0 --------------------------------- I I I PC SYSTEMS I I I I 307 Barwynne lane I I Philadelphia, PA 19151 I --------------------------------- D R E A M Data Retrieval Entry And Management COPYRIGHT (C) 1987, 1988 PC SYSTEMS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PC SYSTEMS will appreciate your comments and suggestions. They will assist us in improving this product. 0.00.1 DREAM On-line Help And Tutorial ------------------------------- Table Of Contents 0. Introduction to DREAM 01 How to use this User Guide 03 System overview 04 System phases 05 Access name usage 06 File name usage 07 Function keys 1. Design phase 00 General information 02 Screen painting 03 Field sequencing 04 Formatting and editing 05 Saving and copying screen/form 05 Output of screen/form layout 06 Alternate view screen design 07 Form design 0.00.2 Table Of Contents (cont.) ----------------- 08 Multi-file relationships 09 Design of report procedure 2. Data entry and ad-hoc reports 01 Introduction 02 Record entry and update 03 Selections 04 Query 05 Sort 06 Total options 07 Formatting options and system defined report 08 Report output options 09 Browse 10 Multi-record updates 0.00.3 Table Of Contents (cont.) ----------------- 4. Multi-file reports 01 Introduction 02 Building relation file 03 Creating multi-file view 04 Multi-file report specifications 06 Multi-file data extraction 5. Help 6. Administration 01 Introduction 02 Catalog maintenance 03 Application profile 7. Utilities 01 Introduction 02 Recover index / sort 03 Extracting and restructuring data 0.00.4 Table Of Contents (cont.) ----------------- 8. System parameters 00 Specifying system parameters 01 Keyword list A. Data Entry for end users B. Report Procedures for end users C. Ad-Hoc Reports for end users 0.01.1 Introduction To DREAM --------------------- How To Use On-line Help And Tutorial On-line Help and Tutorial are available at any point during the DREAM session when the system is awaiting user response. Help is provided through the use of F4 function key. Tutorial may be accessed by selecting HELP phase from the Main menu and then option 1 of the HELP menu. It also can be accessed from any Help screen using its selection options (see Section 5). DREAM Tutorial is organized by phases and sections which refer to Main menu and phase menus (see Section 0.04). A page number in the Tutorial has the format P.SS.N, where P is phase number from Main menu, SS is section number fromphase menu, and N is page number within a section. For example, 1.06.1 refers tophase 1 (Design), section 6 (Alternate screen design), page 1. Phase 0 does not refer to the Main menu. It is designated for general explanations about {all} phases of the system. { The On-line Help and Tutorial is organized to correspond to Part I of the }{User Guide supplied with the DREAM software. }0.03.8 {User Notes} User may take notes and refer to them dusing a DREAM session. The main purpose is to type notes while performing operations in one phase and being ableto refer to them and/or change them in other phase. Notes are displayed in the command and message area of the screen. Notes are deleted at the end of session. { Press Alt + F4 keys to display and/or change the user notes whenever a} {menu, submenu, or Help screen is displayed.} Press End key to return to normal operation. 0.03.9 {Technical And End User Modes Of Operations} DREAM provides two modes of operations - for the application designer ("technical user") and for non-technical user ("end user"). The latter simulatescustomized application packages by giving the end user direct access to only those functions which are necessary for operations; all other steps are done automatically by the system. Customizing is accomplished by setting up report procedures. 0.04.3 System Phases ------------- The system consists of modular phases which are shown in the Main menu. The order in which phases are displayed, follows a logical sequence of operations with a data base. For instance, an application is built, then data is entered. The {mode of operations may be switched from Technical to End User} by pressing the "toggle switch" key (~) when Main menu is displayed. Main menu includes three more options - U, R, D, and P. {U} allows a user tospecify an access name during a session in order to work with different applications; {R} permits user to permanently change current access name to a new one; {D} allows to re-define data disk drive once for data files. {P} lets you print the text of the tutorial. You can print any of the eight sections or the whole tutorial (45 pages). {Press Alt + F4 to activate User Notes function. See page 0.03.8 for details. }0.04.5 {MAIN MENU FOR END USERS} DREAM session starts with selection of an option from the Main menu. A. DATA ENTRY - used for entering data into DREAM files. B. REPORT PROCEDUTRES - allows creation of pre-defined report(s) by simple selection from a descriptive list of available procedures. Up to 5 different reports can be generated by one procedure, and the output of reports may be directed to the screen and/or printer(s). C. AD-HOC REPORTS - used for producing ad-hoc reports. E. END - terminates the DREAM session. D. REDEFINE DRIVE OF DATA DISKETTE - used for re-defining the drive id, where the data disk(ette) is located. U. USE ANOTHER ACCESS NAME - when this option is available in Main mwnu, enter "access name" (also called "password") to access files, reports, and procedures. An access name is a four-character word, it is hidden. Note: Area at the bottom of the screen is reserved for displaying commands (options) and system messages. 0.05.1 Access Name Usage ----------------- Access name is a four (4) character word (string) which serves as a hidden password as well as an application identifier of screens, multi-file relationships, forms, selection tables, and procedures. Once the access name is assigned to an application, any information which is associated with this application may be accessed only when this name is specified. This is done at the beginning of a DREAM session or at any other time using option U of the Main menu. { Current access name remains active throughout the session} until it is changed using options U or R of Main menu. In addition to the current access name, a temporary name may be specified when using Administration or Utility phases. User must remember the access name for an application. If you forget an access name, please refer to the Administration phase or see your data base administrator. {Press Alt + F4 to activate User Notes function. See page 0.03.8 for details. }0.06.1 File Name Usage --------------- The names of DREAM files (single- and multi-file views, report procedures, forms, etc.) can be up to eight (8) characters long. Drive id may also be requi-red in addition to name (see D-option on page 0.04.6). Whenever request for view name is issued, {S-, L-, or %-options} may be selected. Option L displays a list of names, S enables selection of views, and % enables selection of report procedures. DREAM also provides the capability to specify a 40-characters descriptive name {descriptor} to every view and report procedure. In end user mode, the des-criptors are displayed in lieu of file names. File name can also be shown on themenus by pressing "toggle switch" {~} when the menu is displayed. 0.07.1 {Function Keys} DREAM utilizes function keys F1 through F10. F1 through F4 are used to interrupt the normal flow of processing and are always active. The rest of the function keys, End key, and Home key are active only when applicable. When the keys F1 - F4 are used, the following takes place. F1 - {Restarts current} function, task, or step. F2 - {Interrupts} current task/step and proceeds to next logical task/step. F3 - {Aborts} current task/step and restarts at the beginning of the phase; a phase menu is displayed. F4 - {Help} key; when pressed, instructions associated with the current function, task, or step are displayed. 