO Expedit
I was saying
SET KEY -274 TO Expedit
I was carried over with this "-" from the function keys...
Thanks very much again...Speak to you soon
Msg#7900 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Over night I remember I did it before, then this morning I just realized
that I was saying:
SET KEY -274 TO Expedit
instead of
SET KEY 274 TO Expedit
See it...
BTW Are you back home ? Do you remember by any chance the name of the
person you said you would look up?
Thanks. Speak to you...
Msg#7901 To:ART KOHN (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)PROGRAMMER WANTED Parent Msg#7850
About the position ...
I live in Eastern Connecticut and work in Hartford right now.
I do have experience with Clipper and Funcky; I've been doing almost
exclusively Clipper work for over 2 years, and I'm VERY good at it.
If you can waive any requirements for travel to NYC, then I might be
interested. I don't mind doing work long-distance, I currently support a
couple of dozen field offices, some running LARGE Clipper programs which
I have written.
Let me know; if this is acceptable, we can pursue further.
... Steve Badaracco
From:MARC SCHNAPP Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
Howard, EEMS is a mot point 'cause EMS 4.0 was an incorporation of the
AQA EEMS standard. The current Intel products ARE EEMS compatible.
By the way-- I have used Rampage boards almost exclusively and have NEVER
had any problems-- that includes client sites. You mention a problem
with AST and Desqview--- that's incoceivable 'cause they were bundled
(may still be). I never had any such problem runing the AST oem version
or the comercial version of Dersqview.
Your problem is obtaining an 8-bit card. I would avoid STB just on gut
feel-- who will be there to support the card in a couple years when STB
gets out (they probably will).. I would probably get Intel if I had a
choice-- they are very comitted (for now). Quadram also had an 8-bit
card for a while-- the QuadEMS I/O which does EEMS and EMS. It probably
is discontinued but call Quadram 404 923-6666. I have one with 1 meg--
but I think I already have a customer. I'll know in 10 days-- if not,
you're welcome to it.
If you settle down to a new one-- let me know-- I can sell hardware (I am
a lowkey dealer) and I will do my best (esp. since you've been doing YOUR
best for me).
Finally re: discord with Rampage and Clipper (re: Dave Morgan): I
suspect that the problem may be sensitive to the version of the
driver'cause Pat Adams complained only after changing drivers. I am
hapy with the Rampage cards. I have several 2meg boards (used) to sell
now that I have a 386, but they have served me and my clients faithfully.
One more thought-- there is a CA liquidator that periodically offers
Quadram products-- they usually advertise in the back of Infoworld.
Msg#7905 To:ALL
From:MARC SCHNAPP Date:02/02/89
If you haven't been scared away from Rampage cards-- I have several
Rampage 16-bit cards that I cam no longer using since I acquired a 386.
Each has 2megs (a gold mine right there).
Please let me know if you are interested in getting some.
Msg#7906 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:ART KOHN Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)PROGRAMMER WANTED Parent Msg#7850
i learned a long time ago not to go after the unatainable...
Msg#7908 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:TERRY DILLARD Date:02/02/89
Thanks for the help, buI'm pretty sure that I've got my MAKEFILE the way
the manual (and you) say it should be. I can delete all .OBJ files and
run MAKE <makefile> and it compiles and links perfectly. I only get the
"dependant" message when there are EXISTING .OBJ files. As for the
overlay mess, I'll look into it, you could have solved it for me. Thanks
for the help.
Msg#7909 To:JOE BOOTH (Rcvd)
From:TERRY DILLARD Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
Thanks, Joe. I;ll check out the spelling on the .EXE line, although I'm
pretty sure they're all OK. As far as the DEBUG statement goes, I'm
using Borland's TLINK, and don't have one, I don't think.
From:TERRY DILLARD Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
I'll check on that, thanks!
Msg#7911 To:DAVID MINTER (Rcvd)
From:TERRY DILLARD Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
I don't believe I have a DEBUG statement anywhere in the MAKEFILE or the
LINK file. I'll go back and check, but I KNOW I'm not linking in the
Debugger, and I'm pretty sure the only statements in the make file are
the .OBJ : .PRG dependencies, and the .EXE : .OBJ dependencies at the
end, along with the associated commands. This is an example of what I'm
using, could the problem possibly be the multiple .PRG statements after
clipper TRACK -m
clipper OPENSCRN -m
clipper UTILMENU
UTILMENU calls the other four files, so CLIPPER will compile them into
one .OBJ file. Could this be the problem. I don't think so, but I'll
listen to anyone who can help. Thanks.
Msg#7913 To:TERRY DILLARD (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MINTER Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
If I remember right, you said that whenever your app loads an overlay,
you got the message "Loading overlay XXXX" or something like that. This
is a PLINK86 feature, not any make program feature. If your not using
PLINK86, I'm not exactly sure what is going on. But if you are, more
than likely you have a DEBUG statement somewhere in your link file.
(I've used it a few times to try and determing where things hang up).
Good Luck,
Msg#7914 To:TERRY DILLARD (Rcvd)
From:JOE BOOTH Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
I thought you send you were making overlays? TLINK cannot make overlays.
Msg#7915 To:TERRY DILLARD (Rcvd)
From:JOE BOOTH Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
Remove the other program calls from the UTILMENU line and give it a try
Msg#7918 To:ALL
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:02/02/89
Subject:LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
help, I am going to do an application using a laser printer and Clipper
(of course). I seem to remember there are products that allow you to
define where a string(as well as fonts) will be printed and this can
be done from whithin a Clipper application. the trouble is I can't find
the @&*#! add anymore. would appreciate all the help you can give me.
(eg using @ say's with a laser printer.) also, I would like to know if
there is some library out there that would allow me to do forms on the
laser. thanks for the help.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Look up who? I have forgotton already....And I am still out here in Chi
town, lots of work...
Msg#7921 To:ART KOHN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)PROGRAMMER WANTED Parent Msg#7850
But...you will never know if it is unattainable until you try to go after
it, right?
Msg#7922 To:TERRY DILLARD (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
Have you tried seperating your commands freom the next line of text with
a space? maybe the make file is thinking it is part of the command of the
previous dependancy...
Msg#7925 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
Isn't there a file on this board with a bunch of Laser stuff in it? Take
a loook, I know I've seen one (primitive of course) - the people in the
AD that have disappeard were from Mayflower consulting, they may still
have an add for there little network library, they used to advertise the
HP thing too, but I don't see it anymore...
Msg#7926 To:ALL
From:RICHARD HORWITZ Date:02/02/89
Subject:BEGIN SEQUENCE Parent Msg#7926
I was just wondering....what is the BEGIN SEQUENCE/END structure good
for? I have seen people make referance to it, but I'm not really sure
what I would use it for. Is it like a rollback command in transaction
processing? Any feedback would help, Thanx.
Msg#7927 To:RICHARD HORWITZ (Rcvd)
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)BEGIN SEQUENCE Parent Msg#7926
Well, besides being a little dangerous, it does things like RETURN TO
MASTER, GOTO (ugh), EXITing out of several loops, and I think you can
issue it from errorsys to jump over ssome code like a print routine when
the user can't (or doesn't want to) fix the printer.
Msg#7928 To:RICHARD HORWITZ (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)BEGIN SEQUENCE Parent Msg#7926
think of begin sequence of a way of doing a goto without having the
'real' programmers scoul on you for using it. Particulary it is good for
simulating the RETURN TO MASTER command when you want something like an
error routine to return to the main menu on errors, however I prefer to
avoid errors in the first place....
Msg#7929 To:ALL
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/02/89
Subject:WORDPERFECT 5.0 Parent Msg#7929
Since I have not seen the definitive answer to the WordPerfect 5.0
Secondary Merge file format, I thought I'd share it with you. After
updating my Mail-Merge File Manager which now supports 10 types
of file types, I have discovered the following attributes of
WordPerfect 5.0.
It does not use the exact same format as 4.x, although they appeared
to be similar at first glance. WordPerfect 5.0 also introduces
another merge file format which they call a database file {chuckle}.
The database file is created in WordPerfect 5.0 and it uses tabs
to seperate each field, and a newline to seperate each record. The
'database' can then be sorted, and IF OR AND operations can be
performed on it. Once it is sorted it is converted into a secondary
file for merging. This made it a little easier for novices to
create secondary files. The format for this type of database is:
<field1> chr(9) <field2> chr(9) <field3> chr(9) chr(13)+chr(10)
<field1> chr(9) <field2> chr(9) <field3> chr(9) chr(13)+chr(10)
<field1> chr(9) <field2> chr(9) <field3> chr(9) chr(13)+chr(10)
<field1> chr(9) <field2> chr(9) <field3> chr(9) chr(13)+chr(10)
Where each line is a record that ends in a hard carriage return. The
text of each field can contain spaces, but they must be seperated
by tabs (chr(9)). tab stops must be set so that proper formatting
of the fields take place if they want it to look good on screen -
(meaning all the tabs line up).
The secondary file is different in a tiny, but annoying way. the
layout of a secondary merge file is as follows, where each block
represents a record.
<field1> chr(18)+chr(13)+chr(10)+;
<field2> chr(18)+chr(13)+chr(10)+;
<field3> chr(18)+chr(13)+chr(10)+;
<field4> chr(18)+chr(13)+chr(10)+;
<lastfield> chr(5)+chr(12)
<field1> chr(18)+chr(13)+chr(10)+;
<field2> chr(18)+chr(13)+chr(10)+;
<field3> chr(18)+chr(13)+chr(10)+;
<field4> chr(18)+chr(13)+chr(10)+;
<lastfield> chr(5)+chr(12)
The difference is that each record now ends in a chr(5) PLUS a hard
page break character (chr(12)), and without a newline character. That
is the only difference between 4.x and 5.x that I can see.
Hope all of you who have been looking for this can make use of it.
Yours Truly,
Dirk Lesko
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)MLCOUNT Parent Msg#7781
yeah, I've scanned that article ("The Power of the Memo Field"), and want
to play with it some ... it would help in a project I shelved some time
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
While _in_ WP, it looks like each ^R and ^E is followed by a CRLF pair (I
honestly haven't looked at the hex representation, so can't tell if WP is
just interpreting ^R or ^E so mere humans can read records nicely). On
the other hand, I've gone back and removed the CRLF between an ultimate
^R and its ^E (so the line segment looked like: ^R^E) and had no
Offhand, I'd have to say that you want to put a CRLF between each ^R or
^E and the _following_ data; if you were to put CRLF, CR, or LF _before_
the ^R, for example, it would show up in your merge product (not usually
a pretty sight, except if you're merging multi-line items - like the
return address at the top of a business letter).
From:TIM CREAGH Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)ERROR 10 Parent Msg#7807
Andrew, thank you for responding to my Error 10. I was beginning to
think no one knew what it was. I am using the Sequence command and it is
very possible that I over looked a LOOP inside one. I'll go in tonight
and check.
Thanks again, that'll sure save alot of agravation.
Msg#7933 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
If you're going to be moving the cursor around on the page in a laser
printer, you're much better off writing some UDF's which include the PCL
code for moving the cursor, and then printing them with SET PRINT ON and
?? instead of @SAYs. That way, you don't increment any line counters that
Clipper may be keeping.
I just finished a project which depended on controlling a laserjet, and
found Clipper and PCL (plus a few font files) to be more than adequate.
This was one of those satisfying projects: the State of New Jersey is
going to take my printer output and publish it untouched.
Msg#7934 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/02/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
by the way, what do you need to do on the laser printer, and *what brand*
is it? (e.g., I've been working with HP LaserJets mostly, but have
noodled around with Kyoceras, and the same principles should apply,
though the printer control codes are very different).
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
Thanks. Yes, EMS is functionally equivalent to EEMS as of 4.0, but isn't
it more efficient to have that support via hardware (EEMS) than software
(EMS). Many of the cards out there now are EMS, and those that are now
4.0 compatible do it via new software (mainly the EEMS cards) or people
like Intel, etc. the industry leaders. Although with their prices it'll
be quite a while until I get one of those.
I know AST supports 4.0, but I believe it's through a new driver, no
hardware mods. I'm not sure who has a 4.0 hardware supported card.
STB is a semi-reliable name. Besides, I'm not too concerned with them
being around in 4 years, if the card is up to snuff, there should be no
problems, and I plan on getting a newer machine in much less than 4
I just found out the AST problem (I think): with certain 4.x drivers, and
communications under DV, because of the switching done by the EMS driver
with background communications (generally high speed) the machine can
potentially lock up. I believe it's an exponential curve up, the higher
the baud rate.
If I can get enough solid information regarding the AST 6PakPremium, and
the price is right, I'll get it. The stumbling block is finding a good
price for one with RAM, and verifying that it is 4.0 compatible. I'm
still suspicious that they discontinued it, since it was reasonably
popular among EMS 808x users, and their Rampage/2 is double the price for
the same amount of RAM, but minus the clock, serial and parallel ports.
The IBM marketing apporach: Offer less for more...
Msg#7937 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)WORDPERFECT 5.0 Parent Msg#7929
When you say the sec. format is "...different in a tiny, but annoying
way." I presume you mean the 5.0 sec. format is different from the 4.x
format. Correct?
Thanks for all the info, now I can finally finish this program...
Msg#7938 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE Parent Msg#7792
OK, that's what I thought, but I wanted to make sure. Thanks a lot.
Between you and Dirk I have enough info to finish up a program I'm
working on <groan>. Gnite...
Msg#7941 To:ALL
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/03/89
Subject:PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
I have been linking some HUGE applications lately, all of which include
the libraries CLIPPER, EXTEND, OVERLAY, FUNCky, and one of my own.
I have had a consistent problem with the applications hanging or doing
really bizarre things with the screen and with memory. This only happens
when I link the overlayed applications, and do not put the line "OVERLAY
PROG,$CONSTANTS" in my LNK file.
Now, from what I understand, the correct way to say this for S87 is
And if I leave the line out completely, no luck either!
The reported load size, with the "OVERLAY CODE,$CONSTANTS" is about 30K
SMALLER than the load size with the "PROG" version, but it simply will
not run without completely hanging. Does anyone have a clue as to what
is going on here?
I've been doing nested overlays for a couple years, since the Autumn '86
version, with no problem. Everything is running on IBM PS/2 Model 60,
very standard hardware all around, no Rampage!.
Msg#7942 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MINTER Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Instead of having OVERLAY CODE,$CONSTANTS in your link file, just use
Msg#7943 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)BEGIN SEQUENCE Parent Msg#7926
I use begin sequence often in report routines. It allows me to quickly
bop out in the middle of a report without resorting to extra conditionals
in the loops. Here's what I mean:
procedure old
private abort
abort = .f.
do while ! eof() .and. ! abort
do while nextkey() > 0 .and. ! abort
abort = inkey() = 27
if ! abort
* print stuff
procedure new
begin sequence
do while ! eof()
do while nextkey() > 0
if inkey() = 27
* print stuff
This becomes more useful the more nesting levels (do while) you have.
Msg#7944 To:ALL
From:CHRISTOPHER EDGAR Date:02/03/89
Subject:RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
I would like some ideas on how to address a design issue for an
application that will be used to study Foriegn languages. .DBF files
wil hold nouns and verbs, each record will contain a verb, for example,
along with each of its' respective gender and plural tenses.
What I would like to have happen is to be able to have happen is to
"scroll" through the entire file (3000 records) in a random manner,
without repeating any of the records that have all ready come up. This
should happen like we used to study multiplication tables in a "flash
card" type of scenario.
I've played around with the Steve's RANDOMIZE() function to have a random
record be called up, but that doesn't allow for excluding repeats. Also,
because is tied into the clock, there seems to be a recognizable pattern
to the randomization.
Anyone have any Suggestions?
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)WORDPERFECT 5.0 Parent Msg#7929
Yes, annoying in ythe fact that they really don't tell you the changes
made, only the keystrokes needed to create one in WordPerfect. Also, they
changed the ^p^p convention to a ^s^s convention, and they didn't clarify
the changes....that's all.
Msg#7947 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Isn't the OVERLAY CODE,$CONSTANTS thing automatic? (as reported by SJS)
all that tells it is tpo put the CODE segment, and not the Data into the
overlay, so when you say OVERLAY PROG,$CONSTANTS you are probablt ending
up with more data in the overaly, hence the smaller load size. However,
the shared data may cause thrashing which will hang your app..
Msg#7948 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
thanks, can you expand on this . you are dealing with a first time
laser printer user. I can't go ahead and ask my company to buy a laser
printer until I'm sure that this will work. thanks again
Msg#7949 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
i will be working with HP's unless I find a cheaper alternative. Any
suggestions ?
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
Why not index on the key field, and open the file in two work areas.
every time you scroll to a new record in area one, seek the key in area
2, if the record found is before the one your on, you've already seen it,
so skip to the next record in area 1 and repeat....FUNCky's random()
function produces an absolutely random number...
Msg#7951 To:JOE BOOTH (Rcvd)
From:TERRY DILLARD Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER HELP Parent Msg#7839
Sorry about that. I use TLINK when I don't need overlays, PLINK86 when I
do. I just recently started using overlays, and haven't adjusted my
vocabulary yet! You're absolutely right!
Msg#7952 To:ALL
From:TERRY DILLARD Date:02/03/89
Subject:ATTABOY! Parent Msg#7952
To all those who helped since I last read my messages, but especially
to the guys I've already read, your solutions to the overlay problem
worked! I also just got my MAKE file on the right track, too, it looks
like. The only thing I can figure is that I had another .MAK file
(TRACK.MAK) in the same subdirectory. I wasn't referencing it, but when
I deleted it, things worked out fine. As promised, and especially to
Dirk Lesko, Joe Booth, David Morgan and David Minter, here it is, a
great big:
║ ╒═════╗ │║ │║ │║ ╒═════╗ │
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Msg#7954 To:ALL
From:WALT BORYS Date:02/03/89
Subject:NEW KID IN TOWN AGAIN Parent Msg#7954
garbled last message, lets try again- i'm new to this BBS, but pretty im-
pressed! quick questions, though probably been answered before, but bear
with me-
1- Any utilities to pack or compress DBT files after DBF record deletes?
could do it with F-func() or C udfs, but am afraid of network impli-
cations. is it worthwhile for me to reinvent more normal stuff, and
upload the code?
