Simtel MSDOS 1992 September
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Assembly Source File
133 lines
; Author: F. Ho
; Date: 28th May 1986
; Syntax: ? LOCKSTAT()
; Note: returns current status of the 4 "lock" keys in the form - ICNS
; Revised PBaenziger, pbprograms, 1215 Lane, Kalamzoo, MI 49001
; (616) 349-9720 (Evenings), 323-7392 (Days, 8-4:30 EDT)
; Calling syntax: 1- ? LOCKSTAT()
; 2- X = LOCKSTAT()
; Returns a character type string in the form: "icns"
; where: i = insert lock key
; c = caps lock key
; n = num lock key
; s = scroll lock key
; If the returned string ("icns") displays any letters in upper
; case, it means that that lock key has been "activated".
; example:
; - if the function returns: iCnS
; - it means that the Caps Lock and
; the Scroll Lock keys are ON
extrn _RETC:far ; Clipper return character
datasg segment PUBLIC 'DATA'
; Table for following lock status:
LOCKTABLE DB 'icns',0 ; All off Insert, Caps, Numlock, Scroll (not in org)
DB 'icnS',0 ;
DB 'icNs',0 ;
DB 'icNS',0 ;
DB 'iCns',0 ;
DB 'iCnS',0 ;
DB 'iCNs',0 ;
DB 'iCNS',0 ;
DB 'Icns',0 ;
DB 'IcnS',0 ;
DB 'IcNs',0 ;
DB 'IcNS',0 ;
DB 'ICns',0 ;
DB 'ICnS',0 ;
DB 'ICNs',0 ;
DB 'ICNS',0 ; All on
datasg ends
_prog segment byte ; byte aligned
assume cs:_prog,ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING ; original ->datasg
LOCKSTAT proc far ; far process
push bp ; not really needed on an IBM PC/AT - IBM
; BIOS does not change BP. But in case of
; a badly behaved clone with inferior BIOS
; it may be good protection
mov ah,02 ; request current shift status (into AL)
int 16h ; issue keyboard input int
;Returns shift state in AL in upper nibble
; 80h - Insert state
; 40h - Caps Lock state
; 20h - Num Lock state
; 10h - Scroll Lock state
; The index value of the KEYBOARD FLAG is in the upper
; nibble of AL. To use it as a pointer, we have to divide it
; by 16 (or shift it right 4 times, move it into the lower
; nibble. However, LOCKTABLE has 5 byte steps, so we have
; to multiply back by 5. One way to do it is:
; 1 - Clear out the lower nibble, extend the returned
; byte to a word
; 2 - shift right 2 times (divide by 4). This is
; the same as dividing by 16, then multiplying
; by 4. This is all that would be needed for a
; 4 byte step table.
; 3 - save this intermediate value in BL (or wherever)
; 4 - shift right 2 more times for a total of 4
; right shifts (divided by 16)
; 5 - add in the saved value from step 3. This gives
; use the 5 byte step index in AX
; 6 - add the value to the base offset of LOCKTABLE
; BX is now pointing to the correct entry,
; ready for transfer back to CLIPPER after pushing
; it and the segment value
SUB AH, AH ; Make a word value out of AL
AND AL, 0F0H ; Clear out lower nibble
MOV CL, 2 ; Divide by 4 - 2 shift right
MOV BL, AL ; Save the divided by 4 value
SHR AL, CL ; Divide by 4 - a total of 16
ADD AL, BL ; Now we have the 5 byte a step index
; into LOCKTABLE in AX
LEA BX, LOCKTABLE ; Get the base offset
ADD BX, AX ; Now points to correct entry
MOV AX, DGROUP ; And also the right segment
; restore stack to original position
pop bp ; restore stack base pointer
push ax ; push AX (segment)
push bx ; push BX (offset)
call _RETC ; call Clipper return for type CHAR
ADD SP, 4 ; quicker
ret ; far return
LOCKSTAT endp ; end of process
_prog ends ; end of segment
end ; end of programme