1.00.1 DESIGN PHASE ------------ Introduction Building an application which is a collection of Master view screens, Alternate view screens, relationships, forms, selection tables, and report procedures, starts with the Design phase. Upon selection of the Design phase, the system will request the name of an entry, i.e. Master view screen, multi-file relationship, or procedure. A {file} is a collection of records which in turn consist of data elements called {fields}. A {data file} isn DREAM is uniquely defined by its Master view screen and can be accessed through multiple view screens. Each screen is associated with access name(s) so that together they are used to retrieve data. Up to 30 screens can be accommodated by an access name. An {application} is a collection of data files and associated view screens, multi-file relationships, forms, selection tables, and report procedures under one access name. 1.02.1 Screen Painting --------------- A view screen is made up of three types of fields: (a) title, (b) data, and (c) title plus data. The title part of a field is called field name. Here are some examples of these field types: (a) SAMPLE SCREEN: (Serves as a screen title or a section title.) (b) _________ {(Underscores define field length.)} (c) ZIP:_____ (Field named ZIP has length of 5. A {colon ":"} {serves as delimiter} between title and data.) Screen painting functions are shown in the command and message area of the display monitor. Arrows on the keyboard cursor pad are used for positioning 1.02.2 Screen Painting (cont.) --------------- the cursor at the start of the field. The cursor position is shown in the lower right corner of the display. The functions described below are used for view screen/form painting. [ (left bracket) - INSERT. {Used for inserting (adding) new field(s).} The cursor remains at the location of the left bracket once it's entered. The first character of an entry is written over this bracket. ] (right bracket) - END OF ENTRY. A character adjacent to the right bracket is the last in a field. This bracket is not a part of the field and may be written over by another entry. {When a field is entered correctly, it is highlighted. }! (exclamation point) - DELETE. To delete an existing field, position the cursor anywhere on this field, type ! , and press the Enter key. > (greater than) - MOVE. An existing field may be moved anywhere on the screen using the following steps: 1.02.3 Screen Painting (cont.) --------------- a) position cursor anywhere on the field and enter >; b) move cursor at a new position for the field and enter > to finish the relocation. / (slash) - push DOWN a part of the screen. {Fields may be relocated downward} on the view screen using the following steps: a) position the cursor on or above the part of the screen to be pushed and enter /. b) enter the number which defines how many lines the specified part of the screen is to be pushed. The portion of the screen starting with the line where the slash was entered, will be moved as specified. Fields cannot be moved beyond the limits of the screen. \ (backslash) - pull UP a part of a screen. {Used for relocating fields upward} using the same technique as described above for the PUSH function. 1.02.4 Screen Painting (cont.) --------------- # - LOOKUP. This option enables a user to copy fields and their attributes from other existing view screens. This powerful option simplifies the addition of fields that already exist in other view screens. A list of specified view screen names is displayed for selection. Fields of the selected view screen are subsequently shown in a window at the right side of the screen being painted. {To copy a field, position the cursor at the} {desired location on the screen type [ to start a field, then type symbol} {# followed by the field number, and finish the field with symbol ]. } For example, [#2] will insert field #2 from window to screen. Attributes of the specified field will also be transferred except for compu- tations. End key - completes screen painting. {User is asked to check the design before} {proceeding to the next step} (i.e. field sequencing). 1.03.1 Field Sequencing ---------------- 1. USER DEFINED - field sequence numbers are manually entered. A screen which consists of field names and their current (usually default) sequence numbers will be shown. {A new sequence can be specified by typing the displayed } {(non-highlighted) field numbers in the order, in which the fields are to be } {sequenced.} User defined field sequence numbers are highlighted for identifi- cation. New field numbers (highlighted) may be cancelled individually or or entirely (using the A-ALL). Cancelled numbers become non highlighted. 2. CONTINUE - sequencing is bypassed, fields are accessed in the order in which the screen fields were inserted or previously sequenced. 3. BY COLUMN - fields organized by screen column position, from left to right. Those fields that start on different lines in the same column, are organized among themselves on a line number basis, from top to bottom. 4. BY LINE - fields organized by screen line numbers, from top to bottom. Fields located on the same line are organized among themselves by starting position, from left to right. 1.04.2 {Formatting} 1. FIELD NUMBER - (by default); it may be overridden by typing another number. 2. FORMAT ?(Y/N) - type Y to format a field, otherwise the default format is assigned. If formatting is requested, the cursor will jump to the start of the data portion of a field (naturally, field title cannot be formatted). The formatting options are: L - Any (ALL) alpha, numeric, and special character. This is a default. A - Alpha character only (A-Z). N - Numeric only (0-9). B - Alpha or numeric (BOTH). Q - Quantitative field, i.e. numeric which can include decimal point. I - Integer quantitative field; decimal point is not allowed. $ - Same as Q in data entry, but on report a $ sign will be included. Examples: a) a phone number field may be formatted LNNNLNNNLNNNN such as (215)968-3321 b) a date field must have format of NNLNNLNN. c) a quantitative field may be formatted as QQ.Q. Presence of a decimal point has no effect on data entry, but will affect report format of this field. 1.04.3 {Editing} 3. READ/WRITE - defines the {access authority for a non-key field used in an} {Alternate view screen.} READ (default) allows viewing of this data field by an Alternate view screen, whereas WRITE allows updates. 4. KEY ?(Y/N) - Type Y to define a field as a key. First data field is automatically a key field. A view screen retrieves data through its key field. Therefore, the number of multi views of the same data depends on the number of keys defined here. The system builds an index for each active key field (i.e. when corresponding Alternate screen exists) for fast data entry and retrieval. A field should be defined as a key field, if it will be used as the primary key (first data field) of an Alternate view screen. {Key fields always have WRITE access authority. } Notes: * Key field must have a title. * Data for a key field must be entered and cannot be left blank. * The system provides utility functions to change or add key fields. 5. COLOR - The following (foreground) colors are available: white (default), black (on white), blue, green, cyan, red, magenta, brown, and lines. (Lines option is effective for Monochrome display only.) 1.04.4 {Editing} (cont.) 6. INTENSITY (N/B/H) - is defined as Normal (default), Bright (or highlighted), or Hidden. The latter is used for hiding a field from Alternate view screens. 7. FULL ?(Y/N) - Type Y to specify that a {field must be filled (completely)} with data or left blank. This feature is useful, for example, to denote telephone number, zip-code, social security number etc. 8. AUTO-DUPLICATE ?(Y/N) - Type Y if it is desirable to automatically {duplicate the content of the field when continuously adding or inserting } new records. Note: LENGTH displays the number of characters occupied by the current field (for information only). 1.04.5 {Editing} (cont.) {SPECS} The options described below enable the use of one of five types of editing specifications: Basic Editing, ASSIGN, LOOKUP, COMPUTE/TALLY, or COMPUTE-DATE. Only one type of editing can be specified for a field. Let's use a 5-character field ZIP:_____ to illustrate these features. 9. SPECS: Basic Editing specification is used to {define range(s) of acceptable} {values or the editing characters mask.