2- When using the StoreToMemVars-EDIT-REPLtoFile strategy for editing
records, what's the best strategy for networked access? does the
DBF have to be left open for RLOCK() to stay on? just entering the
wunnerful world of networks...
3- Any body see the article on BulletProofing Network Code (DBMS or DBA)?
Had the idea of 'Card-catalogue', where you 'sign-out' a record for
write access into a 'catalogue' file of recno's (after first making
sure its not already out.) other users go thru similar logic. any
comment from the cognesciente out there on pros and cons?
Thanx, WaltB
From:JOE BOOTH Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
Give me a call sometime at work (215) 953-1202 and I'll describe a
technique which will work. It's really quite simple, and work's fine.
Msg#7957 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:CHRISTOPHER EDGAR Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
Do you mean usFUNCky' random() function in the index expression? How
would I use random() in this case?
Msg#7958 To:WALT BORYS (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)NEW KID IN TOWN AGAIN Parent Msg#7954
To Pack the DBT, just copy to <file> for ! deleted() and the DBT file
will be packed for you....The best bet for locking records would be to
either load the fields into memvars, and then release the lock, and edit
the memvars, or, use semaphore locks to control the locking, and lock
type (critical, volatile,inuse) so that your app can decide what action
to take, rather than have rlock() decide for you, you may be able to have
the record marked in use while someone is looking at it, then if someone
edits it, you can flag the edit so the person looking at it can be
updated onthe spot....etc..
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7959
Try a distributed network where each hard disk can be accessed by any
other. There is no server/station relationship. Something like TOPS is
rather inexpensive, and no server technology is necessary, but you can
share data/programs...
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/03/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
you can use random() to choose a record number, just use the following
code to pick a record randomly:
use <DBF>
temp = random()
do while temp > lastrec()
temp = random()
goto temp
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/04/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#7644
I've used the HP DeskJet for about 9 months now. The thing is great, so
long as the paper doesn't get wet (HP folks are working on non-water-
soluable ink). It prints out at 75/150/300 dpi - no problems - can get
a full ream (full page text/graphics) out of a single $15 cartridge.
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/04/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
Try Funcky! Determine the seed....etc, etc!
Msg#7963 To:JOE BOOTH (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/04/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
ALT-E is definitely 274. I use it all the time for operator to invoke
edit mode.
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/04/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
You can definitely trap all thos ALT +alpha strokes. I do it all the
time. ALT-E is definitely 274. Whatever is wrong, it's not a limit on
the key value. I'll thread back and read your original message and see
if I can add anything more.
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/04/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Where are you trying to use this assignment? If inside DBEDIT, don't.
Instead of SETting the key, just check for LASTKEY()=274 inside your UDF
attached to your DBEDIT. Then do whatever you would do in your doedit
procedure -- right there inside the DBEDIT UDF (Or call DOEDIT from
If you are not in DBEDIT, then you should propbably let us see the DOEDIT
proc to see if we can spot the problem. I answered another message that
you could test for keys above 255, but maybe it's true that you cannot
SET a key jigher than 255. I guess I'll try it when I get off.
Msg#7966 To:WALT BORYS (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/04/89
Subject:(R)NEW KID IN TOWN AGAIN Parent Msg#7954
A lot really depends on the amount of access you expect to have for any
SPECIFIC record. Anotherwards, if you have a database in which it is
VERY likely that two operators will often be trying to access and change
the same record at aout the same time, then you should strongly consider
a locking scheme which will lock the record as soon as the first operator
grabs it. Then keep it locked until the first operator releases all use
of the record. The other operators still can read the record. They just
won't be able to change it until the first operator is finished.
On the other hand, if it is unlikely that more than one operator will be
trying to access the same record at the same time, then just lock it when
the memvars are being written back to the record.
Also realize that if a data change is keyed in and the changes will be
written out to 2 or 3 related files, by locking the record in the parent
file, and keeping it locked until all records in the related files are
updated, you never have to worry about locking the records in the child
files. A second operator accessing the same record will not be able to
get past the lock on the record in the parent file.
Msg#7971 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7959
Thanks. I will do & let you know.
Speak to you.
Msg#7972 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Sure Ron... I use it also know.. after I found that instead of
set key 274 to expedit
I was saying
set key -274 to expedit
Msg#7973 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
Yehhh... I was doing something wrong there Ron.
Instead of
set key 274 to expedit
I said
set key -274 to expedit
See it ? That "-" messed me up.
Thanks for your help anyhow.
Msg#7975 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/04/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
Ah. First off, what kind of print "tricks" are you looking to do, and do
you think you'll be trying for a HP LaserJet or another brand? (I know,
I'm repeating myself, but there's reason behind it.) If you're looking
at HP lasers, and you're going to be doing any programming for it, try to
convince your company to get the so-called Technical Manual for the durn
thing at the same time (I don't recall the part number offhand) -- it
contains more of the PCL code than the standard user's manual that comes
with the printer.
Generally, you'll find that these critters have a distinct language all
their own which you can easily use from within Clipper, and since they
are _page_ oriented printers, much more labile than your run-of-the-mill
line-oriented printer.
Again, as an example, if you want to design a form to be printed out on
each page (or not each) you can dump it to the printer's memory, then
tell the printer to either "switch it on" or "ignore it", so to speak.
Forms, lines, moving around on the page in varying increments,
pushing/popping cursor locations.... The list goes on. So, I return to
the original question -- What kinds of things do you anticipate needing
to do? Incidentally, if you feel like calling some other bbs's, there
are a few with emphases on lasers and dtp; Cooperworks (or whatever
they're calling themselves now) was at: 1-608-271-3685 the last time I
called (a few months ago), and there was another one here in NJ, the
FormFeed bbs, at: 1-201-869-1327 (again, it's been some time for me since
I last called there). You can generally get some straight poop from the
folks there (especially Cooperworks), and then come back here for the
real skinny on making it work in Clipper.
Msg#7976 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/04/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
I don't much like the machines with the Ricoh engine (too messy, and the
print doesn't fuse to the paper as well), and prefer the Canon engine
(like the HP), but that's just my opinion, and probably reflects the
lopsided experience I've had. One of our people has an AST laser (I
believe), and swears by it -- it takes a lot of paper in its tray(s?),
can do raster and vector graphics, postscript, and HP emulation. As I
mentioned, I've doodled with the Kyocera, but wasn't massively
impressed. Nonetheless, if the machine you wind up with has the features
you want, you'll probably be very satisfied (how's that for tautology?).
Oh yeah, don't ask me about real-world cost comparisons: I work for a
large institution and we get next-to-obscene discounts.
Msg#7978 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:FUNCKY Parent Msg#7978
Does Funcky has some functions that bypass the bugs with the memo fields
in Clipper ie strtran(), mlcount, etc. And does is has a function to
compress the DBt file that has been modified adn who has grown out of
Francois Desrosiers
Msg#7980 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/05/89
Subject:(R)EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
Oh no, you're thinking of Extended memory. The 808x can only access1MB of
memory, but the 286 on up can go beyond that 1MB limit. Memory beyond
640K and esp. 1MB is generally referred to as Extended.
On the other hand, Expanded memory is a whole other ballgame. Extended
memory can only be accessed from Protected mode, which is why 808x
machines don't have it: no protected mode. Expanded memory is done by
bank switching. It uses a 64K bank of memory (usually D000 - DFFF) to
swap data between the EMS card memory and the 'paged' RAM. EMS is
possible on a PC. Extended is not. The reason Excel PC requires a 286 or
better is due to several reasons: the raw computing power, and probably
when they wrote it, they decided it would need at least the power of a
286, so why not have it take advantage of the 286 instructions? Things
like Protected mode, 286 opcodes not available on the 8086, etc. Thus, no
PC for Excel PC.
AST and STB make EMS cards for the PC (and the AT of course.) There is
also a noname company that makes them, but beyond a price (believe it or
not, an EMS card for $95?!? Taiwan's a great country, no?) I didn't
pursue them. When the salesman said they don't have them in stock because
they were recalled due to a flaw in the design (aka major bug) I didn't
ask for more details...
Msg#7981 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/05/89
Subject:(R)EMS FOR THE PC Parent Msg#7753
BTW, regarding EMS and Extended memory:
When the 286 chip was designed, the addressing would hit F000:... and on
a 8086 if you try to address something beyond that (how much beyond it, I
do not remember), it would wrap around to 0000:0000, but the 286 chip
would keep on addressing. IBM builds the AT, but they need to work around
this "bug" in the 286 design so the AT performs like the PC. If address
line 20 I believe it is (or pin 20, or something like that, but it's #20)
is high, the addressing acts like a PC, wrapping around if need be. If
it's low, addressing beyond 1MB is possible. (Note: don't quote me on the
exact setting, I don't remember which way is high and which is low).
However, the only time this line/pin/etc. is set to allow > 1MB
addressing is in Protected mode. Thus was born Extended memory. Note: The
286 chip was built by Intel, and IBM put it in the motherboard and wired
this line 20 so operations would mimic the PC. This is not Intel's fault,
since they just built the chip, which was supposed to access > 1MB RAM.
Here's the good part. You know how Windows gets an extra 64K on 286/386
machines? Microsoft figured out how to access this memory addressing
normally wraps past and they designed what they call XMS - eXtended
Memory Specification I believe is the full name. When you want to access
this "extra" 64K, the machine jumps into Protected mode, does whatever,
and jumps back. Very ingenious, although I wonder how the guy who figured
it out stumbled across it. BTW, it's not really 64K, it's slightly less,
but for more exact details you can pick up the XMS specs from most
bulletin boards. I think it floats under the name HIMEM.ARC, a text file
of the specs.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/05/89
Subject:(R)FUNCKY Parent Msg#7978
Not yet, although it has been a frequent request to do so. So maybe you
will here of something like that soon. As far as packinig a DBT, you can
just use a copy to <file> for not deleted() to pack the DBT, and Steve
Straley has a utility written in Clipper that will pack the DBT as well,
you might want to ask him...
Msg#7983 To:RICHARD HORWITZ (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/05/89
Subject:(R)BEGIN SEQUENCE Parent Msg#7926
Begin sequence / End construct:
Suppose that you had a set of code that you wanted to break out of
quickly and neatly. Wouldn't it be nice to have a command that will get
you to the end of , and out of, the set of code in one statement without
anyother statements being evaluated? That is a purpose of Begin Sequence
/Break / Endsequence. Here is a quick example of what I mean.
* code fragment to show begin sequence
* code not tested and probably has bugs
begin sequence
A_Number = 1
begin sequence
do while .t.
? A_Number
if key = 27 && esc was pressed
A_number = A_Number + 1
* more code to follow'
As soon as the user presses the Esc key, program execution will jump to
the line after the END statement. This means that : the do while is
terminated, and that A_Number is not incremented after the Esc is sensed.
Does that help?
BeginSequence can also be nested.
<< Mark >>
Msg#7986 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:02/05/89
Subject:(R)USING EXPANDED MEM Parent Msg#7616
Where can I find it???? Is it on disk here???
Msg#7987 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:02/05/89
Subject:(R)GENERAL Parent Msg#7651
I downloaded it and will take a look at it.
I'll let you know what I think.
Msg#7988 To:RON HOCKEMEIER (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:02/05/89
Subject:(R)DISK FORMATTING Parent Msg#7708
Thanks ron,
I'll take a look at it.
Msg#7990 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:RICHARD HORWITZ Date:02/05/89
Subject:BEGIN SEQUENCE Parent Msg#7990
So it's just a quick way to jump to the end of a piece of code. Thanx.
Msg#7991 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
My problem occurs when I DON'T use OVERLAY PROG,$CONSTANTS!
If I omit the line entirely, or if I use OVERLAY CODE,$CONSTANTS, either
way will hang my application. I have NO Autumn '86 code in any of my
OBJs or LIBs.
Granted, the use of OVERLAY CODE,$CONSTANTS produces a smaller load
module (by about 30K), but it hangs, while the other runs perfectly.
Remember the error I was getting a month ago ... the message "graoup
DGROUP is too big"? That was on another S'87 application with overlays,
and the message persisted until I used "OVERLAY PROG,$CONSTANTS".
This is nuts; I think there is some serious bug un the PLINKer.
Msg#7993 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/06/89
Sorry, Dirk, I didn't intend that message to be private, so here it is
for everyone:
I'm uploading packmemo.arc, a very clean memo packer which I found on a
BBS (if it isn't here already). Uses file I/O from EXTEND.LIB, and it
seems to be very clean.
Try it, you'll like it!
PS - It's callable from your programs because it's a PRG.
Msg#7994 To:TERRY DILLARD (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MINTER Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)ATTABOY! Parent Msg#7952
Shucks, thanx!
Msg#7995 To:DAVID MINTER (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Here is a detailed description of what happens:
OVERLAY PROG,$CONSTANTS No problem, 289K load size.
OVERLAY CODE or Load size 267K, but ...
OVERLAY CODE,$CONSTANTS Freezes as the application is loading.
<NO "OVERLAY" statement> 289K load size, loads Ok and runs for
a while, then develops wierd memory
and drawing random junk on the screen,
then hangs.
Msg#7996 To:ALL
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/06/89
Yes, PACKMEMO.ARC is already on this board.
I have had great success with it. It returns 12 different error codes to
indicate the success of the operation (or failure, of course!).
PACKMEMO not only helps you understand how DBT files are built, but is
also a very good example of how to use the low level file I/O routines in
I'm not getting paid for this ad, in case you wondered. PACKMEMO is
PUBLIC DOMAIN, not shareware.
Msg#7997 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Have you tried a call to Nantucket on this? (not that I think that they
will know what the problem is...) I have seen NUMEROUS complaints about
linking with overlays, and not all are related to add in libraries,
although some are (IDL for one...) you really have to work to make the
overlay scheme work....You need to know not only what your own code
calls, you also need to know what the UDFs you use call as well. All you
need is one piece of code to end up in a different overlay and you can
run into problems...unfortunately nowhere is there to be found the
DEFINATIVE GUIDE TO OVERLAYS (Hint Steve)....I myself avoid them like the
Msg#7999 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Am I missing something or isn't the S87 overlay statement supposed to be
Msg#8001 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
Assuming you can't pass a max value to random(), wouldn't the following
be quicker / more elegant:
use <DBF>
goto random() % lastrec() + 1
Msg#8002 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:JOE BOOTH Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)SET KEYS Parent Msg#7845
I know it is, I was just wondering if something was funny with the BIOS
or the keyboard.....
Msg#8003 To:ROB HANNAH (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
Maybe, but the mod of the lastrec() is always going to be a smaller
number than usual..
Msg#8004 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
thanks for the info Cliff, will try out these boards. I have been trying
to automate a few office forms, one of which has 80 lines on each page
and has the most number of irregular line spacings I have ever seen. It
also has several columns and little boxes that are not spaced evenly of
course ! Working with a dot matrix printer certainly doesn't make my life
easier. I would like to (eventually) generate the form as it is being
filled out. Possible ? thanks again for your input.
Msg#8005 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
Cliff, I didn't know AST had laser printers. Thats something to look
into. Thanks again.
Msg#8006 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Steve. I've been using the construct "Overlay Code" since the inception
of S87 without a problem...... just thought you should know
Rob Heyman
Msg#8008 To:MENACHEM BAZIAN (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)USING EXPANDED MEM Parent Msg#7616
Sorry Menachem, headroom is a commercial product. Just reviewed in PC
Magazine this issue.
<< Mark >>
Msg#8009 To:RICHARD HORWITZ (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/06/89
Subject:(R)BEGIN SEQUENCE Parent Msg#7990
Yes Begin sequence/break/end will just jump to the endo f a piece of code
that is in a single loop. But if you have multiple loops, and multiple
begin sequences, you have more control and power. Still no great deal,
but it is nice to be able to write it in 3 lines of code instead of what
it would take normally.
<< Mark >>
Msg#8010 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/07/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
If lastrec() is 2000, any number % lastrec() will be between 0 and 1999.
Adding 1 gives a number in the correct range.
Msg#8012 To:ROB HANNAH (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/07/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
Msg#8015 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/07/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
On further thought, what is the max value that random() can give. I
think that what you mean by skewing the results to the lower numbers
somewhat is that if you have a database with 55k records and random()
gives 0 - 64k-1 that that will happen.
Sorry about the misunderstanding...
Msg#8017 To:ROB HANNAH (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/07/89
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
that's right, If I remember correctly, the max value random() will return
is 65535.
Subject:(R)RANDOM RECORDS Parent Msg#7944
I told you....
In fact I personally think is THE GREATEST !
Msg#8019 To:ALL
From:GEFF PURCELL Date:02/07/89
We are experiencing a very frustrating problem with record
corruption in a database application. The systems are being run on IBM
PS/2 Model 50z's. The problem is this:
Randomly, fields are being replaced in an existing record.
This problem may effect just one record or at times several
records in a row (in record number order not index order).
The problem does not show up until a rebuild of the index is
When we rebuild we use INDEX on <key> TO <filename> we do NOT use
the reindex statemen.
This problem did not show up for several months
We have set the E in the SET CLIPPER statment to E000 to make
no expanded memory is being used.
Whem a field gets replaced is contains information from another
record. The information is good info but it is in the wrong
It has happened to records even though apparently the user had
edited either record recently.