} For example, specification SPECS:19000-19890/21***_____________________________________________ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ defines the acceptable value of ZIP as being either within a range of 19000-19890 inclusive, or equals 21 plus any three digits. Symbols "-" and "/" will be recognized as the delimiters. {"-" is range specifier;} {"/" is separator between two specifications.} if they are placed above the tic marks "^" shown under the specs line. The distance between these marks is equal to the length of the current field. {Wildcard character "*"} denotes acceptance of any character which conforms to the specified format. If only one specification is entered, during data entry this specification will auto- matically appear on the field except for the wildcard character "*". 1.04.6 {Editing} (cont.) 10.SPECS: ASSIGN - This option enables users to assign data to a field for automatic entry. An assignment statement starts with {ASSIGN} followed by an alpha-numeric value or a string of characters). It may have specification {ON-ADD} (i.e. only when the record is added to the file) or {ON-UPDATE} (i.e. only when the record is updated) to indicate when the assignment should occur. Condition {ELSE} followed by another alpha-numeric value or by option {SKIP} (used to by-pass the field) may conclude an {assignment if ON-ADD or ON-UPDATE is specified.} This makes it possible to assign different values when record is being added or updated. ASSIGN '19000' ON-ADD ELSE 20320 ASSIGN 19000 1.04.7 {Editing} (cont.) * Current date is assigned by: ASSIGN MM/DD/YY , ASSIGN MM-DD-YY, ASSIGN MM/DD/YYYY, or MM-DD-YYYY. 11.SPECS: LOOKUP - field input is validated using a table lookup. This table is an existing DREAM data file which contains field data of all possible values that could be entered in this field. Upon validation, data from other fields of the table lookup file may be {copied} to the fields of the current file by name. {A lookup statement starts with LOOKUP followed by the name of a field} {used for validation, followed by IN-FILE, and the view screen name }. The {COPY option may be added followed by the field name(s) to be copied}. This feature is useful for transferring from table lookup to current file to avoid duplicate data input. SPECS: LOOKUP ZIPCODE IN FILE B:ZIPDICT COPY STATE, POST The zip-codes entered in the ZIP field will be verified using the zip-codes in field ZIPCODE of file B:ZIPDICT and upon validation, the contents of the STATE and POST fields will be copied from B:ZIPDICT to the STATE and POST fields of the current file. 1.04.8 {Editing} (cont.) 12.SPECS: COMPUTE or TALLY - enables the use of arithmetic expressions to compute field values. {The expression includes numeric constants and/or} {field numbers. Field numbers must be prefixed by # }, which is used to distinguish field numbers from constants. As in ASSIGN, the numeric constants may be enclosed in single quotes. Parentheses must be used to ensure the proper order of computations. The difference between COMPUTE and TALLY is reflected only on the group total of quantity fields in the reports (see section 2.06 for explanations on totals). The {total for a COMPUTE field is obtained using the formula} defined in computation, while {the total for TALLY field is a sum} of the specified field values. The following page has a list of operations available for computations. 1.04.9 {Editing} (cont.) + addition ^ power - subtraction < lesser of two values (MIN) * multiplication > greater of two values (MAX) / division An example of computational specifications: COMPUTE #2 * (#1-#3)/2 Notes: * no priorities are assigned to arithmetic operations * spaces between the operand and operator are ignored. * COMPUTE can be overridden by TALLY and vice versa for a particular report (see section 2.06 for details). 13.SPECS: COMPUTE-DATE - Same as COMPUTE , but the computed result will be a date. Two types of computations are allowed. a) An initial date is combined with number of days to generate a new date. b) A date that is a result of an MIN or MAX operation between two dates. For example, date that is 90 days earlier than date in the field #9 is COMPUTE-DATE #9 - 90 1.05.1 Saving And Copying Screen/Form ------------------------------ When modifying a view screen or form, two options are available. First, the updated screen can be {saved} under the current name. Second, a new name can be specified for the screen to be saved. The same procedure can be used when a new Alternate screen or a Form is to be created from existing ones. Output Of Screen/Form Layout ---------------------------- Upon completion of design, view screen or form layout, format, and editing rules may be displayed or printed on request using the following options. 1. DISPLAY - to show output on the display monitor. 2. PRINT - to obtain a paper copy on the printer. Printer ID can be specified; up to 3 channels are supported. 3. MENU - to return back to the Design menu. Output may be restarted or terminated by using one of the above options or function keys at any time during output. 1.06.1 Alternate View Screen Design ---------------------------- Field access authority of an Alternate view screen is controlled either by aRead/Write option of Master screen editing (see Section 1.04) or by screen access authority at the time of its design (whichever is more restrictive). The access authority is available as follows. 1.ALL - information may be added, updated, or browsed. 2.UPDATE - records may be revised or deleted, but addition of new records is not allowed. 3.BROWSE - data can be viewed only; addition of new records or update of existing records is not permitted. {During design, the system initializes the screen to Master view screen }layout. The user can make changes by painting the screen (see sect. 1.02) and re-sequencing the fields (see sect. 1.03). View screens acces data files through {index files} which consist of selecteddata fields called {keys}. The first data field of a Master screen is {primary} {key}, other key fields are {alternate keys}. The first data field in an Alternate screen must be of of the keys defined in the Master view screen. 1.07.1 Form Painting ------------- Form is divided into 3 sections. Usually, the top of the form consists of {headers} and sub-headers, the mid-section of the form page contains information which is displayed/printed in {columns}. The bottom of the page is reserved for {summary} information. A form is built in the same manner as a view screen with a few exceptions. The specifics include (a) subdivision of a form into three sections, i.e. Headers, Columns, and Totals; (b) use of field titles as form keywords; (c) availability of four (4) sizes for form printing with the maximum of 160 columns by 60 lines, whereas view screen size is always 80 columns by 20 lines. To accommodate form size, the system subdivides the form into nine (9) window screens shown in the lower left corner of the display monitor. 1.07.2 Form Painting (cont.) ------------- {These windows are controlled by their respective window numbers.} The active window number is identified by a diamond symbol on the matrix. Pleaserefer to screen design for painting details (section 1.02). Each of the field titles listed below is recognized by the system as a special keyword, unless it is associated with a data field (see Form Editing below). The form sections where a keyword may be used are indicated in parentheses. TALLY (Columns, Totals) - generates record sequence number. The data portion must be present in the TALLY field. Its length defines how many records can be numbered (e.g. TALLY:____ allows sequencing from 1 to 9999). MM/DD/YY or MM-DD-YY (all sections) - generates current date (Month, Day, Year). PAGE (Headers) - generates page number (see remark to TALLY field length). 1.07.3 Form Painting (cont.) ------------- SKIP (Columns) - causes a line skip in a column section of the form (i.e. in the body of the form). It should be placed below a line of (column) fields, a SKIP or an UNDERLINE. SKIP is ignored if it is placed on a line together with any other field. UNDERLINE (Columns) - prints a dash line. Works the same way as SKIP option. FORM END (Totals) - defines end of form. A new form will be started without printer form feed. BOTTOM MARGIN (Totals) - same as FORM END but with printer form feed. Note: * FORM END and BOTTOM MARGIN also define form width. If either of them starts in columns 1-80, 81-132, or 133-160, the width of report will be 80, 132, or 160 columns respectively. If neither of two keywords is present, system will default form width to 80 columns. 1.07.4 Form Editing (cont.) ------------ {Form painting} defines the format of a report by locating titles and data on a print page. {Form editing} is used to associate data fields of a Master view screen with form fields or otherwise establish form field characteristics. 1. FIELD NO. - a field number, for which editing rules will apply, appears here (usually by default); it may be overridden by typing another number, 2. NAME / # - the Master view screen field, which is associated with the form field being edited, may be referenced by its name or number. These names and numbers are shown in a window on the right-hand side of the display monitor and may be scrolled using PgUp and PgDn keys. 3. SIZE - Four (4) character sizes are available: Normal, Half, Double, Large. 4. SECTION (HEAD/COL/TOT) - used for assigning a field to the form sections. 1.08.1 Multi-File Relationships ------------------------ Data from two or more DREAM files may be {joined} together by their common values and the resulting "key" information stored in a {relation file}. Upon retrieval, the resulting records may be thought of as collection of all fields from the files used in the relation. Reports spanning the collection of up to nine (9) data files under one access name can be generated. Relationship betweenfiles gives a new perspective of data from the related files. {Multi-file relationship is based on a MATCH - NOMATCH operation} on the key fields. There are seven basic types of relationships available, which can best be explained using relationships of file A to file B. * A + B (Union) - matching records which are in both A and B plus records which are in A but not in B, or in B but not in A (i.e. data from all records in both files). * MATCH from A + MATCH from B (Intersection) - matching records which are in both A and B. * NOMATCH from A + NOMATCH from B (Difference between Union and Intersection)- records which are in A but not in B, or in B but not in A. * NOMATCH from A (Difference between Union and B) - records from A which are not in B. 1.08.2 Multi-File Relationships (cont.) ------------------------ * NOMATCH from B (Difference between Union and A) - records from B which are not in A. * A + MATCH from B (Difference between Union and NOMATCH from B) - all records from A and only matching records from B. * MATCH from A + B (Difference between Union and NOMATCH from A) - all records from B and only matching records from A. If the values of the compared fields from the matched records are the same, the outcome of the comparison is MATCH, and the resulting output record will include data from all files. Otherwise, the outcome is NOMATCH. In this case, a part of the corresponding resulting record will not include data from records that caused the NOMATCH and will be set to blanks. 1.08.3 Multi-File Relationships (cont.) ------------------------ 1. RELATE... TO... TYPE - Seven (7) basic types of relationship can be specified (see above). A complete relationship may include up to eight (8) basic relationships - one basic relationship on each of the 8 lines of the lower part of the screen. 2. First Relation - two numbers must be entered, one in section A and one in section B. These numbers refer to view screen names included in the list (they do not have to be distinct). It is very important to understand, that {by specifying a particular view screen, you also specify a field (i.e. the } {primary key) by which the files will be related.} The resulting file from the first relationship data is called Combined Data and can be used in second and subsequent basic relationships with any original data file (through its view screen). 1.08.5 Multi-File Relationships (cont.) ------------------------ 3. Second Relation - after first basic relation between two views has been defined, a second one may be entered. When the relation file is built in Multi-File Report phase (see section 4.02), the records of this file consisting of two basic relationships, will contain data from all files present in first {and} second basic relationships. 4. This process can be repeated up to 8 times to create a complete relationship; up to 9 distinct data files (view screens) may be used. 5. DUP? Y/N - used for specifying N if redundant duplicates from both files should be eliminated, or Y if all records including duplicates are to be tested. 6. End key - press when the relationship specification is finished. The system will save or update the relationship definition under the specified name. 1.09.1 Design Of Report Procedure -------------------------- 1. INSERT - is used for adding or inserting a new report entry in the procedure. Upon completion of the entry specification, it will assume the proper place in the procedure list according to its Sequence Number. All other sequence numbers will be automatically re-adjusted if necessary. 2. UPDATE - enables the updating of an existing entry. 3. DELETE - deletes an entry from the procedure. The procedure list will be adjusted automatically. 4. DESCRIPTOR - is used for assigning a 40-character descriptive name to the procedure to simplify its utilization for end users. 5. SEQUENCE NUMBER - identifies the position of a report among other reports within the procedure. The reports are executed in the order in which they are sequenced. 6. RETURN - ends the procedure design, saves the procedure, and returns to menu.1.09.3 Design Of Report Procedure (cont.) -------------------------- 7. SCREEN/VIEW - specifies the view screen name of a single-file report or a relation view for a multi-file report as listed in the upper part of screen 8. SELECTION TABLE - defines the customized selection table (see Sect. 2.03) used in conjunction with a report. If no table is specified, the system default format of report is assumed. 9. OUTPUT OPTIONS: a. D - report is displayed on the monitor in the system defined format b. P - report is printed (see also -N and ;F options below). c. W - same as P above, except that report will be set to 132 char./line d. -N - may be specified in conjunction with P or W options to print multiple (i.e. N) copies of the report. e. ;F - may be specified in conjunction with D or P options to print report in a user defined format (see section 1.07). A selection table, which includes form name, must be specified to use this option. 1.09.4 Design Of Report Procedure (cont.) -------------------------- 10. OPTIONAL INSTRUCTIONS: a. M or A - specifies which view screen - {Master} or {Alternate}- is to be used when the same screen is defined as Master for one data file and as Alternate for another. b. B - instructs the system to {(re-)build a relation file} prior to execution of a multi-file report. If the column is left blank, an existing relation file is used (see section 4.02). 2.01.1 Data Entry And Ad-hoc Report ---------------------------- Introduction Record entry is used for adding, updating, and deleting single records. Multi-record update operates on a group of records requiring the same updates. The ad-hoc report part is also accessible through both single- and multi-record functions. {Press Alt + F4 to activate User Notes function. See page 0.03.8 for details. }2.02.1 Record Entry And Update ----------------------- The following is a description of the available options. 1. ADD - is used for continuous entry of new records. Pressing F1 key will terminate this function. 2. VIEW - a record is retrieved by its key field. {If only part of the key } {field is specified, the first record (if any) which satisfies this } {condition will be retrieved (generic key). } When displayed on the screen, the {primary key field may be wholly or } {partially underlined.