The application is fairly large. It did have overlays, but we
have elimanted them in hopes that that would clear up the problem
but it has not.
The database in question has approx 500 to 1000 records depending
on the user.
The data base also has 6 indexes. It used to have 7.
We are using IBM DOS 3.3
There are no TSRs in memory and the config.sys contains the
FILES = 31
We tried eleminating the DASDDRVR.SYS but this did not seem to
help so we put it back in as this is a fix to DOS 3.3 for the FORMAT
command (will allow you to format multiple disk in a row with out bombing
Any help would be grealy appreciated
as this problem has been a pain in the
A** for about 3 months now. And all of
the users are women who can COMPLAIN
Geff Purcell and Bill Roundcount
Sigma Chemical - St Louis
Msg#8020 To:DAVE LOBEL
Hello Dave ! See you on the other nod. How are you. Havn't see you on the
board for quite a while. You've been away ?
Msg#8022 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:02/07/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
If you haven't already done so, you might want to get a copy of the new
snap and run it. The headers will list calling and called routines. This
proved very helpful in nailing down just what is calling what. It will
also echo the headings to seperate file if you want. The cross reference
table is just as helpful in this matter. Next to each function or proc
name it list what file it's from and below that it lists all references
to that name, giving the file and line number.
Msg#8023 To:ALL
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/07/89
Come and get it while it's hot. Free Disk Space 1.5 is hot off the
presses. New features: Requires only 15K of memory to run, network
compatible, DOS environment variable for easily modified default options
(if you don't want to recompile. Yep, full Turbo C 2.0 source is
included). Look for FREE15.ARC in a download section near you.
Msg#8025 To:GEFF PURCELL (Rcvd)
From:RICHARD HORWITZ Date:02/07/89
I had a problem with the 50 a few months ago using dbedit. SOMETIMES it
would bomb on return from the UDF, and others not. I had the exact same
config.sys and autoexec.bat on it that I had onmy 80, and the 80 NEVER
had a problem (with CLIPPER anyway!). Same program and everything, never
did find the cause.....maybe IBM did something screwy with the 50?
Msg#8026 To:GEFF PURCELL (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)RECORD CORRUPTION PROB Parent Msg#8019
What is the index key you use that blows the app? Does it happen on any
index statement? And have you tried a stand-alone 3 or 4 line index
program to see if it works?
Msg#8027 To:ROB HANNAH (Rcvd)
From:GEFF PURCELL Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)RECORD CORRUPTION PROB Parent Msg#8019
The index key was something like this: UPPER(VAR) + UPPER(VAR2) +
UPPER(VAR3) (I know this could be simplified) but anyway we may have
found the prolem this morning. When I checked his Libs he was using the
orginal S87 (with no time) Libs so we put the new Libs in his dir and
have recompiled the application. The problem was so random that we could
not get it to appear here on a 50z or on our 80s. So we are just goint to
send out the app to the users and see what happens now with the new lib
Thanks for the suggestions, Geff Purcell
Msg#8028 To:GEFF PURCELL (Rcvd)
From:JOE BOOTH Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)RECORD CORRUPTION PROB Parent Msg#8019
Is this a multi-user system, or single user ?
Msg#8029 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MINTER Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
From what I've allways been using, OVERLAY CODE, it has always worked
for me. The only thing I can think of is that you are having a thrashing
problem somewhere. I noticed that you use funcky. One of the problems
that I found (Sorry Dirk) was trying to use ondo() in a lower level
overlay to call something in a higher level overlay, and ondo() was
declared EXTERNAL in the top level. Took me 2 days to figure it out.
Could something like this be happening to you?
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:02/08/89
Subject:WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#8030
Not attempting to beat a workhorse printer to death...
The dmp I use is a Toshiba P321SL. It's fame-to-claim is that all
parameter changes (emulation, speed, etc.) is done via front panel
operations using a touch pad and an LCD window...it's not as advanced as
a DeskJet, but it's an easy to live with dmp...and unlike its
predecessor, it has an IBM proprinter emulation built-in.
andrew g.
Msg#8031 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
If you do find a cheaper alternative, be reassured from an independent
source that the printer is reliable. I've dealt a small bit with HP
"compatibible" printers...I prefer the real-thing. Besides, who has yet
cloned the IID <grin> ?
andrew g.
Msg#8032 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
The HP Technical Manual for the LaserJet II is Manual Part No.
One other advantage to the II, my company recently bought a Label CAD
system for the LaserJet II. The hardware part of it looks like a font
cartridge, tastes like it, and smells like it. But it ain't! When the
cartridge is plugged-in and the printer turned on, it takes over control
of the 68000 and from there on out all the messages that appear in the
LCD window and the performance of the indicator lights are specific to
the CAD package. (The CAD package is used for barcode labels, but not
just the ordinary ones. The packages makes EAN, A/2, E/2, CodaBar, etc.)
andrew g.
Msg#8033 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:02/08/89
Subject:MSG 8032
Please seem message 8032. I meant to route it to you.
andrew g.
Msg#8034 To:GEFF PURCELL (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)RECORD CORRUPTION PROB Parent Msg#8019
Wouldn't upper(var1+var2+var3) be a little faster?
Msg#8035 To:DAVID MINTER (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Hi dave, don;t worry about being sorry, ondo() calls the function via
Clipper's macro parser so the linker never knows what function it is
supposed to link and where or why...An explicit EXTERNAL call must be
declared to make sure that it gets put into the right module....Same goes
for execute() and timeout().....Also, the high level mouse fucntions call
lots of lower level functions that must be taken into account....
Msg#8036 To:ALL
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:02/08/89
Subject:NEW (OLD) FILES Parent Msg#8036
Isn't it just *&/*%!@ wonderful when you download some nice new file,
unarc it and find it's some old thing re-arced because someone felt
obligated to upload something. The file I refer to is called CLIP_BRO.ARC
and contains a routine dated july 1986. Waste my time why don't you!
Msg#8037 To:NOEL MANZANILLA (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
Of the irregular line spacings and columns and boxes which are not spaced
evenly, are there any which depend for their spacing on the data to be
printed? Put a bit differently, are these irregularly spaced items
_always_ at the same place on the sheet? If so, then a template would
seem to be a good answer to your dilemma, and a laser will do that (at
least HP's will, and I assume most if not all others will -- they'd be
dumb to leave something like that out). You can even pretty up your
forms with variable-width lines, a variety of gray shading, and as many
dingbats and bells and whistles as your fontware (how's that for a
neologism?) will allow. What you would wind up doing in that case, is:
1) design your form, and code the template. It gets downloaded to the
printer once per session (don't turn the power off!), and turned on or
off as you need it -- this takes up printer memory, so get enough!
2) using your design (see #1), write the code to take your data and stuff
it into the empty spaces on the page. Just because the form goes to 80
lines doesn't mean the page will be ejected (at least, not if you've set
the logical length of the page to allow for this - you'll need to delve
into VMI - vertical motion indices, and suchnot). It sounds like you've
got some interesting exploration to look forward to.
Msg#8038 To:ANDREW GROSS (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
(re: Label CAD cart) Nifty!
Do you know if there are any other products that take over the LJII like
that? There's got to be some potential there for a variety of
applications (e.g., vector graphics in firmware, rather than software, so
it won't take up valuable memory, etc.)
Msg#8039 To:STEVE DAVIES (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/08/89
Subject:(R)NEW (OLD) FILES Parent Msg#8036
Yeah, isn't that the file that is good for A86 only?
<< Mark >>
Msg#8040 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/08/89
Subject:SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
I've been trying to get SWITCH to work with my application.
I haven't had much luck. Every time I get to the SWITCH! function I get
SWITCH! banner across the top of the screen then it locks up with a
cursor in the upper left corner.
The following is my make file:
Main.obj : main.prg
clipper main -m
genproc.obj : genproc.prg
clipper genproc -m
CONOPS.EXE : main.obj genproc.obj
The following is the M.LNK file
OUTPUT conops
FI MAIN - the main shell
FI E:\OBJ\SWITCH87 - Switch! module
FI GENPROC - All functions & procedures
FI E:\OBJ\EXXTEND - used by DMS' error routines
FI E:\OBJ\PRT_SCRN - Print screen routine
I've also tried my luck with Borland's TLINK, but again no luck.
tlink @flist,conops,, $(lib1) $(lib2) $(lib3)
The procedure I'm using is as follows:
Procedure UPDT
1 if !cur_month
3 * Check and see if PC-DATA exist -
4 * If so rename it to PC-DATA.BAK
5 ********************************
6 if isfile("PC-DATA.TXT")
7 rename PC-DATA to PC-DATA.BAK
8 endif
10 * Switch out of program to ZCOMM and download data
11 **************************************************
12 switch87("ZCOMM")
13 if !isfile("PC-DATA")
14 print(23,1,"ERROR! Data file not created! Press return to
15 set console off
16 wait
17 set console on
19 else
20 rename PC-DATA to PC-DATA.TXT
21 endif
23 t_dbf = substr(cmonth(date()),1,3) +
24 t_ntx = t_dbf
25 t_loc = substr(t_dbf,1,3) + "LOC" + substr(t_dbf,4,2)
26 t_prj = substr(t_dbf,1,3) + "PRJ" + substr(t_dbf,4,2)
27 use &M_dbf
28 copy structure to &t_dbf
29 use &t_dbf
30 append from PC-DATA.TXT SDF
31 do sel_dbf
32 use &M_dbf
33 do ntx_test
34 do array_set
35 END
36 endif
37 return
The procedure makes it to line 12 and I get the SWITCH! message then it
up with a blinking underline cursor in the upper lefthand corner of the
The demo programs work fine, but mine just hang. Sure hope you can point
me in
the right direction 'cause I'm lost.
Thanks, John Newton
Msg#8042 To:ANDREW GROSS (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#8030
How fast and how many copies ?
Msg#8045 To:STEVE DAVIES (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)NEW (OLD) FILES Parent Msg#8036
Yeah, that's a problem...I have done that several times myself, and on
some BIG files....
Msg#8046 To:JOHN NEWTON (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
Ask him what public symbols switch may be trying to read...maybe FUNCky
has one that satisfies it and causes a conflict????
Msg#8048 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
As I gather from previous messages, there didn't seem to be any, but
leave it to me to find such.
I did notice in the doc file that when he complied, he had the programs
backwards, or so it seemed to me. I probably need some lessons in the
fine art of compiling anyway.
Msg#8049 To:GEFF PURCELL (Rcvd)
From:RON HOCKEMEIER Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)RECORD CORRUPTION PROB Parent Msg#8019
I've had corruption problems due to power supplies and static.
The problem closest to your's occured when the computer was inadvertently)
(inadvertently) on the same power circuit as a photocopy machine: random
field corruption (which coincided to writing to disc at the same moment a
photocopier was used). I put a VOM on the circuit and found the voltage
dropping as low as 80VAC.
We've also lost files--and had corruption--due to static. (You could stand
6" from the computer and feel the "static arc." We couldn't fix it;
fortunately we moved.
Unfortunately, the new location had at least one bad power outlet.
We lost about 10% of the FATs on floppies...
We solved that by installing an on-line, uninterruptible power supply.
Hope this helps.
Msg#8051 To:ALL
From:HARRY GILBERT Date:02/09/89
Subject:ARRAYS Parent Msg#8051
Help! I'm having problems getting ACHOICE() to work with arrays
containing numeric data. An example follows:
DECLARE names[FCOUNT()],type[FCOUNT()],size[FCOUN()]
pick = ACHOICE(10,10,20,20,names,.T.)
pick = ACHOICE(10,10,20,20,type,.T.)
pick = ACHOICE(10,10,20,20,size,.T.)
I can view the character array elements in "names" and "type", but the
pick-list for "size" is blank. But if I do:
? size[x]
the field lengths are there!
Also, if I AFILL(array,0), an array should be filled with the number 0,
but again, an ACHOICE on the array comes up blank. What'm I doing wrong.
If ACHOICE won't work on numeric data, I'm in real trouble. I've tried
both TLINK and PLINK86 thinking it's related to "floating point" numbers,
to no avail.
Msg#8052 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:GEFF PURCELL Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)RECORD CORRUPTION PROB Parent Msg#8019
Yes it would, but I did not build this system and the Guy who did must
not realize that. I told him once or twice. (oh well some people are
just slow to learn).
Msg#8053 To:RON HOCKEMEIER (Rcvd)
From:GEFF PURCELL Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)RECORD CORRUPTION PROB Parent Msg#8019
We think we found the problem now... the guy who wrote the system had the
old Sum 87 libs so we gave him copies of the new libs and everything
seems to be working know. You idea would have been good to check but the
22 users are all in dif states.
Thanks for the idea though - Geff
Msg#8054 To:ANDREW GROSS (Rcvd)
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
thanks, saw the message
Msg#8055 To:ALAN TOMPKINS (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:02/09/89
Are you trying to reindex from two stations at once?
Msg#8056 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)USING EXPANDED MEM Parent Msg#7616
Okie dokie. I will look at it and lket you know.
Thanks a mil.
Msg#8057 To:HARRY GILBERT (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)ARRAYS Parent Msg#8051
Harry, achoice() only works on strings....sorry to give you the bad
news....Why not create an array that fills up with str() of the numbers?
Msg#8058 To:HARRY GILBERT (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)ARRAYS Parent Msg#8051
Can't convert the numbers to strings just for the achoice?
<< Mark >>
Msg#8059 To:STEVE DAVIES (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)NEW (OLD) FILES Parent Msg#8036
here here !
Msg#8060 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
Cliff....HP templates..... I've known about the existance of such a
thing...but have never been able to find out precisely HOW to download a
template (such as a form) to the laser. Can you be more specific as to
how that is done... and how particularly it might be accomplished from
within clipper.
Rob Heyma
Msg#8061 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HARRY GILBERT Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)ARRAYS Parent Msg#8051
I was hoping to use the arrays in a package that analyzed surveys, and
processed the database, summing the responses for a report. Oh, well. How
come there's no mention of achoice being limited to strings in Clipper's
docs? Maybe they should get you to write their next docs. At least we'd
KNOW what's going on. Thanks.
Msg#8062 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:HARRY GILBERT Date:02/09/89
Subject:(R)ARRAYS Parent Msg#8051
I guess I'll have to, but the goal was to peek into some survey data,
weed out "flyers" and go on with processing. Having parallel arrays of
numeric and string data would eat up too much RAM.
Msg#8064 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:STEVE DAHLIN Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)NOVELL 2.0A LIMIT Parent Msg#7759
Thanks all for the help. Using the patch I can now access more than the
40 file limit.
Msg#8067 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Guess I'll try Nantucket.
But if nobody on this board has the answer, I haven't much hope for
getting one from them!!!!!
Msg#8068 To:ROB HANNAH (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
You're right, Rob.
The point is, none of the "formats" work, except OVERLAY PROG,$CONSTANTS.
That's the wierd part. I cannot leave the line out entirely, either, or
the application hangs.
Msg#8069 To:DAVID MINTER (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Thanks, Dave.
However, I do not use ondo() at all in the application.
Msg#8072 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
I guess that's a compliment for the board....
Msg#8073 To:ALL
From:DAVID MINTER Date:02/10/89
Subject:CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERENCE Parent Msg#8073
It's official! 1989 Nantucket Clipper Developers Conference
Sponsor: Nantucket Corporation
When: June 11-14, 1989
Where: Los Angeles, California, at the Airport Marriot
How many: Attendance limited to 750
Registration &
inquiry: 1-800-848-CLIP (1-800-848-2547) Monday - Friday
Cost: $595 per person before May 11, 1989
$695 per person after May 11, 1989
The 1989 Clipper Developers Conference will be an opportunity for
Clipper Developers, programmers and users from around the world to
gather together to exchange ideas, learn about emerging directions
for Clipper, participate in discussions about future directions, gain
advanced insight into Clipper, attend numerous technical information
sessions, visit the only Clipper-specific trade show in the world,
and enjoy fine food, drink, and conversation. The conference
provides a unique opportunity to meet key Nantucket employees, third
party add-on developers, and other interested Clipper users from
diverse backgrounds.
Last year's Clipper Developer Conference was a tremendous success
-- this year's will be even better. Call today to receive more
information and registration materials. Last year's conference
sold out.
Stay tuned for future bulletin updates (scheduled speakers, seminars,
Msg#8076 To:JOHN NEWTON (Rcvd)
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
I was standing by Ken when he answered, but just wanted to make sure
you knew I was answering. The older one had a problem in the interface
between Clipper and the actual Switch! assembly function it was weird, it
didn't show up in the applications I use Switch! in, but someone sent me
some code that demonstated the problem and was what enabled me to fix it.
The fixed one is in SWITCH22.ARC in dir 99.
Msg#8078 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Yes, it was intended to be.
Msg#8079 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JON MELTZER Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Isn't someone from Nantucket on this board?
Msg#8080 To:ALL
From:JON MELTZER Date:02/10/89
Subject:RTLINK Parent Msg#8080
If anyone here has used the RTLink linker from Pocket Soft (advertised
on page 85 of the February 1989 "Data Based Advisor"), I would like to
hear your evaluation of the product. Thank you.
Msg#8081 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
Bob, let me work up a simple sample over the weekend (gawd! my wife's
gonna love that!), and I'll ul it later.
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)ARRAYS Parent Msg#8051
Yes, I see that parallel arrays would eat ram, but couldn't you convert
them to string on the way into the array?
<< Mark >>
Msg#8083 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/10/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Supposedly.....They check in from time to time..