} This identifies the portion of the data entered via the VIEW option. This (generic) key defines the records which would be selected if the NEXT or OUTPUT OPTIONS would have been used. 3. UPDATE - is used for revising a currently displayed record (see also option 8 below). 2.02.2 Record Entry And Update (cont.) ----------------------- 4. DUPLICATE - a currently displayed record may be duplicated with or without revisions to existing data. 5. INSERT - is used for adding (inserting) a single record as a supplement to the ADD function, which is used for continuous addition of records. 6. DELETE - erases record(s) from file permanently. 7. NEXT - is used for sequential viewing of records beginning with first or currently displayed record. The records will be retrieved by the primary key data value. 8. REPEAT UPDATE - changes performed on a previous record are applied to the current one. An alpha-numeric field is updated by individual characters, while a quantity field is updated as a unit. 9. SELECT - activates QUERY, SORT, SELECTED FIELDS, FORMAT, and TOTAL options (see Section 2.03). QUERY,and SELECTED FIELDS are active during data entry. 2.02.3 Record Entry And Update (cont.) ----------------------- 10.CANCEL - cancels one or more selections, i.e. QUERY, SORT, GROUP, REPORT HEADER, FORMAT, TOTAL, or FIELDS. 11.OUTPUT OPTIONS - provides output options for generating an ad-hoc report in a system- or user-defined format. 12. BROWSE - using a windowing technique, data from other data files under the current access name can be viewed during data entry. 13.{End key} - completes entry of a record if remaining if remaining fields do not require entry or updates. 14.{Home key} - used to position the cursor at the first data field. 15.Alt + F4 - {User Notes} may also be displayed when the cursor is positioned on a data field during data entry (see also page 0.03.8). To exit the function, press End key. 16.MENU - record entry is terminated and Data Entry menu is displayed. 2.03.1 Selections ---------- This option allows the user to query records by data contents, select fields, for processing, sort data records, and save the selections permanently. 1. FIELD NUMBER - {if field numbers are specified, only the selected ones } {will be active} when adding, updating or listing records (i.e. the action will be performed on these fields only). {If none is specified, all fields } {are active.} Selected field numbers are underlined. 2. SORT - rearranges the records in a desired sequence (see sect. 2.05). 3. QUERY - defines a logical expression for selecting qualified records for retrieval and updates (see sect. 2.04). 4. FORMAT_OPTIONS - regulate the formatting of system defined reports (for details see section 2.07). 2.03.2 Selections (cont.) ---------- 5. CANCEL FIELDS - nullifies field selections. This option is available for record entry sub-phase only. In all other instances, CANCEL option encompasses SORT, GROUP, QUERY, FIELDS etc. 6. TOTAL_OPTIONS - specifies the computation options for the summary part of a report (for details see section 2.06). 7. PRINTER ID. - selects printer number (up to 3 printer channels are supported). 8. BROWSE - see Section 2.09. 9. EXIT_SELECTION - ends current process and returns to data entry/report sub- menu. 2.03.3 Selections (cont.) ---------- {Selection Table} 10.SAVE SELECT TBL - used for creating or updating a selection table. System will prompt for a name (including a drive id) under which the selection table will be stored. This name may also be referred to in a report procedure (see Sect. 1.09). 11.GET SELECT TBL - retrieves selections from an existing table to substitute the current selections (if any). 12.DEL SELECT TBL - deletes a selection table from disk. 13.SHOW SELECTIONS - displays all current selections in a condensed form. a) FIELD NUMBER - defines the number of the leftmost field of the three to be displayed. b) NEXT - displays the next three fields by number. c) PREVIOUS - displays the previous three fields. d) RETURN - ends SHOW SELECTIONS function. Notes: * Currently active functions are shown on the screen frame. * User selection entries are stored in upper case letter format. 2.04.1 Query ----- This option enables to process records by their data contents. Listed below are relational and logical operations. = - equal <> - not equal > - greater than >= - greater than or equal < - less than <= - less than or equal AND - logical conjunction (simplistically: 'if both conditions') OR - logical disjunction (simplistically: 'if either condition') [SCAN] - scan function (scans a data field for a specified character string) * - any (indicates a field position to be skipped by the Query operation) 2.04.3 Query (cont.) ----- The fields in a Query statement are defined by their numbers prefixed by a "#" sign. Consider the following example: ENTER QUERY=> (#1=xxx AND #3<>4) OR (#6=' ' AND [SCAN] #2=' ') * {Logical operations using AND aare done prior to OR.} To change the order of operation, parentheses (...) must be used. Up to 5 (five) sets of enclosed parentheses are allowed. * An 8-character field having a format of NNLNNLNN is considered to be a date field (in the form of MM/DD/YY, i.e. Month, Day, Year). For example, ENTER QUERY => #9 < '10/15/85' selects all records for which the date in field #9 is prior to Oct.15, 1985. Current date, formatted as MM/DD/YY or MM-DD-YY may also be included: ENTER QUERY => #9 > 'MM/DD/YY' 2.05.1 Sort ---- The data sort function for report reorders and groups records according to a specified alpha-numeric and/or quantity field sequence for report generation. The Sort function includes the following options. 1. FIELD NUMBER - defines a sort field by its number. 2. ASCENDING (default) - low-to-high sorting order (A to z, 0 to 9). 3. DESCENDING - high-to-low sorting order (9 to 0, z to A). 4. LENGTH - Enables to sort on a part of a field. 5. GROUP (or "break") - Enables record grouping. On SHOW FIELDS (see below), group field numbers are displayed in reverse image mode. Group option may be specified for one or more fields and thus create several levels of nested groups (up to 5) for generation of totals. 2.05.2 Sort (cont.) ---- 6. PAGE BREAK - same as GROUP, but each new group (break level) will start on a new page. 7. SHOW FIELDS - displays active sorting specifications. The general form of the sort string is [P]#,field number,starting position,length,[A/D] where P denotes page break, A/D denote ascending or descending order respectively, and brackets show that enclosed information is optional. For example, SORTING ORDER: P#5,1,3,A #1,4,2,D #3,1,6,A Note: an 8-character long fieldwith the Format (see 1.04.2) defined as NNLNNLNN is considered to be a date field in the form of MM/DD/YY (Month, Day, Year) and will be sorted accordingly. 2.06.1 Total Options ------------- 2. COMPUTE - totals for the field will be computed using a formula. see sec.1.04 3. TALLY - totals for the field will be a simple addition of all field values. 4. AVERAGE VALUE - specifies AVERAGE for generation of totals for the field. 5. SHOW FIELDS - displays "total" specifications for active fields (see Note below) in form FIELDS: A-13 C-25 A-C-27, T-30 where A, C, and T represent Average, Compute, and Total respectively. 6. Alt + S (press Alt and S keys together) - displays computational formula of a field according to the design specifications. This is activated by the SHOW FIELDS option. 2.07.2 Formatting Options And System Defined Report -------------------------------------------- 1. FIELD NUMBER - specfies the fields (by their numbers) which will be present in the report. If no field is specified, all fields will be active. The selected fields will be highlighted. 2. LENGTH - defines the number of print columns to be allocated to the active field of asystem-defined report. If this length is less than the original field length, the field will be truncated. 3. DECIMAL POINT - specifies the number of decimals to be printed. This option applies to both system-defined report and user-defined form. 4. COLUMN HEADER - defines the header for the selected field of system-defined report. 5. REPORT HEADER - specifies report title (one line). 6. RETURN - returns to data entry screen. 