Msg#8084 To:JOHN NEWTON (Rcvd)
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:02/11/89
Subject:SWITCH! Parent Msg#8084
Just wanted to let you know that I'm sending a new one tonight. If you
already grabbed version 2.2 somewhere then the problem you were having
would be fixed. If you have 2.2 there's no need to get 2.3 because the
main changes I made in 2.3 are in the documentation. The docs for 2.3
fixed the backwards param passing you mentioned to Dirk (in the ASM
example where the offset was pushed before the segment). In addition the
new docs show the proper way to interface Switch! from BASIC. The only
functional change to the function from 2.2 to 2.3 is that beginning 2.3
the temp file is no longer created as a hidden system file, instead it is
simply a read-only file. Thanks for mentioning the part about the
example being in error - that led to the corrected example in the
Msg#8085 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Dirk, don't ask me about my experience with Nantucket Tech Support or...
let's not speak about..AT. Most of their techs don't know too much...and
besides you have to wait a lot on hold to find out that in 99% of cases
you know more than they know(of course I don't include here the heavy
weight who actually wrote CLipper...But who can ever speak to them except
Msg#8086 To:KEN CAMP (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
Ken, let me jump in for myself and ask you a question. Does Curtis work
for you or you work for him. Just wanted to know...
Msg#8087 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Jon, about a month ago a lady came on this board(I would say pretty
strong) and told everyone that she will log in every week...I didn't see
any messages(at least public) since then...
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/11/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
The board was probably more active than she could handle.....Dave Morgan
checks in on a regular basis, but it is usually every 2-3 weeks so he
must have a handful when he logs on...
Msg#8089 To:ALL
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/11/89
Subject:DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8089
As moderator, I do like to bring to everyones attention items of
interest. This text is contained in the file pc_week.arc and it
asks us to respond. I am willing to pass along this thread to the
persons mentioned at the end of this letter if you are all willing to
participate openly in this forum. I believe that this is a rather
interesting topic that should generate a lot of response and debate.
So, Read the letter, and the challenge, and at the end of the message I
will propose a few questions that you may respond too.
Dear Clipper User:
Clipper was not included in the recent PC Week Poll of Corporate
Satisfaction for programmable and relational DBMS systems (Volume
6, Number 2 January 16, 1989) or in their Buyer's Guide for
Database Management Systems (Volume 6, Number 4 January 30,
1989). When Nantucket's public relations agency contacted John
Helliwell, Executive Editor at PC Week and asked why Clipper was
not included, he replied with the attached letter which says Clipper
is "a wonderful AUXILLIARY product to a database management
system, but is not itself a DBMS." He is correct in supposing that we
are going to dispute his conclusion.
We would like you to participate in the test he proposes. He asks to
be put in touch with Clipper users who DO NOT use it in conjunction
with dBASE or another full-fledged DBMS.
If you are using Clipper as a programmable DBMS to develop
relational database applications, please send a description of how you
use Clipper and the types of applications you create to:
John Helliwell
Executive Editor
PC Week
800 Boylston St.
Boston, MA 02199
Please include your phone number if you are willing to be contacted
by the magazine. He might also be interested in the Clipper add-on
products you use as part of your development environment.
If you respond by mail, MCI or FAX, please send a copy of your
response to:
Judy Mason
Product Marketing Manager
Nantucket Corporation
12555 West Jefferson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90066
OK, here are the questions:
1) First off, to define whether Clipper is a DBMS, we need to clarify
precisely the definition of what is a DBMS, and what does it do?
2) If Clipper is not a DBMS, and it is based mostly on the dBASE
language, than what makes dBASE a DBMS, and Clipper not?
3) Can the programs we create with Clipper be called a DBMS?, Can the
programs created with dBASE be called a DBMS? - If the answer is
yes to both, then wouldn't that make Clipper a DBMS?
4) Now the hard one....Does a language constitute a DBMS, or do you
first have to write a program in that language that let's you
manipulate the data without programming before it can be called
I myself do not see a clear definition as to what makes a DBMS and what
does not. Lets see what we come up with here - dLESKO....
Good Luck....And I hope to see many responses.....
Msg#8090 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/11/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
Thanks Cliff
Msg#8091 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
I didn't know that he is with Nantucket...Anyhow I think I remember him
very vaguely...But like Steve(Badaracco said) if we don't solve the
problems here... is less likely we will have them solved by Nantucket.
They have their own...
Msg#8092 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8089
I think that regardless if Clipper is a DBMS or not(and that for sure
can't be decided by one Publication or by one person(including John
Helliwell who, as a matter of fact I don't know how much he knows about
Generally speaking, when we we say Clipper seems that we think at a...
compiler, because that's the way it started. Well, know since a lot of
people program in CLipper better that in... a DBMS can we say that it's a
DBMS also ? Probably yes... or probably not...
In spite of positive or negative answer I think neither we or Nantucket
can impose on a Publication like PC Week to include Clipper. PC Week I
think is a private business same like Nantucket and let them run it the
way they want. IF Clipper continues to grow and get most of the
market(even if it is not a BDMS) I bet that it will be in every issue of
PC Week...FREE.
Constantin Florescu
From:JON MELTZER Date:02/11/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
yeah, I noticed that ...
Msg#8095 To:WALT BORYS (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:02/12/89
Subject:(R)NEW KID IN TOWN AGAIN Parent Msg#7954
Walt, the first two points were/are handled in the ToolkiT and in the
newsletter. Also, there are some public domain stuff pertaining to the
first issue. Welcome aboard.
Msg#8096 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:02/12/89
Subject:(R)RTLINK Parent Msg#8080
I think in the next to last issue of DOSS there was a review of RTLink.
I don't have it around my desk at the moment, but if anyone out there has
it handy, they can repeat what I said eactly. I think I gave a barely a
7 out of 10. FUNcKY got 10..
Msg#8098 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:02/12/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8089
Thanks for the message and I will be contacting them personally. If I
can stir a little heat, I don't know who else can. But let me say
something publically. I believe CLIPPER is more of a DBMS than dBASE!
And the reasons I say this is simple. Let's look at the language and at
the very core of it all. I mean, the point to DBMS is around the
database file and the abilty to work with it. Clipper can create them
within the language; DBASE needs to have template file or a dummy file
to start things out unless you're willing to go into the interpreter
environment and do it all by hand. No, I think this one point should be
brought to light...
Again, these are hasty thoughts on the fly but down deep in the gut,
something tells me that the editors of some magazines are just listening
to a few disgunted people without checking into the facts. Thanks for
the note Dirk..
Msg#8102 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:02/12/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8089
I talked to John Helliwell for the better part of an hour on the blower
friday and it seems that they had no idea of the amount of loyalty
Nantucket gets from their customer base. I pointed out to him that had
their buyer's guide had a column for interactive (ie: dot prompt) or
menu driven interface, then that could have been used as a way of
pointing out differences and thereby allow Clipper to be included.
This was the way PC magazine did it last year. One of his points was
that their readers, Corperate managers and decision makers, would be
using this type of buyer's guide to decide on their "DBMS", purchase it,
and then rely on it to do all the wonderful things that a "DBMS" does.
While this is certainly valid, quite often people in these companies get
their hands on dBASE III+ for example and spend mega-hours of the
company's time developing something. As many of us learned the hard way,
if we had obtained Clipper earlier we would have saved considerable time
and effort since we re-wrote a lot of that spagetti code anyway (once we
learned what 'structured code' was).
He told me that they will be putting some sort of little box article
(something like a retraction) in an upcoming issue to let readers know
of the response the've gotten from excluding Clipper from the articles.
He also said they may try to include Clipper in an article in their
'Microscope' section in the near future.
From:KEN CAMP Date:02/12/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8105
I'm not sure what you expect to gain by your question, but I deleted my
initial reply, and will try and do the question justice. Curtis Little
and I are co-workers (peers) who work on completely separate programming
tasks. We occasionally work closely, but generally not, however, yes we
do work together. This is fairly common knowledge among the people we met
at the Clipper conference in LA last year, the A-T conference, as well as
on the various CIS Forums we frequent in common. We frequently beta test
one anothers programs, and have on occasion collaborated on programs both
internal within our company (we work for AT&T) and shareware. If someone
feels they were misled, I don't know why. Between the two of us we crank
out a few million lines of code a year. His more math intensive for
analytical purposes, and mine a massive collection of network sutff for
multiple users. I think you'll find a great many of the people on here
have relatively close ties to others........I just don't quite understand
if or why this might be a problem.
Ken Camp
Msg#8107 To:DAVID MINTER (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/12/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
OK, so much for the California Raisins! When is Nantucket gonna wise up
and spread these !@#$ conferences around the country!?!? Let's here it
for having one on the East Coast (maybe the following year in the middle
of the country?). Anybody else who can't afford the air fare, etc. but
wants to be involved?
Msg#8110 To:GEFF PURCELL (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)RECORD CORRUPTION PROB Parent Msg#8019
I realize it was meant in a joking manner [ "the users are women who
can COMPLAIN LOUDDDDLLYY!!"] but couldn't you have found some other joke
which was both non-sexist and funny? It also denigrates the operators of
our customized applications whose jobs are a lot harder than ours and
usually for a lot less money. After about a week of operating our
wonderful applications, nothing remains for operators, USUALLY, but to do
repetitive, tedious data entry and when problems occur, the frustration
for the operator is every bit as great as for the programmer.
As to your problem: I don't have a solution but I did have a similar
problem for awhile. Had no explanation for the operators then but
luckily for me it seems to have just gone away. Good Luck with your
Msg#8111 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/13/89
Not really. According to the documentation in the CLIPPER version you
DON'T have to use the drive and memory parameters. Alsoto prove it to
myself I wrote a small program and used the exact statement and it
worked! I'm not sure it the problem has someting to do with the way I
layout my procedures and functions and the linking of same. I hope
Curtis checks in soon and sheds some light on it.
I do appreceiate your "butting" in - feel free to anytime. Its real easy
to miss whats is real obvious to someone else.
Msg#8113 To:KEN CAMP (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
I've re-written the program so it is in two aplications and it seems to
work. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the way I layout my
aplications. I have all of my procedures and functions - that are call
by one than one module - a seperate file. This included one that called
SWITCH. This may or may not have anything to do with the problem I'm
encountering. BTW, I am using SWITCH22.
As I said I broke the application up into two seprate ones and it seems
to be working. I just hate having the user to run two seperate programs
when one would be so much better.
Any help or ideas would be apreciated.
-John Newton
Msg#8114 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
Thanks. AS I tols Ken I am trying out the newer version (SWITCH22) and
after breaking the program up it works. Switch might not like how I've
linked my application together. If you could provide a few more
examples, particularly for applications with grouped procedures/functions
and several other called programs it might shead some light on it for me
at least. I'm one of those folks who learn by examples.
I like the potential that SWITCH offers and sure do encourage you to
further refine it (alhought it looks pertty good right now).
Thanks, John Newton
Msg#8115 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH! Parent Msg#8084
Glad to have helped.
-John Newton
Msg#8116 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8089
I'm not sure if we are using the right words or not. DBMS - Data Base
Management System - IS clipper a DBMS or a development system FOR DBMS' ?
I use it rather than dBASE and develop programs for end users that meet
their requirements - the finished applications is rather inflexable in
that it is designed for one specific purpose and thats all.
Like Steve, these are rather quick words and just a thought on the
-John Newton
Msg#8117 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
That sounds like a damn good idea to me.
-John Newton
Msg#8118 To:KEN CAMP (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8105
Nothing to gain..nothing. Just I like probably some other people wanted
to know...
Msg#8121 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8121
From initial responses, I beleive PC week is getting the message very
loudly.....I beleive a retraction is imminent.....
Msg#8122 To:JOHN NEWTON (Rcvd)
From:KEN CAMP Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
I'm not sure I understand the original problem, John. I've been using it
for quite some time without problems, but I did beta test it, and was
familiar with the way it worked. Rather than try to figure it out, I'll
make sure to tell Curtis to call in here when I see him (probably at
coffee break).
Msg#8123 To:JOHN NEWTON (Rcvd)
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
Could you show me what your link line looked like when you had the
program tied together as one? Switch! should work with it anyway you
want when linked properly. How close is Switch to the beginning of the
link line? (If Switch! is at the end it won't work). For example, say
you have four modules in your program (doesn't matter how many procedures
or functions are in each one). For simplicity lets say the modules are
called TEST1 TEST2 TEST3 and TEST4. The following link line wouldn't
work with Switch!:
Switch! should be moved right after the first module on the link line as
If there's still a problem when linked with Switch! near the start of the
application please let me know. After fixing the interface problem in
the older version of Switch! I haven't heard of or found any problems in
the Clipper version of Switch!, so that should get it working.
From:JOE BOOTH Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)ARRAYS Parent Msg#8051
Why don't you just do
size[x] = STR( size[x],10 )
First, before the achoice() call ?
Msg#8126 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8121
'Bout time some people get the message! By the way, Ashton-Tate is STILL
sending me notices to upgrade to the developers release for dB IV. (Yea,
yea, I have dB3...just adds to my collection of disks that collect dust
and documentation that props the door open on very windy days near the
shore >grin<. Now with dB IV, you get 14 disks to do nothing with
and even more verbage by the pound!
Msg#8127 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:JON MELTZER Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)RTLINK Parent Msg#8080
Well, we all know that FUNCkY deserves at least a 15 ...
but, seriously, what problems did you find with RTLink? Does it raise
run-time memory requirements? Is it too slow? Does it incorrectly
link external libraries? Is the user interface lousy?
I'd really like some feedback on this product ; do you sell
back issues of DOSS?
Msg#8128 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:JON MELTZER Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Not to mention those who can't afford the PRICE ...
Msg#8129 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
It's not like people have not tried. We even researched meeting places
in NY and sent a set of recommendations to Nantucket. We also accounted
for several hundred people who would come to the Developer's Conference
East. Nantucket wanted nothing to do with it since I haven't heard back
from them.
<< Mark >>
Msg#8130 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
I'll ul a few files I found, plus one I put together. No
warrantees on any of this stuff (sigh).
The files are:
My contribution is the last one, and, truth to tell, I haven't
finished with it: I wanted to put the sample overlays (*.OVL) into the
database mentioned in the PRG file, and make sure they work (seems
reasonable, no?). However, too much landed on my desk today for a
reasonable stab at it. More later. In fact, if there's enough interest,
I'll try to put together a reasonably functional subroutine, complete
with parameter validation and everything..... (Uh oh, what'd I just
commit to?)
Msg#8131 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:STEVE DAVIES Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8121
Speaking of Ashton-Tate. What I did when I got the offers in the mail
(since they're self addressed/stamped to A-T) was to scribble on them
"Drop the suit against Fox and I'll consider it" and send it back to them.
I wonder how many others did something like that.
Msg#8132 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
Ooops. LJMACRO.ARC and OVERLAY.ARC are already here. Scratch those for
ul from me.
Msg#8134 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8121
Know what you mean.....1200 bucks is a lot of money....I know soome
pretty nice cars I could buy.....
(used of course)
Msg#8135 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/13/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
I have spoken with Nantucket about an EAST coast conference myself, and
the general consensus that since it was closer to home (theirs, not ours)
it was easier to send MORE Nantucket types to it. If it were in the East
Coast, wew wouldn't have access to as many of the crew....So in other
words, theyre too cheap to fly the lot out here for a week.....(but if it
were you're company, wouldn't you be too?)
Msg#8138 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87
I'm back for a couple of days, but do just come over and tickle the
ivories... just curious about the Silver Paint... I'd like to do a review
in about 4 weeks, so it's no big rush. Thanks...
Msg#8140 To:JOHN NEWTON (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8089
I think DBMS means just that as well. Data Base Management System. Well,
since it can automatically create it's own database's (which happen to be
conveniently dBASE÷║ compatable), and since it can manipulate those
files, along with appropriate index, flat, memory, and binary files as
well... and since all of this is internal to the Clipper language
AUTOMATICALLY (which was the argument for the large memory size... the
databsse engine), it seems to me that the article in PC Week was off
base. I'd like to know if we were to judge computer "journals", if PC
Week would be offended if we refused to acknoledge them.─ Again, just a
passing thought on this without any REAL intent or direction...
Take care...
Msg#8141 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)RTLINK Parent Msg#8080
I found it slower on my PLINK attempt: i was nesting 4 levels of
o│verlays. They do not support internal overlays and with that, then I
must ask what type of external overlays could they truely support if
in│ternal ones are not possible. There is some work necessary for
converting over the RTLINK system and other than that, in small linking
modules to save time and distribution disks... maybe this is a good
As far as back issues, yes we do sell them (actually 4 Seasons) at 4
dollars an issue. You can call them at 212-599-2141. Takeo─ care..
Msg#8145 To:KEN CAMP (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
Curtis dropped me a line along with an evening phone number - thats
support. Actually, by splitting up the program into two seperate
aplications has proved a blessing. The folks who control the money
wanted to see reports on line for a given grouping, but the connect time
and usage of the main frame were to costly. So they wanted to do a query
and store the results in a text file, download the file and look at it on
a PC. The data oly need to be downloaded one a month. Well, the orginal
requirement caled for the user to automatically call the main frame and
do all of this querying and download the data. The folks who footed the
bill like my alternative better - they are the only ones who have access
to the main frame and now we don't have to create multiple access for
connecting and downloading. The bosses get the viewer program and get
their updated data from the worker folk - happey ending!!
Now as to what the orginal problem was - I never did figure it out. Oh
well, thus is life.
Msg#8146 To:CURTIS LITTLE (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
I'll upload an archive file with the entire package in it ..... oops I
may have trashed all of it. The accounting folks though the two part
system was a super idea! I came out of this one smelling like a rose.
I"'ll check and see if I have the orginal and upload it.
Msg#8147 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8089
It's funny how one slip up can cause such a riot. The results may be
rather far reaching.
I wonder, is CLIPPER a DML (data manipulation language) or a DDL (Data
defination language) or all of the above - kind of obevious
Msg#8148 To:ALL
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/14/89
Subject:FILE FORMATS Parent Msg#8148
Does any of you kind folks have file format(s) for one or more of the
Any of these would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanxxx.
Msg#8149 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)FILE FORMATS Parent Msg#8148
check out a book called popular file formats for the IBM PC, or something
similar, I've seen it at Barnes and Noble
Msg#8151 To:JOHN NEWTON (Rcvd)
From:KEN CAMP Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
Glad to hear it's sall working for you now, John. I'm sure Curtis will be
glad to assist if you run in to any more problems.
Msg#8152 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
Cliff! What a guy!! will take a look at the files immediatly!
SOMEHOW I have the feeling that I'll have to upgrade the memory in the
laser to do this stuff! Thanks!!!
Msg#8153 To:STEVE DAVIES (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8121
Steve... Funny you should mention that. In a weak moment, I had ordered
the developers release of db IV. When I though better of it, and called
back to cancel, they asked me why...(grin) The Fox suit was ONE of the
things I mentioned. Do you think thet care?
Msg#8154 To:JOHN NEWTON (Rcvd)
From:CURTIS LITTLE Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)SWITCH PROBLEM Parent Msg#8040
If you find the original one I'd be interested in seeing it. I'd like to
link together the OBJ with a version of Switch! that has debuggin info in
it to see what is wrong. As long as Switch! isn't the last thing linked
in there shouldn't be a problem.
Msg#8155 To:ALL
From:JAMES MCCORMICK Date:02/14/89
Subject:IBM 36 Parent Msg#8155
Simple Question. What is an IBM/36 and can it be used to run a
program that was written in Clipper??
Msg#8156 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)FILE FORMATS Parent Msg#8148
There are two releases to Popular File Formats for the PC. One or both
should have what you need.
<< Mark >>
Msg#8157 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
memory upgrades are nice if your budget allows. I snuck a 2 meg upgrade
into the purchase of our office laser, when everyone else in the building
was poo-pooing it. Now, I can ul as many fonts as I want, and any macros
I want. Now that fonts have proliferated, I've come to feel more than
Msg#8158 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
BTW, I just want to make sure you understand that the code in
CLIPOVLS.ARC is untested. The principles are illustrated, but you'll
want to juggle them around some. Also, the .OVL files I included are
really meant to be dl'd to the printer by COPY xxxxx/B PRN, not by the
code; they have the macro ID, initialize, and end codes in them (which,
presumably, your program would do for you and then just ul the macro
itself, surrounded by the housekeeping).
Msg#8159 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JON MELTZER Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Maybe we can have a FUNCky developers conference ...
Msg#8160 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JON MELTZER Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)FILE FORMATS Parent Msg#8148
The author is Jeff Walden; publisher Wiley. There are two volumes ...
"File Formats" and "More File Formats".
Contents: book 1- Lotus, Ability, dBase III, DIF, MultiMate 3.3,
SYLK, IBM Plans+. SuperCalc3, VisiCalc, WordStar
book 2 - Framework II, Reflex, Rich, SuperCalc4, Super
Project Plus, Volkswriter 3, WordPerfect 4.1
Msg#8161 To:JAMES MCCORMICK (Rcvd)
From:RICHARD HORWITZ Date:02/14/89
Subject:(R)IBM 36 Parent Msg#8155
The System 36 is a mini computer. In my opinion it was a dog out of the
starting gate, but in true IBM fashion, it's functionality had nothing to
do with the fact that MIS directors bought tons of them. Now that LANs
are so popular, I've seen many 36's trying to find homes.
Sorry to be so long winded, but no, it cannot run clipper applications.
Msg#8162 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Yea, the price is another issue that Nantucket needs to deal with. After
spending big bucks on their product, I hate the notion of paying more big
bucks for support, and even more bi
g bucks on conferences they sponsor just to keep us current.
Msg#8163 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
If memory serves, it was Jan/Feb 88 at a NYMCUG meeting when we all beat
Ray Love about the head and shoulders over this issue. Also remember it
coming up time and again at ensuing meetings and personal discussions.
I don't want to seem querulous, but it is time to spread the conferences
around the country. Is Reference(Clipper) "sponsoring" this one, too?
Mmmm, maybe this is why Steve Straley is contracted by another firm for
his training - they go to just about every area of the country!
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)DBMS OR NOT.... Parent Msg#8121
Steve: The idea of putting the note "Drop the suit against Fox" on the
A-T return envelope is GREAT. In fact, got another one of their mailings
just the other day....tomorrow's mail will include the aforementioned
Msg#8165 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Dirk: Ref if it were my company, would I be too cheap to fly people out
to a conference. It all depends.....if it is nothing more than a "let's
party and talk about how great we are, rah!, rah!" meeting, then no, I
wouldn't send my people to such far flung regions of the universe as
NY. BUT, if it were a true developers' conference, where concrete issues
were discussed, field reports made, etc.; if I were truly interested in
my installed base, wanted to expand it, wished to increase the product's
media attention, etc, then I would insist on their travel. I don't see
such meetings as just bitching sessions, but a venue for sharing ideas,
pitfalls, solutions, and alike. Further, they should more than a method
of displaying wares from others (heard and read some war-stories on last
year's conference). Any company which refuses to support those who keep
it in business (implied in the refusal to discuss moving the conference
from the West Coast) is missing its mark. Sure, they encourage develop-
ment of user groups - but these, I believe, are springing up as a
direct result of the lack of Nantucket interest and support to the
developers. Nantucket must see a return on investment as an incentive
to move the conference around the country. Creative marketing, media
exposure, statistical analysis of potential attendees, etc., can all be
used to force their hand. I believe Nantucket has its head in the sand
and is showing its colors on a broken mast. Their attitude must change
B4(it's)2L8, to paraphrase their own license plate!
Msg#8167 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:RON LANE Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)PLINK86 FOR SUMMER 87 Parent Msg#7941
Try the line: OVERLAY CODE , works for me.
Msg#8168 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)FILE FORMATS Parent Msg#8148
Author: Jeff Walden
Publisher:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
ISBN 471-83671-0
Msg#8170 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)FILE FORMATS Parent Msg#8148
Dirk (and Mark) ...
Thank you very much.
I had heard about these books, but could not find them locally; I wasn't
sure if they contained the formats I need, or in which "edition" to find
Will do some more research.
Thanxx again,
Msg#8171 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)FILE FORMATS Parent Msg#8148
I guess this means that none of them has Multimate Advantage and/or
Displaywrite 3,4.
Msg#8173 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Boy you guys like to make work for me dont ya....
Msg#8174 To:JON MELTZER (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)FILE FORMATS Parent Msg#8148
Right, I just say the book uesterday...
Msg#8175 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:02/15/89
thanks, will take all the advice into account and keep you informed.
hopefully, I will meet with success and maybe discovering something that
i can sure with you and the rest of the people that have been so kind
with their help. thanks again.
Msg#8176 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
In defense of the price, I see many many ads for seminars that cost about
thhe same, but without nearly the reach. The developers conference in LA
in pretty high class with lots of opportunities. The fee for seminars is
probably reaonable when one considsers the amount of industry people that
you can have direct access to... It's the air fare and Hotel that really
get us East Coasters.....
Msg#8177 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
I think I am going to make sure that your message makes it to someones
desk over there....It's a point that shold be heard. Phil Usher will be
coming around these parts to make some special visits to the user groups
so I think they are starting to get the message. I also recieved some
technical info from them (albeit about a year too late) but at least they
are starting to get the message.....
Msg#8178 To:ALL
From:NOEL MANZANILLA Date:02/15/89
Subject:CORRUPTED RECORDS Parent Msg#8178
hi, I have had the strangest things going on. sometimes when i use the
copy command in an application, the copied record picks up some fields
from some other record in the dbf. this problem happens sporadically
but has happened in three different sites that have the same application
loaded on their pcs. i recently upgraded the memory of the pc's to 640K
from 512K hoping this would solve the problem. guess what, it still
happens. any suggestions?
Msg#8179 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
> label cad
Unfortunately, this cart is the only one that I know of that can do what
it does, but, like I said, it sure surprised the HP engineers!
andrew g.
From:ANDREW GROSS Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#8030
Toshiba P321SL
Fastest speed: Draft quality @12cpi: 216cps
Slowest speed: Letter quality @10cpi: 60cps
andrew g.
Msg#8181 To:RICHARD HORWITZ (Rcvd)
From:JAMES MCCORMICK Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)IBM 36 Parent Msg#8155
Thanks, thats what I thought. I have just come across a customer that
HAS JUST GOTTEN theres and now want it to run the world.
Msg#8183 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Thought I'd jump in here and let everyone know that Jack Tollefson is no
longer with Reference(Clipper) and has started his own firm called
Reference Pages. This firm and mine have entered an agreement to go
across the country to provide Clipper training. This may include Canada,
Germany, and Australia in the not-too-distant futures. Jack's firm has
also been contract to organize the 1989 developers conference, of which
both I and Neil are on the advisory pannel. I will make a strong pitch
(almost as strong as the memory issue) that the east coast is getting
tired of being ignored and that sometime before the end of the year,
Nantucket should think about doing a sub-conference in the east coast.
This does not mean it WILL be in New York. But at the very least, they
should consider the strong pulling the east coast programmer have on the
way "corporate" america is. Hopefully, like the memory issue, this horse
will be alive and kicking.
Thought I'd just keep y'all informed.
Msg#8186 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:02/15/89
Subject:HELP Parent Msg#8186
I have a few questions for you.
#1: I have a clipper application running under DOS. I have to get it
running under UNIX. What would be the best way to do it??
It seems to me that there are a few ways t do it. Firstly, I could
translate the code to FoxBase and use FB/Unix. Secondly, I could
translate the code to C with DBX and compile it under Unix.
Which leads me to question #2: Are you familiar with DBX? Do you know if
the code it generates will runn IDENTICALLY as the clipper application
WITHOUT CHANGES (I know almost NO C), and is it compilable under UNIX?
Msg#8187 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Where then if not NY!! (sheeeesh) ( El Capital Del Mundo )
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)LASER PRINTER Parent Msg#7918
> label cad
Msg#8189 To:MENACHEM BAZIAN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)HELP Parent Msg#8186
you might want to add to your question (since Dirk seems to have more
access to innards and inner knowledge than most): When's a UNIX version
of Clipper going to be available? And on which platforms? Or, will it
come in ANSI C source (for a hefty fee), and be compilable no matter
which machine you're using (e.g., a MIPS-based box, or an HP slob, or a
Msg#8190 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Hey! How about out here in the Heart of Darkness, away from the bright
City Lights (i.e., the Garden State)?
Msg#8191 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Another horse?......Where have you been, I have stopped by a few times
to no avail...
Msg#8192 To:ALL
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/15/89
Subject:DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Say, I've been toying around with the use of &alias->(DELETED()) with
mixed results. Anyone else out there use this formulation as a method of
checking to see if a file has any deletions, without having to go through
and COUNT for them? COUNTing can be long and tedious if the file has
grown to any size, while &alias->(DELETED()) works very quickly when it
works. I have to add that there are a few other unexpected results in
this particular application, and I'm not too sure I'm not setting
something somewhere which is screwing me up; nonetheless, any comments
observations, or war stories will be gratefully read and mulled over.
(BTW, I've used "&alias" above for no particular reason. It's not, in fact
the exact code I'm using in my app, but it gets the idea across of what
I'm trying to accomplish.)
Msg#8193 To:MENACHEM BAZIAN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/15/89
Subject:(R)HELP Parent Msg#8186
DBX won't do the trick, you still need to know alot about C to get the
app working. What about that Xdos compiler? won;t it take your Clipper
produced EXE file and do something with it??? If it can't, then beleive
it or not, I would recommend the FOX for that one....(or learn C)
Msg#8194 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:STEVE STRALEY Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
For purposes of reting space and cost, ironically, Philadelphia is high
on the list. It's 1.5 hours from NY, a couple more from either Boston or
D.C. and that covers the 4 big areas. The cost of doing a conference is
NOT going to be nearly as steep as any of the other 3 cities mentioned,
and it is considered a "big" city so it can handle the 1,000 or so
Clipper people. Who knows, maybe I can see about sponsoring a conference
out here... only if interest is good enough. We'll see..
From:RON CALLAHAN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)CORRUPTED RECORDS Parent Msg#8178
Are you networked. The only time I've seen corrupted record has been
in network situations where all operating paramaters were not set
correctly. (i.e. FILES= in config.sys etc)
Subject:(R)WORKHORSE PRINTER Parent Msg#8030
Msg#8200 To:ALL
From:LANE WHITE Date:02/16/89
Hello everyone, new to this board seems excellent.
I have a problem with a client that someone may be able to help me with.
I have written a small system for this client, he has one computer for a
master computer and a other one in the outer office. The client backups
the data from the master to the other computer every so often using Fast
Back Plus. A problem has arisen. When data is restored to the other
computer it is not the same data that is on the master computer! I have
tried using DOS 3.30 Backup and restore and also COPY with the same
results. I have noticed that with some of the DBf records data in the
memo field is corrupt, full of garbage characters? But some of the
records are fine. Other data from other directorys backup and restore
fine to the other computer. Is dSALVAGE worth investigating? I believe
the DBT file is corrupt dont know how it got that way.
Dirk, FUNCky is a excellent Lib. Also, Netlib, Toolkit and R&R are
excellent products I use.
Any assistance with this matter will be greatly appreciated!
Msg#8201 To:ALL
From:CLIFF CORCORAN Date:02/16/89
Subject:UI VER 2 Parent Msg#8201
I am asking for opinion before plunking down $200 bucks for the
'official' release of the UI programer. I have ver 1 and have used it a
bit for screen building etc. Would very much welcome your thought from
those that beta'ed ver 2.
Thanks Cliff
Msg#8202 To:JAMES MCCORMICK (Rcvd)
From:GARY MERINSTEIN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)IBM 36 Parent Msg#8155
A-T did announce a product which is supposed to allow dBASE code to run
on the SYS 3X series of mini's, although I haven't heard much about it.
You might be able to run the code that way if it is vanilla code.
Msg#8203 To:CLIFF CORCORAN (Rcvd)
From:RICHARD HORWITZ Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)UI VER 2 Parent Msg#8201
I have 2 words about UI2, "BUY IT". If you like UI1 (and I assume you do
since you are considering the $200 for UI2) you know what a great
productivity enhancer it can be (no I don't work for wallsoft). They have
made some substantial improvements on the template lang, and even the
last beta (3) is not really too buggy. I almost never sit down and write
my own code anymore from scratch, UI2 does about 75% of the work for me.
Hope this helps.
Msg#8204 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)HELP Parent Msg#8186
Ouch! The problem as I see it is that the Fox/Unix version that is out is
a version behind DOS foxbase.
As to learning C, I would agree with you 100% provided I had the time to
do so.
Ah well...Back to the ol' drawin board.
Msg#8205 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
awww..you're close enuff!!
Msg#8206 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8206
What are the unexpected results?
Msg#8208 To:ALL
From:HARRY GILBERT Date:02/16/89
Subject:NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
While we're defining whether Clipper is a DBMS, note that Spencer F. Katt
in the Feb 13th issue of PC week says that Nantucket will release this
summer a new release of Clipper which is "object oriented", and based on
Smalltalk. It will be backwards code compatible. Now what is object
oriented? Will my apps look like Macintosh apps, with icons?
Msg#8212 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Dirk: I have no qualms paying for the conference; I concur that the
air fare is the
crux of the matter!
Msg#8213 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Dirk: Thanks for passing it on...software vendors who don't listen to
their users are dead - a.k.a. Micropro, et al.
Msg#8214 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8214
Mark: Regarding getting the beasts of the east together....yea, I think
it can be done - maybe a joint effort of the of the over 31 User Groups
located east of the Mississippi, 3d party vendors, and Nantucket. Now
the sponsor....mmmmm....will think on that one.
Msg#8215 To:STEVE STRALEY (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Steve: Knew we could count on ya! BTW, Brentnall and Morgan did an
article in a vain attempt to quell the memory issue in the Jan/Feb issue
of the Nantucket News....guess they think we're stupid! THANKS,
Msg#8217 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Garden State? Nahhh, I've got to keep my disks in a sealed environment
to keep them from melting....>grin<
Msg#8218 To:MENACHEM BAZIAN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)HELP Parent Msg#8186
I would assume that the suit against SCO is not helping either!
Msg#8220 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Not to mention the RIP-OFF the hotel charges!!
Msg#8221 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/16/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
How reliable is it? Are there just certain cases where it doesn't work,
or is it more of a random failure? And (the best question) why does it
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
There is "Object-Oriented Programming" and "Object-Oriented Design", and
they are NOT the same (I just went through all this in Systems
Programming. Joy...) Basically, OOP is modular coding. C, Modula-2, etc.
allow you to break large tasks (say, an accounting system) into smaller
"modules" or tasks. This is good coding practice since your code is miore
easily portable, modifyable, etc.
OOD is a totally different way of looking at the problem. For example,
to copy a file, with OOP we would do these steps: 1) Check the files
existence, 2) Read the file, 3) Write the file, and 4) Give a Copy
completed message. With OOD, instead of looking at it from a task point
of view, you look at it as "what data do we have, and how is the data
being manipulated". Kinda like deciding what the data is and what is
being done to it than (under OOP) what we have to. It's a little
compliacted, but it looks like it will become more important in the
future. PErsonally, I can't quite get the hang of it. If you do OOP, to
try to think from the OOD perspective is like looking at the problem from
the exact opposite end.