2.08.1 Report Output Options --------------------- The available output options for report are described below. 1. DISPLAY - generates report output on the display monitor. A. Enter key or space bar should be pressed to continue report. B. End key disables the SEARCH and SCROLL options for the duration of report. If this key is pressed, the user will be requested to PRESS ANY KEY at the end of each page to proceed to the next page. This will speed up operation C. SCROLL - enables browsing previously generated pages using commands FORWARD or BACKWARD. END SCROLL enables continiation of report. D. SEARCH - enables search of a character string (up to 20 characters) within the previously generated part of report. The search starts from the begin- ning of report. If the specified character string is found, the line con- taining this string together with the next (up to) 23 report lines and the FORWARD, BACKWARD, and END SEARCH will be available (see C. above). Report is stored while it is being generated, on the same disk drive that is designated for System Catalog and On-line Tutorial. 2.08.2 Report Output Options (cont.) --------------------- If the disk(ette) does not have sufficient space to store the report, a message will be displayed, and the SCROLL/SEARCH options will be automatically aborted. 2. PRINTER - obtains a hard copy on a printer with 80 columns per line. 3. WIDE_PRINT - same as PRINTER but with 132 columns per line. 4. FORM - used for printing/displaying a report according to a user defined form. Form name (and drive) must be specified. 5. SELECTIONS - if current selections are not satisfactory (see Section 2.03), they may be changed and/or additional ones may be specified. 6. RETURN - terminates current function and returns to previous screen. Active only when shown on the screen. 2.08.3 Report Output Options --------------------- 7. LIST TYPE - defines the make-up of system defined report in terms of printing detail and total information. Three choices are available: a) Detail & Totals b) Detail only c) Totals only 8. BROWSE - see section 2.09. 9. No. Of Copies - the number of printed report copies may be specified (default is 1 copy). 10.MENU - returns to Data Entry and Ad-hoc Report menu. Note: Use F1 - F3 function keys to terminate the report at any time. 2.09.1 Browse ------ This function utilizes a windowing technique to display data from several data files (using respective Master view screen names) during data entry. The display screen is divided into (4) window quadrants, represented in the lower left corner of the screen in the form of 2x2 matrix. Each window is identified by its respective window number. Use the arrow keys to scroll in four directions 1. WINDOW NUMBER - activates a quadrant by its window number. 2. FILE - specifies the name of the Master view screen and its drive. User can enter S to select a name from a list of existing files under current access name. You will "flip" through the names using Up and Down arrows on the cursor control pad and then press Enter key to select displayed name. 3. ASSIGN F KEY - assigns the selected view screen name to a function key F7 - F10 for subsequent fast and easy browsing. Pressing appropriate F-key will activate the assigned file for browsing. 4. NEXT RECORD - displays the next (in key sequence) record in active quadrant. 2.09.3 Browse (cont.) ------ 5. PREVIOUS - displays the previous (in key sequence) record in the active quadrant. 6. SELECTIONS - The data contents of the active quadrant's key field is requested. The selected record will be displayed. 7. Alt + Number - background color selection is provided for each of the four windows. The number defines one of the available colors: 1-black, 2-blue, 3-cyan, 4-green, 5-red, 6-magenta, 7-brown, 8-white. For example, Alt+4 will yield a green background in the active window. 8. RETURN - terminates BROWSE function. 2.10.1 Multi-Record Update ------------------- This option makes it possible to perform identical updates to a group of records (or all records) in a data file. It can also be called batch processing. 1. UPDATE - used for changing field data. {If a field is not quantitative, } {each character is updated individually.} The global character "*" can be used in the update field to indicate that a character occupying this position will not be changed. 2. DELETE - is used for deleting selected {records} from a data file. This function must be specified together with a corresponding query statement. 3. ! - Entering an exclamation point ! in a field will result in deletion of the {data contents} of this field in all selected records. 2.10.2 Multi-Record Update (cont.) ------------------- 4. AD-HOC REPORT - used to generate ad-hoc report(s) to preview data before updates. 5. QUERY - enables multi-record update and deletion of selected records only. 6. MENU - returns to the Data Entry And Ad-hoc Report menu. 4.01.1 Multi-file Reports ------------------ Introduction The primary objective of this phase is to generate reports using multiple data files, not to manipulate the data base. All options used in Ad-hoc reports of a single file also apply to multi-file report operations. The user is provided with functions to build a pre-defined relationship file and create a report using data from the related files. 4.02.1 Building Relation File ---------------------- To build a relation file, enter the relation file name as requested. This is the name under which the relatiohship was saved in Design phase. Option L is available to list all existing relation files. The time necessary to build a relation file will depend on the number and size of files used, and the type of relationship. At the end of the process, the number of records in the relation file will be displayed in the command and message area. 4.03.1 Creating Multi-File View ------------------------ This option is used for building and/or updating multi-file views and for generating reports. {DREAM establishes an entry in the system's catalog } { for a relation file only after the first multi-file view has been saved.} 1.FIELD NUMBER - used for specifying fields for sequencing in the order in which they are selected. Sequence numbers are highlighted. 2.INSERT - fields may be inserted anywhere within current sequence and existing sequence numbers are automatically readjusted. User is prompted for the field number to be inserted followed by the desired sequence number. 3.CANCEL_FIELDS - field sequence number may be cancelled thus excluding a field from current view. The sequence will be readjusted. 4.SHOW_FIELDS - allows to display the specified field number at the top of the screen to avoid scrolling through a large list of field names. 4.03.3 Creating Multi-File View (cont.) ------------------------ 5.COMPUTE OPTIONS - permits addition of computation fields to the list of fields in the multi-file view. The following is needed to establish a computation field: a. FIELD NO. - used for specifying existing computation field or assigning a number to a new one (default). b. FIELD HEADER - assigns a name to a computation field. c. LENGTH - establishes the length of the selected field. d. FORMAT - formats Q, I, $, or * may be used (refer to Sect. 1.04 for formatting rules). Format "*" in a multi-file view denotes a computational {date} field. e. FORMULA - defines the computational formula for the field using arithmetical operations. The formula for a field other than date may be defined by TALLY or COMPUTE keywords (see Sect. 1.04). For a date field, COMPUTE-DATE must be used. 6.DESCRIPTOR - is used for assigning a 40-character descriptive name. 7.DONE - completes the selection process. 4.03.4 Creating Multi-File View (cont.) ------------------------ The selection of fields may be {saved} as a multi-file view by the specifiedname (new or an existing one). The L option is available to simplify the proper name assignment to store/save a view. The system will then proceed to report generation phase. If no selection is made (i.e. sequence numbers are not displayed), the system will automatically select the first 60 fields from the list. This default multi-file view may be saved as well. 4.04.1 Multi-file Report Specifications -------------------------------- A multi-file view may be thought of as a view screen of a single file. This means that the procedure for generating multi-file report is identical to singlefile operations. Following the view updating procedure, a report selection sub-menu is displayed. One option is added. UPDATE VIEW - current view may be updated before proceeding with customizing a report. 