C++ is becoming popular becuase it's basically C, so you get the raw
power of C, but it also has a "higher level of data abstraction", so you
can simulate more abstract data more easily. Basically, you're adding
some data types to C that give you some of the power and relationships of
LISP. Expert systems and AI operations need that kind of abstraction to
do those high-end projects. Sorry I don't remember the text book
definition, but I never quite got the hang of it. If you want, I can pry
out the text and quote you a paragraph or two, if the above isn't helpful
Regarding the comment about Clipper being "object-oriented", that term
has become rather bastardized lately. Do they mean OOP or OOD? Will this
make UDFs more of an integral portion of the language? More importantly,
will this mean the linker can leave out whatever it doesn't need, barring
macro expansion? Which can't susbtitute for commands anyway. My guess is
their development of an OS/2 version is highly flavoring this comment, so
their next version, OS/2 compatible probably, will be influenced by the
DLLs (Dynamic Linked Libraries) of OS/2. (Sidebar: Does anyone know if
Unix uses DLL? I forget where, but some other op system does.)
Personally, I'm more concerned with their current problems, esp.
regarding memory usage, and if the next release will be delayed to see
what happens with the AT/Fox lawsuit (BTW, does anyone have any current
news, or is it just simmering?)
Msg#8223 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)HELP Parent Msg#8186
Could you fill me in on what the current status of the lawsuit involving
A-t, Fox and SCO is? Next wekk I have an interview with SCO, so if I hear
any tidbits I'll drop a msg.
Msg#8224 To:ALL
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/17/89
Subject:WP MERGE FILE Parent Msg#8224
One last question about WP Merge Files. I have an address set of fields,
with an extra field MailAddr since it has to be international, and some
countries put their zip code, city and country in different orders. Well,
the code is basically
IF && use special address &&
? TRIM(MailAddr)
? City, State Country Zip Code
That's not real code, but you get the idea. When it comes time to output
the WP Merge File, I need to know if it's ok to output records with
different numbers of fields. If the special address is used, the record
does not get city, state, country or zip, so it's 3 fields short. Is this
a problem? Just so you know, there's a little UDF I use to check if the
special mailling address is used:
FUNCTION UseSpecialAddr
RETURN( IIF("*"$state,.T.,.F.) )
If the state has a * in it, use the special address, otherwise use the
normal address. Can WP check the state field in the merge file and pick
which addressing method to use? If so, I'll just dump out all the fields,
and let WP decide. Otherwise, I need more info.
From:ANDREW VIOLA Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)UI VER 2 Parent Msg#8201
I have been betaing UI since its first beta release (its up to beta 3).
The new version iPOWERFUL, but its still very buggy. The concepts in the
product are very strong. If you like the idea of writing a template with
a full logical instruction set, then it is for you. Its worth getting on
board now then paying the big price later.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
PM will be running on UNIX...which means there is a good posssiblilty
that an OS/2 PM versioni of Clipper will too....
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)HELP Parent Msg#8186
I have not heard any new news at all....All the stories are the
same.....ED Esber saw FOXPRO at Comdex, stormed out in a Huff, 2 weeks
later sued them, they countered sued saying that AT lifted some
technology when FOX showed them some innards when AT almost bought em
out, and appropriated it for Dbase IV.....If you catch any tidbits, drop
em off here.....
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE FILE Parent Msg#8224
WP 5.0 has some minor programming capbilites like IF.....AND type
baloney. However, I think it would be easier for your Clipper program to
do it.....You cannot change the WP secondary file format once you have
defined it, it will throw WP off....Your best bet is to set a 1 byte
field in your database to .T. if the record is international, then write
an additional record to the WP merge file that contains the ENTIRE
ADDRESS you want to print, Or at least the City, State, Zip and
country...Put this extra field on the end, that way all you need to do is
print the following items....
Fname Lname
The last field has been built by Your program with a little logic like:
fwrite(WPmerge,City+" "+COUNTRY+" "+IZIPCODE)
fwrite(WPmerge,City+" "+State+" "+Zipcode)
Or something similiar....ME, I assign a string to a memvar that looks
WPfield = "Fname+chr(xx)+Lname+chr(xx)+Address+chr(xx)..."
That way I can support a whole bunch of merge formats with the same file
write routine.....It runs a little bit slower, but the versatility to
quickly modify the string (WPfield) lets me change the format of the
Merge file while on line without recompiling!!
Msg#8232 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:MARC SCHNAPP Date:02/17/89
To joiin NYMCUG and PADD:
Send $50 to
PADD 75-22 182nd St Flushing NY 11366
Include day and nite phone #'s and you will get the Linker and other
announcenements, benefits, etc.
Msg#8233 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:DAVID MINTER Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
John, Dirk, I've got a suggestion about the air fare, work for the
Airlines!. I do, it's probably the only way I get to go to these far
flung places.
P.S. not meant to be mean.
Msg#8234 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Here, here!
Msg#8235 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8206
>unexpected results with alias->(deleted())
Well, it doesn't always return .t. when there are deleted records. I
thought for a while that it was also not allowing a PACK, but that turned
out to be caused by not being in the correct selected work area
(figures!). Now, I think I've "worked around" the problem by just moving
into another select area before I issue the function. Probably should
have done that before anyway. The upshot is that it's only given me a
problem once since then, and I'm not too sure about that one (I got
pulled away to do some real work at that point, and would have to go back
and recreate the situation).
Msg#8236 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Actually, I was thinking of suggesting a conference in (or around)
Princeton, in the so-called hi-tech corridor, and try to inject a bit of
class into the admittedly lowbrow Clipper fraternity.
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
see my reply above (number?)
It was not reliable at all until I figured I needed to be in another
SELEct area before I issued the call. Now it's pretty durn reliable.
Before, it just didn't work because I wasn't watching where I was when I
called it. Why does it work? Beats me. I'd like to test other similar
functions to see if this redirection scam works with them too. Steve
Straley says that you can use SEEK in a similar fashion from another work
area in a UDF to return (I forget what kind of) a value.
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE FILE Parent Msg#8224
What you can do (in WP5.0) is something like this:
in the primary file, for the field number (let's say its field number 3),
you would have ^F3?^ for the international address field, and ^F4?^ for
the normal address field.
Use two address fields. One for the special address, one for the normal.
When your program selects and spits out the data, if UseSpecialAddr()
returns a .T., F3 would have data and F4 would be empty (null), and vice
Then, when WP goes to merge your secondary with the primary, the question
mark in the field number will eliminate the blank line(s) from the empty
field. It just throws it away. To quote the manual: "The question mark
tells WordPerfect to see if the field is blank. If so, the line,
including the end of line character, is deleted in the merged document."
Will that suffice?
Msg#8239 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)HELP Parent Msg#8186
Will let you know if I hear anything new. Thanks.
Msg#8240 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)WP MERGE FILE Parent Msg#8224
I don't have WP, nor have I ever done anything more than a quick peek at
it, so I'm ignorant of its capabilities, but I figured it would be easier
to have Clipper do the proper output than let WP do it. I thought of the
same thing as you, either output the international field or
city+state+country+zip+^R, but I have to check with the higher ups to see
if it's ok. Most likely way to go. Thanks.
Msg#8241 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
That's pretty interesting. If you're in another work area, have you found
any bugs? Traceable or not. And do you (or anyone else) know if it works
with other functions, and if so, which ones. Would certainly cut down on
some coding, if it's reliable.
Msg#8242 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:JON MELTZER Date:02/17/89
Subject:(R)FILE FORMATS Parent Msg#8148
Sure looks that way ...
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/18/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Howard....I know the following things work:
and probably a host of others
Rob Heyman
Msg#8245 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/18/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8214
"Beasts of the East" is terriffic! (grin)
<< Mark >>
Msg#8247 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/18/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
Presentation manager on Unix-
What's going on? Will PM run as a unix task in a single unix session, or
will it become a graphical front end for unix? And 1000 other related
<< Mark >>
Msg#8249 To:ALL
From:GARY PREFONTAINE Date:02/18/89
Subject:USING 'C' WITH CLIPPER Parent Msg#8249
I've just starting writing UDFs in 'C' for my Clipper applications.
It seems like in some instances linking in a 'C' UDF with TLINK will
cause the application to hang - while linking it in with LINK or PLINK
will not. Anyone know a/thing about this? The type of function that seems
to hang involves _retc() and _retclen()(?).
Appreciate any help - BTW, compiler is QuickC 2.0
From:GEFF PURCELL Date:02/18/89
Subject:(R)CORRUPTED RECORDS Parent Msg#8178
We had a similar problem, Make sure you are using the version of the
Summer 87 libs that are dated 12-21-87 2:00a . This solved our problem.
One of our programmers here had accidentally gotten the old libs with
out the 2:00a time on them in his Clipper dir. After we put the new
version in and recompiled everything is working again.
The problem on ours seemed to be after a pack, but it could have also
been happening during copy commands.
Geff Purcell / David Reynolds
Msg#8251 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:LANE WHITE Date:02/18/89
Hello again, problem seems to have cleared up with the following actions.
I fired up DBU and copied the records to another database in a different
directory on the hard drive. And things seem to backup and restore fine
now. There were still garbage characters in some of the memo fields but
at least the client can update the memo field now. I beleive that the
hard drive is not working properly and suggested that the client have a
tech. person look at it. I have found out from nantucket that I have a
early version of Summer 87 they will ship me updated disks, don't know
why I didnt get them before? I was also using SKIP 0 instead of COMMIT to
write out DBF records. Also Nantcuket told me to use 8 or a multiple of 8
for my buffers statement in config.sys? But the client seems to be back
on track. Thanks Mark.
Clipping along, Lane.
Msg#8252 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/18/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
I beleive the objective is to make it a front end to UNIX so that
anything written to PM will run unchanged on OS/2 or UNIX...Or at least
with minimal re-writing....
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/18/89
Subject:(R)USING 'C' WITH CLIPPER Parent Msg#8249
There are special considerations when compiling for TC...Also, are you
using the Tlink ver 2.0? it doesn't work....
Msg#8255 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/18/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
dIRK: Hotel charges are equally outrageous. Makes you wonder if someone
is getting a percentage.... Shoot, I usually get to stay at Motel-6
Yet another reason to MOVE THE CONFERENCE!!!!
Msg#8257 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/18/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Well, Princeton is OK, and the air IS a little better than northern
Jersey >grin<. There are plenty of sites which could qualify. NYC,
Philadelphia, Atlantic City (THAT oughtta appeal to the boys and girls
in Nantucket!), Boston, etc, etc. Anywhere other than LA for the
umpteenth time!!
Msg#8258 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:GARY PREFONTAINE Date:02/18/89
Subject:(R)USING 'C' WITH CLIPPER Parent Msg#8249
Dirk - did I say TC ? I meant QuickC Version 2. And I'm still using the
oldest Tlink around.
Msg#8261 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)HELP Parent Msg#8186
SOmeone just mentioned about a clipper version for unix might be on the
drawing boards...True??? (Oh PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)
Msg#8262 To:ANDREW VIOLA (Rcvd)
From:MENACHEM BAZIAN Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)UI VER 2 Parent Msg#8201
I have a friend who is betaing UI2 and I have helped him a little bit so
I am somewhat familiar with UI2.
I agree that it looks like it can be SUPER. But, according to wallsoft,
they are not ready for release for a few weeks. Also, they are quoting
prices for UI2 at over $500.
I am not sure that I can get my boss to go for that on a first run
Can you give me some more insight into UI2 and what makes it better than
ui1? I am intimately familiar with UI2 and have some familiarity with
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)HELP Parent Msg#8186
I would beleive that a DOS version will be first out...and i f that
works, then maybe a UNIX version. But I still think they'll tie it to
some shell running on top of UNIX...
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
on very little reflection, the only thing I come up with is that it may
be working from evaluation of some system memory variable(s). Without
knowing anything about the internals of Clipper, my guess would be that
when the compiler parses a function, it may check to see if any system
variables not normally visible to the naked keyboard are be called or
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
scratch or amend my previous answer. now i'm guessing the -> pointer
sets the search of system variables in motion. maybe both. maybe i'm
way off base.
Msg#8267 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
ever see a copy of NeWs running? or any of the licensed variants? all
sessions run in either a window, or expanded to fill the screen. Windows
Uber Alles, from one vendor or another.
Msg#8268 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
OK, I can see going to AC for a conf. Does registration include credit
at the tables?
Msg#8269 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
The system variable reference makes sense. Each work area probably has
info (or at least each open file) about recno, found, etc. and if they
were smart, if you say FOUND(), Clipper automatically assumes the
currently selected .dbf and uses its internal variables. IF this is true,
then there should be some way of finding out which variables are stored
for each open file, and their equivalent functions should work fine. I'm
not that aware of Clipper's internals either. Dirk?
Msg#8270 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8073
Ref: AC and table credit. Sorry, I envision on one-armed bandit credit.
Figure Nantucket has a lock on this already, given the amou
nt they charge for support and the quality of it! >grin< Donald Trump
would have a field day....mmmm, competetive sailing???
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/19/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Sort of correct, I always wondered why they never let you do the
select 1
use <DBF>
select 2
use <DBF2>
select 3
use <DBF3>
Now, why not:
if .not. EOF(2)
if .not. found(2)
Instead of the ALIAS pointer stuff? Al the mechanics are already there.
Each work area has it's own buffer for pointers and EOF flags and the
like. When you SELECT, it gets transfered int the buffer that you can
access with EOF(), found() etc....
Msg#8272 To:ALL
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/20/89
Subject:SEEK PROBLEM Parent Msg#8272
> Problem with SEEK on multi-field key
I have a file which is indexed on the concatenation of two fields, both
character. In one part of the application, a SEEK is done on a variable
that will equal the first part of the key, only. It works fine.
In another part of the application, the same SEEK is done, but this time
within a VALID FUNCtion. Here, the SEEK on a value limited to the first
half of the key fails. Interestingly, I reindexed the file on the first
field only, then tried the SEEK again. This time it worked. This means
to me that my programming logic is correct - it is the SEEK and INDEX
which is screwing up.
Can anyone think of a reason a SEEK on a value that will only match the
first part of a concatenated key works in one part of an application
but fails when attempted within a VALID function ?
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Did I recall that the root of this conversation was to determine HOW MANY
deleted records exist in a work area, by saying alias->(deleted())?????
Deleted() only returns the deleted status of the CURRENT RECORD in that
area, and I have not had a problem with it. If you are trying to get a
total deleted count, you must move the record pointer through the entire
range of records to be checked, and test DELETED() on each record.
Am I missing something here?
Msg#8274 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Wouldn't that kill the use of parameters for those UDF's. As in ...
alias->( MyUDF(param1,param2,param3) )
Msg#8275 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)SEEK PROBLEM Parent Msg#8272
Do you have SET EXACT ON ??
From:LARRY GOTTLIEB Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
I'm new to OOP also -- have looked at it for the last coupe of months or
so. Having just returned from a conference on object oriented
analysis/design/programming, here are a few thoughts:
1. There is very little agreement as to the definition of "Object
Oriented Analysis". Object Oriented Design is maturing, but there is
still disagreement on its definition, also.
2. There is still some disagreement about the definition of Object
Oriented Programming. However, the large majority of the speakers at
this conference seemed to be in agreement that: OOP replaces the
traditional, procedural model with an "object" -- an association between
procedure and data; procedure calls are treated as messages to this
object to perform a set of actions on its associated data. The idea
behind all of this is to isolate this data from the outside world. If
successful, the outside world (i.e., other parts of the program) don't
have to worry if the data structure changes. There are several buzzwords
that go along with OOP (encapsulation, inheritance, data abstraction).
3. The hope of OOA/D/P is that it will help in the handling of more and
more complex systems. At the conference, several people from Microsoft
noted the important of object oriented-ness to Microsoft's own
development projects.
Confused yet? I certainly am. As to whether a language is object
oriented or not, beware of claims by a lnaguage's sponsors. Perhaps one
of the more honest definitions was arrived at as follows:
Object oriented programming is good.
Language X is good.
Therefor, language X is object oriented.
Good luck in your investigations.
Msg#8277 To:RON LANDBERG (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)SEEK PROBLEM Parent Msg#8272
Are you trimming the variable you pass to the valid??? Those extra spaces
could make a difference...
I use seek on multi key indexes inside valids and they always work
Msg#8278 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
No. That would stay the same I guess.
Msg#8279 To:LARRY GOTTLIEB (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
It seems to me that Object Oriented Design is more of a way of thinking
rather than an actual thing you can buy, touch, feel, see etc. And, once
you've got the thinking down pat, you can apply the 'Objectivenes' To any
language you please. Some languages however will be able to surround your
Object Oriented Design with better structure in the COMPILER end of
it....But for now, all the stuff I'm reading in the Press is confusing.
It appears to me that the writers of the magazines can't agree on what is
an OOP and what is not an OOP......
Msg#8280 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Hopefully in their next release they'll let you specify an optional work
area. I think they didn't (at least one reason why) because if you :
USE file
if eof(1)
What happens? You're trying to evaluate on a non-existent database. Yes,
I know it's not that hard just to bomb out at that point, and otherwise
it gives us more flexibility, but I've noticed a lot of little
stupidities about Clipper that enable FUNCky and their like to flourish
so well. If anyone from Nantucket is listening, how about mentioning this
when you discuss the next release...
Msg#8281 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Yes. Supposedly, doing &alias->(deleted()) gives you the same as COUNT
FOR DELETED(), but without actually processing the entire database. Why,
I don't know, it doesn't make sense to me either. As far as I know,
Clipper does not internally track any counter besides the current record
number (RECNO()) and the total number of records (RECCOUNT()). In the
header for a .dbf file the recno() value is stored, and the recno() is a
temporary variable, but I thought neither dBASE, Clipper, Foxbase, or any
of the other compatibles store a deleted count. Am I wrong?
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Maybe I'm confused here:
Why should &alias->(deleted()) give you a count? As far as I can see,
this should only yield a .t. or .f. . Aren't we just checking the
deleted status of a particular record in another area?? Gee, I might be
way off base here...got to test this.