4.06.1 Multi-file Data Extraction -------------------------- Data from multiple files may be consolidated and saved in a single file, which may then be used by DREAM or exported to other systems. This option operates on multiple files in the same manner as the EXTRACT DATA option does on a single file. For details refer to Utilities phase (Sect. 7.03). To activate the function, choose option 4 of the Multi-file Report menu, select an existing multi-file view or create a new one, and customize the multi-file view. The EXTRACT DATA option is available through OUTPUT OPTIONS of Multi-file Extract sub-menu, in addition to all other output options as described in Section 2.08. 5.01.1 Help ---- The following is a list of available functions for each of the HELP options (text in parentheses applies to View Data option): 1. NEXT RECORD - displays the next available page (record). If end of file is reached, the first record is displayed. 2. PREVIOUS - displays a page (record) which precedes the one currently shown. 3. SELECTIONS - provides the capability to display a page (record) by its page or section number (key field). The user is prompted to enter page or section number (key field) to be displayed. Examples of selections are: ENTER SELECTION:=> 5.01.2 - to select a page. ENTER SELECTION: EMPLOYEE NAME:=>John - to select a key field. 4. MENU - returns to the HELP menu. 6.01.1 Administration -------------- Introduction The administration phase controls the availability of data files, multi-fileviews, selection tables, and forms through the system catalog (referred to as administration file) which is stored on the current data diskette. It also helps to keep track of the access authority and report procedures for all entries in an application or access name. {Press Alt + F4 to activate User Notes function. See page 0.03.8 for details. }6.02.1 Catalog Maintenance ------------------- Each entry of the Catalog is assigned an internal sequence number through which maintenance is performed. To update or delete an entry, type the appropriate sequence number. The list of entries may be scrolled up or down using PgUp or PgDn keys. 1. ADD - adds an entry to those accessible under current access name. This option is not available for selection tables maintenance. 2. UPDATE - updates access name, and access authority of an existing entry. This function is not available for selection tables maintenance. 3. DELETE - deletes an entry from the administration file. Upon deletion of the last entry, associated data files may also be deleted. 4. MENU - terminates current function and returns to administration menu. 6.03.1 Application Profile ------------------- The Application Profile provides a list of all files and associated views, selection tables, forms, and procedures. An Application Profile list consists ofthe following information. 1. FILE NAME. 2. TYPE - classifies the given file as a. DATA - data file; b. RELATION - multi-file relationship; c. PROCEDURE - procedure. 3. VIEW/SCREEN NAME - the name of an associated screen or a multi-file view. 4. ACCESS TYPE - a. AL, UP, or BR - for a single file (see Section 1.06); b. DB - for a multi-file relationship; c. PC - for a procedure 5. SELECTION TABLE NAME - the name of a selection table that is associated with this screen/view (see Section 2.03) 6. FORM NAME - name of the form that is associated with this screen/view. 7.01.1 Utilities --------- Introduction Utilities perform rebuilding, recovery, extracting, copying/moving, and deleting of DREAM data files, and also importing files created outside of DREAM.These utilities ensure that data is well structured for efficient operations. {DREAM system operates on data in ASCII format only.} This is important to remember especially when importing/exporting data files. {Press Alt + F4 to activate User Notes function. See page 0.03.8 for details. } 7.01.2 Introduction To Utilities (cont.) ------------------------- The following is a description of utility options. 1. RE-BUILD FILE - records of a data file are rearranged based on current sequence of related index file, and index file(s) is compressed (disk space freed). Index file is also created for any newly built Alternate screen(s). 2. RECOVER INDEX/SORT - index file(s) will be (re)built for a data file created by DREAM or imported from another system (see section 7.02). 3. DELETE INDEX - used for deleting all indices that control a data file. This option is provided primarily to enable redefinition of record keys (see also section 9.01). The REBUILD A FILE option is applied automatically before the index is deleted to ensure integrity of the data. If you intend to use data file with DREAM, the RECOVER AN INDEX FILE option must be executed after deletion of an index, otherwise data is not readily accessible by the system. 4. EXTRACT DATA - used for extracting full or partial information from an existing data file (see section 7.03 for complete explanations.) 7.01.3 Introduction To Utilities (cont.) ------------------------- 5. MOVE/COPY DATA - data from one file (source) may be moved or copied to another file (target). The new records will be added to the target file. {If the MOVE option is selected, the source data file will be deleted upon } {successful completion of the move}. If COPY option is used, the source file remains intact. 6. DELETE DATA - used for deleting a data file. All corresponding index and control files (Master and Alternate) will also be deleted. The related view screens will remain and will not be affected by this operation. 7.02.1 Recover Index / Sort -------------------- This option is used to build or rebuild (or recover) index file(s) for a data file created by DREAM or imported from another system. a. INDEX ({RECOVER without SORT}) - an index file will be built using the data file in the current order (i.e. sorted or not). The record which is out of {ascending sequence order by primary key} signals the end of the file and the end of processing. The purpose of the function is to allow building an index for a pre-sorted (by primary key) data file and thus reduce recovery time by about 80% as compared to RECOVER {with} SORT. If an index file exists, the user is given an option to {overlay} it with a new one. This option is included to allow for importing pre-sorted data files. b. SORT - new index files will be created regardless of contents of current index files (if any). The {data} file will be sorted in primary key sequence in ascending order. An option for entering the number of records to be sorted will be displayed; the default is to sort all records. If the number of records is specified, the resulting file will contain only this number of records which are {physically} present in the data file. 7.03.2 Extracting And Restructuring Data --------------------------------- The EXTRACT DATA option is used for extracting and/or restructuring full or partial information from an existing data file for subsequent use within DREAM or by other data processing software ({importing}). Upon selection of EXTRACT DATA utility option, you will get at your disposal all {selection} options which are available for data entry and ad-hoc reports (see phase 2 sections). You can use field Selection, Query, Browse, Total, Formatting, and Output options. One option which is added for use in Utilities is: EXTRACT DATA - active only when shown on the screen. It restructures records and/or data files and saves extracted information on file. 7.04.1 Copying/Moving Data Between Files --------------------------------- The procedure for copying or moving data from one file (source) to another (target) is similar to that described in Section 7.03 on extracting and restructuring data. When the option is chosen, all Selection options from the data entry and ad-hoc report are available. To copy/move data: 1. Select COPY/MOVE option of the Utilities menu. 2. When Selections sub-menu is displayed, use the necessary options to select fields, query records, etc. 3. Select OUTPUT OPTIONS. You may preview the resulting data using the DISPLAY option. If the selections are incorrect, return to step 2 (Selection submenu) 4. Choose the COPY/MOVE option of the OUTPUT OPTIONS sub-menu and enter name (and drive id) of the target file's Master view screen. 