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/20/89
Subject:&ALIAS- (DELETED()) Parent Msg#8283
Howard.. just to make sure that I hadn't lost my marbles, ran a little
test as follows:
file1 = "cusmas"
file2 = "venmas"
select 0
use &file1
recall all
go top
do while !eof()
select 0
use &file2
select &file1
go top
do while !eof()
select &file2
? &file1->(deleted())
select &file1
Of course what this does is to deleted every third record in file1
and prints on the screen a series of .T. .F. .F. 's.
I've used this sort of construct for quite some time and have never had a
Msg#8286 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
Haven't even heard of it. Will have to take a look when I can find it.
<< Mark >>
Msg#8287 To:LARRY GOTTLIEB (Rcvd)
From:RICHARD HORWITZ Date:02/20/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
I was just wondering, with all it's use of objects, is UI Programmer an
Msg#8288 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)SEEK PROBLEM Parent Msg#8272
No, I don't have SET EXACT ON.
Msg#8289 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:RON LANDBERG Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)SEEK PROBLEM Parent Msg#8272
I know it should work. I am not trimming the variable passing to the
valid. But in the test example, the variable was exactly the correct
length of the first part of the key and, in fact, was a known to exist
Usually with this sort of thing (should work, always worked in other
applications, etc.) I find that it is my coding that has some subtle
imperfection that I finally spot. The only reason I raise this problem
is that the exact SEEK works in another part of the application (same
variable, same coding except that the failing SEEK is inside the Vali
)clause) and that by reindexing the file on just the first field of the
multi-key index, the SEEK then works ok.
But it makes no sense to me to trim the variable. Why would I do that?
The first field in the multi-key is 7 chars. The variable being passed
is from a GET, initialized to 7 chars, and in the test example, the
variable entered was 7 chars. long. Wouldn't trimming be a mistake under
these circumstances?
Well, I have left the problem behind me - I just permanenetly changed the
key to the single field only. This didn't cost me too much trouble in
the appolication overall so, until I have a sudden inspiration, I'll
leave it like this.
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
No. &alias->(deleted()) does NOT return a count of deleted records.
Clipper would have to run throught the entire database in real time to do
that. IF there was a reserved area in the dbf header for maintaining a
deleted() count, then ok that would work. Otherwise, no way of knowing
if someone else deleted a record in the interum.
alias->(udf()) is exactly the same as:
cursel = alias()
select alias
select select( m->cursel )
On a seperate note, the last line above is cleaner than select &cursel -
you don't bomb out if the current select area is empty.
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
I do not think that alias->(deleted()) will return a count of deleted
records. The Clipper DOC specifically says that DELETED() returns a
logical value, representing the current record.
You can say (delcount()), where delcount() is a UDF along the
lines of ...
Msg#8293 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8293
All the wisecracking aside, I wonder how much real interest and support
there is among the user/developer community for an East Coast conf?
Strikes me that there's an opportunity for another step in the
'maturation' of this community/market, where conferences and such can
develop in the absence of or at least without the impetus from the sole
source of the product: Nantucket. There ought to be enough users groups
and second-party (i.e., addon) developers to be able to put something
together. So what if Nantucket doesn't want to come to the party?
Msg#8294 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
no, Steve, the question was not whether you could get a count of deleted
records, but rather if you could find out quickly (_without_ going
through the whole file with a COUNT FOR DELETED()) if there were _any_
deleted records. As it turns out, you can do so with DELETED() passed as
a parameter attached to the alias pointer; apparently, though, it only
works from another work area. I, at least, have not been able to make it
work from within the work area I'm interested in - I've had to switch out
and then back into the area of interest.
Msg#8295 To:NEIL WEICHER (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/21/89
Subject:N_CHECKR() Parent Msg#8295
Possible bug. I can't determine if I have a record locked using
n_checkr(). Only if someone else does. I tried fully expanding it to
n_checkr( recno(), n_stanum() ) to no avail. Any suggestions as to a
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
hmm. this is starting to take on a life of its own... In my initial
comments and question, I pointed out that you should get a .T./.F.
response from alias->(deleted()). That's what I DO get. I was wondering
if I was doing something wrong (I got sporadic results - turns out I WAS
doing something wrong), and then if anyone else had played with or knew
anything about this and related phenomena.
Msg#8297 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)&ALIAS- (DELETED()) Parent Msg#8283
Ah! so it does work only on the current record in the other, aliased
dbf? Stranger and stranger.
Msg#8298 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
NeWs is the networked windowing system Sun developed as their front end
to Unix. It's been picked up by ("endorsed by") ATT, and I've seen it
running on Suns and Iris machines (Silicon Graphics' hot little boxes).
Very Slick. Do see it, to see windows done nicely.
Msg#8301 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
You cannot get a count of the number of deleted records without stepping
through the entire database no matter how you try. Dere b no udder way.
Msg#8302 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/21/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8293
Cliff: Agree totally with your premise that the user's groups and
3d party developers COULD do something for the East coast Clipper folks.
I believe we have to address age-old problems: who's gonna be in
charge; who's ego will get bent outta shape.
With Ashton-Tate's continual vapor-ware (noting their latest admission
that their "compiler" will be late....memory management problems??)
and the pseudo stuff that Fox does, it looks like Nantucket is in for
the long haul, esp with the PC-Week Kat spilling rumors around and about.
OK, so where does PADD sit on this issue? Where does Steve Straley and
Dirk Lesko sit (among others, like Niel - no slight intended, etc.)?
Are they willing to assist/participate? Will Nantucket at least give
lip service to the notion and provide first-hand tidbits? I would
hazard a guess that most people still see Clipper as nothing more than
a means to make their dBASE code run faster and know little about its
real power (this could be why PC-Week slighted it in a recent review
of DBMSs).
So, how 'bout it folks? Interested? I'm willing to help. Anybody
else? Suggestions? Comments? Are we beating a dead horse? Is there
any REAL interest? User groups, how 'bout y'all? Gurus? Poor
consultants trying to make an honest buck and in need of a shot-in-the-
arm? I once read a message on this board penned by a lady from
Nantucket who proclaimed interest in what was going on. (I'll resist
the temptation to create the lymric...make up your own.) Aside from
that single, short epistle she's grown silent. Is there a message here?
Msg#8305 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Oh yes, I agree, it SHOULD give the status of a single record. According
to what I've been told, it acts as a count. Right?
Msg#8306 To:ROB HANNAH (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Oh, so sorry. In the first message it seemed that &a->(f()) would do a
count. I guess I read it wrong. Oops.
Msg#8307 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Yes yes yes. Sorry if I seem a bit testy, but this is the 4th message of
someone telling me I was wrong. I misread the original message. Yes, I
know DELETED() is a simple boolean, each record as a deleted( bit
(sometimes referred to as a tombstone mark by 'real' database peoples)
and DELETED() just tests if that byte is true or false. Very simple
actually. What I was amazed at was in the original message, it seemed
that it &s->(f()) would act as a COUNT, which beats searching the entire
database. How this could be done w/o searching the entire batabase, I
don't know (because the .DBF strucutre does not keep a deleted counter in
the header, only a total (RECCOUNT()) counter ).
Msg#8308 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Let me get this straight. Using s->(DELETED()) is the same as
PRIVATE counter
RETURN( IIF(counter==0, .F., .T.) )
but the alias method won't search the entire .dbf like the UDF will. Is
this right?
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Now Now boys, you've let this horse run too far......Seems to me that you
can keep your own count very easily if you had too....You could even
stick in the dbase header if you wanted to...just use fopen() and
fwrite() to stick it in one of those unused bytes......Every time someone
deletes a record, update your own counter. It's your code so you know
whats going on. You could also use fread() to read in large chunks of the
DBF and scan for the "*" asterisk yourself. They will always be at
((FileSize-HeaderSize)/RecSize) offsets.....Piece o' pie s'far s'I can
Msg#8311 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:LARRY GOTTLIEB Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
You're right. There are many conflicting claims as to what is or is not
an object oriented programming language. While OOP can certainly be
practiced TO SOME DEGREE in traditional languages, it is very difficult,
if not impossible, to offer some of the capabilities required (e.g.,
inheritance). Some languages (for example, Smalltalk) can claim
to be pure OOP languages, in that everything in the language can be
treated as an object. Others (such as C++) have added OOP features to C,
and offer all OOP features, while still allowing non-OOP practices.
Still others (such as ADA) have some OOP features, but are missing
Inheritance, and the ability to define new data types, seem to have great
potential. I wonder how Nantucket intends to implement them?
Msg#8312 To:RICHARD HORWITZ (Rcvd)
From:LARRY GOTTLIEB Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
I confess! While I have a copy of UI, I have not used it much (yet!). I
don't think UI can be called an OOP language, but beyond that point it's
too fuzzy for me.
Msg#8313 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:JOHN NEWTON Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8293
Wel, I for one will dig into my personal pockets to go to such a
conference. The Army can't/won't send me to the west coast and I sure
can't afford the airfare and hotels myself. At least on the east coast I
can drive and for the most part hotels can be had for a bit less than on
the west coast.
As to helping, I am willing to contribute time and energy to such an
event. So put me down as being willing to work/attend such a conference.
-John Newton
Msg#8314 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Ok, I'll have to check that one out! (Crow may be on the menu tonight).
Still it seems a buggy way for deleted() to perform, because if
alias->(deleted()) returns .T. if there are ANY deleted records, then it
will be lying to you in the case that the CURRENT record is not deleted.
From:STEVE BADARACCO Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Hey, if you just want your UDF to return .T. if there are ANY
deleted()'s, how about for speed ...
From:ANDREW VIOLA Date:02/22/89
Subject:UI VER 2
The basic difference is UI2 is a (practically) fully implemented
language. You can write functions in the UI language that can be called
from within the template, or from other templates. With UI1, the flow
was top-down, with only a few specific commands (FOR ALL ...) that allows
simply loops. UI2 has do whiles, cases, and the likes to do elaborate
programs. For example, I have a template that will make a scrolling
window. No big deal for UI1 or 2. But the UI2 template will modify the
generated code to become a valid window (for use with a valid clause)
that optionally pops up the window and modifies the memory variable upon
return, a lookup window thats triggered from a SET KEY to fill in GET
variables, and a normal scroll window. All three can then be optionally
set to be related to a certain key field for one to many relational
lookups. Try that with UI1, or any other generator.
UI2 is going to be a tremendous program to have if you are a motivated
coder that wants to write templates like this, but will be equally
important it vendors sell templates like this. Hope that helps, if not
I'll try an explain further.
Msg#8318 To:LARRY GOTTLIEB (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)NEW CLIPPERE Parent Msg#8208
You and me both. If it is really an OOP language, the users are going to
run away with it in as far as defining their own objects and classes. the
support guys are gonna have to learn an awful lot really fast in order to
support the 'Power users' because they are going to be modifying the
behavior of the objects.
Msg#8319 To:JOHN NEWTON (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8293
I vote yes for such a beast. Being a dedicated family man, I don't do
business trips. But something within a 2hour trip from D.C. would be no
From:WALT BORYS Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)NEW KID IN TOWN AGAIN Parent Msg#7954
Steve, thanx for the reply. Your rev 2 on Clipper is pretty much of
godsend for a (C) programmer trying to get an inside track on inter-
nals (more..more..more, please!). One last shot at packing DBT's;
appreciate the helpful responses from all, but a problem with
COPY TO..!DELETED() and PACKMEMO.prg. If there's a major data
base, with limited disk space (just suppose), these strategies
need to copy to a second DBT file, which there may not be room
for. PACK seems to collapse the DBF in on itself without needing
extra space (at least the Lattice dBC C sources do). Steve, does
your library routines do this also with the DBT file?
...OTHERWISE, someone mentioned a while ago linked list pointers.
Seems using DBF file with fixed length blank text field and pointers
could be used to emulate a DBT file, with the advantage of being
able to PACK compactly after deletes. Is it worth writing up
a GETfakememo,PUTfakememo function and uploading it, or am I
reinventing stuff out there?
Msg#8321 To:ROB HANNAH (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
>You cannot get a count of the number of deleted records w/out stepping
through the dbf no matter how you try.
I know that! I never asserted any other position!
As it turns out, my query about the scope of alias->(deleted()) was
wrong-headed (or at least, the result of an incorrect understanding of
what was going on). Anyway, I'm still interested in what other functions
work with the "alias->()" combination, and if there are any system memory
variables related to different select areas, etc., etc., etc.
Msg#8322 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8293
I actually had in mind the users' groups forming a loose federation, with
reps from sufficiently motivated/organized groups coordinating much as
they coordinate their own meetings. As an example, you'll find national
professional organizations having a National Conference (or Meeting, or
Congress, or whatever pomposity they favor), and Regional Meetings. The
third party developers could be considered a division of sorts among the
different regions (e.g., the Northeast Clipper Groups as one region, with
developers either being regular members [no reason they can't join a club
too - they're humans too, aren't they?] or having their own association
and representation).
Anyway, I think a few reasonably organized and motivated user groups
and/or professional groups (I put PADD in there, to give them the benefit
of the doubt - not being a member myself, and not knowing the real flavor
of the organization) could pull it off. Certainly industry pundits would
be invited (you need someone to talk to the crowds, about something), and
since some kind of admission would be charged, or fees levied, you could
eventually pay for it. Hell, you might even be able to tempt someone
from Nantucket to come and speak, if the advance sales were hefty enough.
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
That was what I was _hoping_ for, but not what I've found. I guess this
has been a real red herring. Mea Culpa. <beat, beat>
All s->(DELETED()) does is tell you the boolean attached to the current
record in the area pointed to by s->. What a letdown. There oughta be a
Msg#8324 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Ah! A constructive suggestion! Blessed cool water in the desert.
Thanks, Dirk. There had to be a way, and you've just pointed to it.
If it's all the same, I'd like to bury this poor horse now. Unless, of
course someone else has a useful suggestion (keep it clean, now).
Msg#8325 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Yeah, crow can be made delicious... add lots of garlic. I've been
munching on this particular scruffy bird for a couple of days, while the
blasted topic refuses to go away. >sigh<
Msg#8326 To:JOHN THORN (Rcvd)
From:RICHARD HORWITZ Date:02/22/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8293
If you want help setting up the east coast conference, I'm in. Aside
from user groups, I'm sure PLENTY of corporations would send more
programmers to this type of function (no pun intended) if it were held
closer to home. Anyway, let me know what I can do....
Msg#8329 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/23/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8293
I concur that there needs to be more organization in what groups do. A
single voice is never as powerful as a full chorus of singers. Sharing
ideas between groups is presently accomplished via the printed page in
many group newsletters, but nothing beats the eyeball-to-eyeball contact
and resultant question and answer sessions.
Msg#8330 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ROB HANNAH Date:02/23/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
alias->() is actually quite useful - not only does it work with udfs, but
you can also phrase "dbf->name + dbf->city + dbf->state" as dbf->( name +
state + city ). It works with all udfs (SHOULD anyways) and is pretty
much code equivalent to
cursel = alias()
select dbf
a = name + city + state
select select( cursel )
Msg#8332 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
I through in just an idea regarding keeping record of the DELETED records
in a DBF.
What if we would have an auxiliary DBF with only one field like DELETED
numeric or character and every time we delete or add a record we
add/deduct from this field. Do you think that might be possible. This was
just from the top of my head, without to apply my vast
Msg#8333 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/23/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
well, someone has to do it....
Msg#8334 To:ALL
From:JAMES MCCORMICK Date:02/23/89
Subject:CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8334
As far as the Air Fare from NY to LA goes, the rates go
something like this. Is you stay over a Saturday night
you can get there and back for about $360. The problem
is that Saturday night stay, if your not is a position to
stay over, the fare can go to over $1000. If I have to pay
my way to the coast, I will book NY to Las Vegas. The cost
is $220, and they don't care when you come or when you go.
(Or when you buy your ticket for that matter). Interstate 15
runs from the Las Veges Strip right into LA. It takes 3-4 hours
for the trip into the high desert. Having lived in the Northeast
most of life, this is a great car ride. If your not in a rush,
I recommend Peggy Sues' Dinner outside of Calico, (about half-way
across), and the Roy Rogers Mus. in Victorville.
(Trigger is there, stuffed.) As far as 'losing' 4 hours to driving,
the time that I did the trip, I meet someone in Newark who was going
to the same meeting that I was in LA. (He flew straight in.) We both
got to the airport at the same time. His flight was delayed, and
we both hit the Hotel at the same time. So much for the travel-log.
Msg#8335 To:ALL
From:MARC SCHNAPP Date:02/23/89
Subject:BBS LIST Parent Msg#8335
I am writing an article for Data Based Advisor on BBS's.
Could you please help me by sharing your favorite BBS
phone #'s ? If possible, I would also like the location of
the BBS.
Finally if you REALLY love that BBS, would you be willing
to alert the SYSOP to give me full access so that I can
review the BBS? Please tell me that you've done so.
I will need to complete this project over the next week, so
your immediate response are esssential.
Thanks in advance for your help!!!
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/23/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
sure, that's doable (keeping a separate dbf for keeping track of system
variables not kept by Clipper), but I kind of like the compactness of
Dirk's idea - put it in the 'unused' (reserved?) space in the header of
the current dbf.
Msg#8338 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:CLIFF GREEN Date:02/23/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
yeah, it's a dirty job. ;->
Msg#8339 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/23/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Cliff... eof() bof() found() ...and others I'm sure
Msg#8345 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:ALAN GUGGENHEIM Date:02/24/89
Subject:SIMPLE WORD PROCESSOR Parent Msg#8345
I need to create a simple word processor for notes on patients
in a medical system. I am concerned about using the memo editor
memoedit() because I have heard that these .dbt files become "bloated"
if you are constantly updating notes. My questions are the following:
1] Is there really a bloating problem and what can be done?