5. Select COPY or MOVE option to initiate the operation. The COPY option does not affect the source data. If the MOVE option is selected, the source data file will be deleted after the data has been moved to the target file. 8.00.1 System Parameters ----------------- Specifying System Parameters This phase is designed to enable the modifications of system parameters which reflect hardware configuration and/or specific user requirements. Following is the list of system parameters and their {default} values. 1. User Expertise Level (1 - 5)............: 5 The system is designed for users with different levels of experience in data processing and particularly in DREAM. The levels differ from each other in the number of available functions and in their complexity. Each level includes new functions in addition to all from the previous one. 8.00.3 Specifying System Parameters (cont.) ---------------------------- 2. Program Disk drive (A-C)................: C: 3. Administration & Tutorial drive (A-C)...: C: This parameter defines the disk drive where the system catalog called administration file (with extension .ADM) and the on-line Help And Tutorial file are stored. 4. Display Type (MONO, COLOR)..............: MONO 5. Printer Type (EPSon, OKIdata)...........: EPS Any ASCII-character printer can be used to print normal sizecharacters. Printing of half- and double-size characters was tested only for EPSON and OKIDATA m82A printers. 8.00.4 Specifying System Parameters (cont.) ---------------------------- 6. Lines Per Page (printer only)...........: 57 7. Display Frame (HIGHLIGHT, LINES, NONE)..: NONE 8. Number of Program Disks (SINGLE, MULTI).: SINGLE Option SINGLE should be specified when all DREAM programs are stored on either a hard disk or on a single diskette (using DOS 3.0). Otherwise, four system diskettes are needed and parameter MULTI should be specified. 9. Max Disks Id (A, or B, or C, etc).....: C This parameter specifies the highest drive ID of a diskette which can be specified. This is given by the letter (A, B, C, etc.). 10.Large symbol size (1.1*.75 or .75*.5)...: 1.1x.75 These symbol sizes could be used to produce large labels. The sizes are given in inches. 8.00.5 Specifying System Parameters (cont.) ---------------------------- 11.User ACCESS NAME:...................... :???? The designer (technical user) can assign User Access Name to an application, so that the end user does not have to enter one himself. The default value of this parameter is ???? which is interpreted by the system as "user access name is not assigned". In this case, the end user will be expected to enter the access name as required. {Press Alt + F4 to activate User Notes function. See page 0.03.8 for details. }8.00.6 Specifying System Parameters (cont.) ---------------------------- 12.System Password (####)................. : {IMPORTANT}: the system password must be known to the system owner (or the data base administrator) only. The initial system password is {CLST}. DREAM utilizes a system password (access name) to gain access to the system catalog (see Section 6.01) and to the system keywords file (see section 8.01) To define a new system password, enter the current one (hidden). If it is correctly specified, enter a new password, or just press Enter key to retain current password. 13.Redefine System Keywords................: To gain access to the keyword assignment list, enter the current system password (hidden). If it is correctly specified, the keyword list menu will be displayed (see explanations below), otherwise no action will be taken. E. Save and Return This will permanently save system parameters and return to the Main menu. 8.01.1 Keyword List ------------ The system utilizes keywords to perform tasks. Keywords are displayed in the command and message area of the display monitor, i.e. in lines 22 through 24. A keyword is recognized by the letter which is associated with this keyword (this letter is arbitrary). As an example, consider a list of keywords necessaryto perform catalog maintenance: A-ADD, U-UPDATE, D-DELETE, M-MENU. These keywords and associated letter-commands can be changed without altering their functional characteristics. For example, A-ADD may be changed to I-INSERT,and U-UPDATE may be C-UPDATE. Then, entering I-INSERT will activate the add function, and C - update function. User can select one, several, or all menu entries and procedd to edit the selected command and keywords. When the selectionis completed, user may procedd to edit/print (option 9). The keyword list will be displayed. The options of the keyword list are described on the next page. 8.01.2 Keyword List (cont.) ------------ 1. SEQ - A keyword is selected by typing its (internal) sequence number on the editing line. 2. SYMBOL - If the command symbol chosen for the keyword being edited is already in use, a warning will be issued. The user has to ensure that the specified keyword is unique among other keywords of the same sub-menu (in the command and message area). 3. KEYWORD - any word may be associated with the command being updated. 4. USED ? - A keyword may be deactivated by typing N (for No), or activated by typing Y (for Yes). The keywords may be changed, activated, or deactivated, but cannot be added or deleted. 5. DESCRIPTION - the description of the keyword should be changed with great care, because the original meaning of the keyword cannot be changed. 6. FN - a number from the Keyword menu, which corresponds to the system phase, where the keyword is used. 7. End key - When editing is completed, the system provides an option to print the list of keywords. A.00.1 DATA ENTRY FOR END USERS ------------------------ The data entry selection menu for end users contains the descriptive names of files under current access name for which the data entry functions can be performed. To display file names along with their descriptors, press the "toggle switch"key (~). Upon selection of a file, a data entry screen will be displayed together with all available commands, which control record addition, deletion, update, etc. For details see section 2. B.00.1 REPORT PROCEDURES FOR END USERS ------------------------------- The report procedure selection menu for end users contains the descriptive names of procedures under current access name. To display procedure names along with their descriptors, press the "toggle switch" key (~). Upon selection of a procedure, the system will automatically display and/or print reports specified in the procedure. No manual intervention is necessary, unless a report of the procedure is displayed on the screen. In this case, user is required to press any key to proceed to the next page. Through the use of the function keys, the procedure may be interrupted at any time. C.00.1 AD-HOC REPOPTS FOR END USERS ---------------------------- The ad-hoc report selection menu for end users contains the descriptive namesof single-file and multi-file view screens under current access name for which the ad-hoc reporting can be performed. To display view screen names along with their descriptors, press the "toggle switch" key (~). Upon selection of a view screen, a list of fields for which reports can be generated will be displayed along with the available commands. The list of fields may be in a form of data entry screen (for single-file reports) or a simple list of available fields (for multi-file reports). Available commands allow creation of reports in a simplified tabular format (also called "default system format") or as a (technical) user defined form. The Ad-hoc Report option enables the end user to produce reports when new requirements arise and a procedure(s) that satisfies the needs was not defined.