2] Do you recommend using .txt files instead, and reading them into
the memoedit() function?
4] How can the Funcky lib help me in producing a simple word processor
using either .txt format or .dbt format?
Thank You....
Msg#8346 To:STEVE BADARACCO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/24/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
True. Sorry, the gray matter gets grayer as the lights go down (and come
up again...)
Msg#8347 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/24/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Oh, I agree, there "ought" to be a way, but take a step back. You're
running under DOS, an operating system lacking any re-entrant
capabilities (thank you MS), using an IBM box (you know, the guys who
figured it would be a great idea to charge you 50% of the "new enhanced
product" with double the speed, when all that was needed was a 5 minute
visit from the service man to move a belt (ah, hearken back to the days
of yesteryear, when IBM's net worth was less than a billion...)), with an
Intel cpu (memory segmentation. Wonderful, aint it?)
I agree, the ought to be an easy way to detect something of such
usefulness, without having to resort to doing it ourselves, but what the
hey. You gets whats you pays for...
Msg#8349 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/24/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Excellent idea. Does anyone know what reserved bytes are used by .dbf
files? The dbf header and field information have reserved bytes, but I'm
not sure which are used and which aren't. Here's the reserved parts:
DBF header
byte reserved1[3]; /* reserved bytes */
byte reserved_multiuser[13];/* reserved for multi-user */
byte reserved2[20]; /* reserved bytes */
Field structure
byte reserved_multiuser1[2];/* reserved for multi-user */
byte reserved_multiuser2[2];/* reserved for multi-user */
byte reserved[8]; /* reserved bytes */
I presume the reserved_multiuser arrays are used to RLOCK() and FLOCK(),
but does anyone know: 1) exactly how those bytes are set during RLOCK()
and FLOCK(), 2) what other bits are used by dBASE etc., 3) if the
reserved[] arrays are used at all, 4) any other information about other
products that use these bytes.
Subject:(R)BBS LIST Parent Msg#8335
Marc, please don't look too far...It's right here. The BOSS is by far
the most prestigious BBS where programers from all USA(I could say even
WORLD) log in everyday. We take pride in having very active on this board
developers like Dirk Lesko, Steve Straley etc.
Msg#8351 To:CLIFF GREEN (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
I missed Dirk Sugestion, but if he said something then you forget mine...
Speak to you soon.
From:KEVIN CONNEARNEY Date:02/24/89
Msg#8353 To:ALAN GUGGENHEIM (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/24/89
Subject:(R)SIMPLE WORD PROCESSOR Parent Msg#8345
How big are the files you are going to edit? a 60k file holds a lot of
text. you can get at least 15-25 pages in there. I have not seen any real
'Word Processing' type functions other than memoedit(). One solution is
to use these new switchit() or swap() type functions so that you can run
an external editor with no problem. That could let your client use their
familiar Word Processor. FUNCky has no Text editor, it does however have
a bunch of really fast low level file functions that may assist you if
you decide to go with the text file route. If you are storing more than
just a 'memo', you are probably better of creating text files and keeping
track of the filenames in a field in the DBF. It's pretty easy.
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/24/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
I don't have the file structure infront of me, but right after the date
there are 8 bytes that are used for the pointer in memory. Usually there
will be garbage there. I beleive there is some padding right after that,
or you can just create a dummy field that haas a name one character long,
that would give you 10 bytes of buffer to work with yourself. The field
names are in a structure in the file so you always know where they are.
The field name is padded with nulls, or you can just keep overwriting the
name of the field. Clipper will ust think the values stored their is a
field name ... you just ignore it. Make your field 1 char long and it
wont take up too much space...
Msg#8355 To:ALL
From:LARRY GOTTLIEB Date:02/24/89
Subject:MAX LEVELS OF FUNC CALLS Parent Msg#8355
Does anyone know the maximum number of function/procedure levels allowed
(i.e., a function calls another function calls another function calls
...)? I've reached 26 levels with no apparent problems, but am worried
about unknowingly trashing memory.
If you're wondering how I managed to use so many levels: a good number
of them involve the use of overlapping windows, employing recursive calls
to ACHOICE, with several of my functions between each call.
Msg#8356 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:GARY PREFONTAINE Date:02/24/89
Mark, once again thanks. I use the Ram Drive routine - had 3.5 megs of
Ram disk till my AST went bonkers. Now I have 2 Fastram Boards doing
Msg#8358 To:LARRY GOTTLIEB (Rcvd)
From:ROBERT HEYMAN Date:02/24/89
Subject:(R)MAX LEVELS OF FUNC CAL Parent Msg#8355
I was told that the nest level was only 16
From:JOHN THORN Date:02/24/89
Subject:(R)CLIPPER 89 DEV CONFERE Parent Msg#8334
Does Peggy Sues' Dinner use what's left of Trigger (stuffed) for
ingredients in the food they serve?
From:GEORGE SENCOVICI Date:02/24/89
Subject:(R)BBS LIST Parent Msg#8335
Boss is it. By far!
George Sencovici
Msg#8362 To:ROBERT HEYMAN (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/25/89
Subject:(R)MAX LEVELS OF FUNC CAL Parent Msg#8355
Nes level when using SET KEY TO....
Msg#8363 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:ALAN GUGGENHEIM Date:02/25/89
Subject:(R)SIMPLE WORD PROCESSOR Parent Msg#8345
I am not sure how large these patient notes can get, but I want
this simple word processor to be on a hot-key for simple updating of
a patient's status. Let's suppose that I use .txt files instead of
memo fields, and want to use memoedit(). What do you suggest I do
in this case, and how can the Funcky library be used?
Suppose these notes are too large to fit into a memory variable for
use by memoedit? What can be done? Please refresh my memory on
how the low level functions of FUNCky can help here...
Msg#8364 To:ALAN GUGGENHEIM (Rcvd)
From:MARK NEIDORFF Date:02/25/89
Subject:(R)SIMPLE WORD PROCESSOR Parent Msg#8345
Just off of the top of my head, you can use the directory listing
function to find out have big the text file is and then read in only a
part of it using the low level file functions. Should work well.
<< Mark >>
Msg#8365 To:ALAN GUGGENHEIM (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/25/89
Subject:(R)SIMPLE WORD PROCESSOR Parent Msg#8345
I would suggest using one ofthe new switchit or swap utilites to run a
small text editor, you'll avoid a lot of headaches and programming...
Msg#8366 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:ALAN GUGGENHEIM Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)SIMPLE WORD PROCESSOR Parent Msg#8345
Thanks for the advice! What you are saying is that making a
word or note processor in Clipper is difficult if you don't know
how large your file to be read in will be. How do you read in
chunks at at time of the .txt file and read them into the Memoedit()
function, and keep this process looking seamless?
In order to keep my main .exe smaller, I plan to pull out the
memoedit .obj from the extend.lib, and compile it into a separate
overlay. This technique is useful for any functions in an extended
library that you want to include in an overlay.
Any other comments on using the memoedit() or other functions with
.txt files would be most helpful...
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)SIMPLE WORD PROCESSOR Parent Msg#8345
You can use fopen() and freadstr() to read in chuncks of the file to
edit, you will have to maintain all your own buffers so that you can put
the file back together when they are done editing. It's not easy, but it
is possible....
Msg#8370 To:ALL
From:LANE WHITE Date:02/27/89
Subject:SUBSETS OF DATA Parent Msg#8370
Hello all! I have a company DBF and part DBF where a company will have
many parts, a one-to-many relationship. Currently I pop up a window to
show part numbers for a given company by loading a array of partnumbers
for only that company, a simple DO WHILE company equals the company
selected after seeking the first company+part number. This seems to work
pretty well but I worry about memory constraints if a company has many
part numbers. Using Dbedit with a filter is very slow. ARe there any
functions out there or is this routine you have to code yourself.
Thoughts are appreciated.
PS. Does anyone know how to call the print screen function from within
clipper. Can you load the keyboard with Prtscr and execute or is this a
function to write in "C" or assembly?
Msg#8371 To:LANE WHITE (Rcvd)
Subject:(R)SUBSETS OF DATA Parent Msg#8370
Lane, I am not sure that I understand exactly the problem on first
question(ref displaying DBF data) but I would try to use m_dbfview or
mx_dbfview(FUNCKy). These functions do what Clipper(and others) probably
will never be able to do. ANd Faaaaaaast ! I have a DBF file with about
15000 records indexed by name, city, phone, product etc and I can look up
in a matter of 1-2 seconds any record, and by any index(name,phone etc)
I am sure that you know Dirk and he will help you with more details.
Msg#8372 To:LANE WHITE (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)SUBSETS OF DATA Parent Msg#8370
To access the print screen routine, just write an assembly routine as
int 5h
that's all there is to it...Or if you have FUNCky, just execute the
prtscr() function.....
Msg#8374 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:DIANE LASK Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Dirk, I'm so sorry that I've not been able to log on a regular basis.
Have had modem problems and had to wait till my modem came back.
I'll be sure to check in on a weekly basis as planned.
Msg#8375 To:MARK NEIDORFF (Rcvd)
From:DIANE LASK Date:02/27/89
Hi mark. Sorry it took SOOOO long to get back to you. Had to get my
modem fixed and it did take a while to get back online. I'm located in
Los Angeles and work in technical support. I'll be checking in on a
weekly basis and hope to add any input thayt I can. Thanks for the
From:DIANE LASK Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Hello Howard. Very sorry to have taken this long to get back to you.
Had a modem crash and took a while to get it back (seems this is apology
week). I will now be able to check in on a regular basis as planned.
Now to your questions ...
1. To get Turbo C to compile use the following compile line:
TCC -c -ml -f- -N- -G <proegram name>
and link only with the CL library. You can't use floating point
operations or screen I/O. We can't guarantee that everything in Turbo
will work with CLIPPER but I find that most things do.
2. Optimization of the code linked in is definately one of the things
being strongly looked at in our next release so I really think that you
can expect to see some really good improvement there.
3. U can specify an expression as the breakpoint. I'm afraid that I'll
have to play around a little with your syntax to see if I can get the
memory expression to work properly. I'll let u know.
From:DIANE LASK Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)INTRODUCTION Parent Msg#7557
Hi Ron. Sorry to take so long to respond. Had a modem problem that
kept me offline for a while. I will be checking in on a weekly basis
from now on. Well as to the suit, corporate policy is to let our public
relations people and not the techs respond to such questions. So if
like to hear from me again I'ld better stick to the policy!
Regards from me and Big Brother,
Msg#8378 To:DIANE LASK
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
We were wondering where you went to. glad to see that you made it back.
The 'Conferees' were beginning to wonder what happended to you after the
sign on you gave that said you'd be checking in regularily, only to
disappear as swiftly as you appeared. Hope to hear more from you in the
Msg#8379 To:DIANE LASK
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Doesn't Rich's Cgoodies package offer floating point routines for Clipper
that can be used with Turbo C? They're on the board under Cgoodies.arc
Msg#8380 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
Where? Here's a header for accessing dBASE files in C:
typedef struct DBF {
byte version; /* dBASE III version number */
byte lastupdate[3]; /* date of last update (YY MM DD)
unsigned long reccount; /* # records in file */
unsigned int header_length; /* length of header in bytes */
unsigned int record_length; /* length of record in bytes */
byte reserved1[3]; /* reserved bytes */
byte reserved_multiuser[13];/* reserved for multi-user */
byte reserved2[20]; /* reserved bytes */
Is it here you're talking about? Or in the header for each field (field
name, type, etc.) ? The reserved[] bytes are fine, but what I'm curious
about is if dBASE (or any other product, databases, word proc,
spreadsheets, etc.) use the reserved[] bytes? I presume the
reserved_multiuser[] bytes are for handling FLOCK() and RLOCK() stuff,
but the reserved[] bytes 'should' be unused. I'm curious if anyone
actually messes with these bytes, or is it guarranteed that they are
Msg#8381 To:DIANE LASK
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/27/89
Subject:(R)NANTUCKET Parent Msg#4836
Just a couple more questions, if you know. How about standard stack
frame?I presume line numbers, debug info, etc. should be left out. Also,
I've heard that you can, in general, access unctions like strcpy(), etc.
(MSC functions) via extend, but there are some you have to call with
slightly different names. Does Nantucket have a list of what can be
safely accessed from extend, and what can be accessed if you know what
you're doing, and what should never be accessed? I'm interested in things
like: string manipulation functions (using MSC's functions), Clipper
internal variables (the @...SAY color, @...GET color variables, etc.) and
some other miscellania. Also, any news on the next Clipper version?
Someone mentioned that it will be "more object-oriented", but this
definition is so ambiguous as to be useless.
Thanks. I've finally got some time on my hands so I can afford to see how
well this will work. Will let you know hjow things go.
Msg#8386 To:ALL
From:HOWARD KAPUSTEIN Date:02/27/89
Subject:SUBTREE FIND 3.20
I've just uploaded the latest version of Subtree Find 3.20 (SF320.ZIP)
Here's a brief overview of Subtree Find:
- search any subtree of a disk, from a single directory to the
entire disk
- search for files based on file name, attributes, size, date
and/or time
- FAST! SF 3.20 outperforms Norton's FF, FA and Graham's Fast [File]
Finder, by margins of 5% - 250%
- optionally kill files found, with optional prompting
- write options to permanently configure SF to your personal tastes
- optional color output
- information similar to DIR, but also shows attributes and disk
space allocated (not just byte size of the file)
- also search for files inside .ARC files
*** - also search for files inside .ZIP files ***
- modify attributes (on, off, toggle)
- 'touch' features allows you to set the date and/or time stamp
to the current or a specific date and/or time
- and much more
Check out SF320.ZIP today. You won't be disappointed
*** = new to SF 3.20
SF 3.20 also has several changes and minor bug fixes
SF 3.20 requires 53K RAM
From:LANE WHITE Date:02/28/89
Subject:SUBSET DATA Parent Msg#8387
Thanks for reply. I could use Dbedit and Dirk's function but I
want to pop up a window of data from the DBF based on certain conditions.
Using a filter for a smaller DBF or for a DBF of valid codes works fine
but with large DBF's it is very s l o w... I only want the user to see
part numbers for only that company and no other, I dont want him to
choose the wrong part numbers by showing him all the data. Loading a
array of part numbers for that company and using achoice() for the window
seems to work fine but I worry about memory problems. I guess this is a
design problem with alot of different ways to approach, but the window of
data needs to be fast. I'am looking at conditional indexing but doesn't
seem to be the answer either. Again thanks for your reply.
Msg#8388 To:DIRK LESKO (Rcvd)
From:LANE WHITE Date:02/28/89
Thanks Dirk,
I guess I'am to lazy to look it up in a assembly book!
Thanks again, Lane...
Msg#8389 To:ALL
From:LANE WHITE Date:02/28/89
Subject:ACCOUNTING PACKAGES Parent Msg#8389
My background with clients has been in writing special
applications and setting up systems and doing analysis. Lately I have had
clients requesting accounting applications. I have tried to stay away
from accounting applications but I feel I can do this no longer. Does
anyone recommend a accounting application they have worked with? How
about SBT, Sourcemate, Champion, Peachtree ? I'am new to accounting
packages and would appreciate any replys. How about Steve Straleys
accounting package?
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/28/89
Subject:(R)DELETED() Parent Msg#8192
It depends, the header is loaded into memory, and most of the reserved
bytes are used for pointers to memory locations. However, when the file
is closed, the header is re-written, so some of the reserved bytes will
be overwritten with values that have no meaning. If you put something
there, it will be bblown away. A field position can bbe used however. No
one says that a field can't be an identifier for something else....
Msg#8392 To:LANE WHITE (Rcvd)
From:DIRK LESKO Date:02/28/89
Subject:(R)ACCOUNTING PACKAGES Parent Msg#8389
I have seen Steves Accounting Package and it looks quite good. I have heard
negative comments about the quality of SBT source code....
Msg#8393 To:LANE WHITE (Rcvd)
From:CHRISTOPHER EDGAR Date:02/28/89
Subject:(R)SUBSET DATA Parent Msg#8387
I had a similar situation and this is what I did: I used the UDF in
dbedit to check for a condition (the field was a key field, so all
records were together in the file) if the condition was evaluated as .t.
the records ws shown on screen. But, if the condition evaluated to .f. I
had the UDF set the colors to black on black so the record was not shown
and stuffed the keyboard with an up (or down) arrow. That way you're not
using a SET FILTER TO condition, and you don't have to copy records out
to a temporary file, but you still get to work only with a subset of the
data. Would this work for you?
Msg#8394 To:LANE WHITE
Subject:(R)SUBSET DATA Parent Msg#8387
Lane, if you want to just display(without editing the data) then you
still can use any one of those two fucntions(m_dbfview or mx_dbfview).
I do this all the time like I said on files as large as 15000 records.
ANd is very fast. Let me know if you want more details.
Msg#8395 To:LANE WHITE
Subject:(R)ACCOUNTING PACKAGES Parent Msg#8389
I recommedn Sourcemate. I like it and you can do anything you like with
the source code. They have an 800 tall free number and are very nice
people. If you call them I am sure they will help you more than other
companies. BTW Even CBS News is using Sourcemate.
PS When you call ask for Mike. You can even use my name. We do some
projects together.
Msg#8396 To:ROB HANNAH
From:NEIL WEICHER Date:02/28/89
Subject:(R)N_CHECKR() Parent Msg#8295
No bug. The Help text on N_CHECKR indicates that the current station is
not included in the list. However, RLOCK() will return .T. if the record
is already locked at the current station.
Would it be useful to have a function that told you if the current
station has the record locked? Don't you already know that as the result
of the last RLOCK?